Thursday, November 13, 2014 Page 9 The Ranger C L A S S I F I E D S Fremont County’s Daily Newspaper THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words. POHOM ©2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC All Rights Reserved. COURC WULLAF MANUTU By John Deering Jumble puzzle magazines available at by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek STRANGE BREW 115 Homes for Sale THE ENTIRE Dream: Family, Yard and Business. Roomy and enjoyable colonial style home with attached business shop in Thermopolis. Withholding improvements to allow exceptional discount. Under 200K.. Call Scott at 307-921-8220 5-95 Announcements 25 Lost & Found LONG HAIRED, 80 lb., black female dog w/brown facial markings missing since 10/26/14. Last seen in Cowboy Lane and Major Avenue areas, Riverton. Please call 307-850-7295, 850-7202. LOST DOG: 3-month old Lab Mix puppy; male, tan with black running through coat; no collar; white tips on paws; answers to “Gunner”. Lost Saturday on PInnacle Drive. Gunner is like a family member. Please help reunite him with his loved ones. Call: 307840-2136 or 307-840-1040. LOST: BLUE iPhone & black Rayban prescription sunglasses. Possibly lost in Sinks Canyon weekend of Oct. 18th. 307699-0800. TOPCON LASER Level lost in Riverton vicinity of Smith’s, Monroe & 17-Mile Road. $100 reward for return. 307-856-1454. WHITE CHIHUAHUA found in Gardens North. Identify to cliam. Call Lloyd or Nancy at 307-463-0141. 30 Free Ads FREE EGG Cartons (approximately 70 available). RESULTS! FREE TV STAND/Entertainment Center Wooden, fits 32” TV, located in Riverton. 307-856-5025 TAME FARM cats & kittens, all colors, (307) 856-5819. TO GIVE away - Natural Gas Heating Stove (works). RESULTS! 40 Happenings “SURVIVE THE THRIVE”, single moms group, meets the second Fri. of each month from 6-8pm and the fourth Sun. from 5-7pm at 4440 Riverview Road. Dinner and childcare provided. Call Becky at (307) 709-0610 or Laura at 851-6647 for more information. A BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Group that journeys with you through the loss of your loved one meets every Mon., 1:302:30ish at the HELP for HEALTH Hospice Home sunroom. Questions? Call Roxanne, 307-856-1206. ADVENTURE INTO the exciting, fun world at the Children’s Art & Science Center, 3rd Street, (across from Gem Theater) Riverton. VOLUNTEER with us as a fun Museum Tour Guide. Hours: Th.-Sat. mornings 9:15am-1:30pm. Th.-Sun. afternoons, 1`:30-5:15pm. Stop in to learn more. AMERICAN LEGION Post 19 meets the third Mon. of each month at Veterans Hall, 611 E. Main, Riverton, at 7 PM. ARAPAHOE SCHOOL JOM Indian Education Committee will be hosting a Cultural Parent Night in Celebration of Native American Heritage Month on Thurs., Nov. 13, 2014 beginning with a traditional meal held in the cafeteria at 5:30pm. Cultural Demonstrations & Hands-On Activities will proceed at 6:30-8:30pm in the OLD GYM. All students Pre-K-12th grade, Parents, Guardians & Community Members are encouraged to attend the fun cultural evening. If you have questions please feel free to call Pat Moss(Federal Grants Director) at 307-856-9333 2BR, 1BA APT. Very clean. No pets, no smoking. $650/mo., $500 deposit. 307850-5055 HEY KIDS, Come join us at the Good News Club every Mon., only on full days of school, 3:15pm-5pm. Includes dynamic Bible lessons, creative learning activities, inspiring missionary stories, meaningful songs, life-changing scripture memory. Sponsored by: Child Evangelism Fellowship Inc. of Northwest WY. Call (307) 8566966 for more information. NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS Night Club (NANC) meetings are held Tu. & Fri. at 7pm at United Methodist Church on Park St. Riverton. Call (307) 840-3445 for more information. HAY FOR sale: Alfalfa/Grass mix or straight Alfalfa. Small bales. $170/ton. Call 307-856-7531. HAY: GRASS, grass/alfalfa mix, straight alfalfa. 3x4x8 bales, 1300 lbs. each. $100/bale or $140/ton. 307-840-6500. DEREK PEART 307-840-0440 Remodels, Additions, Sprinkler Systems, Concrete, Roofing, Drywall, Finish & Trim Pole Barns, Fencing, Decks, Exterior Dirt Work, Landscaping, Tree Houses ERIC RAYMOND - OWNER RESIDENTIAL, MODULAR MANUFACTURED. Heating, A/C, Duct Work, Repair Service, Air Quality Control. 520 East Main Street, Riverton. 