Document 419501

SERVING...needs greater than your own.
West Shore To Be Honored at Gala Saturday, November 8, 5:00 - 11:00 p.m.
Join members and friends of West Shore as it receives a Faith Based Community Service Award for
its help to the Renee Jones Center's Project Red Cord (and promoting understanding of Human Trafficking.) Tickets are $100 ($60 is tax deductible, cash bar). Please join us and reserve your tickets by
speaking to Mary Jane Hansen (440-871-6626) or Joan Clark (440-930-5075) or by going directly to or
UU Justice Ohio Saturday, November 8, 10 a.m.—5:00 p.m.
SUNDAY, November 2, 2014
This annual conference of our statewide UU justice coalition invites West Shore to send six delegates! We have four signed up, and ask you to contact Rev. Wayne at if you
are interested in going and car pooling. See Shorelines, page 12 for the full article and information.
Gathering Music
The Free Spirit Band
Hydraulic Fracturing (Fracking) Presentation
Hyfrydol by Paul Manz
All are invited to this noteworthy speech by Paul Freezel on Thursday, November 13, at 7:00 p.m.
Paul is from Carroll County and will specifically talk about a "local's" view of what it means to live in
a shale gas boom town. Sponsored by West Shore’s FaCT Group.
Sounding of the Bell
Call To Worship
Jacquie Davis, Worship Associate
Chalice Lighting
Tayo McLaughlin, 9:30; Jack Wynn, 11:15
Thanks for Your Generosity
Thank you to everyone who made a donation to the Jane Metzger Memorial Food Drive last week.
The food pantry is open the last two Sundays of each month and is also available during the
week. Everyone who needs food is welcome.
NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 9:30 & 11:15 AM
Does Everything Happen For A Reason?
A Sermon Conversation Series by the Co-Ministers, Revs. Arnason & Rolenz
The co-ministers will continue their conversation about whether everything happens for a reason
with ”The Faith of an Theist.” The Choir will sing “Even When God is Silent” by Michael Horvit. A
new group of Chalice Lighters will be honored and recognized.
Morning Forum, Fireside Room, 10:30 AM
Live Poets Society at West Shore
We will describe the origin and purpose of the group. Then poets will share a poem, telling what
inspired the poem and how the poem expresses their spirituality as we create lives of meaning and
purpose. Presented by Warren Campbell-Gaston, WSUUC
Is UU for You?
This 45-minute conversation is a general introduction to Unitarian Universalism and the church, and
a chance for us to get to find out a little about your spiritual/religious journey. We meet from
10:30—11:15 a.m. You don’t need to sign up in advance...just come! Childcare provided.
Revs. Wayne Arnason & Kathleen Rolenz
Opening Hymn
#360 Here We Have Gathered
Welcoming Our New Members
For All That Is Our Life
Two Hymn Verses, Ritual and Prayer
Last Two Hymn Verses as a Sung Response
Reading from a 1779 Journal
Sermon - Part 1
The Faith of An Atheist
Offering & Offertory
Simple Twist of Fate by Bob Dylan
Sermon - Part 2
Closing Hymn
#158 Praise the Source of Faith & Learning
Sung to Hyfrydol #140
Extinguishing the Flame
Processional on “Hyfrydol” by John Barr
Welcome to West Shore
In an effort to be more "green," we are not printing a distinct Order of Service. Slide projections and the guide on
the left will inform the liturgy. This newly revised West
Shore Weekly contains events for the upcoming weeks.
Slides describing upcoming events will take the place of
verbal announcements. Please reuse the cover by placing it
in the back of the Sanctuary. Thank you!
Notes on Today’s Music
"Simple Twist of Fate" is a song by Bob Dylan, released on
his 15th studio album Blood on the Tracks in 1975. It was
first covered by Joan Baez on Diamonds & Rust (1975), and
has been reinterpreted by several artists since including the
Jerry Garcia Band. Hyfrydol is a well-known Welsh hymn
tune arranged by many composers.
Sunday Flowers
The flowers for today’s service are given by Jen Wynn to
honor West Shore’s newest members! “Welcome to all new
church members, may you find your spiritual home lined
with friendship, joy and meaning.” The arrangement was
created by Cil Knutsen.
Worship Associates Applications Available
Applications to serve on the Worship Associates Team are
now available in the church office until Sunday, December
15, 2014. Worship Associates assist the ministers with planning and presenting worship services, and commit to attending monthly meetings and trainings. The commitment
is for one year at a time, January through December, for up
to two terms. Up to three positions are available. Contact
one of the ministers for more information.
