Saint Edmund Parish Echoes Reaching out from the heart of Oak Park November 9, 2014 Parish Office 188 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302; Telephone: 708-848-4417; Fax Line: 708-848-0049 Parish Center Office Hours: Monday - Thursday, 9am - 8:00pm, Friday 9am - 4pm Saturday 9am - 3pm; Sunday 9:00am - 1pm Visit the parish web-site at You may also e-mail us from the web-site. Parish School and School of Religious Education 200 S. Oak Park Avenue Oak Park, Illinois 60302 School Telephone: 708-386-5131 · School of Religious Education Telephone: 708-848-7220 · Shared Fax Line: 708-386-5616 Parish Administration and Staff Rev. John McGivern, Pastor Ms. Peggy Leddy, Pastoral Associate Mrs. Maria Allori, Development Director Mrs. Janet Bennick, Coordinator of Religious Education Deacon Thomas Dwyer, Parish Business Manager Mr. Donald Giannetti, Parish Assistant Mrs. Kathleen Halfpenny, Director of Music Mrs. Laverne Johnson, Parish School Secretary Mrs. Christine A. Rousakis, Manager, Parish Office Mr. Michael Sweeney, Parish School Principal Mr. Al Vargas, Facilities Manager Rev. John Lucas, In Residence Rev. John O’Callaghan, S.J., W eekend Presider Rev. Msgr. Richard Hynes, W eekend Presider All are welcome. An entrance ramp and push-bar automatic door is located at the eastern entrance of the church. Personal hearing devices are also available from the ushers/greeters. 2 Staff Notes I'm sure you will hear the explanation of this feast at the masses today but I will recap the history of the basilica. One of four major basilicas in Rome, St. John Lateran is the Bishop of Rome's (the Pope's) cathedral. The land was seized by the Emperor Constantine for the Church from the Lateranus family and the basilica is dedicated in honor of St. John the Baptist. For centuries the popes lived here but after returning from the Avignon exile in the 14th century they moved into the Vatican. Now the basilica has a triple dedication in honor of St. John the Baptist, St. John the Evangelist, and our Lord. Across the front of the basilica is a Latin inscription that says, "This is the mother and head of all churches in the whole world." This is a reminder that we are all one family, one flock, led by one shepherd, the successor of St. Peter. (A dapted from Sourcebook by LTP) We don't get to celebrate this Feast on a Sunday very often - the last time was in 2008. The readings bring to mind the rededication of our own church on November 19, 2000. While God dwells in our hearts and in everyone and everything, this church is a sacred space: God's official residence in our parish, a place we come together to worship and be present to God and to each other, to give thanks to God, to be "fueled up" by the Word and the Body and Blood of Christ to go out to the world to be the streams of water flowing from the side of the temple that are described in the First Reading from Ezekiel. As the Body of Christ we are to refresh the world and change it by our lives lived in Christ. We hope future parishioners will find a building that has been revered and maintained. We pray that the parish family will grow in numbers and as a family of believers connected and concerned with each other through all life's challenges, care for the world's poor and disadvantaged, and grow in an ever-deepening re lationship with the Holy Trinity. We pray that there will be ministers, both ordained and lay, that will shepherd the flock wisely. The responsibility lies with us to see that this future is possible. We have been hearing about stewardship and our financial status these last weeks. Please know that whatever you give is gratefully appreciated and needed. Not only do we need your money, we need your help in any way you can give it. We need more Ministers of Communion, more Altar Servers, more Lectors, more Ushers, more Choir Members and Cantors. We need more help with PADS and on every committee and for every event that takes place in the parish. Even if you've never done it before, don't be afraid to volunteer - it's a two-way street and you'll get as much or more out of it than you give. This is how community is made and grows. I want to thank all the parishioners for the encouragement and support you've given to our young musicians. Our young cantors keep growing in their capabilities and skills because your kind words and smiles have given them the confidence and desire to keep going. Our violinist, Ashley Parish, returns to play whenever