Roma Mitchell Secondary College No 29 2014 Newsletter

Roma Mitchell Secondary College
No 29 2014 Newsletter
Diary Dates
November 2014
Special Education Campus Formal
Year 7 Aboriginal Transition Day
Year 7 Transition Day Girls’ Campus
Year 7 Transition Day Co-Education
Pupil Free Day
Year 8 Immunisation
Year 9 Immunisation
Year 12 Graduation and Awards Evening
December 2014
ATSI Parent Meeting
Governing Council
Special Education Concert 1pm
Last Day of Term early dismissal 2.15pm
Principal’s Report
A number of functions and events have been planned
throughout term 4 to celebrate student achievement and
success. We look forward to seeing you at our Year 12
Graduation Ceremony and Awards Evening which will be
held in our Gymnasium on Tuesday 27th November. Thank
you to all of the families who attended our term 4
parent/teacher interview night. Your participation was highly
Committee Meeting Dates: Term 4
Facilities: Term 3 and 4
Thursday 1:30pm, 13 November and 4 December
Strategic Directions: Term 4
Monday 9-11am, 24 November
Uniform: Term 4
Tuesday 2-3pm, 25 November
In This Edition
Principal’s Report
Curriculum Report
Special Education Campus
Co-Education: Senior Years and Middle Years Campuses
Girls’ Education Campus
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Sports News
Year 12 Special Education Campus Formal
The Year 12 Formal for the students enrolled in the Special
Education Campus will be held at the Oakden Central on
Thursday November 13. I look forward to seeing the Year 12
students and their families at this function.
Year 12 Students
A very successful whole school assembly was held on Friday
31st October where we acknowledged the achievement of the
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Year 12 students and wished them well in completing their
work and sitting their exams over the next few weeks. Sarah
Afshin Pour, Jamahl Liddle and I were pleased to be able to
attend the ATSI Year 12 ‘Just Too Deadly’ celebration held at
Mawson Lakes Function Centre on Thursday 30th October.
Congratulations to our six Year 12 ATSI students who
received certificates for their Year 12 Achievement and
congratulations to Tika Timonthy-Nam for winning an award
for the most outstanding sports achievement.
Rejois Dilao and Annelle Morton performing at North East Community Day
Kylie Watkins, Rhiannon Murphy, Tika Timothy-Nam and Jasmyn
North East Community Day
On Saturday 1 November our school participated in the North
East Community Day held at Hillcrest Community Centre.
This was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our school and
in particular, to promote our specialist programs, including
the Girls’ Campus, Specialist Sport (Cycling, Hockey and
Soccer) and our very talented photography and music
students. Thank you to all of the staff and students who were
involved. It was a great success.
World Teachers’ Day
Thank you to the Prospect Enfield Inter Church Council for
organising a morning tea for the Special Education Campus
staff on Tuesday 28th October and the Co-Education and
Girls’ Campuses staff on Friday 31st October to celebrate
World Teachers’ Day. Our school celebrated this day in
acknowledgement of the significant contribution that our
teachers and support staff make in developing our young
people’s knowledge and abilities.
2014 SA Excellence in Public Education Awards
Community Learning @ Hive 12-25 won the category
Innovative Engagement and Collaboration with the
Community of the SA Excellence in Public Education Awards
Congratulations to the staff, students and community
partners who manage, learn and participate at the
Community Learning Centre (CLC) based at Hive 12-25 on
North East Rd at Modbury.
The CLC is an off school site learning centre that is managed
by the 7 public secondary schools in North East Adelaide –
Banksia Park International High School, Golden Grove High
School, Modbury High School, Roma Mitchell Secondary
College, The Heights School, Valley View Secondary School
and Windsor Gardens Vocational College.
Dana Wortley, MP for Torrens and students Ali Atkins, Ethan McLean and
Albert Beauchamp
Phone: 8161 4600
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Community Learning @ Hive 12-25 provides SACE
accredited learning, vocational training and personal
development program for up to 60 young people who come
from our North East Adelaide secondary schools. These
young people have struggled, for a range of reasons, to stay
engaged and connected with their learning at our mainstream
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
schools. Through a partnership with the City of Tea Tree
Gully and a range of non-government organisations,
community agencies and training providers these young
people are managing their learning and achieving SACE,
vocational and positive personal outcomes through
individually managed learning programs.
recommendations will be used to further improve our work
with your children and will be included in our Annual Report.