24 Hour Service (307) 856-2888 or 840-2650 Fax (307) 856-2777. SINKS CANYON AA meetings are held Fri. at 6:30pm, Faith Lutheran Church, 1600 Sinks Canyon Road, Lander. For more information call (307) 332-5570. NOW OFFERING custom processing for BEEF, HOGS, LAMBS and WILD GAME CALL 856-6585 or 851-6441 for your appointment today. COMPLETE LAWN Service. References available. Spring Cleanup. Home Repair. Mowing, Aerating, Rototilling. Snow Removal. Don McGowan, (307) 850-2604. TERR-BEAR’S PROFESSIONAL Dry Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning. Residential and Commercial. Call for FREE Estimate. Don McGowan, (307) 850-2604. CLEAN, PROFESSIONAL Processing Competitive Prices 37 W. Powerline Road, Pavillion, WY 307-850-2903, 307-450-7002 Open until Jan. 15, 2015. The Ranger Classifieds 856-SOLD (7653) 280 Pets & Supplies CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES that warm your heart. Three boys, one girl. Call Brenda, (307) 856-3400. TWO ADORABLE hand raised kittens free to good homes. (307) 463-2739. 300-370 Real Estate Rentals 305 Houses Unfurnished 1-BEDROOM HOUSE with full basement, all appliances $650/mo. No pets. References. 307-856-9642 2BR, 1BA, remodeled. Large back yard/front yard, privacy fence. Central downtown, Riverton. $850/mo. Pets w/deposit. Available 11/15/14. 307-349-2145 mornings or evenings. 3BR, 2BA w/attached garage, full basement. $875/mo. + utilities. Deposit & good references required. Taking applications. Priced low in hopes of getting good renters. 307-851-4240. CLASSIFIED ERRORS: Please check your classified ad. This newspaper will accept responsibility for errors on the first day of publication only. Call us immediately at (307) 332-2323 or (307) 856-2244. 95 Services Offered SHED STORED grass/alfalfa mix hay, small bales, $6/bale. Located in Riverton. (307) 213-0251. 3BR 2BA newer country home, no indoor pets, no smoking, can bring horses $1150/mo. 1st + deposit. Kristina: 970-2743848. 45 Public Notices GENERAL CONTRACTING Fences, Decks, Roofs, Pole Barns, Metal Buildings, Garages, Septic Systems Water Lines, Concrete Work, Remodeling, New Construction. LIVINGSTON CONSTRUCTION, LLC (307)856-9564,850-2565. HOUSE CLEANING, Rental Cleaning References, Reasonable Rates Senior Discounts Kim, 307-855-5207 OVER 380,550 WYOMING PEOPLE WILL READ YOUR CLASSIFIED AD if you place it in WYCAN (Statewide Advertising) Sell, Buy, Announce, etc. $135 for a 25 word ad that reaches 44 Wyoming Newspapers. Contact this newspaper for details. (307) 856-2244 or 332-2323. RODEWALD CONSTRUCTION House Plans, New Construction, Windows & Doors, Garage Doors, Decks, Kitchen & Bathroom Remodels and Additions. (307) 840-2061 1-BEDROOM - Utilities Paid. 1-Bedroom Apt. No pets. $450/mo. + $50 cleaning deposit. 307-851-2116 240-295 Lawn/Farm/Ranch ALFALFA HAY for sale: $150/second cutting, $135/first cutting. Small bales, no rain. Located in the Riverton Valley. (307) 840-2640, 856-4768. (Answers tomorrow) FAULT EXCITE SCULPT Jumbles: SHOWN Answer: The greedy owner of the seafood market was — “SELL-FISH” 315 Apts. Unfurnished 155 Mobile Home Sales 250 Hay/Grain/Feed Print answer here: VERY CLEAN 1 BR House, $625/mo. includes water, sewer & garbage. 1st & last + $500 deposit. Available 12/1/2014 307856-4957. 2BR APT. on Main Street, Riverton. Rent includes utilities. Call JMH Properties, (307) 856-7178. TWO 2-BEDROOM mobile homes for sale or rent. (307) 851-6406 or (307) 856-6682 Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. Yesterday’s 100-160 Real Estate Sales 4BR, 2BA. $900/mo. + utilities. $900 deposit. Lawn care/snow removal required. Smoking outside only. No pets. References a must. 307-463-7097. BEAUTIFUL, NEWLY remodeled 3BR, 1BA. W/D included. No pets, no smoking. References required. One year lease. $1200/mo. $1200 deposit. 307-851-4074. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, limitations or discrimination. Familial status includes children under that age of 18 living with parents or legal custodians, and pregnant women and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Our readers are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To report discrimination call Wyoming Fair Housing at Wyoming Relay (Voice) 1-800877-9975 or call HUD toll free at 1-800669-9777. NICE 5BR, 2BA w/large backyard, garage. No smoking, parties or pets. One year lease. $1500/mo. + utilities. $1500 deposit. 