she is home from college and is always a wonderful addition to the music ministry. Ted Turner, the college student who interned with us this summer, found St. Edmund parishioners to be most supportive and kind. You will be delighted to know that his organ skills won the Cauthen Concerto Competition at Rhodes College by his playing of Concerto No. 1 from Opus 4 in G Minor by Handel. It awards him a monetary prize and the opportunity to play with the orchestra in the fall. He is playing every Sunday at a church near his college this year and most likely will have a career in church music. I hope he'll be as happy and blest in his career as I have been in mine. Kathy Halfpenny Director of Music Mass Schedule Monday-Friday: 8:30am; Saturday: 8:30am; 5:30pm Sunday: 8am, 9:30am, 11:30am, 6pm Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 4:15pm (located in west end of north transept) Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick MinisterW of Care are available to bring Holy Communion to our parish sick and homebound. Call the office. Sacrament of Marriage You or your parents must be registered, participating parish members for at least one year prior to setting the date. Sacrament of Baptism for Infants Please register 6 weeks in advance to attend a preparation class. Baptismal date not confirmed until class is completed. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Please call the Parish Office for information. St. Edmund - It’s Home. Start Your Holiday Shopping Early! Earn Dollars for St. Edmund Parish! Parish Shopping Night, Tuesday, November 18 Earn dollars for St. Edmund Parish! Support Fair Trade and artisans at Ten Thousand Villages, 121 N. Marion Street, Oak Park on Tuesday, November 18 from 4:00 - 7:00pm. Please join your fellow parishioners and bring family and friends for an evening of fun and shopping. 15% of the proceeds of anyone shopping that evening will be donated back to St. Edmund parish. Email parishioner Mary Wacker at to RSVP or for more information. 3 The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Flu Season and Reception of Holy Communion There are some simple common sense responses to legitimate worries about liturgical practices during flu season. We suggest the following: − If you are ill, stay home! Those exhibiting flu-like symptoms: fever, chills, headache, nausea, cough, sore throat, etc. should stay home! You may participate in the mass remotely, by viewing a televised liturgy. Staying home when feeling under the weather is NOT sinful behavior! − Sometimes a warm verbal greeting works fine too! At the Greeting of Peace, in addition to a handshake or a cordial embrace, a genuinely warm verbal exchange of peace is also an acceptable offering of peace. − We are one in faith whether we hold hands or not. Though some enjoy holding hands during the Lord’s Prayer, it may be prudent during the flu season to refrain from this particular expression of unity. − Should I drink from the Cup? Please use common sense in deciding whether to drink from the shared Cup. If you have a sniffle, the beginning of a sore throat, the remaining vestiges of a cold, etc., we encourage you to receive only the Body of our Lord in Holy Communion. − I’ve never received Communion in the hand before. While we respect your preferred way of receiving the Lord Jesus in Holy Communion, we ask you to consider having the Eucharistic Minister reverently place the Blessed Sacrament into the palm of your hand. If you are a Eucharistic Minister… −Before and after you perform your ministry, you are asked to use the hand sanitizers now conveniently placed near both sides of the sanctuary steps. − Ministers of the Cup, are reminded to wipe it thoroughly after each person drinks, and continually to rotate the cup position. Of course, good hygiene is recommended for all. Remember always to cover your cough with the crook of your elbow or a tissue. Avoid the use of hands whenever possible. These simple instructions will go a long way in keeping the Body of Christ healthy as we continue to receive the Body of Christ. Book of Remembrance Beginning on November 2, the Feast of All Souls, we placed our Book of Remembrance next to the baptismal font and paschal candle believing that those who have died with Christ in baptism will also rise with him. All parishioners are invited to inscribe the name of deceased family and friends in the Book before and after all of the liturgies in November. Calling