A Pro-Life, Pro-Family, Stewardship Parish 49 Crosswinds Drive, Charles Town, WV 25414 www.stjameswv.org 304-725-5558 Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome November 9, 2014 “Jesus answered and said to them, ‘Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up.’ The Jews said, ‘This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and you will raise it up in three days?’ But he was speaking about the temple of his Body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe the Scripture and the word Jesus had spoken.” John 6:40 Staff Contact Info Around the Parish The Roman Catholic Parish of St. James the Greater 49 Crosswinds Drive Charles Town, WV 25414 Office: 304-725-5558 Website: www.stjameswv.or g Pastor……......…………….Ver y Rev. J ohn S. Ledfor d, V.F. pastor@stjameswv.org Pager number: 304-229-1563 Rectory number: 304-725-6801 Associate Pastor……...…….Rev. Fr . J osé Manuel Escalante fr.jmescalante@stjameswv.org Permanent Deacon……….…........Rev. Mr . David E. Galvin deacon@stjameswv.org $1,000 Scholarship for Non-Tradi onal Student Awarded to Francis Dey Congratulations to Francis Dey who was presented with a $1,000 educational scholarship on October 12. Francis is attending Blue Ridge Community and Technical College to obtain a Certification in Cyber Security. This scholarship is awarded each year to a non-traditional student who desires to improve his/her life through training, retraining, or who desires to work towards a degree. The funds are donated each year by a parishioner who believes firmly in the value of an education. If you would like to donate to our scholarship program, please speak with Deacon Dave or contact the parish office. Director of Liturgy & Music…...…….… Mr . Gar y Penkala liturgy@stjameswv.org Faith Formation…………………..……........ Mr s. Allie Enos vcre@stjameswv.org Hispanic Office………………………..Mr s. Mar gar ita Cr uz hispanicministry@stjameswv.org Offertory……………………….….….Mr s. Mar y Ellen Ross crbusmgr@stjameswv.org Secretary……………………….…...…….... Mr s. Chr is Pifer parsec@stjameswv.org __________________________________________________ Stewardship Office…………..……..…….Mr s. J ackie Moler stewardship@stjameswv.org Results of Soccer Challenge St. Zita’s Cupboard………………….…… Mr s. Laur a Bar r zita@stjameswv.org At St. James, we don’t just talk about our faith… We put our faith into action! November 9, 2014 Knights of Columbus Soccer Champions Council #12036 Champions Congratulations to all those who participated in the Knights of Columbus Soccer Challenge held at our Athletic Field on October 25th. The top female scorer was Jacqueline Capriolo with a score of 80 points. The top male scorer was Ryan Galipo with a score of 160 points. Age group champions are as follows: Age 9 Male: Age 10 Male: Age 11 Female: Age 13 Male: Daniel Smith Cole Gore Jacqueline Capriolo Ryan Galipo Page 2 Pastor’s Page Pastor: Very Rev. John S. Ledford, V.F., pastor@stjameswv.org or 304-725-5558 Pager number: 304-229-1563 Rectory number: 304-725-6801 Associate Pastor: Rev. Fr. José Manuel Escalante, fr.jmescalante@stjameswv.org or 304-725-5558 Parish Secretary: Chris Pifer, parsec@stjameswv.org or 304-725-5558 Dear Friends, Birthdays this week: As we continue our journey toward the end of the Church Year in just a couple of weeks, we again pause to reflect on a concept larger than ourselves. As modern-day Christians, sometimes we get caught up in what is immediately around us. We fail to appreciate the bigger picture; the beauty of the forest might be another way to put the concept. This weekend we are challenged by the forest, the bigger picture. As we celebrate the Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica, we most likely will ask ourselves why? The Lateran Basilica is the Cathedral Church of the Archdiocese of Rome. In short, it reminds us of the role of the Chair of Saint Peter, the Petrine Ministry in the Church. Many think of Saint Peter Basilica as the Cathedral Church for the Archdiocese of Rome. Basically Saint Peter is simply a parish church, like our own. As such, it is part of the local Church of Rome, just as we are part of the local Church of Wheeling-Charleston. Our readings from the Sacred Scriptures this weekend challenge us to look beyond the immediate area and see ourselves as part of the larger local Church. We are not an island, but rather part of a concept that is bigger than our immediate concerns. That also entails challenges, just as John has Jesus challenging the use of money changers in the