Government of India Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs and Sports Department of Sports NIT for selection of CPSU for PMC work for setting up of the proposed National Sports University, Imphal, Manipur -1- Important Information Sheet Event Particulars Last date and time for seeking clarification 10.11.2014 at 3 pm Date and Time for Pre bid Conference 11.11.2014 at 11 am Date of Issue of Clarification by Department of Sports, MSDEYAS 13.11.2014 at 11 am Last date and time for Bid submission 15.11.2014 at 3 pm Date & Time of Opening of Technical Bids 15.11.2014 at 3.30 pm Place of Submission of NIT The Under Secretary (SP-VI) Department of Sports, Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, Cafeteria Building, Pragati Vihar Hostel, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Contact Person The Under Secretary (SP-VI) Department of Sports, Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, Cafeteria Building, Pragati Vihar Hostel, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Contact Address and Numbers Tele No. 011-24368245 / 24368242 Fax: 011-24362942 E-Mail: -2- Government of India Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports (Department of Sports) *** NIT No. No.F.70 – 77 / 2014 - SP VI dated 5th November, 2014. Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) for selection of Central PSU as a PMC for setting up of the proposed National Sports University, Manipur under the Department of Sports as a turnkey job. 1. Introduction: 1.1 Department of Sports under the Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports (MSDEYA&S), Government of India, for and on behalf of President of India, invites bids from Central PSUs eligible to be considered for entrusting the construction works relating to the National Sports University on a proposed 200 acre land in Manipur. 2. Brief Scope of Work: 2.1 National Sports University (NSU) shall function through the proposed Four Schools i.e. School of Sports Medicine, School of Sports Sciences and Technology, School of Sports Education and School of Interdisciplinary Studies. Each School shall have Department(s) in a specific knowledge domain pertaining to sports development. -3- Each Department shall function under a few divisions and each division shall engage itself with some specialized area appropriate to the concern of the Department. The schools, departments and the divisions within each school will be set up and different types of certificate / degree / diploma courses under each department / division / school will be offered in phases over a period of 3 – 5 years. Total estimated cost of the proposed infrastructure of the University is Rs.681 Crores, approximately, spread in two phases. For the first phase (consisting of first three years) total proposed cost is Rs.411.00 crores and for the second phase (consisting of next two years), the total proposed cost is Rs.270.00 crores. Details of proposed infrastructure/scope of work for the National Sports University are laid down in Annexure I to this NIT. The Work Order to the selected CPSU will be issued only after EFC appraisal and CCEA approval for the project. 2.2 The scope of work and terms of reference of the selected PMC will include preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) including detailed designs, drawings, estimates, BOQ for various construction works; calling tenders and selection of the implementing agency (contractor), monitoring and supervision of the implementation of the project through the selected agency; submitting progress of the project from time to time; submitting the final report to the Department of Sports, MSDEYAS etc. 3. Eligibility: 3.1 The PSUs should meet the Financial and Technical eligibility criteria (Quality Evaluation Criteria) as per parameters laid down in Annexure II to this NIT. 4. Clarifications on NIT Document: -4- 4.1 The prospective bidders requiring any clarification on this document shall notify MSDEYA&S in writing or by Fax at the MSDEYA&S mailing address indicated in Para 9.6 below, latest by 10thth November, 2014 at 3 pm. Clarifications sought, if any, are to be asked in the following format: S. Clause Query / Clarification Name of the No. No. of sought PSU asking the NIT 4.2 the query Pre–Bid conference will be held at 1100 Hours on 11th November, 2014 at the address stated in Para 9.6 below. All efforts will be made to furnish clarifications either on the spot in the pre-Bid Conference or in exceptional cases, the same will be furnished subsequently. In either case, the minutes of the pre-bid meeting containing all the clarifications issued shall be posted on the website of the Ministry. 4.3 Any clarifications issued by MSDEYA&S shall form an integral part of this document and shall amount to an amendment of the relevant clauses of this document. 5. Documents / details to be submitted in the Offer: 5.1 The Bidder is required to furnish the following documents/details: (i) Technical details about the Bidder PSU and other relevant information in the formats prescribed at Annexure II to VI. Such information will form the basis of technical evaluation. -5- (ii) Certificate of Incorporation / Registration. (iii) Copy of aims and objectives of the PSU. (iv) Audited annual reports along with a certificate from the statutory auditors of the company certifying the turnover. (v) Copy of Certificates for Service Tax and copy of PAN and TAN. (vi) Copy of NIT & clarifications issued by MSDEYA&S to this NIT, if any, duly signed and stamped on each page by the authorized signatory of the bidder as a mark of acceptance of all conditions of the NIT. Note: (a) All papers which are a photocopy and submitted as part of the proposal shall be duly attested by the Company's CS / CA or authorized signatory. (b) Each of the pages of the proposal submitted will be signed and stamped by the Authorized Signatory of the Bidder PSU. (c) Each page of the proposal should be duly numbered and total number of pages in the proposal should be clearly mentioned in the proposal. Index of the documents submitted in this NIT should be given and location of the documents submitted should be clearly mentioned in the Index so that Evaluation Committee is able to easily locate them. (d) In case any value of money is indicated in a currency other than INR, the same will be converted into INR by MSDEYA&S as per the exchange rate prevailing on the date of opening of the NIT. (e) Only proposals complete in all respects and containing all requisite information / data shall be accepted and evaluated. Proposals which are incomplete in any manner shall be summarily rejected and no -6- requests for condonation / acceptance of information after the final date for submission of tender documents shall be entertained. 