November 2014

November 2014
News for
Horstead with
Great & Little
Hautbois and
Scottow &
Please tell our advertisers that you saw them in The Marlpit!
07817 294246
or 01603 898254
Available for Large or
Small events
Call David on
for prompt quotation.
Available for Charity events - donation given!!
November. The nights are really drawing in now for
suddenly we have been plunged into darkness by the
turning back of the clocks. The air is scented with
wood smoke, the garden is almost empty, a last few
shrivelled fruits cling desperately to bare branches,
leaves crunch underfoot, the bonfires have been lit,
the fireworks primed and it is time to come indoors.
How to while away the time until spring? Of course
there is always hibernation, but instead why not leaf
through the pages of The Marlpit to explore the
activities on offer? For those of a thespian bent there
is the opportunity to audition for a part in ‘Dick
Whittington and his Cat’; or maybe the Monday
Badminton Club would be an ideal chance to get fit
before the excesses of Christmas undo it all. Or
perhaps target shooting at the Badersfield Rifle Club
is more your line. If you have travelled the Spooky
Express, why not try the Santa Special? Then there is
the chance to buy presents at the Craft Fair in the
Tithe Barn with a book signing by Horstead’s very
own Ian Hall whose ‘Jaguar Boys’ was recently
reviewed here in The Marlpit. And there’s more. We
have it all between the covers of your magazine.
If that isn’t enough, the Good Neighbour Scheme, a
worthwhile cause if ever there was one, needs
volunteers; and we at The Marlpit are still looking for
an enterprising volunteer to sell advertising for us as
well as someone to be our Treasurer; the latter not
an onerous task, just banking cheques, paying the
bills (not many) and keeping the accounts up to
date. In both cases training and support will be given
if required. If you think you can help us or need
more information, please contact one of the editors.
November 2014
Community Magazine for Coltishall,
Horstead with Stanninghall, Great &
Little Hautbois, Scottow &
Volunteer Editorial Team
Secretary: Philippa Weightman
737 962
Treasurer: Vacant
Please contact other editors
Compilation: David Pye
738 599
Advertising Renewals:
Margaret Woodham
736 411
Advertising Copy: Derek Allday
738 032
Colin Prentice
738 533
Sub Editor:
Gemma Carter
736 976.
Facebook Page: Gemma Carter
736 976
The Editors
Front Cover Picture
“Potspoon Hole Poppy”
[Chris Goodson]
Your photos can be sent to for
consideration as a future front page
NB: For January Issues 6th and 9th of December to be printed before Christmas
Printed by ECO Colour Print
Our local Representatives
[Member of Parliament ] Keith Simpson, The Stable, Church Farm, Attlebridge, NR9 5ST Tel: 865763
[Member of Parliament ] Norman Lamb, Unit 4, The Garden Centre, Nursery Drive, Nth Walsham, NR28 0DR Tel: 01692 403752
[Norfolk County Councillor] Thomas Garrod, 32a Station Road, Ormesby St Margaret, NR29 3NH Tel: 07515 356821
[Broadland District Councillor] Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR12 7AA Tel: 738577
Coltishall Parish Councillors
[Chairman] Robert Watson, 12 Westbourne Road, Coltishall, NR12 7HT Tel: 738857
[Vice Chairman] Mike Warren, 39 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT Tel: 738332
[Parish Clerk] Barbara Elvy, 1 Drovers Rest, Kirstead Green, Brooke, NR15 1EW Tel: 01508 558761
John Harding, 2 Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737721
Doreen Snelling, Red House, Church Street, Coltishall, NR12 7DJ Tel: 737955
Michael Spinks, Alan’s View, 11 Frogge Lane, Great Hautbois, NR12 7JT Tel: 737332
Mark Rischmiller, 36 Ling Way, Coltishall, NR12 7HX Tel: 737748
Keith Childerhouse, 9 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 737797
Sue Brodie, 15 Kings Road, Coltishall, NR12 7DX Tel: 738561
Mike Kirkham, 20 College Close, Coltishall, NR12 7DT Tel: 739157
Penny Loiez, 19 White Lion Road, Coltishall, NR12 7AS Tel: 926428
Horstead with Stanninghall Parish Councillors
[Chairman] Mrs M Gurney, Heggatt Hall, Horstead, NR12 7AY
[Vice Chairman] Kate Lawrance, Mancroft, Church Close, Horstead, NR12 7ET Tel: 737562
[Parish Clerk] Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY Tel: 736725
Barry Benton, Beverley Farm, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EH Tel: 737279
Michael Blackburn, Sunny Croft, 24 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 737495
Caroline Fleming, Horstead House, Mill Road, Horstead, NR12 7AU Tel 737686
Paul Skippings, 112 Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EQ Tel: 736054
Dr. Bernard Watts, Thatch Cottage, Norwich Road, Horstead, NR12 7EF Tel: 737245
Diane Williams, 5 Robert Norgate Close, Horstead, NR12 7BT Tel: 737719
Robert Jennings, 3 Rectory Road, Horstead, NR12 7EP Tel: 738335
‘All correspondence and queries should be sent to the Parish Clerk’
Directory of Clubs and Associations
1st Buxton Lamas Sea Scout Group: Vereen Marcer 279457
1st Hoveton & Wroxham Sea Scout Group:T Hughes 01692 630688
Badminton Club: Carl Tipple 738399
Broadland Chess Club: Paul Badger 737572
Broadland Tots2Teens Club: Maria Alborough 430538
Coltishall & Horstead Youth Forum: Mike Warren 738332
Coltishall & Horstead Womens Institute: Judi Howett 736147
Coltishall Activities & Sports Trust [CAST]:[Chairman]John Harding
Tel: 737721,[Vice Chairman] Doreen Snelling Tel: 737955
Coltishall Allotments Association: Chairman 737644
Coltishall Bridge Club: Peter Cobb 737600
1st Coltishall Guides: Claire 07826444046
1st Coltishall Brownies: Emma 07504447720
Coltishall Church Bell Ringers: Tony Weston 737269
Coltishall Commons Management Trust:
[Clerk] Barbara Elvy Tel: 01508 558761
Coltishall Cricket Club: Kevin Fisher 07849 275688
Coltishall Jags Running Club: Alan Groves 737262
Coltishall Jags Football Club:
[Chairman] Steve Frost Tel: 07540 303313
[Secretary] Sarah Nice Tel: 07771 545771
Coltishall PF Bowls Club: [Captain] Rob James Tel: 890905
Secretary Linda James Tel: 890905
Coltishall Tree Warden: Peter Croot 737427
Community Lunch Club: Joan Milligan 737270
Coltishall Create & Share Craft: Sylvia Coward 737915
Friends of Coltishall & Spixworth Surgeries:
Christine Hubbard 736912
Friends of Coltishall Church: Henry Bradshaw 738009
Hautbois Rangers: Emma Brown 898983
Horning Amateur Theatrical Society: Pauline Gedge 01692 630554
Horstead Bowls Club: [Secretary] Peter Cobb Tel: 737600
Horstead Tree Warden: Barry Benton Tel:737279,
Tony Codling Tel: 737093
Horstead Trust: [Clerk] Brian Lloyd 737632
Horstead Tithe Barn Community Association:
Chairman Luke Blackburn: 078170 61324
Hoveton Wroxham & District Gardening Club: Pat Crouch: 782523
Jubilee Players: Ros Chamberlin 736287
Lions Club, Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club: David Barnett 782002
Mardler [North Norfolk Talking Newspaper]:
Daphne Davy Tel: 01263 732933
Rotary Club of Broadlands: Richard Mayer 715796
Rotary Club of Wroxham & Bure Valley : Jonathan King 784482
Royal Antediluvian Order of Buffaloes [Llamas KC Lodge]:
Bob Jennings Tel: 738335
Royal British Legion: Mr B Jordan 738325
Spirit of Coltishall Association: Secretary Jeff Ayling
Wellington Dance [Ballroom Dancing]: Dave Cox 737907
Wroxham Flower Club: Pat Barnes 720466
Wroxham Folk Dance Club: Mick Wade 01692 404447
Wroxham, Hoveton & Belaugh Twinning Association:
Jane Monks Tel: 782496
Wroxham United Reform Church: Rev Matt Stone 781623
Secretary: Mrs Liz Haines 736081
Please inform the editor if any of the above is incorrect, out of date , no longer valid and for the inclusion
of a new club, society or association
What’s on in November 2014
10am to 4pm
Wed 5th
Children's Halloween Trail, Museum of the Broads, Stalham [31st, Nov 1st & 2nd}
Craft Fair, Wroxham & Hoveton Lions, Youth and Community Centre, Hoveton
Parish Council Meeting, Coltishall Village Hall
10am to 12noon Pop up Café - Horstead Tithe Barn
10 to 11.30am Tiddlers Baby & Toddler Group, Horstead Tithe Barn
10am to 12noon Norfolk Deaf Association, Mobile Clinic, Spixworth VH Car Park
Jubilee Players, Auditions for 'Dick Wittington and his cat' - Horstead Tithe Barn
2 to 5pm
Wed 12th
1 to 3pm
3 to 9pm
Flu Clinic - Coltishall Medical Practice [May be difficult to park, please walk if possible]
Bure Valley Railway - Spooky Express [October 25th to November 2nd]
"Third week in August" The Jubilee Players, Horstead Tithe Barn
Charity Coffee Morning for "Combat Stress", Badersfield Church Hall
Craft and Pamper Fayre, Spixworth Village Hall
Create and Share, Coltishall Church Rooms
AGM: Royal Britisish Legiion, Coltishall SC. [Check time and venue B Jordan 738325]
Service with 2 minute silence @ Coltishall Memorial
Norfolk Deaf Association, Mobile Clinic, Hoveton VH Car Park
Christmas Event, Mulled Wine & mince pies, Indulge Beauty Salon
Talk by Claire Bradshaw, Muckleburgh Collection, Wroxham Library [booking essential]
Horstead with Stanniinghall Parish Council Meeting, Tythe Barn
AGM: WHB Twinning Association, Wroxham Church Hall, Wroxham
2 to 3.30pm
Flower arranging by David Wright, Preston Rooms, Ashmanhaugh [book Sandra 784086]
10am to 4pm
Craft Fair, Horstead Tithe Barn
10 to 11.30am
Tiddlers Baby & Toddler Group, Horstead Tithe Barn
11am to 3pm
Christmas Fayre, The Hub, Norwich Road, Wroxham [Includes German Food Market]
Coltishall church Concert including Jodie Wiggins, [Singer/guitarist]
Music Night, Preston Rooms, Ashmanhaugh
6.45 for 7pm
Film - "Belle", Fretteham VH
10 to 11.30am
2.30 to 4.30pm
2 to 4 pm
U3A meet The Hub, Wroxham, at 2.30 pm
Christmas Minimarket, Preston Rooms, Ashmanhaugh.
Afternoon Tea , Horstead Tithe Barn
Film - "The Broads Remembered", Wroxham VH
1st Hoveton Wroxham Scout Book sale, Scout HQ, Nobel Crescent, Wroxham
CHAMFERED, this month
It is something we are blessed
with not too much of, a little is
still a lot but none is best. It is A D
just for fun - don’t forget
M is as in Marly’s legs.
Last month our miniature MATEY
was on page 10, he
was on the bench at the presentation at Norfolk Speakers
meeting. This month he should not be where he is for
obvious reasons.
