Sign up for the Holiday Luncheon Page 13 November 2014 Vol. 36 Number 11 Bills Sent Via Email! Remember: State and National Dues Are Due! State and national dues bills will go out to all members via email December 1st. These dues are due and payable before January 1st, 2015. Dues must be received at the association no later than December 31st, 2014 BEFORE NOON. NAR dues are $120, plus the $35 Public Awareness Assessment, and FAR dues are $116 plus the $10 FAR Issues Assessment for a grand total of $281. Also included on your bill will be a minimum of a $50 voluntary RPAC charge, and for Designated Brokers it’s $99. If you invested more than that in 2014, what you invested will appear on your statement. If you invested less, a $50 charge will appear. Your Board of Directors approved a rate of $50 for the 2015 Education Voucher. The Education Voucher entitles you to attend all the classes (except designation and a few other special courses) offered by DBAAR for the extremely low price of only $50! To purchase the voluntary Education Voucher, simply pay the $50 with your dues bill. Remember that you can pay your dues bill online 24/7 at Inside this issue: Membership Statistics …………...……..……… President’s Message ……………….…….…….. Membership Changes …………..……………… Education ……………………………….…………. WCR …………………….…………………...……... Breakfast Photos ………………………………... Quarter Century Club Photos ……………...... MLS Statistics ………………………..…………… Calendar of Events ………………………………. 2 3 4 7 9 11 15 20 23 REALTORS® Sold 4 the Cause Scores Again! REALTORS® Sold 4 The Cause turned out again in force for The American Cancer Society's "Making Strides Against Breast Cancer" 5K walk held Saturday, October 25th. The group raised over $50,000 this year, and was honored during the ceremonies preceding the walk. 92nd Annual Installation and Awards Luncheon Officers, Directors, distinguished guests and members will gather at The Shores Resort & Spa, 2637 South Atlantic Ave. to celebrate the Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®’ 92nd Annual Installation and Awards Luncheon on Friday, December 5th. The business casual luncheon event will feature the installation of 2015 President Nancy-Ellen Otte and the rest of the 2015 officers and directors. The luncheon will also feature the membership awards and honor outgoing President Ian Anderson. With the change from a weekend dinner event to a luncheon this year, and the cost dropped to only $25 per person, attendance is expected to be strong, so get your reservations in early. The registration form is on page 13 in this issue. Volume 36, Issue 11 Membership Statistics October 22, 2014 2014 Year to Date 12/31/13 “Designated” REALTORS® 163 169 REALTORS® 1208 1125 2014 OFFICERS & DIRECTORS Secondary REALTOR® Members 8 7 President Ian Anderson 868-0492 Secondary Designated REALTORS® 48 43 Designated REALTOR® Appraisers 18 18 Appraisers 0 0 Honorary Life Members DR 3 4 Honorary Life Member 4 4 Vice-President Lynn Byrne 256-5110 REALTOR® Emeritus 14 10 TOTAL 1466 1380 Affiliate Offices 90 82 Treasurer Rose Roberts 673-7001 Affiliate Liaisons 119 122 Affiliate Life Members 1 1 MLS Subscribers Only (Board of Choice) 294 280 Thompson Brokers 4 4 DAYTONA BEACH AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®, INC. 1716 RIDGEWOOD AVENUE HOLLY HILL, FLORIDA 32117-1796 Phone 386/677-7131 Fax 386/677-7429 WEBSITE: E-Mail: President Elect Nancy-Ellen Otte 441-2000 1-Year Directors Barbara Davis 767-2890 DBAAR VITAL STATISTICS John D. Leitschuh 868-0492 InnoVia Broker Accesses 257 RPAC Goal for 2014 - $19,815 InnoVia Agent Accesses 1217 RPAC Total to Date - $22,379.50 G.G. Galloway 672-8530 MLS Only Accesses 395 Supra Key total - 1163 Thompson Brokers 4 Display Key total - 324 2-Year Directors Debbie J. Callahan 258-5500 Total 1773 eKey Total - 839 Maria Lewis 673-7001 Marge Allison 673-2100 Past President Steven Koenig 257-6700 Wear Your REALTOR® Pin With Pride! MLS Committee Chairman Kevin Kling 756-9999 Association Executive Mark E. Dougherty, ePRO 677-7131 Page 2 This publication is prepared monthly by the staff of the Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®, Inc. for its members. The newsletter does not have any official authority and the information contained therein should not be acted upon without professional advice. The Association, in accepting advertisements in this publication, makes no independent investigation concerning the services or products advertised and neither endorses nor recommends the same and assumes no liability thereof. Volume 36, Issue 11 The President’s Message By Ian Anderson It’s YOUR Turn To Be A Leader In my second to last President’s Message, I want to explain a program DBAAR offers, and encourage all members to consider being involved in — our Leadership Academy. In 2009, we created this program to help develop future leaders for our association. I was fortunate enough to be a part of the inaugural class in the academy (see the picture of the newsletter cover story), and it sent me along a path that culminated in my being your President this year. While one of my fellow students that year is no longer active in our association, the other two are. Nancy Cortez is part of the 2015 Leadership Team, serving as Vice Chair of the MLS Committee next year. And Maria De Sevilla was recently elected