City of Geneseo Agenda for City Council Meeting November 11, 2014, 6:00 PM Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, IL 61254 I. Pledge of Allegiance II. Roll Call III. Chamber of Commerce Report IV. City Engineer Report by Greg Ryckaert V. VI. VII. Proclamation – National American Indian Heritage Month Mayoral Comments Consent Agenda a. Approval of Minutes of the City Council Meeting on October 14, 2014. b. Approval of Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting from October 28, 2014. c. Approval of Minutes of the Special City Council Meeting on October 20, 2014. VIII. IX. Public Comment will be requested throughout meeting. Other Business a. Consideration of ordinance O-14-124 Amending the City Code regarding Solicitor’s Permits. b. Roll Call needed for Ordinance O-14-115 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bond 2007A for property tax abatement. c. Roll Call needed for Ordinance O-14-116 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bond 2013 for property tax abatement. 1 d. Consideration of Ordinance O-14-117, 2014 Tax Levy Ordinance for the City of Geneseo, Illinois for the Fiscal Year Beginning July 1, 2015 and Ending June 30, 2016. e. Cancellation of December Committee of the Whole meeting due to the holiday schedule. f. Consideration of Resolution R-14-110 Declaring as surplus six acres adjacent to Richmond Hill Park owned by the City and authorizing Director Rice to obtain an appraisal. g. Consideration of Ordinance O-14-122, An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 1936 Pertaining to Electric Use Regulations. h. Consideration of Ordinance O-14-114, An Ordinance Authorizing the use and operation of Low-Speed Vehicles on City Streets. i. Consideration of Resolution R-14-109 Authorizing Agent Jill Laingen to be the IMRF Authorized Agent. j. Consideration of Memorandum of Understanding between IBEW Water/Sewer and the City for a 1 year contract extension. k. Consideration to Approve Sponsoring a Lighted Float for the Christmas Parade at the $600 level, funded by GMU. l. Consideration to allow Director Rice to obtain quotes for engineering for a South State Street Pedestrian Bridge. m. Consideration of Ordinance O-14-123 Creating a PUD Overlay District and approving a re-platting of the Double S Subdivision for Lots 5,6,7 and 8. n. Consideration of an Amendment to the Park Shelter Reservation Agreement with regard to Liability Insurance. o. Consideration of Authorization to Waive Bidding Requirements and Solicit Quotes for Replacement or Overhaul of a Failed Wastewater Plant Pump. p. Consideration of Resolution R-14-111 Authorizing an agreement with the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation accepting a $1 Million Solar Energy Project Grant. This is the first step for the Project, with further Council approvals to be requested 2 for solicitation of funding and approval of bids to complete the proposed 1 MW solar energy project. q. Consideration to approve a request for a HCOD new signage review from Goodwill Industries. r. Consideration to approve a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness from M&B Supply to resurface the north side of their building at 208 W. First Street. X. XI. XII. Bills for the month of October. Public Comment Adjournment 3 City of Geneseo PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, the history and culture of our great nation have been significantly influenced by American Indians and indigenous peoples; and WHEREAS, the contributions of American Indians have enhanced the freedom, prosperity, and greatness of America today, and WHEREAS, their customs and traditions are respected and celebrated as part of a rich legacy throughout the United States; and WHEREAS, Native American Awareness Week began in 1976 and recognition was expanded by Congress and approved by President George Bush in August 1990, designating the month of November as National American Heritage Month; and WHEREAS, in honor of National American Indian Heritage Month, community celebrations as well as numerous cultural, artistic, educational and historical activities have been planned; NOW THEREFORE, I Nadine Palmgren, by virtue of the authority vested in me as Mayor of The City of Geneseo do hereby proclaim November as the National American Indian Heritage Month, in the State of Illinois, and urge all our citizens to observe this month with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City of Geneseo to be affixed this 11th day of November, the year of our Lord two thousand and fourteen. _____________________________ Mayor for the City of Geneseo 4 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday, October 14, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 5:59 PM. Aldermen Bob Wachtel, Doug Crow, Keith Kennett, Jason Robinson, Howard Beck, James Roodhouse and Justin Snodgrass were in attendance. Carl Freeman was absent. Also in attendance were, Deputy City Clerk Jill Laingen, Directors Opsal, Rice, Chief Piotrowski, Building Inspector Rick Mills, City Accountant Karen Brandau the press, and various audience members. RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES Mayor Palmgren recognized City employee Vince Newton as State Illinois Water Operator of the Year Runner Up. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber Director Ronnie Perrine reported that October 21st Witch’s Night Out would feature a Fareway 4 Minute Grocery Grab and on the 25th Bootiful Saturday Trick or Treating at downtown retailers. She also reported that there are 12 windows so far for the Christmas Walk. To view a complete list of Chamber events go to CITY ENGINEERING He will address items later in the meeting. MAYORAL COMMENTS Mayor Palmgren congratulated the Green Machine on their 51 game winning season. CONSENT AGENDA Mayor Palmgren asked for a motion to accept the consent agenda as written. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Voice Vote. 7Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. CONSIDERATION OF REIMBURSEMENT OF EXPENSES INCURRED BY HOMEOWNER AT 325 N. ALDRICH STREET DUE TO NO SEWER HOOK UP The sewer hook-up at 325 N. Aldrich has been fixed. It was decided to reimburse the owners for damages and labor only in the amount of $4,078.00. Motion by Crow, second by Beck to reimburse the expenses incurred by homeowner at 325 N. Aldrich in the amount of $4,078.00. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 0 Nays. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. 5 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE REVENUE BOND 2007A PROPERTY TAX ABATEMENT ORDINANCE O-14-115. City Accountant Karen Brandau reported that this has already been paid and we don’t need to levy for it. Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to pass ordinance O-14-115 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bond 2007A Property Tax Abatement. VOICE VOTE. 7AYES. 0 NAYS. 1 ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE REVENUE BOND 2013 O-14-116. This also doesn’t need to be levied for. Motion by Beck, Second by Roodhouse to pass ordinance O-14-116 General Obligation Alternate Revenue Bond 2013 O-14-116. VOICE VOTE. 7AYES. 0 NAYS. 1 ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. CONSIDERATION OF HENRY COUNTY TOURISM ANNUAL SUPPORT IN THE AMOUNT OF $7,500.00. This has been budgeted for. Motion by Snodgrass, second by Robinson to approve the annual support for Henry County Tourism in the amount of $7,500.00. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF A TENTATIVE TAX LEVY ORDINANCE O-14-117. It was reported that there was no change from the presentation at the September Committee of the Whole meeting. Council members requested more information on the numbers on employee retirement and Alderman Beck requested more information on truth and taxation, and full obligation. It is requested that this item be moved to the Committee of the Whole for additional discussion. Motion by Beck, second by Roodhouse to move the Tentative Tax Levy Ordinance O-14117 to the next Committee of the Whole meeting. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried 6 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 CONSIDERATION OF A QUOTE FROM SUPREME RADIO A quote in the amount of $5,086.25 was submitted for approval from Supreme Radio. No Discussion Motion by Wachtel, second by Snodgrass to approve the quote from Supreme Radio in the amount of $5,086.25. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF A CREDIT TOWARDS THE NEUWOHNER’S WATER BILL FOR EXCESS CHARGES INCURRED BETWEEN JANUARY AND APRIL OF 2014. In reference to documents provided to Council a $425 credit was requested for excess water bill charges that were incurred between January and April of 2014. Motion by Crow, second by Robinson to approve a credit to the Neuwohner’s water utility account in the amount of $425.00 for excess water bill charges incurred between January and April of 2014. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF A QUOTE FROM MISSMAN TO CONDUCT A TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN FLOW STUDY ALONG OGDEN AVENUE BETWEEN COLLEGE AND CHICAGO. City Engineer Greg Ryckeart reported the study would include a 7:15am back up to Chicago street traffic counts including vehicle and pedestrian. Analysis data not to exceed stated hourly, Construction costs, options for flow, and ownership of property to the north. Chief Piotrowski stated that this item has not been budgeted for. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to move the quote from Missman to conduct a traffic and pedestrian flow study along Ogden Avenue between College and Chicago in the amount of $29,850.00 to the next Committee of the Whole for further discussion. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF ORDINANCE O-14-112 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CROSSCONNECTION CONTROL SECTION 53.04 This is required to bring our ordinance up to EPA standards. Motion by Kennett, second by Snodgrass to pass O-14-112 An Ordinance Amending the Cross-Connection Control Section 53.04. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 7 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Motion Carried Freeman CONSIDERATION OF A QUOTE TO CONDUCT A SURVEY OF OAKWOOD CEMETERY FOR ADDITIONAL BURIAL PLOTS. Chad Johnson from Missman would be conducting the survey at a proposed rate of $1,500.00. Motion by Wachtel, second by Snodgrass to approve the quote from Missman in the amount of $1,500.00 to survey Oakwood Cemetery for additional burial plots. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF RESOLUTION R-14-108 TO DECLARE THE FOLLOWING SURPLUS EQUIPMENT; 1995 FORD F250, 2005 FORD F250, AND A 1991 IH 4900 – 6X4 TANDEM DUMP TRUCK Director of Public Works reported that he would like to dispose of the proposed surplus equipment by best means possible. It was noted that in Section 2 of the resolution it needs to be corrected from “Director of Electrical Operations” to “Director of Public Works”. Motion by Beck, second by Robinson to approve Resolution R-14-108 with correction. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF THE LOW BID FROM BRANDT CONSTRUCTION IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,200.00 TO INSTALL CASING PIPE UNDER RT 82. Public Works Director reposted that this involves from the industrial park to Roos Hill, this would create a loop back to town. The permits from the EPA and IDOT are in place. Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to accept the low bid from Brandt Construction in the amount of $50,200.00 to install casing pipe under RT 82. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF THE HENRY COUNTY ROCK ISLAND MERCER COUNTY DEVELOPMENT 8 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 CONSORTIUM RURAL JOBS AND INNOVATION. This is the final installment in the amount of $4,000.00 and it was budgeted for. Motion by Beck, second by Snodgrass to approve the final installment to Henry County Rock Island Mercer County Development Consortium Rural Jobs and Innovation in the amount of $4,000.00. AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass, Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF A PARAMETER ORDINANCE FOR REFUNDING BONDS O-14-118 City Accountant stated that the preliminary savings would be to City Hall $100,000 and Water and Sewer $20,000 - $25,000. She stated that she has a conference call with Standard & Poors on Friday. There are actually 2 parameter ordinances that need to be passed. Motion by Beck, second by Robinson to approve Parameter Ordinance O-14-118 for bond 2006A. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried Motion by Wachtel, second by Snodgrass to approve Parameter Ordinance O-14-121 for bond 2006C. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried CONSIDERATION OF PLAN COMMISSION ITEM; MIKE AND BRIAN RAHMUS’S REQUEST FOR A CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO PROPERTY LOCATED AT 101 S. RUSSELL AVE. GENESEO. This building is used for storage only. Motion by Crow, second by Robinson to approve the Certificate of Appropriateness for improvements to property located at 101 S. Russell Ave. Geneseo. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. BILLS, BUDGETS, WARRANTS Consideration of Bills Presented for September 2014. No Discussion 9 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to approve the bills for September 2014. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 1 Freeman Motion Carried Alderman Wachtel would like to have a discussion on how the bills are paid, currently the bills are approved after they are paid due to the timing of the meetings and he feels that the bills should be approved before they are paid. Motion by Wachtel, second by Beck to move approving the bills before they are paid to the Committee of the Whole for discussion. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. OPEN FORUM INTERVIEW OF INTERIM ADMINISTRATOR CANDIDATE TIM LONG Alderman Crow asked Interim Administrator Candidate Tim Long if he would accept a position classified as a 1099 Contractor. Mr. Long stated that he would have to decline a position classified as such and that he would only accept a position classified as an employee. Motion by Robinson, second by Beck to enter into Executive Session: Pursuant to personnel matter pursuant to: 5ILCS 120/2(c)(1) The appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body or legal counsel for the public body, including hearing testimony on a complaint lodged against an employee of the public body or against legal counsel for the public body to determine its validity at 7:06 PM. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to reenter the City Council meeting at 8:03PM. Actions after Executive Session; consideration to hire Tim Long as Interim City Administrator with an employee classification Alderman Beck requested that the Addendum to the Agreement be sent to Ancel Glink for further review and to schedule a Special City Council meeting for Monday October 20th at 7:30PM for further discussion. Kathleen Repass joined the meeting and was ready to answer any questions about the Enterprise Zone Ordinance that any one may have. Motion by Snodgrass, second Kennett to pass ordinance O-14-119 Enterprise Zone General Ordinance. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 7 Crow,Beck,Snodgrass,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 10 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 ABSENT: 1 Motion Carried Freeman ADJOURNMENT Motion by Robinson, second by Beck to adjourn the meeting at 8:10PM. VOICE VOTE. 7AYES. 1 ABSENT. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 11 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois City Council Proceedings October 14, 2014 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) SS ) I, Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the original minutes of the City Council Meeting on July 8, 2014 of the City Council and that said minutes consisting of ten pages were approved at the legally convened regular meeting of the City Council meeting on August 12th, 2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City this ____day of August, 2014. (Seal) By: 12 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Committee of the Whole Meeting October 28, 2014 Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Tuesday October 28, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 6:01 pm. Alderman Doug Crow, Keith Kennett, James Roodhouse, Robert Wachtel, Justin Snodgrass, Jason Robinson and Howard Beck answered roll call. Carl Freeman was absent. Others in attendance included City Clerk Loree K Phlypo, Directors Rice and Opsal, Chief Piotrowski, City Accountant Karen Brandau, , the press and various audience members. A Quorum was present. Mayor Palmgren recognized the new Interim City Administrator; Tim Long and welcomed him. Discussion of Solicitors Ordinance regarding a City Business. Paul Rapps from Edward Jones was present at the meeting and stated that he has a new employee coming on board and part of his training is to go door to door and introduce himself to the residents and if they would like information on the financial products he will set up an appointment for them to come to the office. Mr. Rapps asked that the fees for the Solicitor’s Permit be waived on the basis that it is a local business. The process to obtain a solicitor’s permit has already been started, the background check has been set in and Mr. Rapps stated that he thought that a copy of the Surety Bond had been given to the City. The City Clerk asked for a business card and will make a follow up call confirming this information. The new employee will be going out daily knocking on doors, but will only go to each door once. Alderman Beck felt that this was a gray area and would like to see the ordinance amended rather than just waiving the fee for this instance. In the meantime the employee will need to pay the fees and then they can ask for a refund in the event that the ordinance is amended. Motion by Beck, second by Kennett to amend the solicitor’s ordinance and move this item to the City Council for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent Motion Carried Alderman Roodhouse arrived at 6:03PM Consideration of Low Speed Vehicles in the City Alderman Kennett stated that the ordinance now included the section on licensing requirements. Alderman Crow stated that the tires and exhaust concerns were addressed in the ordinance also. Motion by Wachtel, second by Kennett to move this item to the City Council for approval as stated. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Consideration of Shelter Rental Agreement Verbiage to include Liability Insurance Alderman Beck stated that “combined single limit” needs to read “per occurrence” and add the following; “I agree to provide a certificate of insurance to the City”. Public Works Director Rice will provide a list of businesses that would require a certificate of insurance to the City Clerk. Motion by Beck second by Kennett to move this item to the City Council for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. 