Useful Telephone Numbers
Police [non Emergency] Aylsham
Coltishall Primary School
Broadland High School
Citizens Advice Bureau [North Walsham]
Citizens Advice Bureau [Appointments]
Citizens Advice Bureau [Norwich]
Dial-A-Ride Community Transport
0800 111 8555
01692 402570
01692 405847
01692 500840
Coltishall Pharmacy
Coltishall Post Office
Coltishall Surgery
Coltishall Community Centre
Priest in Charge, Coltishall Rector
Good Neighbour Scheme (Horstead & Coltishall) 07799 277455
Recruiting Sergeant (Defibrillator)
Horstead Tithe Barn
7.00 - 10. 00 pm
7.00 - 9.00 pm
Wednesday (1st & 3rd) 10.00 - 11.30 am
6.00 - 7.00 pm
7.30 - 10.30 pm
7.30 - 10.30 pm
7.30 - 10.30 pm
10.00 - 4.00 pm
Saturday (2nd)
Line Dancing
Tiddlers Baby & Toddler Group
Jubilee Players
Ballroom Dancing
Short Mat Bowls
Craft Buddies
Carl Tipple
Debby Priddy
Ros Chamberlin
Dave Cox
Jill Bunn
Karen Rhodes
890708 / 279294
The Hayloft is available for hire for £12.60 per 3 hour session or £5.25 per hour for shorter periods. The Main Barn is available for hire
for full or part day sessions on Saturday or Sunday at a full day rate of £200, 9am - midnight(15 hours). Part day sessions £12 per
hour. Saturday evening session 6pm - midnight £100. The Main Barn is available for hiring mornings or afternoons on weekdays at
£12 per hour with a minimum of two hours. Bar by Request. Charge to regular (weekly) hirers £19.50 per 3 hour session. £78.00 per
month. £963.00 per year. For booking & enquiries: Sue Blackburn Tel: 01603 737495 email:
We also have a website :
Coltishall Village Hall
Monday - Friday [Term Time]
Monday [Twice monthly]
Coltishall & Horstead Pre-School
Coltishall Parish Council
Vibes Health & Fitness
Coltishall Brownies
Ballroom & Latin Dancing for Improvers
8.30 am - 12.30 pm
7.00 - 9.00 pm
6.00 - 8.00 pm
6.00 - 7.30 pm
7.00 - 8.00 pm
10.30 - 11.30 pm
The Lounge
in month]
Tuesday [April - September]
Thursday [April - September]
Royal British Legion
7.30 - 8.00 pm
6.00 - 8.00 pm
6.45 - 7.45 pm
7.30 - 9.30 pm
8.30 - 9.30 am
Jaguars Running Club
Jaguars Running Club
& Horstead Youth Forum
Jaguars Running Club
The village Hall and the Lounge are available for booking. Regular users £5.00 per hour. Casual users £10.00 per hour. Saturday
£150 per day. Friday & Saturday evening 6.00pm - midnight £75. Hall and Lounge booked together £100.
Bar by request. For Booking & Enquiries: Doreen Snelling Tel: 737955
Coltishall Church Room
2nd Monday
3rd Wednesday
Coltishall Rainbows
6.00 - 7.00 pm
Create and Share Craft
2.00 - 5.00 pm
Art Class [Term Time]
11.00 am - 2-00 pm
Community Lunch Club
12.30 - 1.45 pm
Coltishall and Horstead WI
7.30 - 10.00 pm
The Church Room is currently available for hire at the following charges: £5 per hour or £12.50 per 3 hour session,
casual users (one off’s) £8.00 per hour.
For Bookings and Enquiries: Joan Milligan Tel: 737270
The Marlpit Editors
Secretary (Chairman)
Sub Editor
Philippa Weightman, 1 Stanninghall Cottages, Horstead, NR12 7LY
Anne Gilbert, 12 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW
David Pye, 6 Frettenham Road, Horstead, NR12 7LB
Gemma Carter, Geldeston Cottage, Mill Road, Horstead, NR12 7AT.
Advertising Coordinator
Margaret Woodham, 40 Anchor Street, Coltishall, NR12 7AQ
Advertising Copy
Hon. Ind. Accountant
The Marlpit
Derek Allday, 13 Patricia Avenue, Horstead, NR12 7EW
Colin Prentice, Horngate Cottage, St James, Coltishall NR12 7AP.
Alan S Mallett, The Cabinet, High Street, Coltishall, NR127AA
Please contact The Marlpit Editors between 10.00 am & 9.00 pm
The parish council had been invited to put in a bid for matched
funding for highway improvements again this year. This is the
initiative that helped the council pay for a trod footpath to the
playing field two years ago. After some discussion it was thought
that the council should put in a bid for a crossing between the
two bus shelters on the Norwich Road where school children
cross after alighting from the bus.
Notes from Horstead with
Stanninghall Parish Council
News from Broadland District
Cllr Alan Mallett our ward councillor
reported to the meeting as follows:
He had received a number of
comments about the wind turbine
next to the Norwich Road just south
of Horstead, but no complaints.
The make-up of Broadland Council has changed a few times
recently, but there has been no impact on policy making. There
has been no increase to council tax in the recent budget and the
Service Improvement Committee has been doing useful work
reviewing council operations. A new training initiative for the
young opened a few weeks ago and has had a good take up.
When asked for his views on the Broads becoming a National
Park, Alan said that he believed it was not a good idea because
of a discrepancy between the National Parks Act 1949 and the
Sandford principle that conservation should be a dominant factor
in management. The Broads were set up to defend conservation,
recreation and navigation, therefore the Sandford principle could
not apply. In fact when the idea of a National Park was first
mooted in 2009, the Authority was told by the minister to forget
it. He also believed that there was an imbalance in the interests
represented on the Authority and that on important issues
members were not always consulted. For example until recently
there was only one navigator on the committee but navigation
represent over 40% of their income.
Police Report
There were no crimes reported for Horstead again this month.
There has, however, been an offence of courier fraud in
Broadland. This is when fraudsters call and trick you into
handing over your bank card and PIN number to a courier on
your doorstep. There are many variations of the scam but it
often takes the following pattern:
Someone will cold call you on a landline claiming to be your
bank or the police. They state their system has spotted a
fraudulent payment on your card, or that it is due to expire and
needs to be replaced.
In order to reassure you that they are genuine, they suggest
that you hang up and ring the bank/police straight away.
However, they do not disconnect the call from the landline so
that when you dial the real number you are actually still
speaking to the fraudster. They then ask you to read out your
PIN or type it on your ‘phone keypad. Finally they send a courier
to you to collect your bank card. The fraudster will then have
obtained your name, address, full bank details, card and PIN.
How should you protect yourself from courier fraud? Remember:
● Your bank will never send a courier to your home.
● Your bank and the police will never collect your bank
● Your bank and the police will never ask for your PIN.
20141570 Flint Cottage Frettenham Road: two storey extension.
There was no objection to this development.
● If you receive one of these calls, end it immediately.
● Report it to Action Fraud.
Action Fraud can be accessed via their website. Alternatively you can call a fraud
adviser on 0300 123 2040. Normal call charges apply.
Concerns were raised about the number of advertising signs on
the public highway. It was agreed that a letter should be written
asking the owner to move them to within this own boundary.
Also, the trees on the corner of Frettenham Road and Norwich
Road needed lifting. The Clerk would ask Highways who was
responsible for them, so that the work could be done. Also the
possibility of erecting post to discourage vehicles from parking
on the grass and damaging the daffodils was discussed.
Date and time of the Next Meeting
Wednesday 12 November at 7.30 pm in the Hayloft of the
Tithe Barn.
Parish Clerk
Horstead Trust Christmas Carols
Carols for Christmas. There will be carol singing again this year in the Tithe Barn. The
Salvation Army is providing the music, and the Horstead Trust will give refreshments FREE.
Doors will be open at 4.30pm on Saturday, 20th December. So come along and have a
good old informal sing-along-everyone welcome.
Contact Brian Lloyd 737632 for more information
Geof Williams
The editors were shocked and saddened to hear that Geof who featured with his wife Prim in the Sept and October Marlpit,
passed away soon after their Diamond Wedding Anniversary on September 29th. Our thoughts are with his family at this time.
RECYCLING CHANGES Don’t bin it just yet!!!
The Marlpit is concerned for the future of Recycling sites set up by clubs, charities and local councils to provide an
income from recyclable materials. It is important that all residents continue to support these collections as without the
income they generate communities will suffer. Please do not just bin stuff to be collected kerbside because you now can, if you
were taking sorted recyclables to community collection points please, please continue to do so unless of course you are asked by
the community to stop.
There are some changes to the way these recycling banks must be managed from April 2015. Could all managers of the various
Bottle, Card and other types of reclaimable's please let the Marlpit know what your intentions are so we can inform all residents on
what to do to support the clubs and associations involved.
“Sir I have the honour to inform you that the King has heard
with much interest that you have at the present moment six sons
in the army. I am commanded to express to you the Kings
congratulations and to assure you that his majesty much
appreciates the spirit of patriotism this example in one
family of loyalty and devotion to their Sovereign and
Empire - I have the honour to be sir, your obedient servant.”
The Pain and Pride
of one family living in Great
Hautbois during WW 1
Mrs Daphne Milehamm (nee Riseborough) gave me a file
containing many post cards of Coltishall and its surrounding
areas taken at around the turn of the century, many I had
not seen before. She thought they may be of interest to the
Editors of the Marlpit and its readers. As I looked
through the file there were also some newspaper
cuttings rather creased and faded due to the passage of
time as well as other assorted documents. As read
through them a moving story began to unfold.
F. Ponsonby
Keeper of the Privy Purse
T h e r e i s a n A r m y D i s c h a r g e Pa p e r d a t e d M a y t h e
8 t h 1 9 1 5 s t a t i n g t h a t Riseborough H.G. 058065 is
discharged on the grounds 'that he is medically unfit to
perform Military Duties'.
Firstly I came across a Soldiers Pay Book titled 'For Use
on Active Service' it belonged to:-
In truth he had developed Rheumatic Fever. His wife
nursed him for 18 months before he was fit to work
again. He died at the comparatively young age of 48 and
is buried in the Coltishall church cemetery.
His trade prior
to enlistment was that of a miller.
There is a photograph of what could be Coltishall or
Wroxham railway station, the platform is full of WW1
soldiers and presumably family members to wave them
on their way. One of them has been identified as
Riseborough H.G, together with his young son Russell.
The assumption is that these are newly recruited men men
Finally there is a cutting that states :Riseborough - May 28 t h killed in action, Private
Arthur Riseborough Norfolk regiment dearly beloved
son of Mr and Mrs R Riseborough, Great Hautbois
Coltishall aged 21.
It follows on to state:Riseborough - June 2 n d previously reported missing
now officially presumed killed on that date. Private Earnest
Riseborough (brother of the above) of the Worcestershire
Regiment second son of Mr and Mrs R Riseborough Gt
Hautbois aged 35.
on their way to war,
There follows a poem :-
Arthur and Earnest Riseborough are named on the Coltishall War
As November the 11 th approaches and we remember the
sacrifices made by so many through war. Let us also
give a thought to the impact it has on their nearest
and dearest, whose tragic loss is to remain with them for as
long as they live.
A newspaper cutting (undated) is headed:
'Six sons with the Colours' and below a photograph of
the six Riseborough brothers from Great Hautbois in army
NB, The Editors are in the process of scanning all of the
photographs and Press Cuttings and hope to be able to share
them with readers at a later date. It is hoped to create a web
gallery of all of them. If your family has family photographs
and service records you would like to share please contact one
of the Editors to arrange a meeting.
Yet another undated news paper cutting stated the following:Mr Robert Riseborough who has now seven sons serving in the
forces has received the following letter from Buckingham Palace:
147 Kings Road
ChelmsfordCM1 2BA
Re Charlie Smith Bench
Derek and I and our families would all like to give heartfelt
thanks to the Editors’ of the Marlpit, for the magnificent bench
placed in our Dad’s memory on the lower common, for turning
out in pouring rain to see it dedicated and also for the lovely
report in October’s Marlpit. Just one small point it was on 28th
August not September – I actually read your report online on
Saturday 29
20th September
10.00am – 4.00pm
the 25th September!
After the dedication we went to Horning for a riverside family
meal and when we passed through the village afterwards the
sun was shining and a couple of cyclists were making use of
the bench. We have since returned and enjoyed the peaceful
view of the river from the excellently placed seat.
Scout HQ , Nobel Crescent,Wroxham
Dad started teaching in Coltishall School in 1950 becoming
Head Teacher and moving to the village in 1958. From then
until just before he entered Halsey House he was active in
many ways supporting the community in the village –well over
50 years of service. With your kind provision of the bench
hopefully he will go on supporting villagers and visitors for
another 50 years!
The Avenues
Norwich Road
Scout HQ Nobel Crescent
Once again very many thanks for Dad’s memorial bench.
News Delivery Roundsperson,
We have a vacancy for aworking Monday to Friday, 5.00am to 7.30am.
The job entails receiving the papers in the morning, sorting
them into rounds and delivering them to the news boys and
girls. You will also have a van delivery round with around 50
drops around the edge of Coltishall and Horstead.
You must have a clean driving licence, be physically fit and able
to lift packages weighing up to 15kg. Provided you are over 25
you will be able to use the business’s van for deliveries.
3.00pm followed by refreshments
We also have a vacancy for a
News Deliverer
for a paper round in the Rectory Road, Coltishall area, Monday to
Saturday. For this you must be 13 or over, able to carry a bag weighing
up to 10kg, and live within or close to the delivery area. Deliveries must
be carried out between 7am and 8am.
Local performers including –
Jodie Wiggins (singer/guitarist)
For more information please contact Steve
Haines, Mace Coltishall (Post Office), Wroxham
Road, Coltishall, NR12 7EA, 01603-737277 or
by email to
Chris Engelsen (piano)
£5 entry for Church funds.
Remember, you will be asked what is in any parcel you want to
send, UK or international. This is for safety to make sure
parcels don't contain any dangerous or prohibited items. If you
can't tell us what's in the parcel, I'm afraid we're not allowed to
accept it.