All Couples Celebrating Anniversaries Anniversary Sunday, November 9 Generally on the first Sunday of every month, the parish will offer a special blessing upon all couples who will celebrate their wedding anniversary in that month. The celebration is being held this weekend as last Sunday was the All Souls mass. If you were married in the month of November, plan to receive this special blessing after all the masses this weekend. Annual Interfaith Thanksgiving Service Sunday, November 23 at 7pm From diverse religious traditions, we come together to celebrate and give thanks. This year, the service takes place at West Suburban Temple Har Zion, 1040 N. Harlem Avenue, River Forest. This is an annual event that is hosted by one of the congregations belonging to the Oak Park-River Forest Community of Congregations and is open to everyone. Refreshments will be served immediately following service. Additional parking is available at Concordia College. Please join us for an interfaith worship experience. Let’s Meet to Give Thanks on Thanksgiving Day at 10 am Let us gather to worship and give thanks to God at our special Thanksgiving Day liturgy. In coming together as a parish family, we have an opportunity to start the day in a true spirit of gratitude for the many blessings in our lives. Whether you are hosting or visiting family and friends, please bring an item (wine, dessert, etc.—no turkeys!) that will be part of your personal Thanksgiving celebration later in the day. There will be a blessing during the mass. We will have a special table set up for this blessing. Place your item on the table before mass and be sure to pick it up after mass to take home. We will continue the tradition of giving away Turano bread at the end of the liturgy. The Thanksgiving Day collection will support outreach efforts to members of our faith community, who are especially challenged during these difficult times. 4 Saint Edmund Parish The Baby and Toddler-Friendly Parish Week at a Glance Sunday 9:00am 9:30am 10:50am 1:00pm November 9 Coffee and… RCIA Religious Education Baptisms Murphy Hall Parish Office Parish School Church Monday 2:00pm 7:00pm November 10 Eucharistic Adoration Peace & Justice Ch. Sanctuary Murphy Hall Tuesday 1:30pm 7:00pm November 11 Faith Sharing Parish Life Off-site Parish Office We know, however, that sometimes it can be a struggle to worship on and give full attention to your children too. Sometimes you just have to get up and move around. Maybe we can help. Wednesday 7:00pm 7:00pm 7:00pm November 12 Cantors /Choir Bridge Bible Study Church Murphy Hall Parish School ♦The North Transept may be a useful spot. Friday 9:00am 9:00am November 14 Bible Study New StEPs Murphy Hall Parish School Saturday 9:00am 9:30am 11:00am November 15 Social Justice Day Centering Prayer Knitting/Crocheting Parish School N. Transept Parish School Sunday 9:30am 10:50am 4:00pm November 16 RCIA Religious Education Green Team Parish Office Parish School Murphy Hall You can’t be a parishioner of St. Edmund Parish without realizing that a large part of our community is made up of beautiful infants and toddlers. They bring special joy to our worship services. Their joyful noises are welcome as they are a part of our community and we want our children to worship with us! We want our parents to feel welcome to get up at any point during the mass when their children may need a little extra attention. At times, a parent and child may only need to take a short walk-about. Taking a quick stroll into the north transept of the church may be just what is needed. You’ll be able to see everything, hear everything and at the same time give your child a bit more unrestricted space to move a bout. ♦ Did you know that there are speakers in the Murphy Hall corridor? On those occasions when the children need a bit more distance from the worship area, please give consideration to using the Murphy Hall corridor. The speakers allow our parents to walk about with their children and not miss hearing any of the mass, and it gives the children a time to let out the occasional spirited shout without fear of interrupting the service. If you have any suggestions as to how we can make our Sunday worship even more baby and toddler-friendly, we’d love to hear from you. Just call the parish office at 708-848-4417. Bulletin Deadline Change Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, the Echoes needs to be published earlier than normal. All articles for the November 30 Echoes publication need to be received in the Parish office no later than Friday, November 14. Thank you for your cooperation. Parish Green Team to Meet Sunday, November 16 at 4pm The Parish Green Team will meet next Sunday, November 16 at 4pm in Murphy Hall. Global warming is a threat that is occurring now. As individuals and as a parish, we can take actions to keep our planet livable for future generations. Offertory for Weekend of November 1/2 Budgeted…………………………………..