Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit #4 Port Edwards, WI 54469 PORT EDWARDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS 801 SECOND STREET PORT EDWARDS, WI BLACKHAWK BULLETIN November 2014 Volume: 42 Number: 3 What’s Inside… 3 Superintendent’s Article 4 Principal’s Article 5 News from Counseling Dept. 6 Drama Club 7 PEPO Update 8 Elementary Welcome 9 Day of Caring 10 PEEF Article 11 Girls Basketball Alumni 12-14 Menus 15 Postal Customer Place Label Here Activities Calendar 16-17 Board Meeting Minutes Improving America’s Future... One Student at a Time Pat Sullivan, Superintendent/Principal 4K-5 887-9000, Ext. 101 Kyle Cronan, 6-12 Principal 887-9000, Ext. 102 Marcia Sawyer, Business Director 887-9000, Ext. 107 It is the policy of the Port Edwards School District that no person may be denied admission to any public school in the district or be denied participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be discriminated against in any curriculum, co-curricular, pupil service, recreational, career and technical education classes or other program or activity regardless of race, religion, political affiliation, sex or sexual orientation, age, national origin, handicap, pregnancy, marital or parental status, ancestry, color, creed, physical, mental, emotional or learning disability, arrest or conviction record, membership in the National Guard, state defense force or any other reserve component of the military forces of the United States or Wisconsin, or any other reason prohibited by state or federal law. The district encourages informal resolution of complaints under this policy. A formal complaint resolution procedure is available to address allegations of violations of the policy of the Port Edwards School District. For assistance, please contact Pat Sullivan, Non-Discrimination Compliance Officer, at 801 Second Street, Port Edwards, WI 54469 or call 715-887-9000, ext. 101. Blackhawk Bulletin is an official publication of the Port Edwards School District, offering news, announcements, and details of upcoming events. The school district welcomes newsletter contributions, comments, questions, and suggestions. Write to:Port Edwards School District 801 2nd Street Port Edwards, WI 54469 Phone:(715) 887-9000 Fax: (715) 887-9040 Website: Editor: Stacie Kleifgen Editor’s Assistant: Becky Taylor Mascot Artwork: Cameron Clark Budget Message Submitted by: Pat Sullivan, Superintendent/4K-5 Principal Two questions often surface regarding the school budget. The first one is, “What will be the impact of this budget on my property taxes?” The second question is, “How will this budget impact the education of our students?” First, let me explain the impact of our budget on the taxpayer. The District operates with two major sources of revenue – state equalization aid and local property taxes. The total amount of revenue we can generate from these two sources is set by the State of Wisconsin. In other words, the stateestablished revenue limit minus the state-legislated equalized aid equals the local property tax limit, as illustrated below. 2013-14 2014-15 Revenue Limit $ 4,725,656 Revenue Limit $ 4,564,699 Equalized Aid - 2,643,295 Equalized Aid - 2,593,384 Tax Levy Limit $ 2,082,361 Tax Levy Limit $ 1,971,315 Three other areas which affect the tax levy, to a much lesser degree, are Computer Aid, Fund 38 - Debt Service, and Fund 80 - Community Service. While the computer aid is forwarded to the district by the State Department of Revenue, debt service and community service expenses are fully funded by local property taxes. The following charts illustrate the calculations for the local property tax levy. 2013-14 2014-15 Fund 10 Levy $ 1,971,903 Fund 10 Levy $ 1,860,858 Fund 38 Levy + 110,458 Fund 38 Levy + 110,457 $ 2,082,361 $ 1,971,315 Fund 80 Levy + 52,800 Fund 80 Levy + 8,200 Computer Aid - 2,541 Computer Aid - $ 2,132,620 Total Tax Levy Total Tax Levy 967 $ 1,978,548 The end result is that the school district’s total tax levy will decrease by $154,072, or -7.22%. The equalized property value in our taxing district went down as well, and by a significant amount in the Village of Port Edwards. The main reason for the decrease was the revised valuation of the mill property when it was sold. This means that while the mill rate for the taxing district as a whole rose modestly from 12.26948 to 12.91472 the rate of tax will vary with the individual municipalities. This is the way Wisconsin and subsequently Port Edwards fund 4K-12 education. We sincerely wish that our property taxpayers could bear less of the cost, but under our current system, the State and the homeowner/taxpayers share the cost of educating our children. As