November 11, 2014

From the Principal
November 11, 2014
Dear Parents/Caregivers, Staff, Students and Friends
of OLA,
Let me share the following adaptation of a very thought
provoking piece to mark this special day.
Observing Remembrance Day: a personal reflection.
By Scott MacInnes
Posted 11 Nov 2011, 7:00am
This morning – 'at the 11th hour of the 11th day of
the 11th month' of this 11th year - many of us will
pause for a moment's quiet contemplation and
reflect on the legacy of our forebearers who
sacrificed their lives in the service of their country
and those they loved.
And later today my daughter and I will engage in
another related, more personal ritual of remembrance
and thanksgiving.
Both rituals share a common conviction, based on a
notion of legacy articulated over 2,000 years ago by
Plato: 'We should leave our children a legacy rich, not
in gold, but in reverence.' Each generation bequeaths
to the next what it is most important to remember. And
what we must never forget.
This quality of reverence was beautifully captured in
the Manchester Guardian's report of the first Two
Minute Silence observed on the anniversary of the
Armistice, marking the official time and date of the end
of World War 1 in 1918:
The first stroke of eleven produced a magical effect.
The tram cars glided into stillness, motors ceased to
cough and fume, and stopped dead, and the mightylimbed dray horses hunched back upon their loads and
stopped also, seeming to do it of their own volition.
Someone took off his hat, and with a nervous hesitancy
the rest of the men bowed their heads also. Here and
there an old soldier could be detected slipping
unconsciously into the posture of 'attention'. An elderly
woman, not far away, wiped her eyes, and the man
beside her looked white and stern. Everyone stood
very still ... The hush deepened. It had spread over the
whole city and become so pronounced as to impress
one with a sense of audibility. It was a silence which
was almost pain ... And the spirit of memory brooded
over it all.'
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World War I was to be 'the war to end all wars'. The
admonition 'Lest we forget' was based on the hope that
if we could only keep close in our collective memory
the experience of horror then we would never go there
Of course, 'the spirit of memory' is always personal.
Such a ritual can only survive if it lives in the hearts
and minds of individuals. Many of us will have
grandparents who died in or survived that appalling
First World War, or other loved one's affected by
subsequent and equally devastating armed conflicts.
For me, Remembrance Day has always had a very
special place in my life. My mother was born in
Scotland on this day and she was named Poppy, after
a flower that symbolises beauty, delicacy, suffering
(grown from Flanders fields of blood) and resilience. It
was a name given in remembrance and thanksgiving.
Remembrance of the struggle, the courage, the
solidarity in adversity, the death and destruction.
Thanksgiving for coming through it alive. For this was
a day of celebration of peace and joy and hope. A day
to mark the end of one era and the possibility of a new
beginning. Symbolised, as always, in the birth of a
Remembrance Day has always tended to concentrate
more on the suffering and waste than the glorification
and heroism of our fallen. It is observed in just one
moment's silent reflection, in the course of an
otherwise ordinary day, in the belief that if done
properly and reverentially this will be sufficient to the
Although the ritual is one of quiet contemplation, part of
the legacy is a refusal to remain silent. 'Lest we forget'
is not just keeping the memory alive but acting on it to
bring about change for a more peaceful world. And
such change, to be effective, has to be at both the
personal and public levels.
This dual aspect is
best expressed in an
exhortation of the
Dalai Lama which
always pricks my
Be compassionate.
Not just towards your friends but to everyone.
Work for peace, in your heart and in the world.
Work for peace.
And I say again - never give up!
No matter what is happening.
No matter what is going on around you.
Never give up!
How might we act in this spirit?
We could begin with the recognition that we all live in
the shadow of war and are more or less complicit in its
perpetuation. We need to keep the real impact of our
involvement in terms of human suffering continually at
the forefront of our consciousness, as our dominant
moral concern. We need to re-commit ourselves to
upholding the moral and legal principles adopted in our
community and under international law, which are part
of the legacy of our forebearers, designed to act as
restraints on aggression. We should strengthen these
safeguards and promote their universal application.
In this way, Remembrance Day will be kept alive. With
small public and personal rituals, inviting us to reflect
on the big issues of war and peace, life and death. To
be reminded of the centrality of love to all our deepest
concerns. And to be moved by love's power to unite the
living and the dead.
