View from the Road to Lindisfarne November 2014 It's hard to quantify what it is that you feel you are leaving behind when you prepare to walk out on a pilgrimage. All I know is that you have to let go. The rather abrupt release of our daily rituals that we feel keep us safe; the certain way that we rise, wash, work, socialise, eat, sleep and communicate; all our daily habits that become our daily rituals; our means of survival in our worlds and communities - that well-trodden path of comfort is abandoned for the unknown. Satish Kumar says "I walk to regain my spirit" and this I can relate to. The slow defining of who I truly am and what I truly want becomes silenced by too much activity, people and noise. As I sit in the North transept in the comfort of this beautiful Abbey café I spy, above the tree-like pillars of the main aisle, "the box". I am reminded of Martin Palmer’s talk and how many of these pilgrims would have been rather dishevelled types. This perfectly crafted stone box high on the south transept housed a monk to watch over the pilgrims whilst they slept. The guardian of the pilgrims’ souls? - more likely ensuring the safety of the relics! I feel like nicking the pamphlet on the Abbey, but I don't in case there's a monk in there watching! We have been welcomed as known pilgrims - I wonder if the welcome would extend so generously to the stranger? Something else springs to mind - this is not an easy walk for women. Any women walking would have been toughened by the road and probably would have needed to cultivate a good left hook Upper Kennet Churches Notice Board to keep themselves safe. I'm astonished how much easier it is for Burial of Ashes Matt, Phil and Gerald the Bull... Thomas and Kathleen Bunce 7 October West Overton 7 October Winterbourne Bassett The second day I began to burn. By the time 6.30 arrived I Lisa Barnes thought I had been burned from the inside out and was in excruciating pain. As I sit beneath this watch box seeking refuge Funeral 14 October Winterbourne Bassett and comfort, I realise how important the slightest smile or gestures Jeffrey Charles Skinner Roger John Smith 29 October Broad Hinton of hospitality would have been to these pilgrims. How deep the physical burn is after 25 miles, Matt must be made of iron. I also realise that it's not in the walking but in the resting we hear our God or Great Spirit. He/she/it/unknown is not in the object you are walking to, but rests within these liminal spaces of peace, momentarily felt in a breath of wind that rustles the trees, in the play of a foal, in the hearts of the souls we encounter on our This past year Sandra and I plus a loyal band of helpers journey. I wonder if I should leave a mark? Take out a dagger and (without them we couldn’t function) have held our “Teas for carve the walls… Tourists” in Church and consequently managed to improve the My question is: are many of us too busy to hear God? Are we Church fundraising coffers by around £2000. None of this too busy to receive possibly one of the first walking pilgrims in would have been possible without the cakes, and you have all over 500 years? Are we too busy rushing to the next thing to been marvellous producing them without even a small connect with God? Could we hear if called or are we too busy? grumble!! Am I closer to God, Goddess or Great Spirit? Undoubtedly. Thank you all for making it such a team effort. Is it worth the psychological difficulty and physical pain? Yes. Helen and Sandra. Thank you Claire for your warmth & blessing, Glynis for the mega week long picnic bundle (Matt is still eating it!) (as we are at the rectory), Gerald for the strong lead that nearly killed me! Martin & Clare for the dream shower…Phil for the gentleness. Much love to all. Pilgrim Petra Finally this was on the menu in the Abbey Café: Please note that there will be no January 2015 edition of the Don't forget to entertain strangers; by doing so some people have UKN as production and distribution makes this impractical this entertained angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2 year. The January edition has always been difficult with Christmas and New Year playing havoc with the process. This year it is even more difficult so I have decided, for the first Left behind after the Fête time in my memory, to not produce the January edition this at West Overton in August time. I will be producing a bumper December edition and will be happy to take extra material that you would have wanted in • Child’s dark grey hoody with football logos on it January if you wish. Normal deadlines for the December • Round black loose-based cake tin without its base edition apply with the closing date Friday 21st November. Please contact the Benefice Office to arrange return David 01672 861786 AVEBURY CHURCH FUNDRAISING Upper Kennet News December 2014 and January 2015 UPPER KENNET CHURCHES SERVICES St Nicholas FYFIELD St Michael & All Angels WEST OVERTON 1 November All Souls St James AVEBURY St Mary Magdalene WINTERBOU RNE MONKTON St Katherine & St Peter WINTERB OURNE BASSETT St Peter ad Vincula BROAD HINTON 10.00 am 11.15 am 9.45 am Informal Service Holy Communion Holy Communion 10.00 am Service of Remembrance 10.50 am Service of Remembrance 7.00 pm All Souls Service 2 November All Saints’ Day Env week 44 8.00 am Prayer Book Communion 9 November Remembrance Sunday Env week 45 9.45 am Service of Remembrance 16 November 2nd Sunday before Advent Env week 46 23 November Christ the King Env week 47 Christ Church EAST KENNETT 10. 50 am Service of Remembrance 8.00 am Holy Communion With Act of Remembrance 10.50 am Service of Remembrance 10.30 am Service of Remembrance 10.30 AM—BENEFICE SERVICE – COMMUNION—WINTERBOURNE BASSETT 10.00 am Benefice Holy Communion 11.45 am Wells Baptism 4.00 pm Williams Baptism 6.00 pm Evening Prayer 11.15 am 6.00 pm No Service Evensong 10.00 am Café Church For Advent Sunday (in church) 30 November Advent Sunday Env week 48 Morning Prayer 4.00 pm Benefice Communion for Advent Sunday with families &tea 6.00 pm Sung Evensong Wednesday Communion Services will take place at 10.00 am at 9, The Beeches, Winterbourne Monkton. Clergy will attend on the first and third Wednesdays of each month. We can also provide home communion any time for those that are housebound. Please contact the Benefice Office— (01672 861786) or one of the Lay Pastoral Assistants to request this. (Claire Stiles – 01793 731620 or Graham Kitchen – 01672 861349.) Readings for month Sunday 2 November – Gold/White All Saints Day Revelation 7. 9 – end Psalm 34. 1 – 10 1 John 4. 1 – 3 Matthew 5. 1 – 12 Sunday 23rd November – Red/White Christ the King Ezekiel 34. 11 – 16, 20 – 24 Psalm 95. 1 – 7 Ephesians 1. 15 – end Matthew 25. 31 – end Sunday 9th November – Red/Green Remembrance Sunday Wisdom 6. 12 – 16 or Amos 5. 