www.hgsd.k12.wi.us xxxiv,

403 Audubon Road, Howards Grove, WI 53083-1274
Volume xxxiv,
No. 1
Fall 2014
District News &
Pages 2-9
New Staff
Pages 10-11
Art and Music
Pages 12-14
High School
Page 15
ALS Ice Bucket Challenge
nge – District Wide
To start off the school year with some fun and to raise money for a good
cause, teachers and staff members from each building in the district participated
in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. The challenge involves dumping
of ice water on yourself (or others) to promote awareness of the
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and encourage donations for
Teachers, staff, and students donated money that was then mailed
t the ALS Association. Videos may be seen on Facebook if you “Like” the
Grove High School and Northview Elementary pages.
Fall 2014
Spring 2011
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
Advisory Board
to the Board of Education
Board of education
President - Mark DeAmico
W3860 STH 32
Elkhart Lake, WI 53020
Vice President - Kimberly Plass
1627 Sandstone Lane
Howards Grove, WI 53083
Clerk - Richard Pearce
887 Cobblestone Drive
Howards Grove, WI 53083
Treasurer - Richard Hemb
12616 Cty. Line Road
Cleveland, WI 53015
Director - Nate Dehne
1507 Fieldstone Lane
Howards Grove, WI 53083
Advisory Members
Ada - vacant
Edwards - Dave Wagner
Franklin- vacant
Howards Grove 1 - Elisa (Waltz) Carr
Howards Grove 2- Jean Hawkinson
Mosel - vacant
Administrative Team
Christopher Peterson - District Administrator
Scott Fritz - High School Principal
Andy Hansen - Middle School Principal
Teresa Keehn - Elementary Principal
Tracy Bandt - School Psychologist
The School District of Howards Grove maintains
a six (6) member Advisory Board to the Board of
The Advisory Board has been most helpful to
the Board of Education as a source of communication and information, bringing concerns
within the district to the attention of the Board of
Education. It also serves as a means of relaying
information from the Board of Education back to
district residents.
If you live in the areas of Ada, Edwards,
Franklin, the Town of Mosel, or the Village of
Howards Grove, and are interested in serving as
an Advisory Board Member, please contact the
District Office at 565-4454.
About this
If you would like to contribute
information to this newsletter, schoolrelated articles can be sent to
Dannielle Arneson, editor, at Howards
Grove Middle School or can be emailed to darneson@hgsd.k12.wi.us
Next Newsletter Due Date
December 11, 2014
(In homes by mid January)
The newsletter of the School District
of Howards Grove, 403 Audubon
Road, Howards Grove, WI 53083, is
published four times a year in October,
January, March, and June.
Editor and designer is Art Instructor,
Dannielle Arneson.
Howards Grove School District
Howards Grove District Office
Howards Grove High School
403 Audubon Road
401 Audubon Road
Howards Grove, WI 53083-1274
Howards Grove, WI 53083-1274
Phone 920.565.4454
Phone 920.565.4450
Howards Grove Middle School
Northview Elementary School
506 Kennedy Avenue
902 Tyler Road
Howards Grove, WI 53083-1137
Howards Grove, WI 53083
Phone 920.565.4452
Phone 920.565.4457
Fall 2014
Notice to District Residents
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of
the Howards Grove School District that
no person may be denied admission to any public school or
be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any
curricular, extracurricular, pupil services, recreational, or
other program or activity because of a person’s sex, race,
religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital
or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, mental,
emotional or learning disability.
All vocational education programs follow the district’s
policies of nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color,
national origin, sex, age or handicap. In addition, arrangements can be made to ensure that the lack of English
language skills is not a barrier to admission or participation.
Any questions concerning the Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, which prohibits discrimination
on the basis of sex; Title VI (race, color, national origin)
and all other discrimination complaints; or inquiries related
to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 which
prohibits discrimination on the basis or handicap, should be
directed to:
Mr. Christopher Peterson
403 Audubon Rd
Howards Grove WI 53083
Mr. Scott Fritz
High School Principal
District Equity Coordinator
401 Audubon Rd
Howards Grove WI 53083
Mr. Andy Hansen
Middle School Principal
506 Kennedy Ave
Howards Grove WI 53083
Mrs. Teresa Keehn
Northview Elementary Principal
504 Coordinator
Northview Elementary School
902 Tyler Rd
Howards Grove WI 53083
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
Message From The
Christopher Peterson
Dear Howards Grove Families,
Welcome back to the 2014-2015 school year. The year is off to a great
start with classes and co-curricular activities in full swing. There are many
new faces in each of our buildings including, students, staff, support staff,
and our maintenance department. New staff are featured in this newsletter.
Help me welcome all of them to the Howards Grove family. We sincerely
hope that your child has had a great start to the school year.