13 Consideration of Ordinance O-14-113 amending ordinance O-14-109 Revised Economic Incentive Ordinance The clerk handed out an amended version of ordinance O-14-113, this was the most recent copy that City Attorney Thurman amended. Mayor Palmgren stated that she felt that the provision on page 23 of the packet addressing the Tax Increment Financing needed to be included in this final copy of the ordinance. Alderman Crow stated that he would like further clarification from the City Attorney and asked that this item be moved to the Committee of the Whole in November. Motion by Crow, second by Snodgrass to move this item to the November Committee of the Whole for further clarification. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Consideration of R-14-109 Authorizing Agent Jill Laingen to be the IMRF Authorized Agent City Clerk stated that Jill is registered and recognized as the Authorized Agent for IMRF with IMRF, the City doesn’t have a resolution in place officially recognizing her as the Authorized Agent. This is tying up a loose end. Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to move this item to City Council for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of a Memorandum of Understanding with IBEW Water Sewer agreeing to a contract extension. With the inability to come to an agreement by the deadline, the City asked for a 1 year extension to work out a contract. The union asked for a MOU to memorialize the understanding between the Union and the City of Geneseo and outline a timeline in exchange for the yearlong extension of water/wastewater contract with a 3% wage increase retroactive to July 1, 2014 and the City will have all job descriptions completed by November 1, 2014 and the City will have a wage table worked out by December 31, 2014 for all water/wastewater positions to take effect July 1, 2015. Motion by Beck, second by Wachtel to send the Memorandum of Understanding with the IBEW Water Sewer Department to City Council for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Mayor Palmgren added that there is a meeting scheduled for Thursday the 30th to complete the job description requirement. Review of the City’s bill payment process City Accountant Brandau stated that the process that is currently followed works well for avoiding late fees and enabling us to participate in discounts for on time and early payments. Items for payment are currently reviewed by department heads for payment, those items need to continue to be processed as they currently are. City Administrator Long stated that with the purchasing policy in place any item that is over a current threshold will have to come before City Council for approval and if we change the way we pay bills someone is going to have to define and sort the bills that need to come to City Council for prior payment approval. Alderman Wachtel stated that he didn’t want to create any more work for City Hall staff. No Action was taken. Discussion of Tax Levy City Accountant Brandau handed out a comparison if we levied for 100% of the pension obligations. If we go over the 105% we need a Truth and Taxation Hearing. Administrator Long stated that IMRF sets the amount that should be paid over the year throughout the state and everyone pays the amount dictated by IMRF. Reserve funds have to be keep at a certain level otherwise it is inadequate use of public funds. There was a question 14 about using some of the awarded drug monies toward the Pension obligation; Chief Piotrowski stated that federal forfeiture monies are strictly regulated for enforcement only. Mayor Palmgren asked for a motion and second to move this item and there was none. No Action Taken Discussion of Council Budget Report and Treasurer’s Reports Mayor Palmgren stated that this was for information only. City Accountant Brandau stated that the Budget and Treasurer’s report are also available on the City website. No Action Taken Consideration of quotes for General Liability and Risk Management Insurance Lohman Insurance presented a quote on General Liability and Risk Management Insurance coverage for the City. Key differences to what the City currently carries and what Lohman’s can offer is that it is nonaccessible, covers volunteers with workers compensation, offer up to 6 payments instead of 2 and they have training for Loss Control through the Public Agency Council. Alderman Beck stated that he would like to take an in-depth look at the financials for what Lohman’s is offering. Motion by Beck, second to move this item to the November Committee of the Whole for further discussion. Voice Vote. All Ayes. No Nays. Motion Carried. Discussion of possible other sources of funding for Pedestrian and Traffic Flow Study. Discussion was held on the funding options for the pedestrian and traffic flow study for Ogden Avenue. Administrator Long and Director Rice were asked to research and have a intergovernmental discussion with the school district and see what their long term plans are and report back at the Committee of the Whole in November. Motion by Beck, second by Robinson to move this item to the Committee of the Whole meeting in November, and Administrator Long and Director Rice to report back on their discussions with the school district. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of RFP for employee benefits including healthcare, dental, and life insurance. Discussion was held on whether or not to change brokerage firms for our employee benefits. Mayor Palmgren expressed that she would like to keep it with a local company and that there are 3 local companies in Geneseo. Alderman Beck felt that it was not prudent to change brokers after a one year change and that the reason for the change was service discrepancies. He recommended that the City stay with the current broker for service for at least another year. Mayor Palmgren request a motion to go out for FRP’s for employee benefits including healthcare, dental and life insurance, no motion was made. No Action Taken Consideration of RFP for Insurance Brokerage Services Mayor Palmgren stated that this item requires the same as for the employee benefits. No Discussion No Action Taken Consideration of Amendment of Section 5.01 of the Personnel Policy Manual regarding HSA Insurance for employees The proposed language includes having all employees on an HSA plan, this is in 2 of the union contracts. The date that the personnel policy needs to be amended by is January 1, 2015. It won’t interfere with the proposed 15 extension of the Water/Sewer Contract is an extension of the current contract with deadlines as outlined in the Memorandum of Understanding. Motion by Wachtel, second by Snodgrass to move this item to the November Committee of the Whole for further discussion. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of membership dues Illinois Tax Increment Association. City Accountant Brandau stated that membership in this organization gives you 2 conference opportunities for information on TIF’s. City Administrator Long stated that this membership is really not necessary and that he felt that you could get the same information either at the IML conference or from fellow communities that have TIF districts. No Action Taken Consideration of Chamber request lighted float sponsor for Christmas Parade Chamber Director Rhonni Perrine stated that in the past the City has sponsored a lighted float in the $600 range. Administrator Long stated that the Geneseo Municipal Utilities would be interested in sharing the expense of the float. Motion by Beck, second by Kennett to move the lighted float sponsorship in the amount of $600 with GMU funding to the City Council meeting. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried Consideration of a search for a developer for the 6 acres adjacent to Richmond Hill Park owned by the City. Director Rice stated that the farming season will be over soon and he needs to know what the City plans on doing with the property so that he knows what to tell the farmer that leased the property over the last year. The property needs to be declared surplus through a resolution. Administrator Long stated that he and Mr. Rice would put together a timeline for events to occur to put a packet out for bids with information in it addressing the City’s need for access for emergency vehicles to the west, addressing the storm water issue to the east and to be ready for the City Council meeting in January. The property is currently zoned R-1. Motion by Kennett, second by Roodhouse to move declaring the 6 acres as surplus and secure an appraisel to the City Council for approval and moving that Administrator Long and Director Rice bring back specific plans and a timeline for development of the 6 acres to the next Committee of the Whole. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Consideration of a pedestrian bridge on South State Street Discussion was held on engineering a pedestrian bridge from Robinson Street to Oakwood Avenue on the west side. Director Rice stated that the current reconstructed bridge didn’t allow for enough radius to also have a pedestrian bridge alongside the traffic bridge. Director Rice would like to get an estimate for preliminary engineering costs. Greg from Missman stated that it would require an 85 foot bridge which would extend from bank to bank and the cost estimate would be $150,000 including engineering and due to it being in the flood plan it would have to be the same height as the new bridge. Administrator Long expressed concern over the funding to cover this project due to deficits on other obligations. Discussion also included that Chicago Street from Exchange to Wells doesn’t have any sidewalks and anyone using it has to walk out in the street. Administrator Long stated that Chicago street was looked at years ago and it was complicated with a lift station, line of poles and right of way issues, but it could be looked at again. Director Rice stated that the project has to be shovel ready to be eligible for grant programs and getting the engineering cost would enable us to get it shovel ready and be eligible to apply for grants. Motion by Kennett, second by Wachtel to get an engineering cost estimate for the proposed State Street pedestrian bridge. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. 16 Motion Carried Consideration of an amended utility billing policy. Director Opsal stated that he would like changes made to sections 52.16 and 52.17 of the utility billing ordinance. Changes for 52.16 include under “Deposits required”, A. residential deposits to increase from $100 to $125 for electric service and from $50 to $75 for water and sewer service and deposits paid prior to December 31, 2014 will fall under the current regulations; whereas you would get your refund after 2 years with satisfactory on time payment history. Deposits made after January 1, 2015 and beyond will remain with the account for the duration of service. Section 52.17 changes would include addition to #3 under “Discontinuation of service; Notice; “or landlord does not approve of arraignment” and under #7C “All payment arraignments must be approved by owner of the property”. Motion by Roodhouse, second by Kennett to move amended utility billing policy to City Council for approval. Voice Vote. 7 Ayes. 1 Absent. Motion Carried. Public Safety No items Mayoral Comments Mayor Palmgren stated that she is impressed by the speed of the construction by the Kiwanis and Stees Construction with the shelter expansion and side walk work that has been done. She stated that it is amazing how quick they pulled the donations and service providers together to make this happen. Thankful and Commend the Kiwanis and Stees Construction for their hard work on the shelter expansion. Motion by Wachtel, second by Robinson to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 pm. Respectfully submitted, Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk 17 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings October 20, 2014 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL The City Council of the City of Geneseo met Monday, October 20, 2014 at the Council Chambers, 115 South Oakwood Avenue. Mayor Nadine Palmgren called the meeting to order at 7:32PM. Aldermen James Roodhouse, Keith Kennett, Robert Wachtel, Howard Beck and Jason Robinson were in attendance. Doug Crow, Justin Snodgrass, and Carl Freeman were absent. Also in attendance were City Clerk Loree K. Phlypo, Director Opsal, Chief Piotrowski, and the Press. There was a quorum present. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSALS AND SELECTION OF SEARCH FIRMS FOR HIRING A CITY ADMINISTRATOR. Alderman Robinson met with 3 search firms last Wednesday; Gov HR, PAA, and MRA. The unanimous choice for search firms was Public Administration Associates, LLC. Their search process is impressive and they have hundreds of references. After the field of candidates is narrowed each candidate is asked to make a 6 minute video for the Aldermen to review and then 4-5 candidates come in to meet with Staff, Aldermen, and the Mayor. The candidates then have to create a written statement, and participate in a tour of the City. PAA offers a guarantee that in the event that an administrator is not found in the stated time frame or an administrator left before the end of one year there wouldn’t be any additional fees just actual expenses. This firm has connections with 6 Schools of Public Administration so they are knowledgeable as to who is available for placement. Their fee is $10,000 with estimated extra costs from $600 to $800. Motion by Kennett, second by Robinson to accept the proposal from Public Administration Associates, LLC. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 5 Beck,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 3 Freeman,Crow,Snodgrass Motion Carried Motion by Beck, second by Kennett to go into Executive Session at 7:50PM Voice Vote. 5 Ayes. 3 Absent. ACTIONS AFTER EXECUTIVE SESSION CONSIDERATION TO HIRE TIM LONG AS INTERIM CITY ADMINISTRATOR WITH AN EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATION . Mayor Palmgren wanted it noted that a start date of 10/21/14 would be inserted and in Section III Paragraph A after the 3rd line; 12/31/14 would be stricken up to the comma where it says “blank days from commencement”. Also Section XI General Provisions, A. “attached hereto” would be 18 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings October 20, 2014 stricken. Motion by Beck, second by Robinson to employ Tim Long as Interim City Administrator subject to the contract agreement as stated effective 10/21/14 with changes noted. ROLL CALL VOTE: AYES: 5 Beck,Wachtel,Roodhouse,Robinson,Kennett NAYS: 0 ABSTAIN: 0 ABSENT: 3 Freeman,Crow,Snodgrass Motion Carried ADJOURNMENT Motion by Beck, second by Freeman to adjourn the meeting at 9:11PM. VOICE VOTE. 7AYES. 0 NAYS. MOTION CARRIED. By: LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 19 City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois Special City Council Proceedings October 20, 2014 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) SS ) I, Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, do hereby certify that the foregoing are the original minutes of the City Council Meeting on April 22nd, 2014 of the Special City Council and that said minutes consisting of one page was approved at the legally convened regular meeting of the City Council meeting on May 13th, 2014. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City this ____day of May, 2014. (Seal) By: 20 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Tim Long SUBJECT: Solicitors Ordinance Amendment BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: This request was referred forward to Council from the October 28 Committee of the Whole meeting, stemming from a request from a local financial services agency for consideration of its request to permit a representative to go from door to door to introduce themselves and their firm to residents. We have recently received an inquiry from Mediacom Communications about door to door soliciting on behalf of their services. The City Clerk and I checked with nine neighboring communities regarding exceptions from Solicitors licensing for local businesses to introduce themselves or solicit door to door within the community: Dixon, Geneva, Rochelle, Princeton, Moline, Rock Island, Lena, Stockton, and Freeport. None exempted local businesses wishing to conduct door to door solicitations or introductions from obtaining a Solicitors permit. Fees for all were similar to Geneseo’s. We have prepared a draft agreement that does exempt a local business from the daily $10 fee for your consideration. It also clarifies that a non-exempt entity may pay for multiple days’ solicitation permit at one time, and that the background check will in no event be valid for a period of greater than one year. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: O-14-124 AMENDING CHAPTER 113, ENTITLED: “SOLICITORS, HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS” BY AMENDING THE DAILY FEES FOR THOSE SOLICITORS HAVING OFFICE SPACE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY” 21 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-124 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO BY AMENDING CHAPTER 113, ENTITLED: “SOLICITORS, HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS” BY AMENDING THE DAILY FEES FOR THOSE SOLICITORS HAVING OFFICE SPACE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY WHEREAS, at its October 28, 2014 meeting the City Council heard a request from a local financial agency seeking to permit its employee to travel from door-to-door throughout the community, for consideration to reduce or eliminate the cost of a solicitor’s permit for their employee; and, WHEREAS, the City Council directed staff to review the City’s regulations for regulating solicitors, hawkers and peddlers in light of this request; and, WHEREAS, having considered factors of public safety and local business opportunity along with common municipal practices within the region, City staff do propose amendatory language to the Code for the City exempting a representative from or for a business having a physical office presence within the City from some or all of the daily fee, and for streamlining the process of daily registration for other solicitors, hawkers or peddlers. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That Section 113.04(D) of Chapter 113 of the Code for the City of Geneseo entitled “Solicitors, Hawkers, and Peddlers” shall be amended as follows (additions in bold italic font, deletions in strikethrough): (D) The Police Department shall cause to be kept in its office an accurate record of every application received and acted upon, together with all other information and data pertaining thereto, all certificates of registration issued under the provisions of this chapter, and all denials of application. Applications for certificates shall be numbered in consecutive order, as filed, and every certificate issued and any renewal thereof shall be identified with the duplicate number of the application upon which it was issued. The Chief of Police shall require every applicant to submit to photographing and fingerprinting by the Police Department in connection with the application for a certificate. The Chief of Police shall collect a fee for the cost of fingerprinting and any photo identification, which fee shall not be more than $36.50. The background check shall be valid for not more than one (1) year from the time of its receipt. SECTION II: That Section 113.05(A) of Chapter 113 of the Code for the City of Geneseo entitled “Solicitors, Hawkers, and Peddlers” shall be amended as follows (additions in bold italic font, deletions in strikethrough): (A)Each solicitor shall pay to the City Clerk a registration fee of $50 for the first day and $10 for each day thereafter. The charge for the daily fee may be extended for a set period of days and paid at the time of registration but in no event may a solicitors permit be issued for a period of greater than thirty (30) days without renewal. Exemption to solicitors license: A solicitor who represents an agency or business which maintains a physical office, store or service center within the corporate limits of the City of Geneseo for a term of at least twelve (12) months, shall be exempt from the $10 fee for each day. 22 SECTION III: In all other respects the terms and provisions of Section 113 of the Code of the City of Geneseo, as thereafter amended, shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON TH TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. THIS 11 DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 12 NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (SEAL) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 23 State of Illinois County of Henry City of Geneseo ) ) ) SS: I, Loree K. Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on November 11, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-124, entitled AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE CODE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO BY AMENDING CHAPTER 113, ENTITLED: “SOLICITORS, HAWKERS AND PEDDLERS” BY AMENDING THE DAILY FEES FOR THOSE SOLICITORS HAVING OFFICE SPACE WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY, which provided by its terms that notice should be published in the local municipal newspaper, Geneseo Republic. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-14-124, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on November 12, 2014 and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Dated at Geneseo, Illinois, this 11th day of November, 2014. Loree K. Phlypo City Clerk 24 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER: Loree K. Phlypo SUBJECT: Roll Call Vote for Bond Abatement Ordinance for Bond 2007A BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: This Ordinance was passed with a Voice Vote and needs to be a Roll Call Vote per IML Handbook page 156. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. O-14-115 Ordinance providing for the abatement of the AD VALOREM taxes levied to pay principal of and interest on certain of the outstanding General Obligation Alternate Bonds , Series 2007A, of the City of Geneseo, Illinois; and concerning related matters. 25 CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. O-14-115 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE BONDS, SERIES 2007A, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS ON ____DAY OF __________, 2014. 26 ORDINANCE NO O-14-115 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE BONDS, SERIES 2007A, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY Section 1. Recitals. It is found and declared by the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois (the “City”), as follows: (a) The City is a duly organized and existing municipality of the State of Illinois, and is now operating under and pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended (65 ILCS 5/1-1-1 et seq.; the “Municipal Code”), and is a “governmental unit” as defined in Section 2(i) of the Local Governmental Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, 30 ILCS 350/1 et seq. (the “Debt Reform Act”). (b) On November 13, 2007, the City issued and delivered its General Obligation Alternate Bonds, Series 2007A (the “Series 2007A bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of $5,385,000. The Series 2007A Bonds were authorized by and issued and sold pursuant to Ordinance No. 1888 (the “Series 2007A Bond Ordinance”) duly adopted by the City Council on November 13, 2007. (c) The City Council determined that it was necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the inhabitants of the City, to borrow $5,385,000 for the construction of two wind turbines. Section 2. Abatement of Tax Levy for Refunded Bonds. The tax levied in Section IV of the Series 2007A Bond Ordinance for the levy year 2014, are abated as follows: Levy Year 2014 Amount Originally Levied Amount Abated $494,500 $494,500 27 Remaining Levy -0- Section 3. Duties of City Clerk. The City Clerk shall file (or shall cause to be filed) a certified copy of this ordinance with the County Clerk of the County of Henry, Illinois, in order to effect the abatement of taxes provided for in Section 2 above. Such filing shall be made on or before the last Tuesday of December, 2014. Section 4. Additional Authority. The Mayor, the City Treasurer, the City Clerk, and the other officers and employees of the City are authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the City such other documents, agreements and certificates and to do such other things consistent with the terms of this Ordinance as such officers and employees shall deem necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the intent and purposes of this Ordinance. Section 5. Conflicting Ordinances, Etc. All ordinances, resolutions and orders or parts of ordinances, resolutions and orders in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED by the City Council of the City on ____day of __________, 2014. Voting Aye (list names): Voting Nay (list names): Abstaining or Absent (list names): APPROVED AND SIGNED by the Mayor on ____day of _________, 2014. Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk * * * * 28 * * STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY ) ) ) CERTIFICATION OF ORDINANCE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois (the “City”), and that as such official I am the keeper of the records and files of the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City. I further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of an extract of the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held on ____day of __________, 2014, evidencing the adoption of Ordinance No. O-14-115 adopted at that regular meeting entitled: ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION ALTERNATE BONDS, SERIES 2007A, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. which ordinance was duly adopted at said meeting by a roll call vote of __ in favor and __ against, with __ abstentions and __ absent. At said meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout the meeting. Said ordinance has not been amended or repealed and remains in full force and effect. I further certify that the deliberations of the City Council on the adoption of the ordinance were conducted openly, that the vote on the adoption of said ordinance was taken openly, that said meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public, that notice of said meeting was duly given to the members of the City Council and all of the news media requesting such notice, that the agenda for said meeting was posted publicly in compliance with the Open Meetings Act at least 48 hours prior to the convening of the meeting at the meeting place and at the principal offices of the City, that said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act and the Municipal Code Act, as amended, and that the City Council complied with all of the provisions of said Open Meetings Act and said Municipal Code, and with all of the procedural rules of the City Council. 29 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature and the seal of the City as of this ____day of __________, 2014. City Clerk, City of Geneseo Henry County, Illinois [SEAL] 30 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY ) ) SS ) CERTIFICATE OF FILING I, BARBARA LINK, certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting County Clerk of The County of Henry, Illinois (the “County”). As such officer, I further certify that on the ____ day of __________, 2014, a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. ________ of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, was filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my official signature and the seal of the County, this ____ day of __________, 2014. County Clerk The County of Henry, Illinois [SEAL] 31 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER: Loree K. Phlypo SUBJECT: Roll Call Vote for Bond Abatement Ordinance for Refunding Bond 2013 BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: This Ordinance was passed with a Voice Vote and it needs to be a Roll Call vote per IML Handbook page 156. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. O-14-116 Ordinance providing for the abatement of the AD VALOREM taxes levied to pay principal of and interest on certain of the outstanding General Obligation Refunding Bonds , Series 2013, of the City of Geneseo, Illinois; and concerning related matters 32 CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS ORDINANCE NO. O-14-116 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2013, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS ON ____DAY OF ____________, 2014 33 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-116 ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2013, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. BE IT ORDAINED BY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY Section 1. Recitals. It is found and declared by the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois (the “City”), as follows: (a) The City is a duly organized and existing municipality of the State of Illinois, and is now operating under and pursuant to the provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, as amended (65 ILCS 5/1-1-1 et seq.; the “Municipal Code”), and is a “governmental unit” as defined in Section 2(i) of the Local Governmental Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, 30 ILCS 350/1 et seq. (the “Debt Reform Act”). (b) On February 12, 2013, the City issued and delivered its General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2013 (the “Series 2013 bonds”), in the aggregate principal amount of $1,060,000. The Series 2013 Bonds were authorized by and issued and sold pursuant to Ordinance No. 0-13-073 (the “Series 2013 Bond Ordinance”) duly adopted by the City Council on February 12, 2013. (c) The City Council determined that it was necessary and desirable and in the best interests of the inhabitants of the City, to borrow $1,060,000 for the purpose of refunding a portion of the City’s outstanding General Obligation Bonds, Series 2004. Section 2. Abatement of Tax Levy for Refunded Bonds. The tax levied in Section 13 of the Series 2013 Refunding Bond Ordinance for the levy year 2014, are abated as follows: Levy Year 2014 Amount Originally Levied Amount Abated $135,120 $135,120 34 Remaining Levy -0- Section 3. Duties of City Clerk. The City Clerk shall file (or shall cause to be filed) a certified copy of this ordinance with the County Clerk of the County of Henry, Illinois, in order to effect the abatement of taxes provided for in Section 2 above. Such filing shall be made on or before the last Tuesday of December, 2014. Section 4. Additional Authority. The Mayor, the City Treasurer, the City Clerk, and the other officers and employees of the City are authorized to execute and deliver on behalf of the City such other documents, agreements and certificates and to do such other things consistent with the terms of this Ordinance as such officers and employees shall deem necessary or appropriate in order to effectuate the intent and purposes of this Ordinance. Section 5. Conflicting Ordinances, Etc. All ordinances, resolutions and orders or parts of ordinances, resolutions and orders in conflict with this Ordinance are repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED by the City Council of the City on ____day of __________, 2014 Voting Aye (list names): Voting Nay (list names): Abstaining or Absent (list names): APPROVED AND SIGNED by the Mayor on ____day of __________, 2014 Mayor ATTEST: City Clerk * * * * 2 35 * * STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY ) ) ) CERTIFICATION OF ORDINANCE I, the undersigned, certify that I am the duly qualified and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois (the “City”), and that as such official I am the keeper of the records and files of the City Council (the “City Council”) of the City. I further certify that the foregoing is a full, true and complete copy of an extract of the minutes of the regular meeting of the City Council held on ____day of __________, 2014, evidencing the adoption of Ordinance No. O-14-116 adopted at that regular meeting entitled: ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ABATEMENT OF THE AD VALOREM TAXES LEVIED TO PAY PRINCIPAL OF AND INTEREST ON CERTAIN OF THE OUTSTANDING GENERAL OBLIGATION REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES 2013, OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS; AND CONCERNING RELATED MATTERS. which ordinance was duly adopted at said meeting by a roll call vote of __ in favor and __ against, with __ abstentions and __ absent. At said meeting a quorum was present and acting throughout the meeting. Said ordinance has not been amended or repealed and remains in full force and effect. I further certify that the deliberations of the City Council on the adoption of the ordinance were conducted openly, that the vote on the adoption of said ordinance was taken openly, that said meeting was held at a specified time and place convenient to the public, that notice of said meeting was duly given to the members of the City Council and all of the news media requesting such notice, that the agenda for said meeting was posted publicly in compliance with the Open Meetings Act at least 48 hours prior to the convening of the meeting at the meeting place and at the principal offices of the City, that said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meetings Act and the Municipal Code Act, as amended, and that the City Council complied with all of the provisions of said Open Meetings Act and said Municipal Code, and with all of the procedural rules of the City Council. 3 36 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature and the seal of the City as of this ____day of _________, 2014. City Clerk, City of Geneseo Henry County, Illinois [SEAL] 4 37 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF ROCK ISLAND ) ) SS ) CERTIFICATE OF FILING I, BARBARA LINK, certify that I am the duly elected, qualified and acting County Clerk of The County of Henry, Illinois (the “County”). As such officer, I further certify that on the ____ day of __________, 2014, a certified copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. ________ of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, was filed in my office. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have affixed my official signature and the seal of the County, this ____ day of __________, 2014. County Clerk The County of Henry, Illinois [SEAL] 38 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Finance PRESENTER: Karen Brandau, City Accountant SUBJECT: 2014 Tax Levy BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: We have passed a tentative levy. Aldermen asked to see what the levy would look like if we levied 100% for our pension obligations. According to our 2013 CAFR the police pension was 56.97% funded and IMRF was 62.70% funded. We need to discuss which levy to approve. The levy must be at the county courthouse by the last Tuesday in December. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. O-14-117 Tax Levy Ordinance 39 City of Geneseo O-14-117 CITY OF GENESEO ORDINANCE NO. O-14-117 2014 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 11th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR NOVEMBER 12, 2014 40 City of Geneseo O-14-117 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-117 2014 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2016 BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS: SECTION I: There shall be levied upon all property subject to taxation within the corporate limits of the City of Geneseo as that property is assessed and equalized for state and county purposes for the current year the amounts hereinafter set forth as budgeted or deemed necessary to defray additional expenses and liabilities for all corporate purposes or so much thereof as may be authorized by law, for the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2015 and ending June 30, 2016. SECTION II: The specified amounts as levied for the various objects or purposes are placed in a separate column designated, "Amount To Be Raised From Tax Levy". Amount To Be Raised From Other Sources Amount To Be Raised From Tax Levy $501,600 11,500. 92,400 12,000. 98,500. 960,000. 500. 500. 4,000. 1,000. 1,852,300. 1,600. 270,604. 5,000. $359,600 0 92,400 12,000. 98,500. 837,900. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1,797,300. 0. 23,813. 0. $142,0 00. 11,500. 0. 0. 0. 122,100. 500. 500. 4,000. 1,000. 55,000. 1,600. 246,791. 5,000. 65,000. 138,500. 135,000. 0. 55,200. 61,000. 65,000. 83,300. 74,000. Amount Appropriated General Fund General Administration General Administration – Audit Council Community Development Inspectors Public Services Public Services – Public Benefit Public Services – Garbage Public Services–Public Comfort Tax Public Services – Street Lighting Public Safety Public Safety – ESDA Public Safety Pensions Public Safety – Crossing Guards Worker’s Compensation Social Security/Medicare IMRF 41 City of Geneseo O-14-117 Electric Department 2006B Debt Certificates 2007A Bonds 2007B Bonds Louisa Operations Louisa Maintenance Louisa Administration Generation Operation Generation Maintenance Production Transportation Operation $65,800. 493,700 0. 550,000. 25,000. 20,000. 541,000. 378,000. 1,880,000. 10,000. $65,800. 493,700. 0. 550,000. 25,000. 20,000. 541,000. 378,000. 1,880,000. 10,000. $0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 21,000. 21,000. 0. Distribution Operation 256,000. 256,000. 0. Distribution Maintenance 545,500. 545,500. 0. 1,733,500. 558,000. 1,733,500. 558,000. 0. 0. $87,900. $87,900. 0. 76,300. 37,600. 46,000. 76,300. 37,600. 46,000. 0. 0. 0. Operation 167,000. 167,000. 0. Maintenance 117,000. 117,000. 0. Administration 229,500. 229,500. 0. $65,300. $65,300. 0. Transportation Maintenance Administrative Capital Expenditures Water Operations 2004 Bond 2006 Bond 2013 Refunding Bond Utility Tax Sewer Operations EPA Loan 2 42 City of Geneseo O-14-117 Pollutant Discharge 17,500. 17,500. 0. Operation 225,000. 225,000. 0. Maintenance 151,000. 151,000. 0. Sanitary Sewer 107,000. 107,000. 0. Administration 339,000. 339,000. 