The Current November 2014 Po Box 663 Jamestown, NY 14702-0663 great member experience. Nobody does it better than we do at MBCC, and we really can't stress how important it is that we all pull together to support the club Every month as I sit down to write the letter to the and enjoy our facilities for our parties or for a great membership, I try in vain to come up with a topic more dining experience anytime. interesting to open with than the current weather. This month, I can't help myself since the fall season that Planning continues as our Budget Committee and we've all been lucky enough to enjoy has been spec- management team work to finalize the budget for the tacular. With snow in the forecast, here's wishing all coming year. 2014 has been a year that has brought of our golfing members a few more rounds to enjoy many changes and with it some challenges. Through with friends before old man winter knocks down au- all the changes, our membership remains strong and I am confident that we will continue to experience imtumn's door. provements in our golf course, the service and quality Last Saturday over 100 members and guests joined of the experience in our house, and the overall value of together to celebrate the rich history and the bright what it means to be a member of Moon Brook Country future of Moon Brook Country Club at the President's Club. Ball. It was a night that my family and I will never forget and that we were honored to be a part of. Con- Lastly, I’m pleased to announce that the board has gratulations and a special thank you to our outgoing unanimously elected Randy Ordines to be next year’s Directors, Ben Toter and Brian Martin, for all of their President of MBCC. Randy brings a passion for the hard work and dedication to the club over the last three club that is unparalleled and I know he will be an outyears. Also, a special thank you to our General Man- standing advocate for the membership as the board ager, Sasha Wakefield, and the house staff for throw- continues to work to make Moon Brook the gem in our community that it has been for nearly 100 years. ing an outstanding party! PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE See you at the Club! Speaking of parties….I'd like to encourage everyone to consider Moon Brook as you plan that special event for your family, friends or co-workers. If you’ve visited the club for lunch or dinner lately, you’ve probably noticed quite a few new faces (more on this from Sasha in her letter). Please extend to all our new staff a kind Moon Brook welcome as they are excited to be here and they look forward to providing you with a Hans P. Auer President Moon Brook Country Club Office ……………………………………………………..484-1787 Dining Room………………………………………………661-9350 Pro Shop …………………………………………………..484-1720 Greens Superintendent……………...……… …………….484-9254 Swimming Pool …………………………... ……………..488-1097 Fax Number ………………………………………………661-9351 E-Mail …………………………………… General Manager……………….…………………..Sasha Wakefield Greens Superintendent …………….………………....Howard Ellis Golf Professional ……………………………...……….Mike Kaye THE CURRENT “The Current” is a monthly publication of Moon Brook Country Club. It is sent the first of each month with the news of upcoming events, the social calendar, dining room specials, and reports of what has happened in the previous month. Any articles of information to be included in the next newsletter must be submitted to the Office before the 20th of the month prior to the mailing. Please be aware of the deadline (the 20th). Any information submitted after that date cannot be sent out until the following month. 1 WELCOME HOUSE MINIMUM REMINDER Just a reminder that the last quarter of House Minimum for this year must be used by November 30, 2014 We would like to take this opportunity to welcome the following new members to Moon Brook Country Club: Name Class Richard & Carol Dixon Dr. William Begalla A D Moon Brook Women’s Association “Strong Women” Dinner Thursday November 20, 2014 Ladies, we have a spectacular evening planned for you. Start the holiday season off right with a night of fantastic food & fellowship at Moon Brook. CHRISTMAS PARTIES The price is only $40.00 per person (plus tax & gratuity). Invite a guest (or more) and call 484-1787 to reserve your table. Please RSVP by November 17th. Planning a get together for the Holiday Season? How about having it at Moon Brook? We still have a few openings left. We will be happy to accommodate any size group up to 240 people. Please contact Sasha Wakefield at 484-1787, she will be happy to assist you in planning your Holiday Event ! 2015 Yearbook We are in the process of updating our files for the Directory in the Yearbook. If you have any changes in telephone numbers, either at home or work, please notify Happy Holidays ! 