In the end, I find myself reflecting (in faith and hope) on
the following words of Oscar Wilde: "The mystery of
love is greater than the mystery of death."
Lest we forget!
(For Poppy)
(Taken from ‘The Drum” Website )
P&F Executive and Committee Member
Nominations for executive and committee member
positions on the OLA P&F for 2015 are due this week.
Involvement with this parent/caregiver body that is
such an integral part of our school is always valued
and appreciated. It is a tremendous group to be a part
of and can be one of the visible signs to your
child/children that their school is important to you. Can
I invite anyone with an interest in these positions to
complete the form, available from the school office, and
return it by Thursday, November 13, in preparation for
the P&F AGM the following Tuesday, November 18.
Beaut Behaviour Awards 2014
Week Ending 7 November – Congratulations
Mianjin: E Yang PN, C Rose 4O,
Warraba: L Savoca 1P, O Gibson 2P, Z Skuce 4O,
J Smith 4F, L Bliss 5N
Wyampa: I Millman 1O, J Cappellone 2P,
N McGillivray 4P
Kind regards and God bless
David Cashman
Assistant Principal – RE
Sacred Time
Tomorrow, Wednesday 12 November, Year 3N will be
focusing on Remembrance Day. Next week our Year 1
classes will lead us in Sacred Time and the celebration
will be based on the Presentation of Mary. Parents and
community members are most welcome to attend and
celebrate Sacred Time each week.
End of Primary Celebration
A reminder to all Senior Primary students and their
families that on Tuesday 2 December, our departing
Year 6 and Year 7 students will gather to celebrate
mass together here at school at 5:30pm. Father Gerard
McMorrow will be our celebrant on the evening.
Following on from the Mass we will then gather to
share a meal together at Virginia Golf Club. A note
outlining the costs and details has been forwarded to
all families.
(Millions of people have flocked to the Tower of London
to observe the artwork made of ceramic poppy’s
created for the Centenary of the beginning of WWI,
entitled ‘Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red”)
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Christmas Grocery Appeal
Next week we will be commencing our Christmas
Grocery Appeal. Each year level will be asked to bring
in non-perishable items as detailed below. These are
only suggested items.
Prep - Tinned Foods—including: Fish, Soups,
Baked Beans, Spaghetti etc…
Year 1 - Breakfast Cereals
Year 2 - Long Life Milk and Juice
Year 3 - Rice and Pasta
Year 4 - Sweet and savoury biscuits
Year 5 - Tea, Coffee and Milo
Year 6 - Personal Care Products—including:
shampoo & conditioner, soap, deodorant,
shower gel, toothpaste, toilet paper
Year 7 - Household items and cleaners—including:
dishwashing liquid, washing powder, cleaning
involvement in the school; to Mrs Deb, our Year Three
teachers and our talented Gumnut Choir who sang on
the morning; and to our wonderful office staff who
collected, collated, and sorted information. The tireless
work of so many people during this whole process was
just another example of how generous and welcoming
our school community truly is. Thank you.
A Prayer For Peace
Almighty God, we remember with thanksgiving, those
who made the supreme sacrifice for us in times of war.
We pray that their offering of their lives may not have
been in vain. May your grace enable us this day to
dedicate ourselves to the cause of justice, freedom and
peace; and give us the wisdom and strength to build a
better world.
End Of Year Excursion To Sandgate Pool
A letter will be sent home with each child tomorrow
containing full details of the excursion.
complete the permission slip and returned it to your
child’s class teacher as soon as possible.
Take Care and Let Your Light Shine.
Paul McGlone
Assistant Principal Religious Education
Assistant Principal – Admin
Week 6, Term 4
Prep Orientation
Last Friday we welcomed our Prep families and
students for 2015 to OLA. The newest members of our
school community were very excited and eager to meet
their teachers and begin their learning in the Prep
classrooms while their families stayed in the MultiPurpose Hall, and learnt more about routines and what
it means to be active members of our vibrant
The organisation of this very special day does not
happen without the support of a great team. My
sincere thanks and gratitude to everyone who helped in
any way before, on or after the day. A special mention
to all the Year One parents and caregivers who
provided an abundance of delicious foods or were able
to help set up, serve or clean up after the morning tea;
to Geni Verity and her helpers who sold uniforms and
school bags; to Paul Aspin who ensured that the
school grounds were neat and tidy; to the senior
primary students and their teachers who supervised
our current Prep children on the morning, as well as set
up and tidied up the tables and chairs in the hall; to the
Prep teachers and school officers who prepared an
exciting and fun program on the day; to our guest
speakers who spoke about their different roles and
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Ben Prior Debate
Last Thursday our Senior Primary students took part in
the Annual Ben Prior Debate. Congratulations to
Phoebe McLeod and Sam Campion, the winners of the
Ben Prior Memorial Award for 2014. Our sincere
thanks also to Kate Chellingworth and Rachel
McGufficke who have been working tirelessly with our
debating students throughout this year.