0. Amount Appropriated Debt Service Cemetery-Perpetual Care Economic Development Downtown Fuel Depot Hotel/Motel Tax Health Insurance A-Police B-Police D-Police Refuse Capital Projects Fund Motor Fuel Tax Total 2014 Tax Levy 275,800. 10,000. 33,000. 0. 159,000. 43,500 697,450. 3,000. 2,500. 2,000. 399,000. 556,000. 125,000 $15,199,854. Amount To Be Raised Amount To Be Raised From Other Sources From Tax Levy 275,800. 10,000. 33,000. 0. 159,000. 43,500. 697,450. 3,000. 2,500. 2,000. 399,000. 556,000. 125,000 $14,387,563. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. $812,291. SECTION III: The City Clerk be and hereby is authorized to request that the County Clerk of Henry County, Illinois not extend $135,120 of the required $135,1200 required to be levied for the principal and interest and fees authorized in and by Ordinance No. O-13-173. SECTION IV: The City Clerk be and hereby is authorized to request that the County 3 43 City of Geneseo O-14-117 Clerk of Henry County, Illinois not extend $494,500 of the required $494,500 required to be levied for the principal and interest and fees authorized in and by Ordinance No. 1888. SECTION V: The following summary represents the total amount levied for the following corporate purposes: Tax Levy Recapitulation Corporate General Fund (65 ILCS 5/8-3-1) Social Security Fund (40 ILCS 5/21-110, 110.1) $142,000. $83,300. Worker’s Compensation , Occupational Disease Claims (745 ILCS 10/9-107) $65,000. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (40 ILCS 5/7-171) $74,000. Police Pension Fund (40 ILCS 5/3-125) Water & Sewer Debt Service Fund (Ordinance No. 1776) $246,791. $0 Electric Debt Service Fund(Ordinance No. 1888) Electric Debt Service Fund(Ordinance No. 1889) Police Protection Fund (65 ILCS 5/11-1-3) $0 $55,000. Street and Bridge 65 ILCS 5/11-81-2 Garbage 65 ILCS 5/11-19-4 $122,100. $500. Audit 65 ILCS 5/8-8-8 Emergency Services and Disaster Operations 65 ILCS 5/8-3-16 Crossing Guard 65 ILCS 5/11-80-23 Public Benefit 65 ILCS 5/9-2-39 Public Comfort Stations 65 ILCS 5/11-21-4 Street Lighting 65 ILCS 5/11-80-5 $11,500. $1,600. $5,000. $500. $4,000. $1,000. TOTAL TAX LEVIED: $812,291. SECTION VI: The City Clerk shall make and file with the County Clerk of said County of Henry, on or before the time required by law, a duly certified copy of this ordinance. SECTION VII: If any section, subsection, or sentence of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining 4 44 City of Geneseo portion of this ordinance. SECTION VIII: This ordinance shall be in effect upon its adoption by the City Council of the City of Geneseo, its approval by the Mayor, and its due publication in accordance with law. Passed and adopted by two-thirds vote of the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, on the 11th day of November, 2014 and approved by the Mayor, November 12, 2014. ___________________________________ Nadine Palmgren, Mayor (SEAL) __________________________________ Loree Phlypo, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 5 45 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-117 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY CITY OF GENESEO ) ) ) SS: Published in pamphlet form by authority of the City Council of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, this ____ day of November, 2014. State of Illinois County of Henry ) ) ) ss. I, Loree Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on November 11th, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-117, entitled 2014 TAX LEVY ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 2015 AND ENDING JUNE 30, 2016, which provided by its terms that it should be published in pamphlet form. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-14-117, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on November ___, 2014, and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the City Clerk. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto affixed my official signature and the seal of the City, this th day of November, 2014. Loree Phlypo City Clerk for City of Geneseo 6 46 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administrative PRESENTER: Administrator SUBJECT: Cancel December Committee of the Whole Meeting BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: December Committee of the Whole meeting falls on the 23rd of December and out of consideration for Mayor, Councilmembers and employees we would ask that this meeting be cancelled due to the holidays. RECOMMENDATION: Cancel December Committee of the Whole Meeting BUDGET IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 47 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Public Works Director, Klint Rice SUBJECT: City Owned 6 Acres near Richmond Hill Park BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: The land was leased this season for agricultural use. The lease expires this fall and the property could be developed into residential lots. This property would also give the City the ability to build an emergency access point during a creek flood. RECOMMENDATION: Create the best use option for the parcel. BUDGET IMPACT: None DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. R-14-110 Declaring property surplus b. Map of the parcel. 48 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-110 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE OF SURPLUS PUBLIC REAL ESTATE WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo, Illinois, owns a tract of real estate of approximately six(6) acres described on the attached EXHIBIT A; and WHEREAS, the City authorities have determined said real estate to be surplus property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO AS FOLLOWS: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. The real estate described in EXHIBIT A, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein, is hereby declared to be surplus property, if no longer any use to the City nor in the public’s best interest to retain. The value of said real estate shall be determined by a written MAI certified appraisal or by a written certified appraisal of a State certified or licensed real estate appraiser. Such appraisal shall be available for public inspection. The City administrative staff shall conduct the sale of said real estate pursuant to 65 ILCS 5/11-76-4.1. Pertinent information concerning the size, use and zoning of said real estate, and the terms of sale are described in EXHIBIT B, attached hereto and incorporated by reference herein. The Resolution shall be published in the newspaper provided by law. PASSED BY A ¾ MAJORITY OF THE CITY COUNCIL MAYOR THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: THEN HOLDING OFFICE AND APPROVED BY THE 0 0 0 0 49 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-110 EXHIBIT A (A DESCRIPTION WILL BE PROVIDED BY SURVEY) 50 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-110 EXHIBIT B 1. Size of Real Estate a. Six (6) Acres 2. Use of Real Estate a. Vacant land 3. Zoning a. “A” Agricultural 4. Terms of sale a. At least eighty (80%) per cent of appraisal value; ten (10%) down at time of execution of agreement for sale, balance due at closing (30-45 days after execution). 51 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Electric Department PRESENTER: Director Opsal SUBJECT: Ordinance Amending sections 52.16 & 52.17 of the Electric Use Regulations BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Amendment to the electric use regulations to include sections on deposit retention and payment arraignments. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Ordinance O-14-122 52 CITY OF GENESEO ORDINANCE NO. O-14-122 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1936 PERTAINING TO ELECTRIC USE REGULATIONS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR NOVEMBER 11, 2014 53 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-122 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1936, PERTAINING TO ELECTRIC USE REGULATIONS WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1936, passed by the City Council on April 14, 2009, and approved by the Mayor on April 15, 2009, contained sections currently codified as 52.16 and 52.17, which set forth the amounts of customer utility deposits and the conditions for refunds of those deposits, and conditions for discontinuation of utility service; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that it is in the best interests of the City to implement certain changes in these sections; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: (A) The amounts of the deposits set forth in section 52.16 (A) are hereby amended from $100 to $125 for electric service and from $50 to $75 for water and sewer service in all other respects, section 52.16 (A) shall remain as previously enacted. (B) Section 52.16 (C) shall be amended to state as follows: “(C) Deposits. All deposits provided for in this section shall be deposited in interest-bearing accounts at regular pass book rates. Refunds for residential account deposits which were made on or prior to December 31, 2014, shall be refunded with interest as set forth above after the passage of two (2) years from the date the deposit was made. Only such residential account deposits which were made after December 31, 2014, shall remain with that account for the duration of the service. No interest shall be paid on deposits held for less than one year. Commercial and industrial deposits will be kept for the duration of service with the Geneseo Municipal Utilities. In the event of termination by the depositor of electric and water services, any unpaid charges outstanding against the depositor and the final bill for the service shall be deducted prior to the refund. All returned deposits will be credited to the account.” (C) Section 52.17 (A), Subparagraph (3) shall be amended to state as follows: (3) “A deferred payment arrangement cannot be reached with the customer and owner, or the customer does not adhere to the deferred 54 payment arraignment.” (D) Section 52.17 (C) shall be amended by adding a second sentence thereto which stated as follows: “All payment arraignments must be approved by the owner of the property as well as the customer.” (E) In all other respects the terms and provisions of Ordinance 1936, as thereafter amended, shall remain in full force and effect. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 11TH NOVEMBER, 2014. DAY OF NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (Seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 55 State of Illinois County of Henry City of Geneseo ) ) ) SS: I, Loree K. Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on November 11, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-122, entitled An Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 1936, pertaining to Electric Use Regulations, which provided by its terms that notice should be published in the local municipal newspaper, Geneseo Republic. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-14-122, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on November 12, 2014 and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Dated at Geneseo, Illinois, this 11th day of November, 2014. LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 56 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Alderman Kennett SUBJECT: Ordinance to allow low speed vehicles within the City limits BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Ordinance O-14-114 57 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-114 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE USE AND OPERATION OF LOW-SPEED VEHICLES ON CITY STREETS WHEREAS, the Illinois Vehicle Code defines and permits the operation of Low-Speed Vehicles under certain conditions, and allows municipalities to authorize their operation on municipal thoroughfare; and WHEREAS, the City of Geneseo has investigated the use of such vehicles on its streets and has concluded that it would be in the best interests of the citizens of the City to authorize their use; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS, as follows: Section 1: A Low-Speed vehicle is any four-wheeled vehicle with a maximum speed greater than twenty (20) miles per hour, but not greater than twenty-five (25) miles per hour that conforms with the federal motor vehicle safety standards set forth in 49 C.F.R. Part 571.500. Section 2: Subject to the following regulations set forth in this Ordinance, Low- Speed vehicles are hereby permitted to be operated within the City. Section 3: Except as otherwise provided in this Ordinance, it is lawful for any person to drive or operate a low-speed vehicle upon any street in this State where the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour or less. Section 4: Low-speed vehicles may cross a street at an intersection where the street being crossed has a posted speed limit of not more than 45 miles per hour. Low-speed vehicles 58 may not cross a street with a speed limit in excess of 45 miles per hour unless the crossing is at an intersection controlled by a traffic light or 4-way stop sign. (c) The Department of Transportation or a municipality, township, county, or other unit of local government may prohibit, by regulation, ordinance, or resolution, the operation of low-speed vehicles on streets under its jurisdiction where the posted speed limit is 30 miles per hour or less if the Department of Transportation or unit of local government determines that the public safety would be jeopardized. (d) Upon determining that low-speed vehicles may not safely operated on a street, and upon the adoption of an ordinance or resolution by a unit of local government, or regulation by the Department of Transportation may prohibit the operation of low-speed vehicles on any and all streets under its jurisdiction. Appropriate signs shall be posted in conformance with the State Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices adopted pursuant to Section 11-301 of this Code. (e) If a street is under the jurisdiction of more than one unit of local government, or under the jurisdiction of the Department of Transportation and one or more units of local government, low-speed vehicles may be operated on the street unless each unit of local government and the Department of Transportation agree and take action to prohibit such operation as provided in this Section. Section 5: Further, no low-speed vehicle shall be equipped with any type of tire other than normal street tires, it being the intent of this Ordinance to specifically prohibit knobby tires that significantly increase road noise by the operation of the vehicle; every lowspeed vehicle shall be equipped with an exhaust system which prevents unreasonably loud 59 engine noise. The type of tire and exhaust system must be in compliance with all applicable Illinois State Statutes. Section 6: A person may not operate a low-speed vehicle upon any street in this City unless he or she has a valid driver’s license issued in his or her name by the Secretary of State or a foreign jurisdiction. Section 7: The operation of a low-speed vehicle upon any street is subject to the provisions of Chapter 11 of the Illinois Vehicle Code concerning the Rules of the Road, and applicable City Ordinances. Section 8: Every owner of a low-speed vehicle is subject to the mandatory insurance requirements specified in Article VI of Chapter 7 of the Illinois Vehicle Code. Also, every such vehicle shall be licensed as required by the Illinois Vehicle Code. Section 9: Any person found to be in violation of any provision of this Ordinance shall be subject to the penalty provisions of Section 71.999 of the General Provisions of Traffic Regulations of the City. Section 10: This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law. PASSED this 11TH day of November, 2014. AYES: 0 NAYS: 0 ABSENT: 0 ___________________________________ MAYOR, CITY OF GENESEO 60 ATTEST: ____________________________ CITY CLERK 61 STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY OF HENRY ) ) SS. ) CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, Loree K. Phlypo, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I am City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, and as such official, I am keeper of the records, ordinances, files and seal of said City, and I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing instrument is a true and correct copy of AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE USE AND OPERATION OF LOW-SPEED VEHICLES ON CITY STREETS, adopted at a duly called Regular Meeting of the City Council, held at Geneseo, Illinois, at 6:00 p.m. on the 11th day of November, 2014. I DO FURTHER CERTIFY that the deliberations of the Council on the adoption of said Ordinance were conducted openly, that the vote on the adoption of said Ordinance was taken openly, that said meeting was called and held at a specified time and place convenient to the public, that notice of said meeting was duly given to all of the news media requesting such notice, that said meeting was called and held in strict compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act of the State of Illinois, as amended, and with the provisions of the City Code of the City of Geneseo, as amended, and that the Council has complied with all of the provisions of said Act and said Code and with all of the procedural rules of the Council. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto affix my official signature and the seal of said City at Geneseo, Illinois, this 11th day of November, 2014. CITY CLERK CITY OF GENESEO [SEAL] 5 62 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: Jill SUBJECT: Resolution for Authorized Agent BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Appointment of Jilene A. Laingen as Authorized Agent was December 28, 2010, at which time adoption of a resolution by the governing body was not completed. This is a correction to follow through with correct procedure. ATTACHMENT: a. R-14-109 63 R-14-109 RESOLUTION FOR APPOINTMENT OF IMRF AUTHORIZED AGENT WHEREAS, The City of Geneseo is an Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund (“IMRF”) Employer located in Henry County, Illinois; and, WHEREAS, It is necessary for the City Council of the City of Geneseo to appoint an Authorized Agent for the IMRF by Resolution of the City Council; and, WHEREAS, the City Council has determined it is in the public interest to appoint Jilene A. Laingen, Human Resource Specialist, as the City’s Authorized Agent. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Council of the City of Geneseo, Illinois, that: SECTION I: That Jilene A. Laingen is hereby appointed as the IMRF Authorized Agent for the City of Geneseo, Illinois. SECTION II: That the City Clerk of the City of Geneseo is hereby authorized to certify the appointment of Jilene A. Laingen as Authorized Agent upon IMRF Form 2.20, “Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent”. SECTION III: That the aforesaid IMRF Form 2.20, “Notice of Appointment of Authorized Agent” is attached to and made a part of this Resolution. PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS ____ DAY OF ___________, 2014. ______________________________ Nadine Palmgren, Mayor ATTEST: ____________________________ Loree K. Phlypo, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: 64 ABSENT: ABSTAIN: 65 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works- Water & Sewer PRESENTER: SUBJECT: Memorandum of Agreement for Extension of IBEW 51 Contract BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: IBEW- Water & Sewer contract expired June 30, 2014. City management and Union Representatives have agreed that additional time is needed to develop more detailed job descriptions and a wage scale. ATTACHMENT: a. Proposed memorandum of agreement 66 City of Geneseo, Illinois Celebrating 175 years Incorporated February 16, 1865 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 Memorandum of Agreement for Extensions of IBEW 51 Contract November 12, 2014 This Memorandum is to memorialize the understanding between the Union and the City of Geneseo to accomplish set time lines in exchange for a recommendation of a yearlong extension of the water / wastewater contract with a 3% wage increase retroactive to July 1, 2014. 1. 2. City will have all job descriptions completed by November 1, 2014. City will have a wage table worked out by December 31, 2014 for all water / wastewater positions to take effect July 1, 2015. By:_________________________________ Nadine R. Palmgren Mayor of Geneseo By:_________________________________ Union Representative Date:________________________________ Date:_______________________________ 67 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administrative PRESENTER: Administrator SUBJECT: Lighted Float BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: Sponsorship of Lighted Float for Christmas Parade RECOMMENDATION: GMU will sponsor at the $600 level BUDGET IMPACT: Line Item: 2-5.580.400.7872 Promotion/Advertisement DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Chamber list of float choices 68 Shirley's Custom Lights and Signs Float Rate Sheet Float Type Price Description Tuggers the Tugboat 3D $600 15 ft long, 10 ft tall, 6 ft wide, 1400 ft rope light Chuggers the Train Engine 3D $600 11 ft long, 8 ft tall, 6 ft wide, self propelled, brightly colored with garland and rope lights Teddy Bear 3D $600 10 ft tall, 7 ft from hip to hip, 8 ft from back of butt to front of 30" tall 3 ft across drum, approx 1000 ft rope lights; removable Santa hat; Christmas soundtrack available Toyland Express Train 3D $600 4 car train, approx. 40 ft, w/ 1/2 mile of rope lighting; self‐propelled Fire Truck 3D $600 Santa's Sleigh & 5 Reindeer 3D $600 14 ft long, lighted cab over, w/ 18 ft high rising ladder; approx 700 ft of rope lighting; self‐ propelled 24 ft long w/ flying Rudolph leading, can seat 2 adults; self‐propelled Dunken the Dragon 3D $600 Letters from Home Jeep 3D $600 Stars & Stripes Eagle 3D $500 Noel Angel 3D $500 Snowman 3D $500 Butterfly Garden 3D $400 Ground Zero Firemen Flat $300 Flag Flat $300 13 ft tall to top of flag; 4 firemen (including weeping fireman), putting flag up at Ground Zero 12 ft long, 8 ft tall American Flag in rope lighting Ringing Bell Flat $300 6 ft tall; tolls side to side Grinch Buffalo/Rudolffalo Flat 3D $300 $150 9 ft tall; w/ 3 ft Max by his side 8 ft tall; White in color, glows from within; head sways side to side; For Christmas parades we put antlers and a red spotlight for a nose (Rudolph wannabe) Dolphin 3D $150 7 ft long; swims 7 ft in the air Fully animated; moving tail, head, & wings; breathes "smoke"; 20 ft long, 10 ft high; 4,000 lights Military jeep w/ 4 soldiers reading mail; Christmas pkgs on top of jeep; 10 ft long, 6 ft wide;self‐propelled 13 ft high, 10 ft long; Eagle carrying American flag; Statue of Liberty and Liberty Bell Ornaments tucked under wings; 1000 ft rope light; Soundtrack available 12 ft tall, 5 ft round; 1800 ft of rope light; blowing trumpet; Soundtrack available 10 ft tall, 6 ft round; 800 ft of rope light; small animals & snow shovel by his side; Soundtrack available Springtime garden complete with flowers, butterflies, snail and even a ladybug. 69 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works PRESENTER: Public Works Director, Klint Rice SUBJECT: Pedestrian Bridge/S. State Street BACKGROUND AND DISCUSSION: There is no walking connection from RT82/Oakwood Ave to South State Street. Pedestrians must cross the bridge deck in the lane of traffic to use the sidewalks going to Richmond Hill or State St. RECOMMENDATION: Work with our Missman to identify the engineering cost for the crossing. Using the same style of pedestrian bridge that we currently have in town. Have the project engineered and let for a summer 2015 project. BUDGET IMPACT: Unknown at this time. Capital project funds can be used. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Concept Bridge Schematic b. Engineering Estimate for pedestrian bridge? 70 71 72 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: City Administrator SUBJECT: Double S PUD Ordinance BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Double S Masonry requested approval of a PUD to allow construction of two triplex dwelling units on what had been platted as four building lots. The Plan Commission did hold the required hearing on September 2, 2014, and did forward a recommendation to approve to the City Council. The City Council approved the request at a subsequent meeting, but did not approve it by ordinance. Zoning changes and amendments must be approved by ordinance, so we are returning this matter to the City Council. The attached ordinance provides authority for the City Zoning Administrator to sign approval of a complete, signed, stamped original document which will allow it to be recorded at Henry County. At this time we have a final draft plat, with signed originals for the Recorder promised from the developer’s surveyor by the end of the week. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. PUD Ordinance b. PUD Plat 73 74 75 CITY OF GENESEO ORDINANCE NO. O-14-123 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT IN AND R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THEREBY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206; AND APPROVING THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RONALD SEEI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF LOTS 5, 6, 7, AND 8 OF THE DOUBLE S SUBDIVISION NEAR PINE AND IOWA STREETS ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 APPROVED BY THE MAYOR NOVEMBER 11, 2014 76 ORDINANCE NO. O-14-123 AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT IN AND R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THEREBY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206; AND APPROVING THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RONALD SEEI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF LOTS 5, 6, 7, AND 8 OF THE DOUBLE S SUBDIVISION NEAR PINE AND IOWA STREETS WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1206 entitled: “ZONING ORDINANCE FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO” permits the creation of Planned Unit Development Overlay Districts; and, WHEREAS, the legal owner of record, Ronald C. Seei, desire by application dated August 12, 2014 that the property legally described as lots 5, 6, 7, and 8 of the Double S Subdivision be developed in a manner allowed by a Planned Unit Development Overlay District and did subsequently present a development plan and plat map signed and sealed by Paul F. Boehle, registered Professional Land Surveyor No. 32-2151 dated November 5, 2014 for consideration and review by the City of Geneseo (hereinafter “City”); and, WHEREAS, The City did cause notice of public hearing to be published and public notices to be mailed in accordance with law, and the City Plan Commission did conduct a public hearing on September 2, 2014, and did recommend to the City Council that the Planned Unit Development Overlay District proposal reviewed at that meeting be set forth in a formal development plan and plat map for approval by the City Council. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION I: That the tract of land shown on the development plan and plat map entitled “Double S PUD, Preliminary and Final Development Plan and Plat of Lots 5, 6,7 and 8 of Double S Subdivision, a Planned Unit Development (PUD)” (hereinafter “Double S PUD”) in the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois, being generally located near the intersection of Pine and Iowa Streets in the SE quadrant of the City, a copy of which is attached as Exhibit “A” and 77 made a part of this ordinance, said tract located in an R-3 Residential District, is hereby designated as an R-3 Residential District with a Planned Unit Development Overlay creating lots “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “E” and “F”. SECTION II: The City Clerk is hereby directed to amend the Zoning District Map of Ordinance No. 1206, adopted February 24, 1981, to reflect the Planned Unit Development Overlay for the tract of land herein described. SECTION III: The final development plan as set forth on the plat map described in Section I above is hereby approved. SECTION IV: The Zoning Administrator of the City is hereby directed to sign the certification of approval upon receipt of the original signed, stamped development plan and plat map of the afore-said Double S PUD as necessary for recording of the plat as described in Section I. SECTION V: That the Professional Surveyor shall provide the City with an as-recorded copy of the aforesaid plat and plans. PASSED AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, HENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS ON THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 11TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. NADINE PALMGREN MAYOR FOR THE CITY OF GENESEO (Seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 0 0 0 0 78 State of Illinois County of Henry City of Geneseo ) ) ) SS: I, Loree K. Phlypo, certify that I am the duly appointed and acting City Clerk of the City of Geneseo, Henry County, Illinois. I further certify that on November 11, 2014, the Corporate Authorities of such municipality passed and approved Ordinance No. O-14-12, entitled AN ORDINANCE CREATING A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OVERLAY DISTRICT IN AND R-3 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT AND THEREBY AMENDING THE ZONING MAP OF ORDINANCE NO. 1206; AND APPROVING THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE RONALD SEEI PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT OF LOTS 5, 6, 7, AND 8 OF THE DOUBLE S SUBDIVISION NEAR PINE AND IOWA STREETS , which provided by its terms that notice should be published in the local municipal newspaper, Geneseo Republic. The pamphlet form of Ordinance No. O-14-123, including the Ordinance and a cover sheet thereof, was prepared, and a copy of such Ordinance was posted in the municipal building, commencing on November 12, 2014 and continuing for at least ten days thereafter. Copies of such Ordinance were also available for public inspection upon request in the office of the Municipal Clerk. Dated at Geneseo, Illinois, this 11th day of November, 2014. LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK 79 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Administration PRESENTER: City Administrator SUBJECT: Event Liability Insurance BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: September Committee of the Whole decision was made to bring back to October Committee of the Whole better clarification as to what a “Charitable Organization” refers to. Better clarification was needed for staff to process applications submitted for rentals. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Shelter rental form b. List of organizations required to submit Proof of Insurance 80 CITY OF GENESEO PARK SHELTER RESERVATION PERMIT APPLICATION 115 S. Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 6125 Updated 1-16-14 For further information, phone City Hall at (309) 944-6419 between 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Name & address of person completing application: Company/Organization Name and Address, if applicable: (Must be at least 18 years of age) Phone Purpose of Number: Use: Estimated Number of Date Participants/Attendees: Requested: Will the purpose of use be an event that will include amplified Will the event be promoted to the public? music? Yes No Yes No Please check/circle the facilities you wish to reserve: CITY PARK: 8:00 AM - 2:30 PM 3:00 PM - 9:30 PM ALL DAY DEPOSIT Large Open Shelter $40.00 $40.00 $60.00 N/A City Park Gazebo $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 N/A Band Shell $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 N/A Public Address System $25.00 $25.00 $40.00 N/A New Gazebo $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 N/A PER GAME PER GAME East Softball Diamond Church League May 12th Thru August 7th $35/Game N/A West Softball Diamond Every Monday And Tuesday $35/Game N/A Field Rental must have a 24 hour notice-price includes Field Prep RICHMOND HILL PARK 8:00AM – 2:30PM 3:00PM – 9:30PM ALL DAY DEPOSIT Shelter #1 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 N/A Shelter #2 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 N/A Shelter #4 (large enclosed) $40.00 $40.00 $60.00 $25.00 Shelter #5 (large gazebo $30.00 $30.00 $45.00 N/A Shelter #6 $15.00 $15.00 $20.00 N/A Shelter #7 (small enclosed) $25.00 $25.00 $40.00 $25.00 TENNIS COURTS/Court Hourly Rate/Court 3 Hour/Court ALL DAY DEPOSIT $10.00 $25.00 $50.00 N/A RICHMOND HILL PARK 6 Courts Available 81 DEPOSIT Special Event fees are due upon approval of the event by the Chief of Police and the Public Works Director. A $200.00 deposit will be required for a special event that is promoted to the public and/or will include amplified music. If the park areas are returned to good order at the end of the event, the City will return $150.00 of the deposit, retaining $50.00. If the park areas require City personnel to return them to good order, the City will retain the entire deposit. I agree to assume the responsibility of having all members of my group adhere to the City of Geneseo rules and regulations regarding park use. I understand that there is NO ALCOHOL permitted on City property. I understand that I am responsible for any damage that may occur to the shelter or surrounding area. I agree to indemnify and hold the City harmless from all personal injuries or death, or property damage occurring as a result of the activities in connection with this application. I further agree to obtain and keep in effect for the period of any use of City property under this application Comprehensive liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 combined single limit coverage. Unless exempted, I will provide a certificate of insurance to the City. This insurance requirement shall only apply to commercial businesses, churches and other incorporated entities. Family or friend parties or charitable events are exempt from the insurance requirement. I have read and understand the rules and information regarding shelter reservations. Date __________________________________ Signed: ___________________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------Office use only Insurance Carrier_____________________________ Amount_____________________ ___________________________________ Director of Public Works 82 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Public Works/Wastewater PRESENTER: Public Works Director, City Administrator SUBJECT: Repair or Replacement of Wastewater Plant Transfer Pump BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: This pump is more than twenty years old and transfers treated wastewater from the primary to the secondary clarifier. The unit failed during the week of October 27. A temporary trash pump is in place to maintain the treatment process, but is only a temporary repair. The pump may be rebuildable, and that option is being investigated along with an outright replacement. Initial cost estimates suggest that repair or replacement may exceed the $20,000 threshold established by City ordinance and state statute, above which the City is required to solicit bids for the unit. We are requesting Council consideration of waiving the bid requirement, which is allowed by both statute and ordinance with a 2/3 majority vote of the City Council to approve the request. We request this to allow Public Works Director and Wastewater Plant Chief Operator to fully investigate the possibility of overhauling the pump as a lower cost alternative to replacement, or failing that, to obtain quotes to replace the unit. The pump will be a wastewater enterprise fund capital expenditure, is not a budgeted item, and will need to be expended from the fund’s cash reserves. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: 83 CITY OF GENESEO COUNCIL MEEETING November 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: Electric Department PRESENTER: Director of Electrical Operations, Lewis Opsal SUBJECT: Solar Grant BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: To install a ground mounted 1mw solar array at the Geneseo Renewable Energy Park. GMU has received a grant up to $ 1,000,000.00 from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation. RECOMMENDATION: Authorizing the mayor to sign an agreement with the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation accepting the terms and conditions for receipt of a grant for up to $1 million for installation of a 1-mw Municipal Utilities PV Pilot Project at the Geneseo Renewable Energy Park BUDGET IMPACT: None at this time DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: a. Geneseo Helios –V2 b. Full Proposal Form – Geneseo Demonstration Project c. Geneseo 1Mw Proposal d. R-14-111 Solar Energy Grant Resolution 84 November 1, 2014 Mr. Lewis Opsal Director of Electrical Operations City of Geneseo 433 E North St Geneseo, IL 61254 Re: Request ID: 6928 Municipal Utilities PV Pilot - 1MW Dear Mr. Opsal: We are very pleased to inform you that the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation has approved a grant of up to $1,000,000 to the City of Geneseo for the above-referenced project. The Foundation received many more grant requests in this application cycle than it was able to support. We thank you for submitting a well-developed proposal and look forward to the successful installation and operation of the proposed photovoltaic project. In addition, we hope that this will be a valuable learning opportunity for the City of Geneseo, other municipal electric utilities, and for the Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation. The enclosed grant agreement defines the terms and conditions of the grant. To accept the grant, please review, sign and return one complete copy of the grant agreement to the Foundation as soon as possible, and no later than one month from the date of this letter. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY RESULT IN THE TERMINATION OF YOUR GRANT. The Foundation requires grantees to submit grant requirements electronically. Your grant agreement, interim report, and other applicable grant-related documentation should be uploaded via the “Requirements” section of your online account. Be sure to provide your log-in credentials to others who may be managing these requirements. You can access your account at: On behalf of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees and staff, we would like to extend our best wishes for the success of this project. Sincerely, Dennis F. O’Brien Executive Director Enclosure 2 N. LaSalle St. Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 85 November 1, 2014 Mr. Lewis Opsal Director of Electrical Operations City of Geneseo 433 E North St Geneseo, IL 61254 Re: Request ID: 6928 Municipal Utilities PV Pilot - 1MW Dear Mr. Opsal: The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (“the Foundation”) is awarding a grant of up to $1,000,000 to the City of Geneseo (“the Grantee”) for the above-referenced project. This letter defines the terms and conditions of the grant and constitutes the grant agreement (‘the Agreement”) between the Foundation and the Grantee. Please read it carefully. If the Grantee agrees to the terms and conditions in the Agreement, please return one complete countersigned copy of the Agreement no later than one month from the date of this letter. Failure to do so may result in the termination of your grant. Contact the Foundation if you have any questions. Duration and Payment of Grant This grant is to be used during the period November 1, 2014 through October 31, 2015 (the “Grant Period”). The grant will be paid by the Foundation upon: a) receipt and acceptance of an Interim Report Form, six months after the start of the grant period; b) successful installation and operation of the photovoltaic system; and c) receipt and acceptance of a Project Completion Report. According to the Foundation’s guidelines, photovoltaic projects will be funded up to $1.25/watt, or 50% of the system and its installation costs, whichever is less. The Foundation reserves the right to suspend, modify or cancel any payments that might otherwise be due under this grant, to require a refund of any unexpended grant funds or both, if: 1. such action is necessary to comply with any applicable law or regulation; 2. the Grantee has used the grant funds for purposes other than as described in the Agreement or otherwise violated any part of the Agreement; and/or 3. the Grantee’s performance under the grant has not been satisfactory. The Foundation’s judgment on these matters will be final and binding. 2 N. LaSalle St. Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 86 Purpose and Use of Grant This grant is for the installation of a 1MW photovoltaic project under the Municipal Utilities PV Pilot Program (the “Project”) as described in the proposal and budget submitted to the Foundation by the Grantee on September 22, 2014. The Grantee agrees to educate the community about the benefits of renewable energy and install permanent signage acknowledging the Foundation’s support of the Project. Furthermore, the Grantee agrees to maintain the photovoltaic system in good working order, with access to current levels of sunlight, for at least the duration of the system’s expected useful 20-year life. All environmental attributes generated by the above Project, such as RECs, SRECs, TRECs, emission offsets and the like, cannot be unbundled and must remain under the control of the Grantee who will retire them. The Grantee confirms that this grant will be used solely for the specific tax-exempt purposes described in the Project proposal and budget and no substantial variance will be made without the Foundation’s prior written approval. The Grantee also confirms that the Project is under its complete control and that it has and will exercise control over the process of selecting any sub-grantees, sub-contractors or consultants involved in the Project. The Grantee and the Foundation are not partners or joint venturers with respect to each other. Furthermore, the Grantee agrees that funds from this grant will be used exclusively for tax exempt purposes as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and will not be used for any activities prohibited by law, including, without limitation, attempting to influence legislation or participating in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. The Grantee agrees that it and its employees, agents and sub-contractors will comply with all applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the performance of the Grantee's obligations under this Agreement. Reporting Requirements Interim Report The Foundation requires the Grantee to submit an Interim Report Form 6 months after the start of the grant period, which will include a description of the project’s status and whether or not the project is expected to be completed within the grant period. Project Completion Report The Foundation requires the Grantee to submit a project completion report on this grant no later than 2 months after the end of the Grant Period. The report should cover the entire Grant Period and contain: (a) a completed Final Report Form that includes a detailed description of what was accomplished using the grant funds, including progress made towards achieving the goals of the Project; 2 N. LaSalle St. ● Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 Page 2 of 5 Request ID: 6928 87 (b) photos of signage, copies of publicity materials as well as educational materials disseminating information about the photovoltaic system and associated learnings; (c) a summary of Project expenditures using the Final Project Expenditures Form showing the actual expenditures against the original approved Project budget and listing all grant, loan and/or other funds received by the Grantee for the Project; (d) invoice(s), other documents, and cancelled check(s)/proof of payment as to be referenced in the Final Project Expenditures Form; (e) a copy of an interconnection agreement with Commonwealth Edison, Ameren, or other electricity provider; (f) and photos of the installation. Project Performance Report for Three (3) Years The Foundation additionally requires the Grantee to file project performance reports for each of the Project’s first three years of operation using the Project Performance Report Form. This report shall be filed annually on October 15th. Failure to be current in these filings will be viewed as a grant compliance matter and would, among other possible consequences, be taken into account when considering future requests from the Grantee or the provider of the renewable energy system installed under this grant. The Grantee’s Primary Contact at the Foundation Please direct all questions and correspondence regarding this grant, including all required reports, to Gabriela Martin, who may be reached by mail at the Foundation’s office, by telephone at (312) 372-5191 or by e-mail at Publicity The Foundation believes it is important that many organizations and individuals in Illinois learn about the Project and the ways it benefits the public. Accordingly, the Foundation strongly encourages the Grantee to publicize the receipt of this grant and the results of the Project. The Grantee agrees to share with the Foundation a draft of any press release or public announcement of the grant prior to distributing the release or announcement and to provide the Foundation with access to resulting media coverage. The Grantee also agrees to allow the Foundation to publicize the Grantee as a grant recipient and to use the name and description of the Project and photographs or other audiovisual representations of subjects related to the Project. 2 N. LaSalle St. ● Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 Page 3 of 5 Request ID: 6928 88 Maintenance of Records and Evaluation The Grantee is responsible for maintaining adequate financial records regarding use of the grant funds, consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. The Grantee agrees to cooperate fully in any evaluation of this grant and/or the Project that the Foundation may conduct. Such an evaluation may include a visit from Foundation staff or consultants, interviews with Project participants, a review of financial and other records about the Project maintained by the Grantee and/or similar investigative activities. Confirmation of Tax-Exempt Status and Good Standing The Grantee confirms that it is currently a unit of government or a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code and is not a private foundation under Section 509(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Grantee agrees to submit with the signed Agreement written evidence of its tax-exempt, non-private foundation status if it has not previously provided such evidence to the Foundation. The Grantee further confirms that it will remain a nonprofit organization exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code in good standing with the appropriate state and federal government agencies. If requested by the Foundation, the Grantee agrees to provide written evidence of its good standing. If there is any change in the Grantee’s tax exempt status or good standing during this grant, the Grantee agrees to immediately notify the Foundation of that change. 2 N. LaSalle St. ● Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 Page 4 of 5 Request ID: 6928 89 Acceptance of Terms and Conditions of Agreement If the Grantee agrees to the terms and conditions in the Agreement, please return to the Foundation one complete copy of this letter signed by an authorized representative of the Grantee in the space provided below. For future reference, please retain a copy of the Agreement in your files. This grant award may be withdrawn if the Foundation has not received a counter-signed copy of the Agreement within one month from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Dennis F. O’Brien Executive Director The Grantee acknowledges that relevant organization executives and Project personnel have read and understand the Agreement, that its terms and conditions are acceptable to the Grantee and that the Grantee will comply with those terms and conditions. Grantee (This must be the legal name of the organization accepting the grant and it must have federal taxexempt status.) Name of Authorized Signer for the Grantee Title of Signer Authorized Signature (This must be an original signature of an authorized representative of the Grantee.) Date Signed 2 N. LaSalle St. ● Suite 1140 Chicago, IL 60602 tel 312.372.5191 fax 312.372.5190 Page 5 of 5 Request ID: 6928 90 Solar Energy Proposal - Estimate July 1, 2014 City of Geneseo Municipal Electric Department 433 East North Street Geneseo, IL 61254 1mW Solar Array Grount Mounted Design Provided by Provided to Lewis Opsal Alex Wander (309) 944-0930 (314) 520-0438 91 Executive Summary City of Geneseo Thank you for the opportunity to provide this solar proposal. Microgrid is the proven leader, offering: Experience - over 500 projects completed, including projects for Anheuser Busch, Nestle-Purina, the St. Louis Cardinals, Lake Land College & many other leading Midwestern companies. Qualifications - NABCEP certified personnel and licensed engineers on staff. OSHA compliance & extensive QA program. Description Total DC Capacity: 1 Megawatt (MWDC) Configuration: 1 - 1 mW ground mounted solar array, monopole racking Equipment: To be determined. We will be assessing feasibility of using products manufactured in Illinois The proposal is for a turnkey installation, with Microgrid handling all logistics, including incentives and grant funding paperwork. Financial Summary Installed Cost $ 2,750,000 - ICECF Grant - 1,000,000 - DCEO Large Solar Grant - 250,000 - Value of Energy (Year 1) 71,165 Net Cost, Year 1 $ 1,428,835 25 Year Energy Production (Warrantied Life of System) - 31,170,905 kWh Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) - ~ 4 Cents/kWh (inclusive of all O&M costs) Renewable Energy Credits generated (RECs) - 31,170 Marketing & Media Microgrid will also offer marketing and media related support with this project, helping to craft the messaging, website content, or other public interaction, as requested. Examples of projects that we would offer to assist with: - Community Outreach/Education Events - Integrating A Community Solar Component - Power Content Labeling to Promote Clean Energy Generation Next Steps It is important to note that the largest solar incentive available - the ICECF Grant - will be phased out once the ICECF feels as though there are enough demonstration projects in the State. The grant can be obtained by starting the Letter of Inquiry process. This includes the following: - Completing the Letter of Inquiry Form/ Completing the Online Questionnaire Form - Providing a copy of the IDNR consultation report. If protected resources could be affected by the project, include IDNR's written recommendations or letter stating that adverse effects are unlikely. - Providing a copy of a letter demonstrating zoning approval. - Providing a letter stating the organization's tax exempt status, current year budget and financial statements. Microgrid has gained a reputation as a leading commercial solar installer in the Midwest, based on our consistent delivery of the best service and expertise. Our company has also proved itself as a valuable consultant for non-profits and public sector customers that are seeking additional funding through grants, environmental study programs and other renewable energy incentives. We look forward to being able to demonstrate our capabilities for you on this project. 92 System Design City of Geneseo System 1000.0 kW Approx. Area 100,000 ft² The photo above depicts an estimated location and array layout for the system that is proposed. This image is for illustration purposes, and the appearance of the final design may vary. Below we have included two more photos, the left photo showing an example of the type of installation and right photo depicting an aerial view of the area under development. Design specifications and a detailed scope of work will be developed. 93 Financial Performance City of Geneseo Cashflows System Cost (Contract Amount) ($2,750,000) ICECF Grant ($1.25/Watt or 50%) +$1,000,000 DCEO Large Solar Grant Year 1 +$250,000 ($1,500,000) Budgeted Cost Electrical Genration & Purchase Savings +$99,633 Interconnection Fees ($50,000) ($1,450,367) Net System Cost (Year 1) Year 2-6 Electrical Genration & Purchase Savings Miscellaneous Costs¹ +$569,168 INCENTIVES DETAILS ($16,500) ICECF Grant Rebate - This new program is intended to support several mid- to large-scale PV demonstration projects at municipal electric utilities in Illinois. These types of PV arrays will interconnect with the municipal utility's distribution system and will provide a portion of the utility's power from clean generation. PV systems that provide electricity directly for process load(s) or building(s) are not eligible. ($897,699) Value Net of Incentives (Year 6) Years 7-25 Incentives $1,049,633 (Year1) Net System Cost $1,450,367 (Year-1) +$3,756,247 Electrical Genration & Purchase Savings ($82,500) Miscellaneous Costs³ +$2,893,566 Net System Savings Metrics IRR (25-Year) 7.9% ROI (25-Year) 105.2% Utility ##RateRebate Capitalization ## Payback Year ## NPV (7.0% Discount) ## Building Value Increase (8.0% Cap. Rate)² ## 8.2% Year 11.83 DCEO Large Solar Grant -The focus of the Large Distributed Solar and Wind Grant Program (previously called the Community Solar and Wind Grant Program) is to support the development and implementation of larger-scale distributed solar thermal, solar photovoltaic, and wind energy systems in Illinois. +$167,278 For additional information, including links to all incentive websites, visit +$2,821,783 Cumulative Cashflows $2,893,566 $551,163 ($286,726) Yr-0 Yr-5 ($1,401,192) (Yr-1) $1,594,481 Yr-10 Yr-15 Yr-20 Yr-25 ($836,582) (Yr-6) ($2,750,000) System Cost (1) Assumes a combined state and federal tax rate of 0.00%. (2) Building Value Increase = Average Net Operating Income (NOI) divided by an 8.0% Capitalization Rate (3) Miscellaneous Costs includes Meter Replacement Costs (Year-1 Only), Property Insurance, Maintenance (cleaning, inspection), etc. These costs vary; this is an estimate based on reported costs from past clients. (4) Savings on Electric Bills assumes an initial grid cost of power of $0.07/kWh with an annual escalation of 5% in the first 5 years, and 5% in years 6 through 25. 94 Energy Performance Solar power provides energy at a lower cost per kWh than you are currently paying. Solar is also able to help reduce demand charges on your electric bill by producing the most power at the times of day when power costs the most (peak vs. delivered). Energy Metrics Annual Energy Produced (Year 1) 1,355,546 kWh 31,931,171 kWh Lifetime Energy Produced1 Energy Equivalencies (Annual) Computers 4279 PC's Light bulbs 32,092 CFL's Barrels of Oil 2,607 Barrels Solar energy produced is enough to power 32,092 CFL's annually Making Your Energy Offset Tangible Microgrid can help you determine how best to communicate the impact of your solar array. Besides the equivalencies above, and other similar generalities, we can help determine what portion of your facility (the 1st floor, the garage, etc.) or a particular electric load (all the lighting, the plug loads on floor one, etc.) are offset by the solar energy produced by the system. Environmental Performance Solar Electric systems are a good investment on a purely financial basis. But for many companies and utilities, the environmental benefits are equally appealing. Environmental Metrics CO2 Emissions Avoided in Year-1 CO2 Emissions Avoided in Lifetime1 2,360,484 lbs 55,595,900 lbs Environmental Equivalencies (Year-1) Equivalent Miles Not Driven Equivalent Trees Planted 50,000,000 mi 3720 Acres Reduction in CO² is equivalent to planting 3720 acres of trees Related Environmental Benefits • LEED - earn LEED points for new construction or existing buildings • CO2 Avoided - contribute to carbon reduction goals and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) goals • Demonstrate - alignment with shareholder and employee values, and leadership in your industry and community (1) The term "lifetime" is conservatively set at a duration of 25 years. The solar modules are projected to have an expected lifespan of 35+ years, but for the purposes of these figures, we have used the warrantied life of 25 years. 95 Scope of Work City of Geneseo SYSTEM POWER PRODUCTION July 1, 2014 1000.0 kW 1,355,546 kWh This proposal is valid for 30 days Installed Power Capacity (STC) Projected Annual Energy Production (Year 1) CONFIGURATION Solar array on flat roof; approximate locations per attached drawing – precise configuration to be determined during design and engineering process, and reviewed by owner before submittal to utility for approval. EQUIPMENT Final specifications are subject to final design and engineering and equipment availability. All system components, including the solar module specified, will be subject to review by Owner before submission to the Utility Modules High performance photovoltaic solar modules from Certainteed, Trina, or another major manufacturer with Tier 1 status (diligence on manufacturer yields a determination of a bankable warranty). Carries a 25 year power production manufacturer's warranty. Inverters Central inverter from SMA, Fronius, or other major manufacturer. Specification based on final engineering and subject to review by client before submission to utility. High efficiency, top quality and reliability. 