Partner School in Thailand
DECD International Education Services (IES) has invited our
school to partner with a school on Thailand. The school is
called Princess Chulabhorn College, Satun. Sean Venning,
Senior Leader will visit the school during the January school
holidays. Next year we will look forward to hosting the
students and teachers from this school when they visit
Educators Visit from Malaysia
Educators from Taarana Special School in Malaysia and
University staff from Quest International University of Perak
recently visited our Special Education Campus to learn about
our curriculum, teaching programs and to visit some classes.
It was a great experience for our staff to be able to share
their teaching practices and their student learning
Pupil Free Day
Our last Pupil Free Day for the year will be held on Friday 21
November. This day is an opportunity for our whole staff to
receive updated professional development on reviewing and
developing units of work using Child Protection Curriculum.
Sandy Richardson
Curriculum Report
Our Parent Curriculum Committee has been meeting this
year twice a term, on a Thursday evening. This group have
been highly significant in giving feedback and making
suggestions about a range of curriculum issues, including
Special Education, SACE Support for parents and students,
our Middle Years International Baccalaureate Programme,
Aboriginal Perspectives across the curriculum and
Languages other than English. They have and will continue
to give us feedback on school policies related to learning.
Next year we have decided to include some interested
students on our Curriculum Committee and to facilitate this
we are moving the meeting time to 9am on selected Friday
mornings. If you are interested in attending these meetings
next year, please let me know. If you cannot attend but would
like to give feedback on any school issue please feel free to
contact me at any time on 81614600.
Mid-term Snapshot Grades for Year 10 and 11 students
in the Co-Educational and Girls’ Campus
Left to Right: Loh Yen Yin, Tessa Marie Chioh, Nicholas Goh
Kaw Chin, Bala Swaminathan, Andrew Gilsenan-Reed, Helen
Talbot, Assoc. Prof. Chandraseagran Suppiah, Precialla
Therasarajoo, Vemal Palaniandy, Sandy Richardson
Parent Opinion Survey
A parent opinion survey was sent via email at the beginning
of the term to all families who have supplied an email
address to our school. Thank you to the parents and
caregivers who responded. Your comments and
Phone: 8161 4600
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Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
This Wednesday afternoon our teachers will be reviewing the
work done by their year 10 and 11 students. They will assign
a grade for each student based on work done so far. This is
not a predicted grade, but is a quick snapshot of what
students have achieved so far this term. These mid-term
grades will be sent home to parents and shared and
discussed with students in week 5 Pastoral Care. The
purpose of these snapshot grades is to give students and
parents a clearer indication of how students are progressing,
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
while there is still time to complete work and improve the final
term grade.
enjoyed their time in the classrooms and spoke warmly about
our programs and the willingness of our students to share
their joy of learning.
Karen Fitzpatrick
Deputy Principal
Andrew Gilsenan-Reed
Head of Campus: Special Education
Special Education Campus
I would like to thank all caregivers who attended our report
evening on the 22nd October. It is always a pleasure to see
caregivers experiencing the learning environment of their
child, celebrating learning and discussing future goals. I am
also pleased to acknowledge the support for our recent tours
of post-school option providers and I would like to thank
Alison Pazios for organising this.
On Wednesday 12th November we will be holding an
information evening during which Lynley Johnston will offer a
short presentation on Modified SACE followed by a question
and answer session. Alison Pazios will also be available to
discuss issues related to post-school options and our Friday
Transition program. The presentation will start at 5.00pm and
it is anticipated that it will run for approximately one hour.
Another date for the diary is the 2014 Formal on 13th
November at the Oakden Central. This annual event is the
highlight of the year for many of our leavers as we gather to
celebrate their contribution to the school and create a special
memory for both them and their caregivers as they prepare
for the next stage of their journey.
We are currently planning our classes and timetables for
2015 as we prepare for the induction of our 2015 cohort.
