Brevard Brush Strokes P.O. Box 763, Melbourne, Florida 32902 Melbourne, Brevard County, Florida Volume 18 Issue 11 November, 2014 Copyright Disclaimer…All Photographs are the property of the Artist and the Brevard Brush Strokes, you may not lift, copy or republish without the written P permission of both the Artist and the Brevard Brush Strokes. President’s Letter November, 2014 October was a very busy and a fun month—learning many things. Our chapter meeting was held at Ralph’s Art Supply. Everything was all set up for us. Ralph’s cat Sherrie joined our class and she sat in the front chair so she could see everything we were doing. She chased dogs and cat napped. Thank you Ralph for having us and doubling our gift certificate for our chapter fund raiser and letting us enjoy for cat. A very big thank you to Alise, Phyllis, and M.J. for different the different styles of faux finishing. They were very informative and fun to do. Everyone enjoyed the classes! Thank you again! Our seminar with Mark Menendez was also this month. The 17th he taught the Blue Heron in oils with lots of information on color theory, form and much more! Our Herons looked like Herons which was a good sign we were learning and most of us were covered in paint! I would say the class was successful. The 18th he taught the Raccoon in colored pencils which was a much more relaxing and a cleaner class! The class was very informative on using and doing colored pencils also using color theory with pencils. The chapter thanks you very much for coming and teaching us, you were a very good teacher, very informative and a lot of fun! We also hope you’ll come back and teach again, especially the White on White! Thank you! Hope to see everyone next month at the Fundraiser! God bless and take care, Patti Chierici, BBS President Elected Officers 2014 President Pat Chierici 1-757-672-8875 1st Vice President/Communications MJ Smith 321-952-1116 2nd Vice President Membership Phyllis Chilcott 321-733-4592 Treasurer Newsletter Carol Anderson 321-259-3916 Secretary BOARD MEETING BOARD MEETING November 4th At Patti’s Chierici’s General Meeting November 8, 2014 Committee Chair People 2014 Greeter/ 50/50 June Wiley 321-674-1511 Historian General Meetings… 2nd Saturday of each month MJ Smith 321-952-1116 Meetings begin at 9 AM… Located at the Holy Trinity Church’s Lewis Hall on the northwest corner of Babcock and Strawbridge in Melbourne, FL Baskets/Raffles (either address is correct… it is on the corner) Beverly Harker 321-768-6947 50 W Strawbridge Melbourne, FL 32901 or 1830 S. Babcock Street, Melbourne, 32901. Refreshments One block north of Route 192 (New Haven Road) on Babcock Next to Brevard Rentals. FYI – All workshops and seminars will be held at the same location as monthly Lee Blackwell 321-751-1026 Sand Dollars Agnes Dotson 321-724-8746 Mary Keating 321-615-6095 Ways and Means Sunshine Chairman Judy Severin Seminar Darlene Marcotte 321-956-0608 Programs (Workshops) Fran Redmond 321-729-8086 Set/up Clean/up WE WILL ALL HELP 11/09 Peg Armand 11/17 Jane Lowitz Web Master 11/20 Judy Severin Alise Duerr 321-454-9084 11/28 Joan Ferre 11/19 11/27 Elaine Steinbronn Barbara Layton Publicity If you are interested please see Patti Chierici BREVARD BRUSHSTROKES October 11, 2014 The meeting was called to order at 9:10. Secretary: Motion made and passed to accept the minutes as printed in the newsletter. Treasurer’s Report: Motion made and passed to accept the report as printed in the newsletter. First Vice President: Nothing new to report. There are sets of boxes in back that need to be painted. The small boxes for the Women’s Center are inside the bigger memory boxes. Boxes for the Women’s Center will be filled during the next board meeting. Second Vice President: Eighteen members have renewed for next year. Seminars: For Mark’s seminar, we have 21 people signed up for Friday and 15 for Saturday. He said it would not be a problem if a few extra people slid in. Working with Diane Bunker for January’s seminar; Tom and Bonnie Jones for a fall seminar. Programs: We still need teachers for April, June; otherwise we are done for next year. We have: MJ in January; Carol in February; Joan in March; Alise in May; Darlene in August; Joyce in September. There was a brief discussion on projects, etc., for 2016. o At the 2015 September meeting, teachers may bring potential projects, with approximate costs, for members