….$14,350.00 Weekend Collection……………………….....$ 15,131.90 Deficit-to-date………………………………..–38, 226.87 If you wish to contribute by automatic withdrawal or by credit card, please contact the Parish office. Attention Parents and Teens: Chastity Education Initiative Benefit Dinner The Chastity Education Initiative, sponsored by the Chicago Archdiocese Respect Life Office, will host its 12th Annual “Educating Minds, Inspiring Hearts” Benefit Dinner, Saturday, November 15, at Drury Lane Oakbrook Terrace. The keynote speaker is author Kimberly Hahn. Adult tickets are $90. Teen tickets are $60; St. Edmund’s will contribute $30 toward the cost of each teen ticket; provided that the teen’s family is registered at St. Edmund Parish. For tickets, call 312-534-5355 or visit: 5 Parish School News The month of October has been filled with fall fun in Pre-K 3. Ms. Byron’s class learned about spiders and bats. Students discovered that spiders have eight legs and that bats are nocturnal, which means that they sleep during the day and are awake at night. Preschoolers also had the opportunity to explore inside a pumpkin. They felt the slimy insides and picked out the seeds. They learned about the life cycle of a pumpkin and what a pumpkin seed needs to grow. To end the pumpkin unit, preschoolers, Kindergarten and first grade took a field trip to Siegel’s Cottonwood Farm. There was a corn maze, animals to feed, a hayride and a train ride. Finally, each student left with a pumpkin to take home. SKYPE with an Author On Thursday, October 23, the second, third, and fourth grade classes used the video-conferencing program SKYPE to do a virtual visit with author Mariana Llanos. Mariana Llanos is a Peruvian writer who lives in the United States. She read her book Tristan Wolf, gave tips to the students about writing, and answered countless questions about her life as an author. We were so happy to have her share her experiences with our budding writers! Experimentation with Soil Erosion Students in grades five and six are investigating earth processes of erosion and deposition by rolling up their sleeves and getting a little messy in the name of science! That is, students are testing three types of soils found in and around Illinois. The type of soil and its composition (i.e. sand-clay mixture, sand-peat mixture and sand only) determine the degree of erosion or how much the soil erodes. Students are creating models of hills made from different types of soils and then putting the hills through a water test, making artificial rain using a “rainmaker” structure and observing how the hills comprised of the three types of soils erode and respond to the rain drops. The surprise on the students’ faces when seeing the hill made up of only sand erodes and “disappears” in an instant makes teaching and learning all too enjoyable! Most importantly, students are learning that not every soil is equal, and that soil's composition often determines whether it will erode too much or very little! School of Religious Education News A Social Justice Session for young people in grades 6, 7 & 8 attending the St. Edmund School or Religious Education Programs will be held on Saturday, November 15 from 9:00am until 11:00am. The session will be held in the Resource Room of the School. Parents/Guardians are always welcome at the sessions. The topic for this session is: “The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers-We must be aware and held accountable that the economy must serve people, not the other way around. Work is more than a way to make a living; it is a form of continuing participation in God’s Creation. If the dignity of work is to be protected, then the basic rights of workers must be respected-the right to productive work, to decent and fair wages, to the organization and joining of unions, to private property, and to economic initiative.” Catholic Social Teaching. Coffee and...Next Sunday, November 9 Please join us for good coffee, great food and interesting