Registered Charity No. 1128238 Welcome to our services today 9 November 2014 Remembrance Sunday Seeking to be… A church that grows together through our Worship A church that grows up through our Teaching A church that grows more through our Outreach A church that grows out through our Love in action 8.30 Holy Communion (A) Amos 5.18-24 page 920 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 page 1188 Matthew 25.1-13 page 994 COLLECT OFTHE THE DAY COLLECT OF DAY Heavenly Father, whose blessed Son was revealed to destroy the works of the devil and to make us the children of God and heirs of eternal life: grant that we, having this hope, may purify ourselves even as he is pure; that when he shall appear in power and great glory we may be made like him in his eternal and glorious kingdom; where he is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. 10.50 Remembrance Day and Praise Service 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18 page 1188 6.30 Service of Hope Revelation 7.9-17 page 1238 Organ Music: Andante Tranquillo - Whitlock RAF March Past – HW Davies ALTERNATIVE COLLECT NEXT SUNDAY - 16 November 8.30 Holy Communion (D) 1 Kings 21.1-16 page 364 1 Thessalonians 5.1-11 page 1188 Matthew 25.14-30 page 994 Sidespersons - Ron Collings, Ann Dodd 11.00 Morning Prayer 1 Kings 21.1-16 page 364 Sidespersons - Joy Voght, Ken Buckley, Tony Sargent, Cassie Lindsay 6.30 Evening Worship As at 8.30 service Sidespersons– John Pomfret, Pauline Begley Organ Music Berceuse – Vierne Faust (Soldiers’ Chorus) – Gounod / Marsh We hope that through our worship you will encounter the Living God. If you are new to St Mary’s please fill in one of the Welcome cards on the pews and give it to one of the sidespeople. We warmly welcome children to our church. ALTERNATIVE COLLECT God, our refuge and strength, bring near the day when wars shall cease and poverty and pain shall end, that earth may know the peace of heaven through Jesus Christ our Lord For your prayers For Bishop Paul and his family as they prepare for his installation For all those who have lost loved ones, and for those who have family have come back injured, give them comfort. For the challenges we face as a church keeping our buildings in good repair. For those who are sick, please pray for healing and wholeness. Pew bags are available for younger children who would like to use them. We have a loop system for the hard of hearing. Please adjust your hearing aid to the T position to benefit from this system. There are toilets by the St Mary’s Road entrance THIS WEEK Monday - Friday 9.05 Morning Prayer Monday 9.30-11.30 Church open. Tuesday 6pm Short Act of Remembrance at Garston Cenotaph, Long Lane Wednesday 11.30 L.I.N.C in the Hall Thursday 8pm Pilgrim at St Mary's Confirmation 2014 If you are interested in being confirmed this year then please do speak to Paul. Riverside Partnership Dates Thursday the 6th November at 8pm the monthly meeting will be at St Michaels Church all are invited and welcome. Sunday the 16th November 4pm Partnership Praise at St Michaels Church open to all. And one for the ladies.. A message from Lesley Harvey I have booked the Spice Brasserie, Garston for Friday 14th November 7.30pm. Any ladies wishing to come along, if you could email me by the end of October that would be great. And one for the men …. We have booked the Spice Brasserie, Garston for Friday 28th November 7.30pm. email: by the 14th November Traidcraft A hamper with Traidcraft items is being put together for the Christmas Fayre. Donations of goods or money will be greatly appreciated. 10% of all sales on the stall go to Church funds Christmas Bazaar 2014 The Christmas Bazaar is approaching - Saturday 22nd November. Thank you to everyone who has donated goods throughout the year. This month we are collecting bottles. Any type will do from ketchup to champagne! There is box at the back of church. Thanks. Fundraising Team Due to the escalating costs of keeping our buildings well maintained, it has been decided we need a fundraising team. If you are interested in joining please see Paul or the Wardens. Use and Abuse of the Bible Lectures : The topics are slavery, women, anti-semitism and homosexuality. If anyone is interested in attending this series of 4 lectures running from Tuesday 11/11/14 at 7.30pm (Bold Street Methodist Church, Warrington) please let me know. Thanks. Hazel (I can offer lifts) Shoebox Appeal Unfortunately due to other commitments I won't be able to organise the shoebox appeal this year. If anyone has filled boxes or items for boxes I will be happy to pass them on. Perhaps someone would like to think about taking on the appeal next year. Alison Rive Archbishop Blanch Memorial Lecture Wednesday, November 12th at 7.00p.m. 9.00p.m. (refreshments from 6.30.) At the Lecture theatre of Eden building, Hope University. (car parking £2, payable at a machine) The theme is "The Book of Life: the Bible as a means of Grace." Speakerthe Very Rev. Dr. Pete Wilcox, Dean of the Cathedral. Tickets are free and can be booked through, ( Archbishop Blanch lecture in search bar). Then the Lord called Samuel. Samuel answered, “Here I am.” 1 Samuel 3: 4
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