Circle ‘n Squares Newsletter October- November 2014 Circle ‘n Squares Workshop Hosts

Circle ‘n Squares Newsletter
October- November 2014
Club Officers
President: Tom Woodard
Secretary: Lou Ann Plasse
Vice President: Evan Griffiths
Treasurer: Ron Plasse
Club Caller: Steve Minkin
Dancing on Thursday Nights at Monroe Hall
Beginners’ Class … 7:15 to 8:45 pm.
Plus Level Workshop … 8:45 to 10:00 p.m.
Want to Review Calls – Special ‘Review’ Workshop 6:15 to 7:00 – open to all!
A great way for our Beginners to review and to catch-up if a night was missed.
Circle ‘n Squares Workshop Hosts
October 30 – Halloween Red Light/Green Light
Workshop Hosts: Jeanne and GW Lawson
Come dressed in costume and let’s enjoy Halloween !!
November Workshop Hosts
November 6 -November 13 --
November 20 -- COMMITTEE – “Pie Night”
November 27 – No Dancing
Thanksgiving …
Louise & Dave Graves
Dick & Mary Ann Harkey
We will not be dancing on Thursday, November 27, since it is Thanksgiving.
Enjoy the day with your family and friends and we will see you
back on the dance floor on Thursday, December 4
Happy Thanksgiving !!
December Workshop Hosts
December 4 -December 11 --
December 18 - COMMITTEE – “Pie Night”
December 25 – No Dancing
Christmas …
Tom & Jan Woodard
Louie & Nancy Azevedo
Merry Christmas !!
Upcoming Events
October 23 … General Meeting at 9:15 p.m., while we have dessert . . . . . . . . . Monroe Hall
October 25 … Exhibition Dancing… 2:00-4:00 p.m. . . . . . . . Vintage Sonoma Senior Living
Caller: Steve Minkin
Family event – BBQ lunch
October 30 …Halloween Red Light / Green Light Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Monroe Hall
Dress in costume if you would like; bring a “treat” (snack) to share
Red Light = Plus Level Dancing; Green Light = Beginners’ Level Dancing
November 1 ..Single and Pairs Hoedown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Monroe Hall
Caller: Deborah Carroll-Jones
Cuer: John Flora
Pre-Rounds: 6:30 – 7:30; Advanced 7:30 – 8:00; Plus Dancing w/Rounds 8:00-10:30 p.m.
Save the date!!
Sunday, December 7………….…. Circle ‘n Squares Christmas Party
Wedgewood Banquet Center at Foxtail Golf Club
More details to come about time, menu, activities, and more …
Tickets will go on sale Thursday, November 6
Thursday Evenings – Before Class / Workshop
6:15 - 7:05 p.m.
Square Dance Call Review – with Doug Saunders
This is a “walk through” of calls taught in the week(s) before
calls you might have questions about how to do …
This is NOT calling, but walk through with some styling tips
Held in the Dining Room portion of Monroe Hall
Please come through the kitchen door in the back and do not disturb the
group using the front of the building.
The President’s Corner
Submitted by: Tom Woodard
I am so pleased with our Club and our new Beginners that I just can’t say enough about how great things
are going. Our new dancers are doing really well and our regular Club members (Angels) have been
commenting on just how well everyone is doing – really catching on quickly.
And, it looks like our new dancers are feeling the same way. In response to the survey we sent out to our
new dancers for feedback on our class, we got very positive input on the class, Steve’s calling, the
enjoyment of singing calls and line dances. And, by the attendance of our class, it is clear that they are
having fun and enjoying themselves.
The new dancers also commented in their responses to our survey that they really appreciate Doug’s help
in the pre-class review. It is making it much easier for them to keep up and understand the calls they are
learning – which is probably one of the reasons why everyone is doing so well in the regular class. So, I
want to thank Doug again for his help and support of our class – you really are providing a great service to
our Club.
I want to express my gratitude -- and that of the Club – to Dick and Mary Ann Harkey for hosting our Club
Picnic at their home on September 27. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and we shared a wonderful
afternoon. The Harkey’s make it look easy, but I know it takes a lot of work and preparation to host an
event like this and I want to thank them for doing such a wonderful job.