always we are aware of our dual mission to provide an excellent education and to do it within our communities’ ability and willingness to support our students. This year those students met all of the expectations on the school report card, scored competitively on the ACT, and went on to post-secondary pursuits well prepared. Our young people developed and demonstrated compassion by helping those less fortunate in numerous community projects. They took leadership roles in academics, athletics, and social responsibility. Education in Port Edwards is working for our young people and for our community. In order to ensure our success in the coming year we will need your support. In order to ensure our success in the future we will need your continued commitment to our community school district. If you have any questions about the budget or tax levy, please call me at 715-887-9000, ext. 101 or e-mail Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 3 JEMS/JEHS News Submitted by: Kyle Cronan—HS/MS Principal Each year, an amazing transition takes place in the fall. Who can believe that just a few weeks ago the weather was considerably warmer and our students have completed their football, volleyball and cross country seasons; additionally, homecoming is over and now we are on the cusp of winter. As November begins we are eagerly anticipating the Drama Club production of Two Heads Are Better Than One on Friday, November 14. Hopefully you were also able to catch our choir and Glee Club in their first performance on October 30th. Do not worry though if you have missed these performing arts opportunities, because on Thursday, December 11th the band and choir present the winter concert. The fall transition has already brought on Middle School boys basketball and soon both our varsity girls’ and varsity boys’ basketball programs will be in action. With the change in seasons, snow will soon be falling; we want students to have a safe time traveling to and from school, for some this may mean starting their day out a few minutes sooner in order to safely make it to school on time. New State Testing Program This fall, 9th grade students have already completed the first portion of the new state testing program by completing the ACT Aspire assessment. For more information on this specific assessment please visit the ACT Aspire website at This specific test will be used as a measure of academic growth and, as such, will be administered again in the spring of 2015. Students will ultimately take this test three times through their school career as this test is also administered in the spring of the 10 th grade year. This fall students in the 8th and 10th grade will take a much shortened version of the WKCE. Students in those grades will only be taking the science and social studies portions of those tests. None of the new tests that have been adopted specifically cover those subject areas, so for the time being, the state of Wisconsin has kept the WKCE in place for those specific grades and subjects. In the middle school, students this spring will take a test called the Smarter Balanced Assessment. During both the 2012-13 school year and the 2013-14 school year, this test was piloted at John Edwards Middle School with some of the 7th and 8th grade students. For more information on this test, you can go the following website: Finally, at the 11th grade level all students will take the ACT and another test, the ACT WorkKeys. The ACT will be the same exam that 11th and 12th grade students currently take for college admissions. Students in the 11th grade will be able to count this test taken here at JEHS in the spring toward their college admissions. The test dates are scheduled for early March. The ACT WorkKeys is a test that is given to students as a job skills assessment. Seniors Take Note Fall though, is one of the most important times of year for our students; this is when the stage is set for the school year and for our seniors, life beyond the halls of JEHS. For our seniors, the time is NOW to be applying to post-secondary schools, applying for scholarships and for completing all of the details necessary to make the transition from JEHS to a new chapter in life after graduation. In order to ease this transition, some simple yet effective steps can help. Gather all of the information you will need in order to complete school applications, scholarship applications and financial aid in one location. (This will likely include application forms, letters of reference, lists of activities, transcripts, and financial data for starters) Ask for letters of reference early from multiple sources; this is especially important when applying for scholarships. (Have