POWER.ORG TRADEMARK LICENSE AGREEMENT This Trademark License Agreement (this “License Agreement”) is made and entered into as of the Effective Date described below by and between IEEE Industry Standards and Technology Organization (“IEEE-ISTO”), a Delaware Corporation, as trustee for Power.org (“Power.org”) and the organization listed on the COMPANY RECITATION AND CONTACT INFORMATION portion provided when this Agreement is executed (“COMPANY”). RECITALS WHEREAS, IEEE-ISTO as trustee for Power.org owns certain good and valuable trademarks and logos and is a licensee with the right to grant sublicenses to certain other good and valuable trademarks and logos; WHEREAS, Members have signed a Power.org Membership Agreement (the “Membership Agreement), a copy of which shall be provided to Non-Members on request to Power.org; and WHEREAS, COMPANY wishes to obtain a license to use the Marks (as defined below) in accordance with the terms and conditions described below; NOW THEREFORE: The parties hereby agree as follows: 1) DEFINITIONS For purposes of this License Agreement the following terms shall have the following meanings: a) “Effective Date” shall be the date of execution of this License Agreement online. b) “Specific Product” shall mean a specific model or version of COMPANY’s product. For Interoperability Trademark License operation, the specific model or version referenced here is based on the underlying design and/or code itself, not any marks or version numbers publicly used with the Specific Product. Thus, if the mark or version number changes, but the underlying design or code does not materially change, it is the same Specific Product. If the underlying design or code does materially change, such as by addition of a function or module, even though the mark or version number may not change, it is a new Specific Product. Again for Interoperability Trademark License operation, the Specific Product may either be a product on its own or may be a component incorporated into a product without material modification to the component. c) “Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure” shall mean the applicable Power.org product testing and compliance requirements as set forth and as may be amended by Power.org from time to time with reasonable notice. d) “Related Companies” of Company shall mean a corporation, company or other entity that, now or hereafter, directly or indirectly controls, is controlled by or is under common control with the Company, but such corporation, company or other entity shall be deemed to be a Related Company only so long as such control exists. For purposes of this definition "control" means direct or indirect ownership of or the legal right to exercise: i) more than fifty percent (50%) of the outstanding shares or securities (representing the right to vote for election of directors or other managing authority); or ii) in the case of a corporation, company or other entity which does not have outstanding shares or securities, as may be the case in a partnership, joint venture or unincorporated association, more than fifty percent (50%) of the ownership interest representing the right to make the decisions for such corporation, company or other entity. e) “Sponsored Event” shall mean an event sponsored by Power.org in which parties perform testing in an effort to determine if a party’s product meets interoperability criteria as specified by Power.org. f) “Qualified Mark(s)” shall mean the trademark(s) specified in Attachment 2 hereto and as may be amended from time to time. g) “Qualified Trademark License” shall mean the trademark license granted in Section 2)b) and Attachment 2. 1 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 h) “Interoperability Mark(s)” shall mean the trademarks specified in Attachment 3 hereto and as may be amended from time to time. i) “Interoperability Trademark License” shall mean the trademark license granted in Section 2)c) and Attachment 3. j) “Material(s)” shall mean all material used in the supply and promotion of the Specific Product(s) (whether written or recorded in any other medium) and includes artwork, advertising materials (irrespective of the medium in which they are recorded), display materials, packaging materials, letterhead, business cards, invoices, price lists and other sales material, brochures, posters, internal and external signage, program listings and screen displays. k) “Membership Mark(s)” shall mean the trademark(s) specified in Attachment 1 hereto and as may be amended from time to time. l) “Membership Trademark License” shall mean the trademark license granted in Section 2)a) and Attachment 1. m) “Mark(s)” shall mean the trademark(s) specified in Attachments 1, 2 and 3 hereto, including Membership Mark(s), Qualified Mark(s) and Interoperability Mark(s), which Attachments may be amended as provided herein. 2) n) “Implementation” means a hardware, software, or firmware embodiment of a Specification, which has been adopted and approved for release by the Power.org Board of Directors, and any updates or revisions adopted and approved for release by the Power.org Board of Directors. Implementation does not include the ISA. o) “Specification” means a document entitled Power.org Specification adopted and approved for release by the Power.org Board of Directors, and any updates or revisions adopted and approved for release by the Power.org Board of Directors, that pertains or relates to the ISA or compatibility with the ISA. Specification does not include the ISA. p) “ISA” means the instruction set architecture, including base instructions, special purpose instructions, privileged instructions, proprietary instructions, and other instructions, as designated by IBM from time to time in the current official Power Architecture documentation as issued by IBM. q) “IBM” shall mean International Business Machines Corporation, having an office to conduct business in Armonk, New York. LICENSE GRANT a) Membership Trademark License. As a Member of Power.org, subject to the payment of any administration fees pursuant to Section 4 of this License Agreement and to the continuing satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Qualifying Conditions section and the Licensed Trademark Usage section of Attachment 1, as well as the terms and conditions of this Membership Trademark License and the Usage Guidelines, IEEE-ISTO hereby grants COMPANY a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the Membership Mark(s) (with a right to grant sublicenses hereunder only to Related Companies), the terms and conditions of this Membership Trademark License being subject to amendment from time to time by the Power.org by amendment to the Attachment 1 or the Usage Guidelines. Any such amendment to Attachment 1 or the Usage Guidelines shall require approval of the Board of Directors. Should Attachment 1 or the Usage Guidelines be amended after COMPANY has commenced using a Mark on a Specific Product, the existing Materials for such Specific Product may be used unchanged until the Materials are next revised, at which time the revised Materials must comply with the amended Attachment 1 and Usage Guidelines. b) Qualified Trademark License. For Specific Products, subject to the payment of any administration fees pursuant to Section 4 of this License Agreement and to the continuing satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Qualifying Conditions section and the Licensed Trademark Usage section of Attachment 2, as well as the terms and conditions of this Qualified Trademark License and the Usage Guidelines, IEEEISTO hereby grants COMPANY a world-wide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, right to use the Qualified Mark(s) (with a right to grant sublicenses hereunder only to Related Companies), the terms and conditions of this Qualified Trademark License