18 – 24 Canticle: Wisdom 6. 17 – 20 or Psalm 70 1 Thessalonians 4. 13 – end Matthew 25. 1 – 13 Sunday 30 November – Purple Advent Sunday Isaiah 64. 1 – 9 Psalm 80. 1 – 8, 18 – 20 [or 80 1 – 8] 1 Corinthians 1. 3 – 9 Mark 13. 24 - end Sunday 16th November – Red/Green 2nd Sunday before Advent Zephaniah 1. 7, 12 – end Psalm 90. 1 – 8[9 – 11] 12 [or 90. 1 – 8] 1 Thessalonians 5. 1 – 11 Matthew 25. 14 – 30 Sunday 7th December—Purple 2nd Sunday of Advent Isaiah 40. 1—11 Psalm 85. 1—2, 8—end [or 85. 8- end] 2 Peter 3. 8—15a Mark 1. 1—8 nd Kennet Valley Lottery Club October draw winners £100 Number 76 £75 Number 26 Ray Manley £50 Number 19 William Gibbs (Some winners would prefer that their names were not published, in which case we will just state the winning number) We still have a few tickets available. David Snape on 01672 861267 for a brochure – or email Another way to support our churches at West Overton, Fyfield and East Kennett 2 St Peter Ad Vincula Broad Hinton YOUNG SINGERS NEEDED FOR CHRISTMAS! Do your children love to sing? Would you like to Sing with them? Our New Choir Director and Organist Lisa Williams is looking to find local talent to help sing at St Peter‘s for our 9 Lessons and Carols Service Sunday 21st December at 6pm. If you are interested, why not try a taster session on Saturday 8th November 10:30-12:00 in Church Come and have fun, sing and stay for a cup of tea and cake! No experience necessary, all you need is lots of energy, and like making music! Session is completely free, run by experienced, qualified teacher, with full CRB clearance. Junior Choir Practices are every MONDAY EVENING, 7:30-8:00PM For more information, please call Lisa Williams, details below. Mrs Lisa Williams LTCL Tel:- 01793 854071 Mobile:- 07989 834120 Email:- East Kennett Literary Evening. Tuesday 7th October saw the third successful Literary Evening in East Kennett Church. It was wonderful to see this beautiful building, which lies in the heart of the village, enjoyed by the local community. Where else would one hear the zany humour of Spike Milligan closely followed by an Ancient Gaelic song. The proceedings began with the youngest member present, a Miss Phoebe Wirick, playing three beautiful pieces on the recorder. A flow of readings both diverse and fascinating were peppered with musical interludes. Wine and delicious nibbles during the interval were a part of an evening in which we listened to DH Lawrence; C J Sansom; Barbara Kingsolver and Alistair McCall Smith; witty poems by Brian Patten and Steve Turner and an insightful exploration of Einstein’s thinking all combined to make a unique, cultural experience. The evening raised £162 towards the maintenance of the Church. The next evening will be in the Spring of 2015 (date to be confirmed). We look forward to your company - come and listen or give a reading of your choice. Charity " Bridge Day The Rector Recommends Do you need a Guitarist or A Piper for your wedding reception, funeral wake or any other social event or celebration? Adam Hearn has been playing guitar for over 30 years and was a key player in the Summer Solstice Open mic Night in Church at Avebury. He started learning as a child in Spain and has continued developing his passion for classical, flamenco and folk guitar styles. In recent years Adam has performed at weddings and events all over the world. His performances include playing and singing a variety of pieces such as Pachelbel’s Canon in D, Schubert’s A ve Maria, and Bach’s Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, and are decided beforehand with the bride and groom. Packages are tailored to each event and a typical package would include a total of 90 minutes of music, with a choice of several pieces to be played during the ceremony and some to be played during the reception. For more information contact Adam on or 07875 505634. Piper Tony Hurst was a God-send. He became involved in the Commemoration of Outbreak of War service at St James, Avebury, at the last minute, stepping up to help in an emergency, and was a real asset to the Church. A traditional highland piper will always add that special touch to an event. With several years experience piping, mentored by former Scots Guards Pipe Major (Dixie) Ingram, Tony has recently been appointed Honorary Piper to the Swindon & District Caledonian Society and the Warrant Officers’ & Sergeants’ Mess, The Defence Academy of the United Kingdom in Wiltshire. He has also piped for: The Rt Hon David Cameron MP Lt Gen Sir John Kiszely KCB MC (Scots Guards) on retirement The Joint Service Staff and Command College, Shrivenham Malmesbury Abbey Various military functions Tony lives near Swindon but will travel anywhere to offer services for weddings, birthdays, special occasions, New Year Burns suppers, corporate events/openings, funerals. Travel costs are very fair. Tony also provides a full military or mini band of Highland Pipes and Drums as required. Contact Tony on 01793 780217 or 07877 836871 or his website The Charity Bridge day held at Kennet Valley Hall on 13th October was a huge success. Our grateful thanks to all who helped organise this enjoyable day and provided such superb lunches; and our thanks to those local businesses and others who provided a host of excellent and original prizes for the raffle. We raised £812 for our churches at West Overton, Fyfield and East Kennett. 3 Coffee Morning & Autumn Bazaar at WEST OVERTON CHURCH on Saturday 15th November 10.00 am – 12.30 pm • • • • • • Refreshments and delicious homemade cakes and biscuits Children’s activities Raffle and second-hand book stall White elephant stand Homemade produce and bottle stall Christmas cards in aid of Prospect Hospice and Wiltshire Air Ambulance Proceeds (excluding the charities’ money) will go towards keeping West Overton, East Kennett and Fyfield churches open Please support our Bazaar by coming on the day – and we would also be very grateful for contributions of bottles and toiletries, items for the white elephant stand, second hand books, and home-made cakes, jams, pickles and other items for the produce stall. We can collect anything you might wish to give if you ring 01672 861786 or 861798, or you can leave items at East Kennett church, West Overton church, Anne Robinson’s house (leave in porch at 2 The Grange, West Overton,) or at the church of)ice at the Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge – or give them to any church warden. If you are able to help on the day, please contact Anne Robinson on 861786 There will be an THANK YOU Avebury Churchyard Clearing Team A heartfelt ‘Thank You’ to the Team of 17 people who turned out to give Avebury Churchyard a ‘trim and tidy’ before winter sets in. We were blessed with fabulous weather, great banter, Niell and Julie’s Safety Watch, fantastic cake (Helen’s lemon) and choccie crispy buns (Lizzy and Michael ‘Daley’s dozen’), Rob’s tractor ‘n’ trailer, the ENTIRE Farthing Brigade who tackled the ivy on the walls, Bob-the-Lumberjack (who did indeed lumber jack – eventually, once Phil subdued the chainsaw), Brian ‘Dig for Victory’ Vickers and little Georgina and her Dad, hauling branches, sweeping the road and cleaning the mud to reveal the beauty of the Pitchen stones beneath. All under the watchful eye of our wonderful church wardens who are always such a big part of anything we do. Long after most of us had disappeared Helen No.2 appeared on the scene and carried on the good work into the afternoon – we miss nothing, Helen! But the prize of the day has to go to Trish. It takes a brave woman indeed to unearth a pair of neatly folded underpants from under the overgrown box. We hope that anyone wishing to claim them will contact us. It will take a brave man indeed to run the gauntlet of sniggering from the team when he does so! Well done everyone. See you in the spring. Watch this space for our next Churchyard clearing date. ALL WELCOME! The Rector Avebury and District Christmas Bazaar On Saturday 1 November Saturday 29th November in the Social Centre in aid of the (opposite the Church) Red Cross Ebola Appeal Cakes, Bottle Stall, Gifts and Raffles St James’ Church, Avebury Doors open 1 p.m. Organ Marathon from 9am - 4pm For more information, please contact Maureen Dixon, Churchwarden Tel 01672 539690 Entrance 50p Under 14s free Refreshments available 4 Mustard Seed Author Event LIVE SAT 8TH NOVEMBER Avebury Club, SN8 1RD Back by popular demand the four piece 24-7 playing a selection of rock, pop, light jazz and rat pack style music, a night for your enjoyment and to get you dancing. Admission by ticket which also includes a Ploughman’s lunch. Tickets Call 07879 486905 or email: Do come and hear Ann Widdecombe, former Conservative politician and notable contestant on Strictly Come Dancing who will be talking about her autobiography Strictly Ann at 12.30pm on Thursday 6th November in St Mary’s Church, Marlborough. Tickets £10 (including sandwiches, teas and coffees) available from Mustard Seed, Telephone 01672 511611 Mustard Seed, The Old Boathouse, Hillier’s Yard, Marlborough, SN8 1BE £7.50 Members and £ 10.00 Non-Members Avebury & District Club News & Events Cabbage Sunday – We were once again grateful to be involved in this super event, it was a lot of fun and raised a tremendous amount for good local causes, thank you for those who put so much hard work into it and we look forward to being able to continue our assistance. Sports – The winter season has now started with for our darts and skittles teams and it is terrific that we will now have two darts teams on Thursdays, one on Fridays and the skittles team continuing to play on Fridays as well. Please look at our website, or fixture sheets in the club to see when they are at home. Please remember that we also have excellent snooker and pool tables for use. Christmas – We are holding our very popular Children’s Christmas Party on the afternoon of Saturday 13th December, please get your tickets early as there is great demand for this fun party. We are holding our Grand Christmas Draw that evening and there will be a host of prizes to be won. There will also be Christmas bingo’s on Tuesday 2nd, 9th and 16th December. Avebury Club is available to hire, contact Alan – Secretary on 07879 486905 or 01672 539349 or Avebury Club (when open) on 01672 539258 or visit the website to check availability. Tom Bufton trb countryside management Hedge laying · planting · hedge / tree maintenance Drystone walling · walling · fencing Private / commercial landscaping Free quotes · 07714 279552 Avebury & District W.I. Craft Group The Craft Group holds a meeting on the afternoon of the first Wednesday of every month at the Social Centre, Avebury from 2 4pm. All are welcome. You do not need to be a W.I. member to attend. The cost is £3 per session. There are quilting courses and a variety of other crafts. For further details call Margaret on 539184 or Julie on 539072. Avebury and District WI Advance Notice The Christmas Lunch is on Thursday 11th December at The Hourglass, Devizes Marina at 12.15pm for 12.30pm Don't forget your Santa's Secret Gift Christmas Carol Concert at St. James Church Avebury by The Avebury Vocal Ensemble on Sunday 7th December at 7.30pm Conductor Sir Peter Beale Tickets £8 at the door - under 18's free 5 ANTIQUE CLOCKS Musical Boxes and Barometers REPAIRS AND SALES B.A.D.A. and B.H.I. Qualified Established over 30 years Time RestoredLimited 20 High Street Pewsey SN9 5AQ 01672 563 544 K. A. Callaway. Great Bedwyn WS S WIF T Services Ltd H E A T I N G SERVICING E N G I N E E R S INSTALLATION MAINTAINANCE 1 Glenmore Business Centre. Hopton Park Tel: 01380 726284 London Rd. Devizes Fax: 01380 726297 SN10 2EQ WOODSTOVES & CHIMNEY LININGS Woodstoves: many makes, new and second hand discounted. Flue lining: Stainless steel, ceramic, pumice. Installed TV flue camera for internal chimney inspection. Anti-jackdaw cages for bird protection. FREE site visit and advice recommended Tel: 01672 870619 Mobile: 0860 722646 Domestic Oven Cleaning We offer an unrivalled cleaning service for Ovens, Agas, Ranges, Hobs, Extractors, Microwaves & even BBQ’s. All solutions used are completely safe, eco friendlyand non caustic Put your trust in a company that has been cleaning ovens for over 20 years For your local professional service, call 01672 556404 (note new telephone number) A family run business F. DEWEY Brian Watts Brickwork, Ceramic Tiling, Painting and Decorating, Garden Fencing and General Maintenance. With 30+ years of experience, there isn't much I haven't come across, so for a free quotation or simply to 'Pick my brain!' Contact me:5 Southfield, West Overton, Wilts, SN8 4HE Phone: 01672 861438 Mobile: 07732989650 E-mail: JILL SUDBURY REFLEXOLOGY, REIKI COUNSELLING, CAMBRIDGE WEIGHT PLAN CONSULTANT The Wellbeing Clinic 6 London Road. Marlborough 07973 951286 or 01672 513583 FUNERAL DIRECTORS PEWSEY PORTMAN HOUSE 3 MARKET PLACE PEWSEY WILTS SN9 5AA Telephone: Marlborough (01672) 563440 • • • • Independent Family Funeral Directors 24 Hour Caring & Professional Service Private Chapel of Rest Providing a Complete & Dignified Funeral Service Richard Hartshorn WELDING BREAKDOWN M.O.T.S. SERVICING CHALKY'S WORKSHOP Hillside Farm, Rhyles Lane, Lockeridge, TEL: 01672 861123 Bricklayer and General Builder New Builds Extensions Alterations Maintenance Walls, Patios Paving Roofing Floor and Wall Tiling Tel: 01672 861113 Mob: 07816 273930 Extensions, Conversions, Carpentry Painting and Decorating Telephone 01672 515558 Mobile 07866433397 6 GARDENING AND PAINTING SERVICES GETT Landscaping Gerald Clarke Patios, Decking, Driveways all types of