833 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 office@stjohnagawam.org www.stjohnagawam.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday — Thursday 9:00 - 3:00 Friday - Closed Office Phone: 786-8105 Fax: 455-3100 Administrator: Father Tomasz Parzynski Priest in Residence: Father John Lis Deacon: Deacon Michael Perkins Business & Pastoral Administrator, Director of Religious Education: Sal Circosta 455-3215 DREAgawam@gmail.com Pastoral Minister: Mary Scannell 786-4499 m.scannell@stjohnagawam.org Organist/Music Director, Director of Youth Ministry: Joe Dziok StJohnsYouthMin@gmail.com 455-3215 Secretary: Paula Raiche p.raiche@stjohnagawam.org Child Advocate: Debbie Whitehead 455-3215 Chairman of Parish Council: Judith Cross-Donahue, J.D. Chairman of Finance Council: Alfred Casella, J.D. Religious Education Classes: Grades Pre-K - 6: Sundays, 9AM-10:15AM Grades 7 - 11: Sundays, 7PM-8:15PM Saint John the Evangelist Parish Sunday, November 16th, 2014, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time THE SEVEN SACRAMENTS: EUCHARIST: Mass on Saturdays 5:00pm Mass on Sundays 8:00am, 10:30am, 6:00pm Traditional Latin High Mass on Sundays at 12:30pm Mass on Weekdays: Monday-Saturday at 8:00am Traditional Daily Latin Low Mass: 6:45am on Mondays, Fridays, & Saturdays Mass on Holy Days: To be announced Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesdays 8:30am - 3:00pm CONFESSION: Reconciliation - Friday from 7:15 am -7:45 am . Saturdays 7:15-7:45, 4:00 to 4:45 pm, and after the 5:00 pm Mass Sunday 7:00-7:45 am. Or by Appointment. BAPTISM: Baptisms are scheduled on the last Sunday of every month. Please call the office to schedule with Fr. Tomasz. MARRIAGE: To be arranged at least one year in advance. Please call the office. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: If you or a loved one needs the anointing of the sick, please call the rectory office for Father Tomasz, or see Father after Mass. CONFIRMATION: If your child needs to be confirmed, please contact the Office of Religious Education to enroll your child in classes. If you are an adult and need to make your Confirmation, please contact the same office and ask about the RCIA program. HOLY ORDERS: Are you thinking about a vocation to the priesthood or religious life? If so, please call Father Tomasz at the rectory office, or call Father Gary Daily and the Office of Vocations 413.452.0811. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT: We are a Roman Catholic community inspired by the Holy Spirit to follow the example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ by sharing, growing and spreading God the Father’s love through our parish ministries, and by coming together as a community in meaningful prayer and worship to celebrate that love. Mass Intentions for the Week 11/9- Regular Collection: $6,341.50 Maintenance Collection: $ 1,759.00 Fuel Collection: $82.00 Loose: $675.00 Total Collection: $8,857.50 Thank you for your continued generosity. The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for the following intentions by the priest celebrant: Saturday, November 15, Sunday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Umbert & MaryAnn Govoni Requested by Children, Vincent, Andrea, & Victoria Sunday, November 16, 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:00am Taupier Family Requested by Family 10:30am Valentino Vivenzio Requested by Wife, Barbara 12:30pm High Latin Mass: For All Parishioners 6:00pm Howard Ludtke Requested by Parish Monday, November 17, St. Elizabeth of Hungary 6:45am Latin Low Mass: For All Souls 8:00am Vicky Donovan, 5th Anniversary Requested by Barbara Tuesday, November 18, Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and St. Paul 8:00am Nick Valenti (1st Intention) Requested by Sonny & Rose 8:00am Jean Manning, Birthday Rem., Living (2nd Int) Requested by Valerie Manning Wednesday, November 19 8:00am Jamieson & Fearns Families Requested by Pauline Gregory Thursday, November 20 8:00am Ann Collette & Elmer Andrews Requested by Sister, Rose Friday, November 21, Presentation of the Virgin Mary 6:45am Latin Low Mass: For All Souls 8:00am Harriet Hebert, Birthday Remembrance Requested by Pat & Family Saturday, November 22, St. Cecilia 6:45am Latin Low Mass: For All Souls 8:00am For All Souls Requested by Parish Saturday, November 22, Sunday Vigil Mass 5:00pm Moretti & Rossi Families Requested by Vava Moretti Sunday, November 23, Feast of Christ the King 8:00am Frank & Theresa Mascaro Requested by Family 10:30am Silvio & Bruno Mancinone Requested by Family 12:30pm High Latin Mass: For All Souls 2:00pm Knights of Columbus, 50th Anniversary Mass 6:00pm Angelo V. Stack, Sr. Requested by Bob, Melanie, & Mother SANCTUARY LAMP November 16th-November 22nd WILL BE LIT IN MEMORY OF: Sid Harvey By: Family In My Mother’s Arms Prayer Line If you have a serious intention