SHE MAIiOlfK FARMER, County Letters NlCHOLVELIiE. «SDAY, NOVEMBER 11th, 1014. OWE MY HEALTH KIDNEY BELIEF MOQtA. Nov. 9th—Mrs.\Etta McGlvney spent Death of Mrs. Edna Q. Potter. the past week in Malone, a guest at XORTH LAWRENCE. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Asa LeonNov. 9—The Cornell Study Club ard. will meetr-wlth^irs. Judaon Mosler, f John C. Butler and Mrs. A. Nov. 9—Mrs. Alma Chandler passed Mr. and Mrs, JRbseph Collett visited Friday afternoon, Nov. 18th. Let all at the home of l(r. and Mrs. Milton G. Phunadore. peacefully away Wednesday evening, — members plan to be present. Adams in Massena recently. \ov 4th For more than three years Leslie P. Whitman, of Ogdensburg, Mrs. Maurice Trim has been quite \ o \ 3rd at tl —on ru<sdn she had been in feeble health and had is visiting; his parents, Mr. and Jtfra. ill the past week. Her mother. Mrs. t. k t i c u i i t d t h e s u d d e n d e a t h been confined to the bed for one year Leonard Whitman, and sister, Mrs. C. Louis Gale, spent several days with < H ltk i t h i - 1 me in thi^ Boin o n in Hogansburg o g g June 3rd 1848 G. Hull. her. \I Jiuthi t u i I t t n i n h i " the daughter of Joseph and Louisa The Suffrage Study Club holds a Mrs. Alfred Eggleston and Mrs. Re- Kidney disease la caused mainly by 1 1 <. \ 1 u j i i week ago Hall, August 23rd, 1869, she became food sale Wednesday of this week at L Kerry visited at the home of Mr. * the tamiU the chandler who S th wife if off <Clajton l t Ch id Mrs. Willard Thomas in Dick- disordered digestive organs, the stom- Mrs. M. V. Dunn's, The next meet[ I \\ i ' i %% iv c i l k d ach, liver and bowels. If your stom- ing of the club will be held Tuesday ars later died verv suddenlv Left son Wednesday. HulKi » a h i j it - M th two sni ill children she stro\e to Rex Weller, of Beechertown visited ach is upset, indigestion follows; then evening, Nov. 17th, with Mrs. C. E. Pu Millie ^11 thit i mother could be and to kidneys become clogged with tmpurl* Burnap. A good attendance is desired his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Orrin | < t 1 i n v . n sunda\ htr comfort n her declining \ ears Smith, the past week. ties; the blood is made impure . and and everyone is cordially invited. ,t two diugrht-ers have been \er\ * (1 as e^er Rev. M. H. Dowd attended the Mr. and Mrs. William Lunderaan poisons the whole body. Dr. David \ ' Ik ll Ut \ l i t . t > hti Thev*are Mrs ( B Reed SHUR-ONS are the best known went into camp Tuesday to cook for Kennedy's Favorite Remedy not only County Sunday School Association at II ken md i \\ horn sht his> made her home North Bangor Friday and Saturday No. 1. Reynolds Brothers l a u e s i n the world. t i c i - 11- t helps the stomach, liver and bowels to and Mrs. Dowd went to Potsdam to tin. { ist 11 vcars ind Miss I Ion had The Helping Hand Sock visit her son. Garnet. i« ii i l l u who n n k t s hei home m act right, but it acts directly upon the Probably more erf tbem are worn •c-ry pleasant att%l profitable meeting M lint c n Miss md who cunt to aid S. H. Burnap has sold his butter cleansing an-1 at the home of Mrs. Laura Bowen kidneys, as well, than any other type. I c u t ot I K i m o t h e r n e a r h t w o Mr. C. N. Petersen, dealer in fine Thursday afternoon, factory at Alburgh to Ed. Barnett, mcers were strengthening them. \ t u s ij,o \ < \ t i c t u l d a n e a r t h l \ p u boots. Bhoes and cigars, No. 132 South elected ;is follows: ^idont, Laura Neat, well-made and fintebed, Do you have pains in the back, who will soon take po"ssession. M ice«i\t in>ii d < \ c U d c a r e i n d t Misses Alice Hawkins and Minnie . ... Mary