temple. What happened with them is that a service that developed easily morphed into a business that forgot its reason for existence. Doesn’t that still happen in our lives today? We have done (whatever) for so long, we forget the original reason and stop growing or learning from our history. Nov 10: Owen Anderson, Shelby Bollner, Kristen Cleveland, Lukas Gustafson, Scott Hester, Kimberly Ramirez, Julie Wasielak; Nov 11: Scott Bartel, Kevin Cheverria, John Denison, Michael Gore, Maria Leyva, Joseph Mascolo, Brian Moffat, Dillon Spilker; Nov 12: Roberta Chromey, Ariana Cortez-Martinez, Tom Klug, Stephanie Padilla, James Raymond, Fran Reed, Nicole Solich, Noelle Ward, William Welker; Nov 13: Anh Alderton, Michelle Bloodworth, Debora Boyd, Patrick Burns, Rose Cannarella, Clare Chesnavage, Clessie Chrystal, Damien Cleveland, Nancy Dukes, Susan Kersey, John Kiley, Adrienne Morgan, Margarita Vasquez; Nov 14: Jayson Ellwein, Keegan Foley, TC Kastanek, Larry King, Howard Knipe, Jason Kowalski, Megan Marino, Teri McGrath, John Meredith, Mary Jane Rhoades, Jose Sanchez, Ronald Shade, Carole Smith, Vanessa Vasquez; Nov 15: Charles Carpenter, Ellen Curry, Tiffiany Perkowski, Shanice Price, Locke Wysong; Nov 16: Molly DiServio, Chip Dorman, Mary Beth Friss, Daniel Hepner, Lucero Hernandez, Tiffany Kohan, Darrell Lejeune, Margaret Sanchez, Caleb Schultz, Judith Sidor, and Chris Whittard. Respectfully yours, Fr. John Upcoming Events on the Pastoral Calendar: • Monday, November 10 at 10:00 am: Pr esbyter al Continuing Education will be held at Saint Francis de Sales in Morgantown. Both Fr. Escalante and I are scheduled to attend. • Thursday, November 13 at 1:30 pm: The Pr iest Health and Retir ement Board meets at the Chancery in Wheeling. I am part of that Board. Happy birthday to all! May God bless you abundantly on your special day, and every day of the coming year! MESSIAH CONCERT AT ST. JAMES ON NOVEMBER 15 British Dinner Fundraiser and Concert In order to continue the fine collaboration with Masterworks Chorale of Shepherd University, we need to help financially support these grand concerts with full orchestra that have become a semi-annual event. Vatican regulations deem that concerts in Catholic churches be open to all (i.e., no ticket sales). In order to help raise funds, we’ve scheduled a Dinner/Concert evening for Saturday, November 15. A formal, plated British dinner (roast beef, parsley potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, trifle) in the Social Hall will precede a performance of G.F. Handel's "Messiah" in the main nave. Diners will enjoy mealtime entertainment (including some of the deleted arias from the later performance) and will be escorted to reserved seats for the concert. The dinner ($40 ticket) begins at 6:00 pm. Masterworks Chorale from Shepherd University, along with student soloists and full orchestra, will present the entire choral masterpiece, with some cuts in Parts 2 and 3. Gary Penkala, Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Music at Saint James Church, will direct Part the First. Dr. Erik Jones, Director of Choral Activities at Shepherd University and Music Director of the chorale, will direct Part the Second and Part the Third. The concert begins at 7:30 pm. Free-will donations are gladly accepted to continue this collaboration and present concerts in this community setting. Tickets are on sale in St. Zita’s Cupboard. Page 3 November 9, 2014 Pastoral Associate for Liturgy & Music: Gary Penkala, liturgy@stjameswv.org Sacristan: John Sherwood, sacristan@stjameswv.org Altar Guild Coordinator: Laura Bakin Choir Directors: Kathleen Feeney / Laura Galvin / Claire Galvin / Nancy Guiney / Grace Guiney Brigid Bakin Aides: Carol Hayes / Meridith Marshall Wednesday Liturgist: Jonathan Mann Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica (Sun Rdngs Proper, Wkday Rdngs Year 2, Psalter Wk 4) LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS & MASS READINGS PRIESTS’ MASS INTENTIONS FOR NOVEMBER 10 - 16 Mon 7:00 am Emilia Mahoney (D) by Mary Ellen Mahoney Tues 9:00 am For Veterans of our Military Services 12:05 pm Carol Snyder (D) by Mary Ellen Mahoney M Nov 10 St Leo the Great pope & doctor (mem) Readings: Ti 1:1-9 / Ps 24:1-6 / Lk 17:1-6 T Wed 7:00 pm Kelly Mauer (D) by Joyce & Chip Hussion Thu 12:05 pm Regina Coomler (D) by Beverley Johnson Fri 7:00 am Ann Polidori (L) by Bernadette Mellow Sat 5:00 pm Brian Johnson (D) by Janice & Gary Kable Sun 8:00 am 11:00 am [St P] 11:00 am 1:10 pm 6:00 pm Charles