groundwork Fully insured. Phone for a free quote Phone: 01672 861392 Mobile: 07811 142390 Tel: 01672 539470 Mob: 07886 233314 RIDGE HOUSE BED & BREAKFAST FYFIELD Contact: Virginia Hemery Tel: +44 (0) 1672 861527 Email: Website: Est. 1991 D. W. Oliver TreeB.Sc.A.I.W.Sc. Services Ltd TREE PRUNING LANDSCAPING WOODCHIPPING TREE FELLING FORESTRY C ONTRACTING FENCING Tel 01672 861310 Mobile 07976 644706 FOR A FREE QUOTE £5M INSURANCE Tree Surgery works carried out by qualified staff E-mail: Web: CHARTERED PHYSIOTHERAPIST ON CALL DAY & NIGHT 01672 512444 OR 810727 WAGON Y ARD LONDON ROAD M ARLBOROUGH WILTSHIRE SN8 1LH Elizabeth Fitzpatrick Counsellor/Psychotherapist, Registered MBACP (Accred) Debbie Simpson MCSP SRP (Bupa registered) Musculo-skeletal specialist Sports injury and Fitness management Acupuncture registered Pilates & Nordic walking instructor Lockeridge clinic: 07724 486370 / 01672 861362 Tel: 07810 861291 Counselling is a talking therapy for Individuals and Couples. A couple is two people in a relationship. Relationship, Couples and Marriage Counselling works on many issues which may arise within the couple relationship: Preparing for marriage or a civil partnership, Separating, Divorcing, Reconciliations, New born, Mid-life crisis, Affairs, Children leaving home, Menopause, Retirement or significant illness. I work with a co-therapist whilst counselling couples. Please visit the website, telephone or e-mail for further information or to book an appointment. 7 Avebury and District WI Members and a large number of visitors attend our October open meeting to hear an excellent talk given by Steve Williams on a “Soldier’s life in the Trenches”. A realistic reconstruction of a WW1 trench with a range of equipment and artillery formed the back drop to an informative, entertaining and at times, brutally frank description of the day to day existence on the front line. We were taken on a journey of the recruit most of whom were only 5ft 7 inches and under 10 stones and had only ever travelled less than 5 miles from their village or town, who signed up for 12 old pence per day pay, often in groups, be they tram drivers or miners. Kitchener’s poster, originally a magazine cover, attracted 100,000 recruits in its’ first week! The construction of the trench, the use of the bucket, the type of barbed wire, the use of rifles, machine guns, grenades, and hand knives were ably explained and demonstrated. The horrors recounted of trench foot, gangrene and gas poisoning along with huge rats living off human flesh made many of us cringe in our seats, while the use of soldier’s urine and letters from loved ones demonstrated the ingenuity and practicality of the everyday soldier. Many urban myths were dispelled; officers were not miles away but in fact had the highest death rate on the front and you did not pull out the pin from a hand grenade by your teeth – else you would lose them! One double edged outcome from WW1 was the introduction of free school milk; this was in an effort to improve the general fitness of the average British male - in anticipation of the next war… Our next meeting is on November 13th at 7.30pm in the Social Centre and continues the War theme entitled The Organisers of this year’s Cabbage Sunday Charity Auction are very “Evacuation – from London to Wales aged 5yrs” Judith Farthing pleased to announce that £1,375.00 was raised on September 28th when the event was again held at Avebury Club. This was the highest amount raised for the last 5 years. £1260.00 was raised from the Auction & Raffles & £115.00 was raised by A huge thank you to everyone who kindly supported the Sale of Barbequed Burgers & Hot Dogs. The Barbeque was run by the Dance on Saturday 27 September in aid of the members of Avebury Club, & the so the £115.00 raised from this will go churches at West Overton, Fyfield and East Kennett and to Club Funds. to all who gave their time in helping to make this a very In addition to the Auction, 3 Raffles took place, the money from which successful event and to those who kindly donated raffle was added to that made from the Auction. The contents of a Drinks prizes. Hamper were kindly donated by numerous residents of Winterbourne A special mention must to be made of the band Catch Monkton, and this was raffled along with Food Hampers which were 22 who provided us with such fantastic music for the kindly donated by The Avebury Over 60’s Club & Avebury Community Shop. evening. In these continuingly tough economic times it was great to receive I am delighted to report we have made a profit of Donations from the following Businesses: Avebury Club, The Three £296.19. Once again thank you all so much for your support and Magpies Pub (Sells Green, Devizes), The Waggon & Horses Pub (Beckhampton), The White Horse Inn (Winterbourne Bassett), and Walter making the evening so successful and enjoyable. Jean Clements Rose Butchers (Devizes). We also want to thank all those individuals (too numerous to name) who donated items to be sold or who made Cash Donations. We also want News from Berwick Bassett and to thank everyone from Winterbourne Monkton & Avebury who helped by selling Raffle Tickets or with the Auction itself, and Shirley Bunce Winterbourne Monkton who yet again acted as Cashier. Update on Connect 2 Service Finally we want to thank the very large number of people who attended, We have been advised that the new limited service will for coming. We hope to see you all next year. not now commence until January 2015. In the meantime The money raised from the Raffles & Auction has been distributed to the telephone booking service continues. Please continue the following Charities: to use the service. Timetables are in the noticeboards. The Prospect Hospice, Wroughton. bus currently comes into both villages providing an almost The Wiltshire Air Ambulance Charitable Trust door to door service. The Avebury & District Over 60’s Club. Janice Pattison Clerk Organisers: Nigel Fielder (Auctioneer). Stephen & Thelma Fulford. CABBAGE SUNDAY 2014 Dance to Catch 22 8 ROOM FOR NEW MEMBERS Avebury Over 60s are seeking new members to join us on the First Wednesday every month at the Avebury Social Centre opposite the church. We’re a lively bunch of grey heads. There’s a regular speaker, tea & sandwiches and a Christmas party each year. Do come along. You will be very welcome. Len Adams MONKTON WELCOMED BHADS 'VOICES FROM THE GREAT WAR' We enjoyed an excellent evening of professional entertainment by BHADs in October - our grateful thanks to BHADs for including our church as a venue on their tour! The evening raised £120 of which £80 has gone to Combat Stress and £80 to church funds. Many thanks to all those who came to support and those who produced excellent canapes and our cheerful bar staff! Babies, Bumps and Toddlers Avebury