being subject to amendment from time to time by Power.org by amendment to the Attachment 2 or the Usage Guidelines. Any amendment to Attachment 2 or the Usage Guidelines shall require approval of the Board of Directors. Should Attachment 2 or the Usage Guidelines be amended after COMPANY has commenced using a Mark on a Specific Product, the 2 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 existing Materials for such Specific Product may be used unchanged until the Materials are next revised, at which time the revised Materials must comply with the amended Attachment 2 and Usage Guidelines. c) Interoperability Trademark License. Subject to the payment of any administration fees pursuant to Section 4 of this License Agreement and to the continuing satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the Licensed Trademark Usage section of Attachment 3, as well as the terms and conditions of this Interoperability Trademark License and the Usage Guidelines, IEEE-ISTO hereby grants COMPANY a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-transferable, right to use the Interoperability Mark(s) (with a right to grant sublicenses hereunder only to Related Companies), the terms and conditions of this Interoperability Trademark License being subject to amendment from time to time by Power.org by amendment to the Attachment 3 or the Usage Guidelines. Any amendment to Attachment 3, the Usage Guidelines or the Power.org Interoperability Process referenced therein, shall require approval of the Board of Directors. Should Attachment 3 or the Usage Guidelines be amended after COMPANY has commenced using a Mark on a Specific Product, the existing Materials for such Specific Product may be used unchanged until the Materials are next revised, at which time the revised Materials must comply with the amended Attachment 3 and Usage Guidelines. d) Upon the passing of the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure by COMPANY’s Specific Product, Power.org shall so notify COMPANY within thirty (30) days, substantially in the form of the communication set forth below, authorizing COMPANY to utilize the relevant Interoperability Marks in conjunction with the Specific Product. “Your implementation (implementation described in appropriate detail) has passed the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure for (relevant Power.org Specification(s) and Implementation(s) listed here) specific products and it has been included on the Power.org Interoperability Compliance List. As such, you are entitled to use the Power.org Interoperability Mark(s) on this implementation, subject to the terms and conditions of the Power.org Trademark License Agreement, Power.org Trademark Usage Guidelines and the Attachments incorporated by reference therein.” 3) e) COMPANY hereby ensures its Related Companies’ compliance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. COMPANY agrees that it shall be jointly and severally liable for any breach of the terms and conditions of this License Agreement by Related Companies. f) IEEE-ISTO represents and warrants that to the best of its knowledge it owns the Marks or has sublicense rights on behalf of Power.org and has the right to enter into this License Agreement, including the right to license or sublicense the Marks. IEEE-ISTO further represents and warrants that in its reasonable business judgment it will maintain and enforce the validity and its ownership of the Marks which it owns and will cooperate with the owner in cases where IEEE-ISTO is a licensee. g) IEEE-ISTO may modify the license rights set forth in Sections 2)a), b) and c) above to eliminate any country or jurisdiction from this License Agreement if IEEE-ISTO determines, in its reasonable judgment, that use or continued use of a Mark in such country or jurisdiction may subject IEEE-ISTO or any third party to legal liability, or may jeopardize IEEE-ISTO’s rights in the Mark or any other IEEE-ISTO trademarks in that or any other country of jurisdiction. In such event, and upon notice from IEEE-ISTO, COMPANY shall with reasonable promptness cease all use of the Mark in such country or jurisdiction. h) COMPANY may not use or reproduce the Marks in any manner whatsoever other than as expressly described in the Power.org Trademark Usage Guidelines (Attachment 4) and the other relevant Attachments to this License Agreement. i) COMPANY agrees and acknowledges that IEEE-ISTO retains all right, title and interest in and to the Marks which it owns and that the respective mark owner of Marks licensed by IEEE-ISTO retains all right, title and interest in and to the Marks which they own. Except as expressly granted in this License Agreement, COMPANY shall have no rights in the Marks. Under no circumstances will anything in this License Agreement be construed as granting, by implication, estoppel or otherwise, a license to any technology or proprietary right of IEEE-ISTO, Power.org or any Member thereof other than the permitted use of the Marks pursuant to Sections 2)a), b) and c). j) COMPANY represents and warrants that it will use the Marks solely as provided in this License Agreement and will not use the Marks on goods, products or materials which, in IEEE-ISTO’s or owner’s reasonable judgment, will diminish or otherwise damage IEEE-ISTO’s or owner’s goodwill in the Marks, including but not limited to uses which could be deemed to be obscene, pornographic, excessively violent or otherwise in poor taste or unlawful, or which purpose or objective is to encourage unlawful activities. FURTHER CONVEYANCES 3 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 The licenses granted in Sections 2)a), b) and c) are personal to COMPANY, and COMPANY, except as expressly provided in this Agreement or otherwise permitted by IEEE-ISTO in writing, shall not assign, transfer or sublicense this License Agreement (or any right granted herein) in any manner without the prior written consent of IEEE-ISTO. Notwithstanding the foregoing, where COMPANY transfers to a third party all or substantially all of the business of COMPANY that is responsible for the manufacture and distribution of Specific Product, that party shall be entitled to use the Marks under the terms of this version of this License Agreement upon execution of same. 4) ADMINISTRATION FEE COMPANY shall pay administration fees as indicated in Attachment 5 upon COMPANY’s first use of any particular Mark. 5) 6) QUALITY, INSPECTION, AND APPROVAL a) For Specific Products which have passed a Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure, COMPANY represents and warrants that to the best of its knowledge Specific Product is in full compliance with the relevant Power.org Specification or Implementation, and COMPANY agrees to maintain the quality of Specific Product at least at a level that meets industry standards and is commensurate with the quality of the representative sample submitted to Power.org and passing the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure and any Specific Product previously distributed by COMPANY. b) COMPANY shall supply IEEE-ISTO with suitable specimens of any Specific Product and COMPANY’s use of the Marks in connection with the Specific Product at any time upon at least thirty (30) days prior written notice from IEEE-ISTO. COMPANY shall reasonably cooperate with IEEE-ISTO and Power.org to facilitate periodic review of COMPANY’s use of the Marks and of COMPANY’s continuing compliance with the conditions of the relevant Attachments 1, 2 and 3 and the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure. In any periodic review of COMPANY’s compliance, Specific Product will be tested under the compliance requirements that were in effect when Specific Product was last submitted to the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure. c) If IEEE-ISTO, in its sole