Kerry; brick dust deposits, scalding pains, Main St., Council Bluffs, Iowa, writes: Bowen; vice-preside perfect m hoWing-on qtialltle* Miti n Hi n M s i I m d l e r W h m it of Malone, were at Mrs. W. E. "I cannot tell you how much good secretary, Maym6" Jones; treasurer, swelling around eyes, constipated Orcutt, the U I I I K IM t " u i i " o n e m< i n Clark's Sunday and over night, SHUR-ONS meet the need* ef (Stella Stevens? tfhe next meeting- will intf •»>* iv 11 n I t find t h a t s h e li id Peruna has done me. Constant con- i be with Mrs. Laura Bowen Thursday, bowels, drowsiness, fever, rheumatic Mrs. C. G. Hull and brother, Leslie nearly everyone. .1 M m Ut si^)it t o r e e \ t a n d t h o finement in my store beg-an to tell pains, indigestion? Dr. Kennedy's Whitman, visited Mrs. Russell at Bqm-c. 3rd, at. two "o'clock. on my health and I felt that I was f M \ m _ ,ii i n n f. t i l t M p M ot t h e bay Sunday. » Favorite Remedy is the medicine yju Maurice Trim killed ^ tine buck SatIf yoti wear anything else, let a s c h \ is j II ti i l h g o n e s t i i i u r l <•> > gradually breaking down. day, weighing 2 30 tt>s. need; powerful, though gentle in ac- Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Flint left Friday t h »i i n \ ( i w i* i b l e t o i t M] t ti t 'I tried several remedies prescribed show yen the difference In SHURMr. and Mrs. Levi Hussell and tion. Write Dr. David Kennedy Co, morning for New York city by autoiwi i M i h 1K 0 she m i l ed w i t h mobile. by mv physician, but obtained no per- | daughter, of Bombay, are visiting M Rondout, N. Y., for free trial bottle. ONS. ti I i n i i l u i i i i i i t h i s j>] it* i n d Mrs. B. Strait, of West Stockholm, manent relief until I took Peruna, I Russell's father, Grant Thorn; wit) ! l u i i f f l u t u n s h e h i s -,1K w n is the guest of her son " and wife, from —Adv. felt better immediately, and five bot- I Lester Eseltine i-,<tt i t M J m d d o o t e d < h r i s t i n Principal and Mrs. S. B. Strait. camp No. 3 over'Sunday. ties restored me to complete health. I 1 < Marc h i s w e l l i s t h t a in Frank Roberts has purchased one Mrs. Alec Labell, of Bombay, is the n i ni \ s j u will 1 e p r e a t H m i s l e d ! I have been In the best of spirits guest of relative*--in this p CONSTABLE. of C. E. McBride's houses on High Hunill i s i n 1 i t w o d i u g h t e n ? t h e onlv s U i street. He has commenced moving since and feel that I owe my health The sympathy of a large circle of M v i n e K I I I I M s h e l e a s e s i s one n i f u md 1 M I i begun repairing the buildfriends is extended to Mr. and Mr; to it ' Nov. 9—Rev. N. J. Becker, of An- and has U i v \ | ] ^ I M i s h i m t. u i t i s of B i i r p \ t m i . , OPTOMETiasr ank Fairchilds the loss dover, N. J., conducted services in ings. Catch Cold Easily. tc t l t s t t h e s \ m p i t h \ of m i n \ f r u n d Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Southmead, of their infant child, whose death occur- the Presbyterian church on Sunday1 AND OPTICIAN is i x u n d u l T h e funeial serueos Mr Arthur G. Peterson, R. F. D. janac Lake, have been visiting the I red, Friday, Nov. 6th, of a complica- j morning and in North Burke church : 1 w i re held Horn h e r l i t e h o i le 1 rid \ 21 ELM STREET,' tter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C, B. 21, Box 21, Omro, Wisconsin. He tion of diseases. The funeral was j j n the afternoon. He will remain I M Rt-\ K I W r i g h t officiating; was In the habit of catching cold held from the Holiness church Sun- a n ( i preach again next Sunday in the MALONE, N . f. . a n d t h e b u n a l w i s in M o u i d H i l l Mrs. Jesse Rust and son, Junior, of easily. day. two churches. Mr. Becker is a candi- (Burlington, y. Rev. Perry officiating. 