Today’s message: WEEKLY SCHEDULE Sunday Sunday School 9:15 am Morning Worship 10:30 am Wednesday H2O Wednesday Meal Bible Study 4 pm 6 pm 6:45 pm ROTATING MINISTRIES November 9 Tim & Lisa Collins, Debby Cook November 16 Jana Smallwood, Nursery I Tina Parker, (0-12 mos.) Teressa Brady Nursery II Farrah Scott Beth & Sarah (12-24 mos.) Morgan Communion/sick Neil Weathington Randy Collins Meditation Clay Little Jack Turner Deacon/Week Kerry Cooper Tim Crawford Communion Preparation for November: Keith & Michele Burns Baptism Team for November: Cindy Harris Bethany Christian Church 2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy., Carrollton, Georgia 30116 2868 Carrollton-Villa Rica Hwy. 770-834-1927 Carrollton, GA 30116 770-834-1927 November 9, 2014 Combined worship in the Sanctuary _________ Please continue to lift up all our military, and our country’s leaders, in your prayers. Also, pray for those who would do harm, that they would find salvation through Jesus. Musicians & Technicians Joey Musick (piano); Debbie Bailey (organ); Denny Ivey (keyboard); Zachary Lancaster, Drew Scott, Jonathan Brown, Anthony Johnson (guitar); Kerry Cooper (bass); Joseph Venenga, Jacob Orbeck (drums); Tracie Cooper, Amy Dickerson, Megan Stamps (vocals); Lynn Weathington, Glen Schirmer, Kevin Watson, Adam Musick, Russell Bennett (sound/ lighting/video) __________ Bill Gray Guest Speaker ANNOUNCEMENTS WELCOME VISITORS! We are glad you chose to worship with us today. Please fill out a visitor’s card from the pew and place it in the offering plate so we will have a record of your visit. Assisted hearing devices are also available. Parents are welcome to take advantage of our nursery facilities and graded worship through middle school. (See a greeter for directions.) “GRATITUDE SUNDAY” will be held on November 30. This is a special service of gratitude for all that God has done for us over the past year. Our “Gratitude Offering” this year will be designated for building maintenance, including a new roof for the sanctuary. Please keep this special service and offering in your prayers. OUR FALL WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE continues this week. The fellowship meal begins at 6 p.m. in the FLC. This week’s menu is chili, grilled cheese & dessert (donations are taken for the meal.) Dick Hollis teaches, “Why We Believe What We Believe,” and there is also a Bible study on “The Story behind the Song.” Both of these classes will meet in the FLC at 6:45 p.m., and the Adult Choir will meet in the sanctuary at this same time. We have classes for children in the FLC, and [gloh] worship in The Lighthouse for middle school through young adults. THE YOUTH BAKING MINISTRY meets again this Tuesday, November 11, from 6-7:30 p.m., in the FLC. This is for youth in grades 4-8, and is led by Jenn Nasser. BETHANY’S “HARVEST DINNER” is planned for Sunday, November 23, at 6 p.m. in the Family Life Center. This is a wonderful time of fellowship each year for the Bethany family. We have volunteers to bring turkeys and dressing. Everyone else is asked to bring several side dishes (vegetables, salads, casseroles, and desserts.) FOOD PANTRY DRIVE – The “Item of the Month” for our Food Pantry for November is canned soups, spaghetti sauce and corn. There is a bin in the foyer to deposit these items. Thanks for your help, and remember if you know of someone in need, either send them our way, bring them to the pantry, or take items to them. SUNDAY BREAKFAST is served at 9 a.m. each week. Donations are taken for the meals. They will continue through November 16. THE WOMEN’S SHELTER November item is baked beans (in the large institutional size cans, if you can find them.) There is a bin for these items in the foyer. THE LADIES CHRISTMAS LUNCHEON at First Christian Church is planned for Wednesday, December 3, from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. (with doors open at 10:45 a.m.) Cindy Logan has a few tickets still available (no charge.) The church van will leave from Bethany the morning of the luncheon at 10:30 a.m., so you won’t have to worry with parking. PLEASE CONTACT ANY OF OUR ELDERS if you have a need during this time of transition at Bethany. If you need a list with their contact information, call the church office. THE “HANGING OF THE GREENS” is planned for