reasonable discretion, determines that any use of the Marks or that the quality of any Specific Product submitted to IEEE-ISTO for quality control purposes fails to conform to this License Agreement, IEEE-ISTO shall provide COMPANY with written notice of such failure or deficiency. The COMPANY shall have sixty (60) days thereafter to satisfy IEEE-ISTO that the COMPANY has fully corrected and remedied any such deficiencies. Should the COMPANY fail to cure the deficiencies within said sixty (60) day period, IEEE-ISTO may terminate the Qualified Trademark License with respect to such deficient Specific Product. d) COMPANY represents and warrants that the representative sample of the specific model or version of COMPANY’s product submitted to IEEE-ISTO and/or Power.org for testing or review accurately represents the specific model or version of COMPANY’s product at all times Specific Product is available during the Term of this License Agreement. e) COMPANY represents and warrants that it, will comply with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations regarding promotion and sale of Specific Product with any use of the Marks, and will not knowingly violate or infringe any right of any third party in connection with the promotion and sale of Specific Product with any use of the Marks. IDENTIFICATION AND USE a) COMPANY shall mark all Materials, where space permits, that use the Mark with the trademark footnote as described in the Power.org Trademark Usage Guidelines manual found at Attachment 4, a copy of which is available before assenting to this License Agreement, and shall otherwise comply with the Usage Guidelines as amended by Power.org from time to time with reasonable notice. b) COMPANY acknowledges IEEE-ISTO’s ownership of the Marks which it owns and the respective mark owner’s ownership of Marks licensed by IEEE-ISTO. COMPANY shall employ commercially reasonable efforts to use the Marks in a manner that does not derogate from IEEE-ISTO’s or the mark owner’s rights in the Marks and will take no action that will interfere with or diminish IEEE-ISTO’s rights in the Marks. COMPANY agrees not to adopt, use or register any corporate name, trade name, trademark, domain name, product name, service mark or certification mark, or other designation the same as or substantially similar to the Marks, but COMPANY may continue using and may register any marks that were in use by COMPANY prior to the Effective Date, except that in the case of Members, Member Trademark Nonassertion provisions of the Power.org Membership Agreement may provide further limitations and is 4 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 not overridden by this Section. COMPANY agrees that all use of the Marks by COMPANY will inure to the benefit of IEEE-ISTO or the mark owner. COMPANY may not use the Marks in any way that implies endorsement or sponsorship by IEEE-ISTO or Power.org of COMPANY’s Specific Product or services. 7) 8) DEFENSE OF CLAIMS a) In the event IEEE-ISTO and/or Power.org receive information concerning an intellectual property infringement claim related to the Mark, IEEE-ISTO shall notify COMPANY of such information and may at its expense, without obligation to do so, either (i) procure for COMPANY the right to continue to use the alleged infringing Mark as set forth in Section 2(a), or (ii) replace or modify the Mark to make it noninfringing, and in which case, COMPANY shall with reasonable promptness thereafter cease use of the alleged infringing Mark. b) IEEE-ISTO and Power.org shall have no liability for any intellectual property infringement claim based on COMPANY’s manufacture or distribution of Specific Product, or its use of the Marks. c) EXCEPT FOR IEEE-ISTO’S AND POWER.ORG’S EXPRESS REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES MADE HEREIN, IEEE-ISTO AND POWER.ORG MAKE NO WARRANTIES EITHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY OR OTHERWISE WITH RESPECT TO THE MARK, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTY OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. CONSEQUENTIAL, ET AL. DAMAGES NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, PUNITIVE OR SPECIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS) ARISING FROM OR RELATED TO COMPANY’S MARKETING OR DISTRIBUTION OF IMPLEMENTATION, OR ANY USE OF THE MARK, REGARDLESS OF WHETHER SUCH LIABILITY IS BASED ON BREACH OF CONTRACT, TORT, STRICT LIABILITY, BREACH OF WARRANTIES, INFRINGEMENT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. IN NO EVENT SHALL IEEE-ISTO OR POWER.ORG BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES FOR COMPANY’S USE OF THE MARK IN VIOLATION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. 9) INFRINGEMENT COMPANY shall promptly notify IEEE-ISTO of any suspected infringement of or challenge to the Marks or any of their constituent elements. COMPANY shall further promptly notify IEEE-ISTO of any claims by third parties of infringement by the Marks or any of their constituent elements. 10) TERM OF LICENSE AGREEMENT a) The term of this License Agreement shall be for a period of seven (7) years from the Effective Date, except as to certain Specific Product described in Section 10(b) below, as to which the term of this License Agreement shall be indefinite; provided however, that either party shall have the right to terminate this License Agreement for material breach upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. b) Upon expiration of this License Agreement after the period specified in Section 10)a), the license right set forth herein may be renewed in COMPANY’s discretion for an additional term by execution of a subsequent version of this License Agreement. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect to a Specific Product that at the time of the expiration of this License Agreement has passed a Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure and is posted on the Power.org Interoperability Compliance List, COMPANY may at its option continue to use the relevant Marks in conjunction with that Specific Product under the terms of this version of this License Agreement instead of the subsequent version. c) From and after termination of this License Agreement, either by expiration or for material breach, COMPANY shall cease and desist from all use of the Marks. However, unless this License Agreement is terminated for material breach in connection with more than a single Specific Product, COMPANY may distribute then-existing units of complying Specific Product, and advertising materials containing the Marks for a period of six (6) months from the termination date provided use of the Mark in connection with such inventory and such inventory is in compliance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement. 11) AUTHORITY THE COMPANY HEREBY WARRANTS AND REPRESENTS THAT ITS SIGNATORY WHO ENTERS INTO THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT BY CLICKING ON THE “I ACCEPT” BOX BELOW HAS BEEN AND IS ON 5 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 THE DATE OF THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT DULY AUTHORIZED BY ALL APPROPRIATE CORPORATE ACTION TO EXECUTE THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT. NECESSARY AND 12) NOTICES All notices and other communications under this License Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed given if delivered personally, mailed by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, or sent by email or telecopy with a receipt confirmed by telephone, to the parties at the addresses herein or to such other addresses as a party may from time to time notify the other parties. Provision of an email address at which each party may be contacted is mandatory. IEEE-ISTO c/o COO/CFO 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 Power.org c/o Secretary 445 Hoes Lane Piscataway, NJ 08854 Telephone: +1 732 465 5856 Fax: +1 732 981 9473 Email: info@ieee-isto.org Telephone: +1 732 465 6475 Fax: +1 443 647 0099 Email: info@power.org COMPANY: Information listed at the end of this Agreement 13) ENTIRE LICENSE AGREEMENT; AMENDMENT IEEE-ISTO providing this License Agreement to COMPANY does not constitute an offer by IEEE-ISTO. Upon execution by both IEEE-ISTO and COMPANY, this License Agreement, including all Attachments, contains the entire agreement or the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and shall superseded and merge all prior and contemporaneous communications. Except as set forth in Section 2, this License Agreement shall not be amended except by written agreement subsequent to the Effective Date and signed on behalf of the parties by their respective authorized representatives. 