1 ccmeten are visiting her parents, h and son, Hen- date for" resident pastor of tLIlt Mrs. John Fergir He Bays: "It has been seven \\fdncsdi\ e^ning it 10 o clock the Dr. Jesse Rust is expected this week I utlei death messenger entered the home of months now since I have taken any y of Malone, visitt' iit the home of Mrs. Louis Girard and sons have Late mass will be said in St. Francis rented the LeBoeuf hotel at Faust and lc\ »1 Mr nd Mrs 1 n i h Denton on Me Peruna and I haven't felt the least I Mr. and Mrs. W. W Stevens Sunday church on Sunday next, Nov. 15th. clock I wen st ind took the \oung life <>t now moving to that place. touch of cold since, and I am positive ! afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. War cn Stevens visit- Sunday school before mass. Kvery oth- areChas. g In thevr son Ilo\d aged IS \oars md that I am now rid of the tendency to Clary and family will move and Mrs. Elmer er Sunday the hour for mass is earlier. r\ n tight months He had onl% been ill catch cold. Peruna Is a wonderful ed at the home of Mi to the R. L. Gale house on East Main Rev. Father Boulerice is also rector Johnson, at North B; ngor, Sunday. ne of i vKtk with hronehial pneumonia md street, recently vacated by M< of St. George's church in Burke. remedy." T held with i ti until muse and ill tint rou' i M st a t t n u r I (Received too late fo inser F. R. Wilson's drilled well is com- Jock. Tho»e who object to liquid mediMllag-e \) t P<iCH • i po»-Rihl\ be done could not hold hi 1 John Walsh, of Bay Pond, visited last week.) pleted at a depth of 125 feet and ithc ( ruel blow but for some reason h u r c h vi is t cine* can now prooure Peruna Tabhis daugther-in-law, Mrs. Agnes Walsh Nov. 2—The chicken pie supper at yields an abundant supply. unknown to t irthl\ friends ( o i s(w week. lets the home of Delbert Sherwin ThursThe town board of Constable met last ( t tO iflt t > tikp him Hi wi« "i \ c i \ bnerl t T to I <, Mil i Mrs. Clara Crosier is engaged to day evening was well attended con- on Thursday to audit accounts against Aoung mm h \ f d 1\ c \ u \ ( n e nd play for Clark Lawrence's dancing kng sidering the incl y f the weath-|thc town. The members are: Chairus r. Over $17.00 was realized. S e v e r - i m a n of board, Supervisor Thomas C. school at Brushton Thursday evening. TROUT RIVER. i t t i U Mrs. Chas. Phillips a«d Mrs. Clara r If I live I can pay it. If not. the 1 from Ban?or and Malone attended. Lynch; secretary of board, A. E. Au-Crosier will go to Ottawa Tuesday on Earl Eggleston late for insertion ~ ' " " ' week-end * " * brey, b town t clerk; l k and d G. G A. AH Harmon, spent the (I eceived trip, returning Wednesday. home would have to go. Life Inat Santa Clara, Chas. Kane, R B. Childs and Dr. C. a pleasure last week.) Death has again entered our midst •ill entertain the J. Crippen, ail justices of the peace. | \ u % 2 — Mrs. MaeWilliams has taken one of our beloved old la- surance would save the bxme. uner Wednesday, Wm. Stebbins is shaving a well drill- and I sst d to the Great Beyond. She was dies, Mrs. Enda Gregg Potter, who ed near his home. 115 the beloved wife of a former pastor passed from this to the home -not y M 1j r i turd .if North Bangor, Miss Sarah Pyke. Sheridan Beebee, of Cold Brook, is f \\t t 1 i h with hands Friday afternoon. of thp Presbyterian church of this as the over-Sunda\ guest of friends visiting his son, Dick Beebee, and inci- made i il J I H w 1 t I) 1 i n Nov. 6th, aged & 9 years. She was the and leaves to mourn