S T partan imes

S pa rta n T i m e s
Principals Message
Dear Arcade Families,
We pride ourselves at Arcade on creating an
atmosphere where students feel safe and engaged in their learning. Evidence of this can
be found by watching students smiling in the
hallways and by our low absence rate. Even
though we know this to be true, it is nice to get
validation by visitors of Arcade.
In the past month we have been visited by a
school board member, a community member,
and a teacher from another middle school.
Each of these folks made many positive comments about Arcade, but the thing that most
impressed each of our guests was how happy
our students were and how much our teachers
cared about their students. In addition, substitute teachers commonly share with us that
this is the calmest school they have worked
Receiving compliments such as these is valid
evidence that staff, parents, and students are
doing the right things to ensure our students
can be successful. As they say, it takes a village to raise a child. Thank you for being part
of our village!
Have a great month,
Steve Hunt
Steve Hunt, Principal
3500 Edison ave, Sacramento, CA
PTO News
Hi Arcade Families,
Wow… what a fun and busy month our kids just had in October! The
first trimester has gone by so fast and our students have settled in to a
wonderful new school year. October 10 was this year’s first Glow Bowl
Event at Country Club Lanes on Watt Avenue. The kids had a blast
bowling with their friends. On October 13, many of our Band students
played for our School Board, along with the El Camino HS and Deterding Elementary School Bands. This was a fun and unique experience
for our students.
October 24 capped off the month with our amazing Sports-O-Rama,
led by our Student Government students. Arcade students got into the
spirit as they entered the Gym at Mira Loma HS with our Bands blasting
spirited Pep Music, getting everyone excited for the night’s competition.
A special recognition goes out to Arianna Ong who sang a beautiful
rendition of our National Anthem to get the evening festivities started.
Our kids all had fun competing on teams with their classmates, building
teamwork and trust amongst students. While the results were close,
the 8th graders prevailed and won the overall competition… congratulations 8th graders!!
Arcade is an open enrollment school, parents choose to send their
students to our great school. If you know elementary parents looking
for a great school to send their Middle School student, let them know
that our Information Night is coming up on Thursday, December 4 at
6:30pm, with Visitation Days to follow. Our next PTO meeting is on
Tuesday, November 4 at 6:00pm in the school office. There will be no
PTO meeting in December. Have a wonderful month!
Thank you,
Susan Foondos
NE E!!
Arcade Game Day coming soon…
Attention all Arcade Students
Arcade’s first Game Day will be on
Thursday, November 20th
1:30pm - 3:00pm
Arcade Campus
Permission Slips will be going home with students
at the beginning of November.
$5 per student
(The infamous Rock Wall will be there for extra fun!)
Arcade Information Night
Calendar of Events
PTO Meeting 6:00pm
Fall Music Concert 7-9pm
No School - Veterans Day
School Dance - 7-9pm
Progress Reports distributed
School Site Council Meeting - 2:45
Restaurant Night -Skips Kitchen
Game Day - 1:30-3pm Arcade Campus
Thanksgiving Break - No School
Skate Night 6:30-8:30 Foothill Skate
End of Second Quarter/First Semester
22-Jan 5Winter Break - No School
Arcade Sports News
Many of our students have found Arcade sports teams, sponsored by
Mission Oaks Recreation and Parks District.
Congratulations to our Flag Football and Volleyball Teams!
Good luck to our Girls Basketball teams, their season begins
November 3.
If your son is interested in the “Arcade” Basketball, team registration will
begin in November.
Track & Field coming in Spring.
Please visit http://www.morpd.com. Check this website for future
athletic teams representing Arcade and show your Spartan Pride!
Student Government News
Arcade Fundamental Middle School will have Information Night for
prospective families. This is a perfect time for our new prospective
incoming families to learn more about the amazing programs at our
school. We will give school tours on Visitation Days.
Information Night: Wednesday, December 4 at 6:30pm
Visitation Days: December 8,9 & 19
Open Enrollment News for Incoming Freshman
Attention Arcade 8th Grade Students and Parents
Open Enrollment for the 2015/2016 school year will be December 8
through January 16th. You should receive a letter from the district stating in what high school boundaries you reside. If you want to attend a
school that is not your resident school, you will need to open enroll.