News From the Post Office
Last posting dates:
International Economy (surface mail) - most dates for long haul
destinations have already passed, apart from
· Eastern Europe, Cyprus, Greece and Turkey: 4th Nov
· Western Europe: 18th Nov
International Standard (Airmail):
· Operational HM Forces: 28th Nov
· Asia, Far East, New Zealand: 3rd Dec
· Australia: 4th Dec
· Africa, Caribbean, Central & South America, Middle East: 5th Dec
· Cyprus, Eastern Europe, Greece: 8th Dec
· Canada, Poland: 9th Dec
· USA, Static HM Forces: 12th Dec
· Western Europe (exc. Greece and Poland): 13th Dec
Will you be sending any Christmas presents this
year? If so some good news. Royal Mail has increased the
United Kingdom
· 2nd Class: 18th Dec
· 1st Class: 20th Dec
· Parcelforce express48: 22nd Dec
· Special Delivery, express24: 23rd Dec
In the run up to Christmas, we are always very busy on
Mondays and Saturday mornings, so try to avoid these days if
you can. If you have items to collect, you can pick these up
from the shop counter any time the shop is open (Mon-Sat
6.15am-8pm, Sun 7.30am-6pm).
size of its 'Small Parcel' and reduced the prices! The new size is
45cm x 35cm x 16cm or, in old money, just over 17" x 13" x 7".
Anything smaller than that and weighing up to 2kg (about 3 1/2
lbs) can be sent anywhere in the UK for just £2.80. We have a
sample box that size in the Post Office if you want to get a
better idea of how big it is. Don't forget to allow for the extra
size and weight of any packaging when you're checking items.
The rules for international parcels are slightly different, but to
keep the cost down, make sure parcels weigh less than 2kg and
total dimensions (length+width+height) no more than 90cm,
with no side longer than 60cm. Items larger than this have to
go by Parcelforce Worldwide service, which can be very
If you need any further advice on mail, don't hesitate to
call us on 737277 or email me at the address below.
If you're sending Christmas cards to international destinations,
it's best to go for small, light ones. If you choose a small card
weighing under 10g, you can send it anywhere in the world for
£1.28 (97p in Europe), but be careful, international cards over
20g can cost £2.15 or even more. You can easily check the
weight of the cards on our scales, even when the Post Office
counter is closed.
help to focus and hone speaking skills and gain experience in
speaking to larger and varied audiences’.
News from the
North Norfolk Speakers Club
Clive Willet won the Table Topics Contest, speaking on the
subject - ‘Are DIY projects to be applauded or avoided?’.
Table Topics, unlike prepared speeches, require the contestant
to speak impromptu with no prior warning of the subject.
North Norfolk Speakers Club recently held a Humorous Speech
and Table Topics
Contest in North
Walsham. The
event was well
supported by
members and
‘Being able to speak ‘off the cuff’ is a really useful skill to have,
whether in business or everyday situations’, Clive said.
North Norfolk Speakers Club meets on alternate Wednesdays,
6.45pm at North Walsham High School, Spenser Avenue, North
For further information please visit ,
email or contact Gillian
01692 650250
and the evening
was enjoyed by
Guests and new members are always warmly welcomed.
Humorous Speech Contest
Chair David McNaughter (far left) with winner Stuart Richards and
Table Topics Contest Chair David Ley (far Right) with winner Clive Willet.
Many thanks
Stuart Richards was awarded first place in the Humorous
Speech Contest for his cleverly entertaining and original story –
‘The Extraordinary Tale of the Queen and her Bed’.
(North Norfolk Speakers Club)
‘Competitions are always a challenge’, said Stuart, ‘but they do
Tithe Barn
Monday Badminton Club
20 Questions by Harriet Pelissier
1. Which baroque composer wrote 'Music for the Royal
Fireworks' ?
2. Who sailed around the world in the Golden Hind ?
3. Which country did fireworks originate from ?
4. What is the hedgerow berry used to flavour gin ?
5. We burn Guy Fawkes, but who was the actual
leader ?
6. What is the maximum amount of figures used in a
Tweet ?
7. How many conspirators involved in the Gunpowder
Plot ?
8. Which animal is the logo for the World Wide Fund
for Nature ?
9. Originally made of wood, who designed The
Cenotaph ?
10. What is Cullen Skink ?
11. Who directed the film 'Oh What A Lovely War' ?
12. What is the capital of Tibet ?
13. In which year did the Gunpowder Plot take place ?
14. How many hundredweight are there in a ton ?
15. Which organisation makes the Remembrance Day
Poppies ?
16. Who was king at the onset of WW1 ?
17. Which modern composer wrote `Feux d'artifice' ?
18. Which chemical burns with a pink flame ?
19. Name the date and time of Armistice Day ?
20. Which country does the present Pope come from ?
We need three or four additional players
to keep this club going. Any ability, to a
friendly standard. Just turn up on
Mondays after 7pm, or call Carl on
738399. The Club has been running since 1977; it would be a
shame for it to close after 37 years because of lack of
The Good Neighbours Scheme
The Good Neighbours Scheme
invited the editors along to
their 2nd Anniversary Tea Party
held in Coltishall Village Hall.
The cakes were to die for but
thankfully no one did as many
residents of the GNS area were
there to show their
appreciation for help received
since the scheme was
Some of the Team
Gwendoline Golder of Coltishall
said “
Others have been very
thankful to use the team for
more routine tasks such as
trips to the hairdressers as
without them some would not
enjoy such a varied life.
Those who were able to stay
to the end of the afternoon
were entertained by the
Coltishall Primary School Choir
who sang their hearts out and were a resounding success.
The team of volunteers are always welcoming to new helpers who are
more fortunate and able to help in the community. It is great fun and
rewarding as well as being a tremendous help to those in need. Why not
give Julie Douglass a call on 737637 and find out more about
1 Handel: 2 Sir Francis Drake: 3 China: 4 sloe: 5 Robert
Catesby: 6 140: 7 Thirteen: 8 the panda: 9 Sir Edwin
Lutyens: 10 a Scottish fish flavoured soup: 11 Sir
Richard Attenborough: 12 Lhasa: 13 1605: 14 twenty:
15 The Royal British Legion: 16 George V: 17 Igor
Stravinski: 18 potassium: 19 11 o'clock on the 11th day
Hoveton, Wroxham and District Gardening Club
Come and join us at 7.30pm on Friday 7th November at
Hoveton Village Hall. Richard Hobbs will be our guest speaker
who will be talking about Bulbs for the Garden. There will also
be refreshments, raffle and time for a chat. Visitors £2. Pat 01603
782523 or Julian on 01603 782883.
[Doors Open 6:45]
The mixed-race
daughter of a
Royal Navy
Admiral is raised
by her
aristocratic great
uncle in 18th
century England.
In association with Creative Arts East
Bure Valley Railway Car
Park Norwich Road
Map 238: TG195265
NR11 6B
A pleasant rural walk
via Marriott’s Way
& Green Lane.
3.3 miles, 80%
soft, minor
gradient, steps
Bure Valley Railway Car
Park, Stracey Road
Map OL40: TG232229
NR10 5ET
Rural walk over fields and
meadows via Oxnead and
Buxton Mills.
3.3 miles, 50%
soft, steps, six
Peter Neave, Broadland & South Norfolk Coordinator 01603 897193
There are more of Broadland , South Norfolk and City walks arranged by this Active Norfolk, Walking for Health accredited
Scheme. Their webpage at explains everything, there are down loads available as well as a FREE
36 page programme for those without computer access. Just contact Peter, mention the Marlpit and perhaps he will provide you
with one at one of the walk locations, get out and meet new friends….
Coltishall Primary School
BARC Information Sheet
Welcome to Badersfield Air Rifle Club (BARC) run in the former
RAF Coltishall Firing Range.
My name is Patrick Gray and I work as a Security Administrator at
RAF Coltishall. The range captured my imagination and so began
the process of applying for a license from Norfolk County Council
to reopen the range as a family run Air Rifle Club. I am pleased to
have my family onboard; my wife Nicole and our four children
Liam, Jordan, Zackary and Tamzin.
The range was open from 1939 to 2006. The brick firing range
butts date from World War Two and were heightened in 1999 to
conform to MoD requirements. It was always our intention to keep
the range as original as possible, but we have given it a face lift.
Beech and Willow classes had a stimulating start to their
science topics this term with a trip to the National Trust’s
Sheringham Park. We all had a fantastic day! Rob Coleman
and his team led activities: pond dipping; finding spineless
wonders (minibeasts ); hunting for Red Riding Hood’s
friends in the woods (learning about animal adaptation) and
even den building at lunchtime. Some of the most exciting
finds of the day were dragonfly larvae, caddis fly larvae
and leopard slugs.
Honey said,
We have a standard 25m range set up, which has two sets of 5
lanes, separated by a buffer wall. Targets will include paper and
cardboard targets, knockdown animal targets and spinners. We
also have a plinking area with cans on spikes and a plinking tree
with different moving hanging targets.
Some members might like to bring their own targets too.
Reuben said,
At the rear of the range we have a 4 lane 55m zeroing range, with
4 paper targets on each rack.
BARC is a no frills community orientated Air Rifle Club.
Please would all Clubs and Organisations check your entry, or
indeed if you do not have one please contact Derek Allday on to have it corrected or added as
Thank you,
Find us on Face book
Anyone interested in 1st Coltishall Guides should contact Claire on
07826 444 046 or email
Anyone interested in the 1st Coltishall Brownies should contact
Emma on 07504 447 720.
We publish these entries here as well as in the directory on this
months page 4 as they were previously incorrect.
12th to 18th September District
North Norfolk home watch message
19th September 2014
48989/14 Burglary in a Building other
than a Dwelling POTSPOON HOLE
COLTISHALL Property entered and a small
quantity of empty small CO2 cylinders
49561/14 Other Criminal Damage to A
Windows broken.
49077/14 Theft If Not Classified
fences damaged and the concrete
supporting blocks and clips for fence
49238/14 Theft If Not Classified
Large generator stolen.
49483/14 Theft If Not Classified
STRAWLESS Antique post box stolen.
49597/14 Theft If Not Classified
Red diesel stolen.
49678/14 Theft If Not Classified
Heating oil stolen from tank.
19th to 25th September District
that you can easily spot if the level drops.
any person, whether it does so or not’.
Install lockable caps with cropproof padlocks/fittings and where possible
provide vulnerable fuel hoses with
hardened/flexible casing so that they are
harder to cut.
From May 2014 there is no longer a
requirement for the dog to be in a public
place in order for this offence to be
complete. The offence may be committed
if the dog is dangerously out of control in
'any place'. The onus of responsibility is
on the dog owner to ensure that the dog
is in the charge of a person who is ‘fit and
proper to be in charge of it’ In other
words, someone who is able to control
the dog safely.
You can get more crime prevention advice
on our website
This week we’ve seen a couple of thefts
from motor vehicles where property and
cash has been stolen. In both cases the
vehicles have been left unlocked. Please
remember to lock your cars before you
leave and to remove any items of value,
even if you are leaving it unattended for a
short period of time.
Finally, many of you will know that at the
end of SEPTEMBER there will be no
further Car Tax discs issued by the DVLA.
This however doesn’t mean that you no
longer have to pay the DVLA will have a
digital record of who has and hasn’t paid
and anyone who hasn’t paid could face a
hefty fine of up to £1000.
Overview from Broadland and North
Norfolk Superintendent
50557/14 Burglary Dwelling CROMER
ROAD HEVINGHAM Property entered,
perfume, jewellery and a laptop stolen.
50131/14 Other Criminal Damage
traffic cones damaged.
50433/14 Other Criminal Damage To A
tyres slit on vehicle.
50456/14 Other Criminal Damage To A
tyres slit on the vehicle.
Broadland home watch message
26th September 2014
50073/14 Theft From Vehicle Other Than
Motor Vehicle MARSHAM Fuel stolen from
We have had a number of incidents
recently of Heating Oil theft.
26th Sept - 2nd Oct District
We traditionally see an increase in this
type of crime at this time of year as the
days start to get colder and homeowners
start filling up their tanks; however, there
are a few measures you can put into
place to prevent this.
Broadland home watch message 3rd
October 2014
Keep all gates to your property
closed and securely locked at all times
and ensure gates and fences are in good
Install suitable security flood
lighting and consider installing CC TV
around your property.
Locate your tank if possible within
sight of your home, but not visible from
the road.