As in years past, we continue to have a strong, purposeful goal of raising
Superintendent Christopher Peterson
student achievement. To accomplish this, we need to have great teachers and
great instructional practices. This past summer, we had several elementary/
middle school teachers trained in readers’ workshop by national leaders in literacy instruction. Those teachers
then shared and trained all K-8 teachers. Our high school staff also participated in staff development focused
on content area reading and reading strategies; and all of our schools have set achievement goals in literacy.
Literacy is the link in all of our content areas and we are dedicated to improving all of our students’ reading
Recently the state released the report cards for districts and schools. Below are our report card scores and
respective categories
Significantly Exceeds Expectations
Middle School
Meets Expectations
High School
Exceeds Expectations
District Overall
Exceeds Expectations
These are excellent scores for our district and have helped us guide our improvement efforts. You can access
more information about these scores and the scores of other districts by visiting the following website:
There are many exciting things to look forward to this year and we are excited to be working with your child.
The partnership between home, school, and our community is critical for the success of our district. Please
feel free to contact your school with questions or concerns that you may have. Let’s have a great year.
Christopher Peterson,
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
e-Funds for Schools
New for 2014 School Year, On-line Payment option
he Howards Grove School District is pleased to offer a service for parents called e-Funds for Schools.
This program offers various options for parents/guardians who choose to make payments on-line and is extremely user friendly. Not only will you have the ability to have various school fees and lunch payments electronically withdrawn from your checking account or charged to your credit or debit card, you also have the
flexibility to make a payment at any time through the school’s website. Links to e-Funds for Schools can be
found under your family access, or directly from the Parents tab on our website, www.hgsd.k12.wi.us.
The e-Funds for Schools electronic payment service is provided to the school by a third party service provider.
The service provider has a nominal fee for their service. There is no charge to the parent/guardian who chooses
to pay via ACH (electronic checking). The system does carry a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) charge, to the
parent/guardian, if any payment received is “bad”. For payments made by credit or debit card, there is a convenience fee of $2.45 per each $100 increment in the transaction. When you set up your account please review
your options carefully. This is offered to you by a third party service provider and the charge for processing
your payments(s), is similar to other on-line banking services. (The school does not receive these convenience
fees). The district does not request or keep records of family checking or credit card account information.
You are in full control of your account and can make a payment at any time that is convenient for you. No
payments will be allowed without your knowledge and authorization through this secure payment system. The
e-Funds for School site is secure and uses industry standard data encryption.
Donation Days at Caan Floral
& Greenhouses
aan Floral & Greenhouses in Sheboygan has recently implemented Donation Days (similar to the Culver’s
and Papa John’s Family Night fundraising events). If you shop at Caan Floral on any one of the donation
dates (last date this year is December 11, 2014) all you need to do is select the Howards Grove School District
on their Donation Days Ballot. The district will then receive 20% of those selected purchases made on that
specific day. All money received by the district will be distributed equally to the elementary, middle, and high
Happy shopping and thank you for your continued support of the Howards Grove School District.
2014 Caan’s Donation Day:
December 11
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
Mark Your Calendars With These PTO Dates!!
2014 -2015 PTO Meeting Dates
Thursday, September 18 ,2014 6:30pm @ NV Library
Thursday, December 4, 2014 6:30pm @ NV Library
Thursday, January 29, 2015 6:30pm @ NV Library
Thursday, May 14, 2015 6:30pm @ NV Library
2014-2015 Market Day Pickup Dates
Tuesday, September 9, 2014 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, October 7, 2014 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, November 4, 2014 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, May 12, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Tuesday, June 9, 2015 4:15-5:15 @ Middle School
Family Fun Nights
HG Night Papa John’s
Tuesday, November 11, 2014 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Thursday, April 30, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 PM
HG Night Culver’s
Tuesday, September 30, 2014 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, December 2, 2014 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Tuesday, March 10, 2015 4:00 - 8:00 PM
Do you want to get reminders
about these events?
Please “Like” the Howards Grove,
PTO on Facebook or e-mail us at
hgpto@yahoo.com and let us
know you would like to be
added to the contacts list.
Bummy’s Night
Tuesday, April 14, 2015 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Wednesday, April 15, 2015 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Thursday, April 16, 2015 4:00pm - 9:00pm
Fall Festival & Book Exchange
November 7, 2014
Winter Carnival
February 27, 2015
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
School District of Howards Grove
Annual Asbestos Notification
As a result of the federal law AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) all primary and secondary schools are required to develop and
implement a plan for managing all building materials which contain asbestos. Included in the AHERA Act is the requirement to notify all parents,
guardians and staff members, as well as organizations representing them, of activities and events with the asbestos containing building materials
Asbestos has been used in many building materials due to its outstanding insulating and strengthening properties. When asbestos is undisturbed
or intact it poses little hazard to human health. It is only when damage has or may occur that the quality of the school’s management program
becomes an issue.