Information will be sent home in diaries once classes,
teachers, and classrooms have been finalised. We will of
course prepare students for the forthcoming changes and we
do seek your support as we move through this process. We
have timetabled two induction mornings for the 2nd and 3rd
December and on these mornings your child will be meeting
their 2015 classmates and attend lessons in their new
In recent weeks, we have had a number of visitors from both
Australia and Malaysia visit our school on fact finding
missions. The visitors included architects, university leaders,
teachers, principals and local government officials. They
Phone: 8161 4600
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Co-Education: Senior Years Campus
Senior School
Term 4 is a very busy time for all our students. Preparation
for end of year arrangements has already commenced and
the following information is to let you know about the
following events that involve Senior School students
Year 12 End of Year Arrangements
Examinations, materials for moderation and final dates
for submission of work
• Individual subject teachers have given student
information about specific work eg examinations,
materials for moderation, attendance requirements and
final dates of submission of work.
• Students doing Stage 2 subjects with an examination
component have received an examination schedule and
SACE number. Students need to bring this information to
each examination.
• All written examinations will be held in the Child Care
Centre located next to the Girls Campus Front Office.
• Students are required to bring their school ID and to
wear full school uniform to examinations.
• If a student becomes ill and is unable to sit for an
examination they will need to notify Helen Nielsen at the
school as early as possible. Students who miss an
examination because of an illness must visit the doctor
on that day to obtain a doctors certificate, which must be
presented to the school as soon as possible.
Exit Plan – Return of library books, text books, laptops,
chargers, locks and collection of subject materials, SARs
and Year Book
• It is expected that all students will return laptop, charger
and books (library and text books) to the Resource
Centre when they have completed all subject work
• Students will need to clean out lockers and remove
combination lock and return to Resource Centre by no
later than Wednesday 19 November 2014.
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Parents will receive a notice of overdue items that need
to be returned by students as soon as they finished their
studies or exams.
The final day for the return of all books, laptop, charger
and combination lock is by Wednesday 14 November
Year 12 student moderation materials and Year Book will
be available for collection from the Resource Centre on
Friday 12 December 2014 from 9.00 am until 10.30 am.
Year 12 Graduation Evening
Year 12 students and parents/carers are invited to celebrate
the achievements of our students at the Year 12 Graduation
and Awards Evening to be held at the school in the
Gymnasium on Thursday 27 November 2014 at 6.00 pm for a
6.45 pm start.
Year 12 students will be recognised for years of study,
completion of their senior years and special recognition eg
subject and special awards. Year 12 students are expected
to wear full school uniform.
Invitations will be sent to all families. Please contact Carol
McGlaughlin at the school to let us know if you will be
attending this event by no later than Monday 17 November
Stage 2 SACE Results released
The release date for the 2014 SACE Results is Thursday 18
December 2014. Staff will be available at the school in the
morning to support students and parents with any queries
regarding Stage 2 SACE results including possible changes
to University and TAFE pathways. Please ring or come in on
that morning if you have any concerns or questions.
Year 11 End of Year Exams
Semester 2 end of year exams will be held at the school for
year 11 students and will commence Monday 17 November
2014 and end Thursday 20 November 2014. General
information relating to exam week and an outline of the exam
timetable will be issued to students.
To assist and support our students the year 11 Pastoral Care
program covers study skills information. Also, as part of the
revision process prior to the exam, Year 11 subject teachers
familiarise students with their subject examination structure.
Phone: 8161 4600
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Year 11’s begin Year 12 subjects
To support students make a smooth transition from year 11
to year 12 all year 11 students will commence their year 12
subjects on Monday 1 December 2014.
Year 10 Round Table Discussions
The final Personal Learning Plan (PLP) assessment task
requires all year 10 students to participate in a round table
discussion. Students will need to demonstrate their learning
to a panel (teacher, community member and parent). The
panel will ask students a range of reflective questions that
are structured around the SACE capabilities – Citizenship,
Communication, Learning, Personal Development and Work.
PLP round table discussions will be held in the Resource
Centre on Thursday 13 November 2014. No scheduled
classes will be held on this day for year 10 students. The
round table presentation will take 15 minutes and we would
like all year 10 parents/carers to participate. Students are
expected to wear full school uniform.
All year 10 students have received a letter about the year 10
round table discussions and it includes a section for you to
complete details about your preferred appointment time.
