Government of India Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research No.1-10-153-156, AMD Complex, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500016 DATE: 05.11.2014 NIT NO. AMD/CD/ER/2014-15/T-(27-30) BRIEF TENDER NOTICE The Director, (AMD), Begumpet, Hyderabad invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed tenders in two parts (TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL) from eligible Core Drilling contractors, for the following Core Drilling works in the areas of Jharkhand. Item No. 1 2 3 4 TENDER NO. & SCOPE OF WORK AMD/CD/ER/HITKU/ CORE/2014-15/T-27 5,000 m core drilling in Banadungri-Garadih area in East Singhbhum District with borehole depth varying from 300 to 450 metres. AMD/CD/ER/JADUGUDA/ CORE/2014-15/T-28 5,000 m core drilling in Jaduguda North area in East Singhbhum District with borehole depth varying from 700 to 850 metres. AMD/CD/ER/BGDH/CORE/ 2014-15/T-29 7,000 metre core drilling in Bangurdih area, SeraikellaKharsawan District with borehole depth varying from 450 to 550 metres. AMD/CD/ER/BNKL-GDPU/ CORE/2014-15/T-30 8,000 metre core drilling in Banaykela-Gurulpadu area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District with borehole depth varying from 300 to 550 metres. Estimated job Value (In Lakhs INR) Earnest Money (In INR) Last Date of Submission Date and Time of Opening Of Part I Period of completion in Months 109.00 2,18,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1430 hrs 14 ( Fourteen) 144.00 2,88,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1500 hrs 14 ( Fourteen) 159.00 3,18,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1530 hrs 16 (Sixteen) 181.00 3,62,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1600 hrs 16 (Sixteen) 1) Sale of Tenders : 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014 on working days only up to 1600 hrs 2) Dates for Site visit : 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014 (Please note that site visit is mandatory) Cost of Tender documents: Rs. 1000/- (Postal charges Rs. 100/- extra) for each item of work separately. Cost of tender document is non-refundable. For further details and eligibility criteria, please refer to the Notice Inviting Tender and “Important specifications, information and eligibility conditions” and “General guidelines for the tenderers” available in AMD’s website Tender Documents will also be available for downloading from the website from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. For any clarification please contact on 040-27767592/27776335. i Government of India Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research No.1-10-153-156, AMD Complex, Begumpet, Hyderabad – 500016 NIT NO. AMD/CD/ER/2014-15/T-(27-30) DATE: 05.11.2014 NOTICE INVITING TENDER The Director, (AMD), Begumpet, Hyderabad invites on behalf of the President of India, sealed tenders in two parts (TECHNICAL and COMMERCIAL) from eligible Core Drilling contractors, for the following Core Drilling works in the areas of Jharkhand. Item No. TENDER NO. & SCOPE OF WORK Estimated job Value (In Lakhs INR) AMD/CD/ER/HITKU/ CORE/2014-15/T-27 5,000 m core drilling in Banadungri1 109.00 Garadih area in East Singhbhum District with borehole depth varying from 300 to 450 metres. AMD/CD/ER/JADUGUDA/ CORE/2014-15/T-28 5,000 m core drilling in Jaduguda North 2 144.00 area in East Singhbhum District with borehole depth varying from 700 to 850 metres. AMD/CD/ER/BGDH/CORE/ 201415/T-29 7,000 metre core drilling in Bangurdih 3 159.00 area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District with borehole depth varying from 450 to 550 metres. AMD/CD/ER/BNKL-GDPU/ CORE/2014-15/T-30 8,000 metre core drilling in Banaykela4 181.00 Gurulpadu area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District with borehole depth varying from 300 to 550 metres. Eligibility criteria (Proof should be submitted for all) Earnest Money (In INR) Last Date of Submission Date and Time of Opening Of Part I Period of completion in Months 2,18,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1430 hrs 14 ( Fourteen) 2,88,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1500 hrs 14 ( Fourteen) 3,18,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1530 hrs 16 (Sixteen) 3,62,000/- 25.11.2014 Up to 1300 hrs 25.11.2014 at 1600 hrs 16 (Sixteen) a) Availability of minimum number of machinery of required capacity: For item (1) : For item (2) : For item (3) : For item (4) : b) Experience in Minimum of 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to Minimum of 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to Minimum of 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to Minimum of 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to core drilling for mineral/geo-technical exploration work for all 450 metres or more. 850 metres or more. 550 metres or more. 550 metres or more. the item of works. c) Experience of drilling boreholes of the depth of 400 metres or more for item of work (1), (3) & (4) i.e T-27, T-29 & T-30 and boreholes of the depth of 500 metres or more for item of work (2) i.e (T-28) by coring during last seven (7) years. d) Experience of successfully completed works during the last seven (7) years : Three similar completed works costing not less than 25% of estimated cost (or) Two similar completed works costing not less than 40% of estimated cost (or) one similar completed work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost. Similar works means Core Drilling works only . e) Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank for minimum amount equal to 25% of