Social Centre High Street Avebury (Opposite The Church) Wednesday 10:00 am – 12:00 noon Term Time Only Friendly Group for parents and Carers Includes healthy snack and craft for the Children Coffee, Tea and Chat for the Adults Only £3.50 per session All Welcome ‘Pebbles Play Group Avebury’ Charity No. 299677 Avebury Shop Avebury Parish Council Planning Applications Shop Phone Number: 01672 539200 We ratified the earlier decisions not to comment on Shop Opening Hours: applications for works to trees at The Potteries, Green Monday- Fridays 9am - 5pm Street and at Bannings, Bray Street. Saturdays, Sundays 10.30am - 4.30pm Flood Group Apple Day/Community Orchard Since the Flood Group was formed, both Thames Thanks to those who supported Apple Water and Wiltshire Council have visited and drains and Day. Unfortunately it was a wet day, but culverts have been inspected. Video inspection of drains this did not dampen the enthusiasm of in Bray Street revealed a blockage on the pipe towards those who took part. the river and this is due for clearing the first week of The community orchard is located in the November. It is hoped that this will stop the discharge of sports field next to the pavilion and is run sewage during periods of heavy rain. be a separate community group. Work has been undertaken in Avebury and Garden Produce Beckhampton to improve water courses and drainage and If you have any surplus garden produce the Parish Council is very grateful to the owners of the you would like to donate, please bring it land for carrying out this work as it should improve the into the shop and we will offer it to our situation should we have another wet winter. We are still customers in exchange for a donation to pressing Wiltshire Council for help with clearing the our charity box (Radcan which is a local silted up culvert under the northern end of the lane in charity raising money for a radiotherapy Beckhampton following the removal of a tree stump that unit at Basingstoke). had been wedged there. Volunteers/Volunteer Party The Parish is subscribing to a new Wiltshire Council Thank you to all our loyal volunteers who initiative called PEAS – Parish Emergency Assistance provide such a brilliant service to the Scheme – which provides ‘self help’ measures to community and visitors alike. parishes. This will mainly consist of gel sacs which inflate when soaked in water and which act like sandbags This has left some gaps in our rota, so we are in diverting water and preventing it entering property. It looking for more volunteers to help in the is hoped that delivery will be made soon so that these can shop, or to help with baking, stocking be stored at suitable locations in the parish. shelves or gardening It is a really good Mrs Lewis is convening another meeting of the Flood chance to get out and meet people, as Group to review what has been achieved and identify well as catching up on gossip and what needs to be done in the future. If anyone would like drinking tea! The volunteers really are to attend who isn’t already on the emailing list, please the life blood of the shop and without contact her at or call 539607. them we could not continue to operate. Bus shelters If you would like to know more, please Wiltshire Council is in the process of sourcing a new contact Lyn at the shop (telephone shelter for the route 49 bus stop on the Devizes Road and number 01672 539200) will remove the damaged one before the new shelter is installed. Due to the bus stop being within the World Every year we hold 2 social events for our Heritage Site the sourcing of a new shelter may take valued volunteers. The Christmas party some time due to a specific design being required. this year takes place in Avebury Social The condition of the bus shelter on the A4 has been Centre. If you are a volunteer please deteriorating for some time and at our meeting we check in the shop for details of the party. decided to accept a quote for repairs to it. The work will be carried out shortly. Trussell Trust Food Bank Future of the URC Chapel Thank you to everyone who has donated As the United Reformed Church feels that the role of food items to the Trussell Trust box in the the chapel as a place of worship is coming to an end, the shop. Please continue to donate to this future of the chapel is under review and suggestions for vital cause – the box will remain in the its future use are being invited. To make a suggestion or shop. At this time of year there is an to sign up for a newsletter please email upsurge in need so please do all you can to support this charity. Second Vice Chairman Shop Newsletter Due to Vice Chairman, Mike Bedford’s, busy work Claire, our merchandise manager, has schedule the Council had previously considered produced a newsletter with lots more appointing a second Deputy Chairman and the meeting news about the shop, please call in and unanimously appointed Mrs Maggie Lewis to fill this ask for a copy of the latest newsletter. role. Home Deliveries Play area at Avebury Trusloe We offer a home delivery service for The play area at Avebury Trusloe was inspected by anyone who is unable to get to the shop RoSPA in September and received a low risk rating. for age or health reasons. We deliver to There are a few minor works to be carried out in the near Avebury, Avebury Trusloe, future but the Council felt that any major works should Beckhampton, West and East Kennet, be deferred until a decision has been made about parking Winterbourne Monkton and Berwick in Trusloe Bassett. If you would like to have a home delivery please telephone the shop Date of next meeting 7.30 p.m. on Tuesday 4th on 01672 539200 and ask for Lyn or November. All are welcome to attend. Claire. Parish Clerk: Liz Moore (851424/ Michele Lomas Chair of Avebury Community Shop 9 Judith Woodget B.Sc. (hons,) Dip. PSGD Garden Designer From Concept to Installa on We can work together to solve your problems. Contact me: 01672 861314, 07968349269 or judithwoodget@b Look at to see some of my work Superclean Domestic Cleaners local family ran cleaning business, no job to big or small We supply all our own products and equipment we are fully Insured. If you would like help with your cleaning or would like to chat about the services that we can offer, oven's, carpet cleaning etc. give us a call or send us an email 01264 839209 or 01672 521094 Direct 07708835356 email Home-help / Gardener Available for; Cleaning, cooking, gardening, driving and pet care (including horses). Contact Jacky on 01672 539379 ROSS EDWARDS Building Contractor New Buildings, Extensions, Maintenance and Alterations 12 Thomson Way, Marlborough Telephone 01672 514020 email: S. White GARDEN MAINTENANCE Tel: 01672 515415 Mob: 07917 353314 GRASS CUTTING HEDGE CUTTING TREE FELLING PLANTING 10 Woods for the Trees EARTHWISE