conversation with fellow parishioners and visitors in Murphy Hall after all of the morning masses. New to the parish? Stop in and mingle! It’s a great way to meet others in the St. Edmund parish community. Haven’t Joined the Parish Yet? Stop by the Welcome Committee The St. Edmund Welcome Committee will also be available to register you and/or your family with the parish. Questions about the Parish and/or Parish School? New to the area? The Welcome Committee can help and direct you with general questions. New StEPs - St. Edmund Parent Group Parents and their children under the age of 4 are welcome to attend our next gathering on Friday, November 14 from 9-11am in the Adventure of the Parish School. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month. Join us at this fun and informal play group! Contact Mary Bellmar at for more information. SAVE THE DATE! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30 PANCAKE BREAKFAST Details will be announced. 6 Our Connection to Autumn Despite the coming of Winter, Autumn seems to hold a fascination for us as people of faith. The turning of the leaves, the shorter hours of daylight, the falling temperatures all just seem to shape and form and influence our day, our moods, our prayer and spirituality. We become aware of certain things more readily at this time of the year than we do during other seasons. These last few weeks, before the Feast of Christ the King, before this current Liturgical Year comes to a close, the readings and prayers have this same sense of looking to the end. “The day is coming…” we are told - the end, the fulfillment of time. The Autumn of this world’s life will wind down, with all creation slipping into seeming death. Every Autumn leads into a Spring, and our Liturgical Year is aware of that. For these “end times” will lead into another year of grace; and once again, in the midst of Winter’s darkness, we will await the Advent of our God. The end of one year gives birth to another. The cycle continues. - Todd Williamson, Office of Divine Worship Veterans Day Celebrated Tuesday, November 11 Market Day Dessert Bonus Days! November Dessert Bonus Days provide us with a great opportunity to earn additional profits through our Market Day Program at St. Edmund! Our dessert-only delivery date will be Friday, November 21 at 5:00pm. Pick-up will be in the Parish School Building. Desserts may be purchased for your own holiday celebrations and we will be donating Classic Apple Pies, Pumpkin Pies and French Silk Pies to the Oak Park-River Forest Food Pantry too! Order forms are next to the drop-off box for completed Market Day orders in the Murphy Hall corridor. As these orders must be pre-paid, please either turn them in to the Parish Office or School Office or call Market Day Chairperson, LaVerne Johnson, in the Parish School Office at 708-386-5131 or at home at 708-848-3983 for other ordering options. Thank you for supporting St. Edmund Market Day and for your continuing generosity to our local food pantry! Have You Considered Organ/Tissue Donation? Veterans Day, is observed annually in the USA in honor of all those, living and dead, who served with the U.S. armed forces in wartime. Some states observe the holiday on November 11 and others on the fourth Monday of October. Armistice Day, the forerunner of Veterans Day, was proclaimed in 1919 to commemorate the termination (at 11am on November 11, 1918) of World War I. On the first anniversary of the truce, U.S. President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation eulogizing fallen Allied soldiers and referring to November 11 as Armistice Day. It became a holiday in the United States, France, the United Kingdom, and Canada. National Donor Sabbath is celebrated across the country November 14-16. During this time, all of us are encouraged to consider the importance of organ, tissue and eye donation for lifesaving and life-enhancing transplantation. Last year, more than 20,000 organ transplants were performed and thousands of people received tissue and cornea transplants. Unfortunately, thousands still wait for transplants and many will die before that long wait is over. Please take time now to think about donation and then share your feelings with your family. These simple actions can save lives. For more information, please call the Regional Organ Bank of Illinois at 312-431-3600. The holiday acquired its present name and broadened significance in the U.S. in 1954. In Canada it is