20+ years expected life, with 10 year manufacturers warranty. Mounting Ground mounted racking system, 33 degree tilt, with spaced rows that allow for easy maintenance. Racking will be an Illinois manufactured product. Constructed of rust-free materials and carries a 10 year manufacturer warranty. Fully engineered system, custom designed to suit site conditions. Design will meet code requirements on wind and structure load calculations. Monitoring User friendly, internet-based monitoring system that allows monitoring of power production data in real time, as well as review of historical data, reports, graphs, etc., all from any internet-enabled device. The monitoring platform can be linked to from your website to allow visitors to view the production information and learn about the System. SCOPE OF WORK • Provide all materials and labor related to install of the system. All electric work will be completed by a licensed electrician, in accordance with code requirements. Microgrid engineers are NABCEP Certified PV Installers. • Drawings sealed by a licensed engineer, including sealed structural calculations. • Permitting fees and sales tax included in system cost. • Processing of incentives/grant paperwork. • System Operation Training – Microgrid staff will provide facility staff with an initial overview of operation and maintenance of the system, and provide a comprehensive Owner’s Manual. • Marketing Assistance - media, web, and other promotional outreach, including messaging, releases, ribbon cutting, online posting, etc., as requested. See attached Marketing Services WARRANTY Equipment - Manufacturers warranties as described above and according to manufacturers supplied warranty documents. Workmanship - 1 year warranty on workmanship by Microgrid. SCHEDULE Typical time required in total is 6-18 months, with schedule to be determined at time of project kickoff meeting. Up to 90 days may be required for approval of Interconnection Agreement; system cannot be energized until final approval by Utility. PAYMENT SCHEDULE $ 550,000 Invoiced upon execution of this agreement $ 1,100,000 Invoiced upon submittal of Ameren Interconnection Agreement $ 1,100,000 Invoiced upon substantial completion SYSTEM COST Pricing valid for 30 days System Cost - $2,750,000 Net System Cost (Yr-1) - $1,450,367 Why Microgrid Owner's Initials 96 Why Microgrid Microgrid Solar is the leading commercial solar installer in the Midwest. We have built a reputation for providing superior professionalism, and an effortless project delivery experience. Experience Highly experienced team - over 400 projects completed, and a combined work experience totaling over 20 MW More NABCEP certified personnel than any other company headquarted within 300 miles of St. Louis Licensed engineers on staff Our clients include: St. Louis Cardinals Delivering More Assistance on marketing and media work. We go further than the competition in helping you tell your green story, internally and externally. Extensive Owner’s Manual that provides all the documents and records for the system in one place All field personnel are OSHA certified including ongoing extensive Quality Assurance (QA) program Optional Monitoring & Maintenance Plans Anheuser Busch US Bank Novus International MasterCard International Nestle Purina US Army More than Solar Installation Memorial Health System Energy Efficiency services Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Lake Land College Touchscreen Kiosks and Displays Enterprise Rent-a-Car Southwestern Illinois College Completed projects portfolio available at Full Qualifications Package available upon request, McCormack Baron Salazar Drury Hotels The Pageant Express Scripts Holiday Inn Express Harrah’s Entertainment Moonrise Hotel Brown Shoe St Louis County Missouri Dept. of Natural Resources University of Missouri St. Louis For a complete list, see 97 Full Proposal Form Total text should not exceed 4,000 words, and must reflect the most current project information. For Photovoltaic Installation, Solar Thermal Installation, Wind Turbine Installation < 100kW, Biomass, Advancing Renewable Energy, and Emerging Technologies Grants. Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation (ICECF). 1.05mW Ground Mounted Solar PV Array Grant Application for The City of Geneseo, IL 1. Provide an expanded description of your proposed project including: a) an explanation of your organization’s commitment to energy efficiency and renewable energy (other than the project being proposed); b) an explanation of the project ownership structure and answers to any questions asked in your proposal invitation letter (if applicable), and; c) as strong a case as possible that your organization is likely to proceed with the proposed project upon award of a Foundation grant. Project Overview: The City of Geneseo proposes to install a 1mW ground-mounted solar array on their electric department’s land, near the intersection of Interstate 80 and Illinois Route 82. Geneseo is located in the County of Henry, about 150 miles west of Chicago. The municipal electric utility of Geneseo provides electricity to over 3,687 residential and commercial meters, servicing nearly 7,000 residents. The land will also serve as an excellent home for the solar array, as it is on public lands, with direct visibility to both Interstate 80 and Illinois Route 82. Additionally, the array will sit on either side of the city’s eastern 1.5mW wind turbine. This will be part of the Geneseo Renewable Energy Park, which currently holds two 1.5mW wind turbines and would be the perfect location to house a 1mW solar ground mount. This will give an ideal backdrop for the image of “Illinois Clean Energy.” Site Location: Municipally Zoned Land for The City of Geneseo’s Municipal Electric Department, Geneseo Illinois (same location as ICECF Grant Funded Wind Turbines) The sample image above and on the left depicts a ground mounted solar array, similar to the one proposed in this letter. The racking arrangement allows for optimal production and uniformity. Utilizing Cablofil racking (manufactured in Illinois) will add to the value of the demonstration project (Schletter Racking Quoted in Rev. 10-13-2011 1 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 98 Attached Bid. Above and to the right shows an approximate image of a preliminary ground mount configuration. The array will be split into two segments. Detailed final design will require on-site surveys. Land Owned by the Electric Department of Geneseo Areas for Field Segments One and Two City of Geneseo, IL The design shown in the area (above and to the left) is land owned by The City of Geneseo and their Municipal Electric Department. The plot has already been utilized to install two wind turbines and now will support roughly 1mW DC STC of ground mounted solar. The image in the center depicts the general area where each array will be installed. The image above and to the right shows an aerial view of the entire city of Geneseo, the proposed site’s location and proximity to Interstate 80/ Illinois Route 82 as well as the city’s physical boundaries. The 4-acre site will contain a solar photovoltaic array including some of the following basic components: 3960 265W DC (STC) 60-cell solar modules, or closest available equivalent. Properly sized and engineered high efficiency Solar PV inverters which will provide Maximum Power Point Tracking over the voltage range for multiple parallel strings of 20 solar modules, corrected for ASHRAE high, low and average temperatures for the site. Initial engineering indicates about 33 will be required, with peak rated AC output of 766 kWAC. DC/AC ratio designed to increase production during peak demand. 480VAC low-voltage wiring and conduit for distribution of the inverters AC output, which will interface to utility-provided low-voltage to medium-voltage transformer(s) and utility transmission line. Necessary additional BOS (Balance Of System) equipment including AC combiners, OCPD (overcurrent-protection), isolation switching and disconnects, etc., conforming to the requirements of the 2011 NFPA National Electric Code. System Design, plans, and supervision to be done by NABCEP-Certified PV Installation Professional Engineers, PE reviewed and stamped, and fully permitted and approved by the local AHJ. A. The City’s Commitment The City of Geneseo and the Utility are extremely committed to providing the citizens of Geneseo with a cost efficient, reliable and environmentally friendly energy source. The Geneseo Municipal Electric Utility is well prepared to undertake and manage solar energy equipment based upon the following: The Utility maintains and operates 30 Mw of dual-fuel diesel generation for peak-load shaving and emergency power at its plant, located within city limits. The Utility also maintains two 1.5mw wind turbines that were installed in 2009 with a grant from The Illinois Clean Energy Community Foundation. Within the past five years, city staff has installed 7 oxidation catalysts and 1 SCR unit (Selective Catalyst Reduction) to meet the 2013 NESHAP RICE Compliance rule on city owned generating stations. The City has also installed 2 Vensys wind turbines in 2009, of which the city maintains both turbines (in house with certified wind turbine mechanics). The utility has installed over 500 LED street lights out of the 1100 street lights located within the city and the City plans on changing all street lights to LED within the next two years. Rev. 10-13-2011 2 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 99 Currently, they City of Geneseo owns roughly 15 acres at the intersection of Interstate 80 and Oakwood Avenue (IL State Route 82). A small section of this land has already been dedicated as the City of Geneseo Renewable Energy Park. This has been promoted locally, as well as across the State of Illinois. In fact, a stone sign has been constructed off of Interstate 80 that designates the area and demonstrates the commitment from the city. Currently, the only renewable energy on site is derived from the two wind turbines. However, with the hopes of this renewable energy grant from the ICECF, the city will be able to build a 1mW solar array at the base of their two wind turbines. This will go to show that the city has a strong devotion to on site renewable generation, through multiple resources. Previously submitted city financials, the history of completing partially-funded ICECF energy projects and the attached letter of commitment from the Mayor of Geneseo can attribute to the assurance that the city has in itself to complete this project as portrayed in this grant application. B. Ownership Structure The City of Geneseo will own the generating unit. Its output will become part of the owned and purchased portfolio that the City Municipal Electric Department uses to provide electricity to its retail customers. Geneseo will build the solar array and own the land on which the installation will take place. Geneseo will maintain the solar array in conjunction local electrical contractor labor. This will be possible through the ICECF Grant, an Illinois Department of Economic Opportunity (DCEO) Renewable Energy Grant and through city resources. These resources have already been approved, pending the award announcements from the ICECF and the DCEO. Geneseo sees the ownership of this array as learning opportunity. As the electric industry moves forward, more renewable energy producing units will enter into the mix of the city’s energy portfolio. This is anticipated to take effect on the utility scale, as seen in this demonstration project, as well as at the retail level. Owning and managing these PV arrays will give the city get an up-close and personal experience on the discovering practices for our city, for other municipal utilities and for their customers who will themselves begin adopting this, and other sustainable generation technologies over the next decade. The ownership of this unit will give Geneseo first-hand insights about how to plan for and manage such phenomena related to the PV array as: Peak savings and the market implications derived from these savings Financial Planning System engineering and safety issues Potential strains on the distribution system Voltage swings C. Case for Proceeding The City of Geneseo is proposing to install the 1mW solar generating unit on the southern edge of the municipality’s footprint, placing it in the MISO regional transmission authority. The municipality is unique among public sector electric providers in Illinois, in that it deals in MISO market, yet is adjacent to the PJM service territory. Owning a solar generation facility so close to the border of these two RTO markets will provide for a close comparison on the viability of owning solar generation near both of the two different markets within this state. The site’s close proximity to Davenport, IA will also help provide inter-state exposure. Geneseo is an excellent choice to site a PV array in western Illinois area. Geneseo is in one of largest western media markets with Davenport and Peoria close by, which assures visibility for this project. For educational outreach, it’s location on Interstate 80 makes access easy for groups from Chicago wishing to study the site. The site is centrally located in the State’s northwest quadrant and within reach of higher education institutions in Chicago, Rockford, Peoria, Quincy and bring attention from students looking to travel Rev. 10-13-2011 3 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 100 from Iowa. Furthermore, the site’s combination of multiple-megawatt capacity, between two different clean energy generation methods, is sure to add to this exposure. Additionally, the city has already made the commitment of resources. Land has been set aside for this project, financial resources have been set aside on a contingency basis and there have been a number of support statements made from the City’s municipal electric department, board of aldermen and the city’s mayor. All parties involved have given this project a “green light,” and project completion seems to be a sure achievement, pending the approval of this grant award. 2. Provide an updated project work plan and timeline with major project milestones. 2014 JULY ICECF Municipal Demonstration Grant – Grant Preparation Timeline May 1 – Sept 15: Preliminary design and site configuration; Apply for grant funding. Sept 15 – Oct 15: Submit project budget; grant award notices, construction and operational plans to city and obtain city board’s final approval. 2014 JULY ICECF Municipal Demonstration Grant – Workflow Timeline Commence Civil Engineering Work Commence Interconnection Electrical Engineering Work Commence Solar Engineering Final Design Work Commence Geotechnical investigation Work Complete Geotechnical Study Complete Civil Engineering Design for Submittal Complete Interconnection Electrical Engineering Work Complete Solar Engineering Final Design Work Order Equipment Permitting and Approvals Complete by Commence Construction Complete Construction Commission System and Turnover February 1, 2015 February 1, 2015 February 1, 2015 February 15, 2015 March 15, 2015 April 1 2015 April 1, 2015 April 1, 2015 April 15, 2015 June 1, 2015 June 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 December 1, 2015 3. A description of your organization’s ability to carry out the project, including information on any similar projects your organization undertook in the past. Also include your plans to train facility staff in the operation and maintenance of the new technology. The City has already demonstrated its ability to carry out such an endeavor, upon receiving the first ICECF Grant for the installation of two, 1.5mW Vensys Wind Turbines. Upon being awarded the grant funds, Geneseo was able to carry out the purchase and installation of these two units without any problems pertaining to city finances, IDNR, planning or zoning. It feels fully capable of completing the same process with a solar generation facility. Existing staff plans on undergoing NABCEP certification in order to ensure that proper care of the array can be fulfilled and Lewis Opsal, the City’s Municipal Electric Department’s Director of Electrical Operations has personally undertaken this as a project in which he feels more than capable of managing. Rev. 10-13-2011 4 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 101 4. A summary of your plans to publicize the project and its results. Geneseo’s solar array will be monitored, analyzed and operated exactly as the ICECF is requesting; with the intention to create a demonstration project that can be emulated and studied by other municipal entities throughout the state, The City of Geneseo plans on displaying the following on a specially built web site: Production Figures (hourly, daily, monthly and annual) Installation Photos Predicted Financial Modeling and Correlation to Actual Finances (Geneseo is proposing an ‘open book’ set of records for this project) New Solar Information for Retail Customers. The City of Geneseo’s First ‘Power Content Label.’ There are also plans to build out the current exposure and promotion behind the ‘Geneseo Renewable Energy Park.’ The plans include tours from other municipalities, electric departments, school field trips and open book studies to facilitate the financial viability of the technology. As stated in the grant guidelines, this type of PV array will interconnect with the municipal utility's distribution system and will provide a portion of the utility's power from clean generation. Based on estimates, a 1mW solar array in Geneseo would produce an estimated 1,360,000 kWh in year one and an estimated cumulative total of 30,222,268 kWh over the array’s 25-year warranted life. Chart below outlines the estimated production from the proposed solar generation facility and will be the baseline for studying the array and comparing to alternative energy sources. Rev. 10-13-2011 5 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 102 5. An explanation of how you plan to educate students and/or the general public in your community about renewable energy. As briefly outlined above, the city will open the demonstration project and the entire park to regional city governments and educational entities. The new solar generation will be heavily promoted as part of the city’s generation mix, in addition to the wind turbines already in place. The data will be available on site, as well as online. This will allow for remote studies as well as an enhanced learning format in the classroom. Many of the production aspects and data could possibly be enhanced as the city has considered taking the project a step further with a battery backup unit, to control energy release amounts and times. This would enhance the financial aspects behind the project, give an emergency back up provision to the city and make use of additional ICECF resources to demonstrate these technologies to the public. Specifically, local schools and colleges could utilize a format implemented by previous ICECF Grant recipients like Lake Land College and Memorial Health Care’s North Dirksen Facilities. Each of these organizations have implemented an in place kiosk that is viewable by students and visitors, as well as staff. Rev. 10-13-2011 6 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 103 This enhances the educational message on the most basic level. If additional measures wanted to be taken, private and public organizations could study the array remotely using a specially built online format that will be shared via the city’s existing web site. These additional steps could be further advanced by implementing online curricula that could be followed or taught to students and visitors of the web site. This curricula has already been developed and would be contributed as part of the overall project cost by Microgrid Solar, if the project installation were to be awarded to their firm. 6. Provide a brief explanation of when and how you plan to evaluate the project. The project will be evaluated against the energy and financial calculations provided by an outside consultant during the grant development process. The online monitoring and production software in place, combined with open book pricing already offered by one installation firm could also be incorporated into the project’s evaluation. Items evaluated will include kilowatt-hour production, costs and financials, projected performance, performance issues that pertain to electrical outputs as well as peak production phenomena, and the overall abilities for the generation facility to perform as projected. This will be done as soon as the array is turned on and will be closely monitored throughout the array’s 25 year lifetime. The amount of monitoring attention to detail will not curb off, even after the array has surpassed ten years of production. Once new storage, monitoring and inverter technologies are created there will be a renewed opportunity to track and manage theses implementations. Focus may change after the array’s 25 th year, as the warranties on certain parts expire and the use of technology is below 75% its original installation amount. The system will be monitored, by recommendation of the ICECF, with online monitoring and system performance measures and will submit annual reports for the first three years. Additionally, all of this data will be posted online and full transparency will be provided, as this is truly meant to be a demonstration project; one that can be studied by both the educational community and regional stakeholders in solar PV technology. All RECs that are measured and captured by the City of Geneseo will be retained and retired. 7. Please show your energy generation/energy savings calculations below (use equations). The equations below are separate from the Helios calculations and Bid Proposal from Microgrid Solar (separate attachments). Energy Calculations Worksheet: Geneseo, IL (Separate from attached Helios Document and Bid Proposal; Source PV Watts) Station Identification: City: State: TMY2 Moline, IL Geneseo IL DC Rating (kW): 1.05mW 0.84 Derate Factor: Fixed Tilt Array Type: 25 Degrees Array Tilt: Array Azimuth: 218 Degrees SSW Rev. 10-13-2011 7 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 104 PV Watts Calculation Results: Field Segment 1 (Northwest/668kW DC) Month kWh (AC Output) January 44,323 February 54,933 March 68,224 April 79,598 May 91,003 June 94,379 July 91,275 August 89,019 September 76,542 October 66,613 November 45,207 December 37,142 Total: 838,258 PV Watts Calculation Results: Field Segment 2 (Southeast/381kW DC) Month January kWh (AC Output) 25,280 February 31,331 March 38,912 April 45,400 May 51,904 June 53,830 July 52,060 August 50,773 September 43,657 October 37,994 November 25,784 December 21,184 478,109 Total: Field Segment 1: Field Segment 2: 838,258kWh 478,109kWh Total Combined Array Segments: Rev. 10-13-2011 1,316,367kWh 8 Please submit this form as a Microsoft Word “.doc” or “.docx” file. 105 AnnualProductionReportproducedbyMicrogridEnergy southwestsplitarrayalt2-newboundaryGeneseo1MW,41.42721,90.15511 Produc tion Design Production 1.366GWh Performance Ratio 79.5% kWh/kWp 1,301.7 WeatherSource FieldS egments ProjectName Geneseo1MW ProjectDescription 1MWsampledesignforGeneseoIll ProjectAddress 41.42721,-90.15511 MOLINEQUADCITYINTLAP(tmy3,I) Design southwestsplitarrayalt2-new boundary Transposition Model PerezModel DCNameplate 1.05MW NearShade Profile GeneseoWindTurbine ACNameplate(Load Ratio) 765.6kW(137.1%) Simulator Version 70(db7332cbf3-536be49411-b1efb8b61f896b7f268b) MonthlyProduc tion S ourc esofS ystemLoss 200k Inverter:2.3% Shading:4.9% Wiring:0.2% kWh 150k Optimizers:0.0% Mismatch:4.6% 100k Reflection:2.9% 50k Temperature:2.4% 0k Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov AnnualProduc tion ConditionS et Description Output %Delta AnnualGlobalHorizontalIrradiance 1,472.4 POAIrradiance 1,637.3 11.2% Description MolineTMY3withshade WeatherSource MOLINEQUADCITYINTLAP(tmy3,I) ShadedIrradiance 1,557.5 -4.9% SolarAngleLocation MeteoLat/Lng IrradianceafterReflection 1,511.6 -2.9% TranspositionModel PerezModel IrradianceafterSoiling 1,481.4 -2.0% NearShadeProfile GeneseoWindTurbine TotalCollectorIrradiance 1,481.4 0.0% Nameplate 1,555,998.8 TemperatureModel SandiaModel OutputatIrradianceLevels 1,504,956.4 Irradiance (kWh/m2) Energy (kWh) Soiling:2.0% Irradiance:3.3% Dec -3.3% OutputatCellTemperatureDerate 1,468,123.2 -2.4% OutputAfterMismatch 1,400,534.0 -4.6% OptimizerOutput 0.0 0.0% SystemDCOutput 1,397,687.0 -0.2% SystemACOutput 1,366,009.1 -2.3% TemperatureModelParameters Soiling(%) TemperatureMetrics Avg.OperatingAmbientTemp 13.4°C Avg.OperatingCellTemp 20.5°C SimulationMetrics 4673 SolvedHours 4673 a b TemperatureDelta FixedTilt -3.56 -0.075 3°C FlushMount -2.81 -0.0455 J F M A M J J A S O N D 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 IrradiationVariance 5% CellTemperatureSpread 4°C ModuleBinningRange -2.5%to2.5% ModuleCharacterizations OperatingHours RackType ComponentCharacterizations 0°C Module Characterization OPT265-60-4-100(Suniva) DefaultCharacterization,PAN Device Characterization 3TL-23(1000V)(AdvancedEnergy) DefaultCharacterization 106 ©2014FolsomLabs 1/2 July11,2014 AnnualProductionReportproducedbyMicrogridEnergy Components Component Name Inverter WiringZones Count 3TL-23(1000V)(AdvancedEnergy) 33(765.6kW) Combiners None 66 Strings 10AWG(Copper) 198(8,600.6m) Module OPT265-60-4-100(Suniva) 3,960 Description CombinerPoles StringSize StringingStrategy WiringZone2 6 20 AlongRacking DefaultWiringZone 6 20 AlongRacking FieldS egments Description Racking Orientation Tilt Azimuth IntrarowSpacing FrameSize Frames Modules FieldSegment1 FixedTilt Vertical(Portrait) 25° 218° 3.3m 2x10 162 3,240 FieldSegment2 FixedTilt Vertical(Portrait) 25° 218° 3.3m 2x10 36 720 DetailedLayout 107 ©2014FolsomLabs 2/2 July11,2014 RESOLUTION NO. R-14-111 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO SIGN AN AGREEMENT WITH THE ILLINOIS CLEAN ENERGY FOUNDATION ACCEPTING THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR RECEIPT OF A GRANT FOR UP TO $1 MILLION FOR INSTALLATION OF A 1-MW MUNICIPAL UTILITIES PV PILOT PROJECT AT THE GENESEO RENEWABLE ENERGY PARK WHEREAS, in July of 2014 the City of Geneseo Municipal Electric Utility applied for grant funding from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation to assist with the installation of a 1-MW photovoltaic energy system (“PV Project”) for the improvement of its operations and the benefit to its customers of additional renewable energy sources for electric energy; and, WHEREAS, The Illinois Clean Energy Foundation has approved the application and awarded a grant of up to $1 Million to the City of Geneseo for the PV Project subject to the terms and conditions set forth in an agreement dated November 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, The City Council has determined that it is in the best interest of the City to accept the terms of said agreement and to proceed with consideration of the subsequent steps to avail itself of the benefits of the aforesaid grant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO: SECTION I: That the Agreement from the Illinois Clean Energy Foundation for the Municipal Utilities PV Pilot – 1MW to the City of Geneseo, Request ID 6928, dated November 1, 2014 (the “Agreement”) is hereby made a part of this resolution and is attached as “Exhibit A”. SECTION II: That the City Council approves the terms of the Agreement and authorizes the Mayor to execute said Agreement as the Authorized signer PASSED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF GENESEO, ILLINOIS THIS 11TH 2014 AND APPROVED BY THE MAYOR THIS 12TH DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. DAY OF NOVEMBER, NADINE PALMGREN, MAYOR (seal) LOREE K. PHLYPO CITY CLERK AYES: NAYS: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: 108 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 11TH, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS (INSPECTIONS) PRESENTER: RICK MILLS SUBJECT: HCOD NEW SIGNAGE REVIEW BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: Goodwill Industries has requested to have a site and design review for the placement of new signage on the front of their structure for approval from the Plan Commission. The design of the signs is shown on the attached pictures that were submitted by Media Quest Signs for Goodwill Industries. This project is in the HCOD. RECOMMENDATION: The plan Commission held a public hearing to discuss this application on November 3rd and has come to the conclusion to recommend to City Council that this project move forward as presented. Four of the five commissioners were present and they all voted for the project. The Commissioners also put in their motion that the freestanding sign be lowered to 15’ as per the ordinance. The sign company has been notified of this prior to the meeting and may apply for a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals which would in turn be a separate action from this application. BUDGET IMPACT: NONE DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Council members should have received a copy of the Plan Commission packet last week sometime and I have attached a new computer aided photo of the building as it would appear at the end of the project. 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 CITY OF GENESEO CITY COUNCIL NOVEMBER 11, 2014 ORIGINATING DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS (INSPECTIONS) PRESENTER: RICK MILLS SUBJECT: CERTIFICATE OF APPROPRIATENESS BACKGROUND and DISCUSSION: The owners/applicants would like to resurface the north side (lower half) of their building located at 208 W. First Street. The gable end (top half) of this building has been resurfaced with a tan colored metal recently and will not be part of this project. This building used to be the old Belanger John Deere dealership and there was a large garage door on this side that has been filled in with a wood siding and painted. Also the old walk through door is still in place and they would also like to remove it with the old window that was filled in. The owners attempted to find some matching brick to fill this in, but were unable to find anything close enough to match the old brick. They first looked at putting an EFIS board on the entire lower part of this side, but did not like the look. I also showed the Commissioners this and had the same response from you. The owners have gone out and found the stone in the picture and feel that this is a better look for the historic district. Above the stone will be this EFIS board with a plaster type covering. RECOMMENDATION: The plan Commission held a public meeting to discuss this application on November 3rd and has come to the conclusion to recommend to City Council that this project move forward as presented. Four of the five commissioners were present and they all voted for the project. BUDGET IMPACT: NONE DOCUMENTS ATTACHED: Council members should have received a copy of the Plan Commission packet last week sometime and I have attached a new computer aided photo of the building as it would appear at the end of the project. 118 City of Geneseo IL. Certificate of Appropriateness Case Report HEARING DATE: November 3rd 2014 Case No.: 14-010 Filing Date: 10/15/2014 Project Address: 208 W. First Street Geneseo, Illinois Historic Landmark: No Zoning: B-3 Block/Lot: LT 1 BELANGER ADD CITY OF GENESEO Applicant: Bill Heller / Cocquit Staff Contact: Rick Mills PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: 208 W. Second Street Geneseo, Illinois “LT 1 BELANGER ADD CITY OF GENESEO” PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The owners/applicants would like to resurface the north side (lower half) of their building located at 208 W. First Street. The gable end (top half) of this building has been resurfaced with a tan colored metal recently and will not be part of this project. This building used to be the old Belanger John Deere dealership and there was a large garage door on this side that has been filled in with a wood siding and painted. Also the old walk through door is still in place and they would also like to remove it with the old window that was filled in. The owners attempted to find some matching brick to fill this in, but were unable to find anything close enough to match the old brick. They first looked at putting an EFIS board on the entire lower part of this side, but did not like the look. I also showed the Commissioners this and had the same response from you. The owners have gone out and found the stone in the picture and feel that this is a better look for the historic district. Above the stone will be this EFIS board with a plaster type covering. OTHER ACTIONS REQUIRED: None COMPLIANCE WITH THE PLANNING CODE PROVISIONS: A Certificate of Appropriateness is required for any construction, alteration, removal, or demolition of a designated Landmark for which a City permit is required. In appraising a proposal for a Certificate of Appropriateness, the City of Geneseo Plan Commission may consider the factors of architectural style, design, arrangement, texture, materials, color, and other pertinent factors suggested in the Chipman Design plan. Section 31.068 of the Planning Code provides in relevant part as follows (A) The Plan Commission shall have the following duties relating to the Historic Preservation District: (1) To issue certificates of appropriateness prior to the issuance of any building permit pertaining to the construction, erection, alteration, removal, moving, or demolition of any structure in the Historic Preservation District; 119 (2) To propose, from time to time, to the Council the establishment or disestablishment of structures and/or areas for historic preservation and of any additions to or changes in the geographic boundaries of the Historic Preservation District; (3) To advise the Council, the Building Inspector, other public agencies, and property owners in matters involving structures and areas of historic and/or architectural significance. Further, to assemble and hand over to the Chamber of Commerce information pertaining to funds, from both public and private sources, available for restoration, alteration, and preservation; (4) To hold a public hearing when requested after a certificate of appropriateness has been denied; and (5) To advise the Building Inspector whether a certificate of appropriateness II required for a particular improvement. (B) Procedures for the issuance or denial of a certificate of appropriateness shall be as follows: (1) No building permit for the construction, erection, alteration, removal, moving, or demolition of any structure or building in the Historic Preservation District shall be issued where the action will affect the exterior architectural features of the structure or building unless and until a certificate of appropriateness has been issued by the Plan Commission. Upon application for a building permit with respect to any structure or building in the above categories, the Building Inspector shall submit the application, together with the related plans and specifications, to the Board for its consideration. (2) Application Procedures. Requirement Date Date of application two weeks prior to Plan Commission meeting 10/15/2014 Two copies of all supporting materials and attachments received from applicant with application (two weeks prior to meeting) 10/15/2014 Notice of meeting for building permit and certificate (ten days prior to meeting) 10/23/2015 Application and documentation to plan commission members one week prior to meeting date. Written appeal of plan commission decision filed with city clerk within ten days of meeting Chairman of Plan Commission schedules a public hearing giving at least ten days’ notice 120 (3) Before recommending approval of a certificate of appropriateness, the Plan Commission shall consider whether: (a) The proposed change will adversely affect or destroy any significant historic or architectural feature of the structure; (b) It is inappropriate or inconsistent with the spirit and purpose of the ordinance; (c) It will affect adversely or destroy the general historic and architectural significance of the district; or (d) With respect to any proposed demolition, the Plan Commission shall determine whether or not preservation is economically feasible for the applicant and shall issue a certificate of appropriateness if the denial of the certificate would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary hardship that would deprive the applicant of the reasonable use of the land or building involved. ISSUES & OTHER CONSIDERATIONS: None STAFF ANAYLSIS: Staff feels that the applicants have considered the effects on the Historic District and have added the stone look to the bottom section of the resurfacing. The applicants want to eliminate the sections that have been patched in when the large overhead door was removed years ago and filled in with the brown wood siding shown in the current photo. Also the window that has been eliminated and just filled in with siding will remove and fixed properly. There is also one door that is not used and will be removed to clean up the front of the building. This will also help with heat loss in the winter months. Staff feels that this will make the façade of this building look more like this is how it has always looked instead of the patched in look. PLANNING DEPARTMENT RECOMMENDATION: Staff feels that the improvements that are requested should be accepted by the Commissioners. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Photographs Project Information 121 City Council City of Geneseo Tuesday, November 11, 2014 at 6:00 P.M. Chambers of the City Council 115 South Oakwood Avenue Geneseo, Illinois 61254 AGENDA BILLS General $12,762.37 Inspectors $760.34 Public Works $33,450.31 Public Safety $12,134.18 B – Police $204.88 Article 36 $825.00 Debt Service $439.97 Motor Fuel $3,620.83 Fuel Depot $28,304.86 Hotel/Motel Tax $10,510.59 Economic Development $4,500.00 Electric $349,894.43 Electric Meter Deposit $15.72 Refuse $31,179.95 Water $63,853.32 Water Meter Deposit $50.01 Sewer $71,031.32 Downtown TIF $2,310.00 Rt. 82 TIF $534.00 Capital Projects $1,065.00 Health Insurance $67,611.47 Cafeteria Plan $52.97 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146
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