Term 3 Certificates of academic excellence and merit
Congratulations to the following students who received
certificates of excellence for term 3:
Year 12
Academic Excellence
Reza Ali Bakhsh
Johnny Nguyen
Marco Kim
Francis Pinaroc
Ahmed Hassan
Emma Baker
Sherwin Balugo
Academic Merit
Hayden Mobbs
Wasif Ferdous
Year 11
Academic Excellence
Mahala Fergusen
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Academic Merit
Shirley Peng
Melissa Kelly
Year 10
Academic Excellence
Chloe Dziego
Suraj Shukla
Sheradyn Matthews
Osayi Uwumarogie
Christine Gadlan
Ali Reza
Academic Merit
Jay Wong
Marc Quinzi
Luke Quinzi
Brayden Cocks
Christian Lysandrou
Travis Middleton
Jasmine Bailey
Cassie Abbott
Hossein Anvari
Kimberly Wood
Adnan Sultan Ali
Dhruvi Patel
Alex Gettaw
Delilah Phung
Dakota Nixon
Barnet Luo
Nathan Rice
Year 11 Student
Schools’ Congress
I am not racist but…
On Wednesday 3 September, I with another 9 students from
both Girls’ and Co-Ed Campuses participated in the Schools
Congress 2014. It is a program run each year by
Reconciliation SA, and this year it focused on cultural safety,
combating racism and planning to maintain harmony in
schools. The theme centred around “I’m not racist but…!”
The congress this year was held at Modbury Uniting Church.
Pepe Bouzalas
Head of Campus
In Year 11 Furniture we all got the opportunity to design and
build a piece of furniture. I decided to build a chair for my
room to play my playstation from, but I didn't want an ordinary
chair. To build it I first needed to build a former. When I had
finished that, I bent and glued 8 layers of 3mm MDF over the
former, holding them together with G-Clamps. Once it had
dried we sent it to a professional upholsterer to put the foam
padding and fabric on.
Phone: 8161 4600
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
We arrived at the Modbury Uniting Church, registered then
received a booklet about Racism. We were all seated with
our school groups. During the day there were lots of activities
concerning the growth of racism in Australia. To start off the
day we had a warm-up game called ‘have you ever’. This
activity was used to get the schools associating with one
another; in other words getting out of our comfort zones. After
that there was a speech by a young Indigenous man, Scott
Rathman who has experienced racism quite a bit in his life.
Following Scott’s talk we were split into small groups where
we got to converse with different school students about their
experience of racism. This was then followed by a cultural
performance by a performing company called Act Now.
Act Now Theatre was a great activity that focuses on racism.
It was a play about an Iraqi girl, Indigenous boy and
Australian schoolboy. The Australian schoolboy quite
blatantly is racist – always referring to the Indigenous boy by
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
any other name other than his real name and telling the Iraqi
girl that her wearing a hijab (headscarf) in Australia isn’t
appropriate. This play was completed many times and
everyone got a chance of changing the situation in this play
by just saying “STOP” in parts where we thought the racism
could be avoided. We came up with excessive ideas of
prohibiting racism.
The function was attended by Nicolette's father, her aunt, her
support person, Sue Ball and her English teacher, Ms Leslie,
all of whom were extremely proud of her achievement.
Nicolette received a $50 voucher as her special prize.
After lunchtime we split back into our school groups and
completed action planning. We needed to make a poster on
which we had to state some of the opinions or ways through
which racism can be stopped in our school. Some of them
were: forming a school committee, organising meetings and
making posters.
Nicolette's poem will be published later this year in the Year
We learnt many things about racism, for instance what the
factors are that lead to racism as well as coming up with our
own solutions.
Co-Education: Middle Years Campus
Laveeza Fatima
Year 10 Student
From Left: Israa Albagdady, Helen Sau, Zeel Patel, Kalan
Woodcock, Laveeza Fatima, Lochie Phillips, Scott Rathman,
Fairerlyn Korgar, Milly Howard, Emma Talabani and Josh
Nicolette Nedelcev's (10CC) poem, "Look at me" was
awarded a prize for "Budding Poet" at the launch of the 2014
Spring Poetry Festival on Saturday, 25 October at the
Education Development Centre. Her poem was published
and read to the audience after one of the judge's high praise
for Nicolette's memorable and moving poem about herself as
an adolescent.
Phone: 8161 4600
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Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
The accompanying photograph was snapped after the event
at the function.
Sarah McCulloch
Drama Teacher
Middle school students have been busy this term starting
work on their ‘roundtable’ presentations that will occur in the
last week of this term. Year 8 students will make their
presentations on the Tuesday and Year 9 students will
present on the Thursday. Parents will receive an invitation to
this around week 6 of this term.