307-851-6144. Cannon Builders is hiring experienced Laborers and Carpentors. $15-$20 per hour, DOE. Minimum of 3 years experience. Project will last for 1 year. Call Matt or Jared 208-785-6281. 2BR W/WASHER & dryer. No pets, parties or smoking. References, deposit & lease required. 307-856-2462, leave message. IN RIVERTON: 2BR apt. in four-plex, upper floor. $500/mo. plus elec. $500 deposit. Laundry room on premises. No pets. (307) 258-7968 330 Rooms for Rent BEDROOM IN my home. Furnished, spacious, clean. Wi-Fi, kitchen, laundry privileges. 5.5 miles north of Walmart. $475/mo. plus deposit. 307-857-1646. 335 Townhouses/Condos 1BR, near RHS. No smoking or pets. $650/mo. + utilities. Includes appliances + washer & dryer. 1st month and security deposit. References and lease required. 307856-6407 leave a message. 2BR, 1-1/2BA townhouse, $850/mo. $1000 deposit. Tenant pays utilities. No pets/smoking. Washer/dryer hookups. References required. Available immediately. 307-851-4074. 347 Commercial Shop/Warehouse DOUBLE INDUSTRIAL Shop, 800 South Smith Road (Riverton). 16’ industrial doors, huge fenced yard, 5800 sq. ft. shop. Big Bend Land Co. 307-463-0095, 970-4431808. 355 Storage Space ALL GUARD STORAGE 5x10, $30. 10x10, $40. 10x15, $45 10x20, $60. 10x25, $90 (307) 856-0195, (307) 856-9410. 375-410 Employment 385 Help Wanted DRIVERS: NORTH Park Transportation is now accepting applications for City P&D Drivers. Must have a Class A with Hazmat endorsement, be at least 25 years old with a minimum of one year experience. Full benefits including: Health benefits plan, company sponsored ESOP, and competitive compensation package. Apply at 655 S. Smith Road, Riveton, WY or fill out application online at, click online forms, click driver application. THIS NEWSPAPER recommends that you investigate every phase of investment opportunities. We suggest you consult your own attorney, and ask for a free pamphlet or for free further information from the company making the offer, before investing any money. You may contact the Attorney General’s Office, 123 Capitol Bldg., Cheyenne, WY 82009. VALLEY WATER SERVICE, Inc. is hiring CDL drivers and owner/operators immediately. Please contact Roger at 307-7051420. Work is based out of Farson, Wyoming. NOW HIRING EXPERIENCED COOK Shifts vary, experience preferred. Please apply at Holiday Inn 900 E Sunset Riverton WY Start your career today in the Hospitality Industry. No phone calls, please. GENERAL MANAGER to Manage Activities of the REACH FOUNDATION Familiar with: Business Administration Computer Operation Real Estate Transactions Personnel Management Apply through: Riverton Workforce Center Send Resume to: P.O. Box 846 Riverton, WY 82501 For more details of position, call 307-856-4782. Closes: Until Filled More Help Wanted at the top of next page The Ranger Classifieds • 856-SOLD Public Notices Ranger The Page 10 Notice of Final Payment to Contractor Central Wyoming College Sinks Canyon Field Station Bunkhouse Project Lander, WY Notice is hereby given that Central Wyoming College, Riverton, WY has accepted the work as complete, according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the contract between the Central Wyoming College, Riverton, WY and SDI Inc. Construction, Inc., Lander, WY for all construction of the Sinks Canyon Field Station Bunkhouse Project. The above-mentioned contractor is entitled to final settlement. Therefore, on the 11th day of December, 2014, being the (41st) day after the first date of advertisement, Central Wyoming College, Riverton, WY will pay the above-mentioned contractor the full amount due under said contract; provided all punch list and project close-out requirements have been met. PUB: The Ranger October 31 and November 6, 13, 2014 Ranger Carriers needed for: REIN PARK AREA MARYANN - 16TH ST. AREA Please apply now at 421 E. Main Riverton 415-470 Merchandise 420 Miscellaneous ELECTRIC RANGE with self-cleaning oven and glass top, very good condition. SONY TV 26” BBQ 16 HERITAGE HOUSE “County Fair” horse collection (horses play music with stands). 