as your Treasurer for 2015. What is the Leadership Academy? Simply put, it’s a one-year training and development program designed to help a member understand how our association works, and what it takes to be a leader. So who can apply? All REALTOR® members in good standing can apply. All we ask of the participants is that they demonstrate a commitment to the Academy by attending all of the sessions listed in the schedule. So what’s the benefit to the participants? Participants gain a clear understanding of the organizational structure of all three levels of the REALTOR® association and the challenges of leadership. The Academy provides an opportunity to ask direct questions, meet current REALTOR® leaders, and come to understand how the organization strives to provide advantages to members in a changing marketplace. This helps increase their knowledge of current REALTOR® initiatives and aids in finding their purpose in the organization. Finally, participants benefit both personally and professionally through increased industry knowledge, self confidence, and peer-topeer business networking. I’ve been asked before whether participating in the Leadership Academy guarantees you get on the Board of Page 3 Directors. The short answer is no. While Leadership Academy graduates are encouraged to apply for leadership positions within the association, there’s no guarantee because the process of electing members to the officer positions, the Board of Directors, and the President’s appointment of committee chairs and vice chairs hasn’t changed. All you have to do to apply is complete an application and submit it to the Leadership Development Committee. Applications are available online in the members-only section of Here’s how our Leadership Academy is very different from other programs. At the state level, REALTORS® pay to get involved in leadership training. And at the national level, REALTORS® pay a lot to be part of the NAR program. In our program, Leadership Academy participants are reimbursed for approved program expenses, such as mileage or hotel charges. Registration and/or membership fees are paid by DBAAR directly to the appropriate party on behalf of the participant. So all it costs you to participate in our Leadership Academy is your time and effort. Believe me, I can’t think of a better deal. I’ve served as President of our local association, I’m active at the state level, and next year I’m chairing a committee at NAR. All because I got involved with our Leadership Academy. Now, it’s your turn. It’s been a great, once in a lifetime experience, and I encourage you to think about it. If you have any questions about the DBAAR Leadership Academy, call 386.677.7131 for answers. 2015 Leadership Academy Volume 36 Issue 11 Membership Changes - October New Members 11833 William Bowie 11836 Charla Khatib 11837 Douglas Anderson 11838 Michelle Ackenbrack 11839 Darla Tedesco 11840 Julie Compton 11841 Vickie Strope 11842 Robert Macklin 11843 Kevin Lemire 11844 Janet Cortese 11845 Michael McGuire 11846 Frederick Richard 11847 Jesus Rodriguez 11848 William Shinew 11849 John Tools 11850 Elizabeth Wonderly 11851 Becky Nicks 11852 Cecilia Velat 11853 Andrea Tierney 11854 Eduardo Martinez Hasembank 11855 Tiffany Clay 11856 Mary Rose Farrah Back 11857 Christine Bata 11858 Michael Bata 11859 Laura Hart 11860 Harry Parker Designated Brokers 984 Lonnie Marandino 6431 Ronald Clifton 6661 Sandra Storms 8419 Julie Anderson 8645 Doris Ahern (from MLS) 89572 Donald Harkins Page 4 All Atlantic LLC Prudential Transact Realty Inc. Adams Cameron & Co REALTORS® Keller Williams FL Partners Adams Cameron & Co REALTORS® Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® Inlet Harbor Realty Stop Realty Services, LLC Exit Real Estate Property Solutions Planet Realty of Florida Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® EXIT Beach Realty EXIT Beach Realty EXIT Beach Realty Weichert, REALTORS® Hallmark Properties Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® 1st Florida Realty LLC Koenig Realty Inc. Keller Williams FL Partners Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® Menu Realty Coldwell Banker Premier Properties Gaff’s Realty Company Gaff’s Realty Company Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® Century 21 Sundance Realty Realty Experts By The Beach LLC 143 Orchard Lane Ormond Beach, Fl. 32174 386-843-5000 Blue Realty 1326 S. Ridgewood Ave. Ste. 11 Daytona Beach, Fl. 32114 386-299-1069 Vanacore Premium Properties LLC 1293 N US Hwy. 1 Ste. 3 Ormond Beach, Fl. 32174 386-672-8285 Seabreeze Realty of Florida & Prop. Mgmt. 907 Beville Rd. S Daytona, Fl. 32119 386-872-1932 Premier Properties of FL. 806 Black Duck Drive Port Orange, Fl. 32127 386-304-7874 All Atlantic LLC 402 Seabreeze Blvd. #7 Daytona Beach, Fl. 32118 386-871-5582 2015 Leadership Team Plans for Next Year The 2015 Leadership Team, under the direction of President-Elect Nancy-Ellen Otte, met at DBAAR to work on committee Business Plans for next year. Volume 36, Issue 11 Membership Changes - October Designated Brokers Continued 9896 Christopher Pollard Secondary REALTOR® 54056 Jimmy Millhollin (SDR) Reinstated 10168 Monique Dilling 11300 Joseph Nicolosi Resigned 6519 Sandra Stutz 6813 Robert Speece 7079 Jerald Bellairs 7763 Charles Wallis 7828 Terry O'Leary 9916 Joanne Foley 10107 Anne Gaines 10311 Anthony Francalancia 10354 Irma Reed-Castellanos 10720 Carolyn Botchie (SR) 10727 Harry Hughes 10728 Crystal Hughes 10917 Jennifer Matlock 11208 Olga Zolsky 11269 Christina Schroeder 11277 William Traback 11491 Carol Grant 11570 Christine O'Connell 11723 Jennifer Williams Chokrevski 11766 Robert Finzel 11779 Tracy Christaldi South Atlantic Real Estate Group 2422 S. Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach Shores, Fl. 32118 386-236-0474 RE/MAX Flagstaff Realty Corp. One Hargrove Grade Bldg B St. 1 Palm Coast, Fl. 32137 386-246-8585 Century 21 Sundance Realty English Estates & Realty, LLC. New Home Star Florida LLC Deceased 8578 Robert LaVelle (DR) Ponce de Leon Realty Page 5 National Association of Realtors® Profile of Real Estate Firms. Seabreeze Realty of Florida Inc. SRS 55897 Christine DiNardo Real estate firms are confident about the future growth and profitably of their industry, according to the 2014 Download the full report free from to read what brokerages across the county are thinking about the future of the industry. Achievement 7121 David Wyant New Business Partner 55892 Owen Chittenden Real Estate Firms Confident About Future Growth The Shores Resort & Spa 2637 South Atlantic Avenue Daytona Beach Shores, Fl. 32118 386-322-7246 DiNardo Property Mgmt & RE Inc. 610 Dunlawton Av. Suite 1 Port Orange, Fl. 32127 386-492-7837 Paid Advertisement Volume 36, Issue 11 Members in the News Membership Changes - October MLS Associate 7095 Alexandra Grossholz 11832 Jeffrey Sniadach MLS Resigns 3080 Patricia Simpson 7376 Carol Winslow 10416 Brett Consalvo 11015 Gustavo Laserna 11223 Colleen Pearson 11475 Gary Balanoff 11581 Julie Bailey 11667 M. Nicole Taylor 11668 James Meyer 11696 Salvatore Gomes 11715 Linda Lane 54140 Thomas Homan Condolences Coldwell Banker Residential RE, Inc. • The Keyes Company To Mary Anne James, RE/MAX Signature, and her family due to the recent loss of her Father. American Home Realty Group LLC • To Don McElveen, Contemporary Mortgage Services, and his family due to the loss of his Mother. RE/MAX Select Home Sold Network LLC • To Cindy Marriott, Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS®, and her family due to the recent passing of her Father. Calusa Realty LLC Homan Realty LLC Business Partner of the Third Quarter Speedy Recovery • Congratulations Our Business Partner of the Third Quarter is • Don Burnette, MBA, a loan originator with American Mortgage. He is a real believer in community activism. He currently serves on the DBAAR’s Adopt a School Subcommittee which recently made a large donation of backpacks and • school supplies to homeless and underprivileged kids at the STAR Shelter. Other community inDon Burnette volvement includes serving on the boards for the Salvation Army (as Treasurer), the Law and Gov- • ernment Academy at Atlantic High School, and Arthaus. He is Vice President of the PTSA at Atlantic HS, and serves on the School Advisory Councils at Atlantic High School and Silver Sands Middle School. He also volunteers with Pop Warner football and as a Little League Baseball Coach. He also sits on the City Council in Port Orange, serving its citizens as Vice Mayor. Married and a father of two sons, Don also is a proud two-time graduate of UCF and holds an MBA. He believes that helping others become successful and achieving their goals will always bring success. Don Burnette, MBA VP and Senior Loan Originator American Mortgage Loan Services 386.295.5760 To Angie Scrofano, DBAAR Education Coordinator, who is recovering from surgery. To Bob and Kathy Marandino, Triangle Realty, due to the arrival of their new Grandson. To Realty Pros Assured for placing 1st in Peoples Choice and 2nd in the Judges Choice at the King of the Grill competition. For being recognized in The Volusia/Flagler Business Report as Influential Women in Business: Caryn Baker - Realty Pros Assured Sandy Bishop - Volusia Building Industry Association Lisa Blythe - Southern Title Susie Bruner - Access National Mortgage Kimberly Dillon - SunTrust Bank Billie Jo Kaler - Realty Pro Title Judy Reiker - Fidelity National Title of Florida Rose Roberts - RE/MAX Property Centre Kandi Schromm - RE/MAX Property Centre Shelley Stewart - Southern Title Geri Westfall - Adams Cameron & Co. REALTORS® and Rent Me Homes is coming... Page 6 Volume 36, Issue 11 2014 Professional Development Schedule Education Class Cancellation Policy: If we do not receive 24 hour prior notice of cancellation you will still be charged for the cost of the class. If you have an Education Voucher and do not provide 24 hour notice you will be charged $10. November Thursday, November 6th 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Friday, November 7th 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Friday, November 14th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. MLS Training Instructor: Karen Nelson No CE Credit FREE to DBAAR Members Bradford & Company Tax Strategies for the RE Professional Instructor: Kelly Clark Free to DBAAR Members Become Your Market Expert An Intro to Statistics Virtual - CE Cinema Class Instructor: Pat Tan Friday, November 21st 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. 