Regularly check your fuel levels so
There have been a number of instances
recently across North Norfolk and
Broadland of dogs being dangerously out
of control. When people think of this
offence or of dangerous dogs in general
the natural reaction is to think of fighting
dogs or breeds which are banned under
the ‘Dangerous Dogs Act’. The sad reality
though, is that any dog can be dangerous
and could potentially be out of control
and it falls to responsible dog owners to
ensure their dog is kept under control,
not only in a public place but now also at
home. “Dangerously out of control” is
defined as ‘When there is reasonable
apprehension that it (the dog) will injure
Theft of Lead
Although we tend to think of theft of lead
as a crime from a yester-year, it is still
quite common in the 21st century and is
made more attractive to criminals by the
fact that many of our lovely churches
across the county are in remote locations.
There has been a recent spate of thefts
from churches across our area. Please
keep a watchful eye over your local
churches, church yards and burial sites
for any suspicious activity. For instance,
vans and pickups parked up at these
locations when they are closed to the
public or persons on scaffolding when
clearly there’s no building work going on
at the time. Please don’t hesitate to call
999 if you believe a crime is in progress
or is about to be committed.
Plotter Pilfering
This week saw a number of ‘Plotters’
being stolen from moored & unattended
craft within Broadland marinas/boatyards.
Offenders have gained entry by unzipping
the canopies and removing the ‘Plotter’
covers, in some cases stealing the covers
themselves or on other occasions stealing
the actual plotter itself. Replacing these
items can be costly, time consuming and
inconvenient! If your boat is covered
overall, consider removing the individual
covers off of electrical items such as
Plotters or VHF. These covers are
attractive to thieves for valuable spares.
Please mark your property with your
postcode with a UV pen & boat
registration number. Regularly check our
website for
details of new Crime Prevention initiatives
and if you’re leaving your small outboard
on the back of your boat, why not
purchase one of our engine covers. Email for
further details of cost. Remember also to
remove ALL valuable items, not forgetting
your life jackets which should be stored in
a dry location for safe use next year.
And Finally….
Last week we reported on the rise in
Useful Contacts
Norfolk Police –
Non-emergency 101 Emergency 999
Crimestoppers 0800 111 555 NC Council 0844 800 8020 BD Council
01603 431133
l heating oil
theft and how
to take some simple steps to prevent it.
This week, thanks to the vigilance and
promptness of a local resident, we were
able to arrest and charge four individuals
for heating oil theft. A call to police was
made and after several hours of good
police work from officers and a police dog
team, the suspects were captured and
later charged, with this crime and some
historic thefts. An excellent result and all
because of a phone call to the police
reporting a suspicious incident! Thank
Overview from Broadland and North
Norfolk Superintendent
51280/14 Attempted Burglary in a
Building other than a Dwelling RECTORY
ROAD COLTISHALL Window removed
from property and left in grounds.
51146/14 Other Criminal Damage
STRAWLESS Heating oil tank damaged
causing it to leak.
52009/14 Other Criminal Damage
thrown at window causing damage.
52013/14 Other Criminal Damage WHITE
window causing damage.
51825/14 Other Criminal Damage to A
Conservatory window damaged.
51992/14 Theft If Not Classified
HEVINGHAM Fishing equipment stolen.
against courier fraud?
Weekly crime summary 3rd to 9th
October District summary
Your bank will never send a courier
to your home
Broadland home watch message 10th
October 2014
Your bank and the police will never
collect your bank card
This week saw an offence of ‘courier
fraud’ take place within North Norfolk and
Broadland area. Thankfully this type of
fraud is still quite rare in Norfolk but still
noteworthy of bringing to everyone’s
attention. Courier Fraud is when
fraudsters call and trick you into handing
your cards and PIN numbers to a courier
on your doorstep. There are many
variations of the scam, but it usually
follows this method:
Your bank and the police will never
ask for your PIN
A fraudster will cold call you on a
land line, claiming to be from your bank
or the police. They state their systems
have spotted a fraudulent payment on
your card or it is due to expire and needs
to be replaced.
In order to reassure you that they
are genuine, they suggest that you hang
up and ring the bank/police back straight
away. However, they don’t disconnect the
call from the land line so that when you
dial the real phone number, you are
actually still speaking to the fraudster.
They then ask you to read out
your PIN or type it on your phone keypad.
Finally, they send a courier to you
to collect your bank card. The fraudster
will have then obtained your name,
address, full bank details, card and PIN.
So what can you do to protect yourself
If you receive one of these calls
end it immediately
Report this to Action Fraud
If you have handed over any
details to the fraudster, call your bank and
cancel your cards immediately.
If you want to call your bank, then
do it from another telephone.
Over the last week there has been a slight
increase in the number of thefts from
motor vehicles, particularly vans where
tools and equipment have been stolen
overnight. This is a timely reminder to
please ensure any tools or valuables are
not left in the vehicle overnight, that
where possible park in a well-lit area and
ensure your van is locked and alarmed. It
is always worth marking your tools with a
ultra-violet pen with your post code or
other identifiable feature. A few simple
measures can save a lot of time and
inconvenience in the long run.
Overview from Broadland and North
Norfolk Superintendent
53573/14 Arson Not Endangering Life
caravan set on fire causing damage to a
Useful Contacts
Norfolk Police –
Non-emergency 101 Emergency 999
Crimestoppers 0800 111 555 NC Council 0844 800 8020 BD Council 01603431133
Events for November
held on
Friday 26th
2014 in the
church room
in Coltishall
made the
grand sum
of £311.65!
Liz - Judith - Ginny Liz and
Judith would
like to thank everyone who came along and took part in the
coffee morning, and made it lots of fun.
Friday 31 October to Sunday 02
Children’s Halloween Trail
A fun trail around the Museum with a
creepy prize. Lots of ghostly activities for
Children's Short Story Competition - write a Broadland
Ghost Story for Halloween!
100 words maximum, on a ghost story set in the Broads. All
stories must be the entrant's own original work and not
published elsewhere. Two categories: up to 8 years old and
9-12 years old – see our website for full details.
Saturday 08 November at St Mary's Church, Martham,
at 1930 CONCERT
An Evening of Light Entertainment featuring
your local Broadbeat Choir, together with Savoir Faire a gypsy style jazz trio.
Tickets £8.50 to include light refreshments from The Museum
(01692 581681), Chapman's Butchers at The Green, Martham,
or on the door. All profits in aid of the Museum of the Broads.
We look forward to seeing everyone
again next year!
Many thanks,
Nicola Hems, Curator, The Museum of the Broads,
The Staithe, Stalham, NR12 9DA, 01692 581681
Wroxham Library “Not just
software" is ordinary software bought in bulk
at a discount by the OEM and pre-installed on
a new machines, usually without printed
manuals. OEM software cannot legally be sold
separately from a computer, so when offered
for sale at huge discounts is either pirated, or
not what it claims to be.
No Grandma, not the
same Hyper I get from drinking
fizzy drinks!
Love you lots xxx
Computer Jargon – Part 2
http (HyperText Transfer Protocol) The
protocol or "language" computers use to send
web pages over the internet. Almost every
WWW address starts "http://", though many
browsers understand if you omit it.
ISP (Internet Service Provider) A company
which provides a connection to the internet,
or internet services.
JPEG, jpg (Joint Picture [Experts] Group; pr.
"jay-peg") A standard type of compressed
graphics file, widely used on the WWW.
Particularly good for photographs.
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) A type of
computer screen, originally used only on
laptops but now increasingly used for desktop
PCs and even televisions.
Mac, Macintosh The Apple Corporation's
alternative to the PC, much loved by its
devotees but completely incompatible with
PCs, though some popular software is also
released in Mac format.
Malware A catch-all term for software
installed by stealth onto a PC for malevolent
purposes (hence the name). These may
include displaying unwanted ads (adware),
installing software you didn't ask for, or spying
on your activities (spyware) and reporting
them back to the culprit so that he can steal
your bank account, address book etc. .
Memory Also known as RAM. Where the
computer holds whatever you are currently
working on. The contents of memory are lost
when the computer is switched off.
MFD (Multi Function Device). A combined
printer, scanner, photocopier and fax machine.
Micro-filter A device which allows you to
use an ordinary phone over a telephone line
set up for an ADSL internet connection.
Sometimes just called a filter.
MP3 (MPeg-1 audio layer 3). A very popular
standard for compressing audio and
particularly music files down to a reasonable
size with little or no perceptible loss of quality
every Monday,
All welcome.
Operating System Every computer has an
operating system, which is a sort of master
program that runs automatically when you
switch the computer on. The most widely
used PC operating system is Microsoft
Happy Hours 2
for 1 on DVDs
and CDs.
PCI Express A special type of PCI slot for
graphics cards, replacing AGP in most new
Bounce and Rhyme Time is now
weekly on Tuesdays 1.30pm-2pm.
Open Source Software (usually) that is
created and distributed with either relaxed or
no copyright restrictions. i.e. Open Office.
PDF (Portable Document Format) A popular
document format, used mainly for online
computer manuals, which retains the look of a
printed book onscreen. PDFs are created using
Adobe Acrobat, but can be read and displayed
by many different programs including Internet
Phishing An internet scam in which a forged
message from a bank provides a link for you
to go to their website and "confirm your details" - but the website is a fake, and if you do
enter your details they will be used to steal all
your money. Note that a legitimate email from
your bank should be addressed to you personally rather than "Dear customer" etc, and will
never ask you to enter your PIN.
POP3 (Post Office Protocol version 3; pr. "pop
3") A protocol for transmitting and receiving
Processor (CPU) The nerve centre of the
computer : everything flows through it. Also
called the CPU. The best known is Intel's
Pentium series. The most important single
specification on any PC is the speed of its
processor, usually measured in gigahertz
Program A program is essentially a list of
instructions that tell a computer how to do
something. Any word processor, spreadsheet,
database, game or any other tool you may
use on a computer is a program (often a
group of programs). Also referred to as software.
Protocol Any "language" used by computers
to communicate with each other for particular
Proxy server A computer used to store copies of popular webpages at an ISP and provide
them on request, to save having to fetch them
from the website again. or Hautbois
OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) A
company that actually builds computers, as
opposed to just retailing them. "OEM
through until 16th December
(excluding 28th October for half term).
Songs and rhymes for babies, toddlers,
parents and carers.
The Scrabble Club meets on the last
Thursday of each month from 24.30pm. All welcome. Refreshments
Wroxham library now has FREE WiFi
access. Anybody wanting WIFI access
needs to be a member of the Norfolk
Library service, which is also free, and
then use their library card number and
Pin to log in. With few other WIFI
spots in the area we hope this new
service will be much used and
On Friday 14 Nov from 2.30 -3.30
we are hosting a Dementia Friends
information session. Come along to
learn more about what it is like to live
with dementia and to use that
understanding to create a dementia
friendly community. The session is free
but please contact the library to
reserve a place
Come along to our talk by Community
Archaeologist, Claire Bradshaw from
the Norfolk Historic Environment
Service. You will learn all about the
archaeological features in Norfolk that
originate from WWI, including features
that are still present and ones that
have disappeared from our landscape.
The talk will be illustrated by
photographs from the Muckleburgh
Collection and the Royal Flying Corps.
Book your seat today for £2! 13th
November at 6pm. Booking is
Wroxham Library,Norwich
Road, Wroxham, NR128RX,
01603 782560
Ashmanhaugh & Beeston
Preston Rooms
What’s on Next…
As the nights start drawing in and as
thoughts begin to turn towards preparing for Christmas and the end of
year, final preparations are being put
to the remaining social and fund
raising events planned to support
the Preston Rooms.
Every bit of money we can raise
helps to ensure that the facility
remains open for another year so
please try and support us at one of the forthcoming events.
Susan Bunn
James Herbert
The Survivor
James Herbert
14th November 2 pm– Flower arranging event
hosted by the Garden Club - David Wright will be
demonstrating “A Swag, table arrangement, door wreath and
one other item”.
How would you react if you were the only survivor
of a plane crash that killed everyone else, over
300 people? There wasn’t a scratch or bruise on
you. You were the co-pilot and have no memory
of the crash. This is the basis for this best-selling
book by James
Herbert. He is the
king of fright and the
bringer of
nightmares with his
books. This one is
a story of ghosts
out for revenge,
through no will of
their own, and
the resulting
terrifying events
in and around a
village where
the crash
happened. It’s
one of Herbert’s
shorter novels, but just as
powerful as some of his longer ones such as The
Ghost of Crickley Hall and The Magic Cottage.
There are bits that just don’t seem relevant and I
wasn’t sure why he put them in other than to
frighten the reader and pad out the book. I
particularly liked how he used the same scene and
character to introduce the story and to draw it to a
conclusion. A casual observer, unaffected in any
way, throughout the story, from observing the
crash itself and then several months later ties
everything together. This book was an
entertaining read but quite shallow in nature. It’s
ISBN is: 978-0-330-52264-9 and be borrowed at
the Wroxham Library.