307-856-2370 (AFTER 4:30PM) INDUSTRIAL OVERHEAD Door. Chain roll-up. 8’5” wide. Asking $650. Call (307) 856-1145. Leave message if now answer. PELLET STOVE for fireplace insert for sale. Call evenings, ask for Eric: 307-8511801. SET OF 4 Michelin LTX AT2 tires, P27565-R18, less than 9000 miles. New $1060. Selling for $600 cash. RESULTS! 455 Seasonal Merchandise SMALL SNOWBLOWER, works well, $75. (307) 856-6636. 456 Appliances TIME TO clear out some more stuff! We bought this Viking Professional Refrigerator side-by-side some years ago and it looks like it is not going to be installed in our kitchen any time soon. New, these cost $10,800. This is a 48-inch wide, 27.5 cubic foot side-by-side stainless steel monster. Includes ice maker and water dispenser in the door. The refrigerator is 18.5 cubic feet and the freezer is 9 cubic feet. Asking $2,950 or make an offer. Sold as is. This is the ultimate refrigerator for a private home but would be equally at home in a professional kitchen. Email 457 Furniture/Carpet BRAND NEW, never used, queen size sofa sleeper w/deluxe air mattress. Neutral tweed. Paid $1200; Asking $995. See at ProParts, 1000 E. Monroe or call 307-8510760. 461 Building Materials STEEL BUILDINGS Year End Deals Big & Small Complete Turnkey Pricing Factory direct to Site 307-459-4420 Source 18X 468 Want to Buy/Trade WANT TO buy fine Wyoming Jade chunks, slicks or slabs. Fair prices, free estimate. Call Glenn at (307) 856-6714. 470 Good Things to Eat LOCALLY GROWN Tomatoes, Fresh Carrots, and Apples for sale. 307-851-7562. 475-540 Recreation 490 Guns & Ammunition REMINGTON 700 ADL Rifle, brand new never fired. 270 caliber. 3x9 scope. Asking $650. 307-856-1145, leave message if no answer. RUGER 10/22 w/Rail, Butler Creek Folder & Lasermax + 2-OEM-10, 3-BX25, 2Eagle-30 & 600rds HV ammo $600. 307840-5682 SPRINGFIELD XDM 40 cal. w/case & accessories. Please call Jim at 307-8517065. Notice of Final Payment to Contractor Fremont County School District #24 New Shoshoni K-12 School Phase 1 Grading and Utility Project Shoshoni, WY Notice is hereby given that Fremont County School District #24, Shoshoni, WY has accepted the work as complete, according to the plans and specifications and rules set forth in the contract between the Fremont County School District #24, Shoshoni, WY and 71 Construction, Riverton, WY for construction of the Phase 1 New Shoshoni K-12 School Grading and Utility Project. The above-mentioned contractor is entitled to final settlement. Therefore, on the 24th day of December, 2014, being the (41st) day after the first date of advertisement, Fremont County School District #24, Shoshoni, WY will pay the above-mentioned contractor the full amount due under said contract; provided all punch list and project close-out requirements have been met. PUB: The Ranger November 13, 19 and 26, 2014 STATE OF WYOMING COUNTY OF FREMONT ) ) ) IN THE MATTER OF THE REVOCABLE TRUST INDENTURE OF ROBERT KWONG CHEE SIU DATED FEBRUARY 20, 1999, as restated. 505 Ski Equipment LL-BEAN WAXLESS XC-Skis 52mm x 80.5” w/3pt toe binding + size 10 boots 140cm poles & bag $100 obo. 307-8405682 515 Snow Vehicles MY BETTER half says it is time to clear out all this stuff we are not using. So, here goes: A “like new” 2005 Polaris two-seater Liberty Frontier four-cylinder EDGE snowmobile. Has not been ridden in five years but has been stored and looks like new. New these rigs are $14,000. Willing to sell for a lot less. How about $4,950? Or best offer. Also, have two nice snowmobiles on a trailer, a Polaris and a Ski-Doo. Good set-up. Asking $3,800 or best offer for all of it. Machines are 2001 Ski-Doo Summit with 6,209 miles. Rotax 600 with R.A.V.E. Polaris is 2001 600 RMK with 4,484 miles. Very little use in last four years and always stored in covered location. Great way to get into snowmobiling with good equipment for very little investment. We also still have those two trailers for sale, too. One is an enclosed 12-foot Wells Cargo ($4,600 or best offer). Call or text Mike Sniffin at 307 349 6356 or email bsniffin@wyoming. 545-620 Transportation 615 Trucks-4 Wheel Drive 2003 FORD F250 4WD Crew Cab, 93K miles, clean interior, runs great. Asking $10,000. Call 307-921-8800. MIDWAY AUTO SALES Largest Pre-owned Selection! GUARANTEED CREDIT APPROVAL! Shop all 3 stores at: Worland, (307) 347-4123 Lovell (307) 548-7571 Cody (307) 587-7571 620 Autos 2000 MAZDA 626. Clean, runs well, great gas mileage. Perfect commuter or first car. Three newer tires. $2200. 