that you need prayers for: surgery, sufferings, medical, illness, cancer treatment, a sick child, or anything like that, please give Betty or Pat a call and you will have countless rosaries and prayers coming your way! Betty: 786-3630 or Pat: 786-3023 Please remember in your Prayers: Please pray for the sick and dying of our parish. Remember all who are in hospitals, nursing homes and homebound. For all those who have died: Claire Goldsmith Patricia Goyette Melissa Hathorne Chester Lapienski Howard Ludtke Clifford Turcotte Robert Yargeau Aime Remillard ...and members of the parish. May the Lord welcome them into His Heavenly Kingdom. Note: If you have a friend or relative who has recently passed away and would like them included, please email: DREagawam@gmail.com ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST CHURCH St. John’s Church annual “Special Parish Event” our Christmas Bazaar AGAWAM, MA “Totos Tuus Tuesdays” Tuesday Nights Eucharistic Adoration Saturday November 22nd from 9AM until 3PM St. John’s Christmas Bazaar will be held on November 22, 2014 from 9:00 A.M. until 3: 00 P.M. in the parish center. Looking for Christmas gifts?? Here is your ideal location. The Bazaar will feature Christmas Wreaths and Decorations. For the sweet tooth person on your list there will be a Bake Booth and a Candy Booth as well. If it’s BLING you’re after, check out the famous St. John’s Jewelry booth, but get there early for the best selection. Need a unique and unusual gift, just Stop by the Attic Treasures booth. There are books for the young and old, as well as toys and Bountiful Baskets and Raffles all at the St. John’s Bazaar. We also offer a SNACK BAR, for you Hungry shopper. Back by popular demand we will have international baskets raffles (some food -others surprises) along with our big money raffle and individual booth raffles –come and try your luck on these raffles . Santa will be at our bazaar from 9AM until 2PM-Please bring all the children for their visit with Santa. From Father: Did you know the proceeds from the Bazaar go into the up-keeping of the Church and Parish Center? From the new carpet in the foyer to so much more, the Bazaar does so much good for our Church, please come and be generous! Bible Study & Faith Sharing: All are welcome, whether you’ve ever read the Bible before or not, you’re welcome to join us every Tuesday morning from 9:30-10:45am in the Father Joyce Room in the Parish Center. Please feel free to stop in and see what we're all about. We have anywhere from 12 to 20 people (men & women). If you don't think you can come every week don't worry - come whenever you can! God's Word lives and He promises that it will not return to Him void. For more information and questions please contact: Mikie Cook at (413) 786-3773. Men’s Bible Study: Are you looking to understand the bible more? Join us weekly on Wednesdays from 6:30 -7:45 pm in the lower Parish Center. Come feed off the word of God and discuss its general application and practical use in our lives as men. We will also study the Catechism teachings on each chapter we cover. For more information and questions please contact: John Lemke at (413) 262-4195. We are starting this Tuesday (Nov. 18) evening adoration in the Church, from 7PM-8PM. This will focus on the youth and young adults, but the entire parish is welcome to join us adoring Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. There will be some music, silent time, and community prayers. Please join us next Tuesday, and every Tuesday! Bring a friend! Giving Tree: Thanks to the generosity of the parish community, the blessings of Christmas are shared with others in need through our Giving Tree program. You are invited to participate in the Giving Tree program again this year. The program will begin on 11/29 when the Giving Tree will be decorated with ornaments representing gifts for individuals in need. The program will conclude on 12/21 with the distribution of gifts. Additional information will be provided in the next few weeks. Let us have a bare tree and a gift laden altar again this year! The seventh annual Show Your Heart Concert for the benefit of The Open Pantry Community Services will be held on Saturday, November 22nd, at 7:30 pm in The Cathedral of St. Michael the Archangel, 260 State St, Springfield, MA. Performing will be Spectrum A Capella Ensemble from The Pioneer Valley Performing Arts School, The Greater Westfield Choral Association, pianist Catherine Lupien, and the Cathedral Choir of Boys & Adults. There will be a free will offering with a suggested donation of $10 and $7 for seniors and students. For more information contact 413-452-0845 or worship@diospringfield.org This past Tuesday, Nov. 11th was Veteran’s Day. Because of the Feast Day of the Church, we will be honoring all veterans this weekend at Masses. Please keep all veterans in your prayers, especially those who have been killed in war. Also, please keep all service men and women, and their families in your prayers. They sacrifice much to defend our freedom and liberties. We have many current and prior-service men and women in our parish family, and some who are overseas serving our country. We love you and we thank you. We are a grateful nation, and a grateful parish. May God bless all of our military and keep them safe. ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST PARISH NEWS AND EVENTS! New Class Series: Catholic Morals and Ethics Friday Nights at St. John’s in Agawam Starting on Friday, October 3rd, we will be hosting classes on every Friday night in the St. Michael’s Conference Room in the Lower Parish Center at St. John’s on the topic of Morals and Ethics in the Church. If you are interested, please email or call Sal to “sign-up” for the class: 413.455.3215 / DREagawam@gmail.com. Classes will be from 6:30-8:30 with a coffee break in the middle. All ages welcome! Dates and Topics: Oct. 3: Introduction to Morals and Ethics Oct. 17: What’s Wrong with Abortion Oct. 24: Euthanasia: Is Killing Ever Kind? Nov. 7: Death Penalty & Capital Punishment Nov. 14: Human Cloning & How Life is Made Nov. 21: Birth Control & Artificial Contraception Nov. 29: What is Environmentalism? Dec. 5: Same Sex Marriage and Sexuality Dec. 12: Feminism and the Church Dec. 19: War and Just War Doctrine The St John’s Over 60’s Social Club would like to invite you to our meeting on November 20, 2014 at 1:00 in the Father Joyce Room. Our guest speaker will be Gerry Barbeau, an Emily Dickinson impersonator. Barbeau, a retired school teacher, has been impersonating Dickinson for several years. While dressed in period clothing, she will be relating stories about the famous recluse’s life in Amherst and reciting some of Dickinson’s poems. Please join us for a literary afternoon and enter the world of the past ! As always, we will have refreshments! FREE Thanksgiving Meal: Thursday, Nov. 27, St. Thomas Church in West Springfield will once again be offering a free Thanksgiving meal at their parish from 12pm-2pm located at 63 Pine Street in West Springfield. There are no income guidelines to come for the meal. The parish feels that no one should be alone on this holiday and would like to share it with as many people as possible. If you are home bound and unable to make it to the church for the meal, a home delivered meal is also available by calling the Agawam Senior Center at 821-0605 and speak with Pam at ext. 3, or Kristina at ext. 2, or leave your name, address and phone number and a meal will be delivered to you. This event is free but donations are always accepted. YOUTH MINISTRY: Are you a teenager looking for something more in life? Do you know a teen who is? If so, consider joining our Youth Ministry here at St. John’s, the Evangelizers! We meet once a week and are in the midst of renovating the lower parish center into a youth center. Email Joe at StJohnsYouthMin@gmail.com Find Freedom in Christ for Christmas Tired of carrying a heavy burden? Having a difficult time forgiving past hurts? Feeling locked up and weighed down by circumstances? Would you like to clear away hurts from the past? Would you like to prepare your heart before Jesus comes? An Unbound: Freedom in Christ Conference will be held at the Sacred Heart Church located at 1065 Springfield Street in Feeding Hills on Friday Dec. 5th and Saturday Dec. 6th. Neal and Janet Lozano will be presenting with their team the Five Keys to Freedom. Opportunities for prayer for deliverance will be available. All are welcome. Space is limited so please register early. For more information call Jean Raczkowski at 413786-8200 ext. 3. Movie: We will be showing the movie, “Mary of Nazareth” on November 18th in the Father Joyce Room at 1:00PM. All are welcome! Parish Choirs at St. John’s Anyone with any amount of musical training is welcome to join our choir! We have Rehearsals every Wednesday night at 6:30PM in the Church. Please see Joe Dziok for more information. St. John’s Guild will hold their Christmas Supper on Tuesday, December 2nd at the Crestview Country Club, Shoemaker Lane, Agawam. Social Hour– 6:00pm, Dinner– 6:30pm. Menu choices are: Grilled Steak Tips Marsala, Apple, Sage, & Cranberry Stuffed Chicken, or Filet of Sole Francais. All entrée choices are $30 (all inclusive). Members and their guests must make reservations by Wednesday, November 26th. Due to the Thanksgiving holiday, all reservations MUST be in and paid for by 11/26/14. If you have not been contacted, or have a change in your reservation, please call Barbara (7867428) or Dolores (789-4668). Catholic, Coffee, & Conversation December 4th at 7:00 PM St. John’s Parish Center: St. Michael Room Topic: Jesus in the Old Testament Jesus is foreshadowed by many figures in the Old