Currently we are planning for the transition visit of our year 7
students on Thursday 20th of November. On this day current
year 8 students will vacate their building and take part in a full
day excursion to the city. Activities have been organized
around the Botanical Gardens, Art Gallery, Museum,
Zoological Gardens and Festival Theatre.
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
We have taken possession of the first half of our order for
new furniture for our middle school buildings. Above is an
example of this. Students are enjoying using this for their
Darryl Ashby
Head of Campus
Year 8 students who received Outstanding Academic Award certificates
last term for having a grade point average of 4.5 or above: Daksheep
Singh, Hannah Smith, Brandon Vorn, Anagha Madhusudan, Jackie Thai,
Tatsat Mehta and Tasnim Hossin
Student Leadership
School House Names Workshop
On Tuesday 21st students from the Student Representative
Council, House captains and Year 11 Prefects participated in
a workshop to decide who were the famous South
Australians that our 4 school houses would be named after.
It was a tight contest with the standard of the presentations
being very high. In the next part of the process, all students
and staff will be asked for their opinion.
Students can be seen working in their groups in preparation
for their presentations:
Girls’ Education Campus
This term we will be welcoming our year 7 students who have
enrolled here for 2015. On the 18th of November all year 8s
for 2015 will spend a day in year 8 classrooms finding out
what it is like to be at high school. Girls’ Campus staff
members have already met many of our prospective students
through the interviews that have been conducted in term 3
and in the beginning of this term.
We have farewelled our year 12 students this Friday and are
supporting our current year 11s to start their year 12 courses
in the last weeks of the term. Year 8s and 9s will spend some
care group sessions dedicated to finalising their preparations
for the Round Table assessments to be held in the last week
of term. The dates for these Roundtable Assessments are:
Year 9 Monday 8th December and year 8 Wednesday 10th of
December. Year 10s will also be making presentations for
their Personal learning Plans (PLP) on the 13th and 14th of
Please keep an eye on the announcements about
appointment times for all of these sessions because family
involvement is very important.
Congratulations again to all those girls who received awards
based on their academic achievement during term 3. The
award recipients are listed below:
Phone: 8161 4600
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Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Year 8 Girls’ Campus Certificates
Francesca Castandiello
Emma Talabani
Taylor Santarelli
Pooja Rajasekaran
Mary Markobotsaris
Academic Excellence
Evalyn Zhang
Tayla Kelly
Jemma Cleere
Raebea Safari
Sofia Kennedy
Academic Merit
Anushka Sidhu
Caris Girke
Academic Merit
Cassidy Taylor
Rachel Princi
Laveeza Fatima
Olivia Carmichael
Year 9 Girls’ Campus Certificates
Year 11 Girls’ Campus Certificates
Academic Excellence
Dhwani Patel
Vanessa Thai
Karishma Shah
Jacinta Jeffries
Lynn Tran
Hitarthi Pandya
Yayla Morris
Kaitlin Newell
Brooke Johnston
Maryam entazami
Sonali Gupta
Shiela France
Jessica Leach
Thao Ha
Jessica Chau
Hoai Nguyen
Zaynab Al Hakeem
Academic Merit
Irene Baltazar
Camille Vipinosa
Naomi Winter
Academic Excellence
Criscell Del Rosario
Saneen Shahzad
Academic Merit
Narelle Hain
Jessica Horsey
Year 10 Girls’ Campus Certificates
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Year 12 Girls’ Campus Certificates
Academic Excellence
Cecelia Newell
Nikki Rowe
Mira Abu Shama
Sarah Miller
Academic Merit
Sakina Al Rashed
Emebet Misker
Judith Clelland
Head of Campus
Academic Excellence
Arissa Robels Rangel
Ria Aiyar
Kyrah Barbieri
Suad Nehme
Helen Sau
Alyssa Barbieri
Zeel Patel
Leejaye Solano
Phone: 8161 4600
In Term 4 there are 3 remaining AIME sessions for our Years
9 and 10 students to attend at UniSA Mawson Lakes. The
final session is a celebration for all of the students who have
been involved with the program to take part in.
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
There are also a number of short courses being run through
the Workabout Centre that some of our Years 10 and 11
students are participating in.
Sarah Afshin Pour
Aboriginal Education Coordinator
Congratulations to Year 10 students Zania Rice and Tamika
Brauer on representing South Australia for the National
Indigenous Football Championships in Queensland. Special
mention to Zania who was 1 of 3 players selected to
represent Australia next year in New Zealand!!