Hough (D) by the Reifer Family Christiano Mex-Walch (L) by Kathleen Cox For the People of St. James Parish For the St. James Hispanic Community Thomas Dowling (D) by Duane & Virginia Fincher Nov 11 St Martin of Tours bishop (memorial) Readings: Ti 2:1-14 / Ps 37:3-29 / Lk 17:7-10 W Nov 12 St Josaphat bishop & martyr (memorial) Readings: Ti 3:1-7 / Ps 23:1-6 / Lk 17:11-19 Th Nov 13 St Frances Xavier Cabrini virgin (mem) Readings: Phlm 7-20 / Ps 146:7-10 / Lk 17:20-25 F Nov 14 Friday of 32nd Week in Ord Time Readings: II Jn 4-9 / Ps 119:1-18 / Lk 17:26-37 Sa Nov 15 St Albert the Great bishop & doctor (opt) Readings: III Jn 5-8 / Ps 112:1-6 / Lk 18:1-8 Su Nov 16 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Readings: Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 I Thessalonians 5:1-6 Saint Matthew 25:14-30 Honoring our Beloved Dead during the Month of November Please Remember in Prayer our Sick & Homebound: Praying for the dead, especially for those we have known, is an act of Christian charity. All parishioners are invited to bring photos of their deceased family and friends to hang on the bulletin board in the narthex during the month of November. Alice Briscoe, John Mulligan, Bill Mercer, Ruth Cottman, Christiano Walch, Eva Elkins, Paula Markstrom, Roger Nagy, Linda Goverman, Tom Hower, Geno Carinci, Victoria Ukeje, Jeff Sobczak, Lucy Janiczek, Frank Cavallaro, Richard Pifer, Bonnie Dorman, Paul Ashbaugh, James Burdick, Greg Mazer, Mary Baker, Father Larry Gesy, Sarah Rhoa, Yajaira Bird, Pam Hostler, Dot Anderson, Madison Bishop, Judy Ashbaugh, Frances Ernandez, Mary Koch, Gabriel Ward, Alaina Csensich, Gina Newcome, Chris Hinish, Rosalia Hernandez, Mary Pioli, Irene Skomra, and Bernard Skomra, as well as for the Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for the month of November, that all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. ____________________________________________________ Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mass to Honor our Veterans on November 11 On Tuesday, November 11, we will celebrate a Mass at 9:00 honoring our veterans. We do hope you will join us as we thank the men and women who have served our country in the armed forces. Important note: We will also have our r egular ly scheduled 12:05 pm Daily Mass on Tuesday, November 11. November 9, 2014 Change in Mass Time at St. James Starting on November 9, the Mass in Spanish offered at St. James on Sundays will start at 1:30 pm. Please help us spread the word! Page 4 Calendar of Events at St. James Parish SUNDAY Dedication of the Lateran Basilica NOV 9 Mass Main Church 8:00 am Bagel Breakfast Social Hall 9:00 am Book Fair Lower Level 9:00 am-1:00 pm Faith Formation Lower Level 9:30 am RCIC Class Conference Room 9:30 am Alcoholics Anonymous St. Michael 11:00 am Clase de Bautizo Parish Office 11:00 am Faith Formation (in Spanish) Lower Level 11:00 am 11:00 am Adult Faith Formation (in Spanish) Library Mass Main Church 11:00 am Mass St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry 11:00 am Mass (in Spanish) Main Church 1:30 pm Grupo de Jovenes St. Michael 2:00 pm Mass Main Church 6:00 pm Knights of Columbus Meeting Library 6:00 pm FRIDAY Daily Mass Don Bosco Montessori Alcoholics Anonymous Al-Anon Meeting Alcoholics Anonymous Grupo Oracion Main Church Lower Level St. Michael St. Lucy St. Michael Library NOV 14 7:00 am 8:00 am 12:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm SATURDAY Gabriel Project Marriage Retreat (in Spanish) Confessions Rosary Vigil Mass Masterworks Messiah Dinner Masterworks Messiah Concert St. Michael Library Main Church Main Church Main Church Social Hall Main Church NOV 15 9:00 am 9:00 am 3:00 pm 4:30 pm 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:30 pm MONDAY Daily Mass Don Bosco Montessori Alcoholics Anonymous Book Fair American Heritage Girls Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Pastoral Council RCIA SUNDAY 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time NOV 16 Mass Main Church 8:00 am Book Fair Lower Level 9:00 am-1:00 pm Faith Formation Classes Lower Level 9:30 am RCIC Class Conference Room 9:30 am Alcoholics Anonymous St. Michael 11:00 am Faith Formation (in Spanish) Lower Level 11:00 am Mass Main Church 11:00 am Mass St. Peter’s—Harpers Ferry 11:00 am Adult Faith Formation (Spanish) Library 11:00 am Mass (in Spanish) Main Church 1:30 pm Choir Pilgrimage Offsite 1:30 pm Grupo de Jovenes St. Michael 2:00 pm Hispanic Foods Dinner Social Hall 2:00 pm Mass Main