Lisa Hellman list of publications -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ Article "Espaces d’intersection: Les relations sociales des employés de la Compagnie Suédoise des Indes Orientales à Canton au XVIIIe siècle" [Space for intersections – Social relations in of the employees of the Swedish East India Company in 18th century Canton] in Gérard Le Bouedëc (red) L'Asie, la mer, le monde : le temps des compagnies des Indes, (Presses Universitaires Rennes: 2014) Article "Using China at Home: Knowledge Production and Gender in the Swedish East India Company, 1730-‐1800" in Itinerario (2014 Vol 38 No 1). Article "Ett ensamt skepp på öppet hav? Kopplingar, kontakter och utbyten ombord på svenska ostindiefarare" [A lone ship at open sea? Connections, contacts and exchanges on Swedish East Indiamen] in Historisk tidsskrift [Swedish Journal of History] 2014:3. Article "広州貿易における社会関係 ― スウェーデン東インド会社における 情報のフロー・信頼・空間とジェンダ" [Social relations in the Canton trade – Information flows, trust, space and gender in the Swedish East India Company] in 世界問題研究所紀要第 [The Bulletin of the Institute for World Affairs Kyoto Sangyo University], Nr 28, 2013, translated into Chinese as "广 州贸易的社会关系—瑞典东印度公司的信息流动、信用、空间与性性另" in the anthology 广州十三行与清代中外关系, (Guangzhou:Guangdong Economic Publishing House: 2013). Popular history articles "Att ta med sig en geisha hem" [To bring a geisha back home] and "Drakens färd över havet" [The dragon's journey across the sea] in Svenska Sjömanstatueringar [Swedish sailor's tattoos], (Medströms: 2014). Review Paul Hallberg and Bertil S. Olsson (editors), ”En ostindiefarande fältskärs berättelse : Carl Fredrik Adlers journal från skeppet Prins Carl 1753-‐56 ”, Sjuttonhundratal [Nordic Yearbook for Eighteenth-‐Century Studies], (Uppsala : Sällskapet för 1700-‐talsstudier: 2014). Review Jaap R. Bruijn, "Commanders of Dutch East India Ships in the Eighteenth Century", Forum Navale Nr 70 2014. Review Mathias Persson, "Det nära främmande. Svensk lärdom och politik i en tysk tidning 1753-‐1792" [The proximate other. Swedish erudition and politics in a German journal, 1753–1792] Scandia 2010:2 Review of Petri Karonen (red)"Hopes and Fears for the Future in Early Modern Sweden, 1500–1800", Lychnos 2010. 1 Lisa Hellman Curriculum Vitae Born 1984 in Uddevalla, Sweden. Education -‐ Autumn 2014 guest PhD student at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia, Tokyo University. -‐ Hilary Term 2013, January–April, at Merton College, Oxford University as a guest PhD student, elected in competition with other Swedish students. -‐ September 2011-‐February 2012, guest PhD Candidate at Macao University. -‐ April 2011 spring school in Global History at the German Historical institute in London -‐ July 2010 summer school at the cluster Asia and Europe in a Global Context in Heidelberg University. -‐ February 2010 begun my PhD student at the Uppsala-‐Stockholm Graduate School, and finished all my compulsory courses after the first year. -‐ 2008–2009 studied Asian history at Kyoto University -‐ 2004 Japanese language studies at Nihon University in Tokyo. -‐ 2003–2008 parallel studies at Stockholm and Uppsala University. Studied mainly history and Japanese, but also Central Asian studies, literature, Egyptology, Russian and German. Did my master's degree in history at Uppsala University. -‐ 2003 Graduated from the Uddevalla gymnasium with straight As. Presentations, international presence: -‐ Spring 2015 invited lecturer at department for Language and literature in Gothenburg with the talk "De svenska ostindiefararna i Kanton – vänner, älskare och frimurare” [The Swedish East India travellers in Canton – friends, lovers and freemasons]. Invited lecturer at the 18th century research seminar at Uppsala University. -‐ Autumn 2015 I gave an ASNET lecture at Tokyo university “見えない女性た ち: 18 世紀広州における社会関係と権力構造” [Invisible women: social and power relations in 18th century Canton]. Participated in a Coretocore global network workshop, where I presented my research. Workhsop at IASA Tokyo University -‐ Summer 2015 presented paper at the ENIUGH Global history congress in Paris, at the North Sea history conference in Amsterdam and at the Practices and performances workshop organised by Uppsala university. -‐ Spring 2015 presented the paper "All Those Small Things: the Swedes' Everyday Life in Canton" at the Asian goods conference in Stockholm, -‐ 8 may the. Chaired, discussed and presented my research at the roundtable discussion "Både här och där – tidigmoderna reseberättelser som praktik" 2 -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ -‐ and presented the paper "Svenska Ostindiska Kompaniet i Kina – En kolonial relation" in the session about contextualising Swedish Colonial History at the National Swedish Historians' Summit. Presented the "The Swedish East India Company: gender construction here, there, and in between" at Gendering the sea history workshop at the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich. Invited lecturer on the global 17th century at the Vasa museum. Autumn 2013 Presented a paper art the Conference on private Canton trade Zhongshan University, "Private Merchants of the China Trade 1700 to 1842" Spring 2013 presented paper " All Aboard? Swedish East India Company Ships as Contact Zones " at the conference Being in Transit – Shipboard Travel and its Role in Nineteenth-‐Century Globalization 