Prayers Needs: For all those in our church family Howard Harris (grandfather of Rachel Harris of Lanigan)— diagnosed with kidney cancer—prayer for strength and faith Jim Dale—guidance for medical specialists Lorie Ediger—prayers for continued recovery. Addie Francis-although recovery is slow pray, continuous improvement and rest & strength for the family John & Helen Dueck—continued healing from auto accident Continued prayers for Bethany College, staff and students Missionaries in restricted countries where they and all Christians face great challenges each day Ashten Eby—attending Briercrest College Gerry & Shirley Falk-Int’l Student Ministry at U of S James & Theresa Huculak-Quezon City, Philippines equipping future Asian church leaders Kirstie Kline-working as a House Parent with Youth for Christ Russ & Marg Speiser-serving in France Gary & Doreen Toews-Mission Aviation Fellowship FAMILY OF THE WEEK: Wendell & Joyce Mullet Today is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Focus is on the countries of Nigeria and Cuba. Let us unite in prayer for the persecuted church, in the spirit of oneness that Christ commanded: ‘For, if one suffers, we all suffer.’ PASTOR KEN (MARION) GRAHAM IS BEING INSTALLED TODAY AS THE NEW LEAD PASTOR AT GOSPEL FELLOWSHIP CHURCH IN FOAM LAKE. PLEASE PRAY FOR KEN AND MARION AS THEY STEP INTO THIS NEW ROLE AND FOR THE CONGREGATION AS THEY COME ALONGSIDE THEM IN MINISTRY. THIS WILLARD & SHERYL; REMPEL, DOUG & CAROL RIVERHURST/MOOSE JAW Kid's Church! Come grow with us! Sundays @ 10:30 AM Classes for age one to grade three. CFC Men’s Prayer Breakfast: Tuesdays @ 7:00am at the church. Good food and fellowship! Seniors meet weekly under the appropriate title “Friends.” For more information please call Bill Regier: 306-365-2063. Missional Community: Missional Communities are families of missionary servants that live on mission together within our communities. Our desire is to see the gospel proclaimed with our lips and our lives within our neighbourhoods and communities. We strive to be a picture of Christ to those in the community who otherwise have none. If you would like more information or are interested in joining one of these Communities, contact Assoc. Pastor Brad Schroeder at 306-360-8070 or Small Groups: Small Groups provide an environment for people to grow closer to God and to one another. They are intended to be a safe and confidential place where people are cared for spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically. If you would like more information or are interested in joining a small group, contact Assoc. Pastor Brad Schroeder at 306-360-8070 or Prayer Chain: A group of people within our church are committed to sharing your prayer concerns during the week at any time. If you have a prayer request please contact Helga Krahn at 365-3116 or If Helga is unavailable, phone Edith Klassen-Dale(306-365-2034); if no answer, call Elsie Houk (306-365-4392); if no answer, call Ellen Weber(306-365-4333.) “cfc2005” is an online group for the attendees of CFC. Each week we send out the bulletin, updates from our young people serving in other countries and ministries as well as any other important information. Please join us online by sending an email to: (You will need to register with “” is a website with info about our church; calendar of upcoming events, previous bulletins; listen to past sermons, links to various resources and more. WEEK PRAY FOR—HASMATALI, R&M MB MISSION (RESTRICTED) PRAY FOR EFFECTIVE MENTORING AND TRAINING OF NATIONAL LEADERS. Church Staff & Ministry Leaders Pastor: Brad Schroeder Church Moderator: Curt Eby Prayer Chain: Helga Krahn Communion Team: Ryan Melin Office Administrator: Sandra Benson November 9, 2014 Knowing & Serving Jesus Christ...Together Member of the Saskatchewan Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches Christian Fellowship Church Box 484 Lanigan, SK S0K 2M0 Office & Information Line: 306-365-2510 Pastor’s Office: 306-365-3337 or 306-360-8070 Welcome Hearing Devices are available at the Sound Booth Today’s Worship Worship Leader: Stefani Block Special Music: Dave & Marlene Pollock Sermon: Pastor Brad Schroeder Welcome to our Visitors. We would like to make contact with you to help you in any way, share your prayer concerns or answer any questions you might have. You will see Acquaintance Cards (pink or blue) on the back of the pew in front of you. Fill in your name, address, phone number and email. Place in the offering plate or pass directly to the Pastor. We look forward to hearing from you. Anyone who may have special prayer needs, we would like to pray with you. On the back of the pews, you will find Prayer Request Cards (grey). Fill in the card and place in the Offering Plate or give directly to Pastor Brad. MCC Connects: This Christmas give hope to the world by choosing gifts of love and compassion from MCC’s Christmas Giving 2014. Gifts that will help one more child go to school, one more family have clean water or one more community find peace. Give at or call MCCS at 306.665.2555 or 1.888.622.6337. Adult Sunday School first series: CFC 101: a brief look into the history, life, and practice of the Church. This brief series will begin after the service (due to Pastor Bradʹs schedule) on Nov 16, 23, 30. (11:30‐12:30). This class is especially intended for those seeking membership but is open to any and all who would like to learn more about the history of the Church in general, and CFC in particular. Great introduction to our church for newcomers! If you are in‐ terested in membership or are not sure if you are yet a member, please speak to Brad. More adults Sunday school series to come. Potluck Lunch today following Worship Service. Please join us. Delicious food and great conversation. Parents you are welcome to use the Nursery at anytime during the Service. This Week at a Glance: Monday— 2:00pm Ladies Prayer Meeting Tuesday— 7:00am Men’s Prayer Breakfast Evening Prayer time Tuesday nights 7:00pm Thursday—2:00pm Friends Sunday— 10:00am Worship Service Note all the Events and mark your calendars. Coming Events: 2014 Nov. 16—deadline to have all Shoe Boxes back to CFC Nov. 30—first Sunday of Advent Dec. 7—Christmas Banquet & Concert Dec. 14—Potluck Lunch following Worship Service Pick up a box(s) and information pamphlet. All must be returned to CFC by November 16 PLEASE read the do’s and don’ts very carefully. PLEASE do not tape the box shut…use two strong elastic bands Be sure to tape the label on top of box and indicate age and if for a boy or girl. Be sure to include envelope with the $7.00 to help with shipping costs OR you can go online to donate Receipts for income tax purposes are issued for donations over $15.00 Thanks to all of you at CFC who made our family feel at home during our 10 months in Saskatchewan. We really enjoyed getting to know you all and hope we will meet again in the not too distant future. Our new address is 61 Olsen St. Red Deer, AB T4N 5B9 if you need a place to stay on a journey through Alberta. Dave started work and the children started school last week, and so far things are going very well (besides missing Grandma, Grandad - give them a hug for us!) May the Lord bless all you lovely people. Dave, Heather, Kate, Caleb, Annie and Jim Hodgson Email: BETHANY COLLEGE EVENTS Contact us: 1.866.772.2175 or Christmas Advent Concert – Nov 23, 7:00 pm, at Forest Grove Community Church. Bethany College choir will be featured guests of Sunday Night Praise. Free-will offering will be taken, and a light lunch will be served. Don’t miss it!
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