Church 6:00 pm Main Church Lower Level St. Michael Lower Level Social Hall St. Michael Lower Level Conference Room Library TUESDAY Veterans Day Don Bosco Montessori Lower Level Veterans Day Mass Main Church Daily Mass Main Church Troop 82 Patrol Leaders Meeting St. Michael Jeff Co Community Choir Social Hall Women’s Club Library NOV 10 7:00 am 8:00 am 12:00 pm 6:30 pm-8:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm NOV 11 8:00 am 9:00 am 12:05 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Opportunities to get connected this week WEDNESDAY Don Bosco Montessori Morning Prayer Eucharistic Adoration Alcoholics Anonymous Sacred Heart Choir St. Cecilia, St. Gregory Choirs St. Dominic Savio Choir Book Fair Confessions Faith Formation Archangelus Chorale Holy Hour Evening Prayer (chanted) Mass 9th Grade/Confirmation Veterans Appreciation Event Youth Group THURSDAY Don Bosco Montessori Homeschoolers Latin Class Rosary Group Daily Mass Holy Trinity Ensemble NOV 12 Lower Level 8:00 am Main Church 10:00 am Main Church 10:00 am to 7:00 pm St. Michael 12:00 pm Social Hall 4:15 pm St. Cecilia 4:15 pm Choir Loft 4:15 pm Lower Level 5:00 pm-8:15 pm Main Church 5:00 pm Lower Level 5:30 pm St. Cecilia 5:45 pm Main Church 6:00 pm Main Church 6:30 pm Main Church 7:00 pm Mass, then Lower Level 7:00 pm Social Hall 7:00 pm St. Michael 8:00 pm Lower Level Library Main Church Main Church St. Cecilia Adult Faith Formation (in Spanish) Library Gamblers Anonymous St. Francis Page 5 NOV 13 8:00 am 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:05 pm 4:15 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Book Fair & Build Your Own Bagel Sunday, November 9 from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm— On our lower level, browse for good books for your family; give the giŌ of reading this Christmas! Then stroll down to the social hall and build your own bagel for breakfast. Women’s Club Mee ng Tuesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm— Join likeminded Catholic women in our parish library for fellowship, and learn about this exciƟng organizaƟon that has been in existence for 70 years in service to the Parish of St. James. Post Photos on our Bulle n Board During the month of November, we honor our beloved dead who have gone before us. Feel free to post photos of deceased friends and family on the bulleƟn board in the narthex. November 9, 2014 Women’s Club Bake Sale The holidays are approaching, and you are swamped with things that need tobe done; family is coming to visit, and you haven’t even begun your holiday baking! Let the St. James Women’s Club offer you a little respite and a delicious treat. Build Your Own Bagel Breakfast and Book Fair St. James Servers invite you to the Build your own Bagel Breakfast and Book Fair on Sunday, November 9, fr om 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Bagel sales will benefit the St. James Server Ministry; proceeds of the book fair benefit the Christmas Adopt-A-Family Program. The cost is $5 to build your own bagel; $2 for plain, cream cheese, or cinnamon sugar bagel. Coffee, juice, and water are provided. On Saturday and Sunday, November 22 and 23, the Women’s Club will have a bake sale after every Mass. Wonderful pumpkin pies, pumpkin rolls, pumpkin bars, cookies, muffins, pizzelles, cinnamon rolls, scones, and a wide array of delectable goodies will be available to purchase for your Thanksgiving breakfast, dinner, and Black Friday snacking. We extend a warm welcome to our newest registered parishioners: Russell & Charo Wooten HELP OUR R.C.I.A. PROGRAM SHARE THE CATHOLIC FAITH! Weather permitting, we will have tables set up on the piazza and will be offering free coffee and hot/cold cider to go along with all the scrumptious goodies. If the weather does not cooperate, we will be located in the church library and the two side exits from the church. Order your holiday Turkey, Ham or Stuffed Sausage today. Remember, if you bought it at church, it has no calories!! Name: ________________________________________Phone:_________________ _______________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________ Women’s Club Mee ng Attention, women of St. James! You are cordially invited to be our guests at the next Women’s Club Meeting on Tuesday, November 11, in the Library at 7:00 pm. Come and meet other women from the parish and enjoy an evening of fellowship. Refreshments will be served. The evening is for all women of the parish from confirmation age to those who are working