Tickets £5.00 (bookable in advance) with cake and
refreshments on offer afterwards
22nd November 7pm – Music Night. Back by
popular demand and following on the success of last year
Lynne Saunders and fellow band of musicians will be
performing their very own mix of song & music.
Tickets £5.00 (bookable in advance and/or on the night). Teas
and coffee will be available but as with previous years you can
bring your own refreshments.
6th December 7pm – Jumbo Christmas Bingo. No
lead up to the festivities could possibly go ahead without this
popular event. Bring a prize as your entry fee and enjoy 10
The Probus Club of Broadlands
is a club for
men who have worked in a professional or
business capacity and who are retired, semiretired, or approaching retirement. The purpose
of the Club is to provide an environment for
socialising between Members who share common
interests and to enable them to increase their
social contacts. The Club is non-political and non-sectarian. It
meets on the last Wednesday of the month at the Norfolk
Mead in Coltishall.
Wroxham and District U3A
What is U3A? It is a national organisation for people no longer
in full time employment. It is a learning cooperative of people
which enables members to share many educational, creative
and leisure activities.
At the September meeting Keith Simpson MP gave a
presentation entitled
Keith is the Conservative Member of Parliament for Broadland
after winning the seat in the General Election of 2010. He is
the Private Secretary to the Foreign Secretary.
Here in Wroxham we have a meeting together on the third
Tuesday of the month at The Hub when we have a speaker,
and the groups of various activities meet at various times and
venues during the week. Present activities include French
conversation, bird watching, walking, music, painting, art
appreciation and garden visits, and we are always looking for
people to take the initiative and start new interests. The
annual subscription is only £15. Anyone interested can ring
Corrie 01603 782755.
Keith has written several military history books and recently
spoke in the second debate on the programme for the
commemoration of the First World War. He is one of two
parliamentary commissioners on the Commonwealth War
Graves Commission and Joint chairman of the parliamentary
advisory board on Parliament and the First World War.
We had a great time listening to Cosmo, a local clown, give us
a talk on the history of the circus and clowning in September
and by the time you read this we will have heard a talk from
Allan Morrell, a local TV and Film actor on his interesting and
Keith explained that the scope of the commemoration is
controversial. There are differing views as to what should be
commemorated and what aspects should be included such as
battle fronts, regiments, cemeteries, allies etc. Differences of
opinion between commonwealth countries and French and
Belgian leaders all added to the controversies. Whilst war was
declared on behalf of the British Empire, the various
participating countries want to put different emphases on the
manner of the commemorations including holding additional
activities of their own. The Belgians, for instance, will want to
commemorate the battles at Ypres which was almost totally
destroyed by 1918. For the French and Germans, Verdun is
probably a bigger symbol of the War than Ypres. Australians
and New Zealanders want additionally to commemorate the
bravery of their troops at Gallipoli.
varied life . On Tuesday November 18th at 2.30 in the Hub
we have a talk from a representative of the EPIC Norfolk
medical research study, so you see we have a varied
programme with something to interest everyone! Visitors are
welcome to our meetings, at a cost of £2.
In December we will have a Christmas party , when Cosmo will
be with us again to present the life of Charlie Chaplin , and
next year there will be another programme of talks, already
including one from a Norfolk Wildlife Trust Warden.
Do come along and see for yourself – you will be most
Keith also feels that it is important to include within the
national commemoration list, the centenary of the
establishment of the War Graves Commission. After all it is the
Commission that will be the biggest deliverer of much of the
The scale of losses for the First World War far outnumbered
any previous wars: the British Army suffered 80,000 casualties
in the first 3 months whereas Wellington's Army suffered
3,500 at the Battle of Waterloo. Due to logistical reasons it
was decided not to bring the bodies home and so most were
buried in war cemeteries close to the battlefields. A
Government initiative arising out of the commemorations was
its decision to sponsor a programme for sending a teacher and
two pupils from every secondary school to visit the battlefield
sites and cemeteries in France. This will be an important
contribution to educating young people about the First World
War. Questions and answers continued after the presentation
of what was a very interesting and current subject and thanks
were warmly and enthusiastically given to Keith for his visit.
New members are always welcome. Those interested in
joining should contact Ian Anderson on 01603 737298. We
hope to see you at our next meeting.
Pop up Café.
Tithe Barn, Horstead, All Welcome.
Tuesday November 4th
Tel. 01603 737915
News from The Bell Tower
November 2014
November, good heavens, we shall soon be
eating mince pies and sausage rolls, but
couples are still wanting to have a church
wedding, so here we go again, hold on to
those confetti boxes!
Tony had a telephne call from Barton Turf ringers, they were short of
“Look Daddy here comes mummy”. It was all done so
graciously it was lovely to watch. After a lovely service by
Rev. Christopher Engelsen , Michelle & Don walked back
down the isle as Mr & Mrs and we were delighted to be
ringing those wedding bells. We paused the ringing for a
moment while two white doves were let out of
their cages, and as they flew away into the wild blue
yonder, a poem was read. It was all very romantic, and
we continued ringing again whilst photographers darted
about here there and everywhere taking those very special
pictures. We wish them all good wishes as they look back
on their very special day.
people for the wedding of Holly Dunham to Richard Postance on 13th
Sept at St.Michael's & All Angels Church, he was free so off he went
and brough me back an “Order of Service”. I have just picked out
three items which caught my eye. Firstly:- William Shakespears
words “When I saw you I fell in love, and you smiled because you
knew” Secondly:- The bride and groom actually did a reading “A
lovely love Story by E.Monkton, and thirdly:- during the Recessional
“Let's go Fly a Kite” was played. It was good to be able to help out
at Barton Turf.
Phew! So here we are on Sat October 4th when wind and
rain had been forcast, but it was a sunny morning! I didn't
know who to look at first, there were so many little
bridesmaids, and three ladies as well as a page boy, but let
us start with the lovely silk black halter neck dresses
looking great with the super tan they all had, the smaller
bridesmaids wore little white boleros. The page boy stole
my heart with his grey trousers and cream waistcoat (or
was it the 6' 4 sailor in the congregation!) Lori arrived in a
On Sept 14th young Michael Brooks rang the first 100 bell toll for
beautiful ivory gown wearing a tiara with delicate net veil &
Aylsham's First World War fallen, and very proud he must have felt to carrying primrose coloured flowers. The Rev. Christopher
be able to do this in remembrance of 23yr old Harrold Brawn, a
Engelson took yet another moving ceremony, and with the
sergeant with the First Battalion Norfolk Regiment, killed in action on sound of the last hymn “He's got the Whole World in His
Hands” rinigng in their ears Lori & Lewis walked out into
Sept 14th 1914.
the sunshine and of course we rang those wedding bells for
Moving on to 27th Sept. & the marriage of
them. We wish them many years of happiness in their
Michelle & Don at St.John's Coltishall, although future life together.
nights are pulling in quickly now, it was a very
Until next time – enjoy your ringing.
mild day. Four lovely ladies in pale pink &
Audrey Weston ( Secretary)
beige dresses, along with three equally lovely
little girls, all with cream posies and little
baskets filled with rose petals appeared.
Michelle arrived in a cream open back Rolls
Royce (wow!) wearing a “Fairy Tale” satin
gown with multi layers of net under the skirt with long train. As she
walked down the isle the little bridesmaids scattered the rose petals
before her. Last but by no means least, a very smart page boy in a
grey suit, carried a white card in the shape of a heart which said
Then & Now
The editors are creating a gallery of pictures of the Marlpit area.
Here we have two postcards of Coltishall kindly sent in by Malcolm Harvey.
We would be pleased to receive your pictures of “Then and Now” of your own homes or local area - Not just views but people
around the area too. It would be helpful if you could include a date and a little detail of were the picture was taken. Please send
your photographs to Alternatively post (
) in the Marlpit boxes at the Post Office, Chemist or Farm to Fork and Fish.
Wroxham Bure Valley Rotary Club
We are planning to continue our neighbourhood
gardening scheme, where we help selected deserving local people
with a garden tidy-up.
We are now busy getting ready for our
We have recently donated £500 to Norman Lamb’s local
pre Christmas street collections. We will be
fund raising cycle ride initiative, and are continuing our support of
giving Santa’s House a new coat of paint and
Granary Staithe in Hoveton with the provision of a bench. We
making it all cosy for our special guest when he
have also agreed a donation of £500 to the Norfolk and Norwich
joins us on our rounds! The collecting licenses
Association for the Blind following an excellent presentation from
are all in place and we are currently making sure
Max Mariner.
all the helpers are ready. At the same time we
Our up-to-date programme through to the end of 2014 is
are working on some ambitious ideas for 2015.
now on the web site - if you have not already done so have a look
Planning is well advanced for our spectacular Masked
at it as there is something to interest everyone. If our lively social
Charity Ball in aid of EACH (East Anglia Children’s Hospices)
group with its great balance of committed fund raising and
who are building a new hospice on the south side of Norwich next
interesting meetings and visits sounds good to you we are always
year. This takes place at Dunston Hall on Saturday 18th April 2015 looking for new members. We welcome both men and women
and includes a three course meal and dancing to Lee Vasey. Tickets from all walks of life, so if you are interested in joining us please
are £55, and are available from Anne Kittle, telephone 07887
come along to one of our meetings where guests are always
523071, or We are aiming for a full
welcome, we meet Monday evenings from 7pm. Our meetings
house to ensure we maximise the money handed over to EACH.
generally take place in the restaurant at Wroxham Barns, and
The club are working with our home venue of Wroxham include a two course meal. Visit our web-site on
Barns to install a coin collecting wishing well in aid of rotary for more information, or contact our
charities, and we have also involved Broadland High School in a
president, Jonathan King on 01603 784482.
competition to design the actual wishing well. The final design
takes the best elements from several submitted designs, all of
whom are winners. Construction should be taking place soon.
Operation Christmas Child, Christmas shoe boxes which will be going
to Romania this year can be left either with Sue Edmunson at 14 St
John’s Cose or at my home, Jasmine Cottage, Rectory road,
Thank you….
Rotary Club of Broadlands
Great Coffee – and Other Enticements
The Rotary Club of Broadlands located its annual hosting of a
Macmillan Coffee Morning for the first time at
Spixworth Village Hall on Friday 26th
September. More than 90 visitors from the
village and nearby came to enjoy the
refreshments, which included gorgeous
home-made cakes – featuring a lot of
chocolate and cream – whilst members of the
Spixworth Women's Institute served coffee
and tea from the hall's kitchen.
The 'Broadland Rocks' choir provided entertainment for almost
an hour, presenting popular songs from the last fifty years
cheap finance to help them grow. "Micro-financing," says Cathy
Smith, the Club's officer in charge of the programme, "helps
with the economic development of countries where the financial
provisions available to western businesses simply do not exist.
Our relatively small contribution is added to those made by
other Rotary Clubs, and this region has provided over £26000
so far.
Members of the Rotary Club of Broadlands are a pleasant and
welcoming lot (as are the members of Rotary Clubs everywhere
in the world), and we'd be delighted to welcome anyone who
might be thinking of joining Rotary to take lunch with us as our
guest. We meet at the Old Rectory Hotel, North Walsham Road,
Crostwick on Thursdays 12:30pm to 2:30pm. Please contact
Membership Officer, Peter Holdroyd, 01603 568439 or, for information and to arrange your
More than £490 was raised for the charity, which the Club have
agreed to round up to a £500 donation. Club President, Richard The club's website is at
Mayer, was delighted with the turnout, and hopes the successful
event will be repeated next year.
The Club has agreed to continue financing the provision of
Usborne Illustrated Dictionaries to junior schools feeding both
Broadland High School and Acle Academy. In addition, the Club
will this year continue to fund a micro-financing scheme which
assists small enterprises in developing countries by providing
President-Elect 2014-15, Rotary Club of Broadlands
Tel: 01603 568439 / 07922 000648
Wroxham & Hoveton Lions Club are holding a Craft Fair at the Broadland Youth &
Community Centre, Stalham Road, Hoveton on;
Sunday 2nd November from 10am - 4pm.
The Common Cold
Well it might be common, but when you
get one life can be pretty miserable – and
not just for the sufferer. Many a marriage
can feel the strain when your beloved
turns into a sniffling, coughing heap in the
The good news is there are many products
to help you (and those around you) feel a bit better.
Our pantomime for 2015 will be ‘Dick Whittington
and his Cat’ by Ben Crocker.
What causes a cold?
There are over 200 viruses that can cause colds – and
none of them respond to antibiotics so don’t waste your
time trying to get these. The cold symptoms you feel such
as congested nose, coughing, temperature increase are
actually caused because your body is fighting the infection.
Auditions will be held at the Tithe Barn, Horstead on
Wednesday 5th November 2014
at 7.30 p.m.