In 1988, all buildings owned, leased, or “under the control of” the School District were inspected by EPA accredited inspectors, with building material samples analyzed by an independent laboratory. Based on the inspection, the School District prepared and the state approved a comprehensive
management plan for administering the asbestos located within its buildings, safely and responsibly.
Once every three years, certified inspectors must re-inspect remaining materials. In addition, the rule requires a periodic walk-through (called “surveillance”) in each area containing asbestos every six months.
Short-term workers (outside contractors e.g. telephone repair workers, electricians, etc.) must be provided information regarding the location of
asbestos in which they may come into contact. All short-term workers shall contact the lead maintenance person before commencing work.
Within the last year, the School District has not conducted asbestos removal. The School District also requires that all new building materials introduced into the School District are free from asbestos. For all new buildings/additions, the architect responsible for the design certifies that to the
best of their knowledge, no asbestos containing materials are used. If new buildings are acquired, they too will be inspected.
The School District has a list of the location(s) and type(s) of asbestos containing materials found in the building and a description and timetable for
their proper management. A copy of the Asbestos Management Plan is available for review in the School District office as well as individual school
offices. Copies are available at the School District office at a cost of twenty-five (25) cents per page. Our goal is to be in full compliance with
AHERA. It is our policy to maintain a safe and healthful environment for our students and our staff members. This shall be accomplished by strict
enforcement of the policies regarding asbestos by the asbestos manager and the school officials.
Mr. Matt Last
LEA Designated Person
School District of Howards Grove
506 Kennedy Avenue
Howards Grove, WI 53083
920-565-4452 Ex. 253
Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan
In accordance with the requirements of the 2009 Wisconsin Act 96 and the Indoor Environmental Quality in Schools Task Force (IEQ Task Force),
the School District of Howards Grove hereby notifies all parents, students, teachers, and staff of the availability of the district’s Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan.
The Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan is available for public inspection in the office of the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds
during regular business hours, with a copy of the plan located in the principal’s office of each building. The Plan may be viewed by appointment
only when such appointment is made with the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds at least one (1) working day in advance. Any request to view
the Plan will be honored by the Supervisor of Buildings and Grounds within five (5) working days of the receipt of the request. Copies of the Plan
are available at twenty-five cents ($0.25) per page from the District Office upon a five day written request.
Questions pertaining to the district’s compliance with the requirements of Indoor Environmental Quality Management Plan may be addressed to:
Mr. Matt Last
Supervisor of Buildings & Grounds
School District of Howards Grove
403 Audubon Road
Howards Grove, WI 53083
(920) 565-4453
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
Upon request, the Howards Grove School District is required to evaluate a child for eligibility for special education
services. A request for evaluation is known as a referral. When the district receives a referral, the district will appoint
an Individualized Education Program (IEP) team to determine if the child has a disability, and if the child needs special
education services. The district locates, identifies, and evaluates all children with disabilities who are enrolled by their
parents in private (including religious) schools, elementary schools and secondary schools located in the school district.
A physician, nurse, psychologist, social worker, or administrator of a social agency who reasonably believes a child
brought to him or her for services is a child with a disability has a legal duty to refer the child, including a homeless
child, to the school district in which the child resides. Before referring the child, the person making the referral must
inform the child’s parent that the referral will be made.
Others, including parents, who reasonably believe a child is a child with a disability may also refer the child, including a
homeless child, to the school district in which the child resides.
Referrals must be in writing and include the reason why the person believes the child is a child with a disability. A referral may be made by contacting Tracy Bandt, School Psychologist, Howards Grove Public Schools, by telephone at
920-565-4457 ext. 134, by email at tbandt@hgsd.k12.wi.us, or in writing to 902 Tyler Road, Howards Grove, WI
Special Education Records Policy
An individual file is kept on each child enrolled in a
special education program. These confidential files are
in the special education coordinator’s office in locked
file cabinets. Information regarding the accessibility and
confidentiality guidelines for special education records
may be obtained by contacting Tracy Bandt at Northview
Elementary School at 920-565-4457 ext. 134, at the middle
school at 920-565-4452 ext. 236, or at the High School at
920-565-4450 ext. 395.
Please Remember to
always stop for
flashing red lights
and the stop arm on
school busses.
Busing Reminder
This is a reminder to all parents that you need to
CHANGE form whenever there is a need to change the
pick up and/or drop off location for your child(ren).
This form is available at any school office but needs to
be returned to the district office for
Bad Weather School Closing Delays will be Announced on.....