Sunday, November 30, at 5 p.m. We need lots of helpers to get the buildings decorated for Christmas. DO YOU HAVE FLAGS that are worn? The Boy Scout Troop which meets at Bethany will dispose of them properly for you. A basket is provided in the foyer for old flags. TO RECEIVE BETHANY EMAIL, send an email to To receive the Bethany eNewsletter on Wednesday, email IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO ATTEND SERVICES and would like communion brought to you at home, please contact the church office, or the men in charge of home communion for the week. Attendance & Offerings for November 2, 2014: Attendance: 157 Sanc=133; Nurseries=9; Kids=15 General Fund: $7,420 ($1,376 over budget) Missions: $545 ($66 over budget) Dollar/Week: $29 Immeasurably More: $620 (Total to date = $227,870.71) --------------------------------------------------“THE CHRISTMAS CARD PROJECT” begins this month! Through November 23, we ask that you would turn in names and addresses of those you may know who would really appreciate receiving Christmas cards. Try to think of those who may otherwise be overlooked, such as home-bound individuals, the elderly, those suffering from illnesses, etc. We'll comprise a list of folks, and then ask our Bethany family to send Christmas cards during the month of December. (Also, instead of our usual Christmas post office, we’ll ask each family to bring in just one card, and they will all be displayed in the foyer.) If you know of an individual, please submit their name and address below, and drop it in the offering plate as it is passed. Name __________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________ PRAYER LIST Church Family: Bob Jordan, Joey Mullins, Adam Musick (surgery in Dec.), Jim Smith, Paul & Peggy Wilder, Gordon Gibbs, Rick Parker, Jerral Howard, Tim Brady, Buvena Turner, Ted & Susie Bear, Maritza Schirmer, Greg Adams, Janie Ebner, Pat Alexander, Genelle Sudduth, J.W. & Yuvonne Pate, Allen Howard (surgery 11/11), Mary Hardeman, Hollice Eason (Knute’s wife), Rita Henry, Kami Burns (missionary/MX), Debbie Smith, Priscilla Sudduth, G.W. & Barbara Cook, Hilda Daniel, Elaine Baxley, Maurine Musick. Friends & family: Our nation & leaders, our troops & their families, our missionaries, Marti Love Terrell (12 yr old w/brain tumor rremoved), Lois Simmons (Melanie Spears’ mom), Jimmie Gammon (Richard’s dad), Vickie Dillon, Jim Wood, LaNelle Holland, Joyce Langston (friend of Bonnie Pate), Debbie Ridley (cancer, friend of Amy Emory), Austin Bonova (fractured hip, grandson of Bonnie & Steve Turner), Raymond Crumbley (Tony’s dad, cancer), Joyce Dumm (sister of Louise Heartstedt), Anthony Rooks (brother of Naomi Quigley), Sally Kuglar (breast cancer), Bobby King, Ruth Shaw (Ramona Smith’s mom), Kevin Harris, Juanita Hollis (Dick Hollis’ wife), Carolyn Cook (Jan Rosson’s sister), Polly Rankins (Zella Musick's sister, lymphoma treatments), Chuck Butler (Debby Cook’s brother), Polly Criswell, Barbara Strickland (bladder cancer), Cecil Herrin, Noah Bishop (child w/cancer), Tanner Dunlop (16-yr-old w/cancer), Margie Bell, Todd Logan (son of Don & Cindy Logan), Greg Crook, Sharon Milford, Sue Curry, Sarah Nelson (Carolyn Foster’s sister), Lisa Kuntz (Dale Hilmer’s daughter, cancer), David Hyde, Felicity Withrow (Sylvia Suddeth’s great-niece, cancer), David Estes (friend of Gwen Strickland), Linda Curtis, Robert Hooten, Carol Samples (Sandra Crubaugh’s mom), Doris Morgan (Ronnie Morgan’s mom), Betty Turner (Jack’s mom), Yuvonne Butler, Harvey Copeland, Bill Estep, Hilda Nasser (Mike’s mother), David & Larry Griffis (Carolyn Foster’s brothers), Jack Herrin (Lisa Butler’s dad), Darren Goolsby (Roy & Glenda Gable’s son-in-law), Doug & Bobby Boatright, Butch Broome (Beth Orbeck’s dad), Sarah Stevenson (Jack Turner’s sister), Ima Jean Hurst (Tim Collins’s mom), Lydia Hoel (Bill Orbeck’s mom), Ken Fowler. CALENDAR Tuesday 8 am Wednesday 12 noon 4 pm 6 pm 6:45 pm Friday 12:30 pm Double Nickels Breakfast Club at Jerry’s Country Kitchen Men’s Lunch at Zaxby’s on Bankhead H2O for Middle & High School youth Fellowship Meal in the FLC Adult & Children’s Bible Study in the FLC, [gloh] Worship in The Lighthouse, Adult Choir in the Sanctuary Ladies Lunch at Firehouse Subs on Hwy. 27 South in Carrollton
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