14) GOVERNING LAW; ATTORNEYS’ FEES; EQUITABLE RELIEF a) This License Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York and applicable federal laws. COMPANY hereby consents to jurisdiction and venue in the state and federal courts sitting in the State of New York, Westchester division of the southern district. b) COMPANY acknowledges that a material breach by it of this License Agreement may cause IEEE-ISTO and/or Power.org and/or the respective mark owner irreparable damage that cannot be remedied in monetary damages in an action at law, and may also constitute infringement of the Mark. In the event of any material breach by COMPANY that could cause irreparable harm to IEEE-ISTO and/or Power.org and/or the respective mark owner, or cause some impairment or dilution of its reputation or trademarks, IEEE-ISTO shall be entitled to seek an immediate injunction and any other legal or equitable remedies. 15) HEADINGS Section headings are used in this License Agreement for convenience of reference only and shall not affect the meaning of any provision of this License Agreement. 16) WAIVER No waiver of any breach of any provision of this License Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any prior, concurrent or subsequent breach of the same or any other provision hereof, and no waiver shall be effective unless made in writing and signed by an authorized representative of the waiving party. 17) SEVERABILITY If any provision of this License Agreement (or any other agreements incorporated herein) shall be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect. 18) RELATIONSHIP Neither this License Agreement, nor any terms and conditions contained hereto, shall be construed as creating an employment, partnership, joint venture or agency relationship or as granting a franchise, and the parties 6 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement shall be deemed independent contractors. quality of the Specific Products. Document Version 3 March 2008 IEEE-ISTO and Power.org are not guarantors of the fitness or 19) SURVIVAL The provisions of Sections 2(g), 6(b), 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14 shall survive expiration or termination of this License Agreement. 20) ATTACHMENTS This License Agreement includes Attachments 1-5 that are hereby incorporated by reference. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this License Agreement as of the Effective Date and do each hereby warrant and represent that their respective signatory whose signature appears below has been and is on the date of this License Agreement duly authorized by all necessary and appropriate corporate action to execute this License Agreement. FOR MEMBER COMPANY Trustee for Power.org Signature Signature Printed Name Printed Name Date Date 7 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Company Recitation and Contact Information COMPANY: Address: Attention: Telephone: Fax Email: With Notice Copies to (if desired): COMPANY: Address: Attention: 8 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 ATTACHMENT 1 Membership Trademark License Membership Mark(s) Power.org (word mark) POWER.ORG Power.org (logo) Member (logo) Qualifying Conditions POWER.ORG word mark and Power.org logo The IEEE-ISTO administration, OR A third party vendor or Power.org working group executing programs or collateral sanctioned by the chairperson of the working group, the Power Brand Advisory Council and/or Power.org board of directors. Power.org member logo The Power.org member logo identifies those organizations that are members at any level. Only official members of the Power.org community in good standing are authorized to use this logo. 9 of 36 ATTACHMENT 2 Qualified Trademark License Qualified Mark(s) Power Architecture (word mark) POWER ARCHITECTURE Power (logo) Power (logo) Built On (logo) Built On (logo) Source (logo) 10 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Qualifying Conditions POWER ARCHITECTURE word mark COMPANY must be a member, in good standing, of Power.org at any level AND either In conjunction with an approved use of the Power Logo as described below OR Where the word mark is used to convey all or some combination of the aspects of the “sum of all the parts” for this world-class technology platform, encompassing the instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA and PowerPC ISA specifications, community, Power-compatible products and the wider ecosystem of companies and their solutions for this technology and its products. Power logo COMPANY must be a member, in good standing, of Power.org at the level of Founder, Sponsor or Participant or a Developer or non-member of Power.org that obtains prior approval from Power.org and pays the fees ascribed by Power.org. Each instance of use must be approved by Power.org. Applicants should submit their request for approval to brandlicensing@power.org at least 30 days prior to intended use of the mark to ensure proper handling of the request. On the application for approval, COMPANY must declare the general intent of use of the mark and, if approved, must submit a sample showing actual use of the logo at least 15 days prior to usage. Use may not begin until COMPANY receives written approval from Power.org. Power.org, at its discretion, may exempt COMPANY from having to request approval for each instance of using the Power logo, usually after COMPANY has demonstrated consistently compliant use of the Power logo on previous occasions. Built On Power logo The Built on Power logo is used to identify cores, processors, hardware and computer systems of any type that include and are 100% compatible with the core Power Architecture technology, specifically the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA or PowerPC ISA specifications. The following conditions must be met: 1. a. A company with a semiconductor product implementing Power ISA or PowerPC ISA as either an ISA licensee or a core licensee. OR 11 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 1. b. A company with: i. A core that is 100% compatible with the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA and PowerPC ISA specifications. OR ii. A Processor built on a core that is 100% compatible with the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA and PowerPC ISA specifications. OR iii. Hardware including boards, reference platforms, systems and the like that contain a processor that is 100% compatible with the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA and PowerPC ISA specifications. AND 2. a. A member, in good standing, of Power.org at any level Power Source logo COMPANY must be a member, in good standing, of Power.org at any level. The Power Source logo is used to identify complementary products specifically designed for use with or usable with and services rendered in developing, building or maintaining cores, processors, and hardware and computer systems of any type that include and are 100% compatible with the core Power Architecture technology, specifically the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA or PowerPC ISA specifications. Products may include software, tools, and test equipment as examples. Services may include manufacturing and programming, as examples. 