Volume 4 November 16, 2014 Issue 46 Church of Christ Jackson Street…Weekly Reader http://jacksonstreetchurchofchrist.org Minister: Brian Mickey (870) 562-9674 Youth/Campus Minister: Joel Bailey (870) 814-9608 Church Office (870) 234-3053 ELDERS: Roy Baskin Don Goin Roy Keith Larry Terry Scott White Discipleship 101 I recently saw this wonderful illustration, and I thought it fitting to pass along to you this morning as we discuss discipleship. One of the circles below represents your life. The chair in the middle represents the throne of your heart. Whoever or whatever occupies that throne is in control of your life. DEACONS: David Andrews Paul Garris Paul McLendon Stephen Zorsch Circle #1 represents someone who is a total unbeliever. Circle #2 represents the person who has Jesus in his or her life, but has not given total control over to Him. Circle #3 represents a true disciple of Christ that is fully submitted to God. MISSIONS: Southern Christian Home Paragould Children’s Home In Search of the Lord’s Way Utah Mission Benin, W. Africa Worldwide Spanish Literature Ministry International Gospel Hour 21st Century Global Missions Bibles for China John Bryant Take a few minutes this morning to consider which circle would be the most accurate representation of your life at this moment? Before we leave this morning, I pray we will all be more committed to a life represented by that third circle and be true disciples of Christ. -Mickey Volume 4 November 16, 2014 What is the only book of the Bible to mention the apple tree? Last Week’s Answer: Who is the youngest son of Adam mentioned by name? Seth (Genesis 4:25) SINGING: You are invited to an AREA WIDE SINGING at the STAMPS CHURCH OF CHRIST, 624 West Antigo, Hwy. 82 (note the address change), on November 21, 7:00 to 9:00 PM. JUST TO LET YOU KNOW: Tuesday, December 23 – Mid-Week Service (in lieu of the Wednesday evening service) Issue 46 For the Record (11-09-2014) Student Center Wednesday P.M. Bible Study Worship A.M. Worship P.M. Contribution Weekly Budgeted Goal 13 62 75 137 NA $3,476.25 $4,810.00 CHRISTMAS BASKETS: It is time to begin bringing items for the Christmas baskets for our shut-ins and placing them in the box provided in the FLC. We will fill 30 baskets this year. CHRISTMAS EVENTS: Don’t Forget! Our Mid-Week Service on Thanksgiving Week Will be on Tuesday, November 25. LADIES: LADIES’ WORK DAY will be Wednesday, November 19, at 1:00 PM, in Room 1. On Sunday, December 14, at 4:00 PM, we will meet to fill and deliver the baskets. We will fill 30 baskets this year. The CLASSICS’ CHRISTMAS DINNER, for members 50 and above, will be on Saturday, December 6, at 6:30 PM, in the FLC. As usual, there will be a gift exchange, so each person should bring an inexpensive gift. The sign-up list is on the table in the FLC. The LADIES’ CHRISTMAS PARTY will be at 6:00 PM on Thursday, December 11, in the home of Marcia Jester. Please bring a Christmas tree ornament to exchange and finger foods. Volume 4 November 16, 2014 COLLEGE AVENUE CHURCH OF CHRIST 1817 N. College Ave. El Dorado, Arkansas MULE FEED: Monday, November 17, Group 2 – Nancy Terry, Devona Garris, Linda Clark, Jill Zorsch, Clara Betts, and Jan Perry Monday, November 24, Group 3 – Sandy Keith, Jennifer White, Angela McLaughlin, Allison Andrews, and Valerie Houck No Bulletins Will Be Mailed Out Thanksgiving Week! Issue 46 December 12 & 13 This workshop, “Strong Marriages” with Trey & Lea Morgan is free to registered attendees. Childcare will be available for children of all ages. Registration: Email your names and information. Please include the number and ages of children in your registration information. Friday Evening, December 12 6:30 - 9:00 PM Saturday Morning, December 13 8:30 AM - Noon Jackson Street Family, I want everyone to know now much I appreciate all the amazing love and support I have been given throughout my pregnancy. Thank you so much for the