Congratulations to Year 9 student Darren Wilson and Year 11
student Aidan Moore for their successful participation in the
Ice Factor program. In Week 10 last term the Ice Factor
Spectacular was held at the Hilton Hotel. It was fantastic to
see Darren Wilson taking part in such a wonderful
Also congratulations to the following students on successfully
completing the Introduction to Hair & Beauty course in Term
3 – Antilla Brauer, Kaitlin Rook, Tiare Poona, Nakara
Sumner-Gollan and Claudia Williams.
We are looking forward to meeting the Aboriginal and Torres
Strait Islander students at our Year 7 Transition day on
Monday the 17th of November. Year 7 students are also
expected to attend either the Girl’s campus (18th of
November) or Coed (20th of November) Transition days.
Link Program
Jasmine, Nicolette and Kaitlyn were nominated for an award
for the Lions – Children of Courage. These awards are for
children who have shown courage in the face of adversity.
Such children include those who are confined to wheelchairs,
who may have a sensory or speech impairment, or have
undergone long periods of medical treatment, surgery or
hospitalisation, which has perhaps brought pain and trauma
to their young lives. Nominees are children who have
attempted to overcome these obstacles and who have striven
to improve the quality of their lives.
The Governor of South Australia, His Excellency, the
Honourable Hieu Van Le, presented the awards to the girls,
on Tuesday 23 September, at Government House.
Our Aboriginal Parent meeting will be held in Week 8 this
term. More information about this will be sent out in the next
few weeks.
Student Leadership News
Zania playing at the recent National Indigenous Football Championships in
Phone: 8161 4600
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
This term the SRC and Executive have been extremely busy
dealing with issues brought up by students across the school.
A consistent number of representatives have been holding
Pastoral Care sessions with their care groups after every
meeting, which has proven to be a great success showing
overwhelming responses and introduction to new agendas
also keeping students aware of upcoming SRC events. The
executive was set to meet 3 times a term which facilitated the
student leadership executive to set meeting agendas. This
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
term the SRC has considered a variety of propositions
Despite getting no points from the individual events, Roma
Mitchell still ended up fourth overall out of seventeen schools,
so well done to the team.
Commencement of the handball competition
Finalising the 2 fundraising proposals (International:
Cure for Ebola Virus and Local: support for a young girl
in need of a wheel chair)
Involvement in School House Names Workshop 2014 by
16 chosen SRC leaders.
2 Governing Council meetings (attended by Lidiya Miskir
and Vanessa Apolonio)
2 Uniform committee meetings (attended by Mahala
The SRC has also taken onto the role of helping run school
assemblies this term. SRC leaders will be hosting the Senior
Co-Ed assembly, Girls’ assembly and Middle school Co-Ed
assembly. To support the 2 chosen fundraiser proposals, the
SRC is negotiating to organise a fun run scheduled on the
Friday of week 5 and selling soft drinks and ice-blocks every
Friday week 5, 6 and 7.
Ayishm Shahzad
Dave Gomer
Specialist Sport Cycling Coach
Sports News
Key Club
The latest event the programme was involved in was the
SSSSA Mountain Bike Challenge at Craigburn Farm at
Key Club is an official student led organisation, which has
been running for half a year now. We have held several
successful fundraisers so far, the latest being Henna tattoos
application on both the Girls’ and Co-Ed Campuses. Being
part of the Key Club is a great leadership experience,
everyone has the opportunity to organise, plan and manage
events with their fellow students and we have people who
support you along the way. It is not only fun but it is also
empowering in a way. It will teach you how to handle
responsibilities and develop decision-making skills. From our
fundraisers, the money goes towards the financial support for
neonatal and maternal tetanus shots, which help save lives
all around the world.
Due to traffic issues the bus arrived late and our students
were unable to compete in the individual races, which was a
real shame as we had some real contenders for glory.
When it came time for the team race the boys were fired up
for glory and delivered on the race track.
The Under 19 team of Sam Crayford, Daniel Luke and
Nathan Farmer were victorious in their event, winning by a
full lap.
The under 17 team of Daniel Chiuchiolo, Albert Beauchamp
and Braeden Porter rode strongly with three consistent
performers to take third in their event.