GARDEN DESIGN LTD. ANYA HOPE MEDLIN (MA Cantab) Qualified and experienced horticulturalist and garden designer offers an individual and personal service. * Complete design and build service * Planting plans for complete gardens or single borders * Restoration of neglected gardens * Consultation and plant sourcing * Wild gardens/personalised retreats Tel/Fax 01672 861462 Mobile 07970 590674 e-mail:- Memoirs & Ancestors’ Biographies, Family Trees & Research by Stephanie Woods (based in Royal Wootton Bassett) Tel: 01793 633725 E-Mail: Truly Madly Deeply Annie Knight ITEC Dip Mobile Massage Therapist Deep Tissue, Swedish & Aromatherapy Treatments Tel: 07884 062213 E-mail: Carpet, Rug & Upholstery Cleaners • Professional, Reliable & Fully Insured • Locally Based Family Run Business • Over 10 Years Industry Experience • Powerful, High Performance Equipment • References Available upon Request • Satisfaction Guaranteed or Pay Nothing 01672 563100 Angel House, High Street, Marlborough SN8 1AA VtÜÑxà VÄxtÇ e|v~ç YÄ|Çà Est. 1997 Friendly local service Professional work at sensible prices Call for no obligation quote Mobile: 07799 215837 Great Bedwyn 01672 871414 AMI GOLDING MOBILE PET GROOMING SERVICES Tel: 01672 521596 Mob: 07813 534902 Email: Grooming of ALL breeds Of Dog, Large or Small. Cats welcome too ! Nail Trimming for All Animals (Rabbits Guinea Pigs etc.) Pet Micro Chipping Service, Dog / Cat Sitting Service Horse Clipping Service PLEASE CALL ME, SEND ME A TEXT MESSAGE, OR SEND A MESSAGE VIA FACEBOOK TO DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENTS Find us on Facebook 11 Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council Parish Clerk Sophie Roberts 01672 861262 Right of Way Leaflet. The leaflet of our local footpaths is finalized and available. Local volunteers are needed to help keep the footpaths clear, contact Ruth Lamdin on 861550 if you are interested in joining a working party. Community Market. This takes place in Marlborough every month on the first Sunday. There are lots of interesting stalls. Why not put it on your calendar? Traffic on the A4. The Traffic Group are in consultation with CATG about the junctions along the A4 to our villages. The first step is for them to monitor traffic speed along our stretch of this busy road. Planning Issues. Each month sees a number of planning issues, on which the PC are asked to make comments and recommendations. The public were encouraged to keep an eye on their village noticeboard and put forward their opinions. We encouraged our residents to write or e mail Wiltshire Planning Department, so that their individual views can be considered. Local Car parking Strategy. After a large amount of consultation over the whole of Wiltshire, this is now being considered. To find out more go to council and follow links to localtransprtplan3. Proposed Changes to Connect2 in the Kennet Valley. Time tables will be changed in line with the consultation. It looks as though the are going to retain the 17.15 bus from Marlborough to Winterbourne Monkton. A new timetable will be available to view on and if you have any questions contact Ian White on The West Woods. There has been a lot of controversy about the damaged caused by the logging allowed by the Forestry Commission this year. We have received many comments and decided to share some with you. You might like to contact Tom Blythe of the Forestry Commission and let him know your view. ‘By chance I met Tom Blythe from the Forestry Commission in the West Woods and expressed my concerns regarding the logging which took place last spring and the damaged caused to the bluebells and the amenity value of the forest environment. He said there were plans to reinstate the deep muddy ruts and clear the branches from the bridleways and footpaths. When I mentioned the damage to the bluebells, he told me ‘they avoided the bluebells’. When I showed him photos of bluebells growing on either sides of deep ruts and mentioned they were a protected species, he strode off. Why does the Forestry Commission seem to take no responsibility for the care of this woodland, and seem to be driven by purely economic concerns? Surely the F.C. should outline the scope of the work and the approaches required to protect the bluebells before choosing the cheapest logging company?’ The Next Parish Council Meeting is at the Kennet Valley Hall on 24th November at 7pm Details will be on the Parish Notice Board of your Village Kennet Valley Hall Lockeridge Friday December 12thth Christmas Bingo Doors open at 7.00 p.m. “Eyes Down” at 8.00 p.m. *Lots of Hampers and other food related Special Prizes to be won *Large Raffle *Teas & Coffee Come and enjoy this annual event which is now a major success due to the generosity of the local Community and Businesses. Many local restaurants ,pubs and shops are donating special prizes which will add to the variety of Hampers assembled from the House to House Collection . “FRIENDS” OF KENNET VALLEY SCHOOL INVITE YOU TO A CURRY AND QUIZ NIGHT 22ND NOV 7:30PM KENNET VALLEY HALL, LOCKERIDGE. (adults only) £10 PER HEAD TO INCLUDE CURRY FOR BOOKING INFO DOWNLOAD A FORM FROM THE SCHOOL WEBSITE UNDER THE “FRIENDS” SECTION Or contact suzy 07788 802209 www.kennetvalley.wilts.s NEWS FROM THE TOWER 2nd November 9.30am to 10am. 9th November 10.15am to 10.45am. 23rd November 5.30pm to 6pm. 22nd November Training 10am to 12 noon. 29th November QP Attempt 10am Practice Nights: Tuesdays, 7.30 - 9.00 pm. ‘Stays’ (not the corset type) are an essential part of the tower equipment because they enable the bell to rest in an upside down position during a pause in the ringing. Stays sometimes get broken which causes the bell to ring itself down in an uncontrolled manner, this is the time that the ringer has to react quickly and let go of the rope or be taken up to the ceiling with it! We were in need of some more stays and were fortunate enough to hear of a bell ringer, who is also a tree surgeon, who had recently cut down an ash tree and we were able to purchase six ready cut stays. The stays are made of ash, because it is more pliable and unlike most wood, doesn’t need to be seasoned. The first week of November is the Guild’s Quarter Peal week and there may be a QP attempt at Avebury during that week. Our Branch Chairman, Ruth, is hoping to ring her first quarter peal of Cambridge Surprise Major, which is not an easy method to ring; this will be on Saturday, 29th November, starting at 10 am, at Avebury. Mary Davidge Tel: 01672 513819 Belfry Correspondent.. Ringing Times: Judith Woodget Communications 12 Kennet Valley 60+ Club A meeting of the Kennet Valley 60+ club took place on Thursday, 16 October at the Kennet Valley Hall. Subs for next year will be collected at January’s meeting and the charge will be £6.00. As the summer flower show