her loss j n his pli dentally attending to some business \ r i i 1 is til i { rise widow of Charles Potter, who died ii^i 1 usbaiid and baby 14 months old. !I r. and Mrs. ' irgre Jones, of Pots- matters. years ago, and lived at Brushton >ln i Tuc i Much sympathy is extended to Mr. (ja i, visited th son, George, the Mr. and Mrs. Philander Premo cele- nine '\* im until she came to this village, where MK Williams in his great bereave-' past week . brated their 55th wedding anniversary L ! she had made her home with her ment Mr. and Mrs. Millard Hazen, of AI> n Nov. 3rd at their home on Maple I i ' \1 H I Mrs. W. E. Clark, for th« \ 1 the friend? of Mrs. Hugh Ross of Mr. and ; St. The aged couple who stood up with daughter, years r M • i d th e UI K f 11 ( micron, formerly Miss Minnie Helm, M W 1 [ * i C d { v "'• ^^ \^m\^t^Wtlm^ o^^^f^t^'9^ ^^ - Mrs" 1>o«er's death l 1 M es lted f r o i of ihis place, are pained to lear: Mrs. Alfred Lucas and infant son j ceremony were present to extend conI !* H »a n general paralysis, sh< M i t 1 \ T :i g ee ln vaua 1 e • the • ~ — th in Far West. She leaves , went to North Bangor Saturday 'to Igratulations. A pleasant evening was t-.rjl_ R P . . ! o r tne_past 1 D ON } t i l i ivpaP5. H urn her loss her husband and , spend a few days at the home of-the : enjoyed by the large company 1 > { , P Ience a little girls. i former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al- friends present, I i i * ji • 1 nrll C I ude. «^ flihowe'en tricks were carried to an \heli Mosier._ ' , . . . „ The following ladies attended the] Mi M rl % Vr r d ! She was a mos s r f> T e n ) a n w n h , t j m it< ndlei dl J 11 n h t )u Apples per barrel, $2,50 1 s M ^ U l ~>n t u h u[ U n l r e <•-! e ndins: IA \\ Onions per 100 pounds, 1.50 ] \ Is i n sn 1 an itL J u Turnips per bushel. .40 Columbus Best Flour per bbl., 6.25 Death of Mrs. Alma Chandler and Lloyd Denton. If DigestieB Right -Dr. Ke»nedy's Favorite Ready Acts Right Way toPeruna Tke Best Knowi b Usually UK Best B. A. SOPER, • ) 5 We Are the Price Makers. GEO. xx • *" of-love and affection. Monday at on quern o'clock her kindred and friends as D. NORTHRIDGE & SON. Malone. N. Y. We pay highest market ptice for Lhay*. potatoes and g r aln. AN ENGLISH AUTHOR WROTE: "No shade, no shine, no fruit, n » flowers, no leaves.—November!" ManyAmericans would add no freedon* from catarrh, which Is so aggravated during this month that it becomes constantly troublesome. There is abundant proof that catarrh is a constitutional disease. It is related to scrofula and consumption, being one of t h » f*eo De guests at b nt Tuesday in Mai wasting diseases. Hood's Sarsaparilla .cust ate visiting Incnd Russell's Thursday. Mis George Bruce tives here has shown that what is capable of Mr. and Mrs. Dawson and 1 house of in Malone. Miss Ruth I oid . .. . -aove from eradicating scrofula, completely cures i \li and Mrs. Harry Doria spent Biker oi Vlalont \ \ n e c, Mr. a n d Mrs. R i c h a r d s o n Sunda>. Sand Hill catarrh, and taken in time prevent* • Tuesday in Constable the guests of week at 6 o'clock, the following even»ana m i l this week. Mr. Howe has is htld and guests of the Misses Mai Mrs. George Russell s p e n t a few moved to his farm north of the. vil- consumption. We cannot see how any ) Mi and Mrs. Huyck. bondsmen ^erge and_Lhid King JaM days a t Wells Russell's a t Malone, r e - ings: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday ' l a Until furhter notice this arrangement! f?" . . . ""' c w A n 4. daughter was born to Mr. and cently. Mra l i t t t d t t h e count jail j Lrnebt Birnuni und lamih are ex j sufferer can put off taking