AM 1330 WHBL Sheboygan
FM 93.7 WBFM Sheboygan
FM 106.5 WHBZ Sheboygan
FM 104.5 WXER Sheboygan
AM 1240 WOMT Manitowoc
FM 102.3 WQTC Manitowoc
AM 620 WTMJ Milwaukee
FM 94.5 WKTI Milwaukee
WTMJ Milwaukee
WBAY Green Bay
Alert Now
District students/Employees
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
The Howards Grove School District is required to locate, identify, and evaluate all children, with disabilities, including children with disabilities attending private schools in the school district, and homeless children. The process of locating, identifying, and evaluating children with disabilities is
known as child find. The school district has a special education screening program to locate and screen all children with suspected disabilities who
are residents of the district and who have not graduated from high school and are between the ages of 3 and 21. Upon request the school district
will screen any resident child who has not graduated high school to determine whether a special education referral is appropriate. A request may
be made by contacting Tracy Bandt, School Psychologist, Howards Grove Public Schools, by telephone at 920-565-4457 ext. 134, by email
at tbandt@hgsd.k12.wi.us, or in writing to 902 Tyler Road, Howards Grove, WI 53083. This notice informs parents of the records the school
district will develop and maintain as part of its child find activities. This notice also informs parents of their rights regarding any records developed.
The school district gathers personally identifiable information on any child who participates in child find activities. Parents, teachers, and other
professionals provide information to the school related to the child’s academic performance, behavior, and health. This information is used to determine whether the child needs special education services. Personally identifiable information directly related to a child and maintained by the school
is a pupil record. Pupil records include records maintained in any way including, but not limited to, computer storage media, video and audiotape,
film, microfilm, and microfiche. Records maintained for personal use by a teacher and not available to others and records available only to persons
involved in the psychological treatment of a child are not pupil records.
The school district maintains several classes of pupil records.
“Progress records” include grades, courses the child has taken, the child’s attendance record, immunization records, required lead screening
records, and records of school extra-curricular activities. Progress records must be maintained for at least five years after the child ceases to be
“Behavioral records” include such records as psychological tests, personality evaluations, records of conversations, written statements relating
specifically to the pupil’s behavior, tests relating specifically to achievement or measurement of ability, physical health records other than immunization and lead screening records, law enforcement officers’ records, and other pupil records that are not “progress records.” Law enforcement
officers’ records are maintained separately from other pupil records. Behavioral records may be maintained for no longer than one year after the
child graduates or otherwise ceases to be enrolled, unless the parent specifies in writing that the records may be maintained for a longer period of
time. The school district informs parents when pupil records are no longer needed to provide special education. At the request of the child’s parents,
the school district destroys the information that is no longer needed.
“Directory data” includes the student’s name, address, telephone listing, date and place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, weight and height of members of athletic teams, dates of attendance, photographs, degrees and awards received,
and the name of the school most recently previously attended by the student.
“Pupil physical health records” include basic health information about a pupil, including the pupil’s immunization records, an emergency medical
card, a log of first aid and medicine administered to the pupil, an athletic permit card, a record concerning the pupil’s ability to participate in an
education program, any required lead screening records, the results of any routine screening test, such as for hearing, vision or scoliosis, and any
follow-up to the test, and any other basic health information, as determined by the state superintendent. Any pupil record relating to a pupil’s physical health that is not a pupil physical health record is treated as a patient health care record under sections 146.81 to 146.84, Wisconsin Statutes.
Any pupil record concerning HIV testing is treated as provided under section 252.15, Wisconsin Statutes.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), and section 118.125,
Wisconsin Statutes, afford parents and students over 18 years of age (“eligible students”) the following rights with respect to education
The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 45 days of receipt of the request. Parents or eligible students should
submit to the school principal [or appropriate school official] a written request that identifies the records(s) they wish to inspect. The principal will
make arrangements for access and notify the parent or eligible student of the time and place where the records may be inspected. The school district
will comply with the request without unnecessary delay and before any meeting about an individualized education program, or any due process
hearing, and in no case more than 45 days after the request has been made. If any record includes information on more than one child, the parents
of those children have the right to inspect and review only the information about their child or to be informed of that specific information. Upon
request, the school district will give a parent or eligible student a copy of the progress records and a copy of the behavioral records. Upon request,
the school district will give the parent or eligible student a list of the types and locations of education records collected, maintained, or used by the
district for special education. The school district will respond to reasonable requests for explanations and interpretations of the records. A representative of the parent may inspect and review the records.
The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the parent or eligible student believes is inaccurate or misleading. Parents or eligible students may ask [Name of] School District to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or misleading. They should
write the school principal, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading. If the district
decides not to amend the record, the district will notify the parent or eligible student of the decision and the right to a hearing regarding the request
for amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student when notified of the right
to a hearing.
