OFFICIAL PREMIUM LIST ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014at 6:00 PM NANAIMO KENNEL CLUB Dedicated to the Welfare of Dogs Since 1924 FOUR ALL BREED ( including mixed breed dogs with a Canine Companion Number) OBEDIENCE TRIALS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15 & SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 2014 INDOORS (with jump paths matted) Centennial Building, Nanaimo, BC This event is held under the Rules of the Canadian Kennel Club, Unbenched & Unexamined SHOW SECRETARY: Carole Ann Brown NANAIMO KENNEL CLUB OFFICERS PRESIDENT: CAROLE ANN GRAYSON VICE PRESIDENTS: DOUG SAVORY; SECRETARY: SANDRA WILSON TREASURER: CAROLYN KOOL SHOW OFFICIALS OBEDIENCE TRIALS CHAIR CAROL TOMS EVENT SUPERINTENDENT CAROLE ANN GRAYSON TRIALS COMMITTEE ALL MEMBERS OF THE NANAIMO KENNEL CLUB TRIALS SECRETARY CAROLE ANN GRAYSON, 284 Cilaire Drive Nanaimo BC V9S 3E8 250 758 3128 OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN CENTRAL ISLAND VETERINARY EMERGENCY HOSPITAL CANADIAN KENNEL CLUB 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400 Ph: 416–675-5511 FAX: 416–798-9671 CKC ISLAND OBEDIENCE REP TERRY GAINS PH: 250-479-0020 4986 Old West Saanich Rd Victoria BC V93 2B2 THE PRECINCTS OF THESE TRIALS IS THE MAIN HALL OF THE CENTENNIAL BUILDING Please see page 4 for a listing of available prizes. Check in with your table steward to advise of prize eligibility especially for club prizes. The NKC appreciates competitors staying for the entire trial so they can cheer on their fellow exhibitors who are awarded prizes Our Judges: All Classes Trials 1 and 3 Bill Blair , Saanichton BC All Classes Trials 2 and 4 Karen Brearley Armstrong BC Entry Fees All Obedience Classes $27.00 Same day entry—any class $35.00 Additional Class (Same dog, same trial) $15.00 All Four Trials (Same dog, same class) $90.00 no discount for day of trial entries Transition class ( prenovice, Novice Intermediate) $20.00 *Unofficial classes ( veterans) $5.00 Pre-ordered Catalogues (limited number available at show) $4.00 **Listing Fee -per entry/ dog/ trial, 9.40 Exhibition Only $7.00 *All dogs entered in unofficial classes must also be entered in an official class or for exhibition only in the same trial * *A listing fee must accompany EACH ENTRY for EACH SHOW/TRIAL , and be paid for EACH DOG that does not possess an individual registration, or if a foreign born and owned dog, and Event Registration Number (ERN), with the Canadian Kennel Club. Make cheques payable to: Nanaimo Kennel Club ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2014 AT 6:00 PM Friday Night Ring Time Open to all dogs entered in any class including for exhibition only Date: Friday November 15 Time: 6:00 pm Location: Centennial Building Registration required by October 30 . Please see entry form Cost: $10.00 10 minutes in the ring ( or 5 and 5) to do with as you please Obedience Prize Eligibility Please fill out one chart for each dog entered and return with entry form. If entering online, please present to trial secretary when you pick up your armband Dog name:_________________ Breed:___________________ Class(es):__________________ Trial(s):__________________ Is eligible for the following prizes: NKC High Aggregate NKC member □ HQS Terrier □ □ HQS Doberman □ □ □ □ HQS Poodle □ □ HQS Bernese Mtn Dog □ □ □ □ OBEDIENCE PRIZE LIST PLEASE CHECK WITH STEWARDS AS TO WHICH PRIZES YOU ARE COMPETING FOR All winners claiming trophies/prizes/awards/rosettes must earn a qualifying score All awards (except High in Class) will be presented at the end of the trials The exhibitor or a representative must be present when prizes are awarded as no prizes or awards will be mailed Rosettes will be awarded for Highest Qualifying Score in Trial, as well as each Class. Dogs entered in Novice C, Veterans and Brace are not eligible for HIT Vancouver Island Clubs may offer individual prizes for Club members. Please see prize table for applications Prizes offered for and donated by: • • • • • • • • • • HIT by Nanaimo Kennel Club High Aggregate, all 4 Trials, in Loving Memory of Weeacres Delta Blue “Shadow” Carole Walker HQS Novice B Trial 1 Amber Dawes HQS Open B Trial 1 Amber Dawes HQS Novice A Trial 3 Valorie Lennox Trial 1 and 3 HQS Terrier Terkyra Kerries Each Trial HQS Bernese Mountain Dog by Coral and David Denis Trial 1 & 3 HQS Doberman Pinscher Dawn Dunphy Trial 1 & 4 HQS Poodle ( any variety) Departure Bay Veterinary Hospital, Dr Carole Ann Brown High Aggregate Group 5 ( toy) - highest total qualifying scores from all four trials • AIOC member clubs may offer a prize for HQS club member– please check with your club representative and notify the stewards ACCOMMODATIONS BEST WESTERN NORTH GATE MOTOR INN………....... 6450 Metral……………………….…… 250-390-2222 COAST BASTION INN………………… 11 Bastion St…………………….…..…. 250-753-6601 DEPARTURE BAY MOTEL…………… 2011 Estevan Rd…………………..….….250-754-2161 HARBOURVIEW DAYS INN………..… 809 Trans Canada Hwy………….…..…. 250-754-8171 LONG LAKE INN…………………….… 4700 N Island Hwy…………..…….…... 250-758-1144 PORT O CALL MOTEL………………… 505 Terminal Ave N………...…….…… 250-753-3421 TRAVELODGE………………………..… 96 Terminal Ave N………………......