this mediwill he adhered to. . : Adams of West Bangor, is vispt-cled here soon to occur \ the MCLO\ Mrs J. Arthur Lunnan of Kensington Mr. a n d Mrs. H o r t o n Wells a r e vistjH t n AA. Adams. cine, in view of the widely published Station agent," A. J. Starr, is able ]tt imnDT ef oaM^t hs . ts hJL j Nov 3rd. use and woikk for father. I house tor his his father a t+ iting t h e i r son, C u r t i s Wells, a t M a s Stti l I ? Adams to get about, using crutches. He is I ' Snm, sad messenger, has Airs Thomas Armstrong and Mrs. record of its radical and permanent Geo Averv wiJl work for G and sen a. gaining steadily. j again entered our little hamlet, this cures. It is undoubtedly America** Charles Armstrong of Westville were E Walker tht, c o m i n gg se Mrs, P h o e b e D r a p e r , w h o h a s been t n e 1 guests of Mrs. J. A. Cameron Fri- visiting relatives in town for t h e past Mrs. G. A. Harmon is improving, i time claiming one of our most respectH s Roach h lust l iturned from Greatest Medicine for America's Mrs. Mary Long is caring for her. ed old ladies, Mrs. Diantha L. Smith, day I the Last whcie he went with two c i >ini, U two weeks, r e t u r n e d to h e r hojne in Reports from Alice Hyde Hospital wife of Edward Smith, who died at an Greatest Disease^—Catarrh.—Jk/iv. loads of potatoes M t r k e t prices nry B u l k Philadelphia Friday. COOKS C O R N E R S . veiy low <<1 I st in t r Mr. a n d Mrs. C. W. Russell, of M a - indicate that Mrs. James McGillis, who 'early hour Monday morning at the age The sunda\ School < omention held lone, were g u e s t s a t Geo. Russell's underwent a serictus operation there of 70 years. The immediate cause of br< 11 two weeks ago, is doing well. 'death was cancer of the stomach. She in the M L, church was> "well attend \ov 9—Mrs. C h a r l e s S m i t h visited S u n d a y . Robert Humphrey is very much im- gradually failed, growing worse every TJBPOKT OP TEDS COSDITION OP I B B <d and \er\ interesting friends and relatives at North Bangor Mrs. O. S m i t h a n d t w o d a u g h t e r s , | day, until death came to relieve her XV Peoples Nathmal Bank of Malone, at Ma( eo Cushman ^ib down from Mei V\ t,dnesday. tj E t h e l a n d Mildred, were guests of t h e proved from a recent illness. in the State of New York, at the close of ch im Lake Saturd i\ He v, is mteiest Miss Lizzie Barnes, of Springfield, lformer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Zeb Fleury is completing some car- suffering, Mrs. Smith was a whole- loae. i1 ed in the special election penter work at the residence of W. W. souled woman of sweet disposition, business October, 31,1914. Mass is visiting at the home of Miss j Richardson, Sunday. \ i>*rt\ including Wells '-teenberge Maigdret Condon. charitable and unselfish, devoted to \ R. R. Berry, of Malone, was in town Arnold. and Robert Hunkinfe are hunting The members of St. Francis' church her horne,and bore her sufferings with Loans and disoounta.... Mis Pollie Lapree and two children, Sunday. ' A. « Re\ (. ahce and f uml\ of Hogans Ne!<.on and Ada, of South Bojiibay, are planning to hold a grand bazaar that Christian fortitude which had Overdrafts, secured and unsecured*... 37.S000Q buigh were guests of Mrs B H ( un Msitcd at the home of Mr. and Mrs. for three days beginning Wednesday, characterized her daily life. Left to V. 8. Bonds to secure oiroulation U. S. Bonds to secure U. S. Deposits.. 