or retired, married or single. Come alone or bring a friend. The Women’s Club recently celebrated 70 years of ministry to the parish and community, providing assistance to individuals and groups. November 9, 2014 Orders will be taken for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas: Thanksgiving Order Deadline – Nov 9 Christmas Order Deadline – Dec 1 ____________________________________________________________________ Item Ordered 12-16 lb. Smoked Turkey $42.00 each 16-20 lb. Smoked Turkey $51.00 each 6 lb. Boneless Ham $23.00 each 16-18 lb. Shankless Ham $44.00 each 10 lb. Case Smoked Sausage w/Cheese $37.00 Quantity _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ Total Amount Due:____________ Payment: Cash or Check ________Order is for Thanksgiving ________Order is for Christmas Proceeds will be used for R.C.I.A. program. Order forms can be left at the church office or put in the collection baskets. Checks payable to St. James. You will receive a call and/or email when your order is ready for pick-up. Page 6 Party for Fr. Bill Linhares St. Zita’s Cupboard LOOK WHAT’S NEW IN ST. ZITA’S Finally, we now have a replica keepsake of our church, designed and created by The Cat’s Meow/My World. These wooden keepsakes measure 2.58” high, 8” wide, and 3/4” thick and are $15 each. They fit perfectly on a shelf and most window sills or door frames. The image of the front is pictured here. A replica of St. Peter Chapel will be coming soon! Priest Field Pastoral Center is hosting an Open House on Sunday, November 23, from 2:00 to 5:00 pm in honor of Fr. Bill’s 30th Anniversary of Priestly Ordination. Priest Field will provide the beverages and paper products. The churches within our Vicariate are all asked to bring specific food items; members of St. James Parish are asked to bring an appetizer to share and to contact the St. James Parish to RSVP. We will need a head count by Thursday, November 20, 2014. All food items should be brought to Priest Field on disposable plates or trays. American Heritage Girls Boy Scouts Cub Scouts Do you want to earn the Rosary patches? How about the American Saint Series? And the brand new Marian patch series? Religious Activities sessions will be held every Monday from 6:15 to 6:50 pm at Saint Michael’s Hall (the Social Concerns Building) starting on Monday, November 10, 2014. For more information, contact Gustavo Boné (son) at plgusbone@gmail.com Olde Tyme Christmas in Harpers Ferry December 5-6-7 December 12-13-14 Mark your calendars now to attend the 44th annual Olde Tyme Christmas in historic Harpers Ferry on the first and second weekends in December. Visit St. Peter’s Church for refreshments, our bake sale, and soup sale. Any volunteer workers or bakers for Saturday, December 6 should contact Marilyn Surdu at 304-728-9018. Any volunteer workers or bakers for Saturday, December 13, and Sunday, December 14, should contact Laur a Galvin at 304-728-4575. Check our bulletin boards for the schedule of events in Harpers Ferry, or visit http://historicharpersferry.com/articles/ HF-OldeTymeChristmas-2014.pdf Page 7 RSVP to St. James at 304-725-5558 or stewardship@stjameswv.org ________________________________ Advent Program at Priest Field Priest Field Pastoral Center presents "A Grace-Filled Advent Journey". Advent marks the beginning of a new Church year. During Advent, we are asked to watch, wait, and prepare. But what are we watching, waiting, and preparing for? Advent is a time to reflect that Jesus entered into our humanity that we might have a share in God's Divinity. This free four-week program will be held on the four Saturday mornings of Advent (Nov. 29, Dec. 6, Dec. 13, and Dec. 20) from 9:00 am to noon, concluding with 11:00 am Mass. Give yourself a free gift this Advent - come to the Grace-Filled Advent Journey at Priest Field Pastoral Center. For more details, go to www.priestfield.org, call 304-725-1435, or visit our Facebook page. November 9, 2014 Ministry Spotlight: Thanksgiving Baskets Help us feed the hungry at Thanksgiving Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and once again St. James is planning to provide and deliver Thanksgiving food baskets to local families in need. Donations of Martin’s, Food Lion, or Walmart grocery gift cards can be purchased and left in the donation box in St. Zita’s. The gift cards will be used to purchase items for the food baskets. We are also asking for donations of non-perishable food items. All items donated during the entire month of November will