And, I also want to express my gratitude to all our members who volunteer to help at our functions and
Club activities. We have a great team who work very well together, sharing the workload, and making our
events successful. Thank you!
Circle ‘n Squares
BBQ / Potluck and
Bocce Ball Tournament
Submitted by: Lou Ann Plasse
The Circle ‘n Squares Annual Summer Picnic was a fantastic success!!
There was lots of delicious food and good company. Some attendees had a
good time playing Bocce Ball and others sat out on the deck and enjoyed
conversation and just getting to know one another a little better. We could
not have asked for better weather or a nicer day!!
We definitely want to thank Mary Ann and Dick Harkey for the use of
their beautiful home!!
We hope to continue this delightful activity each year and encourage ALL
Club members to attend. It is a great way to get to know your fellow dancers
a little better and have some fun together.
What’s botherin’ you Bunkie? Has life got you down?
Submitted by: Evan Griffiths
 No place to play your Accordion Kazoo?
 You know all of the lyrics to Yankee Doodle and there is no one to sing them to?
 You’ve got a favorite skit you’ve been waiting since 6th Grade but there just is nowhere to perform?
 You are the Bakersfield Yodeling Champion of 1961 and you’ve been waiting ALLLLLLL this time to
show your special talent?
Is this what’s bothering you Bunkie? … Is this what’s got you down?
Well cheer up!! Your big opportunity is here!!! The Circle ‘n Squares is hosting a Christmas Party and we
are always looking for new acts!!! Two years ago Elvis (yes, that is Elvis) sang a duet with THE FONZ. Last
year, the DooWops sang two Glorious Oldies. This year another group will be performing and you MOST
certainly have AT LEAST as much talent at they do!!!
So, go ahead, let it RIP, tell us your skit and how much time you’ll need and you will be the STAR!!!
Contact anyone on the Christmas Party Committee:
 Patty and Dave Green,
 Dick and Mary Ann Harkey,
 Evan Griffiths,
 Tom and Jan Woodard.
Submitted by: Evan Griffiths
Well, maybe not, but they are cool! Each month, your Square Dance Club is publishing at
list of the calls you will be learning. They are listed by the week, so you can always know
where you are going…and where you have been.
You can now go on line at
on the links next to the call and you ZIP
Taminations? It is a website developed and
square dance club in San Rafael. It has all
Click on the Play Button
and you can
can also move the slider thing back and
That is and click
right over to Taminations. What is
sponsored by the Tam Twirlers
of the calls and their variations.
watch how the call is done. You
forth to slow the action down.
Square dancers around the world use it….REALLY.
In fact, if the site goes down they get
emails from Germany, the UK, France, Japan, etc.!!!!
WHOA!!! ANOTHER GREAT INNOVATION by the Circle ‘n Squares Square Dance club
Designed for…MORE FUN!!!
News of the World and Beyond
Exhibition Dancers Needed
Submitted by: Steve Minkin
I am looking for dancers who would like to do some exhibition dancing at the Harvest Hoedown at the
Vintage Sonoma Senior Living Center on Saturday, October 25, from 2-4 p.m. This is a family event
with a BBQ lunch. I will have a sign-up sheet at workshop if you would like to sign-up to dance. Should
be fun!!
Von der Porten’s Montana Adventures
Submitted by: Michael Von der Porten
Editors Note: Mike and Elaine Von der Porten have experienced a
unique vacation this year – a two-part vacation weeks apart – that
took them to Montana and neighboring states. Both Mike and Elaine
are history buffs and enjoy visiting National Parks, museums, and more.
Their travels took them to some very interesting stops that you will want
to ask them more about. Here is just a small sampling of their trip …
Mike and Elaine’s trip started earlier in the summer with them driving to
Montana where they did sightseeing and visited with friends along the
Way – including Cindy and Bruce Barrow who live outside of Weed, CA,
and Karl and Louise Joost who live in northern Montana (both couples
used to square dance with the Circle ‘n Squares). Time was an issue,
so after doing some sightseeing and exploring, they took the train home,
leaving their car with friends until they returned at the end of September
to continue their vacation.