1.000 €0 rmgham a tew da\ s last wtek Ro\ Smith Sunday. -Nov. Jo. A fine list of 30 prizes will be mourn >is a grief-stricken husband, 8.Loadsoahand -.., 900000 Miss 1 dith M -irtm h i s been sj nd I e\ George Jock attended the Sunawarded and arrangements are being with whom she had passed the last 47 U. Bomis. Securities, eto.......... 84,000 00 H1&, i few dd%s at tile home ol hfi di\ School Convention at North Banmade for entertainments and suppers years, one brother, Ambrose Smith, of Stock in Federal Beserve Bank, S0K C& ui de on Bngfes stiect gor 1 riday and Saturday. How Bad Backs Have Been Made during the progress of the bazaar. Ev- Bombay, and five sisters, Mrs. George Banking h o o ^ F o m i t a r e and Pixtarwi HMXtt 00 13,009 00 Leo Southworth, who is employed eryUody will want to come and enjoy Holmes, of Winthrop; Mrs Harvey Other Real Estate Owned Strong,—Kidney Ills Corrected. u National Banks (not reserve at \ c r t h Bangor, spent Sunday with * " fun. *"~ The procee proceeds are for the Totman,, o of Bangor; DK R I \ S O \ i LNTFR ngor; Mrs. Mary ay E. Dae from agents) 6,72048 benefit of the church. Re\ ind Mrs. George Jock. j Page, of Leominster, Mass.; - Mrs. Dae from State and Private Banks Ail over Malone you hear it. Doan* Mis Edward Sabin is gaining quite \ 9th—Mis* r J I ui i J and Bankers, Tru*t Companies ', Darius Winters, of North Bangor, and M r s <. u da\s m m is sending - - pidly. i Kidney Pills are keeping up the good and Savings Banks. 8,811 7& 1 - Frank Damon, of Moira. The fuBURKJE her pnents : neral will be held at the home Wed- Doe from approved Reaerve Agents j Herbert Smith, of Bombay, was the'work. Malone people are telling about In C e n t M »<»erve Cities i \ Richuds m was nesday afternoon. Rev. M. H. Dowd T f ^ S r . . . . 48,150 T?i ¥"lhl.°L A ^ ^ a o ^ M J ? ; E d w a r d S a b i n it—telling of bad backs made sound Nov. 9—Mr. Bomba\ *- I Mr. and Mrs. George A. A. is is to to be be the the officiating officiating clergyman, In other Rttferve Qtles.. f 78.3:«IS transacted business at H Puggs u e mi]) inu d Ins mo I again. You can believe the testimony Smith mith vigtfcetkjrelati vigtfcetkjrelatives iin th the central Burial in Moira cemetery t Mis M U \ «» >w o s,vi u use 1 tst t Pegis Falls Wednesday. tate last week. of your own townspeople. They tell of part ot^fhe state Cbeolsand other Oasb Items.. 1,988 07 of Oriskany Falls, it for the benefit of you who are suf- R R/a / Pi d F Perrigo and Frank Morgan In Wm l u d u Mis l)o\\ will bpend t h e I Mis- Ids Notes of other National Banks... 8,500 00 BANGOR. i MI the c m with hei d i u g h t t j t who has been visiting have* returned from Loon Lake, where Fractional Paper Onrrenoy, Nickela parents, fering. If your back aches, if you feel Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Avery, 'has and Cents. 41882 m l Mi*. Mi'o HirKon Ua\< they spent the summer. Nov. 9—The Ladies of the M. E. Lawful Money Reserve in Bask, viz: w i t k toi W lUrtown w h m thei cently returned to her employment. - 'lame, sore and miserable, if the kid Walter Clayborn spent a few days church will serve a hash supper at the Specie |STJ87»( ^ .*,*« Mrs. -G. Hill, accompanied by her neys act too frequently, or passages are last week in Burlington Vt. r side : EegaMender SoU». .V.S.00000 f ^ 87 W home of Mrs. Edna Arnold, Friday daughter. Bertha, of Burke, visited painful, scanty and off-color, use L Stuwt i n d i a m i h spent Sun Frank Waugh, of Thayers Corners, i , h t , o j, evening, Nov. 13. Price 25c, children Redemption fuad with U. 8. Treasu with Mi b t o w e s b i o t b t r it ( ol ( fnends and relatives in this vicinity Doan's Kidney Pills, the remedy that left last wnere JJC d urer & per cent, of ciroolaUon).. 1,875 » l»as helped so many of your friends he His l n o t h t i *Iis I M ^t>v\e J Saturday and Sunday. 