The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information in the student’s education records, except to the extent that federal
(Continued on next page)
Fall 2014
Di s t r i c t Ne w s
(continued from previous page)
and state law authorize disclosure without consent. The exceptions are stated in 34 CFR 99.31, Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
regulations; Sec. 9528, PL107-110, No Child Left Behind Act of 2001; and section 118.125(2)(a) to (m) and sub. (2m), Wisconsin Statutes. One
exception that permits disclosure without consent is disclosures to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person
employed by the district as an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement
unit personnel); a person serving on the school board; a person or company with whom the district has contracted to perform a special task (such
as an attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance
committee, or assisting another school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official
needs to review an education record in order to fulfill his or her professional responsibility. Upon request, the district discloses education records
without consent to officials of another school district in which a student seeks or intends to enroll. Also the district discloses “directory data” without consent, unless the parent notifies the district that it may not be released without prior parental consent.
The right to file a complaint with the U. S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the District to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the Office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202-4605.
Speech, Language and Early Childhood Development Screening is Available
Do you have questions or concerns about your 3-or 4-year old’s development? The School District of How-
ards Grove provides free screening to identify possible delays. This screening is entirely voluntary, but we are
hoping that parents will take advantage of this opportunity to have their child’s development evaluated. Developmental screenings will be held on 3/5/2015 and 3/6/2015 for all three and four year olds. We encourage
all children who will be three or four by Sept. 1, 2014 to attend. For more information about these screenings,
contact the Northview school office at 920-565-4457.
How Does Your Child Grow?
By three months: has begun to make sounds; reacts to sudden noises; listens to speaker’s voice; raises head
when on stomach; tries to find speaker’s face with eyes.
By six months: rolls over, laughs, coos, babbles; lifts head while on stomach; reaches for and holds toys;
looks toward source sound; watches hands.
By 1 year: pulls self to standing; sits without support, plays peek-a-boo and patta-cake; feeds self with fingers;
jabbers expressively; reaches out for familiar person, shakes head no.
By 1-½ years: runs (awkwardly); walks upstairs using railing; tells first name; imitates scribbling; enjoys
listening to stories; unzips zipper; separates easily from parents; helps with simple household chores; gives
names of toys or members of family; imitates adults doing simple tasks; recognizes self in mirror.
By 2-½ years: asks for food and drink; pedals tricycle; can kick a large ball; uses 2-3 word sentences; vocabulary of about 50 words; turns pages in a book (1 or 2 at a time); uses pronouns like “I, you, me,” although these
may not always be correct; gives one object when asked; names three body parts.
By 3 years: walks up and down stairs alternating feet; washes and dries hands; dresses self with supervision;
matches colors; copies a circle; combines 3 words; builds an 8-block tower; vocabulary of some 100 words;
produces most sounds correctly except for s, l, and r; gets involved in make-believe play; repeats certain
rhymes or television jingles; plays alone with toys; recognizes own name; runs without falling.
By 4 years: speaks in short, complete sentences; plays group games like hide-and-seek and understands “taking turns”; names colors; counts to 2; balances on one foot; catches a bounced ball; traces diamond shapes.
By 5 years: plays competitive games; expresses sympathy or concern when appropriate; can make simple
comparisons (such as heavier, taller, longer, and so on); counts up to 4; turns somersaults; cuts along a straight
line with a scissors; understands ideas like “yesterday, today, tomorrow”; prints a few capital letters.
By 6 years: crosses street safely; distinguishes left from right; counts to 6; understands “fair play”; skips on
alternate feet; laces shoes; understands numbers to 10; prints first name.
Fall 2014
N e w S ta f f
Howards Grove
School District
Welcomes New
Staff Members
New staff members include: front row (l. to r.) Mary Rosenthal, Alyssa laScelle, Dawn
LaBoy; back row: Carol Milbrath, Katrina Glocke, Brittney Kramer, Julia Leeson,
Kelly Wink and Tracy Bandt. Not pictured: Jamie Koehler.
Mary Rosenthal
Position: Junior Kindergarten Aide
City: Howards Grove, WI
Hometown: Negaunee, MI,
Negaunee High School
Education: B.A. in Family Life
studies with an emphasis in Early
Childhood Development from
Northern Michigan University; B.S.
in Elementary Education EC-6 from
Work Experience: Preschool lead
teacher/manager for Sheboygan
County Head Start since 2000, before
that, preschool lead teacher at AMCAB Head Start in Marquette, MI.
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Mary likes
to read, spend time with friends and
family, Zumba and watching sports.
Quotable: “I am happy to be working directly with children again and
thrilled it is in the district my children are growing up in!”