estimated cost. The Solvency certificate should not be older than one year on last date of receipt of tender. f) Average annual financial turnover in the last three financial years ending 31st March, 2014 should be at least 30% of estimated cost. Availability of Tender Documents: a) Parties should fulfill the eligibility criteria mentioned in “Important specifications, information and eligibility conditions” available along with NIT in AMD’s website for issue of Tender Documents. b) Tender Document can be obtained in person or by post from the Head, Drilling Group, AMD Complex, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016, (Phone No: 040-27767592) on any working day from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014 submitting Documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria and tender document cost of Rs. 1000/- (Postal charges Rs. 100/- extra) for each item of work separately. Cost of tender document is payable by non- refundable crossed demand draft, drawn on any nationalized/scheduled bank in favour of the Pay & Accounts Officer, AMD/DAE payable at SECUNDERABAD. Cheques/Bank Guarantees/Postal Orders will not be accepted. For downloaded tenders, Cost of tender and documentary evidence in support of eligibility criteria should be submitted along with the Technical Bid. c) The tenderers are advised to see the “Important specifications, information and eligibility conditions” and “General guidelines for the tenderers” available along with NIT in AMD’s website The Tender Documents will also be available for downloading from the website from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. For any clarification please contact on 040-27767592/27776335. ii IMPORTANT SPECIFICATIONS, INFORMATION AND ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS TENDER No. AMD/CD/ER/HITKU/CORE/2014-15/T-27 1 Scope of work : 5,000 m core drilling in Banadungri-Garadih area in East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand with borehole depth varying from 300 to 450 metres. 2 Type of Drilling: Core Drilling. 3 Size of the boreholes: Combination of H/N/B size (96.00mm/75.70mm/60.00 mm bore hole diameter approximately). 4 Depth of the boreholes: In the range of 300 to 450 metres. The above depth range is approximate only. Depending on the requirement and site conditions, marginal variation may occur. 5 Inclination of the borehole: Vertical. Deviation limits for borehole Angle: a) Deviation in borehole Angle of maximum 20 for each 100 metres of depth will be allowed in each borehole. Therefore, the contractors are advised to take all precautions to drill the boreholes within these limits. b) Periodical deviation test will be arranged by the Resident Geologist. 6 Formations to be drilled: Quartz-chlorite-sericite-schist & Silicified chlorite schist with lot of quartz veins. 7 Number of Rigs to be deployed : 2 Core drilling rigs of capacity to drill up to 450 metres or more. Bidders should ensure the availability of rigs of required capacity as mentioned above to be eligible for consideration. Details of rigs available with the party for the proposed work should be furnished in the table as per Annexure-I of Technical Bid along with legitimate documentary proof of possession such as purchase/hire/lease etc. clearly indicating the make, model, capacity and year of purchase etc. 8 Location of Drilling area: The proposed drilling area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No.73 J/2 & 6 and is located 15km from SE of Tatanager Railway Station on Mumbai-Howrrah main line (SE railway). Area is well connected by rural roads. All the basic amenities are available at Sundernagar (1km) and Jamshedpur (15 km). Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. 9 Site Conditions: Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. Note: Since some of the proposed boreholes fall in private land, compensation for the same shall be required to be paid to the concern land owners. The compensation to the land owners for the drill site and making of approach road/track should be directly negotiated by the contactor. All such payments shall be borne by the contractor only. iii 10 Site Visit: Site visit is mandatory: Before submitting the bids, the contractors should visit the area to understand the topography and to ascertain the logistic supports and facilities available or to be generated for carrying out drilling operations. Bids of the contractors, who have not visited the site, will be rejected outright and no correspondence will be entertained. The bidders should obtain a certificate from the representative of the Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD, Jamshedpur and enclose it along with the technical bid. Dates for site visit: A representative of the department will be available at the area from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. Bidders are advised to plan the site visit preferably on these dates. Contact Person(s): The bidders may contact the following officer(s) of AMD for any clarifications and for visiting the areas. 1. Shri Shekhar Gupta, SO/E, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 09430186267 OR 2. Shri A.P.Kushwaha, SO/D, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 09431366467 OR 3. Shri B. Saravanan, Incharge, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002.