12 of 36 ATTACHMENT 3 Interoperability Trademark License Interoperability Mark(s) (word mark) (logo) Qualifying Conditions If and when a Specific Product of COMPANY passes the Power.org Interoperability Test Procedure, COMPANY is granted a limited right to use the Interoperability Mark(s) according to the terms and conditions of this Attachment 3, as well as the terms and conditions of the Interoperability Trademark License and the Usage Guidelines, in connection with advertising for that particular Specific Product. 13 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 ATTACHMENT 4 Mark Usage Guidelines Trademark footnote: The POWER ARCHITECTURE and POWER.ORG word marks and the Power and Power.org logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by Power.org. Guidelines for using marks Upon execution of the Power.org Trademark License Agreement and qualifying to use a particular Mark, COMPANY will receive access to the relevant electronic logo art files. The following guidelines govern the use of the Marks by COMPANY. A. A Mark may not be used in a manner that would imply a COMPANY is sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, the Members of Power.org. B. A Mark may not be used in a manner that would imply that goods or services provided by a COMPANY are sponsored or endorsed by, or affiliated with, Power.org itself or its Members; except for COMPANY, should COMPANY be a Power.org Member. C. COMPANY web pages may use a Mark in accordance with the terms of this License Agreement, including Attachments 1-3, provided that a link is made from the Mark to Power.org's web site at http://www.power.org. D. Licensees must include an acknowledgement in all advertising and promotions (in the form set forth above) to identify the Mark(s) as a mark licensed by Power.org. Questions regarding the Usage Guidelines should be directed to brandlicensing@power.org. 14 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Visual identity The Power logo is the primary visual expression used to identify all of the components of our platform—instruction set architecture, community and products that are compatible with Power Architecture. Our signature is a unique expression of our brand identity and is comprised of two elements: the Power Band symbol and logotype. These elements work in unison to reflect the evolution of our platform and the vision we have for its future. The Power Band symbol reinforces the continuity and transformation of our platform and the endless possibilities it offers customers to innovate and deliver value to their businesses. 15 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo overview The Power and Power.org logos are comprised of the following elements: Power Band symbol The Power Band expresses energy and vitality. As a fluid, organic object, caught in motion, the Power Band suggests flexibility and agility. Power Band symbol Logo Carrier Logotype The word ‘Power’ is presented in a clean, modern sans-serif typeface, one that compliments the fluid form of the Power Band. The logotype suggests simplicity and directness. Logotype Carrier The black carrier shape draws attention to the Power Band and logotype. It provides a clear backdrop for the symbol and logotype, ensuring maximum visibility when applied to various materials and against surrounding visual and verbal elements. Extension bar Extension bar The green extension bar provides a counterbalance to the Power Band, and is used for variants of the Power logo. 16 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo versions—Power Power logo Preferred To be used by Power.org members at the Founder, Sponsor and Participant levels in good standing. Developer level members may not use this logo. Represents the visual embodiment of the Power Architecture brand and conveys the “sum of all parts” encompassing architecture, community, products and supporting technologies. The Power logo with black carrier or white carrier is the recommended version for use on any color background. It is important to select the version of carrier box that ensures high contrast against the background field. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. Alternative—vertical and horizontal with applicable carrier This logo should be used where the content focuses on the architecture, technology in general, a product family or portfolio of products (as opposed to a specific product and its technical specifications). It can be used in packaging, signage, advertising, corporate websites, banners, event signage, giveaways and presentations, key sponsor placement and high-profile collateral. Alternative—vertical and horizontal with no carrier The vertical (stacked) logo in the black carrier is preferred. Based on layout or space constraints the horizontal, alternative logo may be used. The use of the Power logo is carefully controlled and each instance of use must be cleared by the Power.org consortium. Please contact brandlicensing@power.org for approval. The Power logo, white logotype with no carrier, should only be used on a black background. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. The Power logo, black logotype with no carrier, should only be used on a white background. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. When using the Power.org logo with no carrier, with black logotype or white logotype, please see section 2.9 for guidance in the minimum amount of clear, visually uninterrupted space that must always surround these versions of the logo to ensure optimal visibility. 17 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo versions—Power.org Power.org logo The horizontal Power.org logo is the only approved version. This logo includes a preferred (with black carrier) version and three alternatives (with white carrier and without carrier). Preferred Alternative—with white carrier Refer to page 2.6, signature system, for guidance on which logo variant to use. The Power.org logo with black carrier or white carrier is the recommended version for use on any color background. It is important to select the version of carrier box that ensures high contrast against the background field. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. Alternative—black logotype and white logotype with no carrier The Power.org logo, white logotype with no carrier, should only be used on a black background. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. The Power.org logo, black logotype with no carrier, should only be used on a white background. See section 2.11 for guidance on unsuitable background and contrasts. When using the Power.org logo with no carrier, with black logotype or white logotype, please see section 2.9 for guidance in the minimum amount of clear, visually uninterrupted space that must always surround these versions of the logo to ensure optimal visibility. 