to vote on. o We had a discussion on the fees and reimbursing teachers for 2015. The board will discuss options and it next meeting to present to the club Ways & Means: As a recap from the August meeting: Darlene will be the auctioneer. We are in need of gift cards for the gift card tree. Agnes will collect the gift cards and will sell the raffle tickets for the tree Toni can sell raffle tickets for the baskets. Lee and Pat offered to sell tickets as well. Bev’s grandchildren can be runners again this year. Different color helium balloons will be tied to the chairs of those selling tickets. Pat will talk to John about getting in the night before to set up the tables. Bev’s grandchildren can help run the Market Place. o We are in need of items for the Market Place. Items can be quilted, sewn, knitted, painted, etc. o It will be set up the same as last year. Fran and Phyllis volunteered to help Carol at the table checking people in, and again during the auction to help keep track of who purchases what for how much. June will sell the 50/50 tickets; Bev for the baskets; Lee for the big ticket items. Newsletter: Newsletter is looking great, as always. Webmaster: Website is going well and is up-to-date. Historian: Still being worked. Raffle: Not present. Refreshments: Not present. Baskets: Not present. In lieu of the tulle, people can use large, clear party bags from Joanne’s. Sand Dollars: Books not here today. Old Business: No old business. New Business: No new business. Show and Tell: No Show and Tell today. Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Mary Keating Secretary We encourage all members to buy and/or sell at least one packet of Raffle Tickets. Faux Fun!! Making Art with Mark Menendez November Baskets 2014 Chocolate Basket—Alise Duerr Survival Kit – Patti Chierici Summertime—Carol Anderson Wine Tasting – Lee Blackwell & Judy Hodgson Margarita Party – Mary Keating & kay Kennison Teas – Mary Johnson Food around the World –Bev Harker+ Mixed Media – M.J. Smith Martini Anyone – Doreen Anderson & Susan Pietrasko Just for Him – Agnes Dotson & Darlene Marcotte Proposed Slate of Officers for 2015 To be voted on in November President ------------------------------------- Pat Chierici 1st VP ------------------------------------------- Darlene Marcotte 2nd VP ----------------------------------------- Phyllis Chilcott Treasurer/Newsletter ---------------- Carol Anderson Secretary ------------------------------------- Mary Keating Ways and Means------------------------- The Board Seminars -------------------------------------- M.J. Smith Programs ------------------------------------- Donna Gensler & Susan Pietrasko Ways and Means 1. The tickets for our November Raffle Items have been sent to all members. A packet of 24 tickets with color photos of the three items is being provided to each member to promote the sale of tickets. The purchase price for the Raffle Tickets is $1.00 each or 6 tickets for $5.00. As a reminder the three items for this year’s large Raffle are: a storage box with felt sections (painted by Phyllis Chilcott); a corner shelf (painted by M. J. Smith; and a painted lamp (painted by Pat Chierici) ;). Remember, the Gift Card Tree needs to have donations to be raffled off at the November Auction. Please bring in a gift card or cash to 2. make this a very special “Gift” for the lucky winner. 3. Be sure to get your seats at the luncheon—the spots are going quickly— several tables are all sold out!! See you at the luncheon, The Board What do you think? “Art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life” is a quote by what famous artist? TOY DRIVE IN DECEMBER Remember – at our December Holiday Party we will also be sponsoring a toy drive for the Sharing Center. Please bring an unwrapped toy for a child or a teen to the party. Art related products are great! Sales are starting now so keep this in mind! WOMEN'S CENTER BOXES Please return all Women's Center boxes you have painted to Phyllis Chilcott as soon as you can. Bring them to the luncheon if necessary to drop them off. Thank you. Membership 2015 Membership Renewal This year is flying by and it's time to start renewing those 2015 Memberships. Our dues are still a bargain at only $15.00 for the year plus extra sand dollars for early renewal! Please fill out the BBS renewal form and mail it along with your check to: Brevard Brush Strokes Attention: Membership P. O. Box 