If you are interested in taking part in our pantomime or
would like to be involved in any way backstage please
come along to the audition.
Prevention is better than cure
Colds are very contagious and most of us don’t work
particularly hard at preventing them. You can catch them
directly from another person or by touching something;
maybe a door handle or cup that an infected person has
come into contact with. Small measures like washing your
hands or using anti -bacterial hand gel throughout the day
can reduce your chances of infection.
The performance will be February 18th, 19th, 20th and
21st 2015
If you are interested but are unable to be there that
evening or would like to know any more details please
contact me. Ros 01603 736287
Use disposable tissues to cough or sneeze into and then
throw them away. Regularly clean your surfaces and keep
separate towels and cutlery if a sufferer is in the house.
Symptomatic Treatment
Correct treatment will depend on your symptoms and
which one you find the most troublesome. For some it will
be the cough keeping them up at night, for others it’s the
continual sniffing through the day. There are huge
amounts of choice so I would strongly recommend going
to your local pharmacy for advice. Not only can they make
sure you get the most suitable product they also have
stronger medicines available compared to non-pharmacy
outlets. I always think if you’re going to bother treat
something at least use something that works!
It is really important to let the pharmacy staff know if you
are taking other medicines or treatments. There are a
number of reasons why this is necessary – some cold
medicines can raise the blood pressure so if you are on
medicines to keep your blood pressure down it doesn’t
make sense to take these. Coughs and sore throats can
be a side effect of some medicines – if this is the case your
symptoms won’t generally respond to treatments. Your
pharmacist will be able to give you advice on this.
Unless you have severe symptoms or other conditions
there is not normally much your Dr can do for you.
However there are some limited occasions where you may
need to seek advice from your surgery , for example
coughs lasting several weeks, shortness of breath,
hoarseness for more than 3 weeks. Pharmacists are
trained to know when to refer so if in doubt go and chat to
them and they will soon tell you if you need to go to the
As a final reminder, it won’t protect you from the common
cold, but if you haven’t had your Flu vaccine yet now is the
time to get protected.
WHB Twinning Association
Coltishall and Horstead
Good Neighbour Scheme 07799277455
Table Top Sale
Our fund raising Table Top Sale has been postponed until
March 2015
Our Twinning Committee had a productive meeting in September and we have organised events for the next few
months, the first of which is our AGM on 13th November in
Wroxham Church Hall at 7.30. Wine and nibbles will be provided and Bruce is going to give us a slide show of this year’s
visit of our friends from la Pommeraye and Montjean-sur
Loire and also some photos of previous visits which should
provide much scope for reminiscences and also some merriment. All members are invited to come along and join in and,
if you’re thinking of joining, do come also and meet members
of our friendly society. There does not need to be much
change in the committee this year, although we do have vacancies for committee members if anyone would like to volunteer
their services, not onerous as we don’t meet too often. Also in
November we have a wine tasting evening at Bouchon on 26th
of the month, 7.00 for 7.30pm, a bit of a quiz too, “What’s my
Quaff”, 8 wines to try and some tapas to nibble, a reduction
on any wine ordered on the night and all for the price of £15.
Tickets have proved very popular, not many left at the time of
going to print, but, if you haven’t booked yet, you can contact
Peter on the number or email below and see if there are any
We are also intending to have our popular post-Christmas dinner in January at Wroxham Barns again, date to be decided,
and will get details to members soon, always a good evening.
In April, another fund raising event is our annual quiz and
supper which Gill has agreed to host once more, tables of six,
as usual and also good fun.
Peter R and Sheila are starting to plan our return visit to
France next year, in August, and arranging quotations from
various bus companies for our trip there, hopefully via Chartres to visit the famous medieval cathedral and fine city
around it. We hope to have details shortly so that members
can sign up, the more the better to keep costs as low as possible. If you’d like to join us, a great way to visit France, try out
a bit of the language, help your children with their studies,
make new friends etc, do let us know.
The French Conversation group met at Sheila’s in Wroxham
on 8th October and discussed ancestry, family trees etc and
had a productive evening as usual. They meet on the second
Wednesday of the month, are at Angela’s in Hoveton in November and Jane can give you details on 01603 782496 or
The Book Club are at Helen’s in Tunstead on the last
Wednesday in October for “Snowdrops” by A.D. Miller: they
will meet a week earlier in November at Grace’s in Wroxham
as our wine quiz/tasting evening at Bouchon is on the last
We are hoping to have our website updated and functioning
smoothly shortly and Christine is working on that and we will
give you details when it’s ready to go and put all our activities
on it. In the meantime, for more information, contact Peter
on 01603 782733 or
Christmas Tea Party
The Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers will be holding a Christmas Tea
Party on Thursday 4th December from 2.30pm – 4.30pm in the
lounge Coltishall Village Hall. All welcome. If you require transport
please call the Good Neighbour Scheme team on 07799 277455.
If you would like to know more about the Good Neighbour
Scheme and think you may have a small amount of time to
assist with, driving requests, being a phone holder, befriending
then please call 07799 277455.
The Good Neighbour Scheme volunteers will do our best to
accommodate all requests where possible, priority given to
medical, dental and doctors appointments.
North Norfolk Community Transport Association
ould you like to try the community bus service which runs on a Friday
morning collecting residents from Horstead and Coltishall. You will be
able to have a couple of hours to shop, have a coffee, a browse around
Roys! The mini bus will then bring you back to your door and assist
with your shopping. Further information call 01692 500840 or 01263
The Bure Valley Railway has reached a
momentous milestone since opening, by welcoming our
2,500,000 passenger.
We always thought that our 2.5 millionth passenger would be
carried during our popular Santa Specials, but with the
increase in this year’s passenger numbers, our special
passenger is travelling a lot sooner, even before our “Spooky
Express”, which is something we never expected.
Andrew Barnes, General Manager, said: “The passengers
were totally
surprised to receive complimentary travel for the day and be
presented with flowers and champagne from the railway,
something they never expected as part of their holiday whilst
in Wroxham. At present the railway is busy preparing for our
Spooky Express event which operates between the 25th
October and 2nd November.”
More Information/comments contact:
Andrew Barnes, Bure Valley Railway, Aylsham Station, Norwich Road, Aylsham,
Norfolk, NR11 6BW or telephone: 01263 733858
Website or E-mail
16 September
Solar Farm proposed by Norfolk’s Red Triangle Energy
Over 80 local residents attend public exhibition to showcase
Over 80 local residents attended a public exhibition held by Red Triangle Energy, a Norwich renewable energy company, to showcase its proposals to
build a solar energy farm on land located within the former RAF base at Coltishall.
The scheme will generate clean and renewable energy for up to 15,000 homes, and forms part of Norfolk County Council’s vision to develop the
airbase for commercial use whilst protecting the site’s historic assets. Norfolk County Council has owned large parts of RAF Coltishall, including the
open airfield, since January 2013.
Richard Atkins, Managing Director of Red Triangle Energy, thanked those that took the time to visit the 2 day-exhibition, held last weekend (September
12th and 13th) at the Battle of Britain Memorial Hall in Badersfield. He said:
The proposed solar farm would be built on the grass areas between the former runways (an area of approximately 250 acres) and would not require
the removal of any buildings on the airbase. The solar farm would operate for 25 years at which time the land will revert to its original state or
permission to extend its operation will be sought. Whilst the solar farm is in operation, the grass areas will continue as habitat for wildlife to flourish
whilst the various historically listed buildings on the former airfield (such as the blast walls and fighter pens) will be unaffected.
Richard added: “The flat grassed areas between the runways make the site ideal for a solar farm. It will be well-screened by trees and buildings and
located a good distance away from local housing. Whilst Norfolk County Council wishes to see the scheme built, it does require planning consent from
North Norfolk District Council and Broadland District Council. We will submit our application for a scheme of between 40 and 50MW capacity to both
councils once we have fully considered the views of local people and completed our technical and environmental studies.”
As well as providing clean and renewable energy, the scheme will be a significant investment into the local economy.
Subject to planning and financing, and securing a grid connection, the solar farm would enter operation next year after a 4-6 month construction
For more information visit
The solar farm will consist of panels arranged in rows 4 to 6 metres apart and would cover an area of
approximately 250 acres on the grassy areas of the airfield. The rows will be aligned east to west and face south to maximize sunlight exposure. The
panels will be mounted on “tables” with a tilt angle of around 25 degrees. They are mounted close to the ground and are fixed into position through
piles driven into the ground. No concrete foundations are required and little excavation is therefore necessary. To enable the electricity that is
generated to be fed into the local grid, small current inverter cabins will be positioned at a number of locations across the site. The site will be
safeguarded by perimeter fencing.
For further information and interview requests:
Jennifer Denby/Dawn Humphreys at Tribe PR: 01603 417722 / or
Spixworth Village Hall Friday 12th Sept. Flower
Demonstration by David Wright. What an evening! The audience
was spellbound watching the wonderful arrangements David
produced, he made it look so easy. Many of us must have left
David kindly donated all the arrangements (9) to the
raffle. Thank you David . Our thanks must also go to the East of
England Co-op, Spixworth Pharmacy and WI members who also
donated prizes. Special thanks also to the members of Spixworth
WI for their help with refreshments and especially for the lovely
cakes. All in all a very successful and enjoyable evening.
Proceeds will go to help in providing extra equipment for the doctors and patients.
The October Marlpit was hit by a Broadband Failure on the last day for submissions therefore several articles were not received in
time for printing - We did run them all on our Web Version but these two are relevant to those readers without internet access.
We apologise to all subscribers for the upset although it was a BT problem, completely out of our control. If there is a saving
grace most articles are received in good time so please always send stuff in as soon as possible rather than at the last minute.
Thank you. Compilation Editor, David Pye
to 4pm. This is a good opportunity to find something a little
different for your Christmas gifts. On Friday we will be taking
our mobile tombola to the fireworks display at the Lighthouse
Inn Walcott. It will then be time to help Santa clean his Sleigh
ready for his pre-Christmas visits round our local area starting
How things change. We thought we
were going to have a relatively quiet
October but it turned out quite the
on the 1st of December.
This month’s £100 Charity Shop Draw goes to the 1st Coltishall
Guides who were nominated by Verity Alexander of Coltishall,
who donated goods to the shop.
In early October we took a small group of pensioners to the
Gorleston Pavilion Theatre to see what turned out to be an
excellent variety show, organised by Great Yarmouth Lions
Wroxham and Hoveton Lions are looking to welcome new
members, both women and men, so if you would like to make a
difference in your local community and have a little time to
spare, we would welcome your help. Just give our President
Lion Dave Barnett or our membership chairperson Lion Suzanne
Barnett a ring on 01603 782002 and they will answer any
questions you may have. Anyone is welcome to come along and
Next our small community group visited an Age Concern Club in
Blofield and entertained them with an afternoon of games,
quizes, monologues and poems. This was followed by a kind
invitation by them to share their refreshments of tea and cakes.
The afternoon tea on Thursday 16th October with music by the
Jazz Annie Trio was well attended, and the launch of our
“Penny Card Campaign” outside Roys was very successful.
see what we get up to, our meeting nights are the 2nd and 4th
Tuesday of each month, in the Broadland Youth and Community
Centre, Hoveton. Our meetings start at 8pm. We are a friendly
bunch of people, who enjoy serving their community, whilst at
the same time having fun.
Members filled 60 shoe boxes for the charity Samaritans Purse,
to enable children in developing countries to receive essential
items and gifts at Christmas time.
Socially this month members enjoyed a games evening and
supper, took part in in a “quiz and chips” evening with
Sheringham and Cromer Lions and attended Great Yarmouth
Lions 61st Charter Anniversary dinner.
Community Gym
At our first business meeting in October we welcomed as our
guest Kerri Bailey from Catfield, who we had sponsored earlier
in the year. She gave us a very interesting talk about her visit to
Cambodia with a Volunteer Organisation.
Due to the success of the tombola in the precinct we will be
able to donate over £1000 each to the charities “Scotty’s Little
Soldiers” and “Nansa”. We would like to thank everyone who
helped us raise this money during the summer months
especially the “Locals”.
We would like to extend a warm
welcome to all of you who have
been thinking about joining the gym
but haven’t got round to it.
You may have been
attending physio and need
to strengthen a particular
area of your body; you may
be recovering from illness or
injury; you may wish to lose
weight; you may be an
older person who realises
the health benefits of
continued exercise; you
may be someone looking
for a welcoming
environment where you can
meet like – minded people.
If you wish to bring a baby who will remain in a pram or car
seat while you exercise then that's fine.
We will be holding a Craft Fair on Sunday 2nd November at the
Broadland Youth and Community Centre, Hoveton from 10am
Brian's Christmas Lights.