… 250-754-6355 These listings do not constitute a recommendation of these accommodations. Please confirm with hotel regarding restrictions and any additional charges for dogs. It is the responsibility of the exhibitors to ensure that NO DOGS are LEFT UNATTENDED IN THE ROOMS and that the rooms are left in a clean and undamaged state. Official Canadian Kennel Club Entry Form Nanaimo Kennel Club All Breed Obedience Trials Nov 15, 2014 Trial 1 Nov 16, 2014 Trial 3 Nov 15, 2014 Trial 2 Nov 16, 2014 Trial 4 Total fee enclosed: Make cheques payable to: Nanaimo Kennel Club Entries Close: Wednesday October 29, 2014 at 6:00 pm Utility B Pre Novice Novice Intermediate Novice A Open A Novice B Open B Veterans Novice C Utility A Exhibition Only Jump Height M Breed________________________________________________ Sex Check one and enter number here CKC Registration # CKC ERN / PEN/ CCN # CKC Misc. Cert# F Date of Birth M____D____Y____ Place of Birth Canada Elsewhere Reg’d Name of dog_______________________________________________________ Breeder(s)____________________________________________________________________________ Sire_________________________________________________________________________________ Dam________________________________________________________________________________ Reg’d Owner(s)_______________________________________________________________________ Owner’s Address______________________________________________________________________ City / Prov / Country _________________________________________________P. Code____________ Name of Agent (if any) _________________________________________________________________ Agent’s Address_______________________________________________________________________ City / Prov / Country _________________________________________________P. Code____________ Mail ID to (please check one) Owner Agent Exhibitor’s e-mail address _______________________________________________________________ Yes, I want a catalogue ( available by pre order only) ( initial here) __________ I certify that I am the registered owner of the dog or the authorized agent of the owner whose name I have entered above and accept full responsibility for all statements made in this entry. In consideration of the acceptance of this entry, I agree to be bound by the rules and regulations of the Canadian Kennel Club and by any additional rules and regulations appearing in the premium list. ___________________________________________ Signature of Owner or Agent ___________________________ Telephone # (please print clearly) Please make cheques payable to NKC and mail to Carole Ann Brown: 284 Cilaire Drive, Nanaimo BC V9S 3E8, Phone 250-758-3128 Yes, please register me for ring time Friday night __________ I would like to use the following equipment during my Ring time_________________________________________________________________ ( for scheduling ) Payment of $10 for each `10 minute slot is required at Friday’s check in OBEDIENCE CLASSES These classes are open to dogs of either sex. Dogs must be either individually registered with the CKC OR have an ERN -Event Registration number, a performance event number, be eligible for registration with the CKC, have a CKC Miscellaneous Class Certification number if designated as a miscellaneous class breed Pre-Novice The Pre-Novice Class is an elective class and earning the title is not a requirement to enter Novice Classes. The Pre-Novice Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has not earned the title of P.C.D. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. A person may enter more than one dog in this class. The same handler must handle each dog in all 5 exercises unless he has 2 or more dogs entered. In such cases, he must have an additional handler for each extra dog when they are judged together in the Group Exercise. Only dogs that have not earned the title of C.D. may enter the Pre-Novice class. Novice A The Novice A Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has not earned the title of C.D. Only one dog per handler is allowed in this class, and that person must handle the dog in all exercises. The handler of any dog in this class must be the owner, co-owner, or a member of their immediate families, No person who has trained or exhibited a dog that has earned a C.D.X. title shall be allowed to handle a dog in this class. Novice B The Novice B Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has not earned the title of C.D. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. A person may enter more than one dog in this class. The same handler must handle each dog in all 6 exercises unless he has 2 or more dogs entered. In such cases, he must have an additional handler for each extra dog when they are judged together in the Group Execises. No dog may be entered in both the Novice A and Novice B Class at any one trial. Novice C The Novice C Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed that has earned the title C.D., C.D.X., U.D. or any ObedienceTrial Championship Title prior to the closing date of the trial in which it is to be entered. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. A person may enter more than one dog in this class. The same handler must handle each dog in all 6 exercises unless he has 2 or more dogs entered. In such cases, he must have an additional handler for each extra dog when they are judged together in theGroup Exercises. Dogs may compete in the Novice C class indefinitely. Scores earned by dogs entered in the Novice C Class are not eligible for High In Trial and do not qualify a dog for any title. Dogs may be entered the Novice C Class in addition to any other Official or Unofficial classes for which they are eligible Novice Intermediate Novice Intermediate Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has earned the title of Companion Dog, Companion Dog Excellent, Utility Dog or any ObedienceTrial Championship. Scores earned by dogs competing in this class are not eligible for High in Trial. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. A person may enter more than one dog in this class. The same handler must handle each dog in all 6 exercises. OPEN A CLASS The Open A Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has earned the title of C.D. but has not earned the title of C.D.X. The handler of any dog in this class must be the owner or a member of their immediate families. Only one dog per handler is allowed in this class, and that person must handle the dog in all exercises. Any person who has trained or exhibited a dog that has earned a U.D. title may not handle a dog in this class. A dog which has earned its C.D.X. title is not eligible for entry in this class but may be entered in the Open B Class. Open B The Open B Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has earned the title of C.D. Dogs which have earned the title of C.D.X. or U.D. must enter in the Open B Class. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. A person may enter or handle more than one dog in this class. The same handler must handle each dog in all 7 exercises unless he has 2 or more dogs entered. In such case, he must have an additional handler for each extra dog when they are judged together in the Group Exercises. No dog may be entered in both the Open A and Open B classes at any one trial.7 A dog eligible for entry in the Utility Class at any obedience trial held under these rules is also eligible for entry in the Open Class B at the same trial. Utility Class A The Utility A Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has earned the title of C.D.X. but has not earned the title of U.D. Any person who has trained or exhibited a dog that has earned a M.O.T.Ch title may not handle dogs in this class. The handler of any dog in this class must be the owner or a member of their immediate families. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. The same person must handle the dog in all exercises. Utility Class B The Utility B Class shall be for any dog of any recognized or listed breed which has earned the title of C.D.X. or U.D. Dogs in this class may be handled by the owner or any other person. Owners may enter more than one dog in this class. The same person must handle the dog in all exercises. No dog may be entered in both the Utility A and Utility B classes at any one trial. EXHIBITION ONLY This class is unofficial. No dog entered in exhibition only, may enter and compete in any regular class, but may enter and compete in any unofficial class, if these are offered. If applicable, a listing fee is payable, however a listing fee is not required for a listed dog entered in no other class than exhibition only i.e. not entered in competition. UNOFFICIAL CLASSES VETERANS: The Veterans Class shall be for dogs that have an obedience title and are 7 years old on the day of the trial. The exercises shall be performed and judged as in the Novice Class. Dogs entered in the Veterans Class must also be entered in any Regular class or for Exhibition Only. ENTRIES CLOSE WED October 29, 2014 AT 6:00 PM RULES GOVERNING THESE OBEDIENCE TRIALS The Nanaimo Kennel Club reserves the right to remove any person from these Trials. The Trials Chairperson shall have full control of this event which will be governed by the Canadian Kennel Club rules A Judge officiating at a Trial held under the CKC rules shall not be subjected to indignities of any kind during the progress of the Trial. It shall be the duty and obligation of the club to see that this rule is effectively carried out. The Trials Chairperson shall promptly investigate and report to the CKC any infringement of this regulation. The Discipline Committee shall have the power to take such action as it deems fit on the report indicating that this rule has been violated. No entry fee will be refunded if the Trials cannot open or be completed by reason of riot, civil disturbance, fire, act of god, public emergency, act of a public enemy, strike or any other cause beyond the control of the club. The Trials Committee will use due care and diligence for the welfare of dogs and exhibitors, but will not be responsible for, or assume any liability in the event of accident, loss or other misfortune to either dogs, exhibitors or patrons. The welfare of an exhibitor’s child is to be the responsibility of the exhibitor. It is distinctly understood that exhibitors will exercise control and restraint over their children during these Trials The owner of a dog entered in these Trials is entirely responsible for any error in entering their dog (s), regardless of how or by whom the entry was made Exhibitors are solely responsible for the conduct and actions of their animals while they are on the Trials grounds. All dogs must be kept under control and on leash with the exception of off leash exercises in the obedience ring Exhibitors are responsible for cleaning up after their