El Camino Hight School: All students interested in attending El
Camino High School must open enroll. El Camino HS will have their
Information Night on Wednesday, November 19 at 6:30pm. Visitation
Days are the following days on November 20th & 21st. No appointment necessary. Rio Americano High School: Rio will be holding their
Information Night on Wednesday, November 5 at 7:00pm. Visitation
Days will be held on December 2nd and 3rd. You must sign up online
for tours.
Mira Loma High School: The Mira Loma Staff would like to invite all
8th graders and their parents to our information night on Thursday, November 6, at 7:00 in the large gym. We will present information about
our International Baccalaureate, International Studies and Passport
programs. You and your 8th grader can attend a visitation day on:
December 9 & January 21.
For questions about International Baccalaureate, email Jeannine Hall
at jhall@sanjuan.edu.
For information about the International Studies Program, email Mike
Linback at michael.linback@sanjuan.edu
Please visit the Mira Loma web page for more information on our
programs. Go to http://www.sanjuan.edu/miraloma, pull down “Students
and Families” and find the program that interests you. We look forward
to meeting you on Thursday, November 6, 2014!
For other high schools, please check their websites for more information.
November is here, and student government is busier than ever! We
have begun preparing for our upcoming dance on November 14th. We
have chosen the theme “Enchanted Forest”, a mystical land filled with
otherworldly creatures and magic! We have been working very hard to
make this dance the best it can be for the many 7th and 8th graders
who we hope will be attending.
In addition, on November 4th, El Camino will be paying a special visit to
our school. The EC Student Government will put on a “high school type
of rally” for our 8th graders. This concludes the student government
news for November, have a great month!
Dance Snack Shack News
Hello, Arcade families. The next dance for the 7th and 8th graders is
scheduled for November 14th in the MP room from 7-9. I will send out
an email to my list of volunteers the first week of November. The first
3 to respond will be in. If you would like your name added to my list
please email me at tjpsmith@pacbell.net. Thank you!
Box Tops News
Hello Arcade parents and students,
Please remember to send in your Box Tops for Education.
This is an easy way to earn cash for your school! Box Tops are like
dimes in disguise for your school!
Don’t toss ‘em - clip ‘em. Clipping is easy…..look for the pink Box Tops
on hundreds of participating products you know and love. In fact you
may have some in your home right now.
You can put them in a little baggie with your student’s name on it and
send them to school. Prized are given away for those that send in the
Thank you for your support.
1st Quarter Silver Card Winners
The students listed below have received All O’s in citizenship on their
1st Quarter Report Card. Congratulations!
Arcade Art!
We have amazing
Art! talent at Arcade this year!
Students have already
their abilities
paper Students
projects. Their
have amazing
talent inatshading
batik~wax and dye on large coffee filters~is beautiful! They took great care with
in shading
projects. Their
the details. Wetheir
are currently
on drawing
with batik~wax
and they are
Art students
put great
in a pathway
by ourthe
door to keep
out this working
winter! Great
care with
We the
on drawing
Great art~
with one-point perspective and they are turning out quite nicely.
Mrs. Burnett
Art students also volunteered to put in a pathway by our back door to
keep the mud out this winter! Great kids. Great art~
Mrs. Burnett
Team Infinity News
November is a short month in terms of school days as there are only 13
days of school due to holidays. We will be looking at the United States
Constitution and the Bill of Rights during the month of November. There
is a field trip for Infinity students on Nov. 19 to the Exploratorium in San
Francisco. Progress reports for the 2nd Quarter go home on Tuesday,
Nov. 18.
Music Department Calendar:
Pep Band needed for “Run Because You Can” event. 8:00 -
10:00 am.
Fall Music Concert – Multipurpose room, 7-9 pm, - Int, Adv, Jazz, Choir
7 Playathon at RAHS. Optional for all band kids. 3:30-
Advanced Band and Choir join ECHS band at football game, ECHS, 6:30 pm
Skip’s Restaurant Night - Music fundraiser - See flyer!