This time they took the train – the Coast Starlight -- from Martinez north.
They traveled through the mountains around Lake Shasta; through some
dramatic areas including the switchback around Dunsmuir, where they saw
the freight derailment that happened a number of years ago; through
Klamath Falls, where two docents from the Country Historical Society
boarded the train and provided narration through the crossover to Eugene,
Oregon; on through the Cascades; arriving in Portland, Oregon, where they
Were able to visit the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry and get
some dinner at an Italian restaurant. A change of trains in Portland to
The Empire Builder that would carry them on to Spokane and then into
Montana. They were met at the Whitefish, MT station by their friend,
Dick, who had driven up from Polson in the rain to meet them. A bit of
touring through town and a stop at a local Oktoberfest event for some
fun, food, and music. After Whitefish, it was down to Missoula, a visit
with the Karl and Louise again, and then on to lots of adventures in the
state of Montana. Several days were spent touring, exploring, and
hiking in Yellowstone National Park. If you have been, you will know
just how captivating the area is and Mike and Elaine took time to really
hike and enjoy much of the Park.
From Mike: We arrived home Friday evening.It was a great trip. The sites and people were wonderful. The
weather held the whole time -- we had to be prepared to change plans, but that never happened.
It was great to see some people we planned to visit and to meet new friends along the way. You can see the last
leg of the trip at There are links to the other parts of the trip.
Arriving home, we found San Francisco at 75 deg. F, the highest we had seen in a month! And, now, in
Game 1 of the World Series, SF has a strong first-half performance (and they won the game!!), What more could
we ask for?
Woffords Tour Europe
Submitted by: Barbara Wofford
Larry and I had a wonderful trip to Europe.
These photos are: Our favorite crepe shop in Paris, the Eiffel Tower, and one photo from Venice.
We traveled by plane, train, and boat. We started with a Western Mediterranean cruise which included the Ports
of Civitavecchia, Italy; Livorno, Italy; Cannes, France; Barcelona, Spain, and Naples, Italy.
After the cruise we spent some time in Rome and then took the train to Assisi, Italy. We loved it there!! It was
breathtakingly beautiful. After our stay in Assisi, we took the train to Venice. We enjoyed our time there. Venice
is a very different environment from any place we have ever been.
After our stay in Venice, we flew to Paris. In Paris we enjoyed Tuileries Gardens, The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame,
the Louvre, and other attractions. In addition, we enjoyed exploring the city using a “hop on-hop off” bus and a
“hop on-hop off” boat on the Seine River.
We had quite an adventure.
2014 Western Sonoma County Cemetery Tour – “A Walk in the Dark”!!
Submitted b: Patty Green … Photos Submitted by: Dale Reitz and Doug Saunders
On Friday, October 10, 25 of us braved the dark and the haunts of the Sebastopol Cemetery for the annual
Cemetery Walk sponsored by the Western Sonoma County Historical Society. This is the organization’s largest
fundraiser of the year and it is very well done! The Society maintains the gardens and work cottage of Luther
Burbank and keep alive the passion he had for developing and sharing fruit, vegetables, and flowers.
Our evening started with a light supper of Soup and Salad – both were homemade and delicious. From there it
was out into the cemetery, following the local HubBub Band who play some pretty mournful music.
This year we visited the grave sites of 6 local folks, most of whom have died within the last 50 years – within our
lifetime. Interesting folks who helped shape the Sebastopol and West County communities. You may know some
of them or their families:
Neill Wilson (1889-1975)
Earle Baum (1896-1986)
James Watson (1811-1891)
Edith Longmore Brady (1874-1978)
Hattie Mills (1876-1967)
The 6th was said to be the proprietor of a local “watering hole” in Bodega, talking about the “Haunted Vortex.”
Local actors play the parts of these early Sonoma County residents in short vignettes and share a peek into their
lives. It is always fun and interesting to learn a little about local folks and the role they have played in creating the
Sonoma County we now enjoy as our own.