a letter from a teacher, a counselor, principal and community member) Check in often for scholarships—all seniors have access to a Google Doc that has a listing of scholarships, for further questions check in with the guidance office. Apply, Apply, Apply—the only way to get into the school you want or to be considered for a scholarship is to apply. (When applying: type when possible, check your spelling and make sure the application is presentable) Continue to build strong relationships with those around you—make sure to send a note of thanks to your references—there may be a time when you need to ask for a second or third letter of reference. These tips are meant to provide guidance on how to get started. We are more than happy to help—stop into the guidance office or the principal’s office for support. Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 4 News from the Counseling Department Submitted By: Rauni Vruwink and Ann Aschenbrenner Attention Seniors: We have met with a number of college representatives at the various college fairs and workshops this fall. All the representatives we’ve talked with stress getting your college applications in early, preferably by the end of November. Certainly, make sure all your applications are in by the end of the year. It is to your advantage to apply early. Later applications may be placed on a waiting list. College Application Tips: The General Application: Is all information accurate? Letters of Recommendation: Do you have the number of recommendations required? Please allow teachers and those completing the recommendation forms at least 7-10 days to complete the forms. ACT Scores: If you need to send test scores to additional schools, contact the testing company immediately. Common Application Errors: “I’ll start the application next week.” Don’t run out of time to complete the application. “I already ran a spell-check on my computer.” Words can be spelled correctly but used incorrectly. Ask someone to proofread the application to catch any errors. “One copy is enough.” Print out any online forms and keep copies of all paperwork. “I assume this is right.” If you’re confused by a question or any part of the application, ask someone. These are some websites that may be of assistance in your college search: Most colleges sponsor open house weekends or dates that students and their families can visit the campus and facilities. This is a great chance to see the college community, meet the faculty and ask questions. Stop in the Counseling Dept. to check out the open house dates for the colleges you are interested in or check the UW-Help website, ACT 2014-2015 Test Dates Test Dates Registration Deadline 12/13/14 11/7/14 02/07/15 01/09/15 4/18/15 03/13/15 06/13/15 05/08/15 Stop in the Counseling office for information regarding the online application process. Please visit There are many useful ACT websites: Students applying to Mid-State Technical College need to take the Accuplacer Test. Stop in the Counseling Dept. for more details, or call the technical college for testing times and dates. Continued on page 6 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 5 Continued from page 5 All seniors have been given access to the scholarship list through their school Google account. Seniors are encouraged to check periodically for updates. SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS NOW AVAILABLE: Scholarship NASSP Spirit of Community Award Due Date: 11/4/14 Kohl Excellence Scholarship Due Date: 11/6/14 Elks Most Valuable Student Due Date: 12/5/14 WISCONSIN COVENANT Seniors that signed the pledge for the Wisconsin Covenant during 8 th grade will be receiving a packet of information from the Covenant office in December. Please follow all instructions and have all forms submitted to the Wisconsin Covenant office prior to APRIL 1, 2015. Drama Club to Perform Fall Play Submitted by: Marissa Rebischke By Pat Cook What happens when a film crew shows up in a small town to film a movie and one family finds themselves playing host to this crazy group of characters? You’ll find out when you come to see The John Edwards High School Drama club perform their Fall play Two Heads Are Better Than One written by Pat Cook. When the crew shows up to film their adaptation of “Sleepy Hollow,” The Lawrence family soon finds themselves dealing with an over-the-top director, self involved actors, and a crew that has to hold it all together-not to mention having to deal with the town’s Mayor who is none too pleased to have a film wreaking havoc on her fair city. This comedy will be performed on Friday, November 14th at 7:30pm. Tickets will be sold at the door; $5 for adults and $4 for Senior citizens and students. Come out and show your support for the JEHS Drama Club! Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 6 (Port Edwards Parent Organization)Update Submitted by: Jennie Breitrick, Secretary By the time that you read this newsletter, we will have had another successful Fall Festival. A BIG thank you goes out to all of the PEPO volunteers and school staff that helped set up, run games, serve food and clean up. Also, another BIG thank you goes out to the many businesses that donated to the festival. Wal-mart donated a $25 gift card to use toward supplies for the dinner. McDonalds of Nekoosa donated Happy Meal toys to be used as prizes. Piggly Wiggly donated 8 dozen of the cookies and frosting. Altenburg's Country Gardens donated the Jack Be Little pumpkins at a discounted rate. The Aquarium Pet Shop donated the gold fish coupons used as prizes for the minnow race game. THANK YOU!!! PEPO was pleased to be part of the elementary school’s Ice Cream Social on October 14. Member, Melissa Marcoux spoke to families to highlight the events and activities that our group offers. PEPO donated a $15 gift certificate for a drawing that evening. The lucky winner was kindergarten student, Abigail Collar. Congratulations to Abby! The first Family Movie Night is scheduled for Friday, November 14th. The doors open at 6:00 p.m. and the movie will begin at 6:15 p.m. The movie being shown is Mr. Peabody and Sherman. The movie is free for all students and their families from grades 4K through 5. There will again be concessions sold throughout the show. If you participated in our fall Yankee Candle fundraiser, the pick-up date is Monday, December 8th from 3:30-5:00 p.m. at the middle/high school cafeteria. THANK YOU to everyone who supported our fundraiser. Please consider joining PEPO this school year. We appreciate any help offered and your great ideas. Meetings are held during the school year on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. in the Elementary School Library. Above all, we want to build a stronger group of involved parents so that we can all work together to bring additional benefits to our students, now and in the future. Tammy Barstow, Co-President Tonya Callahan, Co-President Cristina Heath, Treasurer Jennie Breitrick, Secretary Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 7 Port Elementary Welcomes New Families Submitted by: Becky Taylor The staff at the elementary school hosted an Ice Cream Social on October 14 to welcome families that newly moved to the district this fall, or who are sending their child(ren) to the elementary school for the first time. All elementary school families in grades 4K-5 were invited to attend this fun evening to make connections with our new families. Over one hundred visitors were ushered to the IMC. After our guests of honor were introduced, Ms. Sullivan read a story to entertain a multi-generational audience. Next, we migrated to the cafeteria to build ice cream sundaes with scrumptious toppings. This relaxed atmosphere allowed time for families to sit down and get to know each other better, in hopes of strengthening our school and community. Families listen to a reading of I Need My Monster. Jayla and Taylor enjoy their sweet treat. After the ice cream social, parents had the opportunity to view or purchase bowls that were decorated by elementary students. The bowls and proceeds were part of the high school Ecology Club’s Local Food Rendezvous meal that raised funds and awareness of hunger needs in our area. Mason and Anthony are proud to show their bowl creations. Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 8 Day of Caring Submitted by: Tami Griffith “The best way to find yourself… is to lose yourself in the service of others.” ~M. Gandhi On Saturday October 25, 31 Port Edwards students set out to make a difference. The students raked a total of 9 yards in the Port Edwards area through Day of Caring and the United Way. The students raked all morning and were treated to a free lunch at the Kellner Lions Club. In the picture above: Paige Wilcox, Katrina Migut, Nick Rasmussen, Brieana Migut, Ethan Saylor, Ian Gibbs, Jade Martin, Tristin Terry, Sadie Sweeney, Lizzie McCarville, Sam Falkowski, Chloe Wallen, Abbie Hutkowski, Rachel Gibbs, Kaylee LaMont, Katie VanVorous, Megan Burgeson, Christopher Shields, Jacob Lang, Kori Koehler, David Gibbs, Alycia O’Shasky, Addison Gibbs, Nicolai Johnson and Cassidy O’Shasky. In the picture to the right: Jacob Schraeder, Lexi Schraeder, Jordyn Schraeder, and Josh Schraeder If you would like more information on Day of Caring, please contact United Way 211 of Wisconsin Rapids, (715)423-0211. Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 9 October 15, 2014 Dear School District Resident, Enhancing Excellence in Education continues to be the FALL FUNDRAISING CAMPAIGN The Port primary mission of the Port Edwards Education Foundation (PEEF). Again in 2014, we are proudly offering 100% of the donations from the annual Fundraising Campaign as well as the June 2014 Blackhawk Scramble golf outing to fund innovative enrichment grants for Port Edwards students. Families and students in the Port Edwards School District take pride in their schools, their children, and the education they receive. They value the extra care and attention provided in a small school setting. Over the past 16 years, PEEF has proudly provided over 110 grants totaling more than $164,000. These grants have enriched our curriculum and provided technology advancement and other special programs that are generally only found in larger school districts. Edwards Education Foundation Inc. Founded 1996 801 Second Street P.O. Box 99 Port Edwards, WI 54469-0099 Port Pride is stronger than ever! It remains evident every day in our classrooms and throughout our entire school district. It is this pride and total community support that has guided the Port Edwards School District to produce the successful students and caring citizens we see in the village today. We would like to sincerely thank the past and future supporters of PEEF’s mission and the many individuals who promote the education and experiences of a small school. Thanks to everyone, we continue to thrive! We appreciate your support as it truly enhances excellence in education! Board of Directors Mike Clement Kathy Cronkrite Lisl Detlefsen Jay Grode Ed Heuer Karen Isaacson Walter Iwanski Lisa Machotka Sue Mitchell Sharon Morell Marissa Rebischke Corey Searles Michelle Smith Pat Sullivan Karen Thiel Sincerely, Ed Heuer President, Port Edwards Education Foundation Inc. P.S. – Thanks to all of you who joined us at the “Blackhawk Scramble” this summer! We hope to see you next year on June 22, 2015! Continued on page 11 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 10 Continued from page 10 Calling All Girls Basketball Alumni of JEHS Submitted by Deb Martin This year the 2014-2015 girls’ basketball team will be having a recognition night for all women who played basketball here at JEHS, no matter what the year. On Friday, December 19, 2014, during halftime of the varsity game, we would like to honor you and your participation and contributions to the girls’ basketball program. We have a conference game versus Marion that night, junior varsity game starts at 6:00 p.m. and the varsity game to follow at about 7:30 p.m. When you come to the game please check in with the ticket-seller so that they write your name down. You will get free admission into the game for attending and being recognized. We will also have a small social of punch and goodies after the game in the cafeteria. If you have any questions please email Deb Martin, head coach, at or call her at (715) 8879000 ext. 206. We look forward to seeing you at the game. Also we are still undertaking the task of compiling individual scoring records and team records of past seasons. We need your help. We are looking for any scrapbooks or old scorebooks that you may have that would have the newspaper articles from varsity games you played in. We would like to look them over to help fill in the missing gaps of seasons that we do not have. There are many years where we do not have any information, except what we could get from past yearbooks. Any help you can give us would be appreciated. We are really short on anything from the 80s. Again, please contact Deb Martin if you can assist us in this task. Thank you in advance and we look forward to seeing you at a game. Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 11 November 2014 Lunch Menu LUNCH PRICES: Alternate Lunch Choice: Monday: Chef Salad Tuesday: Chicken Caesar Salad Wednesday: Taco Salad Thursday: Bistro Spinach Salad Friday: Port Garden Salad Mon Tue Elementary: $2.10 Middle School: $2.25 High School: $2.35 Adults: $3.45 Wed Thu Fri *Garden Bar served daily along with your choice of skim, 1% or chocolate milk. Menus subject to Change 3 Chicken Tenders French Fries Pineapple 4 Mini Tacos w/ salsa & sour cream Refried Beans Spanish Rice Mandarin Oranges 5 Hamburger Cheese Tray Coleslaw Peaches 6 Cheese Pizza Green Beans Jello Pears 7 10 Mini Corn Dogs Potato Wedges Peaches 11 Meatball Sub Fruit Salad Peas 12 Mozzarella Dippers Pizza Sauce Squash Strawberries 13 Turkey Masked Potatoes Gravy Dinner Roll Corn Mandarin Oranges 14 Hot Dog/ Bun Baked Beans Grapes 17 Orange Chicken Rice Broccoli Pineapple 18 Grilled Cheese Tomato Soup Pears 19 Chicken