Fall 2014
Alyssa laScelle
Position: Sign Language Interpreter
City: Richfield, WI
Hometown: West Bend, WI
Education: Associates Degree in
Sign Language Interpretation from
MATC Milwaukee
Work Experience: Previously
worked for the Kewaskum School
District (middle and high school) and
Waukesha School District (elementary school)
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Alyssa is
an avid gardener. She loves to cook
using the fruits and vegetables she
grows from her garden and makes
all her own food including bread.
She loves new things and constantly
takes new classes and attends conferences. She believes knowledge is
power. In her free time, she likes to
play with and train her one-year old
border collie puppy.
Quotable: “I love the area up here
and I am looking to find a home
N Family and ConsumNew
eer Science teacher, Jamie
Jamie Koehler
Position: MS/HS Family and Consumer Science teacher
City: Chilton, WI
Hometown: Hortonville, WI
Education: B.S. in Family and Consumer Science, Health and Nutrition
from UW-Steven’s Point; M.A. in
Education from Marian College, Fond
du Lac.
Work Experience: Previously taught
MS/HS FACS in Chilton from 20012014
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Jamie loves to
spend time with family and loves the
outdoors—hiking, biking, kayaking,
swimming, skiing, snowboarding. She
enjoys traveling, gardening and playing volleyball
Quotable: “The students are fantastic
and reminded me how fun it can be in
the classroom!”
(Continued on next page)
Ne w S ta ff
(Continued from previous page)
Brittney Kramer
Position: Physical Education at Northview Elementary
City: Sheboygan, WI
Hometown: Sheboygan, WI, Sheboygan County Christian High School
Education: B.S. in Physical Education, minor in History from Calvin
College; M.S. Sports Administration
from Eastern Illinois University.
Work Experience: Most recently,
Brittney worked as a 2nd -12th
grade Phy. Ed. Teacher at Eastbrook
Academy in Milwaukee WI. Before
that, she taught Phy. Ed and coached
basketball, volleyball, track and field
and soccer at three different districts:
Munn Elementary in Spencerport,
NY; Judith Giacoma Elementary in
Westville, IL; and Westminster Christian School in Elgin, IL.
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Brittany and
her husband enjoy spending their free
time playing and chasing after beautiful two year old son, Rowan. They
also enjoy cooking for friends and
doing home improvement projects.
Quotable: “Everyone has been so
wonderful in welcoming me to the
district. I look forward to getting
to know many more of you in the
months to come!”
Julia Leeson
Position: 4th Grade Teacher
City: Belgium, WI
Hometown: Slinger, WI – Slinger
High School
Education: B.S. in Elementary Education from UW-Madison
Work Experience: 4th grade teacher
at the Institute of Technology and
Academics in Milwaukee, WI
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Julia enjoys spending time with family and
friends. Her husband and her recently added a golden retriever puppy
to their family, named Ginny. She
is also a huge Badger football and
Packer fan and tries to make it to at
least one game per year.
Quotable: “I’m very excited to be
working in such a great community.
In the short time I have been here,
everyone has been so welcoming.
Thank you!”
Tracy Bandt
Position: School Psychologist/Special Education Coordinator
City: Manitowoc, WI
Hometown: Manitowoc, WI; Lincoln
High School
Education: B.A. Psychology from
UW-Madison; M.S.Ed. School Psychology from UW-LaCrosse; Certificate of Advanced Graduate Study
from UW-LaCrosse.
Work Experience: Most recently,
Tracy was the School Psychologist
for Manitowoc Public School District; before that, she was the School
Psychologist/At Risk Coordinator at
Sevastapol School District.
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Tracy loves
to spend time with her family including her husband Chris, two boys
Braedon (16) and Cameron (12) and
their new puppy, Cabella. The family enjoys sports and spends a lot of
time traveling throughout the state to
watch the boys play football, basketball, and baseball. They also enjoy
spending time at the lake, boating,
skiing, and tubing. In her free time,
Tracy enjoys reading and spending
time on Pinterest.
Quotable: “I feel so privileged to
be working in the Howards Grove
School District. In the short time I
have been here, you have welcomed
me and made me feel at home. I
have learned so much already and
look forward to getting to know the
students and families of this great
district and hope to contribute to the
success of this community.”
Carol Mae Milbrath
Position: Food Service
City: Howards Grove, WI
Hometown: Howards Grove, WI
Leisure Time/Hobbies: Carol Mae
enjoys bowling, her dog, Barney, and
spending time with her family and
caring for her grandchildren!
Andy Hansen and Teresa Keehn use a
grill made by a HGHS Project Grill team
for the Chow Down in Chessetown event.