6. Availability of NIT / Processing Fee: 6.1 Availability of NIT: Copy of the NIT can be obtained in person from Section Officer (SP VI) at the address given in Para 9.6 below between office hours on all working days up to the date preceding the day fixed for opening of technical bids on payment of Rs.1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) by means of a Demand Draft / Banker Cheque drawn in favour of the PAO, Department of Sports, Government of India payable at Delhi / New Delhi. NIT can also be downloaded from the website of this Ministry at in which case a separate Demand Draft / Banker Cheque of Rs.1000.00 (Rupees One Thousand Only) in favour of the PAO, Department of Sports, Government of India payable at Delhi / New Delhi towards the cost of NIT will be enclosed by the bidder with the technical bid. Bids not accompanied by the cost of the NIT downloaded from the website will not be considered and will be summarily rejected. 6.2 Processing Fee: Each bid will be accompanied with a non- refundable processing fee of Rs.5,000.00 (Rupees Five Thousand Only). Processing fee can be paid by means of a Demand Draft / Banker Cheque drawn in favour of the PAO, Department of Sports, Government of India payable at Delhi / New Delhi. Technical Bids not accompanied by the prescribed processing fee shall be summarily rejected. 7. Earnest Money Deposit: 7.1 To safeguard the interests of the Government, each bid will also be accompanied by an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs.10.00 Lakhs (Rupees ten lakhs only). Earnest Money can be deposited along with the technical -7- bid by means of a Demand Draft / Banker Cheque drawn in favour of the PAO, Department of Sports, Government of India payable at Delhi / New Delhi or Fixed Deposit Receipt / Bank Guarantee drawn in favour of the Department of Sports, Government of India payable at Delhi / New Delhi. Technical bids not accompanied by earnest money shall be summarily rejected. No interest shall be payable by the Employer for the sum deposited as EMD. 7.2 Earnest money will be returned to all unsuccessful bidders without interest as soon as practicable after a decision on bids. 7.3 The earnest money shall be liable for forfeiture in the following events: I. If Proposal is withdrawn during the validity period or any extension agreed by the consultant thereof. II. If the Proposal is varied or modified in a manner not acceptable to the Employer after opening of Proposal during the validity period or any extension thereof. III. If the consultant tries to influence the evaluation process. IV. If the First ranked consultant withdraws his proposal during negotiations (failure to arrive at consensus by both the parties shall not be construed as withdrawal of proposal by the consultant). 8. Security Deposit: 8.1 Successful bidder shall within one month from the date of conveying acceptance of the tender in his favour in writing will have to deposit a sum equal to five per cent of the total estimated cost of the PMC work for the proposed construction work Security for the fulfillment of the contract in the same manner as laid down in Para 7.1 for depositing Earnest Money. In the case of the successful bidder, the earnest money already deposited by him will not be refunded to him / her but will be adjusted against the -8- security deposit and the balance, if any, will have to be paid by him / her within the aforesaid period. Alternatively, the successful bidder may submit security for the entire amount in the laid down manner and seek refund of the security deposit. 9. Submission of proposals: 9.1 Two Bid system: The offer shall be submitted in 2 separate sealed covers - one for Technical Bid and the other for Financial Bid. The original and all copies of the Technical Proposal shall be placed in a sealed cover clearly marked as “Technical Bid in response to Department of Sports NIT No. No.F.70 - 77 / 2014 – SP VI dated 5th November, 2014 for PMC work for taking up the construction works of the National Sports University, Manipur”. Similarly, the original financial proposal shall be placed in a sealed cover clearly marked as “Financial Bid in response to Department of Sports NIT No. No.F.70-77 / 2014 – SP VI dated 5th November, 2014 for PMC work for taking up construction works of the National Sports University, Manipur” and will also mention the name of the Bidder PSU with address and Stamp. The envelopes containing the Technical Proposals, Financial Proposals, EMD and bid processing fees shall be placed into an outer envelope and sealed. This outer envelope shall bear the submission address, reference number be clearly marked “DO NOT OPEN, BEFORE 3 pm on 15th November 2014” and will also mention the name of the Bidder PSU with address and Stamp. The Department of Sports, MSDEYAS shall not be responsible for misplacement, losing or premature opening if the outer envelope is not sealed and/or marked as stipulated. This circumstance may be case for Proposal rejection. If the Financial Proposal is not submitted in a separate sealed envelope duly marked as indicated above, this will constitute grounds for declaring the Proposal nonresponsive. 