Testament. The Old Testament also predicts Jesus, Mary, the Death and Resurrection, and the Church. Join us for good coffee and conversation, bring a friend! From our Pastoral Minister, Mary Scannell: Pastoral Ministry Hours: Mary’s hours are Monday-Wednesday from 9am-5pm and Thursdays from 9am-2pm. Please leave any messages on her phone at 786-4499 Food Gift Cards: Many families have called for food gift cards. The parish has assisted 92 families since September, 2014. The families receiving the food cards are very grateful, If you can donate any, please leave them in the office with my name on them. Thank you for your generosity! God bless, Mary Scannell Homebound & Hospitalized Anyone in the parish who is hospitalized or placed in any rehab or nursing facility, please notify Mary at 786-4499, including facility and room number. Bereavement Group The Bereavement group will start up again on Oct. 16th at 10AM in the foyer. Anyone who has been going through any kind of loss is welcome. There are 13 sessions listed below: Sessions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. When your Dreams Fall Apart Seasons of Grief Emotions of Grief (1) Emotions of Grief (2) When Your Spouse Dies Your family and Grief Where is God Your Greatest Resource Stuck in Grief or Moving On Growing Through Grief Grief Recovery Toolkit God’s Spirituality Hospitality Longing for Heaven The Shawl Ministry/Happy Knitters Meets on Wednesday at 10AM. This wonderful group of women have given out 475 prayer shawls to the sick, along with baby hats to Mercy Hospital. If anyone has yarn that they can donate to the group it will be appreciated. Thanks! The Prayer Shawl Group thanks everyone who donated yarn. We have given out 459 prayer shawls to the ill. It is a wonderful ministry. Come and join us on Wednesday mornings at 10AM if you’re free. Eucharistic Ministers If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister, call Mary. The Visitation Group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 11 a.m. We need more volunteers for the visitation group. Call Mary. The Movie “Tuesday with Marie” will be shown on Oct. 21st at 1:30 in the Fr. Joyce Room. All are welcome. The Giving Tree: Forty-One families have received info on the gifts at Christmas, If anyone needs assistance, please call or see Mary. CAPITAL CAMPAIGN Saint John the Evangelist Parish Capital Campaign How to Contribute to Your Pledge: • Mailed Contributions: Pledge payments can be mailed directly to the Parish. Saint John the Evangelist Capital Campaign 833 Main Street Agawam, MA 01001 • Online @ www.ParishPay.com: Pledge payments can be made completely online through ParishPay, simply select “Capital Campaign” as the collection type. You can also save time by easily establishing recurring payments. • Mass Collection Baskets: Pledge payments can be made during Mass through the collection baskets. Be sure to specify that this donation is for the Capital Campaign, and not the regular or second collection. Thank you for your continued support of Saint John the Evangelist Parish. Your generosity is allowing us to pave the way to a very bright future! Please feel free to contact the Business Office with any questions or concerns at (413) 505-9962 or SJEBusinessOffice@gmail.com Online Collections Now Available! Donating to St. John the Evangelist is now easier and more convenient than ever thanks to a partnership with www.ParishPay.com. Parishioners and guests can log on, make a one-time or recurring donation, and never have to worry about envelopes or checks again! Easy Five-Step Process: • Log on to www.ParishPay.com • Search for Saint John’s (Zip Code 01001) • Create an account, or sign in as a guest • Select your donation type: Regular Collection, Special Collection (Fuel/Maintenance), or Capital Campaign. • Make your contribution (one-time or recurring) Please feel free to contact the Business Office at: (413) 505-9962 or SJEBusinessOffice@gmail.com with any questions. Thank you for your continued support of Saint John the Evangelist Parish! LADIZKI LAW OFFICES Breakfast Lunch Real Estate Closings & Title Examinations Social Security Disability Elder Law & Wills 46 Suffield Street • Agawam, MA • (413) 786-9000 WWW.LADIZKILAW.COM THE NEW YOUR QUALITY FUEL OIL COMPANY Local & Family Owned Since 1962 New Customer Discounts baystatefueloil.com 24 HOUR EMERGENCY OIL BURNER SERVICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS 245 Springfield St. Agawam, MA 01001-1596 Telephone (413) 786-0430 Visit Our Web Sites: saratford.com & saratlincoln.com 733-5088 WEST SPRINGFIELD Free Estimates (413) 786-8666 Showers • Anniversaries After Funerals & Special Occasions 485 Springfield St., FH Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 413-786-0975 Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. 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