CURRICULUM VITAE Elisabet Langmann PERSONAL DETAILS Address: Email: Phone: School of Education, Culture and Communication Mälardalen University, Box 325 631 05 Eskilstuna Sweden +46 16-153475 ACADEMIC EDUCATION 2013 2005 2002 2001 PhD Doctor of Philosophy within the Subject of Education, Örebro University, Sweden BA Bachelor of Arts within the subject of Curriculum Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden MA Master of Education for the Upper Secondary School, Uppsala University, Sweden BA Bachelor of Arts within the subject of Psychology, Uppsala University EMPLOYMENTS 2014-present Senior Lecturer in Education, School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University, Sweden 2013-2014 Senior Lecturer in Education, School of Culture and Education, Södertörn University, Sweden 2006-2013 PhD Student in Education, School of Education, Culture and Communication, Mälardalen University, Sweden 2006 Research Assistant in the project “Learning Democracy” financed by The Swedish Research Council, Department of Social Sciences, Mälardalen University, Sweden (part time) 2006 Junior Lecturer in Education, Department of Social Sciences, Mälardalen University, Sweden (part time) 2005 Junior Lecturer in Education, Stockholm Teacher Collage (part time) 2002-2005 Research Assistant in the project “Steiner Schools in Sweden: An Evaluation”, Faculty of Arts and Education, Karlstad University, Sweden 2001-2002 Upper Secondary School Teacher, Kristofferskolan, Stockholm, Sweden (substitute teacher) ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCES 2014-present Program Coordinator for the Master Degree Program in Curriculum Studies (advanced level), Mälardalen University 2008-2010 Board member of the Academic Appointment Committee in Social Research, Mälardalen University 2007-2010 Board member of the PhD Council, Mälardalen University 2007-2008 Web Administrator for the Academy of Didactics, Mälardalen University and Örebro University 1 TEACHING EXPERIENCES (Education and Teacher Education) 2014-present Education - Its Organisation, Purposes and Content 15 credits Research Methods for Preschool Teachers 7.5 credits Teachers and Counseling 7.5 credits Development Work and Evaluation in Preschool 7.5 credits Undergraduate supervisor and examiner of 6 thesis works within the Teacher Program (Bachelor level) and 3 thesis work within the Headmaster Program (Advanced level). 2013-2014 Critical Pedagogy and Globalization 7.5 credits Introduction to Intercultural Education 7.5 credits Non-discrimination and Norm Critical Pedagogy in Schools 7.5 credits Special Education and Critical Perspectives on Learning and Development 11 credits Classroom Management and Group Psychology 7.5 credits Psychology, Learning and Documentation 6 credits Didactics and Educational Theory for Preschool Teachers 7.5 credits Graduate supervisor and examiner of 8 thesis works within the Teacher Program (Master level) 2006-2010 Teachers Professional Work 7.5 credits Pedagogical Communication in Theory and Practice 7.5 credits Societal Rooms for Learning 15 credits Graduate and undergraduate supervisor of 12 thesis works within the Teacher Program (Master and Bachelor level) 2005 Philosophy of Science and Research Methods 7.5 credits Undergraduate supervisor of 9 thesis works within the Teacher Program (Bachelor level) ACADEMIC ASSIGNMETS External Reviewer midterm PhD seminar, Johannes Rytzler ”Educational Relations and the Formation of Attention”, Mälardalen University 2013-present Editorial Board Utbildning & Demokrati. Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik [Education & Democracy: Journal of Didactics and Educational Politics] 2010-present Board member of Nordic Society for Philosophy of Education 2010 Reviewer for Studies in Philosophy and Education 2009 Reviewer for Journal of Philosophy of Education 2009 Reviewer for Globalisation, Societies and Education 2009 Reviewer for Nordic Studies in Education 2014 Nov. ACADEMIC GRANTS 2008-2009 STINT (The Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education), 100 000 skr (1100 €). During the academic year 2008-2009 I spent 6 month as visiting researcher at the Department of Politics, Queen Mary, University of London, Great Brittan. In collaboration with Lasse Thomassen (senior lecturer in Politics) I conducted a smaller research project on contemporary theories and cases of tolerance. The cases included veils in schools and the notion of tolerance in the school curriculum. RESEARCH GRANTS 2015-2018 VR (The Swedish Research Counsel), 6 million skr (700 000 €). Project title “Lived Values: A Pedagogical-Philosophical Groundwork of the Value Basis in Swedish 2 Schools”. The project is conducted together with Dr. Lovisa Bergdahl (main applicant) and Professor Carl Anders Säfström, Södertörn University. MEMBER OF ACADEMIC ORGANIZATIONS AND RESEARCH GROUPS (present) NERA EERA PES PESGB NNPF ASiP UTSAM Nordic Educational Research Association European Educational Research Association Philosophy of Education Society (USA) Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain Nordic Society for Philosophers of Education Research group on Advanced Studies in Education, Södertörn University, Sweden Research group on Education, Society and Migration, Mälardalen University, Sweden PUBLICATIONS JOURNAL ARTICLES (refereed) Langmann, E. & Månsson, N. (submitted). Förnuftets primat. En problematisering av den normkritiska pedagogiken. [The Primacy of Reason: Questioning the Foundations of Norm Critical Pedagogy]. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige [Educational Research in Sweden]. Langmann, E. (2011). Representational and Territorial Economies in Global Citizenship Education: Welcoming the Other at the Limit of Cosmopolitan Hospitality. Globalisation, Societies and Education, 9 (3-4), 399-409. (Special Issue, edited by Vanessa Andreotti: The Political Economy of Global Citizenship Education). Langmann, E. (2011). Rethinking the Place of Tolerance in Education: Encountering Otherness between Acceptance and Rejection. Nordic Studies of Education, 31 (2), 96-105 (Special Issue, edited by Jørgen Huggler and Torill Strand: Educating the Global Village: Nordic Philosophers of Education on Equal respect, Mutual Recognition and Toleration). Langmann, E. (2011). Welcoming Difference at the Limit of Tolerance Education. In Gert Biesta (ed.), Philosophy of Education 2010, 337-345.Urbana, IL: Philosophy of Education Society. Månsson, N. & Langmann, E. (2010). Facing Ambivalence in Education: A Strange(r’s) Hope? Ethics and Education, 6 (1), 15-25. Langmann, E. (2010). Välkomna (nästan) allihopa! Mellan kategoriserade olikheter och radikal skillnad [Welcome (Almost) Everyone! Encountering Otherness between Social Categories and Radical Difference]. Utbildning & Demokrati. Tidskrift för didaktik och utbildningspolitik, 19 (3), 5771. BOOKS AND BOOK CHAPTERS Langmann, E. (2013). Toleransens pedagogik. En pedagogisk-filosofisk studie av tolerans som en fråga för undervisning. [A Pedagogy of Tolerance: An Educational-Philosophical Study of Tolerance as a Question for Education], PhD Diss. Örebro: Örebro University Press. Langmann, E. (2012). Representational and Territorial Economies in Global Citizenship Education: Welcoming the Other at the Limit of Cosmopolitan Hospitality. In Mark Murphy (ed.), Social Theory and Education Research. Volume II. SAGE Publications. 3 CONFERENCE PAPERS (refereed) Langmann, E. (accepted). My Way to You: How to Make Room for Transformative Communication in Intercultural Education. Paper submitted to PESGB, Oxford, England, March 2015. Langmann, E. & Månsson, N. (2014). On Education, Humanism and Reason: Questioning the Foundations of Norm Critical Pedagogy. Paper presented at NERA, Lillehammer, Norway, March 2014. Langmann, E. (2010). Welcoming Difference at the Limit of Tolerance Education. Paper presented at PES, San Francisco, USA, April 2010. Langmann, E. (2010). Education and the “Liminality” of Tolerance. Paper presented at NERA, Malmö, Sweden, March 2010. Langmann, E. (2009). “Is not Hospitality an Interruption of the Self?”: Welcoming Difference Beyond/In Tolerance Education. Paper presented at ECER, Vienna, Austria, September 2009. Månsson, N. & Langmann E. (2008). Facing Ambivalence in Education: A Strange(r’s) Hope? Paper presented at ECER, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2008. Langmann, E. (2008). Consensus, Conflict and Being. Toward an Ethical Attentiveness to Difference. Workshop paper presented at INPE, Kyoto, Japan, August 2008. Langmann, E. & Månsson, N. (2008). Facing Ambivalence in Education. Paper presented at NERA, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 2008. Langmann, E. (2007). Beyond Tolerance: Living Together in a Pluralistic Society, Paper presented at NERA, Turku, Finland, March 2007 (This paper was written within the research project ”Learning Democracy”, financed by The Swedish Research Council). RESEARCH REPORTS (in Swedish) (These reports were written within the research project “Steiner schools in Sweden: An Evaluation”) Langmann, E., Andersson, C. & Dahlin, B. (2005). I mötet mellan två pedagogiska kulturer. Waldorflärarutbildares, utbildningssamordnares och studerandes uppfattningar om utbildningen Lärarexamen med waldorfprofil. Karlstad: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet. Dahlin, B., Andersson, C. & Langmann, E. (2005). Kunskaper i Svenska, Engelska och Matematik samt attityder till undervisningen i skolår 9. En jämförelse mellan waldorfelever och elever i den kommunala skolan. Karlstad: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet. Dahlin, B., Langmann, E. & Andersson, C. (2004). Waldorfskolor och medborgerligt-moralisk kompetens. En jämförelse mellan waldorfelever och elever i den kommunala skolan. Karlstad: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet. Dahlin, B., Andersson C. & Langmann, E. (2004). Waldorfskolor och segregationsfrågan. En undersökning av ”waldorfföräldrars” sociala och kulturella homogenitet. Karlstad: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet. 4 Dahlin, B., Andersson C. & Langmann, E. (2003). Waldorfelever i högre utbildning. En uppföljningsstudie. Karlstad: Institutionen för utbildningsvetenskap, Karlstads universitet. PEDAGOGICAL AND LANGUAGE QUALIFICATIONS 2010 2009 Course Design, 4 Credits Being a University Lecturer, 2 Credits Languages: Swedish and English fluently; German moderate REFEREES Professor Carl Anders Säfström, School of Education and Culture, Södertörn University, Alfred Nobels allé 7, 141 89 Huddinge, Sweden Email: Phone: +46 8-608 51 54 Professor Sharon Todd, Head of Department of Education, Maynooth University Maynooth University, Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland Email: Phone: + 353 1-708 3466 Professor Moira von Wright Vice-Chancellor of Södertörn University Alfred Nobels allé 7, 141 89 Huddinge, Sweden Email: Phone: +46 8-608 40 00 5
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