Sunday, November 2, 2014
9:30/11:15 Worship/Sunday School
Morning Forum
Blood Pressure Testing
Legacy Conversation
10:30/12:15 Magazine Sale
Junior Choir Rehearsal
Rothchild Book Discussion
Spiritual Exploration Film
Monday, November 3, 2014
River Rocks Meditation
Debtor’s Anonymous
Social Action Committee
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Friendship Group
Intern Committee
Craft Ministry
Beloved Conversations
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Women’s AA
Aesthetics Committee
Adult Choir Rehearsal
Alcoholics Anonymous
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Meditation - Grigolia
Addiction Ministry
UU Christian Fellowship
Friday, November 7, 2014
Zen Meditation
Friday AM Book Discussion
Friday Fireside Film Series
Gay Men’s AA
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Social Action Film
Sunday, November 9
Choir Rehearsal
Readings with Rumi
9:30/11:15 Worship/Sunday School
Morning Forum
Is UU For U?
Junior Choir Rehearsal
FaCT (Anti-Fracking)
Youth Group
Diversity Resource Team
Socrates Café
TODAY - Social Action Magazine Sale
Stop at the tables on your way to Baker Hall and check out the
magazines that are available for the low price of three for one
dollar! Magazines will be available after both services. Bags of
magazines are available for free for teachers who would like to
use them in their classrooms after 12:30 p.m. Proceeds from
the sale are used for the work of the Social Action Committee.
TODAY - Chalice Magazine Available
Creatives from six UU churches including West Shore have put
their efforts into art, prose and poetry on the diverse meanings
of equality—from gender and race to education and economic
disparity. They share their ideas and work in the newest issue
of Chalice, available in the Rotunda today.
TODAY - Rothchild Book Presentation
Join us in the Fireside Room at 12:30 p.m. as Alice Rothchild
presents her new book, On the Brink: Israel and Palestine on
the Eve of the 2014 Gaza Invasion. It is a compelling collection
of blog posts made during a fact-finding and solidarity visit
made by Alice to the West Bank and Israel encompassing the
last three weeks of June 2014. Sponsored by Partnership for
Peace in the Middle East. Refreshments will be served.
TODAY - House Plant Sale
Join us in the Rotunda following both services for the end of the
season plant sale. Any proceeds will support FaCT and Green
Sanctuary/Food Forest.
TODAY - Coffee Hour, Baker Hall, 10:30 AM
Set Up: Pam and Tom Smith
Refreshments: Marilyn Minteer
Clean Up: Sheila and Jeff Greene, Jan Williams
TODAY - House Party Sign Ups
Now that our 2014-17 Capital Campaign is underway, we are hoping that you will attend a House
Party to discuss the future of West Shore and to share what this church community means to you.
Every gift, no matter the amount, helps us with our mission: “Inspiring more people to lead lives of
meaning and purpose.” Sign up in the Rotunda after each service or contact Karen Kircher at
TONIGHT - Spiritual Exploration, 6:00 PM
We will view the film "What Dreams May Come" starring Robin Williams. This deeply moving film in
which Williams plays a doctor who dies in an accident, explores possibilities of what may happen
after we die. On movie nights, we meet at 6:00 p.m. to allow time for discussion after the film.
CONNECTING...with your highest values & with others who
share them
Friday Night Film Festival Returns: “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner?”
Friday, November 7, 7:00 p.m.
When Joey Drayton brings her fiancé, Dr. John Prentice, home to San Francisco to meet her
affluent parents, their liberal persuasions are now put to the test, for although the young man is an
ideal choice, he's black. This film festival presented by the Inclusivity Ministry supports the Beloved
Conversations curriculum and is open to everyone. Great popcorn and a lively discussion are guaranteed. See the November issue of Shorelines for the complete schedule of dates and film titles.
West Shore Film Series: Healing a Soldier's Heart
Saturday, November 8, 7:00 p.m.
This film follows the courageous journeys of four Vietnam veterans, all suffering from severe PTSD,
who return to Vietnam to finally face the demons that have been haunting them for almost forty
years. It traces the veterans' gradual shift from terrorized nightmares, drug abuse and attempted
suicides, to their eventual transformations as healed, spiritual warriors and even mentors to PTSDsuffering younger veterans from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The film is free and open to the
public. Refreshments and conversation will follow the viewing.
Live Poet’s Society Meeting
West Shore Poets group will meet on Monday, November 10, at 7:00 p.m. at the church. If you
write poetry you are a poet. We would be pleased to have you join us and share your work.
Humanists, Atheists, Free-Thinkers & Agnostics (HAFA)
TODAY - Imagine Peace T-Shirts On Sale
Due to a number of requests for Imagine Peace T-shirts, there
will be an order sheet available in the Rotunda between services this Sunday. They are priced at $15 each and payment is
due at the time of order.
Thursday, November 13, 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Daniel Dennett, one of the "four horsemen of New Atheism," is a cognitive scientist who focuses on
philosophy of the mind and biology. In his book Breaking the Spell, he suggests evolutionary explanations for our need to believe in supernatural agents and traces the process by which that need
transformed into religious systems. Gary Nemes will facilitate. Reading the book is optional.