18 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Signature system Preferred Power Visual embodiment of the Power Architecture brand representing the Power Architecture platform. May be used by Power.org members (Founder, Sponsor, Participant) in good standing, on packaging, brochures, signage, advertising and corporate website. Built on Power Represents compatibility with the instruction set architecture. This endorsement should be used when content focuses on cores, processors, hardware and computer systems of any type that include and are fully compatible with the core Power Architecture technology, specifically the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA™ or PowerPC® ISA specifications. May be used on collateral, packaging such as single product fact sheets and product summaries, presentations and on the product or product family pages on a corporate website. Power Source Identifies complementary products specifically designed for use with or usable with and services rendered in developing, building or maintaining cores, processors, and hardware and computer systems of any type that include and are 100% compatible with the core Power Architecture technology, specifically the standard instruction set architecture represented by the Power ISA or PowerPC ISA specifications. Products may include software, tools, and test equipment as examples. Services may include manufacturing and programming, as examples. May be used on collateral such as product or service brochures, fact sheets, user manuals and presentations; product packaging; and on websites related to qualified products or services. 19 of 36 Alternative Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Signature system Power.org Represents the organization that is responsible for the evolution of the Power Architecture technology and management of Power Architecture brand communications and experiences (e.g., ISA, community activities, ecosystem support). May be used by the Power.org “company” (IEEE-ISTO and Power.org working groups). May be used on collateral, PR, packaging, documents, signage, advertising, corporate website and presentations. Power.org Member Identifies corporate members (e.g., Founder, Sponsor, Participant) of Power.org. This endorsement should only be used by current members of Power.org. By using this logo, members acknowledge and showcase their affiliation with Power.org and, by extension, their participation in the community driving standards activity to shape the direction of the technology. Is used when communication speaks to Power.org as a community or standards body or where company affiliations are listed. Typical items include corporate website, printed collateral, presentations and event collateral. 20 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo color Color is a critical component of the Power Architecture visual identity system. The primary brand color, Power Green, communicates growth, enablement, empowerment, harmony, energy and fresh thinking. The preferred version is the black carrier with white logotype. It is permissible to reproduce the Power logo and Power.org logo with white carrier and black logotype. For approval, contact brandlicensing@power.org. For more information on the Power Architecture color palette, refer to page 2.12. Preferred—color version with black carrier If cost or media prohibit using the color signature, other versions may be used. The grayscale alternative should be used only when black and white reproduction is necessary. For situations in which the design or media prevent the use of the color or grayscale versions, a one-color version has been developed. A final option has been provided for extremely limited use such as engraving, embroidering, etc. To protect the presence and strength of the Power Architecture visual identity and trademark, the Power logo should never be redrawn or altered in any way. Color version—white carrier Black (grayscale) Solid logo, limited use— embroidery, engraving, embossing * Note. Color versions of the Power and Power.org artwork are also available without the carrier as illustrated on pages 2.3 and 2.4. * Note. Use of the Power Band separate from the word Power is for extremely limited use. Contact brandlicensing@power.org for approval. 21 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo with carrier clear space A minimum amount of clear space must always surround all versions of the logo. This space is equal to the height of the cap “P” in Power. In general, a larger amount of visually uninterrupted space should be kept clear for optimal visibility. * Note. The same clear space rules apply to both the preferred and alternative Power.org logos. 22 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo with no carrier clear space A minimum amount of clear space must always surround all versions of the logo without the carrier shape. This space is equal to double the height of the cap "P" in Power. In general, a larger amount of visually uninterrupted space should be kept clear for optimal visibility. This line does not print. This line does not print. This line does not print. * Note. Keep in mind the clearspace on a Power logo without a carrier shape includes the area ordinarily occupied by the carrier shape and extends beyond that shape into the minimum allowable clearspace area. 23 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Logo minimum size All logos have been measured in width. Preferred Power logo To ensure quality reproduction in print, the preferred Power logo should appear no smaller than .45" in width. In digital applications, the preferred Power logo should appear no smaller than 60 pixels in width. .45" 60px Alternative Power logo The alternative (horizontal) Power logo must appear no smaller than .55" in width. In digital applications, the horizontal logo should appear no smaller than 70 pixels in width. .55" 70px Alternative Power logo with no carrier The alternative vertical Power logo without carrier must appear no smaller than .3125" (45 pixels) in width. The alternative horizontal Power logo without carrier must appear no smaller than .45" (60 pixels) in width. .3125" 45px .45" 60px Power logo lockups To ensure quality reproduction in print, all vertical lockups must appear no smaller than .45" in width. In digital applications, it is preferred that all vertical lockups appear no smaller than 60 pixels in width. .45" 60px .45" 60px Power.org logo and lockups Power.org logo and lockups must appear no smaller than .7" in width. In digital applications, Power.org logo and lockups should appear no smaller than 90 pixels in width. .7" 90px .7" 90px Power.org logo with no carrier Power.org logo without carrier must appear no smaller than .6" (80 pixels) in width. .6" 80px 24 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Examples of inappropriate use Shown here are just a few examples of what “not to do” with the Power logo. Always treat the logo with care and use only authorized electronic artwork available from Power.org. The following rules apply to all variants of the Power logo. Do not use the Power logotype or symbol separately. Do not modify the logotype or symbol. Do not alter the scale relationship between the logotype and symbol. “Help drive the future of innovation.” ENHANCED Do not use the Power logo in conjunction with typography. Do not reproduce the Power Band in solid green. Do not lock up copy or other graphic elements to the logo. Do not create unauthorized variants of the logo (e.g., extension bar). Do not alter the arrangement of the logotype and symbol. Do not alter the coloration of the symbol. Do not alter the proportions of the logo. Do not modify the logo carrier shape or color. Do not place the Power logo on dark areas with insufficient contrast. Do not add a white frame around the logo. Do not place the Power logo over the application showcased in a photo or illustration. Do not place the Power logo—white logotype, no carrier—on a background that is not black. 25 of 36 Do not place the Power logo—black logotype, no carrier—on a background that is not white. Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Color palette Color is a critical component of the Power Architecture visual identity system. The primary brand color, Power Green, communicates growth, enablement, empowerment, harmony, energy and fresh thinking. Power Green may be used as a large field of color and to highlight copy. Additional support colors are available for use in charts and graphs in collateral and PowerPoint. These colors should be used sparingly so as not to diminish our brand color, Power Green. EdlZg<gZZc ,6B4 ;0!