(Phone Nos. (M) 08987571606, (O)0657-2296274, 0657-2296274/0657-2296275, Fax 0657-2297689. The bidders can also contact : The bidders can also contact Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD Complex, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831002. Phone No. 0657-2299807, 0657-2299806, Fax: 0657-2297689, Email: 11 Eligibility criteria (Proof should be submitted for all) I. Availability of minimum Core Drillings rigs of required capacity: 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to 450 metres or more. II. Experience in core drilling for mineral/geo-technical exploration work. III. Experience of drilling boreholes of 400 m or more by coring during last seven (7) years. IV. Experience of successfully completed works during the last seven (7) years : Three similar completed works costing not less than 25% of estimated cost (or) Two similar completed works costing not less than 40% of estimated cost (or) one similar completed work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost. Similar works means Core Drilling works only. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of opening of tender NOTE: In case of Geo technical works, the exact quantum of Core drilling and value carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. V. Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank for minimum amount equal to 25% of estimated cost. The Solvency certificate should not be older than one year on last date of receipt of tender. VI. Average annual financial turnover in the last three financial years ending 31 st March, 2014 Should be at least 30% of estimated cost. iv TENDER No. AMD/CD/ER/JADUGUDA/CORE/2014-15/T-28 1 Scope of work : 5,000 m core drilling in Jaduguda North area in East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand with borehole depth varying from 700 to 850 metres. 2 Type of Drilling: Core Drilling. 3 Size of the boreholes: Combination of P/H/N/B size (122.60mm/96.00mm/75.70mm/60.00 mm bore hole diameter approximately). 4 Depth of the boreholes: In the range of 700 to 850 metres. The above depth range is approximate only. Depending on the requirement and site conditions, marginal variation may occur. 5 Inclination of the borehole: Vertical. Deviation limits for borehole Angle: a) Deviation in borehole Angle of maximum 20 for each 100 metres of depth will be allowed in each borehole. Therefore, the contractors are advised to take all precautions to drill the boreholes within these limits. b) Periodical deviation test will be arranged by the Resident Geologist. 6 Formations to be drilled: Tourmaline bearing quartzite and sericite chlorite schist. 7 Number of Rigs to be deployed : 2 Core drilling rigs of capacity to drill up to 850 metres or more. Bidders should ensure the availability of rigs of required capacity as mentioned above to be eligible for consideration. Details of rigs available with the party for the proposed work should be furnished in the table as per Annexure-I of Technical Bid along with legitimate documentary proof of possession such as purchase/hire/lease etc. clearly indicating the make, model, capacity and year of purchase etc. 8 Location of Drilling area: The proposed drilling area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No.73 J/6 and is located 30km from Jamshedpur connected with metalled road. Nearest rail head is Rakha Mines railway Station on Mumbai-Howrrah main line (SE railway). All the basic amenities are available at Jaduguda (1 km) and Jamshedpur (30 km). Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. 9 Site Conditions: Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. 10 Note: Since some of the proposed boreholes fall in private land, compensation for the same shall be required to be paid to the concern land owners. The compensation to the land owners for the drill site and making of approach road/track should be directly negotiated by the contactor. All such payments shall be borne by the contractor only. Site Visit: Site visit is mandatory: Before submitting the bids, the contractors should visit the area to understand the topography and to ascertain the logistic supports and facilities available or to be generated for carrying out drilling operations. Bids of the contractors, who have not visited the site, will be rejected outright and no correspondence will be entertained. The bidders should obtain a certificate from the representative of the Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD, Jamshedpur and enclose it along with the technical bid. v Dates for site visit: A representative of the department will be available at the area from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. Bidders are advised to plan the site visit preferably on these dates. Contact Person(s): The bidders may contact the following officer(s) of AMD for any clarifications and for visiting the areas. 1. Shri J.K.Patnaik, SO/G, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 09470199487/09199268443 OR 2. Shri S.Rakesh, SO/D, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 08987491067 OR 3. Shri B. Saravanan, Incharge, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002.(Phone Nos. (M) 08987571606, (O)0657-2296274, 06572296274/0657-2296275, Fax 0657-2297689. The bidders can also contact : The bidders can also contact Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD Complex, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831002. Phone No. 0657-2299807, 0657-2299806, Fax: 0657-2297689, Email: 11 Eligibility criteria (Proof should be submitted for all) I. Availability of minimum Core Drillings rigs of required capacity: 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to 850 metres or more. II. Experience in core drilling for mineral/geo-technical exploration work. III. Experience of drilling boreholes of 500 m or more by coring during last seven (7) years. IV. Experience of successfully completed works during the last seven (7) years : Three similar completed works costing not less than 25% of estimated cost (or) Two similar completed works costing not less than 40% of estimated cost (or) one similar completed work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost. Similar works means Core Drilling works only. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of opening of tender NOTE: In case of Geo technical works, the exact quantum of Core drilling and value carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. V. Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank for minimum amount equal to 25% of estimated cost. The Solvency certificate should not be older than one year on last date of receipt of tender. VI. Average annual financial turnover in the last three financial years ending 31 st March, 2014 Should be at least 30% of estimated cost. vi IMPORTANT SPECIFICATIONS, INFORMATION AND ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS TENDER No. AMD/CD/ER/BGDH/CORE/2014-15/T-29 1 Scope of work : 7,000 metre core drilling in Bangurdih area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District, Jharkhand with borehole depth varying from 450 to 550 metres. 2 Type of Drilling: Core Drilling. 3 Size of the boreholes: Combination of H/N/B size (96.00mm/75.70mm/60.00 mm bore hole diameter approximately). 4 Depth of the boreholes: In the range of 450 to 550 metres. The above depth range is approximate only. Depending on the requirement and site conditions, marginal variation may occur. 5 Inclination of the borehole: Vertical boreholes. Deviation limits for borehole Angle: a) b) Deviation in borehole Angle of maximum 20 for each 100 metres of depth will be allowed in each borehole. Therefore, the contractors are advised to take all precautions to drill the boreholes within these limits. Periodical deviation test will be arranged by the Resident Geologist. 6 Formations to be drilled: Mainly tourmaline bearing quartzite and sericite chlorite schist 7 Number of Rigs to be deployed : 2 Core drilling rigs of capacity to drill up to 550 metres or more. Bidders should ensure the availability of rigs of required capacity as mentioned above to be eligible for consideration. Details of rigs available with the party for the proposed work should be furnished in the table as per Annexure-I of Technical Bid along with legitimate documentary proof of possession such as purchase/hire/lease etc. clearly indicating the make, model, capacity and year of purchase etc. 8 9 10 Location of Drilling area: The proposed drilling area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No. 73 F/13 & 14 and is located 55 km from Jamshedpur connected with metalled road. Nearest rail head is Raj Kharsawan Railway Station on Mumbai-Howrrah main line (SE railway). All the basic amenities are available at Kharsawan (5 km) and Seraikella. Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. Site Conditions: : Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. Note: Since some of the proposed boreholes fall in private land, compensation for the same shall be required to be paid to the concern land owners. The compensation to the land owners for the drill site and making of approach road/track should be directly negotiated by the contactor. All such payments shall be borne by the contractor only. Site Visit: Site visit is mandatory: Before submitting the bids, the contractors should visit the area to understand the topography and to ascertain the logistic supports and facilities available or to be generated for carrying out drilling operations. Bids of the contractors, who have not visited the site, will be rejected outright and no correspondence will be entertained. The bidders should obtain a certificate from the representative of the Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD, Jamshedpur and enclose it along with the technical bid. vii Dates for site visit: A representative of the department will be available at the area from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. Bidders are advised to plan the site visit preferably on these dates. Contact Person(s): The bidders may contact the following officer(s) of AMD for any clarifications and for visiting the areas. 1. Shri Mayank Agrawal, SO/G, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 08987571609/ 09373214170 OR 2. Shri S.N.S.Birua, SO/F, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 09431329922 OR 3. Shri B. Saravanan, Incharge, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002.(Phone Nos. (M) 08987571606, (O)0657-2296274, 06572296274/0657-2296275, Fax 0657-2297689. The bidders can also contact : The bidders can also contact Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD Complex, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831002. Phone No. 0657-2299807, 0657-2299806, Fax: 0657-2297689, Email: 11 Eligibility criteria (Proof should be submitted for all) I. Availability of minimum Core Drillings rigs of required capacity: 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to 550 metres or more. II. Experience in core drilling for mineral/geo-technical exploration work. III. Experince in drilling boreholes of 400 metre or more by coring during last seven (7) years. IV. Experience of successfully completed works during the last seven (7) years : Three similar completed works costing not less than 25% of estimated cost (or) Two similar completed works costing not less than 40% of estimated cost (or) one similar completed work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost. Similar works means Core Drilling works only. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of opening of tender NOTE: In case of Geo technical works, the exact quantum of Core drilling and value carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. V. Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank for minimum amount equal to 25% of estimated cost. The Solvency certificate should not be older than one year on last date of receipt of tender. VI. Average annual financial turnover in the last three financial years ending 31st March, 2014 Should be at least 30% of estimated cost. viii IMPORTANT SPECIFICATIONS, INFORMATION AND ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS TENDER No. AMD/CD/ER/BNKL-GDPU/CORE/2014-15/T-30 1 Scope of work : 8,000 metre core drilling in Banaykela-Gurulpadu area, SeraikellaKharsawan District, Jharkhand with borehole depth varying from 300 to 550 metres. 2 Type of Drilling: Core Drilling. 3 Size of the boreholes: Combination of H/N/B size (96.00mm/75.70mm/60.00 mm bore hole diameter approximately). 4 Depth of the boreholes: In the range of 300 to 550 metres. The above depth range is approximate only. Depending on the requirement and site conditions, marginal variation may occur. 5 Inclination of the borehole: Vertical boreholes. Deviation limits for borehole Angle: a) b) Deviation in borehole Angle of maximum 2 0 for each 100 metres of depth will be allowed in each borehole. Therefore, the contractors are advised to take all precautions to drill the boreholes within these limits. Periodical deviation test will be arranged by the Resident Geologist. 6 Formations to be drilled: Mainly Quartz-chlorite-schist & quartzite. 7 Number of Rigs to be deployed : 2 Core drilling rigs of capacity to drill up to 550 metres or more. Bidders should ensure the availability of rigs of required capacity as mentioned above to be eligible for consideration. Details of rigs available with the party for the proposed work should be furnished in the table as per Annexure-I of Technical Bid along with legitimate documentary proof of possession such as purchase/hire/lease etc. clearly indicating the make, model, capacity and year of purchase etc. 8 9 10 Location of Drilling area: The proposed drilling area falls in Survey of India Toposheet No. 73 F/13 and is located 55 km from Jamshedpur connected with metalled road. Nearest rail head is Raj Kharsawan Railway Station on Mumbai-Howrrah main line (SE railway). All the basic amenities are available at Kharsawan (5 km) and Seraikella. Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. Site Conditions: : Drilling area falls mostly under private cultivated lands as well as Government revenue land and is free of reserved forest. Note: Since some of the proposed boreholes fall in private land, compensation for the same shall be required to be paid to the concern land owners. The compensation to the land owners for the drill site and making of approach road/track should be directly negotiated by the contactor. All such payments shall be borne by the contractor only. Site Visit: Site visit is mandatory: Before submitting the bids, the contractors should visit the area to understand the topography and to ascertain the logistic supports and facilities available or to be generated for carrying out drilling operations. Bids of the contractors, who have not visited the site, will be rejected outright and no correspondence will be entertained. The bidders should obtain a certificate from the representative of the Regional Director, ix Eastern Region, AMD, Jamshedpur and enclose it along with the technical bid. Dates for site visit: A representative of the department will be available at the area from 07.11.2014 to 20.11.2014. Bidders are advised to plan the site visit preferably on these dates. Contact Person(s): The bidders may contact the following officer(s) of AMD for any clarifications and for visiting the areas. 1. Shri Mayank Agrawal, SO/G, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 08987571609/ 09373214170 OR 2. Shri S.N.S.Birua, SO/F, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002, Ph. No. (O) 0657-2296274, (M) 09431329922 OR 3. Shri B. Saravanan, Incharge, Singhbhum Shear Zone Invs, Eastern Region, AMD/DAE, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831 002.(Phone Nos. (M) 08987571606, (O)0657-2296274, 06572296274/0657-2296275, Fax 0657-2297689. The bidders can also contact : The bidders can also contact Regional Director, Eastern Region, AMD Complex, Khasmahal, Jamshedpur-831002. Phone No. 0657-2299807, 0657-2299806, Fax: 0657-2297689, Email: 11 Eligibility criteria (Proof should be submitted for all) I. Availability of minimum Core Drillings rigs of required capacity: 2 Core drilling rigs of the capacity to drill up to 550 metres or more. II. Experience in core drilling for mineral/geo-technical exploration work. III. Experince in drilling boreholes of 400 metre or more by coring during last seven (7) years. IV. Experience of successfully completed works during the last seven (7) years : Three similar completed works costing not less than 25% of estimated cost (or) Two similar completed works costing not less than 40% of estimated cost (or) one similar completed work costing not less than 60% of estimated cost. Similar works means Core Drilling works only. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of opening of tender NOTE: In case of Geo technical works, the exact quantum of Core drilling and value carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. V. Solvency Certificate of a Nationalized Bank/Scheduled Bank for minimum amount equal to 25% of estimated cost. The Solvency certificate should not be older than one year on last date of receipt of tender. VI. Average annual financial turnover in the last three financial years ending 31 st March, 2014 Should be at least 30% of estimated cost. x GENERAL GUIDELINES FOR THE TENDERERS 1 Issue of Tender Documents: Only those applicants submitting documentary evidence in support of the eligibility criteria will be issued tender documents. In case of tender documents downloaded from website, documentary evidence in support of eligibility criteria and cost of tender documents should be submitted along with the tender failing which the tender is liable to be rejected. However, issue of tender documents will not automatically mean that the tenderers are considered qualified. Notwithstanding anything stated above, the Director, AMD reserves the right to relax or enhance the qualifications, if so, required. The bidders should submit the following information along with the bid. I. Details of rigs possessed/available with the firm as per the table in Annexure- I of the respective Technical Bid. II. Experience details for the last 7 years in the format given in Annexure-II of the respective Technical Bid. Copies of (i) Work order (ii) Satisfactory completion certificate indicating number of rigs deployed, scheduled date of start and completion and actual date of completion and gross value of job completed issued by the client for whom the work was carried out should be attached. The value of executed works shall be brought to the current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7 % per annum, calculated from the date of completion to date of opening of tenders. NOTE : In case of Geotechnical works, the exact quantum of core drilling, depth range of bore holes and value of work carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. III Details of experience of drilling boreholes of 400m or more (For work under T-27, T-29 & T-30) and 500m or more (For work under-T-28) by coring during last 7 years as per annexure-III(a) or III (b) as applicable. IV. An undertaking as per the format given in Annexure –IV of the respective Technical Bid. V. Site visit Certificate VI. Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate. 2 3 4 Cost of Tender Document: Cost of Tender Document is Rs. 1000/- for each item of work separately (Postal charges Rs. 100/- extra for each item of work). The cost of Tender Documents shall be payable by crossed demand draft (non-refundable), drawn on any nationalized/scheduled bank in favour of the Pay & Accounts Officer, AMD/DAE payable at SECUNDERABAD. Cheques/Bank Guarantees and Postal Orders will not be accepted. Cost of Tender Document is to be submitted in a separate envelope along with Part-I of the tender in case of downloaded Tender Documents. Joint Venture: Two or more companies/contractors may enter into a joint partnership and the lead contractor may submit the bid(s). Joint venture agreement duly notarized should be submitted along with the bid. However, the lead partner alone should possess the solvency and average annual turnover required to meet the eligibility criteria as stipulated in NIT. The solvency and average annual turnover of other partners will not be considered for evaluating the bid. Combined eligibility for similar works: In case a party quotes for more than one work of similar nature, the second and subsequent bid of the same party will be considered only, if they fulfill the combined eligibility criteria in respect of availability of rigs, solvency, annual turnover, work experience etc., for all the works quoted. In such case the combined bid capacity will be evaluated and considered as follows taking into account the total credentials required for all the works during techno commercial evaluation. I. Price Bids will be opened as per the serial number indicated in the scope of work of NIT. II. Price bids of the work under serial no. 1 will be opened first and L1 will be selected. In case the selected L1 bidder of the first work is also a bidder in the second or consecutive works, his price bid will be opened only if he qualifies the combined eligibility criteria for all the works quoted. In case L1 bidder of the first work does not fulfill the combined eligibility criteria for the xi second or consecutive works, his price bid for the second work or consecutive works will not be opened. 5 6 7 Submission of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) (a) EMD should be deposited in the form of crossed Demand Draft, drawn on any nationalized/scheduled bank in favor of The Pay & Accounts Officer, AMD/DAE payable at SECUNDERABAD. (b) Cheque, Bank Guarantees and Postal Orders will not be accepted towards EMD. (c) EMD should be enclosed in a separate envelop along with Part – I (Technical bid). (d) The tenders without Earnest Money Deposit in the prescribed manner are liable to be rejected. General Instructions for Submission of Tender: Bids should be submitted in sealed covers in the following manner. (a) The tenders shall be in two parts viz. Part–I (i.e. Technical bid) and Part–II (i.e. Commercial bid). Part–I shall contain the documents in support of Cost of Tender Document (in case of downloaded tenders), EMD, the details of technical qualifications, competence of the tenderer supported by certificates as required vide eligibility criteria for issue of tender documents specified in the NIT. (b) The part – II shall be the commercial bid containing the schedule of quantities issued along with tender documents, duly filled in by