All booklist orders for 2015 must be returned to school
by this THURSDAY, 13 NOVEMBER. Book packs can
be collected on 27 November from the Parish Hall
from 2pm to 4pm.
G20 Public Holiday
Please note that this FRIDAY, 14 NOVEMBER the
school will be closed due to the G20 public holiday.
Enjoy the week ahead
Donna Jones
Assistant Principal Administration
Sports News
Prep to Year 3 OLA Junior Splash Carnival
Our 2014 OLA Junior Splash Carnival has been
confirmed with Wavell Heights State Primary School for
Monday 17 November 2014. The Prep and Year 1
classes will participate from approximately 9.30am till
11.40am and our Year 2 and 3 classes will participate
from 12.15am till approximately 2.00pm.
OLA Met North, State or National Team or
Club representation nomination forms
Nominations for recognition of any OLA child/ren who
have made a Metropolitan North, State or National
team for their club are being called. Please see Mr Mc
for a nomination form ASAP.
Rock Climbing
An invitation is extended to any of the Year 5-7 children
who have participated and completed one of the Indoor
Rock Climbing programs this year to take part in some
outdoor climbing sessions at Kangaroo Point over the
next few weeks. Could you please return permission
slips ASAP.
Congratulations to both Ella Karey and Caroline
Falconer who were both awarded our Pinnacle Sports
Most Improved and Consistent Climber Awards
LOST/FOUND Canon SLR camera lens hood left
behind in the MPH. Please see Mr Mc if you have
lost this item.
Please feel free to contact me at should you have any
questions or require further information.
Mr Mc PE Specialist/Sports Coordinator
School News
Prep Lone Pine Excursion
At the end of October, Prep students went on
excursion to Lone Pine. They enjoyed a hands-on
investigation of Australian animals, their coverings and
habitats. A great surprise was the energetic platypus
and the comfortably sleeping huge wombat. The Prep
students also enjoyed the Birds of Prey Show and the
Sheep Shearing Show. Although it was a very warm
day, the Lone Pine Excursion was a great day of
learning and fun. A big ‘thank you’ goes out to all our
parent helpers on the day who did a fabulous job.
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This week is Planet Ark’s National Recycling Week.
The Australian National Curriculum identifies
‘Sustainability’ as a cross-curriculum theme that
schools integrate into other subject areas. We believe
that when environmental degradation and climate
change threaten the sustainability of the planet, young
people need to know about environmental, social and
economic sustainability and how they are all
interconnected. It requires us all to develop a new ethic
towards caring for humanity and the earth.
Here at OLA, students have the opportunity to connect
and collaborate about Sustainability in their classes
and across year levels. An example of this is the
collaborative project between some Year Four and
Prep students called ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’. They
have connected to work on projects such as:
1. Save Our Planet, plant seeds after removing
2. Save Water, use a timer for shorter showers.
3. Use Less Energy, turn lights off when leaving a
room and make the change to more efficient
light bulbs and appliances.
4. Use food scraps to create compost and
improve our soil in the garden.
5. Save Fuel, walk instead of driving a car.
6. Pick Up Rubbish, so it doesn’t end up in our
7. Use reusable plastic containers for lunches
instead of Cling Wrap.
8. Recycle cartons and paper, and use both sides
of the paper.
9. Sort your garbage, use recycling bins and
green bins.
10. Make a worm farm and compost scraps to use
in the garden.
We hope these ideas might get you thinking about
some projects you might like to start at your home too,
especially during National Recycling Week.