+ -+* 7aVX` ,6B4 ;0+ When using the support colors, neutral or cool colors should be used before warm colors. Warm colors may only be used when three or more colors are needed in a chart or graph. <^YYX[]LXUX[\ 7N^][JU ,XXU @J[V 9Vg`\gVn ,6B4 ; 0"+ """! EjgeaZ ,!6 B4 ;0+ "! GZY ,6!B4 ;"0"+ ./ A^\]i\gVn ,6B4 ;0+ -!-!-! 7ajZ ,6B4 ;0"+ +.- DgVc\Z ,6B4 ;0 + /+*. * Note. There is no direct PANTONE® marking system for these colors. Always use the prescribed formulas as noted above. For questions please contact brandlicensing@power.org. 26 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Typography The primary Power Architecture typeface is Corisande. This typeface is a modern sansserif, which compliments the fluidity of the Power Band symbol. Use Corisande Regular for the majority of information. Corisande Italic and Bold should be used sparingly, to emphasize keywords. Corisande Light should be used for large display settings (headlines, etc.). ,X[R\JWMN;NP^UJ[ JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ _`abc*+,-./0123456 789:;<=>?@ABC !" ()$ Corisande should be used for all Power Architecture communications. 8dg^hVcYZ7daY VWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghij klmno6789:;<=>?@AB CDEFGHIJKLMNO&'( )*+,-.%450 ,X[R\JWMN5RPQ] JKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^ _`abc*+,-./0123456 789:;<=>?@ABC !" ()$ 27 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Typography desktop/web For desktop applications, such as Microsoft Word® and PowerPoint®, and in web applications, Verdana may be used in place of Corisande. Verdana Regular abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ123 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 ! ? @ # $ % & * ( ); Verdana Bold abcdefghijklmnopqrstu vwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLM NOPQRSTUVWXYZ123 4567890!?@#$%&*(); 28 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Core elements Type and color do not examples Correct use of type and color is essential to maintaining the integrity of our visual identity program. Incorrect uses of Power Architecture type and color are demonstrated here. There are, of course, many other unacceptable variations. It is everyone’s responsibility to maintain the integrity of the Power Architecture visual identity and avoid using type or color other than what is outlined in these brand standards. ®1NUYM[R_N]QNO^]^[N “Help drive the future XORWWX_J]RXW¯ of Power innovation.” -XWX]^\N]QN9X`N[ UXPXRWLXWS^WL]RXW `R]Q]bYXP[JYQb ¹;^cYdjil]Vihdci]ZXdbbjc^inh b^cY!VhbZbWZghd[i]Z EdlZg6gX]^iZXijgZZXdhnhiZb hdjcYd[[VWdjii]ZEdlZg#dg\ ^c^i^Vi^kZ#º -XWX]^\NR]JURL]bYNOX[ UJ[PNJVX^W]\XOLXYb -XWX]^\N]bYXP[JYQbX]QN[ ]QJW,X[R\JWMNX[?N[MJWJ ®/RWMX^]`QJ]\XW]QNLXVV^WR]b\ VRWMJ\VNVKN[\XO]QN 9X`N[*[LQR]NL]^[NNLX\b\]NV\X^WMXOO JKX^]]QN9X`N[X[PRWR]RJ]R_N¯ -XWX]\N]]bYXP[JYQb LNW]N[NMX[OU^\Q[RPQ] ®1NUYM[R_N]QNO^]^[N XO9X`N[RWWX_J]RXW¯ -XWX]^\N^WJ^]QX[RcNMLXUX[\ -XWX]JU]N[]QN Y[XYX[]RXW\XO]QNUXPX 29 of 36 -XWX]VXMROb]QNUXPXLJ[[RN[±\ \QJYNX[LXUX[ Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Visual system Power logo Power logo Visual embodiment of the Power Architecture brand representing the Power Architecture platform. May be used by Power.org members (Founder, Sponsor, Participant) in good standing, on packaging, brochures, signage, advertising and corporate website. Use by Developer members may be authorized on a case-by-case basis by the Power Brand Advisory Council at brandlicensing@power.org. You can deliver innovation Macto ventosus, praemitto illum duis plaga, amet vicis probo te delenit damnum turpis jumentum et. Odio lenis nimis defui antehabeo, cui torqueo vel valetudo. Singularis iriure lobortis, tristique vel molior sudo genitus. Quis wisi iustum praesent te esca dignissim, exerci reprobo vulputate. Delenit, fatua consequat The following guidelines should be followed in applying the logo: ventosus caecus vel quidne virtus. Paulatim bis nisl qui modo elit mauris ne nobis in quis, fere jus zelus probo. • The logo should be scaled and placed to appear equal or subordinate to the company identity •Dominant use of the Power logo is acceptable for certain applications such as merchandise items •Sufficient logo clear space is maintained Lorem ipsum dolor amet consectuer adipsing ipsum dolor amet consectuer adipsing. Luctus distineo indoles et et vulpes, paratus ex aliquam ad genitus esse ea dignissim nisl modo. Ad The use of the Power logo is carefully controlled and each instance of use must be cleared by Power.org. Please contact brandlicensing@power.org for approval. Advance Information Power Architecture™ Microprocessors: Hardware Specifications Vel natu, vulputate haero genitus meus ea odio quae at utrum regula, utrum. Delenit, accumsan refero quidem quae, cogo ibidem refero capio commoveo si feugiat. Et ille exerci esse duis ea qui sed zelus os lobortis ullamcorper appellatio. Antehabeo quae vulputate ut, nibh natu aliquip dolus adsum neque. Iusto virtus dolore utrum, dolor vero mauris volutpat validus nutus scisco dignissim. Lobortis usitas loquor vel nobis comis pneum nimis vel ut esca abico at, acsi odio. Commodo exerci vulpes tristique vel, in. Merchandise Spec sheet 30 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Visual system Power.org Member The 'Power.org Member' logo identifies corporate members of Power.org and acknowledges their affiliation with Power.org and their participation in the community. It may be used on collateral, such as single product fact sheets and product summaries, presentations, corporate Website and event collateral. The following guidelines should be used in applying the logo: • The preferred logo placement is along the bottom edge Network Security Solutions • The logo should be scaled to appear subordinate to the member's identity • Sufficient logo clear space is maintained • When placed alongside other product endorsement logos, 'Power.org Member' must appear visually equal to the other marks Lorem ipsum dolor amet consectuer adipsing ipsum dolor amet consectuer adipsing. Legal copy lorem ipsum dolor amet consectuer ici adipsing. Legal copy lorem ipsum dolor amet consectuer ici adipsing. Legal copy lorem ipsum loreleet lorem ipsum dolor amet consectuer ici adipsing. @ 2006 TECHCO Brochure cover and back 31 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Visual system Power.org Member http://www.techco.com SEARCH Network solutions. > Lorem ipsum dolore > Set diam extempor > Con quid erata non pluribus © Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing loreleet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing loreleet. Website Preferred placement of the logo on websites is above the fold. OVERVIEW This text box is a placeholder for main points about the chart(s) below. Text size is 18 pt. Features INTERNET (OUTSIDE NETWORK) LOREM IPSUM DOLOR FIREWALL VPN SERVERS At least 1.5 GHz nstructions per Clock 4 (3 + Branch) L1 Cache (integrated) 32 KB instruction Execution Units Integer(4), Bus Protocol MPX/60x Bus Frequency > Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing INSIDE NETWORK ROUTER > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. CPU Speeds (internal) > Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing SERVERS DMZ 2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamo corper suscipit lex obortis nisl ut aliquip ea commodo wisi. DMZ 1 LOREM IPSUM Presentation 200 MHz Bus Interface 64-bit Package 360 HiCTE BGA Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. The PowerPC name is a trademark of IBM Corp. and used under license. All other product or service names are the property of their respective owners. © Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 2005 Document Number: MPC7448POWPCFS REV 1 Fact sheet 32 of 36 SERVERS INTERNET (OUTSIDE NETWORK) INSIDE NETWORK