C i t y o f E n n is E LECTION I NFORMATION INSIDE Election Overview Street Maintenance CCPD 1 1-2 2 Dates of interest: • Informational Forum on September 23, 2014 beginning at 5:30 p.m. at the Ennis Public Library • Informational Forum on October 9, 2014 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the City Commission Chambers at the Ennis City Hall • Early voting begins on October 20, 2014 • Early voting ends on October 31, 2014 CITYWIDE SALES TAX ELECTION TO BE HELD FOR STREET MAINTENANCE AND CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION DISTRICT FUNDING In July and August, the Ennis City Commission considered and approved a proposal to create the Ennis Crime Control and Prevention District (CCPD) and called for an election for the voters to consider a Street Maintenance Sales Tax. The CCPD is proposed to fund crime control and prevention activities and also provide funding for the development of a police facility. The current facility is nearly 100 years old and has not had significant renovations in many years. Whether a new facility would be constructed or the existing facility upgraded is yet to be determined. The Street Maintenance Sales Tax is proposed to provide funding for maintenance of existing streets. Currently, the City of Ennis tax rate is 7.75% of purchases of taxable items. The maximum that can be charged by cities in the State of Texas is 8.25%. This provides capacity to add .5% to the tax rate. If the two propositions are approved by the voters of Ennis, .25% would fund the CCPD and .25% would fund street maintenance. Each program could receive between $700,000 and $725,000 based on current sales and use tax collection rates. If approved, collection would begin on January 1, 2015. A joint election will be conducted with Ellis County with early voting beginning on October 20, 2014. Early voting will be conducted at the Ellis County Sub-courthouse in Ennis located at 207 South Sonoma Trail in Ennis. Voters may also vote on Election Day during the general election on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. There will be multiple polling places on Election Day and where citizens vote will be determined by their appropriate voting precinct as published by Ellis County. • Election Day is November 4, 2014 • If voters authorize sales tax increase collection will begin on January 1, 2015 S T R E E T M A I N T E N A N C E S A L E S T A X FA Q What is a street maintenance sales tax? State legislation allows municipalities to collect a .25% sales and use tax exclusively for the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing public streets and alleys. The legislation requires voter approval every four years. Based on current collections, approximately $700,000 to $725,000 could be raised to fund street maintenance. What is its purpose? To provide timely and cost-effective rehabilitation and preventive maintenance of public streets within the city limits of Ennis. The goal is to improve mobility and maintain roadways to prevent deterioration and costly rebuilds. How will the money be spent? If approved, 100 percent of every dollar collected (Continued next page) City of Ennis P.O. Box 220 Ennis, Texas 75120 Phone: 972-878-1234 Fax: 972-875-9086 Email: admin@ennistx.gov Find us on the web at www.ennistx.gov The Bluebonnet City will be dedicated to the street maintenance program. This includes crack seal programs on streets to seal the surface and prevent moisture infiltration and deterioration. Asphalt milling and reclamation treatments will be done to build new road bases and street surfaces in several areas of the City. The City of Ennis will develop a pavement management system and an inventory and pavement rating program. This will provide a condition rating for all streets so that improvements can be prioritized accordingly. How would the City of Ennis determine what streets will be maintained or repaired first? The Public Works Department will develop a pavement management system to assess pavement conditions and determine maintenance needs. Once streets are identified for maintenance, coordination would occur with Ennis Water Utilities to ensure water or sewer line work beneath the roadway is completed prior to street maintenance. ENNIS CRIME CONTROL AND PREVENTION D ISTRIC T FREQUEN TLY ASKED QUESTIONS State law permits cities to create Crime Control and Prevention Districts for programs related to crime prevention and to fund them with a local sales and use tax. The Ennis City Commission has proposed creation of a district and an election will be held in November for voters to consider the proposal. What is a Crime Control and Prevention District sales tax? A Crime Control and Prevention District sales tax is a local sales and use tax of .25% that provides supplemental funding to assist local law enforcement in fighting and preventing crime. Who manages the Crime Control and Prevention District? The district is managed by a seven member board appointed by the City Commission. The CCPD Board coordinates with local law enforcement to establish the annual budget, oversee expenditures and evaluate programs funded by the district. What will the Crime Control and Prevention District sales and use tax money be used for? If approved, 100 percent of the collected funds would be used for: 1. An updated police facility. 2. Added personnel targeting crime prevention and drug enforcement. 3. A narcotics detecting canine. 4. Crime prevention and community education programs and equipment. 5. A bike patrol program. 6. Personnel training. 7. Speed Enforcement Equipment. Where will the proposed police facility be located? Initial funding will be utilized to conduct a feasibility study and preliminary design. That information will be utilized to determine the location that is most appropriate for the facility taking into account many factors such as public access, court access, and holding cell access. Also, future needs will be accounted for as Ennis continues to grow. Where can I learn more about Crime Control and Prevention Districts? The Texas Local Government Code Chapter 363 (Crime Control and Prevention District Act) governs all aspects of the CCPD. You can find that by visiting: http:// www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us /Docs/LG/htm/LG.363.htm
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