3 Hours CE Credit Cost: Member $21 Non Member $31 *Covered by Education Voucher Form Simplicity Training Transaction Desk Training Instructor: Mark Dougherty No CE Credit FREE to DBAAR Members December Wednesday, December 3rd 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Reverse Mortgage As A Home Purchase Instructor: Dennis Loxton First Financial Reverse Mortgages Wednesday, December 10th 8:15 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Ethics Instructor: Dick Fryer Wednesday, December 10th 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. MLS Training Instructor: Karen Nelson 3 Hours CE Credit Cost: Member $21 Non Member $31 *Covered by Education Voucher 3 Hours CE Credit Cost: Member FREE Non-Member $31 No CE Credit FREE to DBAAR Members Fed’s final QRM mortgage rule should help sales The mortgage-financing environment for households could improve as a result of federal regulator rules put in place late last month. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) is the first of six regulators to release the final version of its long-awaited qualified residential mortgage (QRM) rule, which a big 2010 banking reform bill mandated to avoid another financial crisis. The QRM rule creates a set of mortgage loan requirements. If it meets those requirements, it's legally considered safe and eligible for sale to investors as part of a mortgage-backed security without a lender retaining 5 percent of the loan amount on its books. Page 7 Without the 5 percent requirement – a mandate that would force banks to accept part of the risk if a homebuyer defaults – lenders should be able to make more loans, and those loans should be cheaper. If forced to retain the 5 percent, lenders would push the cost of that risk on to buyers. The National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) has been advocating for a rule similar to the one announced, saying it should be broad rather than prescriptive, and that it should match up with the qualified mortgage (QM) rule that took effect earlier this year. The QRM rule does, in fact, do that. The QM rule also provides ability-to-repay standards for safe and affordable (continued on Page 11) Volume 36, Issue 11 PARIS IV MODEL 13 EAGLE HARBOR TRAIL PALM COAST GRAND OPENING NOVEMBER 6, 4‐7 P.M. PLEASE JOIN US FOR A WINE AND CHEESE PARTY HOSTED BY BB&T AS WE CELEBRATE THE GRAND OPENING OF OUR SPECTACULAR NEW PARIS 1V MODEL HOME. (Cbc058991) Banquet Sponsor Page 8 Paid Advertisement Banquet Sponsor Volume 36, Issue 11 Page 9 Volume 36, Issue 11 Page 10 Paid Advertisement Volume 36, Issue 11 General Membership Breakfast Highlights Business Partner of the Second Quarter Wendy EvansPillar to Post Home Inspection RPAC 99 Club Recognitions Denise Hutchinson and Colleen Calnan Business Partner of the Third Quarter Don Burnette - American Mortgage RPAC Capitol Club Recognitions Lisa Blythe accepting for Shelley Stewart, Steve Koenig and Rose Roberts REALTOR® Emeritus Recognition Ed Schwarz Thank You Guest Speakers Dr. Mindy Weingarten and Dr. Terry Kahn of Port Orange Family Chiropractic Center Thank You for you assistance with the 50/50 ticket sales and drawing! Lisa Blythe - Southern Title, Kris Concannon - RP Funding and Greg Novak - American Mortgage Fed’s final QRM mortgage rule should help sales (Continued from Page 7) loans, whether or not they're securitized for sale to investors. "NAR applauds the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for finalizing the Qualified Residential Mortgage rule today, which includes a broad definition of QRM and aligns with the Qualified Mortgage standard implemented earlier this year," NAR President Steve Brown said. Under the QRM rule, as under the QM rule, loans are generally considered qualified if the borrower's debt-toincome ratio is 43 percent, among other things, and there's no high downpayment requirement. "Importantly, the final rule relies on sound and responsible underwriting, rather than on an onerous downpayment requirement to qualify as a QRM loan," Brown said. "NAR strongly opposed earlier versions of the rule Page 11 that included 20 and 30 percent downpayment requirements." The rule takes effect in 12 months to give lenders time to align their internal processing systems with the requirements. Since lenders have already been aligning their systems to the QM rule, the process is expected to go smoothly. For lenders, having the two rules in alignment provides clarity, which they've requested. At a press conference Tuesday, NAR Chief Economist Lawrence Yun said the alignment of the QM and QRM rules could help make credit more available to homebuyers and boost sales. "Certainly this is a victory for consumers," Yun says. Reprinted from Florida Realtors® Volume 36, Issue 11 Page 12 Paid Advertisement Volume 36, Issue 11 The Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®, Inc. 92nd Annual Installation and Awards Gala “Home for the Holidays” Luncheon DATE: Friday, December 5, 2014 TIME: 11:30 am PLACE: The Shores Resort & Spa 2637 South Atlantic Ave. Daytona Beach Shores Book Your Reservations Today!! $25.00 Per Person Lunch to be Served: The Shores Salad Cranberry & Walnut Stuffed Chicken Breast Wild Rice Pilaf Roasted Root Vegetable Hash Assorted Rolls with Butter Special Holiday Dessert Name: 1. ________________________________ 5. ______________________________ 2. ________________________________ 6. _______________________________ 3. ________________________________ 7. _______________________________ 4._________________________________ 8.