DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY A.J, IHSTITUTE Otr' }TEDIOAT $CTENCSS A NESSAACH CSXTRE From, }'ANEALOBE' I(AB}TATAKA Dr. Mohandas Rai President {Srganizing Car:ncil} Advanced Worksh*p *n Clinical Pharm*eolcgy ?014 AJ lnstitut€ of Medical Sci*nces & R*search Centre Kuntikana, Mangalare Karnataka * 575004, lillDlA ilnder tfre *egis o;f lndian Pharmacological Society {lPS} l"'.- r-l) O :a 0 l'* t I ffib \wz anud{.3 we{comes a$to tfie CG ADVANCED lIIORKSHOP ON CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY.2O 1 4 on November 28'n & 29'nr 20t4 Venug: of Medical Sciences lnstitute AI Auditorium, & Researth Centr* {AIIM$ & RC}, Mangalore Theme: csrrentTrends & Dev*iopm*nts in Clinieal Pharmacology 2014}' Greetings from Organizing tearn { AWCP persons from With a quintessential team cf resource the regulatory and industry baekgrounds' under pharmacolagical saciety {tP5} gu;aun.* of tndian IPS Secretary {Clinical}' ielmeO by Dr' Bikash Medhi; ourAdvancedWorkshoponClinicalPharmacolog:y on giving clear cut overviews and {AWCP 2014} focuses udurn.*, in the trends seen in Clir"rical Fharmacology' Areas covered will include :- r lntroduction of Clinical Pharmacology & Future ProsPective in tndia. . Applying Evidence Ba;ed Medicine to Clinical PharmacolagY. r lmportance of Preclinical Data in Developing Clinical Protocols. . . r . . Setting uP -r a GLP Lab Biosimilars/Biomarkers Clinicaltrial related injury & death OLIB.PATRONS:* SRI A. J. STIETTY President, Laxmi Memorial Education Trusi Mr. Prashanth SbettY Ciinicaltrial in herbal medicine in lndia' Dr. {}Irsf Amltha P, Matla Vice President, LMET Pharmacovigilance Dr. Pra*hanth lllarla Medical Firect0r, AJH8C AJ lnstitute The workshop is being condueted atthe of Medical Sciences & Research Centre {AJIMS & which gives RC), Mangalore; a stalwart institution CIn tsp-notch medical care' quality emphasis resea rch and expertly conducted clinical So, do register and come trials' to cur delightful 29'u of Mangalore city, Karnataka on the 28'n and November 2014 interwoven with a *t tltgr-;r:liretxg Note: Credit hours from Karnataka Msdical Council will be allotted Dr' M. Ramesb Pai Dean, AJIMS & RC Co**ciJ l* Professor & HOD of Pharmacology President, 0rganizing 0ouncil Dr" Mohaada* Bal, 0rganiaing Seoetaries: Dr. Sharath Kumar K. Dr. Arun Ravindran Joint Organiring Secrotaries Dr. Fl. N' GoPalakrishna Dr' Manohar V' R' : 0r' 0handrashekar R' gtientific Advisor Trgag$r€l I Dr. Srinivas Bhat U' far an educatlve experience fun-filted tripl Director Medical Administration, AJHHC : Dr. $ecthalakshmlR' Executive Membels: 0r. Deepthi Shridhar Dr. Reefa D'$ouza Dr. Floyd D'Souza Dr. Aiswarya Aravind P. R' Dr. Nimisha Raveendran Dr' Navyashree Omkar Chelana Dr. A. Dr. Sree $aumya Dr' Poovizhi BharathiR' O. S*ltita Dr. Dhanya Dayanandan Kumar S. Sivin D. Oi nfrrrrtf, Registration form Council (if aPPticable) 1 1i DePartment: I i lnstitution:* I lloor*ttt -, 1) officiat i I I I t- 1 1^ I "z I registration lAs per the medical {rf applicable) i iI 1 t Email lD: Fhone: Dl cur"sorYof delegate: fAIB-T?l !rcircle whichever i **ror.r,u*otY is aPPlicable kindlYsee overleaf iiFo;s;;i;;r,t5 Bondfide certificsts frorn l tubeenclased' i^ffi-*issionforPoster:Y n N HAD 'nstiwte n {.15001Teaching staff/ Ethicr committee rnembers Clinicians I ffi t.:.zaatf,- {.2000/- t.250sl- {"'3CIool- {.3500/" Assoeiate delegate {.12S0/- iper head) Registration {self) ;- Rs. Associate delegate{s) i- Rs" Total: Rs, Amountdrawn on {Bank and location}: Dated DD No: For NEFT, UTR Number: : Signature OO/rtf f ff '. tf,outa Ue payaf t" at Mangalore in favour ot ''AJIMS.CME ACCOUNT" BRANCH CNMNNN NNT'IT, A.J. HOSPITALCAMPUS nf.. NO. :5633,fiL4}47g4 IFSC: CNR80008633 kindly refer to our wehsite;For online registration through NEFT wurulawepa&g,t! ** Reglstration lee includes breakfast' lunch and workshop kit' refunded' dnce registered, amount will not be be sent vi* pt oto.Jp;.s/ lcanned copie$ of the r*gistration form may . . postle-mail' . ;;; email. pronf ol based registratian attach copy of *-Ul"t;i"n . it . payment' of payrnent' will be completed only after conf irmation reach the poEtal address X'r-*-*rrtion form along with fees.should given in the overleaf alongwith D0s / Cheques' Nospotregistration.
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