be used in the Thanksgiving food baskets. Please continue to bring food donations! We plan to deliver the meals on Sunday, November 23rd after the 11:00 am Mass. We will eat lunch in the social hall before we start our routes. Middle school age youth and older who ar e inter ested in helping out, please contact Shannon Curtin at 240-439-3215. We are also looking for adults to drive; they must be age 21 and over and be VIRTUS-trained. If you know of a family in need of a Thanksgiving food basket, please contact Allie Enos at 304-725-5558 x231 or via email at vcre@stjameswv.org Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. Psalm 107:4 November 9, 2014 Page 8 Faith Formation Adult Formation: Rev. Mr. Dave Galvin, deacon@stjameswv.org or 725-5558 Children/Youth Faith Formation: Allie Enos, vcre@stjameswv.org or 725-5558 Mid-Atlan c Congress CCD Classroom Highlights from Sunday PK/K The students in the PreK/K Sunday morning class have been busy the past couple of months. Students have been learning prayers including the Sign of the Cross and the Lord’s Prayer. They have also been learning the names and meanings of important items they see in the church. Some of these items include the crucifix, the rosary, the Bible, and candles. Once a month the students are also blessed to have Mr. Berry visit our class and teach us about the stained glass windows in the church. Often the stories in the windows coincide with the lessons being taught in our classroom. Students have enjoyed learning about the Bible stories of Creation and Adam and Eve. In November we will remember to thank God for all that He has given us as students continue to learn about prayer. In December, the students will learn about the birth of Christ as we move into the season of Advent. The Mid-Atlantic Congress (MAC) will be held February 12-14, 2015 at the Baltimore Hilton Hotel. This is the only annual Catholic Conference on the East Coast that addresses the pastoral and administrative challenges facing dioceses, parishes, and schools. So whether you are a Pastoral Associate, Faith Formation Leader, a Catechist, a Youth Minister, or a teacher; whether you are involved in Catholic schools, RCIA, administration, or Pastoral Care, this conference is for YOU. The Registration fee is covered by the Diocese! Download the conference packet and register online now through the page link on the diocesan website: www.dwc.org/mac. _______________________________ Help Feed the Hungry at Thanksgiving BOOK FAIR Religious Education will be sponsoring a Scholastic Book Fair in November! A portion of the proceeds will go to help the parish’s Adopt-a-Family for Christmas program. Page 9 Children enrolled in CCD are asked to please bring in a non-perishable food item to class each week to help with the Thanksgiving food baskets for local needy families! Dates: Sunday, November 9: from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Monday, November 10: from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm Wednesday, November 12: from 5:00 pm to 8:15 pm Sunday, November 16: from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm Give the gift of reading this Christmas! ________________________________ CCD Items Needed With the cold and flu season on its way, our Religious Education classes could use some donations of the following items: • Hand sanitizer—pump bottles preferred • Sanitizing wipes (Clorox wipes) • Tissues & paper towels • Pencils November 9, 2014 Important Information About Our Parish Family Contact information: 49 Crosswinds Drive Charles Town, WV 25414 (304) 725-5558 Web site: www.stjameswv.org LITURGY SCHEDULE Masses: Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 8:00 am, 11:00 am, 6:00 pm (in English) 1:30 pm (in Spanish) Monday & Friday - 7:00 am Tuesday & Thursday - 12:05 pm Wednesday - 7:00 pm Holy Days of Obligation - 7:00 am, 12:00 noon, 7:00 pm On Federal Holidays – 9:00 am Liturgy of the Hours: Wednesday - 10:00 am, 6:30 pm Eucharistic Adoration: Wednesday - 10:00 am - 7:00 pm Reconciliation Saturday - 3:00 pm Wednesday - 5:00 pm, or by appointment OFFICE HOURS Monday through Friday 9:00 am - 12:00 noon; 1:00 - 5:00 pm ST. ZITA CUPBOARD HOURS The Cupboard is open before and after each weekend Mass, and Monday & Wednesday 9:00 am to 8:00 pm Tuesday & Thursday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND If you or a family member are confined to the home or hospital, contact Chris Pifer at 304-725-5558 ext. 225 to arrange for the Eucharist to be brought