was not held this year it was suggested that the trophies should be given to the winner at the skittles evening. Broad Hinton 60+ club has invited us to their hand bell ringing meeting. Christmas lunch will be held at the Bell at West Overton on the 11 December, at a cost of £5.00 each. The speaker today was Charlotte Popescu who gave us a really interesting talk on chickens in the garden. We learned a lot about the different types of chickens and the numerous types of egg they lay and about feeding and housing them, plus all their different character traits. It was indeed a very unusual talk. After our usual raffle and tea and biscuits the meeting closed at 3.15 pm The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 20 November at 2pm. New members are always welcome. Marlborough & District Embroiderers Guild For our October meeting member Kath Danswan talk about her background and experiences abroad. In 2006 Kath self published a book entitled “Beautiful bowls and colourful creatures”. She told us about her visits to California, Australia and the Quilt Show at Houston where she talked to groups and organised workshops to teach her bowl technique and her colourful insects. She displayed a selection of her work. The next meeting of the Guild will be held on Monday 3 November when the speaker will be Jenny AdinChristie and her talk will be entitled “Preserving the Past/Creating the Future”. The doors will open at 13.30 and the meeting will start at 14.00. All are welcome and if you require further details please contact 01249 750865 or visit our website: http:// Kennet Valley School Another busy term is in progress and by the time you are probably reading this, we’ll be back at school after half term and beginning to think about Advent and Christmas! Our new school website contains up to date information about the school and events. Please do come and see us if your child will be starting school next September …visitors are always very welcome to come and see us in action! Call the school office on 01672 861643 or 01672 861202 if you would like to arrange a visit. Music Firstly we would like to thank all those villagers in the valley who supported our school when our fantastic school choir sang at Avebury Day back in September. The children created a brilliant sound together after only 2 weeks back at school to rehearse and I know many were impressed by such young children singing so beautifully in harmony and to such a large audience! It was a fabulous performance including the lovely “Sing” by Gary Barlow that involved children performing from every year of the school including reception. The choir then led a sing along which ended with a rousing rendition of Rule Britannia to finish. We thank Mrs Gudrun Osborn for volunteering and running the school choir and also the newly formed school orchestra where she is helped by Mrs Sarah Till-Vattier. Their musical skills have quickly resulted in the children making remarkable progress playing a range of instruments together for the first time and the orchestra impressed children and parents at our Harvest service with the pieces they played. We are delighted that the school choir will also be performing at the charity Christmas Carol Service at Marlborough College again this year on 13th December for Hope and Homes for Children. They will be combining with the Oare school choir this time - so some collaborative musical fun! Sport Mr Boyer kindly volunteered to coach our years 3 and 4 to prepare for the annual football tournament held on the Marlborough College astro turf - helping them to develop their football skills and team work, resulting in a really good effort cheered on by an encouraging group of parents! The children had a super time and performed really well with some great goal scoring especially by Henry and Tom. Congratulations also go to the year 6 High Fives Netball team, who won their first small schools game against Shalborne this term at St. John’s School. The final score was Kennet Valley 2 - Shalborne 1. A special mention to Lexus for scoring the 2 goal - fantastic team work during the match and a result which reflects all their hard work during recent practices. They can’t wait for the next match! Maths Week After the success last year, we ran another Maths week for both the children & parents. This included an evening workshop for parents where they were taught maths games and the opportunity to come in and join the children for a maths lesson – learning together about shapes, space and measures. Finally a maths games afternoon for parents, grandparents, carers and children to do fun maths together! Out of school successes! We have a scheme at school where children can share their success from out of school with me. Recently we were thrilled to hear that Alicia Boyer [year 6] is doing exceptionally well in national ice skating competitions. This is Alicia's 3rd year on the National Ice Skating Associations development squad. She currently trains 6 days a week...before and after school! She has qualified for the British Championships and with the minimum age being 10, she will be the youngest there. Fantastic! Sammy Till-Vattier has recently started to learn the trombone and, as well as playing in our orchestra, now plays with the junior section of the Aldbourne Brass Band! Musical success for Seb Osborn who passed his Grade 3 Violin with Merit during the holidays Alice & Olivia who passed their Grade 2 tap dancing exams also with Merit. Brilliant achievements from all of you! After School Dragon Club This continues to be a fun place for our children where they can enjoy Crafty and Sporty dragon sessions, cookery together and bingo with fish and chips! The Dragons were thrilled to come 3rd in the gardening wheelbarrow competition at Woodborough Garden Centre last term! Their wheelbarrow was beautifully created with bunting butterflies and plants galore! Gardening Club – Morrisons vouchers! We would really appreciate any Morrisons ‘Let’s Grow’ vouchers you may collect! Please just drop them into the school office or give them to a child to bring into school. Thankyou! Fundraising for MacMillan A big thankyou to those of you who came to The World’s Biggest Coffee Morning [in the afternoon!] and baked amazing cakes. Brilliantly organised by Charlotte Davies, we raised £183.68 which is a fantastic amount in just over an hour! The Friends of Kennet Valley invite you to join us for… A fundraising Fun Quiz and Curry evening to be held at the Kennet Valley Hall on 22nd November in the evening – do bring your friends, neighbours and family! See the advert in this KV News for more details. Our Christmas Fair at school on Friday 5th December from 5.30pm where there will be all the usual variety of stalls and refreshments provided by parents and children, carols