574-309-4342 GET APPROVED for an Car Loan!!! Stop Getting Denied!!! Guaranteed Credit Approval!!! Lovell 307-548-7571 Worland 307-347-4123 Cody 307-587-7571 Time for A-B-C’s “A” Classified Ad “B”rings You Ready “C”ash! CALL The Ranger TODAY! 856-SOLD (7653) ) ) ) NOTICE OF INTENT TO DISTRIBUTE Pursuant to Wyo. Stat. § 4-10-506 (a), Laura Burback, Trustee of the Revocable Trust Indenture of Robert Kwong Chee Siu dated February 25, 1999 (herein Trust), advises all creditors and persons interested in the Trust as follows: • Robert Kwong Chee Siu executed the Revocable Trust Indenture of Robert Kwong Chee Siu dated February 25, 1999. In 2009, Robert Kwong Chee Siu executed the First Restatement of Revocable Trust Indenture of Robert Kwong Chee Siu dated February 25, 1999. • Robert Kwong Chee Siu died on September 11, 2014 in Wyoming. • Laura Burback was designated as Trustee of the Trust upon the death of Robert Kwong Chee Siu. The address of Trustee is as follows: Laura Burback c/o Attorney Ann Rochelle 159 N Wolcott, Suite 360 Casper, Wyoming 82601 • Creditors shall make all claims in writing to Trustee within one hundred twenty (120) days after the last publication of this Notice at the address above. • Creditors and other interested persons shall commence a judicial proceeding to contest the validity of the Trust within one hundred twenty (120) days after the last publication of this Notice at the address above. • Creditors receiving this Notice by mail shall make all claims in writing to Trustee within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date of the mailing of the Notice. • The time allowed for commencing a proceeding to contest the validity of the Trust or of the proposed distribution of the Trustee is one hundred twenty (120) days from the date of mailing of the Notice. • A creditor or other interested person failing to file its/his claim or to commence a judicial proceeding to contest the validity of the Trust within the times provided is forever prohibited from making any claim against the assets of the Trust or commencing any judicial proceeding against the assets of the Trust, or the Trust. Dated this 10th day of November, 2014. Laura Burback, Trustee PUB: The Ranger November 13, 20 and 27, 2014 PUBLIC NOTICE Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission's (Commission) Rules, the Commission hereby gives notice of the application of Rocky Mountain Power (Rocky Mountain or the Company) requesting authority to discontinue operation of and decommission its Carbon Power Plant coal-fired generation facility, as more fully described below. Rocky Mountain is a public utility as defined in W.S. § 37-1-101(a)(vi)(C) which provides retail electric public utility service under certificates of public convenience and necessity issued by the Commission. Rocky Mountain is subject to the Commission's jurisdiction pursuant to W.S. § 37-2-112. On October 30, 2014, Rocky Mountain filed its application seeking authority to discontinue operation and decommission the Company's Carbon Power Plant coal-fired generation facility (the Facility). The Facility is located in Carbon County, Utah. The Facility is a coal-fired steam electric generating facility consisting of two units. Unit 1 is a 72 MW unit that began service in 1954 and Unit 2 is a 112 MW unit that went into service in 1957 (collectively the Units). The Units utilize tangentially-fired Alstom boilers and Westinghouse steam turbine generators. The Facility uses an electrostatic precipitator and a cyclonic dust collector to reduce particulate matter emissions from Unit 1 and an electrostatic precipitator for Unit 2. The Facility is required to comply with EPA's Mercury and Air Toxics Standards (MATS) on or before April 16, 2015. The current emissions profiles of the Facility's Units do not meet MATS limits for all pollutants regulated under that rule. The Units have not been, and cannot economically be, retrofitted with scrubbers, bag houses, or other significant emissions control equipment that would bring the Facility into compliance with MATS. The Facility is located in the mouth of a canyon with certain physical and air-shed constraints that also limit the viable compliance alternatives that would otherwise be available for the Facility. In addition to the MATS