to you. BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS Bulletin announcements must be submitted by 12:00 noon on the Wednesday 10 days prior to the desired publication date. You may email your requests to communications@stjameswv.org. CONTACTING PARISH STAFF You will find staff names and contact information listed for each person listed throughout the bulletin at the top of the ministry page for which that staff member has been entrusted. November 9, 2014 JOINING ST. JAMES Becoming a part of our parish family is easy and rewarding. Registration forms can be found in the Narthex or Parish Office. Once a registration form is submitted, new parishioners will receive a welcome packet and an invitation to learn more about St. James and meet some of your new family members. Get connected, get involved, register today. BECOMING A CATHOLIC St. James offers a religious education process called RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). Through RCIA, people learn about the Catholic Faith and prepare to become full members of our Catholic family. This process is also available for children and teens. Contact the Parish Office for additional information. CATHOLICS RETURNING HOME Catholics Returning Home is a program that provides a warm welcome to all desiring to return to the Catholic Church. Voice your concerns and get answers to your questions. For more information, email returnhome@stjameswv.org or call Gwyn Wathen (304-725-3215). RELIGIOUS EDUCATION As adults, our second most important job is raising our children in our Catholic faith. (Our most important job, of course, is maintaining our own relationship with our Heavenly Father.) Families registered in our parish may enroll their children in religious education as early as the age of three. Contact the Director of Religious Education for more information. Various adult faith formation classes are offered on a regular basis and are listed in the bulletin. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is the first sacrament by which we receive a new and spiritual life and the dignity of adoption as children of God and heirs of God's kingdom. Registered families can celebrate this sacrament at St. James, but parents must attend a Baptism class which is held at 12:30 pm on the last Sunday of every month. Contact the Parish Office to register for a class before the birth of your baby. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE Marriage is a lifelong commitment between a man and a woman. If you are a registered, active member of the parish considering this vocation, you must meet with Deacon Dave at least six months before your desired wedding date. No date will be set prior to that meeting. For further information or to begin this process, contact the parish secretary. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING The sacrament of Anointing of the Sick, formerly known as Last Rites or Extreme Unction, is a ritual of healing. It is available after the 10:00 am First Saturday Mass each month. Also, should you or a family member be entering the hospital, preparing for surgery, or nearing death, contact the Parish Office. THE HISTORIC CHAPEL OF ST. PETER A Tourist Mass is celebrated at The Historic Chapel of St. Peter in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia on Sundays at 11:00 am. The Chapel is also open to visitors on Saturday and Sunday from 12:00 noon until to 4:00 pm most weekends from May through October. Page 10 Melvin C. Strider Colonial Funeral Home Fairfax Blvd. Charles Town • Ranson Full Service Funerals Since 1889 H. Marshall Brown J.B. Barr Licensee-in-Charge Saint Margaret Sunday Missal al ompanion n o s r Pe rC Your Praye through 2030 Designed to be Following Jesus Every Day: GOSPEL MEDITATIONS FOR DAILY LIVING Family Owned (304) 725-7068 Ninety days’ worth of Gospel verses and reflections including a meditation, a prayer, a simple activity for the day and a related verse from the Old Testament. Ideal for Lent and Eastertime, or for any time of year! www.mtstrider.com Readings • Reflections • Prayers In Stock & Ready to Order Today. CALL OR ORDER ONLINE. $39.95 800-566-6150 • www.wlpmusic.com Lovely piano solos of many favorite songs and hymns for listening pleasure. Shall We Gather 800-566-6150 • www.wlp.jspaluch.com/13182.htm Available on CD ($17) ERA LIBERTY REALTY Kevin Coomler by Jerry Galipeau 800-566-6150 World Library Publications the music and liturgy division of J.S. 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