Choir Notes
There will be a Seniors Concert at school on
Wednesday 19
November, at 12pm in the
Multipurpose Hall. We would like to invite parishioners,
grandparents, friends and relatives to the concert. All
the choirs will be performing and we have some new
and exciting repertoires, plus some soloists as
well . Please save the date and let as many people
know as we would love a huge audience.
Debra Todhunter – Music Specialist
Keep a song in your pocket
French Concert News
Tuesday 18 November
1F 11:35 – 12:05
1O 12:05 – 12:35
1P 12:35 – 1:05
1N 1:05-1:35
Wednesday 19 November
2N 9.15 – 9:45
2P 9:45 – 10.15
2F 10.15 – 10:45
Please Note - Year 2 Plays start at 9.15am.
Tuckshop Roster
Wednesday 12 November Team 3
1st Break – A Dwyer, L Tareha, P Frangiosa,
D O'Shannessy, L Callaghan, S Greenidge
2 Break – C Vickers
Monday 17 November Team 4
First Break: R Goggin, B Ryan, R Hill, J Plackett,
L Harvey
Uniform Shop Hours 2015
Thursday 22 Jan 8.30-11.30am
Tuesday 27 Jan 8.30–11.30am
Friday 30 Jan 8.30-11.30am
Monday 2 Feb 8.30-9.15am
Wednesday 4 Feb 8.30-9.15am
P&F Sausage Sizzle
This Thursday 13 November
To help raise funds for the
2015 OLA Carnival.
Community News
Year 2 Mums Christmas Drinks
Saturday 29th November
from 5.30pm
at The Royal, Nundah
All welcome
Any questions please contact
Alison 0418 738 752
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Well done to Jessica Bliss for donating more than
20cm of her hair to a charity that makes "real-hair" wigs
for women undergoing cancer treatment. The website
is if anyone else is
School Calendar
(Also available on the OLA website at
Follow us on Twitter - @OLA4012
2014 Calendar
For Sale – Violin ¾ Size - $100
Good Condition includes Bow, Chin Rest and Case
Contact Janelle Christie 0402 059 399
6/7 Mum's Lunch
Saturday 22nd Nov, 12pm
Eves on the River has been booked.
$55 a head for 2 course
main & dessert, plus breads & dips.
Payment due this Thursday.
Contact Angie Irvine -0412 478 588
6/7 Break up Friday 5th December
Splash Pool Chermside
From 12.30pm
Cost $7.50 child
$4 parent non swimmers
(unless parents want to ride the sides)
RSVP 20th November
Angie Irvine 0412 478 588
with money to the office early Term 4
Thinking about renovating?
Major Renovations. Extensions.
Decks. Bathrooms. Kitchens.
Call now for a Free Design Consultation.
1300 327 050
QBCC 1190995
6| P a g e
Term 4
Nov 12 Sacred Time 3N
Nov 13 Swimming Year 1 and Year 2
Sausage Sizzle
Book List – Last Day to order
Nov 14 G20 Public Holiday
Nov 17 Junior Splash Carnival
Nov 18 Year 1’s French Play
P&F Meeting and AGM 7pm Library
Nov 19 Year 2’s French Play
Seniors Concert MPH 12-1pm MPH
Jess Franks String Concert 6pm Parish Hall
Nov 20 Year 4 Excursion 12 Night Theatre
Nov 24 Chess – Last lesson
Nov 25 Board Meeting 7pm Library
Nov 26 Sacred Time Year 2 Advent
Year 4 Incursion – G20 and the Police Force
Nov 27 Book Pack Collection - Parish hall 2-4pm
Dec 2
Sandgate Swimming Pool Prep – Year 2
Senior Primary End of Primary Celebration
5.30pm MPH
Dec 3
Sacred time – Christmas Carols
Student reports and Portfolios sent home
Dec 4
Sandgate Swimming Pool – Year 3-7
Dec 5
Last day Term 4
End of School Year Liturgy –
Senior Primary 11am
School concludes 12noon
Term 1
Jan 22 Uniform Shop Hours 8.30-11.30am
Jan 27 Uniform Shop Hours 8.30-11.30am
Jan 28 School Resumes
Jan 30 Uniform Shop Hours 8.30-11.30am
Feb 2
Uniform Shop Hours 8.30-9.15am
Feb 4
Uniform Shop Hours 8.30-9.15am