rules, Rocky Mountain must consider other environmental regulations in its long-term planning decisions for the Facility. These other regulations include long-term Regional Haze Rule planning, National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and the EPA's recently proposed greenhouse gas regulations. The Company anticipates that each of these additional regulations may pose significant challenges to the long-term operation of the Facility even if its MATS compliance obligations could be otherwise mitigated. Rocky Mountain states retiring the Carbon Power Plant will impact the Company's transmission system. The Company is modifying various segments of lines and substations in the 138 kV transmission system located in eastern Utah prior to the plant being removed from service in order to maintain reliability and stability of the system. The Company states decommissioning the Facility will not adversely impact its ability to provide safe, adequate and reliable electric service to its customers. Rocky Mountain states its intent is to maximize recovery of the Facility and associated assets for the joint benefit of its rate payers and the Company without taking on additional risks. To maximize asset recovery, Rocky Mountain plans on doing the following: [i] keep inventories of fuel, chemicals, reagents used in the plant as low as possible; [ii] circulate lists of plant equipment and spares to other plants within the Company to identify equipment that can be redistributed, reused, or redeployed; [iii] scrap high value items such as large transformers to maximize recovery value; [iv] contact outside companies to determine interest in purchasing warehouse and other high value inventory items and salvageable equipment; and [v] competitively procure the contract(s) for the demolition, remediation, and reclamation to help ensure the best value for the equipment and materials that are salvaged, recycled, or scrapped, is received. This is not a complete description of the application. Interested persons may inspect the application at Rocky Mountain's business offices throughout Wyoming and at the Commission's offices in Cheyenne, Wyoming, during regular business hours. Anyone wishing to file a statement, intervention petition, protest or request for a public hearing in this matter must do so in writing filed with the Commission on or before December 4, 2014. Any intervention request filed with the Commission shall set forth the grounds of the proposed intervention or request for hearing as well as the position and the interest of the petitioner in this proceeding. If you wish to intervene in this matter or request a public hearing which you will attend and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, call the Commission at (307) 777-7427 or write to the Commission, 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002. Communications-impaired persons may contact the Commission through Wyoming Relay at 711. Please be sure to mention Docket No. 20000-457-EA-14 in all correspondence with the Commission. Dated: November 4, 2014. PUB: The Ranger November 6 and 13, 2014 Please send legals to: Thursday, November 13, 2014 4 high school hoops recruits sign with Wyoming Cowboys CHEYENNE. (AP) —Wyoming coach Larry Shyatt says the four high school basketball recruits he signed Wednesday fit into his system of taking young talent and developing players who can compete against the top teams in the country. “They are emblematic with what we have brought in the last couple of years that’s allowed us to improve in every shape and form,” Shyatt said. “And also I think they’re in common with the type of relationships and trust we want to develop.” The players signing letters of intent to play for the Cowboys are: 5-10 guard Austin Conway of Aurora, Colorado, 6-7 guard Justin James of Port Saint Lucie, Florida, 6-8 forward Andrew Moemeka of Lake City, Florida, and 6-9 forward Jordan Naughton of Rancho Cucamonga, California. James and Moemeka are the fourth and fifth players Shyatt has Awards Majors. “We do have the best infield,” LeMahieu said. “Obviously, Nolan and Tulo are two of the best in the game and you have Morneau, who got nominated and who I really don’t think could have played any better first base than he did this year.” Arenado said the strong showing