Phone: 8161 4600
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Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Key Club is growing every week so we encourage students to
come along to our meetings every week, Friday lunchtime in
Building 6, Classroom 1 Girls Campus. Anyone who would
like to join, please email either the Club President Saneen
Shahzad or Co-Education School Counsellor Mr Jovan
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Vujinovic. We not only welcome but we also encourage new
Materials and Services Charges for 2015
The Materials and Services Charges for 2015 will be
discussed and approved at the next Governing Council
Meeting which will be held on December 3rd at 6pm in the
Staff room, Level 1, Building 1 (dark blue). Parents are
welcome to attend to discuss any queries they may have in
relation to the charges. Please find a copy of these charges
included in this newsletter.
Criscell Del Rosario
Key Club Secretary
Parent Information
Cathryn Pearce, Student Counsellor and Laboratory Assistant Shalee
School Card 2014
If you would like information regarding School Card eligibility
or an application form, please contact Meredyth on 8161
Parents/Caregivers are reminded that a new school card
application must be submitted every year.
Approved School Card applicants are relieved from paying
the Material and Services Charges for that year.
Applications for 2014 School Card close on 14th
November 2014. Applications cannot be accepted after
this date.
Friendly Reminders
• The fourth laptop instalment payment for 2014 is due by
the end of October. Please pay at Student Services.
• If you have previously signed a commitment to pay by
instalments, please ensure payments are made by the
due dates to avoid any further action being taken.
Carmel Hall
Finance Manager
Phone: 8161 4600
Your Tutor and Skills Builder Program
We are very fortunate to have developed and delivered
homework programs, which help facilitate and support
students’ learning at Roma Mitchel Secondary College.
These programs include; lunchtime homework club, after
school homework centre in our school library and an online
homework centre.
Firstly, we have dedicated staff that run homework clubs
during lunchtime to support students with their learning
across both of our Co-Education and Girls’ Education
Campuses. Students are able to access teachers for support
in a range of subjects such as maths, science and
languages. This program has been running for most of this
year and will be ongoing until the end of the year.
Secondly, the after school homework centre in the library
occurs from 3:30 to 4:30pm every Monday and Thursday
afternoons, where students are able to access help from our
dedicated teachers. Moreover, our school library is open
until 4:30pm Monday to Friday (except Wednesday) for
students to access to do their homework at school. During
this time there will be staff member(s) who are available for
supervision and support of our students.
We have a homework program known as “Yourtutor”, where
students from Roma Mitchell Secondary College have access
to free online tutoring, after school. When students are stuck
with their homework, they have free one-to-one help from
3pm to 10pm every day (except Saturday). This online only
service is provided by yourtutor (, and our
school is sponsoring this program for 2014.
The tutors in the online homework centre (YOURTUTOR)
won’t do homework for students.
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Roma Mitchell Secondary College
Newsletter No 29 2014
Students can also access SkillsBuilder, which offers
thousands of practice questions in Maths, Science and
Contact Information
All students have been issued with a personal access card
with their individual login details, which contain all the
information needed to connect.
Please contact me through email or by phone on 8161 4600
if you have any questions.
Hung Doan
Senior Leader, Learning Technologies and Data
Camp Gallipoli is a not-for-profit organisation, which has
planned an international event that will be a once in a lifetime
experience focusing on the centenary commemoration of the
25 April 1915 landings at ANZAC Cove
Camp Gallipoli is the nation’s largest initiative for the most
important commemoration of our lifetime. It is fully endorsed
and supported by the Federal Education Minister as well as
the State Education Dept., the Dept. of Veterans Affairs, Dept.
of Defence, the ANZAC Centenary committee, RSL and
The event will feature six hub and 25 regional campsites
around Australia and New Zealand, with each site having a
historical link to Gallipoli, WW1 and other theatres of war.
The venues will allow families, schools and community
groups to camp out under the stars, just as the original
Anzacs did 100 years ago. In South Australia, the event will
be held at the Morphettville Racecourse
More information can be found on the website:
Phone: 8161 4600
The school office is open between 8.30am and 4.00pm each
school day. Our friendly staff will help you with any questions
or queries.
Street Address:
Postal Address:
Camp Gallipoli
Years 8-12
Briens Road
Gepps Cross
South Australia 5094
Sandy Richardson
08 8161 4600
08 8161 4650
Briens Road
Gepps Cross SA 5094
Briens Road
Gepps Cross SA 5094
Northern Regional Office