Honor Band Applications/recordings due
Valley Oaks School Visits Arcade Int. Band - during school hours
Adv. Band to Apple Ridge - during school hours
Choir to Apple Ridge - during school hours
Int band plays for Little Buddies - during school hours
Does your student still need to earn community service hours for this
school year?
Deterding Resources for Education, Arts & Music (DREAM) needs student and/or parent volunteers to help with our Fall Festival on Sunday,
November 2, 2014 from 11 am - 3 pm at Deterding Elementary School,
6000 Stanley Avenue, Carmichael.
Volunteers are needed to setup, work booths, face paint, serve food,
and more. If you choose to work the day at the festival, you could earn
up to 6 hours of community service. This is a fun event to work and/
or attend. The festival raises money to pay for the arts & education
programs at Deterding Elementary School.
You can sign-up for shifts online at http://www.deterding.org/events/
fall-festival/volunteer/ or send an email to info@deterding.org.
Thank you,
Tammy Chabino
6th grade
Kelly Cazares
Qu’Yerra Moore
Nathan Ruiz
Emma Santiago
Jesus Tapia
Noah Yang
Primavera Zamora
7th grade
Matthew Borin
Sayola Palacios
Darrin Piotrowski
Adriana Wind-Kalinowski
8th grade
Julian Borba
Ethan Clark
Weiland Henry
Hunter Isaacs
Jaspreet Sodhi
Kyla Tomlin
Christian Villaluz
Tyler West
Joshua White
1st Quarter Gold Card Winners
The students listed below have received a 3.5 or greater GPA and All
O’s in citizenship on their 1st Quarter Report Card. Congratulations!
6th grade
Sara Altamimi
Liubomir Baicev
Kayden Bates
Jakelyn Cornejo
Samuel Darmogray
Gavin Dolce
Rakira Duncombe
Christian Escobar
Jillian Friedman
Abigail Kappes
Doston Khudoyberganov
Elvina Kurtsieitova
Moses Mendoza
Luna Morales Fernandez
Gabriella Muzquiz
Evelyn Navarrete Mendez
Henry Newman
Laura Nolan
Elijah Noriega
Katie NOrlie
Maxim Orlov
Miles Pearson
Daniel Ruiz
Donald Shelters
Elizabeth Thompson
Jenny Valadez-Robledo
Noor Zahra
7th grade
Leandro Acevedo
Elia Allen
Tessa Auer
Caila Mareese Banagan
Erin Barrett
Sophia Bartridge
Kelli Belt
Hannah Benavides
Delany Brock
Veronica Brutski
Nathan Burnett
Leila Burns
Zane Chabino
Olga Cisneros
Conner Cobabe
Elliana Cockrum
Emaline Craig
Zachary Day
Bailey Dennis
Nathan Doegey
Elizabeth Doroshuk
Nicholas Edwards
Sarah Enos
Natalie Galyean
Gianna Giacomotto
Jordyn Hartranft
Alexandria Henry
Haiden Henry
Alexis Hensley
Avery Hulse
Anna Jewell
Heidi Johnson
Caitlin Jordan
Tuesday Kendrick
Dmitra Kentera
Vivian Koroi
Diana Kravets
Ekaterina Krivtsova
Jake Lillie
Matthew Lillie
Briana Lilly
Aidan Logan
Alyona Loguntsova
Rafla Mahdi
Jonoro Mardonova
Carly Martinez
Abigail Mc Lean
Paulina McWalters
Damon Moore
Emanuela Mudrenco
Andrew Nelson
Maggie Olafsson
Sadie Peterson
Micah Potratz
Alexis Quinteros
Brianna Shiu
Cole Simmons
Norena Smith
Teagan Smith
Mansi Sodhi
Madeline Stephens
Julia Tsvor
Matthew Vitullo
Olga Yashlavskiy
8th grade
Mariam Abbas
Sara Abbas
Sarah Abegglen
Noor Al-Saegh
Olivia Armstrong
Nathaniel Atkins
Tayler Ayin
Zainab Bahia
Emma Bak
Alyssa Barnes
Kody Bates
Giana Batozech
Raena Begley