11 > Mr. Matterson. of North Bangor has Total. R#-\ and Mrs. Charles Cahee and and neighbors. Follow this Malone' H,8W,«680T u n t d foi i shoit visit I OKI < OWNGTON ~~ ed Brown's ts Leon M e a t h u n ot f u st i 'two children, of St. Regis Indian Res- citizen's advice and give Doan'* XIABIUTIBS. inj=, hc-i feibter M r eath oi Allied Billings ml Smith ervation, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, a chance to do the same for you. paid in H L Morey Saturday. They also calli few d Mrs- P. St Denis, 63 William S t . tent Tnuis ed on Mr. and Mrs. Lester Morey, ot Moir sper Mr and Mrs. George Howard and Malone, N. Y., eay»: "I know thaJ h i s li U1J.1UC! Mis H L ah i \ltrtd 1 i son t. harlie, spen,t Sunday with Mr. Doan'a Kidney Pills are a good kid 1 nut jn ( h itc remedy, for I have used thjem ^ and Mrs. Stearns 'Mptt and family, of J L t ote and dauglifc u ive been \ isitmg Mrs t ote> s North Bangor. Other members of my family hav« a n d \ ii d U Nonvood. I Norman Southworth. of the western had great benefit from them. We Mr. and Mrs. William Hill were Bernard Timmons has moved tid Mrs. 1 L 1 ibh and Mis (states is visiting relatives and friends have found Doan'a Kidney Pills very guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Witherell, family into C. R. Plumb's tenement ish were Mbitoib at Malone and in this vicinity. s 1 < s of Champlain, recently. good in relieving kidney disorder* house on the Oren Lawrence place. Wesley Gibbs, of Union Springs, Sunda Mrs Mr. McClure of Stockholm h a s tired. \\ H Smith i business caHtr who has been visiting his sister, Mrs. and doing awtay with that tiled 1 moved his family into t h e Cornish James Spaulding, of West Bangor, is worn-out feeling. It la certainly a •with h t i n Rutld d Vt Thursdaj WESTVttlJB. Mi \ llllT Hill place a n d will work for C. R. ( i Mis MUV Mi ombtr who has been Msiting D. C. Gibbs. pleasure to recommend them." : (i I I O I l l h is i t Plumb the coming year. The Misses Bernice and Adella WilJiurke wh spending a few davs with hei d tugh (Received too late for last week.) Don't The Kings Daughters will hold spent Saturday with friends at Ft. Price 50c. at all dealers*. with hi niece Mrs ' 1 ilhng »^n.^> tei % rs Geo Woodward vt Albans son their regular meeting Thursday evensimply ask for a kidney remedy—g»t C ovington. Mrs. Wm. Ferris is very seriously •tinned home today Mts Bo\d of Mont; i dl is feucst William Johnson, who is employed Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that ill at her home with pneumonia, Dr. ing with Mrs.W. M. Hinmaa a n d Miss Mrs Lu<y Hudson leaves tins week at the A.mencan House Clartesa Dickinson. All members a r e Mrs I rank Sills w is tlu hostcs* at 'or Oiegon, where she expect*, to re at Brushton, spent Sunday with his Mrs. St. Denis had- Foster-Mllburn MacArtney is the attending physician. requested to be present. It is hoped by her many friends that Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. A-delightful "At Home" on Thursday nde for a year or two. On her way she family. Adv. Miss Mary Jock i s spending few ing a fe A box social and party will be given her recovery will be speedy. vil.1 visit relatives at Watertoivn and from four to six. Jock. at the school house for the benefit of Ms. Mrs. Ot Otis Wylie is slowly improving days with her father Andrewr ~ Mm. Allison Kingston and family, Jtica and a brother in Iowa. AUBANT JOURNAL $t-M PER The entertainment given by the Eu- the school to help toward a new desk in health. health •( Brasher, were callers in town on terpean Quartette of Malone, was well for the teacher. The ladies are invit•. and Mrs. Alton Hoadley, form- SEALED PROPOSALS for the