________________________________ Method of Payment: Cash ___ Check ___ Visa ___ MasterCard ___ Discover ___ American Express ___ Card: # ______________________________________ Exp. Date: _______________ Signature for Card: ______________________________________________________ Printed Name: __________________________________________________________ Please return this form to the Association no later than Wednesday, November 26, 2014. You may fax reservations 677-7429. Page 13 Volume 36, Issue 11 Page 14 Paid Advertisement Paid Advertisement Volume 36, Issue 11 Quarter Century Club Luncheon Highlights Congratulations to our Newest Members Marge Allison Harry Parker 6 New Members Not Pictured Cy Hudak Sissy Spikes Rosaline Rader Carole Palmer Darlene Beck Hinton Tim Sykes Page 15 Jim Himsel Karen Rearden Michele Lenharr Kathy Marandino Volume 36, Issue 11 Page 16 Paid Advertisement Volume 36, Issue 11 Thank You Business Partners! RPR Mobile™ App Available Now RPR Mobile™ combines the power of your smartphone, with the data and reporting from RPR®. This allows REALTORS® to easily locate any property around them, create and send company branded reports, even view local market statistics, anytime, anyplace. REALTOR® Awareness October 15, 2014 Sean Kelly - SunTrust Mortgage Brent O’Quinn - The O’Quinn Insurance Agency Allstate Sara Rivers - The Real Estate Book Wendy Evans - Pillar to Post Home Inspection Mary Mula - Southern Title Theresa Lieberman - Southern Title Morgan Burkett - The O’Quinn Insurance Agency Allstate Page 17 For the almost 2,000 companies who are participating in RPR’s Broker Tool Sets, RPR Mobile™ allows over 180,000 agents to have their company branding showcased on the app, plus the reports they create for their clients and customers. Find out more about the RPR™ Mobile app: The app is available for iPhone and for Android smartphones. Banquet Sponsor Volume 36, Issue 11 Business Partner Spotlight Tom started in the insurance industry in 1974. He started his career with Allstate in the Sears Department store at the Volusia Mall. Fast forward 40 years and Tom finds himself starting a new business venture, opening up an independent insurance agency, O’Quinn Insurance Services, LLC. In 2009, Tom sold his Tom O’Quinn Allstate-O’Quinn Insurance Agency to his son, Brent O’Quinn. Tom has stayed very active in the marketing of the business throughout Volusia and Flagler County and began to see an opportunity to open up an Independent Insurance Agency that can service all types of insurance risks. O’Quinn Insurance Services, LLC offers a significant range of options in all lines of insurance. From car insurance options such as Travelers, Progressive, Infinity, Foremost and Mercury, he has a carrier that can fit into any budget and level of coverage. On the home insurance front, O’Quinn Insurance Services, LLC represent only AM best and Demotech A rated carriers. Florida Family, Florida Peninsula, Olympus, Safe Point, Bankers, Universal P&C and People’s Trust are a few of the companies represented. The objective on the range of carriers is to be able to offer an insurance product for all needs and priorities of its clients. Tom can also meet any commercial needs of a business enterprise from a simple GL policy to a vacant commercial building and everything in between. Tom has hired Andrew Van der Burgt to manage the O’Quinn Insurance Services, LLC agency. Andrew has an extensive background in management, customer service and business operations. Most recently, Andrew owned a California Closets franchise from 2002 until 2013. Tom’s passion and focus will be in the marketing and daily promotion of the business while Andrew will focus on sales, customer service and ever changing technology improvements in the industry. The O’Quinn family prides itself on its high level of customer service as well as being involved in the community. In an industry that is being defined by web sites and national pitchmen (or reptiles), O’Quinn Insurance Services will follow the same recipe for success as it has in the past by putting the client service experience as the top priority. In addition to service, being involved in the community will also be a priority. We feel that it is extremely important to give back to the community that supports us. Tom and the O’Quinn family participate actively in the community with such great programs as Family Renew, REALTORS® Sold 4 The Cause, Oasis Church, Father Lopez High School, American Cancer Society, Ormond PAL, YMCA and the Junior League of Daytona Beach to name a few. Tom and the entire staff look forward to delivering to you the signature O’Quinn experience for any of your or your client’s insurance needs. He has been involved in the Board of REALTORS® since 1984 and is committed to making your job easier as a REALTOR® . We look forward to a long term relationship with all members of the realtor community. Phone 386 673 5550 Email – Web – New Commercial Real Estate Market Report Released Despite the slow economic growth and weak job growth that have characterized the economic recovery so far, commercial real estate investments have generally produced solid returns. Property fundamentals are steady and improving slightly, and total expected returns on a risk-adjusted basis appear very reasonable in the year ahead. This report gives commercial investors the information they need to make forward-looking changes to the way they approach today's market, focusing on: - Economic outlook - Capital markets - Highlights and expectations for the five major property Page 18 sector markets - office - industrial - retail - apartment - hotel - Collective analysis of the commercial investment environment http:// reports/expectationsand-market-realitiesin-real-estate-2014 DBAAR Business Partners Volume Volume 36, 35, Issue Issue 111 Unless otherwise noted, Area Codes are 386 Accounting Services James Moore & Co., P.L. ....................... 