Patty/Bun Pasta Baked Beans Mandarin Oranges 20 Salisbury Steak Rice Gravy Dinner Roll Green Beans Peaches 21 Chicken Nuggets Tater Tots Banana Chocolate Pudding 24 All American Chicken Wrap Baked Beans Yams Mandarin Oranges 25 French Toast Sticks Smokies Applesauce Orange Wedges ES: Goldfish PB&J 26 Cheese Pizza Pineapple Peas Cookie 27 NO SCHOOL 28 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 No School NO SCHOOL Page 12 November 2014 Breakfast Menu ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BREAKFAST Mon Tue BREAKFAST PRICES: Elementary: $1.30 Middle School: $1.30 High School: $1.30 Adults: $1.65 Wed Thu Fri 3 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 4 Bagel Fruit Juice Milk 5 Cereal Bar Fruit Juice Milk 6 Poptart String Cheese Fruit Milk 7 10 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 11 French Toast Sticks Syrup Fruit Juice Milk 12 Bug Bites Fruit Juice Milk 13 Omelet Toast Fruit Juice Milk 14 Frudel Fruit Juice Milk 17 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 18 Pancakes Fruit Juice Milk 19 English Muffin Fruit Juice Milk 20 Cereal Fruit Juice Milk 21 Frudel Fruit Juice Milk 24 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 25 Omelet Toast Fruit Juice Milk 26 Bug Bites Fruit Juice Milk 27 NO SCHOOL 28 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Page 13 November 2014 Breakfast BREAKFAST PRICES: Elementary: $1.30 Middle School: $1.30 Middle School & High School Breakfast in the Classroom Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 3 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 4 Omelet Bagel Orange Juice Milk 5 Yogurt Granola Fruit Cup Juice Milk 6 Eggo Mini Blueberry Pancakes Orange Juice Milk 7 10 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 11 Cinnamon Apple Bagelfuls Apple Juice Milk 12 WG Muffin Pudding Cup Fruit Cup Juice Milk 13 WG Rice Krispie Treat Fruit Cup Slushie Milk 14 Frudel Banana Juice Milk 17 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 18 Apple BoscoStick Fruit Cup Juice Milk 19 Iced Breakfast Square Fruit Juice Milk 20 Eggo Mini Waffles Craisins Juice Milk 21 Frudel Fruit Cup Juice Milk 24 Fuel 4U Cereal Kit Fruit Milk 25 Omelet Bagel Fruit Juice Milk 26 Poptart Cheese Stick Fruit Cup Juice Milk 27 NO SCHOOL 28 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 NO SCHOOL NO SCHOOL Page 14 PESD November Activities November 3-6—Scholastic Book Fair—Elementary IMC November 6th (Thursday), 4-8pm—Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences November 7th (Friday) - No School, Staff In-service November 10th (Monday) - 5:30pm—Board of Education Meeting, Elementary IMC November 11th (Tuesday) - 6:00pm—PEPO Meeting, Elementary IMC November 13 (Thursday) - 4-7:30pm—Elementary Parent Teacher Conferences November 14th (Friday) - 7:30pm—Drama Club Production, Alexander Aud. November 14th (Friday) - 6:00pm—Elementary Movie Night November 17th (Monday) - 11:25am—Kindergarten Parent Lunch November 18th (Tuesday) - 11:25am—First Grade Parent Lunch November 19th (Wednesday) - 11:25am—Second Grade Parent Lunch November 20th (Thursday) - 11:45am—Third Grade Parent Lunch November 21st (Friday) - 11:45am—Fourth Grade Parent Lunch November 24th (Monday) - 11:45am—Fifth Grade Parent Lunch November 24th (Monday) - Blood Drive, JEHS Gym November 27th (Thursday) - No School, Happy Thanksgiving! November 28th (Friday) - No School Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 15 PORT EDWARDS PUBLIC SCHOOLS Business Meeting of the Board of Education 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 8, 2014 - Elementary IMC, Fifth Street, Port Edwards, Wisconsin MINUTES Meeting called to order by Vice President Ferkey at 5:00 p.m. Roll Call PRESENT: Joe Clark, Sheldon Ferkey, Leo Thomasgard ABSENT: John Daven, Dana Duncan ALSO PRESENT: Pat Sullivan, Superintendent/4K-5 Principal; Marcia Sawyer, Business Director OTHERS PRESENT: Kyle Cronan 1. Consider Approval of Agenda Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to approve the agenda as posted. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. 2. Consideration of motion to adjourn into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute: 19.85(1)(c) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility A. Consider Approval of Minutes of Past Closed Session – July 14, 2014 B. Discuss 2015-2016 Administrative Staffing Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to adjourn into closed session. Voting yes – Clark, Duncan, Ferkey, Thomasgard. Motion carried. 3. Adjourn Closed Session and Reconvene into Open Session to take any action deemed necessary from the closed session Motion by Ferkey, second by Thomasgard, to adjourn closed session and reconvene into open session. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. PRESENT: Joe Clark, Dana Duncan, Sheldon Ferkey, Leo Thomasgard ABSENT: John Daven ALSO PRESENT: Pat Sullivan, Superintendent/4K-5 Principal; Marcia Sawyer, Business Director OTHERS PRESENT: Kyle Cronan, Gunnar Drew, Kathy McGrath, Tim Miller, Christopher Shields, Kim Shields, Megan Shields 4. Report from Student Representatives & Student Recognition Student representatives Christopher Shields and Gunnar Drew, reporting on the Port Fun Fest, stated that students helped with setting up for the event and operated the kiddie games. Students also reported that they provided child care services and assistance to the food service staff at “Back-to-School Night, and volunteered for the Lake Arrowhead Festival by parking cars and operating a concession stand. Upcoming Student Council events include Homecoming and a November blood drive. 5. President’s Report A. Board Member Attendance President Duncan reported that board member John Daven was absent by prior arrangement. B. Next Board Meeting President Duncan announced that the next business meeting of the Board of Education will be held on Monday, October 20th at 5:30 p.m. at the Elementary IMC. 6. Administrative Reports A. Report on Staff Inservice – Superintendent Sullivan Superintendent Sullivan reported that the back-to-school staff inservice, busy and productive, was a good start to the school year. B. Update on Constellation Grant, Report on Start of School Year & Staff Recognition – Principal Cronan Principal Cronan reported that students from the MSTC urban forestry program will be on school grounds in the near future to cut trees in preparation for the solar installation. Cronan stated that district students will be very involved with the next stages of the project. Cronan further reported that classes are well underway following a successful orientation program. Principal Cronan recognized social sciences teacher, Tim Miller, who received an Excellence in Teaching Economics and Financial Literacy award. Continued on page 17 Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 16 Continued from page 16 7. Questions and Comments from People in Attendance none CONSENT AGENDA: 8. Consider Approval of Minutes of Past Meeting – August 18, 2014 9. Consider Approval of Financial Reports A. Check Summaries ........................... August 1-31, 2014 #1068, 24199-24265 & 201400019-201400071 - $261,674.00 B. District Revenues Report ................ August 1-31, 2014 C. District Expenditures Report .......... August 1-31, 2014 D. August Cash Balance Report E. August Fund 60 Activity Accounts Report F. Consider Approval of Gifts Business Director Sawyer reported on a gift of school supplies from Dave and Norrine Cervenka. Motion by Ferkey, second by Clark, to approve the financial reports as submitted. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 10. Consider Adoption of Resolution to Authorize Participation in Energy Savings Revenue Limit Exemption & Performance Contracting Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to approve the resolution to authorize participation in energy savings revenue limit exemption and performance contracting with CESA 10. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. NEW BUSINESS: 11. Consider Approval of 2014-15 Employment Contract – Kerry Doran, 1.0 FTE Science Teacher Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to approve the 2014-15 contract of Kerry Doran as recommended by administration. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. 12. Consider Approval of Support Staff Hire – Grecia Hernandez-Otero, Half-Time Maintenance Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to approve Grecia Hernandez-Otero as half-time custodian as recommended by administration. Voting yes – all. Motion carried. 13. Opportunity for Individual Board Comment None 14. Establish Future Board Meeting Dates Monday, October 20, 2014, Closed Session at 5:00 (if needed); Business Meeting at 5:30 p.m. – Elementary IMC Monday, October 27, 2014, Budget Hearing & Annual Meeting, 6:00 p.m. – Elementary IMC Monday, November 10, 2014, Closed Session at 5:00 (if needed); Business Meeting at 5:30 p.m. – Elementary IMC Monday, December 15, 2014, Closed Session at 5:00 (if needed); Business Meeting at 5:30 p.m. – Elementary IMC 15. Call for Adjournment Motion by Clark, second by Thomasgard, to adjourn the meeting. Voting yes – Clark, Duncan, Ferkey, Thomasgard Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 5:50 p.m. Lisa Miller & Marcia Sawyer, acting secretaries Blackhawk Bulletin November 2014 Page 17
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