I know Christmas seems a long way away, but it creeps
up on us very quickly at this time of year!
Come along and talk to our instructor, Louise. Discuss with
her the kind of exercise routine which could be of benefit to
After many years of lighting up my garden for Christmas
& raising money for various good causes I have decided
that this will be the last year that I do such a big display,
( old age has caught up with me! ) it gets more difficult
with every passing year to think of something different
to add to the display. You are very welcome to walk
around my garden to view the many hundreds of lights,
Santa's grotto, the nativity scene, the moving lights
display & much more. I will again be collecting
donations for the BIG "C", the lights will be switched on
Friday 5th Dec & be on until Friday 2nd Jan, 4-30
pm until 10-00 pm. I hope you enjoy the display & help
me raise money for a very worthy cause. Many thanks
for your support in the past.
We are open Monday and Wednesday mornings between
8.30 and 12.30 and Sunday mornings between 8.30 and 11.30
at the Victory Hall, Neatishead. Our session for junior
members (aged 12 - 16) takes place on Sundays between
11.30 and 12.30.
Our prices are affordable (from £16 per month). Unlike larger
gyms there is no contract to sign. Save time and money by
keeping it local!
Come along for a FREE TASTER SESSION by emailing us on or ring 01692 535342. No special
clothing is needed; wear something loose with trainers or softsoled shoes.
38 Post Office Rd, Frettenham, NR12 7AB.
o warmth, no cheerfulness, no
healthful ease, No comfortable feel in
any member -No shade, no shine, no
butterflies, no bees, No fruits, no
flowers, no leaves, no birds! November!
Thomas Hood
Trips, Treats and Truffles!
An assortment of trips, treats and items go under the hammer at a Charity
Fundraising Auction being held on Friday, November, 21st at the Scout HQ,
Cubitts Meadow, Buxton, NR10
5EF, with doors opening at 7pm
in time for a 7.30pm start.
This event is being organised by
Callum Hall and Harry
Gillingwater in aid of the World
Scout Jamboree, 2015. The
Young Leaders with 1st Buxton
Lamas Sea Scout Group, have
been selected to attend the 23rd
World Scout Jamboree being
held in Yamaguchi City, Japan
next summer, in the role as Volunteer Workers for the International Support Team
with the UK contingent of Scouts. All volunteers are challenged to raise funds to
support the Jamboree, they provide all the activities and services for the 30,000
Scouts and Guides attending from 150 countries across the world.
Local Auctioneer, Martyn Fox MBE from
offered to be the auctioneer for this fun, family evening event.
has kindly
A flavour of some of the lots pledged to date include:
· The Red Arrows 50 year Limited Edition signed Poster & Book, ·
No.10 Downing Street Pen, · 15 litre Bi orb Fish Tank, *· Vintage
Romany Gypsy Wagon 2 night Family Camping Experience, including
Fishing, · Signed Photo of Bear Grylls, · Strikers Bowling session, ·
Cromer Lifeboat Tour for 4, · Davenport’s Magic Kingdom tickets, ·
Puppet Theatre Membership, · 1 hour Family Climbing Taster Session
at Hi ball Climbing, · Signed Photo of Mayor of London, Boris
Johnson, · 1 hour Photography Session with Barrett & Coe, · Family
Admission to Norwich Castle, · Nuffield Health & Fitness Day Passes,
· Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince (17 CD’s) signed by Stephen
Fry, · Family Ticket to Museum of the Broads to include trip on the
Victorian Steam Launch, Falcon, · £10 Notcutts Gift Voucher, ·
Mississippi River Boat for 2, · Funkys Roller Skating & Adventure
Tickets, · Slaters £50 Voucher, · Private Eye 2013 Annual signed by
Ian Hislop, · Thrigby Wildlife Gardens Tickets, · Quasar Elite
Tickets,· Dunston Hall Leisure Centre pass for 2, · St. George’s
English Whisky Co. Tour, · Museum of Norwich Bridewell Tickets,
· Truffles!
Additional exciting lots are being added daily. If you would like to support
this event by providing us with a trip, treat or item, or would like further
information, please contact Callum (01263) 735260 or Harry (01603)
* Vintage Romany Gypsy Wagon, 2 night family Camping Experience
including fishing located in the picturesque surrounds of 27 acres, with
lakes and river fishing included for the duration of the stay at Mill Farm
Lakes & River Fishery in Felmingham. Please note that National Fishing
Rod Licences must be held by those wishing to fish. Due to the compact
design of the sleeping accommodation in the wagon, this might be more
suitable for children, therefore additional large family tent can be
provided or option to bring own tent or caravan. On site facilities include
showers and toilets. Voucher will be valid during the period May - Sept
The dreamy autumn borders of Waterperry Gardens
softly sang with mauves and pinks, greens and
browns. Waving grasses and tall seedheads beckoned
from the undulating borders. I had arrived to attend a
wonderful day of Organic Topiary with Jake Hobson.
He described his work sculpting hedges as a
relationship with the plant that moves and changes
with its shape, never going against what is there. He
fell into horticulture purely accidentally after receiving
a travel grant at the end of a degree in sculpture.
Having heard about the exquisite beauty of the spring
Cherry tree festivals he flew off to enjoy the
blossoming spectacle and to revel in the social
elements which are a strong part of the festivals.
Having arrived too early for the cherry blossom, he set
out to find beautiful trees in the many temple gardens.
The vast majority of the population in Japan live on the
coastal plains of islands which are crusted with
mountains and topped with forests. Gardening in Japan
is an exercise in restraint, bringing the inspiration of
the beauty of the mountains, forests and rivers to the
backyards of these overpopulated areas. They are
microcoms of nature. Trees are trimmed to fit the
space they are in, using the essence of nature to
inspire their shape. It was a liberating experience
trimming 100 year old box bushes into balls and
undulating waves along the drive at Waterperry. No
need to worry about strict verticality or wonky
horizontals. I shall definitely be trying some of this out
in my garden, perhaps only on the inside until I get the
hang of it. If you enjoy perusing tool catalogues Jake’s
selection of beautiful Japanese handforged pruning
tools is a must at . If trimming
hedges is too much of a chore here are a few other
jobs you can be doing on a crisp November day:
Stand your terracotta pots on feet out of the wet to
save them from cracking in frosty weather.
Plant tulips in large pots ready to
place in the borders to give colour
when the garden is only just
coming to life. It’s good to put in a
mixture of three or four colours to
give a succession of interest.
Be sure to clear leaves from
troughs of alpines to prevent your
specimens from rotting underneath
and clear from the pond too.
Prune apple and pear trees after
their leaves have fallen. Take out any damaged,
diseased or crossing branches and tie grease bands
around the trunks of fruit trees to prevent moth
Harvest leeks, beetroot, parsnips and spread a thick
mulch around the crowns of celeriac and globe
And finally, on really horrid days, order seeds to give
you something to look forward to.
post/pop through the door or e mail them to me at The RecDear friends
tory, Coltishall by 7th November, and I can mention them at
the Remembrance Sunday Service at Coltishall at 2.45pm.
On Remembrance Sunday the words ring
Please pray for all who are serving today, especially in response to the Iraq crises. Members of the armed forces, but
also aid workers. We pray for all whose lives are threatened,
who are prisoners, those who are bereaved and homeless,
because of the invasion by the so called Islamic State. We
pray to for the leaders of countries around the Middle Eastnot forgetting Palestine and Israel. We pray to for all combating the Ebola epidemic-doctors, nurses, and members of
the forces who are helping.
“They shall not grow old as we that are left
grow old:
Age shall not weary them, not the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.”
This year, the outbreak of the First World War is in our
thoughts, even though the generation of those who saw active service has now passed. But we still remember, as the
Roll of Honour is read, familiar village names, and for some
of us these are past family members or friends of the family.
They are remembered in stories, photographs, newspaper
clippings, and medals. They are not only names, they are
part of family and village history, and for those who remember them, a face can be put to the name.
On Remembrance Sunday we pledge to work for peace-to
restore the face of humanity and strengthen the bonds between communities and nations.
In our own lives we need space to be with God face to faceand so find his peace and the strength to work for well being
and peace with those around us. Come to a service of reflection, light, and praise at St Margaret’s Church Stratton
So-a request from me: I would welcome any names and sto- Strawless on Sunday 23rd November at 6.00pm. The servries or details of your descendants who served in the First
ice will use the music and prayers of the Taize Community.-a
World War and-as we equally remember the fallen of the
community founded in the dark days of WW2 in France to be
Second World War on Remembrance Sunday-any names
a source of reconciliation and renewal, - and will celebrate
and stories regarding them, too. They can also be those
Christ the King, in whose image we are made and restored.
who did not die in action-but never the less, experienced
those times. They don’t necessarily have to have come from
our villages. Please can you jot down the details and
avoid church lingo, we’ll explain what’s going on, and visitors
are welcome to take part in as much or as little as they wish.
We always welcome newcomers to our church, but would like to
particularly welcome you during November as we look at the
results of the ‘Who Cares?’ survey:
Who Cares?
In July and August BroadGrace church
carried out the largest survey of its kind in
our community, as part of a Norfolk-wide
initiative called ‘Who Cares?’ We asked one
question: ‘what hurts the most in life?’
We wanted to discover the hurts and struggles that we all face,
and we are immensely grateful to the many people who took
part. The survey was anonymous (and the cards destroyed to
preserve anonymity), but reading through the responses has
been both enlightening and heart-breaking as I’ve read firsthand the many pains faced by those living in our community.
BroadGrace is a small church, but we want to do what we can
to respond to the very real hurts faced by us and those we live
In December we have our annual carol service, and we’ll be
thinking about the sorrow and loneliness that makes Christmas
a particularly hard time for many of us. The first Christmas was
a hard time – conceived out of marriage and born in squalor far
from home through the callousness of a distant bureaucracy,
Jesus was a refugee before he could walk or talk.
The responses have been analysed and categorised allowing us
to see where the deepest hurts lie in our community. Coltishall
and Horstead’s responses sat within three main areas:
1. Death and bereavement
2. Relationship problems
3. Suffering
We want to be a church that is relevant and we hope to use
these results as a guide in how we serve our community over
the coming years.
If you’d like to know more, come along any Sunday, 4pm at The
River Rooms, or get in touch with me on 01603 737974 or email
But we also want to respond more immediately through a series
of church meetings next month, giving those who are interested
a chance to hear what the Bible says about such hurts.
There are no quick or easy answers to such deep hurts, but
there is a remarkable reality and hope in Jesus Christ, our God
who died for us, who was rejected by his friends and family, and
who was described as a ‘man of sorrows, and acquainted with
grief’ (Isaiah 53v3).
Minister, BroadGrace Church
We’re a friendly, laid-back church for all ages. We’ll always try to
St John the
All Saints
Sunday 2nd November
1 John 3:1-3, Matthew 5:1-12
Holy Communion at All Saints’, Horstead followed by BREAKFAST
Morning Prayer at All Saints’, Hainford
Family Service at St. John the Baptist, Coltishall
Holy Communion at St. Swithin’s, Frettenham
Wednesday 5th November Readings Philippians 2:12-18, Luke 14: 25-33
Holy Communion at St John the Baptist,Coltishall
Sunday 9th November
Morning Prayer for Remembrance Sunday at All Saints’ Horstead followed by Act of
Remembrance at Horstead War Memorial
Service of Remembrance with 1st Hainford & Frettenham Scout Group at All Saints’ Hainford
Service of Remembrance at St Swithin’s, Frettenham
Royal British Legion Service of Remembrance at St John the Baptist Coltishall
( No morning service at Coltishall)
Sunday 16th November
The Second Sunday before Advent
1 Thessalonians 5:1-11, Matthew 25:14-30
Holy Communion at Holy Trinity Gt Hautbois
Morning Prayer at All Saints’ Hainford
Holy Communion at All Saints’ Horstead
Morning Prayer at St John the Baptist, Coltishall
Holy Communion at St Swithin’s Frettenham
Sunday 23rd November
Ephesians 1:15-end, Matthew 25:31-end
Holy Communion at All Saints’ Hainford
Morning Prayer at All Saints’ Horstead
Holy Communion at St John the Baptist, Coltishall
Morning Prayer at St Swithin’s Frettenham
Candlelit Taize Service at St Margaret’s Stratton Strawless-peace, reflection, prayer
Sunday 30th November
Isaiah 64:1-9, 1 Corinthians 1:3-9,
Mark 13: 24-37
Joint Benefice Service of Holy Communion
At St Swithin’s Frettenham
(No services in other churches)
Sunday 7th December
The Second Sunday of Advent
Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-8
Holy Communion at All Saints’ Horstead
Morning Prayer at All Saints’ Hainford
Family Service at St John the Baptist Coltishall
Holy Communion at St Swithin’s Frettenham
SUNDAY SCHOOLS Coltishall and Horstead
We meet each Sunday in term time from 10.00 to 11.00am in the Church Room, Rectory Road, Coltishall, apart from the first
Sunday in the month when we are at the 10.00am Family service in Coltishall Church. Children of Primary School age are welcome
to join Sunday School for fun with craft, stories, songs as we learn about Jesus. Just come along or phone Jill Blackburn 737442
Minister: Rev Matt Stone, tel: 01603 781623.