Principals Grill for Big
Brothers and Big Sisters
On Saturday, September 6th,
Teresa Keehn (Northview’s principal) and Andy Hansen (the middle
school principal) had the honor
of using one of Howards Grove’s
Project Grills at the Plymouth
Arts Center for the Chow Down in
Cheesetown grilling event to support Big Brothers and Big Sisters
of Sheboygan County.The event
for Big Brothers and Big Sisters
was a success, but using the grill
made by the students of our high
school was extra special.
Fall 2014
Fi n e A rt s
Howards Grove Middle School Students Mural Project
During summer school, several Howards Grove middle school students created seven murals to adorn the hallways
and walls. The students collaborated to choose designs, plan, and paint the masterpieces in a variety of places around
the school. The designs include images of: Venice, ocean life, Paris, winter warmth, jungle tiger, waterfall wildlife, and
Monet-inspired water lilies. Art instructor, Dannielle Arneson guided the students as the creations came to life. Special
thanks to Joanne Wesener (6th grade teacher), Showcase Painting, and Sherwin Williams for donating time and supplies to complete the project.
Fireplace Winter: Dominic Weigel (left) and
Harrison Miller. Not pictured: George Varish
Ocean Portholes (l. to r.): Amanda Wasmer, Zoe Pautz, Claire
McCraw, Alexis Weber, Emily Pautz
Paris (l. to r.): Carlie Parrish, Mariah
Kirsch, Faith Specht, Abigail Lewis,
Ashleigh Olson
Jungle Tiger (l. to r.): Jonah Hemb, Bailey
Kestell, Brayden Peter, Grace Baumann,
Carleigh Milz, Abigail Boldt
Fall 2014
Waterfall (l. to r.): Emily Schnicke, Hailey Verhelst, Cali
Lensmire, Andrew Schnicke, Paige Kalmerton, Chloe
Dirker, not pictured: Malaya Capetillo
Fi n e A rt s
Howards Grove Middle School Students Mural Project
Monet Water: Hannah Elias (left) and Lexie Matte
Venice (l. to r.): Emily Bruckschen, Riley Kestell, Abigail
Schmidt, Elisabeth Cassity, Olivia Rosenthal
For many years, the elementary art program has supported the summer reading pro-
gram at the Mead Public Library in Sheboygan by enriching the children’s library with
artwork. This summer’s artwork was created by last year’s second grade students at
Northview Elementary School and hung from the ceiling in the Youth Services Department for the summer months. The theme for the summer library program was “Fizz,
Boom, Read!” Many positive comments were received about the student’s bouquets of
flowers in symmetrical vases that were created through painting and printing with tempera paint. In appreciation of our students’ efforts, the library has dedicated a bookplate
noting our school name and art teacher and has placed it inside the book Outdoor Crafts:
Lots of Fun Things to Make and Do Outside. This new book has been placed in the
library’s Youth Services collection in Northview’s honor. We look forward to next year’s
theme of “Every Hero has a Story”.
This world is but a canvas to our imaginations.
Henry David Thoreau
Submitted by Ms. D. Kirschbaum,
Northview Elementary Art Instructor
Fall 2014
M u si c Ne w s
High School Winter Concert
Stefanie H. Weill Center for the Performing Arts in Sheboygan
Sunday, December 14th, 2014
4 p.m.
Doors open at 3 p.m.
General Admission
$10 for adults / $5 for students 18-4 years / Free for age 3 under
Come join us for a “Holiday Sounds of the Season” concert in a wonderful performing arts facility featuring
the bands and choirs from Howards Grove High School, 3rd grade from Northview Elementary school, and
select middle school band students.
Tickets will be sold in advance at the high school and Northview offices starting Wednesday, November 16th December 9th. After December 9th, tickets are available at the door.
Please contact Zach Holzer or Angie Houston at the high school with questions.
(920) 565-4450 or ahouston@hgsd.k12.wi.us / zholzer@hgsd.k12.wi.us
Northview General Music
(Sites and Sounds from spring Classes)
Students practice
tempo and steady
beat awareness.
4th grade students writing
music during
1st grade students practice
rhythm and
4th grade
music RTI
4th graders play
Folk dancing
at Northview!
Fall 2014
3rd graders
read notated
music on the
HG and Kohler Musical
H i g h S c h o ol Ne w s
Post Prom Event
For the second year in a row, JB’s Entertainment Center hosted a post-prom party for Howards Grove High
School students and their guests on Saturday, May 10th. The three hour event was held right after prom and
was a huge success. We had a record 90 students that enjoyed the activities which included bowling, pizza,
soda, darts, pool, air hockey, door prizes and socializing.