in defensive awards is evidence that the Rockies have more talent than their 66-96 record showed during an injury-riddled 2014. “It would have been pretty crazy if Morney would have won; it would have meant all of us in the infield would have Gold Gloves,” Arenado said. “It just shows that our team is not that far from being a contender. We’re right there. There are a couple pieces we have and a couple of pieces we’ve got to get, then we’ll be all right.” Kershaw wins NL Cy Young Award NEW YORK (AP) -- Everyone expected Clayton Kershaw to pitch a shutout, and he did -- a unanimous choice for the NL Cy Young Award. Corey Kluber edging out Felix Hernandez for the AL pitching prize, that was no sure thing. Now, the big question: Is Kershaw the Most Valuable Player, too? “I can’t even really fathom it happening,” Kershaw said on a conference call Wednesday, shortly after winning his third Cy Young in four seasons. Kershaw led the majors in victories and ERA and threw a no-hitter, going 21-3 with a 1.77 ERA for the NL West champion Los Angeles Dodgers. The 26-year-old lefty with a wicked curveball will find out Thursday if he’s the first NL pitcher to sweep the MVP and Cy Young honors since Bob Gibson in 1968. “I think a lot of things probably have to go right,” Kershaw said, adding, “there are so many people out there who don’t think a pitcher should win.” Pittsburgh center fielder Andrew McCutchen, who won the NL MVP last year, and Miami slugger Giancarlo Stanton are CWC and she has a lot of passion for the game,” Stauffenberg said. Muehler plans to study premedicine and will continue strength training building up to the fall season. “We’ll see where this leads me. I looked around, and CWC felt like the right place,” Muehler said, adding the she believes the college game is played at a quicker pace. Muehler finished her high signed from Florida since 2011. The four will join Wyoming for the 2015-16 academic year. The Cowboys have six players on the roster now who are set to graduate next spring. “This was a really meaningful class because although we’ll be quite young, to me that’s how you improve and develop,” Shyatt said. Shyatt said the four are athletic, “play with motors” and have solid values. “I would dare say that these guys are really, really good fits because we did get an opportunity to build a level of trust with their families,” he said. Conway averaged 10.5 points, 4.4 rebounds, 4.2 assists and 2.2 steals per game, while shooting 46 percent from the field as a high school junior last year. James averaged 21.1 points, 8.7 rebounds, 3.6 assists and 1.9 blocks per game last season. Moemeka averaged nearly 13 points, 11 rebounds and six blocks Continued from page 6 Clayton Kershaw won the NL Cy Young award on Wednesday. MCT competing against Kershaw for honor. “Everybody’s going to have an opinion” on the position playervs.-pitcher debate, Kershaw said. His thought? “I don’t really have an opinion either way,” he said, diplomatically. “I think most valuable is such a tough thing to assess,” he said. Kershaw won the Cy Young for the second year in a row, getting all 30 first-place votes in balloting by members of the Baseball Writers’ Association of America. Johnny Cueto of Cincinnati was second with 112 points, followed by Adam Wainwright of St. Louis (97) and World Series MVP Madison Bumgarner of San Francisco (28). Voting was completed before the postseason began. Kershaw went 0-2 with a 7.82 ERA in a Division Series loss to St. Louis, leaving him at 1-5 with a 5.12 ERA in his playoff career. “For me, personally, the season didn’t end the way I wanted to,” Kershaw said. Kluber’s dominant second half helped him draw 17 of 30 firstplace votes and 169 points, while Seattle ace King Felix got 13 firsts and 159 points. Chris Sale of the Chicago White Sox was third with 78 points. “I think I’m definitely surprised,” said Kluber, who “just assumed” Hernandez would win. Continued from page 6 school season ranked seventh in Wyoming in digs, averaging 3.0 per game, and was second on her team in total digs with 274. She also was third on her team in kills with with 239. “I’m excited to improve and excited to have another two years,” Muehler said. Kenisha is the daughter of Jason and Stacie Muehler.
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