ROUTER FIREWALL VPN DMZ 2 > Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing DMZ 1 > Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing SERVERS Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Visual system Built on Power and Power Source The ‘Built on Power’ and 'Power Source' logos are used to affiliate products or services with the Power Architecture technology platform. Either mark may be used on collateral, packaging, single product fact sheets, product summaries, presentations, and on the product or product family pages on a corporate website. The following guidelines should be followed in applying the logo: • The logo should be scaled and placed to appear subordinate to the company identity Introducing ABC123 • The preferred logo placement is seen in direct relation to the description of the Power Architecture technology (above the fold on websites) See the next big thing in Semico Power Architecture™ solutions • Sufficient logo clear space is maintained • When placed alongside other product endorsement logos, 'Built on Power' must appear visually equal to the other marks Learn how Semico Power Architecture solutions can help you stay ahead of the competition Macto ventosus, praemitto illum duis plaga, amet vicis probo te delenit damnum turpis jumentum et. Odio lenis nimis defui antehabeo, cui torqueo vel valetudo. Singularis iriure lobortis, tristique vel molior sudo genitus. Quis wisi iustum praesent te esca dignissim, exerci reprobo vulputate. Delenit, fatua consequat ventosus caecus vel quidne virtus. Semico © Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing loreleet. Lorem ipsum dolor amet ici consectuer adipsing loreleet. Product ad Semico http://www.semico.com Semico HOME CAREERS ABOUT SEMICO PROCESSORS NEWS & EVENTS CONTACT PARTNERS Home > Processors Power Architecture™ Technology for Embedded and Server Systems ABC101 Power Architecture™ Platform Processors ABC202 Power Architecture Platform Processors ABC303 High Performance At Low Power Vel commoveo ille eu iusto metuo gilvus, bene pala quadrum dignissim, suscipit antehabeo. Vel rusticus luptatum hendrerit tum vel, imputo molior uxor fere wisi. Luptatum defui wisi sudo similis nimis pneum neque valetudo ut macto consequat dolore ut. Nibh, vereor facilisi iusto obruo, et antehabeo cui foras. Commodo ideo esse, in tation lucidus, genitus tation tation, feugiat nisl consectetuer. Nutus vulputate hendrerit, suscipere comis eu cogo indoles venio vulputate. Facilisis modo, vero velit pagus bene. Tincidunt immitto neo, esca et verto interdico quibus nostrud consectetuer esca luptatum. AB Semi Platform-Processor Friendly Modo in utinam praesent, elit oppeto. Tation foras vero fere incassum incassum eros abigo reprobo abico. Probo ad praemitto, neque, validus tego vero augue letalis pagus. Aliquip eros epulae, ut quod vel eum lucidus appellatio roto elit praemitto valetudo. Importunus quis eum delenit, populus illum inhibeo feugiat eu metuo te eros, letalis et. Eros saluto iaceo autem patria consequat, bene virtus. valetudo vel decet. PROCESSORS MORE INFORMATION EFFICIENT LINK Product Briefs Submit Request Webcast View Webcast White Papers (PDF) • Enterprise Routers • Supercomputing • Storage • Partitioning Download Here August 2007 Abstract Macto ventosus, praemitto illum duis plaga, amet vicis probo te delenit damnum turpis jumentum et. Odio lenis nimis defui antehabeo, cui torqueo vel valetudo. Singularis iriure lobortis, tristique vel molior sudo genitus. Quis wisi iustum praesent te esca dignissim, exerci reprobo vulputate. Delenit, fatua consequat ventosus caecus vel quidne virtus. Paulatim bis nisl qui modo elit mauris ne nobis in quis, fere jus zelus probo. Eum, in sino eum enim pertineo et uxor, demoveo huic capto, In This Paper Plaga dolus iriure zelus antehabeo vel, iusto quae feugiat capio usitas. Ut, nobis esse at cui, facilisi. Velit, eu iusto aliquip jugis quidem sino ingenium commoveo abico. Accumsan ingenium adsum distineo incassum meus. Vulpes persto, regula jugis causa tation, capio, feugait regula in praesent adipiscing abluo ille. Nutus occuro incassum turpis, dolus ullamcorper lenis Lorem ..................................................................................................................... Ipsum Dolor ............................................................................................................ Consectetur ............................................................................................................ 2 3 4 Laureat Essem ........................................................................................................ Mauris Ne Nemobis ................................................................................................ Singularis Jumentum .............................................................................................. 5 6 7 Reprobo .................................................................................................................. 8 Paulitam Pertineo ................................................................................................... 12 Website White paper 33 of 36 ;NUJ]RXW]X ]NLQWXUXPb MN\L[RY]RXW Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Using wordmarks in text Protecting our trademark Trademark footnote Power Architecture is a trademark that is sublicensed to the community by Power.org. Using our trademark correctly and consistently on all communications will ensure maximum value is attributed to the Power Architecture brand. The following trademark footnote should be used whenever any of the logos or wordmarks contained/demonstrated within these brand standards are used: The Power Architecture and Power.org wordmarks and the Power and Power.org logos and related marks are trademarks and service marks licensed by Power.org. The Power Architecture trademark is a valuable asset that must be protected. As such, the ® symbol should always follow our name during its first use in text on a page. To protect the Power Architecture trademark, the trademark should always be modifying a noun providing an appropriate frame of reference. Appropriate frames of reference: Technology •Power Architecture licensing •Power Architecture road map •Power Architecture technology •Power Architecture solutions •Power Architecture platform Brand •Power Architecture logotype •Power Architecture signature •Power Architecture trademark Experience •Power Architecture philosophy •Power Architecture ecosystem Inappropriate uses create confusion and hinder our ability to protect our trademark. Inappropriate uses: •The word Power is not an appropriate shorthand reference for Power Architecture in written communications. •The Power Architecture name should never appear in all upper-case lettering (e.g., POWER Architecture) or lower-case lettering (e.g., power architecture). •The possessive case (i.e., Power Architecture’s, Power’s, Architecture’s) should not be used. 34 of 36 Power.org Trademark License Agreement Document Version 3 March 2008 Contacts For questions or to use logos that require approval, please contact: brandlicensing@power.org 35 of 36 ATTACHMENT 5 Administration Fees Mark Membership Status POWER ARCHITECTURE A member, in good standing, of Power.org at any membership level Power logo A member, in good standing, of Power.org at the level of Founder, Sponsor or Participant Free Power logo A Developer or non-member of Power.org Fee may be assessed at Power.org’s discretion Built on Power Logo A member, in good standing, of Power.org at any membership level Free Power.org Member Logo A member, in good standing, of Power.org at any membership level. Free Power Source Logo A member, in good standing, of Power.org at any membership level. Free 36 of 36 Annual Administration Fee (calendar year) Free
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