Our evening ended with Homemade Apple Desserts ‘n Coffee/Tea served in the Historic Burbank Farm Cottage.
I know many of you were interested in going but didn’t get to sign up this year. Well, as all good sports teams say
“there is always next year” and we will work to get everyone who wants to go into one of the evening programs.
Thanks to Elaine Von der Porten for pulling this together for us and working with the Historical Society to allow all
25 of us to be on the same tour. Thanks also to Dale Reitz and Doug Saunders for sharing their pictures with us.
Another Successful 3-Day Walk Completed
Submitted by: Patty Green
Well, Atlanta was beautiful, providing us with the perfect weather – sunny skies and temperatures in the high 70’s
– to walk the 3-Day, 60-Mile Susan G. Komen Walk. About 1100 walkers participated in Atlanta this year, raising
over $3.5 million dollars for breast cancer research and treatment programs. This was one of 7 walks done in the
U.S. this year.
Thank you to all of you who supported and sponsored me for this walk again
year. This was walk #12 for me and I am considering working as a Crew
member in Michigan next year, which is the only city I have not done the walk
in of those available. Crew members still have to raise funds to participate,
but they are there to support the walkers. Many folks switch back and forth
between walking and crewing.
I met some great folks on this walk – young women who have been diagnosed
and treated for breast cancer; father-son walkers honoring their wife / mother who
lost her battle to cancer; two young men walking in their mother’s
honor – she lost her battle to breast cancer earlier this year after a 4 ½ year battle. Everyone on the Walk has a
story, whether it is a personal fight with cancer or one they have shared with a friend or family member. In my
case, I have lost my aunt to breast cancer and my older sister is in the long-term treatment stages of her breast
cancer – but I say I am “paying it forward”. I really want them to find a cure so our daughters and granddaughters
don’t have to fight this battle.
And, we heard some encouraging news from some of the staff that there are some wonderful, very effective new
treatments being used that just need a little more use / testing before being made available to the general public,
but they are said to be really good. Let’s keep working for that cure and better treatments!
But, Wait – there’s more …
We did more in Atlanta than the 3-Day Walk. Arriving on Thursday night,
my fellow walker, Murphy, and I went out to Stone Mountain for a Ghost
Story Tour of the plantation home and property. Stone Mountain is where
the carving of the Confederate Soldiers is carved into the “stone mountain”.
We didn’t see that until dawn he next morning while we prepped for the walk.
The Ghost Story Tour was done by actors/story tellers from the area who
pass along verbal stories – a tradition in the South. Great evening of fun …
We learned to say “Boo, Y’all!”
We walked Friday, Saturday, and Sunday … A great Walk!!
Sunday night after a shower and dinner, we went to the Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta for a Cemetery Tour much
like the one we went to in West Sonoma County. We visited the grave sites of 6 local residents there and learned
a little about the history of the Oakland Cemetery and its “citizens.” Local actors did the same type of vignettes
we saw in Sonoma County, but with a Southern drawl …
Before heading home on Monday, we visited the World of Coca Cola and learned about the creator of Coke and
saw the bottling process. There is a lot to see here and we were on a tight schedule, so I’ll probably have to go
back and see it again. (Travel tip – always leave something to see or do – gives you a reason to go back). We
also visited the Atlanta Aquarium which is right next door to the World of Coca Cola. Wonderful aquarium with
lots of special areas of interest and special shows. Again, short on time … must go back!!
Call for News Items for our Newsletters
Submitted by: Newsletter Editor, Patty Green
Anytime you take a trip, enjoy a special family outing, spend time with friends at an event, or have an event you
would like to promote – anything that goes on in your life that you would like to share with us – please do so. We
would love to hear about it – and see pictures if you have them.
You don’t have to wait for the email requesting news, you can send it to me anytime during the month and I will
hold on to it and get it in the next newsletter.
Send any inputs and pictures to:
Patty Green
2015 Hoedown Schedule for the
Circle ‘n Squares
If you want to mark your calendars so you are sure to save the dates, here is our hoedown
schedule for the coming year – 2015. I know we often have many things going on in our lives – family,
travel, business trips, and more – and it is easy to put something on a weekend when we are hosting a
hoedown. So, in an effort to help with the calendar planning, I thought we would get the schedule out to
you early so you can “save the dates.”