with the school choir and we hope Father Christmas will visit us again! The Friends work hard to help raise funds for our school and create fun events for parents and children at the same time. Last year they were able to support the building and furnishing of a new library, fund furniture for a new classroom, a new AV system for the hall, a digital piano and smart new sports kit and choir tops. Finally, many children have enjoyed an after school popcorn club and a Spooky Disco kindly provided by The Friends this term. Mrs Karen Venner .Headteacher 13 DOG WALKER AND PET SITTER Dog Walker, Pet Sitter and Dog Training kind, caring and reliable local lady over 50 years experience with dogs/pets. CRB checked and insured contact:- Glynis Brown 01672 861489 or 07967157574 Graduate Member with Academy of Dog Training + Behaviour Member of the Institute for Animal Care Education M J Sly Monumental Sculptor New Memorials and Restorations All types of memorials Handcrafted to a high standard in our own workshops at Pelham Court, London Road Marlborough **FREE Quotes Given** Telephone: (01672) 516797 For a free memorial brochure (Heating & Air Conditioning) Ltd SPECIALISTS IN OIL, GAS, LPG & WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEMS Servicing & repairs / Installation Landlord’s Certificates / Gas Safety Records Tel: (01793) 536871 Email: Website: Trading for over 40 years 14 What’s On At AVEBURY & DISTRICT CLUB Saturday 1st – Halloween Disco with Neil – Fancy Dress Optional – bring your own food. Entrance Fee - Pay on Door £3 Members £4 Non members Saturday 8th – Live Music with 24 7– entry by ticket ONLY Tickets £7.50 Members, £10.00 Non Members which includes Ploughmans. Saturday 15th – Quiz Night Saturday 22nd – Darts for Cash Saturday 29th – Skittles for Cash Saturday 6th December - Auction of Promises – many varied lots, Everyone Welcome all proceeds going to good local causes Non Members and Guests £1 Sign in fee – 3 times maximum Sunday Bingo 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd & 30th - Eyes down 8.00pm - ££ Cash prizes Avebury Club is available to hire, contact Alan – Secretary on 07879 486905 or call Avebury Club (when open) on 01672 539258 or visit Avebury Club website to check availability. ALL ENQUIRIES AND BOOKINGS ARE TO BE AGREED AND FINALISED WITH THE SECRETARY ONLY. WHO’S WHO in the Upper Kennet Churches RECTOR - REV’D MARIA SHEPHERDSON 01672 539643 The Rectory, 27 High Street, Avebury, SN8 1RF email If you require a priest in an emergency and are unable to contact Rev’d Maria please telephone one of the churchwardens. LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Claire Stiles Mr Graham Kitchen 01793 731620 c.j.stiles@hotmail. 01672 861349> BENEFICE OFFICE: Ray Manley, Anne Robinson (Mon-Thurs, 10am-1pm) Address: The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, SN8 4EL 01672 861786 e-mail: CHURCHWARDENS AVEBURY EAST KENNETT WEST OVERTON FYFIELD WINTERBOURNE MONKTON WINTERBOURNE BASSETT BROAD HINTON Benefice Council Lay Chairman Mr David Davidge Mrs Maureen Dixon Mr Graham Kitchen Mrs Jo Snape Mrs Susan Rogers Ms Vicky Evans Ms Penny Gold Mr Martin Knight Mr Peter Barry Mrs Jenni Moseling Miss Sally Cartwright 01672 513819 01672 539690 01672 861349 01672 861267 01672 861374 01672 861622 01672 539158 01793 731764 01793 731589 01793 731629 01793 731050 Mr Mark Wightman 01793 731452 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL SECRETARIES AVEBURY Mr David Davidge EAST KENNETT, FYFIELD & WEST OVERTON Vacant WINTERBOURNE MONKTON Mr Bill Buxton WINTERBOURNE BASSETT Mrs Clare Knight BROAD HINTON Mr Adrian Overson 01672 513819 01672 539199 01793 731764 01793 731064 MAGAZINES Final copy date 3rd Friday each month unless otherwise notified. UPPER KENNET NEWS in Fyfield, West Overton, East & West Kennett, Beckhampton, Avebury Trusloe, Avebury, Winterbourne Monkton & Berwick Bassett: Editor David Throup, Longmynd, Lockeridge SN8 4ED 01672 861279 Please send all copy including advertising and payment to David Throup. Cheques payable to “Upper Kennet News” Final copy deadline is the 3rd Friday of each month. LOCAL NEWS in Uffcott, Broad Hinton & Winterbourne Bassett: Editor Tim Powell Final copy date 20th of each month. 01793 739083 15 K " ennet Singers Christmas Concert Kennet Valley Hall 5th/6th December at 7-30. Salute to Heroes Tickets: £4-50, concessions £2-50 Phone: 01672 513585 for details and bookings Children invited to ‘Be a chorister for a day’ at Salisbury Cathedral SALISBURY CATHEDRAL CHOIR’s annual open day ‘Be a chorister for a day’ for boys and girls in school years 2, 3 and 4 will be held on Saturday 15 November. The day includes rehearsing and singing alongside the cathedral choir and is an informal and friendly way to find out about the opportunities and fun offered by chorister life. Any child in Years 2, 3 and 4 who would like to Be a chorister for a day is welcome. For further details and an application form please email: or telephone Kathy Davies, Chorister Recruitment Officer on 07979 378 926. Advertisers Index Company BAROQUE MISCELLANY CONCERT - FRIDAY 7 NOVEMBER 2014 AT MONKTON Following the delightful concert last year we are pleased to welcome back the Calne Baroque Players and associated Choral Groups to a concert at Winterbourne Monkton Church at 8pm on Friday 7 November. There will be a retiring collection in aid of church funds and a donation bar. Come along for a relaxed and entertaining evening! Ami Golding—Pet Grooming Armishaws Removals Aus n Hea ng Avebury Club Brian Wa5s Carpet Angels, Marlborough Carpet Clean Chalky's Workshop David Oliver Tree Services Diane MacKinder Earthwise Garden Design F Dewey Gardening and Pain ng - G. Clarke Ge5 Landscaping Telephone 01672 521596 01963 34065 01793 536871 01672 539258 01672 861438 0800 6122668 01672 871414 01672 861123 01672 861310 01672 512444 01672 861462 01672 563440 01672 539470 01672 861392 Jill Sudbury. Reflexology and Reiki Counselling 01672 513583 Judith Woodget Garded Design 01672 861314 K A Callaway. Woodstoves and chimneys 01672 870619 Loney—Electrical Service Ltd 01672 514696 Mack’s Handyman Services 07788 255969 M J Sly. Monumental Mason 01672 516797 MRH Builders 01672 515558 Mobility Store 01672 511550 Ovenclean 01672 556404 Overdrive driving tui on 01672 861613 Pebbles Playgroup Avebury Social Centre 01672 861489 Pet Minding service - Glyn Brown Physiotherapy - Debbie Simpson 01672 861362 Private Tui on—Learning difficul es 07790 026363 Rela onship Counselling 07810 861291 Richard Hartshorn 01672 861113 Ridge House B&B 01672 861527 Ron Dobson - Architects 01793 731661 Ross Edwards 01672 514020 S White 01672 515415 Time Restored 01672 563544 Truly Madly Deeply—Massage therapy 07884 062213 W.S. SwiD 01380 726284 16
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