2 Clubhouse News Upcoming Events Once again the cold weather is creeping up on us and the golf season is coming to an end. We encourage you to use Moon Brook in November and December for Lunch, Dinner and Holiday Parties. November Women’s Association Empowering Women Thursday, November 20th Stop in and get to know our staff. We have Tiarra and Lindsey behind the bar ready to serve you a cocktail to unwind after a long day, with our complimentary house made parmesan chips. If you need a little more than chips please check out our Bar Snacks Menu. Available all day. December Tom & Jerry Brunch Sunday, December 21st Breakfast with Santa Saturday, December 14th We have got you covered at the bar, but lets not forget about the ladies in the dining room, Cindal, Jackie, Cindy, Jenna, Stacy, Tracy and Alyvia. They are all ready to help bring you into the Holiday Spirit by serving you a wonderful Moon Brook dinner with family and friends. GREENS & GROUNDS We are open for lunch 11:30 Tuesday With the growing season over, it is time to prepare the golf course for winter. thru Friday and Dinner from 5:00 to 9:00 Tuesdays thru Saturdays. (Closed The irrigation system and the bathrooms were winSundays & Mondays) terized the last week of October. I know that you have many choices when it comes to dining out. I want you to know that The leaves continue to fall, and we will mulch we are committed to making Moon Brook CC the them as long as conditions permit to make clean up easier in the spring. All surfaces will be treated place you think of first. with plant protectants at the latest possible time to If there is anything I can do to enhance prevent winter diseases, and the greens will be your dining experience, Please do not hesitate to heavily topdressed with sand to ensure smoothness bring it to my attention. Remember your feedback in the spring. is always The golf course will remain open for play throughappreciated. out the winter. Please use the teeing areas desig“One of the real joys of the Holiday Season nated by the silver markers on the white tee boxes. is the opportunity to say Thank You and The seniors and ladies should use the front of their wish everyone the very best this Holiday Season” respective teeing areas. Signs will be placed on #1 tee and #10 tee on days that special rules are necessary. Thank You, Sasha Wakefield General Manager Thank You Howard C. Ellis, CGCS 3 From the Golf Shop… MOTORIZED ELECTRIC PULL CARTS MUST BE REMOVED FROM STORAGE NOW. IT IS BEST TO STORE THEM IN A DRY AREA WITH TEMPS OF 40 DEGREES OR MORE. YOUR BATTERIES SHOULD BE CHARGED AND PLACED OFF OF THE FLOOR. We will be officially open through Saturday, November 15th. Hopefully the weather will allow us to have an extended golf season and play well into December. If the weather is nice there is a good chance the carts will be running. Call the proshop to check on the status of carts for the day and either someone will answer or a recording will let you know if they are running or not. The range will remain open through November 15th but we will be using the mats for the rest of the season. Remember the New York State Golf Association’s season to post scores is from April 15th until October 31st. Rounds played at Moon Brook CC are only posted during this period and are not posted from Nov 1st until April 14th. Anyone storing their electric carts should pick them up soon and store them in a warm location for the winter. Your fully charged batteries need to be stored in an area that is 50 degrees or warmer. Clubs may be left for the winter but remember they are sometimes difficult to get at the last minute when we are closed. If you play “late” season golf or are traveling, please pick them up on or before November 15th. 2014 Holes in One 03/26/2014 5/19/2014 5/28/2014 6/09/2014 6/16/2014 8/26/2014 9/19/2014 10/7/2014 Greg Smith Sue Manitta John Deppas Salim Sarvaiya John Deppas Chuck Brininger Jason Stronz Ed Shults FL #8 #13 #13 #13 #4 NY # 17 Please call the shop to report all Hole’s in One made during our off season. 4 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed - 2 3 Club House Closed 9 16 11 Club House Closed Club House Closed 30 Club House Closed 12 18 19 25 Club House Closed 7 Club House Closed for Dinner Private Event Sat 1 CLOSED FOR LUNCH 8 GRILLED PORK W/ FIRE ROASTED APPLE 13 14 CLOSED FOR LUNCH 15 BRUSCHETTE GROUPER PASTA NIGHT Club House Closed 24 6 TENDERLOIN CAPRESE SANDWICH PASTA NIGHT Club House Closed 17 23 5 PASTA NIGHT Club House Closed Club House Closed Fri Dining Room Hours Lunch : Tuesday - Friday 11:30 a.m. Dinner : Tuesday - Saturday 5:00 - 9:00 4 10 Thu 26 CLOSED FOR LUNCH 20 21 Ladies Dinner Party Regular Dinner Service in Men’s Grill 22 27 29 CLOSED FOR THANKSGIVING 28 CLOSED FOR LUNCH STUFFED CHICKEN CLOSED FOR LUNCH
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