257-4100 Appraisers Appraisals Unlimited, LLC. ..................... 212-8686 Builders/Developers/Assoc. Dream Home Builders & Remodeling .... 767-4668 D.R. Horton ............................................ 872-7814 Halifax Habitat for Humanity ................ 257-9950 Holiday Builders..................................... 407-745-3729 KB Home Jacksonville ........................... 904-596-6647 KB Home Orlando LLC ........................... 274-5484 Maronda Homes .................................... 407-302-7800 Mid-Florida Housing Partnership........... 274-4441 Volusia Building Industry Assoc. ........... 226-1414 Wave on Daytona Beach Shores ............ 321-458-2528 Credit Screening/Credit Unions Dragnet Credit & Tenant Screen ........... 676-7733 Financial Institutions Ameris Bank........................................... 671-9525 Bank First............................................... 672-3003 Fifth Third Bank ..................................... 872-2268 Florida Community Bank ....................... 944-2285 Friends Bank .......................................... 671-9409 Intracoastal Bank .................................. 274-5304 PNC Bank ............................................... 677-6966 SunTrust Bank ...................................... 226-2801 SunTrust Bank ....................................... 788-3301 Surety Bank ........................................... 248-3139 TD Bank ................................................. 248-2102 Inspection Services A Buyers Choice Home Inspections ....... 244-9102 CFL Environmental Solutions Inc. ......... 679-7326 Homestead Inspection Pros LLC............ 407-446-7307 Pillar To Post Home Inspection ............ 847-0558 Southern HI (Home Inspection) ............ 506-7820 The Building Inspector .......................... 855-932-3784 Win Win Inspections ............................. 672-6430 Insurance Allstate Ins./Tom O’Quinn .................... 673-9111 Allstate Ins./Vicki O’Donnell ................ 767-3040 Brightway Insurance ............................ 253-6864 East Coast Insurers, Inc. ...................... 677-4787 Hayward Brown, Inc. ............................. 252-5546 HIG Insurance Group............................. 407-920-1115 Iten Agency Insurance Sales & Svcs. .... 761-4374 Mitchell Noel Insurance......................... 677-4761 Southeast Insurance Agency Inc .......... 258-9998 Lawn/Landscaping Services Avant Gardens Landscape ..................... 290-1595 Law Firms Attorney Fred B. Share ......................... 253-1030 Attorney Sharon B. Logan ..................... 673-5787 Michael Slick, PA.................................... 257-0606 Rice & Rose Law Firm ............................ 257-1222 Locksmith Services Bill Partingtons AHC Safe & Lock........... 677-4424 Marketing & Advertising Daytona Beach News-Journal ............... 681-2259 The Real Estate Book ............................ 852-9032 Misc Services Metro Market Trends, Inc. ..................... 850-474-1398 Solar Fit.................................................. 441-2299 Wayne’s Solar ........................................ 402-5385 Mortgage Access National Mortgage ..................... 427-3445 Academy Mortgage ................................ 566-6583 American Mortgage................................ 756-8228 Bank of America Home Loans ............... 944-7043 Bank of America Home Loans ................ 503-9661 Chase Bank Home Loans........................ 615-8307 Contemporary Mortgage Services ......... 238-1511 Gulfstream...Your Mortgage Source ...... 788-5211 HomeBridge Financial Services.............. 321-480-8744 HomeBridge Financial Services.............. 235-6389 Presidential Mortgage Group................. 275-1818 RP Funding............................................. 866-765-0765 Suntrust Mortgage, Inc. ........................ 258-2000 SunTrust Mortgage Inc ......................... 226-1479 SunTrust Mortgage ................................ 304-0938 The Mortgage Firm................................. 756-0301 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage Inc. ......... 756-6012 Motels & Hotels Hampton Inn Daytona/Orm. Beach ...... 677-9999 The Shores Resort & Spa ....................... 322-7246 Painting Steve Harper Painting............................ 672-9850 Pest Control Universal Pest Control ........................... 673-1557 Pool Services Artesian Pools ....................................... 258-8641 No Bad Pools LLC ................................... 321-263-0700 Printing Lithocraft, Inc. ....................................... 