shower of blessings! Lots of love from me to you, 8 Lainey Sisson DAILY BIBLE READERS: The DAILY BIBLE READERS will meet on Sunday, December 7, at 5:00 PM, in Room 1. The study sheet for Ecclesiastes and Song of Solomon is on the table in the FLC. To register, please contact Kent Jobe kentjobe@hotmail.com or 870-862-1552. at CONGRATULATIONS: Congratulations to TY ALFORD and HANNAH SPRINGER on a job well done! In the recent competitions at the SAU rodeo, Ty came in 3rd in the average in Calf Roping, and Hannah received 6th in Barrel Racing and 1st place in the Break Away. GILLIAN HOOD is a member of the Specialized Services volleyball team, and this team won State at the recent tournament. We are so proud of Gillian and her teammates for their working so very hard to achieve this goal. Great going! AVAILABLE: If you desire to purchase a Truth for Today Commmentary, Genesis 23-50, or any of the previous commentaries, you may get one from the table in the FLC. The cost is $26 per copy. Church Fellowship FAMILY MOVIE NIGHT Sunday, December 14 Following the Evening Service YOUTH: There is a sign-up sheet in the FLC for the youth group’s Christmas party. If you are interested in hosting a part of the progressive dinner, please sign up for the portion that you would like to host. STUDENTS: Please sign up so that we can have a better idea of how many will be attending. The teens will have a YOUTH GET-TOGETHER in the home of Joel and Sarah Bailey on November 20, at 7:00 PM. Volume 4 Serving List Scripture Reading Bible Verse Sermon Prayer Song Leader Nursery Workers November 16, 2014 Today, November 16 David Andrews Acts 2:40-47 Brian Mickey Open: Luke Talley Close: Ron Betts Scott White Carrie Gann Sarah Mickey Issue 46 Prayer List Concerns: Kandy Wyrick (Doing well after brain surgery at St. Michael’s, Texarkana, last Wednesday) Robert Kumpe (Sarah Mickey’s cousin, has begun focused radiation on his leg) Judy Sisson (David Sisson’s sister-in-law, has been released from the hospital and is doing well following surgery to have a stent put in recently. Evening Scripture Reading Bible Verse Sermon Prayer Roy Baskin Jeremiah 29:1, 4-9 Brian Mickey Open: Joel Bailey Close: Roy Keith Song Leader Michael Fondren Morning Scripture Reading Sermon Next Week, November 23 David Connelly Brian Mickey Open: Mike Henderson Close: Steve Haston Joel Bailey Linda Bentley Genevieve White Prayer Song Leader Nursery Workers Evening Scripture Reading Sermon Prayer Song Leader Mark Keith Brian Mickey Open: Jack McLaughlin Close: Randy House Michael Fondren (Please notify Larry Terry or Danny Walker if you cannot be present to perform your assigned duties.) Elder in Charge for November: Don Goin JACKSON STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST 313 South Jackson Street P.O. Box 307 Magnolia, AR 71754-0307 Sunday’s Opportunities: 9:00am Bible Classes 10:15am Worship 6:00pm Worship Wednesday’s Opportunity: 7:00pm Bible Class Email: sec-jscoc@sbcglobal.net Telephone: 870.234.3053 Shut-Ins: Viola Aaron-Room 7, Brown House, Wentworth Garvis Arrington-Dudneywood Helen Blair-Room 1, Hedden House, Wentworth Fola Coats- Room 9, Brown House, Wentworth Margaret Dennis-Room 310, Magnolia Health/Rehab Jackie Foster–Home, 1591 Columbia Rd. 13 Donald McKamie-Room 417, Magnolia Health/Rehab Margie Moses-Room 106A, Magnolia Health/Rehab Pat Stephens-Room 10, Hedden House, Wentworth Linda Warner-Room 10, Hughes House, Wentworth Celia Wideman–Room 12, Monroe House, Wentworth Dick Wideman-Room 12, Monroe House, Wentworth Mary Wyrick-Room 205, Pine Valley Sick and/or Chronically Ill: Vicky Antley Brooke Bearden Clara Betts Michael Blair Jennifer Carter Linda Clark Sammy Couch Jada Dean Louis Gabbard Jean Gaines Wanda Green Lynda Harris Steve Haston Kerry Keith Jo Miller Billie Owen Vernon Perry Charleen Skyme Joe Warga Margaret West Sue Whatley
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