4-‐6 April 2013, Heidelberg University, Germany, and the paper "Men to trust? Sweden East India Company employees in 18th century Canton" at Porto-‐Stockholm Workshop of maritime history. Spring 2013 I presented my research at St. Anne's college, Oxford, at the Maritime seminar, Trinity Hall, Cambridge, and for the research group " Europe’s Asian Centuries" at Warwick University. Autumn 2012 presented papers at a Stockholm Gender academy and at a global 18th century conference in Uppsala, and at the PhD seminar in Stockholm. Summer 2012 presented papers at the Centre for Maritime Studies, at the Maritime History Congress in Gent and at a Conference on the Asia-‐Pacific Maritime World at Heidelberg University. Spring 2012 invited lecturer at Hong Kong City University and at the Global History Seminar at Åbo Akademi. Presented papers at a Workshop of maritime history at Porto University, and at the PhD seminar in Stockholm. Organised, chaired and participated in a roundtable on Asian port cities at the Association for Asian World Historians in Seoul. Autumn 2011 presented paper at conference for "The Thirteen Hongs and Sino-‐Western Relations in the Qing dynasty," Guangzhou University, and participated in "International Conference On Cross-‐cultural Studies: China and the world" at Hong Kong city university. Summer 2011 participated in the workshop "Early modern Eurasia and writing new world history" at the Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia at Tokyo University, and presented the paper "Is it a small world after all? The Swedish East India Company in 18th century Canton," at the Nordic Historians' Summit in Tromsö. Spring 2011 presented paper at a Workshop at the Matteo Ricci Institute in Macao, at the spring school "Connected Histories or a History of Connections", and attended Congress on World and Global History at London School of Economics. At the Sweden's Historians' Summit I participated in one panel on early modern masculinity and one on maritime history. 3 -‐ -‐ Autumn 2010 presented papers at the research seminar at the Institution for Ethnology at Stockholm University, the Centre of Maritime Studies, and at a 18th century Masculinity seminar at Uppsala University. Spring 2010 presented my research plan at the universities of Uppsala, Stockholm and Heidelberg. Teaching: -‐ Spring 2014-‐Spring 2015 gave undergraduate lectures on Chinese history and post-‐colonialism at Uppsala University. -‐ Spring 2012–Autumn 2013 every semester I put together and taught an undergraduate course on global history. Taught part of the Maritime History course 'Sweden from the seaside'. -‐ 2010–2014 supervised 2–4 Bachelor’s theses per semester, and some second semester-‐students. -‐ Autumn 2013 lectured on Gender & sexuality at the undergraduate course in Japanese history, Stockholm University. -‐ March 2013 lectured on Gender perspective on the global 18th century, as part of the Global 18th century course at Uppsala University. -‐ March 2011 lectured on ’The Industry of Experiences’ [Upplevelseindustrin], undergraduate course, on the history of tourism. Extracurricular activities and administrative experience -‐ Spring 2014-‐Spring 2015 part of the organising group behind an exhibition on Swedish 18th century intercultural encounters at the Maritime Museum in Stockholm. -‐ Wrote two articles in popular history book about tattoos, published at Medströms 2014. -‐ Autumn 2012–Autumn 2013 was part of the research group behind the large Global history exhibition "Meanwhile" at the Vasa Museum in Stockholm, holding lecture, wrote backgrounds texts and put together maps and visual representations. -‐ Organised joint maritime workshop for PhDs and postdoc Porto/Stockholm 22 of March 2013 -‐ Filmed a show on Swedish local history which were broadcasted as four one-‐ hour shows on SVT1 (Swedish State TV) in February 2013. -‐ 2012–2013 Phd student representative at the committe for the Graduate school Uppsala-‐Stockholm. Organised two conferences for the graduate school, in November 2012 and in April 2013. -‐ 2010–2011 Vice Chairman of the PhD Students Council and student representative at the Board of the Faculty of Humanities and to the Board of the Centre of Maritime Studies. -‐ 2005–2008 I was active in a number of boards and groups at Uppsala University, among others Chairman for the Student ́s Faculty Board, student 4 representative to the Board of the Department of History, the Faculty recruitment group, Uppsala University Faculty Board and the Academic Senate. Scholarships, prizes -‐ 2014 Scholarship from the foundation for Japanese studies, Olle Engkvist Byggmästares foundation, Gull and Stellan Ljungbergs foundation, Gertrude and Ivar Philipsons foundation. -‐ 2012 Scholarship from Gad and Birgit Rausing and Sven och Dagmar Saléns Stiftelse. -‐ 2012 Ödlund och Kinanders scholarship for international research -‐ 2011 Scholarship from the Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education for going 6 months to Macao -‐ 2011 The foundation for Japanese studies, for a two week visit to Tokyo -‐ 2010 Gad and Birgit Rausings international scholarship for intercultural studies -‐ 2008 Sweden–Japan foundation for studying at Kyoto University -‐ 2007 Geijers, E. G. for studies in History -‐ 2005-‐2007 Nesselii scholarship for undergraduate studies in Uppsala 5
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