January 10
Jet Roberts
Dan Alison-Drumheller
March 14
Lawrence Johnstone
Jeanne Van Blarcom
April 11
Gary Kendall
Jeanne Van Blarcom
July 11
Andy Allemao
Bob Ensten
August 8
Joe Saltel
Jeanne Van Blarcom
September 12
Mike Haworth
Bob Ensten
Getting to Know You …
Submitted by: Patty Green
The next few pages are a “new feature” for our monthly newsletter called
“Getting to Know You” where we will highlight one or two individuals or couples each month in an
effort to learn more about each other.
I had thought about this for a while, but was moved to action by a
comment Larry Wofford made about how much he enjoyed hearing
about the things folks were doing (vacations, etc.) because it helped to
get to know a little more about them. Thanks Larry!!
We will build a binder of club members as we go along,
putting our profile pages together, and keep it in the
cupboard. So … I’ll be calling on each of you in the future.
Getting to Know You!!
Patty and Dave Green
City / State:
Santa Rosa, CA
Patty – February 26
Dave -- August 31
May 14, 2001
Where were you each born and raised?
Dave was born in San Mateo, CA, but was raised in various areas of the U.S., including Palo Alto, CA, New York,
West Covina, CA, San Jose, CA and finally, Forestville, CA. Dave’s dad flew with TWA and was often transferred for
proximity to home base airports. Patty was born in Pierre, South Dakota, the closest hospital to the small town of
Dupree in which her folks lived (only 110 miles to the hospital on rough road). Her family moved from South Dakota,
to Wyoming, then to a couple different areas of Montana, before moving to California when she was 8 years old – so
you could say she is a California girl, sorta.
2. How long have you been married or been together?
We have only been married for 13 years, but have been together for 30 years.
3. How did you meet?
We met while working on the same product line – the 8566 High Performance Spectrum Analyzer – at HewlettPackard, introducing a new version of our product.
4. Do you children? If so, how many :
Dave has 3 children from former marriages, but Patty doesn’t have any children of her own. They have been raising
Dave’s kids since the kids were very small and are very proud of the young adults their children have grown into.
The kids are Jessica, Shasta, and Mark.
Do you have grandchildren?
How many and what ages?
Our daughters have produced daughters of their own, giving us 4 beautiful granddaughters. Jessica has one
daughter, Nicolette (Niki), and Shasta has 3 daughters – Emerald (6), Juniper and Willow (twins, now one).
6. Do your children live nearby
Jessica has settled in Iowa, Louisiana, with her husband, Blake; Shasta and her partner, Donovan, live in Willits; and
Mark, our son, lives in Redwood Valley, just north of Ukiah. Work and family schedules keep everyone pretty busy,
but we get to see Shasta and Mark fairly often and spend time with “the girls”. We were able to visit Jessica when
we were in Louisiana two years ago – they live 2 hours west of New Orleans – and we are looking forward to going
back to see them again in the future. Dave fell in love with New Orleans and the surrounding area.
Have you always lived in the Santa Rosa area? If not, what other areas / states have your lived in?
Since we have been together, we have always lived in either Rohnert Park or Santa Rosa. When we talk about other
places we might move, there just isn’t a good comparison to Sonoma County – there is so much to offer here and
within a couple hours by car. Great area!
8. How long have you been square dancing?
Where did you start dancing?
We started square dancing about 12 years ago, with the Circle ‘n Squares. A friend invited us to an event that was
being held at the Thanksgiving Lutheran Church and part of the event was Steve Minkin teaching some very basic
square dance moves and getting folks up to dance. There was a beginners’ class starting shortly after that so we
started learning to dance and have been enjoying it ever since. We invited Ron and Lou Ann Plasse and Dick and
Mary Ann Harkey to join us and the 6 of us graduated together and became part of the Circle ‘n Squares Club.