761-3584 Property Management Arthur Kowitz Realty Property............... 677-7678 DiNardo Property Mgmt & RE Inc. ......... 492-7837 Rent Me Homes LLC ............................... 677-5594 Real Estate Schools A Real Estate Academy .......................... 308-2732 Bob Fritze School of Real Estate ........... 677-2634 IFREC Real Estate Schools .................... 888-647-7277 Title AAA Title Agency & Escrow Service ....... 868-3581 Adams Cameron Title Services .............. 258-3425 Columbia Title Research Corp. .............. 756-1000 Fidelity National Title Group .................. 624-0370 Fidelity National Title of Florida ........... 423-3110 First Signature Title Inc ....................... 860-4667 Lighthouse Title of E Florida ................ 236-0080 Principal Title Services LLC .................... 407-929-9773 Professional Title Agency, Inc ............. 761-4477 Realty Pro Title ..................................... 672-3840 Southern Title ....................................... 258-9898 Southern Title ....................................... 760-9800 Southern Title ........................................ 310-3909 Surfside Title Services Inc .................... 322-5800 Waterside Title....................................... 253-1030 Website Solutionhaus .......................................... 788-1988 WorldRets .............................................. 868-2828 Volume 36, Issue 11 MLS Statistics Area Residential Sales 11 – PONCE INLET 12 – S DUNLAWTON TO N PONCE INLET. 13 – BEACHSIDE, N. of DUNLAWTON & S. SILVER BEACH 14 – DAYTONA PENNINSULA S. of SEABREEZE Total 15 – DAYTONA PENNINSULA N. of SEABREEZE 16 – ORMOND BEACH PENNINSULA S. OF 40 17 – ORMOND BEACH PENNINSULA N. OF 40 18 – ORMOND-BY-THE-SEA 21 – PORT ORANGE S. OF DUNLAWTON, E OF 95 22 – PORT ORANGE S. OF DUNLAWTON, W OF 95 23 – PORT ORANGE N. OF TAYLOR, W. OF 95 & COUNTY 24 – PORT ORANGE N. OF DUNLAWTON, E. OF 95 25 – DAYTONA S. OF BEVILLE, E. OF NOVA 31 – DAYTONA S. OF BEVILLE, W. OF NOVA 32 – DAYTONA BEVILLE TO ISB, E. OF 95 33 – ISB TO LPGA W. OF 95 34 – DAYTONA ISB TO MASON, E. OF 95 35 – MASON TO LPGA E. OF 95 41 – LPGA TO GRANADA, E. OF NOVA 41 – LPGA TO GRANADA, E. OF NOVA 42 – LPGA TO GRANADA, W. OF NOVA & E. OF 95 43 – ORMOND S. OF GRANADA, W. OF 95 44 – ORMOND N. OF 40, S. TOMOKA RIVER, E. OF US1 45 – ORMOND N. OF 40, W. OF US1, E. OF 95 46 – ORMOND N. OF TOMOKA RIVER, E. OF US1 47 – PLANTATION BAY, HALIFAX P, SUGAR MILL 48 – ORMOND BEACH W. OF 95, N. OF 40 49 – PLANTATION PINE CONE ROAD 50 – FLAGLER BEACH 60 – PALM COAST 70 – NEW SMYRNA BEACH E. OF 95 80 – EDGEWATER 90 – WEST VOLUSIA 91 – DELTONA 92 – DELAND 97 – NEW SMYRNA BEACH S. OF PIONEER, W. 99 - OTHER Solds $3,990,250 $914,500 $3,015,500 $499,950 $716,500 $1,689,400 $1,064,500 $3,417,099 $4,059,050 $7,544,030 $1,915,946 $2,100,919 $2,149,800 $1,286,150 $1,094,100 $2,078,900 $1,176,257 $954,900 $1,283,802 $1,927,400 $166,000 $1,848,300 $2,504,300 $987,500 $3,410,043 $3,364,385 $150,000 $1,828,500 $3,576,329 $5,554,250 $1,786,000 $1,070,200 $1,066,626 $2,044,090 $1,468,978 $509,600 $74,214,054 Total Volume $1,200,000 $731,000 $2,300,000 $215,000 $164,000 $325,000 $450,000 $540,000 $295,000 $1,000,000 $381,721 $228,579 $395,000 $250,000 $137,000 $220,000 $300,000 $128,000 $165,000 $340,000 $166,000 $190,000 $612,000 $599,000 $441,183 $483,675 $150,000 $1,158,500 $335,000 $950,000 $202,500 $565,000 $240,000 $350,000 $445,000 $190,000 High $265,000 $183,500 $110,000 $81,950 $51,000 $133,000 $215,000 $94,349 $80,000 $132,000 $164,990 $48,500 $35,200 $95,000 $32,650 $156,900 $12,500 $25,000 $36,000 $25,000 $166,000 $49,000 $90,900 $30,000 $176,500 $83,000 $150,000 $206,000 $50,039 $35,500 $28,500 $46,700 $54,500 $48,000 $187,478 $36,500 Low $570,036 $457,250 $603,100 $124,988 $119,417 $211,175 $354,833 $201,006 $169,127 $279,409 $212,883 $161,609 $126,459 $160,769 $84,162 $188,991 $106,932 $73,454 $116,709 $120,463 $166,000 $142,177 $313,038 $197,500 $310,004 $224,292 $150,000 $457,125 $162,560 $231,427 $119,067 $214,040 $106,663 $136,273 $293,796 $84,933 $192,764 Average August, 2014 7 2 5 4 6 8 3 17 24 27 9 13 17 8 13 11 11 13 11 16 1 13 8 5 11 15 1 4 22 24 15 5 10 15 5 6 385 MLS Statistics generated from Innovia for Residential, Single-Family properties reported sold from August 1 to August 31, 2014 Page 20 Volume 36, Issue 11 MLS Statistics Area Residential Sales 11 – PONCE INLET 12 – S DUNLAWTON TO N PONCE INLET. 13 – BEACHSIDE, N. of DUNLAWTON & S. SILVER BEACH 14 – DAYTONA PENNINSULA S. of SEABREEZE Total 15 – DAYTONA PENNINSULA N. of SEABREEZE 16 – ORMOND BEACH PENNINSULA S. OF 40 17 – ORMOND BEACH PENNINSULA N. OF 40 18 – ORMOND-BY-THE-SEA 21 – PORT ORANGE S. OF DUNLAWTON, E OF 95 22 – PORT ORANGE S. OF DUNLAWTON, W OF 95 23 – PORT ORANGE N. OF TAYLOR, W. OF 95 & COUNTY 24 – PORT ORANGE N. OF DUNLAWTON, E. OF 95 25 – DAYTONA S. OF BEVILLE, E. OF NOVA 31 – DAYTONA S. OF BEVILLE, W. OF NOVA 32 – DAYTONA BEVILLE TO ISB, E. OF 95 33 – ISB TO LPGA W. OF 95 34 – DAYTONA ISB TO MASON, E. OF 95 35 – MASON TO LPGA E. OF 95 41 – LPGA TO GRANADA, E. OF NOVA 41 – LPGA TO GRANADA, E. OF NOVA 42 – LPGA TO GRANADA, W. OF NOVA & E. OF 95 43 – ORMOND S. OF GRANADA, W. OF 95 44 – ORMOND N. OF 40, S. TOMOKA RIVER, E. OF US1 45 – ORMOND N. OF 40, W. OF US1, E. OF 95 47 – PLANTATION BAY, HALIFAX