tabor Saturday. of this place, but who now re- and material for the repair and reThe dubbing dubbin rat* tor h% th% Miss Margaret Denneen is the guest attended and greatly enjoyed by all. ed to pack boxes and help toward the sale; the gentlemen are cordially in- Oaily in Springfield, Journal, which ft b «f her brother, Charles, in New York aily Journal are the construction of the Malone Village beretofor* vited to bup them. Miss Tarbell «lty. G. A. Bickford, of Short Falls. N. parents of a little daughter. Reservoir will be received by George be glad to meet the .people of Rev. Huyck will conduct a series of A. WlUson, superintendent of Malone Miss Marion Hall returned on Wed- H., in ordering a fresh supply wrote: would district and hopes that they will »n and after Jim* nesday from special services in t h e M. E. church I Village Water Works, a t t h e Village "visit with friends in "Hanfords Balsam of Myrrh recently this respond to this call. The school house Montreal. beginning ooSunday evening NOT. 8, j Onleev in . Malone, New 'fork, until fear. This win a removed a spavin from one of m v ; will be open by seven o'clock. A hearty and continuing for two" weeks. E v e r y - ! eight o'clock in t h e evening of t h e «oa f 2.S0 per yea* Kev. and Mrs. Eades and Mr. and (invitation is extended to the public Mra. Eugene Sperry attended the S. horses."—Adv. meetings _one _ is ,_ urged ^ 4to _ .attend „ . _ . .these ^ ^ _ _ 1 4 t n ^ y o f December, 1»14, a t which «. Conventon in North Bangor on Satand help in the good work. time they will be opetted and publicurday. ly read. Miss Elizabeth Carden is quite seriAuction bills printed on short no* Proposals should be aoasaapanled «usly ill. tlce at the Farmer Office. by a statement of t h e time- during which t h e contract will be completed WEST BANGOR. awarded. TRY THIS FOR YOUR OOUGH if The contractor to whom t h e conNov. 9—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Donald t r a c t to awarded will be required to Thousands of keep, cough- furnish Bond for t h e faithful p e r . "won, of Syracuse, were guests of Mrs. .- people .. J?eila Brown Thursday. ng because unable to g e t t h e right ,{tirm»nce ot the contract i n t h e sum |* of. *the contract price price within Miss Grace Lawrence, who has been remedy. Cougna a r e caused -toy I n - J?*_$*«L * * • co»tr*et within teaching at Altmar. is at home for the dam *««* notice of award of conflammation of T h r o a t and Bronofiial present. Tubes. W h a t you need is t o soothe • to be Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Burgess and this Inflammation. Take Dr. King's children were the guests of Mr. and New Discovery, i t penetrates t h e deli- tflcations'tm fie in Malone Vlriage'dfMra.« Edwin Bentley Friday. Ernest Fish, of Dickinson Center, cate mucous lining, raises the Phlegm fifce. T h e sscma may be consulted there was ^ business caller in town Friday. and quickly relieves t h e congested o r a t the. office of W. H. Simonds. A number from this place attended membranes. Qet a 6 0 c bottle from P a *!!* n l*i' a **' N e w York. T h e t h e convention at North Bangor Friyour druggist. "Dr. King's New Di»- , • • ^ J * § * n a s soon a s t h e day. «overy quickly a n d completely "stotJ-j Mrs. Evelyn Smith, of Bangor, spent ped my cough," write* J. R. Watts, { a, few days last week with Mrs. Myra Smith. Fioydale, Texas. Money back if n e t o r all bids. Mrs. Lucinda Rheyome is the guest satisfied, but it nearly always helps.-r-) H. D. MAYNE, i©f Mrs. Peter Board way. Adv. J4Sw« President of Malone VlHag*, Heard In Malone B stt
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