known as Remembrance Day, and in the United Kingdom as Remembrance Sunday. Let us keep in prayer all the men and women who have courageously and selflessly defended their country, along with the men and women who do so today. May our Lord bless them all. Catholics view organ/tissue donation as an act of charity and love. Transplants are morally and ethically acceptable. "Veterans Day," Microsoft® Encarta® Online Encyclopedia 2001, http:// © 1997-2000 Microsoft Corporation. Pope John Paul II has said: “The gift of organ donation is a sincere gift that expresses our calling of love and communion. Transplants are inseparable from the human act of donation. For Christians, the offering that Jesus made of Himself is the essential point of reference and inspiration of the love that motivates to donate organs, which is a manifestation of generous solidarity and of most importance in a society that has turned itself...less sensitive to the act of selfless giving.” 7 Spiritual Week at St. Edmund Parish We Pray for our Sick Fr. John Paul Andree Harold Bonus Susan Chicola Lori Cook Mary Evans Anita Fober Cardinal George Mike Jannusch Charlotte Littrell George Lopez Daniel Mazzuchi Eternal Rest Grant unto These, O Lord Ann Mueller Catherine Reardon Linda Saathoff Matthias Jans, father -in-law of Lori Jans Helen F. Vicarise, long-time parishioner baby Kate Schubert Ethel Thomas baby Ryan McGinnis Lillian Vignola One in Prayer with Loved Ones in the Military Ian Adams, US Navy Capt. John Paul Andree, Pilot US Air Force Sgt. Ramiro D. Banda, US Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Boatman, US Marine Corps Specialist Brown, US Army Specialist Christopher Buscher, US Army, SPC Cpt. Jason Caboot Aiden Matthew Connelly, US Army, PFC Sgt. Thomas J. Dutton, 10th Mountain Division William Edwards, US Army Reservist Private Kristopher Ellis, US Marine Corps First Sgt. Daniel S. Greider US Army Sgt. Michael Hoover, Army Reserve Afghanistan Major Roselita Labbe, US Air Force Col. Matt Mangan, US Air Force Jonathan McLean, US Marine Corps Kristen Meyer, US Navy Lance Cpl. Robert Miller, US Marine Corps Cpt. Steven Nelson Lt. Col. Edward Nevera, US Air Force Gian Franco Solari, US Air Force Brian Walsh, First Lieutenant US Army Kimyatta Wellington, US Navy Our Parish Remains One in Prayer Do you have a loved one who is currently serving in the military? Is your relative or friend stationed in Iraq, Afghanistan or at one of our military bases in the United States? Let us know and we will add your loved one’s name to our prayer list. In addition, please let us know if your loved one has safely returned. God Bless our troops! Special Remembrances at Daily Eucharist Monday 8:30am November 10 (Leo the Great) † Catherine Kowalski Tuesday 8:30am November 11 (Martin of Tours) Living and deceased members of the Polich family Wednesday 8:30am November 12 (Josaphat) Frank Giannetti (living intention) Thursday 8:30am November 13 (Frances Xavier Cabrini) † Deceased parishioners Friday 8:30am November 14 † Cardinal Joseph Bernardin † George W. Kramer Saturday 8:30am 5:30pm November 15 (Albert the Great, BVM) † Fr. Joe Ruiz † Harry Michalski Sunday 8:00am 9:30am 11:30am November 16 (33rd Sunday in O.T.) † Catherine Kowalski † Robert Touhey Shirley Mungai (living intention) † W. Cummings and R. Hickey families † Fr. Ed Dufficy 6:00pm Monday: Tuesday: Readings for the Week Ti 1:1-9; Ps 24:1b-4ab, 5-6; Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14; Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29; Lk 17:7-10 Wednesday: Ti 3:1-7; Ps 23:1b-6; Lk 17:11-19 Thursday: Phlm 7-20; Ps 146:7-10; Lk 17:20-25 Friday: 2 Jn 4-9; Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18; Lk 17:26-37 Saturday: 3 Jn 5-8; Ps 112:1-6; Lk 18:1-8 Sunday: Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128:1-5; 1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 [14-15, 19-21] Liturgical Ministers for the Weekend of November 15/16 Mass Time Altar Servers (Saturday) Lectors Commentator Cantors Extraordinary Ministers E. Wilson-Yu D. Kane C. Verdun M. Kane T. McCoy K. Ballard, J. Lewandowski, D. Taylor, D. Walsh T. Nelson K. Sproat J. Bennick M. Shubitowski S. Somers M.E. Creighton 9:30am L. McNulty T. Holloway M. Jannusch K. Jannusch L. Ochoa M. Dunn D. Giannetti 11:30am L. D. Jimenez D. Stroth J. Zaklan M. Stroth D. Porter 6:00pm S. Patston E. Galavotti 5:30pm 8:00am T. Wheeler H. Tayag
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