9. Have you always been a Circle ‘n Square member or have you danced with other groups?
Together we have always danced with the Circle ‘n Squares. However, Patty
started square dancing with her family when she was 10 years old. Her entire
family danced – mom, dad, sisters, and brother – and danced as a family for
about 10 years. They even made a trip to Canada to square dance at the
Calgary Stampede. Patty’s dad taught her to walk after he had come home
from a square dance in Wyoming. He would twirl her and then back up so she
would have to walk to him to twirl again. And, she has been dancing since.
Patty’s parents started dancing back in Wyoming, continued to dance when
they lived in Montana, and joined the Promenaders in Ukiah and then helped
form the Square Shooters Club, also in Ukiah. Lawrence Johnstone, who
calls for the Singles and Pairs, still has the banner from the Square Shooters
– inherited when the Club folded many years ago. Lawrence’s folks and
Patty’s folks danced together for a number of years. Patty’s mom made most
of the Club dresses and vests for the Square Shooters, which you can see in the picture of the banner here.
10. What is a favorite square dance or hoedown you have attended? Special square dance event?
We always enjoy the Silver State Jubilee in Reno each year. This was the first major dance we went to when we had
completed our dance basics and were learning Mainstream dance. It has grown into a great group function for our
Club and we really enjoy going each May.
11. Are you still working? What is / was your occupation?
Both of us worked for Hewlett-Packard / Agilent for 30 years and left the company during different down-sizing
periods. Dave now works at Pace Supply, a plumbing supply company, but plans to retire in about 14 months. Patty
spent 5 years at home with her mom after leaving HP, and then took a part-time job at Home Depot. But, when the
new Graton Casino opened, she went to work as a Dealer – just so she could play cards – without have to spend
money to do it. We are both looking forward to retirement and time to travel and spend time together.
12. What is your favorite holiday? Any traditions associated with the holiday?
We both like Christmas. Decorating the house, spending time with family and friends … it is just a great time of year.
One thing we like to do is use Patty’s dad’s recipe for homemade Tom and Jerry’s – delicious!!
13. Do you like to travel?
We love to travel and really look forward to getting more travel time in after Dave retires. One of Patty’s goals is to
visit all 50 states in the U.S., and she is getting close; there are just a few left on the list. Patty has had the
opportunity to travel with work (to Malaysia), to many cities in the U.S. for bowling tournaments, and to 11 different
cities for the Susan G. Komen 3-Day Walk. If there is a way to incorporate travel – they are in!!
14. What is your favorite vacation / travel destination so far?
One of our favorite vacations was a cruise of the Tahitian Islands. Beautiful and really relaxing. We also love Disney
World and Disney Cruises and just came back from Alaska with Disney – GREAT cruise! We were able to go dogsledding and just had a wonderful time.
15. Do you have any special hobbies or interests?
We have lots of “interests” but I guess they are not really hobbies. We play Bocce Ball, bowl weekly in a league,
square dance, travel, spend time in the garden and yard, and spend time with family and friends. We enjoy doing
lots of different things and are always looking for new “adventures” – hopefully traveling to get to them.
16. Is there anything else you would like our fellow dancers to know about you?
We really enjoy square dancing and the friends we have met through dancing. Each new beginners’ class brings
more folks to meet and going to dances with other clubs allows us to meet folks there too. Square dancers are really
nice folks and it has always been a “wholesome” family activity. We are hooked!!
Birthdays & Anniversaries
Happy Birthday to:
November 3
November 10
November 11
November 22
November 30
Louie Azevedo
Nancy Azevedo
Lynn Eckert
Loren Cooper
Mary Ann Harkey
Happy Anniversary to:
November 5 Harold & JoAnne Schlegel
November 27 Carole & Jim Bossaller
Caller Committee – Louie & Nancy Azevedo
Flyers for Promotion – Patty Green
Publicity – Nancy Azevedo
Sunshine Committee – Patty Griffiths (OP)
Entertainment Committee – Mary Ann Harkey and Evan Griffith
Membership – Dale Reitz
Charitable Activity – Tom Woodard
Historian – Nancy Azevedo
Newsletter – Patty Green
Facebook: Circle’nSquares