dogs. Dogs are to be exercised in DESIGNATED AREAS ONLY Any dog excused by the Trials Chairperson or a Veterinarian for any reason, shall not compete in any class for any award for the balance of these Trials Entry forms which are incomplete or those which contain incorrect information after the closing date of entries will be void and under no circumstances can changes be made. Any dog taking a win resulting from such an entry will result in the win(s) being cancelled and persons making such changes will be subject to disciplinary action Tendering of a dishonored cheque or credit card in payment of entrees shall be considered non-payment of entry fees and is an offense punishable by disciplinary action and cancellation of award(s), The Club may refuse to accept entries from exhibitors who have been known to tender dishonored cheques or credit cards in payment of entry fees unless such entries are accompanied by money order or certified cheque RULES GOVERNING THESE OBEDIENCE TRIALS (continued) Any dog excused by the Trials Chairperson or a Veterinarian for any reason, shall not compete in any class for any award for the balance of these Trials Entry forms which are incomplete or those which contain incorrect information after the closing date of entries will be void and under no circumstances can changes be made. Any dog taking a win resulting from such an entry will result in the win (s) being cancelled and persons making such changes will be subject to disciplinary action Tendering of a dishonored cheque or credit card in payment of entrees shall be considered non-payment of entry fees and is an offense punishable by disciplinary action and cancellation of award (s), The Club may refuse to accept entries from exhibitors who have been known to tender dishonored cheques or credit cards in payment of entry fees unless such entries are accompanied by money order or certified cheque A full refund of entry and listing fees will be made for a bitch in season entered in obedience competition, with a Veterinarian’s certificate presented to the Show Secretary, at least ONE HOUR before the start of the Trials. A 50% refund of entry and listing fees will be made for a bitch in season without a Veterinarian’s certificate, with written notification presented to the Show Secretary, at least ONE HOUR before the start of the Trials. The bitch may be required to be examined by the Trials Committee to verify season Any person, either within or outside the judging ring, who does anything calculated to attract or distract or otherwise affect in any way, the attention, deportment or performance of a dog under judgment, may be disciplined by the Discipline Committee in whatever way it considers in the best interests of the club, or the Judge may take summary action The precincts of these Trials are all areas of the Centennial Building, Beban Park, Nanaimo BC Exhibitors should be familiar with the current Canadian Kennel Club’s Obedience Show Rules and Regulations Copies may be obtained from the Canadian Kennel Club, 200 Ronson Drive, Suite 400, Etobicoke, Ontario, M9W 5Z9 US EXHIBITORS Current exchange rates favor the US dollar. To take advantage of this, US exhibitors, please purchase bank drafts or money orders payable in Canadian funds for the full amount of the entry. Personal cheques will be accepted, however they must be payable in US FUNDS for the full amount of the entry. Please do not mark cheques “ payable in Canadian funds ” or “ at par “ as such items are not readily cleared through the bank and will be returned with your entry. THANK YOU Foreign exhibitors Please ensure that your dog has an ERN (event Registration number). For the sole purpose of entering CKC events to acquire CKC titles and degrees, foreign born, foreign owned dogs may apply for an event registration number. This number must be obtained within 30 days of the first show entered to avoid cancellation of titles or legs earned and can be obtained by submitting a copy of your foreign certificate of registration along with a fee and a letter of request to the CKC. This ERN replaces a CKC individual registration number for show entering purposes only. For breeding purposes, the individual registration number must still be obtained ENTRIES CLOSE WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29 at 6:00 BEBAN PARK BOWEN RD & NORTHFIELD RD, NANAIMO BC Additional day parking is available across the road from the Centennial Building. The area in front of the building is for loading and unloading only, other than handicapped parking and parking for officials. The City of Nanaimo has leash and poop-scoop bylaws. Please keep your dogs on leash at all times and clean up after them. The building will be open Nov. 14 at 5:00 pm and Nov. 15 AND 16 from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. All exercise pens must have plastic sheeting under them. Absolutely no smoking is allowed in the building. There are no designated smoking areas within Beban Park. Please clean up your area before you leave. Lock your vehicles and watch your belongings. Dogs and equipment are left at the exhibitor’s own risk. The Nanaimo Kennel Club will not accept responsibility for lost or damaged items. WELCOME to the NANAIMO KENNEL CLUB ALL BREED OBEDIENCE TRIALS GOOD LUCK TO ALL EXHIBITORS
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