The post-prom committee (Sharon Bruckschen, Melissa Dehne, Kerri Eilers, Lori Gallenberger, Sara Jaeger,
Lonna Near and Gail Peterson) would especially like to thank JB’s Entertainment Center for hosting this event
again this year, Scott’s Vending for donating all the arcade games for free and Cleveland State Bank for the use
of the money machine. We would also like to thank all of the local businesses who made such generous donations. With their generosity, not only were we able to give away some grand prizes (tv’s, Bose speakers, an
IPad mini and cash), we were able to provide great door prizes to all that attended. On a closing note, a special
thank you to those that helped chaperone the post prom (Lael Bagnall, Kerri Eilers, Shawn Holzman, Amy and
Dan Luebke, Gail Peterson and Jodi Stange), Alyssa Bender for the creation of the poster and to the staff at
Howards Grove High School.
Again, thank you to those who provided help and made donations for this wonderful event.
Submitted by Sara Jaeger,
Post Prom Committee Chairperson
Local businesses who donated:
All Dolled Up
Best Buy
Cherry Berry
Cleveland State Bank
Damrow Construction
Dean’s Auto Body
Dirker Chiropractic
Dr. Magestro
Dr. Lindstrom
Edgewood Pool and Spas
Family Resource Center of Sheboygan County
Feldmann’s Sales and Services
Howards Grove Advancement
Howards Grove Athletic
Howards Grove Booster Club
Howards Grove Children’s Center
Howards Grove Chiropractic
Howards Grove PTO
Howards Pantry
Kisiolek Eye Center
Klemmes Wagon Wheel
Kohler Credit Union
Legend Larry’s
Millers Glen
Millersville Rec
National Exchange Bank
Neumann Plumbing
Nikki’s Nex 2 New
Northwoods Chemical
Piggly Wiggly
Quit Qui Oc
Rita’s Doorway to Beauty
Riverside Automotive
Road America
S&T Motors
Scott’s Vending
So Big Preschool and Children’s
Texas Roadhouse
Vollbrecht Sheet Metal
Fall 2014
Non-Profit Organization
Permit No. 142
U.S. Postage Paid
Sheboygan, WI 53083
School District of Howards Grove
403 Audubon Road
Howards Grove, WI 53083
435 North Wisconsin Drive ♦ Howards Grove, WI 53083 ♦ 920.946.9150 ♦ hgactivitycenter.weebly.com
Fall Programming ♦ Most classes held October 13th – November 21st
Register online or call Tiffani at 920.946.6150
$35 each class or 4 classes for $115 - Instructor
Joy Schmitt shows parents and their children
ages 7 – 12 to cook while bonding. Monday
evenings from 6:00- 8:00 pm.
Week 1, October 27th - Mom & Me: Chicken
Nuggets & Granola
Week 2, November 3rd - Dad & Me: Waldorf
Salad & Baked Cinnamon Doughnuts
Week 3, November 10th – Mom and
me: Candied Cinnamon Almonds
& Cranberry Chocolate Haystacks
Week 4, November 17th– Dad and Me: Holiday Treats Pinwheel Cookies & Chocolate
CPR AND AED: cost $30 – This course
includes CPR for adult, child and infant, use of
AED, and care for choking. Successful course
completion earns a 2 year AHA credential
card. This class will be held Saturday, November 8th from 9:00 – 12:00.
MOVIN’ AND GROOVIN’: cost $35 For children 3 – 5 years old on Tuesday’s from
9:00 to 9:30 am
ZUMBA CONTINUES: $5 each Tuesday Instructor – Amy Butters Held every Tuesday
evening for all 6 weeks from 6:15 – 7:15 pm.
PEE WEE BASKETBALL: cost $25 with
t-shirt - Little Ballers need to be 4 – 6 years
old. and class will be held on Thursday’s for
all 6 weeks from 5:45 – 6:15.
RHYME IN TIME for1-3 year olds held
Wednesday’s from 2:00 to 3:00 pm, cost- $36
for 6 weeks or $8 per week.
MUSIC MOVES ME for 4-6 year olds
held Wednesday’s from 5:00 – 6:00 pm, cost$36 for 6 weeks or $8 per week.
woodwinds, voice; as well as private music
therapy. Wednesday’s from 3:00 – 5:00 pm,
cost - $20 per 30 minute session.
INTRO TO GUITAR for Jr. High and high
school students. Wednesday’s from 6:00 – 7:00
pm, cost - $10 per hour.
COURSE: cost $30 – Instructor - Jamie
5 hours - $75 8 hours - $100
Koehler Students need to be 11 – 15 years old.
Add a Bouncy House for $100
Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00pm
It’s perfect for birthday parties, reunions, sports, craft fairs and much
Possible Winter Activities: Outdoor Ice Skating Rink, Holiday Pinterest
more. Bring in your own food.
Class, Holiday Baking, Holiday Gift Wrapping, Open Gym
Call Tiffani at 920.946.6150
Fall 2014