P, SUGAR MILL 48 – ORMOND BEACH W. OF 95, N. OF 40 50 – FLAGLER BEACH 60 – PALM COAST 70 – NEW SMYRNA BEACH E. OF 95 80 – EDGEWATER 90 – WEST VOLUSIA 91 – DELTONA 92 – DELAND 97 – NEW SMYRNA BEACH S. OF PIONEER, W. 99 - OTHER Solds $2,366,000 $925,000 $922,400 $392,400 $778,000 $465,000 $1,780,800 $2,656,138 $7,147,500 $8,217,000 $2,168,441 $1,614,400 $1,513,581 $1,518,300 $453,310 $1,915,170 $809,575 $911,400 $1,492,400 $2,017,565 $309,000 $1,433,000 $1,054,850 $4,466,050 $4,103,250 $337,500 $4,473,087 $4,626,071 $2,802,000 $618,900 $1,113,500 $1,765,300 $1,487,497 $1,695,500 $70,349,885 Total Volume $827,000 $925,000 $245,000 $144,900 $199,000 $465,000 $435,000 $464,500 $560,000 $760,000 $277,500 $165,000 $207,000 $164,000 $130,000 $307,000 $152,775 $106,000 $245,000 $326,360 $195,000 $220,000 $327,500 $635,000 $570,000 $337,500 $395,000 $740,000 $345,000 $275,000 $159,900 $319,900 $315,000 $337,000 High $225,000 $925,000 $124,900 $65,000 $87,000 $465,000 $175,800 $72,450 $69,500 $109,000 $167,406 $55,500 $50,250 $67,400 $13,000 $170,000 $19,500 $15,500 $8,000 $28,000 $114,000 $85,000 $165,000 $177,500 $200,000 $337,500 $79,900 $75,000 $36,000 $48,000 $36,000 $28,500 $178,586 $43,600 Low $473,200 $925,000 $184,480 $98,100 $155,600 $465,000 $296,800 $177,076 $223,359 $283,345 $216,844 $115,314 $100,905 $116,792 $75,552 $239,396 $57,827 $60,760 $99,493 $134,504 $154,500 $143,300 $210,970 $343,542 $273,550 $337,500 $154,244 $243,477 $116,750 $123,780 $92,792 $135,792 $247,916 $169,550 $179,464 Average September, 2014 5 1 5 4 5 1 6 15 32 29 10 14 15 13 6 8 14 15 15 15 2 10 5 13 15 1 29 19 24 5 12 13 6 10 392 MLS Statistics generated from Innovia for Residential, Single-Family properties reported sold from September 1 to September 30, 2014 Page 21 Volume 36, Issue 11 CONTEMPORARY MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. 131 Executive Circle, Suite A, Daytona Beach, FL 32114 Office: (386) 238-1511 Fax: (386) 238-1512 58 Years Combined Lending Experience “Local” “Personal” “Creative” Tom Kowalski (c) 386-299-4321 Don McElveen (c) 386-295-5678 (h) 386-672-6258 Why trust your loan to inexperience or an out of town lender? We offer ALL loan products and have over 15 different lenders to choose from. (Hiring Loan Originators - Call Don Now!) A Licensed Mortgage Lender CONTEMPORARY MORTGAGE SERVICES, INC. is a Proud Equal Housing Lender. Credit restrictions may apply. Programs and Rates are subject to change. Banquet Sponsor Banquet Sponsor DAYTONA BEACH AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® MLS STATISTICS FOR SEPTEMBER 2014* 2014 2013 Listings for the Month 1043 $291,441,427 1061 $219,921,574 Year to Date 9797 $2,554,987,567 9019 $2,079,935,267 Sales Under Contract 336 $60,916,416 304 $62,981,112 Year to Date 3589 $665,245,704 3253 $616,846,467 Sales Closed This Month 607 $108,062,922 518 $102,091,992 Year to Date 5167 $903,858,879 4784 $827,708,636 Sales - Coop 482 79% - Alone 125 21% *Note: This representation is based in whole or in part on data supplied by the Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®, Inc. or its Multiple Listing Service. Neither the Association nor its MLS guarantees or is in any way responsible for its accuracy. Data maintained by the Association or its MLS may not reflect all real estate activity in the market. First Publication 11/01/14 Page 22 Volume 36, Issue 11 November 2014 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3 4 5 6 7 10 11 12 13 14 17 18 19 20 8:45 Member Services 9:00 Forms Simplicity 10:15 Transaction Desk 24 25 26 27 28 Thu Fri 9:00 Recognition Committee 9:00 Auditorium Rental 5:00 Membership Social 9:00 Education Committee 9:00 CID Committee 9:00 MLS Training Class 9:00 MLS Committee >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 9:00 Finance Committee 8:30 REALTOR®/Atty Committee 8:30 BOD Meeting ASSOCIATION CLOSED Happy Thanksgiving! 10:00 Tax Strategies for the Real Estate Professional NAR Annual Convention> 9:00 Tech Talk 4 1:00 Become Your Market Expert 21 ASSOCIATION CLOSED December 2014 Mon Tue Wed 1 2 3 9:00 CID Committee 1:00 The Reverse Mortgage 9:00 MLS Committee 4 5 9 10 11 12 15 16 17 18 19 22 23 24 25 29 30 31 8:30 Government Affairs 9:00 Auditorium Rental 8 9:00 Education Committee 9:00 Finance Committee Page 23 8:30 REALTOR®/Atty Committee 8:15 REALTOR® Awareness 8:30 BOD Meeting ASSOCIATION CLOSES AT NOON ASSOCIATION CLOSES AT NOON 8:45 Member Services 11:30 Annual Installation & Awards Luncheon 9:00 Tech Committee 9:00 Recognition Committee ASSOCIATION CLOSED 26 DAYTONA BEACH AREA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® INC. 1716 Ridgewood Avenue Holly Hill, FL 32117-1796 Phone #386/677-7131 Fax 386/677-7429 PRSRT STD US-POSTAGE PAID DAYTONA BEACH, FL PERMIT No. 67 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Your DBAAR Staff: Mark E. Dougherty Association Executive Sherry Dohmen Assistant Association Executive Karen Nelson MLS Coordinator Deanne Cash Finance/Projects Coordinator Cheryl Bryar Membership Coordinator Angie Scrofano Education Coordinator Don’t Forget To Make Your Reservations! The Daytona Beach Area Association of REALTORS®, Inc. 92nd Annual Installation and Awards Gala “Home for the Holidays” Luncheon Find Reservation Information on Page 13
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