4 th

Moderators and Speakers of the 4th STRD 2015
PD Dr. Matthias Hänggi, Leitender Arzt, Dept. für Intensivmedizin, Universitätsspital
Prof. Dr. Michael F. Rotondo, Chief Executive Officer, Professor of Surgery, University
of Rochester Medical Center, School of Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, USA
PD Dr. Beat Schnüriger, Leiter Koordination Polytrauma, Universitätsklinik für Viszerale
Chirurgie und Medizin, Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Sebastian Van As, Head Trauma Unit Red Cross Children's Hospital,
Red Cross War Memorial Children's Hospital, Department of Paediatric Surgery,
Cape Town, South Africa
PD Dr. Patrick Schoettker, Responsable Anesthésie, Neurochirurgicale, ORL et Urgence,
Service d‘Anesthésiologie, CHUV, Lausanne
Prof. Dr. Quirino Piacevoli, Professor and Head, Department of Anaesthesia and
Intensive Care, A.C.O. San Filippo Neri, Rome, Italy
Dr. Rachael Callcut, Assistant Professor of Surgery, Trauma, Critical Care & General
Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, USA
Dr. D. Dante Yeh, Trauma, Emergency Surgery and Surgical Critical Care, Department
of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Dr. Thomas Lustenberger, Unfallchirurgisches Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Universität Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Dr. Roland Albrecht, Chefarzt Rega
Dr. Ulrich Bürgi, Bereichsleiter Zentrum für Notfallmedizin, Kantonsspital, Aarau
Dr. Rebecca Hasler, MSC, Universitätsspital Bern / Universitätsspital Zürich
Dr. Beat Lehmann, Leitung UNZ Chirurgie / Medizin, Leiter Notfallultraschall,
Notfallzentrum, Universtiätsspital Bern
Dr. Vladimir Makaloski, Herz- und Gefässchirurgie, Universitätsspital Bern
Dr. Christoph Sommer, Co-Chefarzt, Leiter Unfallchirurgie, Kantonsspital Chur
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Beck, Chefarzt, Neurochirurgische Klinik, Universitätsspital Bern
Congress Administration:
Universitäres Notfallzentrum
Inselspital Bern
3010 Bern
Prof. Dr. Aristomenis Exadaktylos, Chefarzt und Klinikdirektor, Universitäres Notfallzentrum, Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Christian Jackowski, Direktor, Institut für Rechtsmedizin, Medizinische Fakultät,
Universität Bern
Prof. Dr. Marius Keel, Chefarzt-Stv., Orthopädische Chirurgie, Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Emanuela Keller, Head of Neurocritical Care Unit, University Hospital Zürich
Prof. Dr. George Thalmann, Chefarzt und Klinikdirektor, Urologische Klinik, Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann, Senior Consultant, Universitäres Notfallzentrum,
Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Andreas Platz, Chefarzt und Departementsleiter, Klinik für Allgemein- Hand
und Unfallchirurgie, Stadtspital Triemli
Prof. Dr. Robert Greif, Direktor Medizinische Lehre, Universitätsklinik für Anästhesiologie
und Schmerztherapie, Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Joseph Osterwalder, Chefarzt Zentrale Notfallaufnahme, Kantonsspital
St. Gallen
Divisonär Dr. Andreas Stettbacher, Oberfeldarzt der Schweizer Armee, Logistikbasis
der Armee LBA – Sanität
PD Dr. Bendicht Wagner, Leiter Pädiatrische Intensivstation, Kindermedizinische Klinik,
Universitätsspital Bern
Prof. Dr. Reto Babst, Vorsteher Departement Chirurgie, Chefarzt Unfallchirurgie,
Luzerner Kantonsspital
Prof. Dr. Steffen Berger, Chefarzt und Klinikdirektor, Kinderchirurgische Klinik,
Universitätsspital Bern
Online registration and payment on
Attendance fee: CHF 70.–
Spoken and written language: English
Friday, 27th of March 2015
Bern, Switzerland
Ettore Rossi Lecture Hall,
Bern University Hospital
Freiburgstrasse 18
3010 Bern
Organizing Committee:
PD Dr. Beat Schnüriger,
Department of Visceral Surgery
Prof. Dr. Aristomenis Exadaktylos,
Department of Emergency Medicine
Prof. Dr. Marius Keel,
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann,
Department of Emergency Medicine
Ladies and Gentlemen
Trauma is a highly significant and still an underestimated public health problem. In Switzerland, trauma is the number one cause of death in adolescents
and adults )45 years of age. But children and the elderly are affected in a
substantial number too. These patients are challenging and require special
attention. That’s why we have also focused on these age groups at the 4th
Swiss Trauma & Resuscitation Day (STRD) 2015.
With the hands-on Workshops “E-FAST for Everyone” and “Surgical Airway
Management”, as well as the additional break-away and lunch sessions, the
agenda for the 4th STRD 2015 is stronger than ever before.
Program 4th Annual STRD
7:30–8:30 Registration, Exhibits, Croissant and Coffee
8:30–8:35 Opening Remarks
PD Dr. B. Schnüriger, Bern
Session 1
Special Circumstances in the Shockroom
Moderator – Prof. Dr. A. Platz, Zürich, PD Dr. B. Schnüriger, Bern
8:35–8:50 Traumatic urethral injury – Diagnosis and treatment
Prof. Dr. G. Thalmann, Bern
8:50–9:05 The traumatized bleeding aorta – Stent or scalpel?