the tenderer along with commercial terms if any. (c) Part–I and Part–II bids shall be in separate sealed covers, duly super scribing on the covers with the details of bid i.e. “NIT No., Tender no, Name of the work, Part–I/Part– II, Name of the tenderer, due date of opening of the tender” etc. Both the sealed covers should be kept in a common sealed cover duly super scribing the details of the bid. (d) No bid shall be considered unless accompanied by the Earnest Money and non-refundable Tender Document cost (in case of downloaded Tender Documents) Receipt of Bids: A Tender drop Box will be provided at the security gate of our office at AMD Complex, 1-10-153/156, Begumpet, Hyderabad-500 016, (AP), INDIA for depositing the tenders. The Tender drop box will be sealed at 1300 hrs on the last date of submission. Alternatively, tenders sent by post will be received by the Head, Drilling Group on any working day up to 1600 hrs. and up to 1300 hrs on the last date of submission shown in NIT. Tenders sent by post should be addressed only to Head, Drilling Group, AMD Complex, Begumpet, Hyderabad 500016, (Phone No: 040-27767592/27776335). 8 Opening of Bids: Part-I i.e. Technical bids of the tenders will be opened on the dates and time mentioned in NIT at AMD Complex, 1-10-153/156, Begumpet, Hyderabad-500 016, (AP), INDIA. Commercial bids of only those tenderers found technically suitable by a Committee of experts constituted by AMD will be opened and evaluated for award of work. Date and time of opening of the commercial bid will be intimated later to the short-listed tenderers. 9 Quoted rates should be written both in figures and words. The rate should be inclusive of Service Tax and any other Central/State taxes and duties. 10 Sales-tax/VAT (except service tax), purchase tax, turnover tax or any other tax applicable in respect of this contract shall be payable by the Contractor and Government will not entertain any claim whatsoever in respect of the same. xii However, in respect of service tax, same shall be paid by the contractor to the concerned department on demand and it will be reimbursed to him after satisfying that it has been actually and genuinely paid by the contractor. 11 All corrections should be authenticated / signed. 12 Tenders with any conditions, including conditional rebate(s) shall be rejected. However, tenders with unconditional rebate will be accepted. 13 Validity: Validity of the offer should be for a minimum of 180 days from the date of opening of part-I of the tender. In case validity period is not mentioned in the offer, the tender is deemed to be valid for 180 days from the date of opening of part-I of the tender. 14 The Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD) is not under any obligation to accept the lowest Bid/Bids and reserves the right to reject any or all the bids without assigning any reason what-so-ever and also to distribute the work and allot the work/works to more than one Bidder, at its sole discretion. 15 If the office happens to be closed on the date of submission/opening of the bid as specified, the bids will be submitted / opened on the next working day at the same time and venue. 16 The Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD) would not be liable for any delay in submission of bid by a bidder on account of obstruction or delay by any outside element / agency and takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of documents sent by post. 17 SPECIAL TERMS & CONDITIONS i) The compensation to the land owners for the drill site and making of approach road/track should be directly negotiated by the contactor. All such payments shall be borne by the contractor only. ii) The contractor shall have to abide by the restrictions imposed by the Forest department where the proposed drilling area falls under forest area. iii) The contractor should be adequately equipped with regard to all drilling inventory such as casing, rods, bits etc. of appropriate requirement. 18 Bidders should provide a valid Email address of the authorized representative of their firm. All correspondence made with the email address (received/sent) will be considered as valid official and authenticated correspondence and binding. 19 All the pages of tender document (Technical and Commercial bids) shall be signed with seal affixed. xiii CHECKLIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED SL. NO. Tick whichever applicable DESCRIPTION YES 1. Technical bid signed and seal affixed on all pages (The following documents from Sl.No 2 to Sl No.15 should be enclosed with technical bid) 2. Site visit confirmation certificate 3. Annexure - I duly filled in and signed. Giving proof of ownership and capacity of Drilling rigs 4. List of supporting equipment and machinery owned. 5. List of technical staff. 6. List of boreholes drilled giving the depth, size and formations in each contract. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. NO Annexure – II duly filled in and signed. Experience certificates/testimonials as mentioned above in “Important specifications, information and eligibility conditions” should be enclosed. Annexure – III(a) duly filled in and signed : Details of coring boreholes of 400m or more drilled during last 7 years. (Applicable for T-27, T-29 & T-30) Annexure – III(b) duly filled in and signed : Details of coring boreholes of 400m or more drilled during last 7 years. (Applicable for T-28) Annexure-IV duly filled in and signed Minimum Solvency Certificate 25% of the estimated cost Average Annual turnover in last three years 30% of the estimated cost Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque towards the cost of Tender document (In case the Tender document has been downloaded from web site) 13. Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque towards EMD 14 Copy of Service Tax Registration Certificate 15 Authorization Certificate, if required 16 Commercial Bid to be enclosed in separate sealed cover Place: Date : Signature of the bidder/ Authorized Representative xiv ANNEXURE – I DETAILS OF AVAILABLE CORE DRILLING RIGS Sl. No Serial No. of the rig Make & Model Drilling capacity (In Metre) Capacity in size Type of mechanism (Mechanical/ Hydrostatic) Year of purchase Present condition * Present Deployment * Present Deployment: If the rigs are presently deployed for another work, the details of the work may be indicated in Annexure-II under works-in-Hand. Documentary proof should be submitted for the rigs possessed Signature of the Bidder xv ANNEXURE – II DETAILS OF EXPERIENCE A. COMPLETED JOBS (DURING LAST SEVEN YEARS) Sl. No Sl. No Name & Address Of The Client Brief Description of Work Awarded Work Order No. & Date B. WORKS IN HAND OR AWARDED Name & Address Brief Work Of The Client Description Order with contact Of Work No. & phone numbers Awarded Date Drilling Quantity Awarded Completion Time Value of Work Start Date Drilling Quantity Awarded Completion Time Value of Work Depth Range of bore holes End Date No. of Rigs Deployed No. of Rigs Deployed Start Date No. of Bore Hole Drilled Quantum Of Work Executed Depth Range of The Bore Holes Drilled Value Of Executed Work Quantum of Drilling Work Executed Value Of Balance Work Value Of Executed Work Expected Date of Completion NOTE : In case of Geo technical works, the exact quantum of core drilling and value carried out should be indicated in the work orders/completion certificates attached. Separate page may be enclosed if space is not sufficient. Works in hand means works presently being carried out or awarded Certified that the above list of works is complete and no work has been left-out and the information given is correct to my knowledge and belief. Signature of Bidder xvi ANNEXURE – III (a) DETAILS OF DRILLING BORE HOLES OF DEPTH 400M (FOR T-27, T-29 & T-30) BY CORING (DURING LAST SEVEN YEARS) Sl. No Name & Address Of The Client Brief Description of Work Awarded Work Order No. & Date Drilling Quantity Awarded Depth range of Bore holes Total no.of borholes No.of boreholes ≥400m Contact name/designation and phone no. of the client Certified that the above details are correct to my knowledge and belief. Signature of Bidder xvii ANNEXURE – III (b) DETAILS OF DRILLING BORE HOLES OF DEPTH 500M (FOR T-28) BY CORING (DURING LAST SEVEN YEARS) Sl. No Name & Address Of The Client Brief Description of Work Awarded Work Order No. & Date Drilling Quantity Awarded Depth range of Bore holes Total no.of borholes No.of boreholes ≥500m Contact name/designation and phone no. of the client Certified that the above details are correct to my knowledge and belief. Signature of Bidder xviii ANNEXURE – IV UNDERTAKING BY THE BIDDER I, ____________________Partner/ Legal Attorney/ Accredited Representative of M/s. ___________________________________________________, solemnly declare that 1. We are submitting bid for drilling work in _________________________area, _____________ District, State of _________ against NIT No.______________________, Dated _______, Tender No. ___________________ 2. None of the Partners of our firm is relative of employee of Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration & Research (AMD). 3. All information furnished by us in respect of fulfillment of eligibility criteria and Qualification information of this Tender is complete, correct and true. 4. All documents/credentials submitted along with this Tender are genuine, authentic, true and valid. 5. If any information and document submitted is found to be false/incorrect at any time, AMD may cancel our Bid and action as deemed fit may be taken against us, including termination of the contract, forfeiture of all dues including Earnest Money Deposit and banning/de listing of our firm and all partners of our firm etc. Signature of the Bidder Date --------------------- Seal xix SITE VISIT CONFIRMATION CERTIFICATE NIT NO. AMD/CD/ER/2014-15/T-(27-30), DATE: 05.11.2014 * Tender No. AMD/CD/ER/HITKU/CORE/2014-15/T-27 (For 5,000 m core drilling in Banadungri-Garadih area in East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand) *Tender No. AMD/CD/ER/JADUGUDA/CORE/2014-15/T-28 (For 5,000 m core drilling in Jaduguda North area in East Singhbhum District, Jharkhand) *Tender No. AMD/CD/ER/BGDH/CORE/2014-15/T-29 (For 7,000 metre core drilling in Bangurdih area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District, Jharkhand) *Tender No. AMD/CD/ER/BNKL-GDPU/CORE/2014-15/T-30 (For 8,000 metre core drilling in Banaykela-Gurulpadu area, Seraikella-Kharsawan District, Jharkhand) As per the conditions of above NIT Sri _______________________________ M/s. representing ______________________________________________________has visited the proposed drilling area at_________________________________________________ area in _________________________ District, Jharkhand on _________________. The proposed borehole locations have been physically shown and the site conditions, drilling requirements and specifications have been explained to him. Signed By Representative of the Firm Representative of AMD Name: Name & designation: * Strike out the inapplicable(s). NOTE : This certificate should be attached with the Technical Bid by the firms xx
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