Leila Belamamoun
Samuel Black
Alina Boyko
Kayla Burns
Joel Callison
Gabriel Carino
Sydney Carson
Ethan Case
Courtney Cavender
Reilly Chabino
Christopher Chang
Sarah Chaves
Matthew Chilimidos
Anna Chriss
Carlin Coulam
Brendan Cushing
Benjamin Dahlberg
Daniel Dahlberg
Michael Donoghue
Ava Dudzik
Raquintia Duncombe
Sydney Eddenfield
Briana Edvalson
Gabriel Elazier
Alondra Escobedo
Dylan Farrell
Casey Fowler
Julian Girton
Stephanie Glaser
Viktoriya Gomeniuk
Alejandro Gomez
Natalie Groom
Maria Guerra
Catherine Haley
Cora Heffernan
Delaney Hefler
Gabriel Held
Noah Herfurth
Helen Hoffart
Mahsa Hooshidary
Taylor Huit
Siena Illa
Chase Johns
Lacy Johnson
Megan Karle
Nicholas Kasparian
Benjamin Keefer
Mckenna Kelsey
Lejla Kitovnica
Lulu Kocina
Ethan Kruithof
Angela Larsen
Jacob Lee
Terrence Lee
Uladzimir Liashchynski
Dylan Lillie
Alec Londeree
Malena Maldonado
Kylie McClary
Graham McColl
Abigail Mendoza
Sean Miller
Emma Minter
Sophie Minter
Hana Moyle
Sylvan Myers
Morgan Nelson
Cherry Chi Nguyen
Hy Nguyen
Haley Norlie
Alanna O’Neill
Arianna Ong
Sayra Denise Orozco
Viral Parmar
Teodora Petrovic
Emma Phoenix
Ashley Poole
Tony Ramirez
Sarah Reade
David Reboin
Claire Rouse
Max Rybarczyk
Kenneth Santiago
Gema Serrano
Nicoleta Simon
Samuel Smith
Sarah Smith
Zacharey Smith
Mariah Smylie
Joshua Stevenson
Mackenzie Stroud
Isabella Talaska
Joshua Tateishi
Keri Tokuhama
Sarah Tomlinson
Andrew Tracy
Sweet Villaluz
Nathan Vorhes
Quinn Vote
Emily Wade
Hayden Wahlquist
Lois Yang
Marah Yousif
Great job everyone!
A Fun Night to Remember... Sports-ARama at Mira Loma
...a fun time was had by all!
PTO Board Members
President - Susan Foondos (sfoondos@me.com)
Vice President - Leigh Osterhage (oster4420@gmail.com)
Treasurer - Diane Moyle (moyle@yahoo.com)
Secretary - Milena Kentera (mkentera@hotmail.com)
Auditor - Kathleen Sutton (kathleen5584@gmail.com)
Board of Education
Lucinda Luttgen, President
Pam Costa, Vice President
Saul Hernandez, Clerk
Greg Paulo, Member
Larry Masuoka, D.M.D., Member
Superintendent’s Cabinet
Kent Kern, Superintendent of Schools
TBD, Associate Superintendent, Schools and Student Support
Kent Stephens, Chief Financial Officer
Linda C.T. Simlick, J.D., General Counsel
Paul Oropallo, Acting Assistant Superintendent, Human Resources
Donna O’Neil, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services
TBD, Acting Assistant Superintendent, Elementary Education
Rick Messer, Acting Assistant Superintendent, Secondary Education
Trent J. Allen, Senior Director, Community Relations
TBD, Senior Director, Facilities, Maintenance, and Transportation
Carl Fahle, Senior Director, Technology
Jim Shoemake, Senior Director, Labor and Employee Relations
and Arcade Middle School invites you to our
donation night benefiting
Arcade Middle School’s Music Program.
That night, Skip’s Kitchen will donate 15% of
their sales to our cause.
So, come in November 18th
from 3-9 p.m.
You must present this flyer (electronic or paper) in
order to receive the donation.
Skip’s Kitchen is
located at 4717 El
Camino Ave. (near
Mission Ave.)
Order online @ skipskitchen.com and receive an extra $2.00 donation!!