Wroxham & Hoveton United Reformed Church is an informal and friendly church meeting in our building, The Wroxham Hub, at 114
Norwich Rd, opposite The Avenue. We love to welcome visitors – why not come along and give us a try? There is provision for
children during services too.
Services and Events in November
Sun 2nd, 11am
Communion Service led by Sue Seeley
Joint Remembrance Service at St John’s, Hoveton,
led by Matt Stone
Sun 16th, 11am
Family Service led by Nicola Grieves
Mon 17th, 7pm
Prayer Gathering
Christmas Fayre – fun for all the family!
Service led by Ron Wade
Service with Prayer for Healing led by Matt Stone
Coffee is served after each service. Please do join us!
Matt’s Musings
Our big event this month is our Christmas Fayre on Saturday 22 November from
11am-3pm. There will be stalls, games and fun for all the family, and German Christmas
Market food and lots of yummy homemade cake! Entry is free and any proceeds will support the 'Red Cross
Ebola Appeal'and the running of the Hub.
Our weekly Open House is a great opportunity to meet up with friends over a coffee and slice of homemade cake, or
for a simple soup lunch. It’s free – all we ask for is a small donation towards the costs. Open House meets every
Thursday from 10.30am to 1pm. All are welcome!
JAM (our Sunday Kids Club) is always open to new children for fun, cooking, games, crafts and Bible stories. JAM+ is
similar, but takes place once a month on a Friday evening from 6-7.30pm and is targeted at youngsters in school years
8-11. Please contact Chris Billing at or phone 01603 783992 for more details.
Our Prayer Gathering is an informal opportunity to gather for prayer. There is no pressure to pray out loud as we hold
our community and world up to God in our thoughts and prayer. We also have a fortnightly House Group/Bible Study,
which meets at a member’s home on a Thursday evening. Please contact me to find out more.
Roman Catholic Parish
Parish Priest:
Parish Website:
Father James Walsh, 4 Norwich Road, North Walsham
01692 403258
Sacred Heart Church, Kings Arms Street, North Walsham
St John of the Cross Church, White Hart Street, Aylsham
St Helen's Church, Horning Road West, Hoveton
Sunday Mass
Sunday Mass
Holy Day Mass Times
St John of the Cross
Sacred Heart
St Helen's
9.00 a.m.
10.30 a.m.
6.00 p.m.
11.00 a.m.
9.00 a.m.
5.30 p.m. (Anticipatory Mass)
Tiddlers Baby & Toddler Group. Meeting at Horstead Tithe Barn,1st & 3rd Wednesday of the month,
[Wendesday 5th & 19th October, 10am at the Tithe Barn]
10-11.30am, £2 per family. Lots of lovely toys for children, cuppa and a chat for you. Email for more info or just come along.
Sponsored Floodlighting St John the Baptist Church Coltishall
W/C 19th
Remembering Simon Tony Haines on the 21st Novermber, the day
we lost him, Mum and all the family
Floodlighting entries and enquiries to Jill Blackburn Tel: 737 442
We would be pleased to receive entries for Births, “Big” birthdays and anniversaries as well as in memoriam
remembering loved ones. Ring Jill for help with this.
Please tell our advertisers that you saw them in The Marlpit!
but we don’t have to be on our own. When we overcome
obstacles we can feel a deep sense of achievement, and
liberation – rather like reaching the mountain summit – ‘Look! I
did it!’ or ‘We did it together!’ The faith journey is something
like this. Taking the risk to learn to trust in an unseen God is a
singular journey, yet we are not alone. Gaining an
understanding about how much we are loved can bring an inner
transformation to our lives, that can liberate us to be more of
the person we are truly born to be! As for my men, a
moustache didn’t suit Dave, but the experience brought him
closer to his boys, and to the global family of men out there!
And he has seen the bigger picture too! So, I shall support my
men again this month – why don’t you support your men too?
Movember News from St. Edward’s Badersfield
by Rev Deb
No, it’s not a spelling mistake! “From 30 Mo Bros in Melbourne,
Australia in 2003 to 4 million Mo's by 2013, Movember, through
the power of the moustache, has become a truly global
movement that is changing the face of men's health.” ‘A badge of honour’ for men’s
Love from
Last year the 5 main men in my life (Dave, sons Sam and Ed,
son-in-law Neil and Chris, boyfriend to Susie) chose to grow
moustaches (and beards) during the month of Movember. Not
just for kicks, but to do their bit to raise awareness of men’s
health, including prostate and testicular cancer . And I have the
pictures to prove it! They looked like a posse of cowboys who
have ridden into town! I think that it’s great that the men in our
lives can do something unique to themselves not only to
transform their looks temporarily but to intentionally pass on a
very important message to other men about looking after their
physical health. It is ‘new’ man thing; taking ownership of their
condition rather than waiting for the historical female nag to go
to the doctor. So, it could be seen as transformation and
liberation. And for those men in my life it brought camaraderie,
banter, and deeper togetherness. The young Australian I
watched interviewed on the Movember website was only 20
years old, and shared how much his friends supported him
through his prostate cancer illness and recovery. None of my
lovely men have been through that, but I think something
deeper is going on when they look in the mirror- that it could be
them. Facing reality instead of burying heads in the proverbial
sand. Moving from fear to freedom!
Church Services and events in November
Sunday 2nd 10.30am Bure Valley Churches Service in
4.00pm Families First Sunday A new style event
aimed at young families, with fun, food,
craft and time to connect and share.
Sunday 9th 10.40am Annual Remembrance Service following
the Spirit of Coltishall parade from the
Memorial plaque in Filby Road
Wednesday 12th 4 – 6pm Messy Church for families with
school children. Theme of
Transformation and the power of
memory. Fun, focus, food and
Come and have fun!
Sunday 16th 10.30am Bure Valley Churches Service Buxton
Prisoners Sunday. 4pm Twilight Praise;
time to reflect and unwind together
Sunday 23rd 10.30am Holy Communion
Sunday 30th 10.30am Advent Sunday Bure Valley Churches
Service in Badersfield
It has made me think about the notion that the power of
transformation can bring liberation! That it usually involves
choices, and some pain to gain. Whether it’s losing weight,
getting fitter, being less mobile; recovering from a debilitating
illness, or adjusting to one; going back to work, or retiring;
dyeing your hair, or losing it; becoming a parent (or
grandparent), the joy of new birth or the pain of loss; some
adjustments have to be made. And making the journey though
these experiences will be hard, for we must do it our own way,
Coffee mornings are held every Friday in the hall from 11 – 12
noon. A place where strangers can become friends. Everyone
Special Friday 7th
11.00am Coffee Morning. Charity
event for Combat Stress
Rev Deb can be contacted St. Edward’s Office: 01603
738624 or Email
Our advertising prices have remained the same since 2011.
An advert can be for as little as:
£9 per month Black & White or £16 per month Colour
When advertising for 12 months.
Computers in Crisis
Repairs, Upgrades, New PC Systems
Trojans, Spyware & Malware Removal
Contact Jonathan: 01603 747804
Mobile: 07500 414545
Articles received shortly after the deadline date that were intended for the printed version but
Late News
unfortunately arrived just too late.
Deadline for copy is the 15th of the preceding month we would
however prefer regular subscribers to send in their reports as early as possible. Thank you
Report of the Meeting of Coltishall & District Branch
Royal British Legion
Held on Monday 13th October 2014
At the Coltishall Social Club
The Chairman, Mr Bob Jennings, took the opening and Exaltation. There were 6 members in attendance.
The Branch Annual Dinner had taken place this year, at the Recruiting Sergeant, Horstead, on Monday 10th June with all members
and guests enjoying the meal and company. Our grateful thanks go to Matthew & Nicola Colchester for allowing us and to Lizzy and
all the staff for the wonderful service.
Arrangements were discussed for the forthcoming Remembrance services.
SUNDAY 9th November:11.00am Wreath laying and short service @ Horstead Memorial
2.45pm Service at St Johns, Coltishall followed by wreath laying @ Coltishall Memorial
TUESDAY 11th November:11.00am Service with 2 minute silence @ Coltishall Memorial.
The next meeting of the Branch will be the Annual General Meeting, on 10th November, all members or potential members will
be most welcomed.
20kg Bags of Kindling
● With winter approaching where do you get your kindling from?
● Have you tried the 20kg bags from the British Legion?
These big bags are only £6.00 including delivery and ACS (A Cherie Smile).
Contact Bob Jennings Branch Chairman, on 738335 for prompt delivery."
Use plenty of crumpled newspaper and dry, finely-split kindling. Set the air control fully open. Light the newspaper
near where the combustion air enters the firebox. When a kindling fire is built properly, you should expect instant
ignition and no smouldering.
Articles received Sat 18th October
Articles received shortly after the deadline date that were intended for the printed version but
Late News
unfortunately arrived just too late.
Deadline for copy is the 15th of the preceding month we would
however prefer regular subscribers to send in their reports as early as possible. Thank you
Wroxham, Hoveton, Belaugh
Group of Churches
Christmas Tree Festival 2014
There will be a wonderful display of 50 decorated Christmas
St Mary’s Church Wroxham ( off the A1151 )
One of Broadlands most beautiful Churches
29th November to 7th December 2014 inclusive.
Opening time is 10.30am. to 5.00pm. daily.
The exhibits are in four groups as follows:
1. Charities
2. Childrens
4. Organisations and Clubs
Visitors are asked to judge their favourite Tree in each group.
The winner of each group will receive a prize.
Refreshments will be available throughout the Festival.
Entry to include a programme £3.50 Adults, £1.00 Children
under 10.
Payable on the door.
In aid of Wroxham Group of Churches and Local Charities.
Any Enquiries please telephone
01692-630892 or 01603-783399
Article received Fri 17th October
Article received Thu 16th October
Bottle Bank at
Horstead Tithe Barn
We know you are now able to put glass bottles,
jars, etc in your wheelie bins but we would
ask, if you are able, that you continue to put
them in the bottle bank at the Horstead Tithe
Barn - you may not know that the income from
this recycling goes to help the upkeep of the
Tithe Barn. As you can imagine it is an
expensive place to run and whatever income
we receive helps with these every increasing
A suggestion was put forward at a recent Parish Meeting to
find out whether local residents might be interested in forming
a group to share sightings of Animals, Birds, Butterfly’s, Flora
What you see or (or hear) in or close to the village may well be
of particular interest to others. Some Birds, for example, may
not be rare but their behaviour may be worthy of note.
Horstead Tithe Barn
Community Association
Belaugh is surrounded by Woodland, Farm land, Meadows and
Swamp (adjacent to the Bure) which attract many species of
birds, Wildfowl etc. Occasionally fairly rare birds are driven
inland by rough weather at sea and choose our stretch of the
river to feed or shelter.
(Sue Blackburn - 01603 737495)
Should there be sufficient response, meetings would be
arranged periodically for members to report what they have
If this interests you, please contact Richard Duke and record
your contact details (Tel: 01603 784591). Alternatively email
Article received Wed 22nd October
Article received Fri 17th October
Please tell our advertisers that you saw them in The Marlpit!
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Norwich Road
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Sew and Sew
Alterations and repairs
Collections and deliveries locally
Please call:Maureen Kemp
The Bungalow, Greyfriars,
Mill Road, Horstead
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Telephone work
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Mobile: (07776) 304615
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Andrew Brierton
Domestic Appliance
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NEW OPI Christmas Collection and Gift
Stocking fillers
Goodie Bags to take home
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packages to be purchased for yourself
or as a gift voucher
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win Treatments and Products!
Product talks at various times on the
night of the event.
Horstead Mill
We are pleased to have received an opportunity to photograph yet
another rendition of the old mill. This one is owned by Kate Lawrence,
of Church Close Horstead, painted for her as a leaving gift when she
retired from Norfolk Council. It was painted by a work colleague, Rod
Witham in 1971.
This is the last we have on file to print, if you have or know of another
one not yet featured we will be pleased to contact the owner and make
arrangements to hear of its history and photograph it for publication
Thank you one and all for sharing your copies with us, we do apologize
for any indiscretions in presentation or spelling. Mr Tony Parden of
Horsford once of Horstead, a child hood friend of Ed dp we do beg
your pardon, [any pun intended] must do better next time.
All can be viewed at