763 Melbourne, FL 32902 Sand dollar bonuses for early renewal are: September – 25, October – 15, November – 10, December – 5 Brevard Brush Strokes Membership Form Name: Address: City : State: Zip Code: Home Phone:______-______-____________ Cell Phone: ______-______-____________ E-Mail: I would like my newsletter mailed to me: I would like my newsletter e-mailed to me: E-mail me a copy of the new member handbook: Mail me a paper copy of the new member handbook: Birth Month: ________________Day of month:____________ Yearly Dues are $15.00 Check #____________Cash:__________ SDP# (Required to be a member)_______________________ All SDP numbers will be verified as current with the National Decorative Painters Revised 8/1/2013 Workshop Schedule February Patti Chierici Acrylic Wash Snowman March M.J. Smith Acrylic License Plate April Joyce Holmes Rolling Pin Cover May Alise Duerr Colored Pencils Butterfly Tangle June Sand Dollar Auction July No Meeting August Darlene Marcotte Gourd Painting September M.J. Smith Acrylic Marblehead Lighthouse October Alise Duerr, M.J. Smith & Phyllis Chilcotte Faux Finishes November Art of Seasons Luncheon December Holiday Party & Officer Installation We always welcome new members. If you know of anyone interested in painting and having fun, please invite them to a meeting. You will receive 25 sand dollars for sponsoring a new member to join the chapter. Our Chapter Supports Several Charities We are always collecting the Labels for Education and mailing books to the troops. As a reminder - paperback books only and nothing with a “racy” cover. In June we will be collecting donations for the animal shelter. Just bring in pet food, kitty litter, paper towels and other pet-related items. In September we will be collecting men’s socks and toiletries for the CTOD. In December, we will be delivering boxes with toiletries to the Women’s Center, as well as collecting for Toys for Tots and contributing to the Sharing Center. Please direct all inquiries regarding Seminars to Darlene Marcotte at: Darlene Marcotte is the seminar chair for BBS information BBS Upcoming Seminars 2014 BBS P.O. Box 763 Mark Menendez – October 17 & 18 Melbourne FL 32902 Attn: Darlene Marcotte, Seminar Chair Answer to – What do you think? Pablo Picasso SUNSHINE REMINDER Please send all Sunshine requests to Judy Severin at For those of you who do not use email; you may call her at 772-581-0782 Treasurer's Report October 2014 INCOME Advertising Chapter Pins Raffle 50/50 Trash to Treasure Membership Dues Special Raffles Seminars Books Sale Workshops - October Workshops Memory Boxes Other Income Cookbooks Sales at National Bank Fee Ways & Means: Monthly Misc. Items Sold June Container Auction June Garden Basket Art of the Seasons November Luncheon November Auction November Raffle Basket Raffle 50/50 Market Place Seed Money Gift Card Tree Income Total Previous Checkbook Balance Plus Income Minus Expenses Current Checkbook Balance CD Interest $ 0.0 EXPENSES $135.00 $1,050.00 $72.00 $30.00 $45.00 Hall Rental Sand Dollars Sunshine Insurance Annual Chapter Service Membership Newsletter Postage & PO Box Rental Memory Boxes President / Officers Workshops & Make-it & Take-it Seminars Cookbook Service Pins Copies & Supplies Refreshments Treasurer (checks) Community Outreach/Service Chapter Pins Other Ways & Means: Raffle Tickets November Auction November Luncheon November Baskets Seed money Program & Paddle Supplies Gift Card Trees June Auction $180.00 $10.30 $187.00 $2396.78 $115.44 $100.00 Miscellaneous Video equip. Storage Website & Maintenance $1,332.00 $8,527.27 $1,332.00 -$2,989.52 $6,869.75 $2,905.58 Expenses Total $2,989.52 WEBSITES TO CHECKOUT by Alise Duerr is the website for Amy Mogish. She has many acrylic and colored pencil designs. Many of her designs have a rich old world look to them. is the website for Steph's Folk Art Studio in Pennsylvania Dutch Country. I have been there and it is a great place to visit and shop. She carries and sells online many patterns from JoSonja Jansen, Karen Hubbard, Holly Hanley, Lynne Andrews and more. Some surfaces are available and you can check out her classes and seminars. - This website by Debbie Cotton has some unique packets with designs for old style cars, tractors and trucks if you are looking for the ornament or item to paint for the man in your life (or you!).
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