Dr. V. Makaloski, Bern
9:05–9:20 Death in the Shockroom – Lessons learned from the coroner
Prof. Dr. C. Jackowski, Bern
9:20–9:35 Fractured leg and distal no pulses: Now what?
Dr. C. Sommer, Chur
9:35–10:00 Discussion
10:00–10:30 Refreshment Break, Exhibits
PD Dr. Beat Schnüriger
Session 2
Ettore Rossi
Prof. Dr. Aristomenis Exadaktylos
Room 1
Rooms 2 / 3
Room 4
Prof. Dr. Heinz Zimmermann
Management of elderly trauma patients: Adjusting algorithms?
Dr. T. Lustenberger, Frankfurt, Dr. R. Hasler, Bern/Zürich
Cannot intubate! Cannot ventilate! – Surgical airway management
hands-on course
Prof. R. Greif, Bern, and others
E-FAST: Hands-on for everybody!
Dr. B. Lehmann, Bern, and others
Elevated trauma-induced ICP: Treatment options
Prof. Dr. E. Keller, Zürich, Prof. Dr. J. Beck, Bern, PD Dr. M. Hänggi, Bern
Workshop 2
Ettore Rossi
Room 1
Swiss Society of Surgery (SGC-SSC): 8 Credits
Swiss Society of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology (SGOT-SSOT): 8 Credits
Swiss Society of Anesthesiology and Reanimation (SGAR-SSAR): 8 Credits
Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine (SGNOR-SSMUS): 8 Credits
Swiss Society of Intensive Care (SGI-SSMI): 7 Credits
Recommended by:
Rooms 2 / 3
Room 4
Extremity fractures in the elderly patient: The experts approach to a
challenging problem
Prof. Dr. R. Babst, Luzern, Prof. Dr. A. Platz, Zürich
Cannot intubate! Cannot ventilate! – Surgical airway management
hands-on course
Prof. R. Greif, Bern, and others
E-FAST: Hands-on for everybody!
Dr. B. Lehmann, Bern, and others
PRO-CON: Future trauma care – The undefeated trauma surgeon versus
specialists’ driven trauma care?
Prof. Dr. M. Rotondo, USA, Prof. Dr. M. Keel, Bern,
PD Dr. B. Schnüriger, Bern
12:00–13:00 Lunch, Exhibits
12:15–12:45 Lunch session (Patronage csl Behring)
Management of trauma induced coagulopathy
PD Dr. P. Schoettker, Lausanne
Moderator – Prof. Dr. M. Keel, Bern
13:00–13:30 Damage Control Surgery: Where are we today and where are we going?
Prof. Dr. M. Rotondo, Rochester, USA
Session 4
Pediatric Trauma Patients
Moderator – Prof. Dr. S. van As, Cape Town,
South Africa, Prof. Dr. S. Berger, Bern
Session 5:
Military Session – Lessons Learned the Hard Way
Moderator – Major General Dr. A. Stettbacher
13:30–13:45 Managing abdominal trauma in
children: Any differences to adults?
Prof. Dr. S. Berger, Bern
13:45–14:00 Management of pediatric chest
Prof. Dr. S. van As, Cape Town
14:00–14:15 Fluid management in injured
children: Same hemodynamic
targets than in adults?
PD Dr. B. Wagner, Bern
14:15–14:30 Discussion
Session 6
Workshop 1
Prof. Dr. Marius Keel
Session 3
Major General Dr. A. Stettbacher
13:40–14:00 Boston Marathon Bombing –
Experiences and lessons learned
Dr. D. D. Yeh, Boston, USA
14:00–14:20 The 2013 San Francisco Airplane
Crash – Lessons learned regarding
future disaster preparedness
Dr. R. A. Callcut, San Francisco,USA
14:20–14:30 Discussion
Moderator – Prof. Dr. A. Exadaktylos
14:35–15:05 Global factors affecting child trauma
Prof. Dr. S. van As, Cape Town, South Africa
15:05–15:30 Refreshment Break, Exhibits
Session 7
Preclinical Trauma Care
Moderator – Prof. Dr. J. Osterwalder, St. Gallen, Prof. Dr. A. Exadaktylos, Bern
15:30–15:50 Prehospital sufficient analgesia in trauma patients – impact on outcomes?
Prof. Dr. Q. Piacevoli, Rome, Italy
Handing over the trauma patient from preclinical to clinical care: The pre-clinicians’
Dr. R. Albrecht, Rega
Handing over the trauma patient from preclinical to clinical care: The clinicians’
Dr. U. Bürgi, Aarau
Session 8
Tough Trauma Cases: The Experts Decisions
Experts panel: Prof. Dr. M. Rotondo, Rochester, Dr. R. A. Callcutt, San Francisco,
Dr. D. D. Yeh, Boston, Prof. Dr. R. Babst, Luzern, Prof. Dr. A. Platz,
PD Dr. B. Schnüriger, Bern, Dr. T. Lustenberger, Frankfurt, Dr. C. Sommer, Chur
16:30–17:15 Case presentations and discussion of unusual and tricky trauma cases
Prof. Dr. M. Keel, Bern
17:15–17:25 The Last Word-Summary and Closure
Prof. Dr. H. Zimmermann, Bern