9.2 While Technical Bids will be opened on the date and time given in Para 10.1 below, financial Bid of only technically qualified bidders will be opened later for which separate date and time will be notified on the website of this Ministry. -9- 9.3 Technical Bids will consist of - i) Copy of NIT & clarifications issued by MSDEYA&S to this NIT, if any, duly signed and stamped on each page by the authorized signatory of the bidder as a mark of acceptance of all conditions of the NIT ii) non-refundable Bid Processing Fee iii) Prescribed Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) iv) All documents as more specifically mentioned in Para 5.1 of this NIT v) Information in Annexure II to VI. Technical bids not meeting this requirement will not be considered and summarily rejected. 9.4 Financial Bids will consist of the Agency Charges to be quoted by the bidder in the following format: Percentage (%) Agency charges Percentage (%) Agency charges quoted by the Bidder in digits quoted by the Bidder in words The Financial proposal shall not include any conditions attached to it and any such conditional financial proposal shall be rejected summarily. 9.5 While Technical Bids will be opened on the date and time given in Para 10.1 below, financial Bid of only technically qualified bidders will be opened later for which separate date and time will be notified on the website of this - 10 - Ministry. Bidders should be in the lookout for the date of opening the financial bids by visiting the website of this Ministry from time to time. 9.6 The proposals from the interested eligible Bidders shall be accepted at the following address up to 1500 Hrs (Indian Standard Time) on 15th November, 2014. The proposal shall be addressed to: The Under Secretary (SP-VI) Department of Sports, Ministry of Skill Development, Entrepreneurship, Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India, Cafeteria Building, Pragati Vihar Hostel, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi-110003 Tele No. 011-24368245/24368242 Fax: 011-24362942 E-mail: 9.7 The proposal may be sent by post or delivered in person on the above mentioned address. The responsibility for ensuring that the proposals are delivered in time would vest with the Bidder. MSDEYA&S shall not be responsible if the proposals are delivered late or elsewhere. 9.8 Proposals received either by post or courier service or in person after the specified date and time will not be opened or considered. MSDEYA&S, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of the proposals, as it may deem appropriate. - 11 - 10. Opening of Proposals: 10.1 MSDEYA&S shall open the Technical Bids at 1530 hours on 15th November, 2014 at the address stated in Para 9.6 above in the presence of authorized representatives from participating Bidders, who choose to attend. In case the date fixed for opening of the proposals is subsequently declared as holiday by the Government, the proposals will be opened on the next working day with the time and venue remaining unaltered. 11. 11.1 Evaluation: The proposals will be evaluated, based on the eligibility criteria and submission of all the requisite information / documents as asked for in this NIT, as per Annexure II. 11.2 Bidder(s) meeting the eligibility after evaluation will be selected for award of various construction works for the National Sports University, Manipur, in two phases, namely, phase I and phase II. 11.3 Evaluation shall be made on Cost Evaluation under Combined Quality Cum Cost Based System (CQCCBS) 11.4 Under CQCCBS, the technical proposals will be allotted weightage of 70% and only bidders securing a minimum of 70% marks in technical evaluation shall be considered technically qualified. Financial proposals of only those firms who are technically qualified shall be opened publicly on the date & time to be notified, in the presence of the Consultants’ representatives who choose to attend. The name of the Consultants, their technical score (if required) and their financial proposal shall be read aloud. Financial proposals will be allotted weightages of 30%. 11.5 Proposal with the lowest cost may be given a financial score of 100 and other proposals given financial scores that are inversely proportional to their prices. - 12 - 11.6 The total score, both technical and financial, shall be obtained by weighing the quality and cost scores and adding them up. The proposed weightages for quality and cost shall be specified in the RFP. 11.7 Highest points basis: On the basis of the combined weighted score for quality and cost, the consultant shall be ranked in terms of the total score obtained. The proposal obtaining the highest total combined score in evaluation of quality and cost will be ranked as H-1 followed by the proposals securing lesser marks as H-2, H-3 etc. The proposal securing the highest combined marks and ranked H-1 will be invited for negotiations, if required and shall be recommended for award of contract. 11.8 The Bidder who has secured first rank in technical evaluation shall be called for further negotiation after opening and evaluation of its financial proposals. 11.9 The Name of the successful bidder along with details of cost etc. shall be posted on the departmental website after the award to the successful bidder has been made and communicated to him in writing. 12. Agency Charges: 12.1 MSDEYA&S shall approve the designs of each construction work along with detailed working drawings / preliminary estimate / detailed estimate / structural designs. Each bidder will quote the minimum agency charges as a percentage of the total cost of works in the financial bid in the prescribed format indicated in Para 9.4 above. 13. Award of Contract: 13.1 After completing negotiations, if any, this Ministry will issue a letter of Award of Contract to the selected Bidder. The selected bidder will sign the contract after fulfilling all the formalities within fifteen days of issuance of the letter of Award of Contract. 14. Disclaimer - 13 - 14.1 The information contained in this NIT or subsequently provided to bidders, whether verbally or in documentary or any other form by or on behalf of Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S or any of its employees or advisers, is provided to Applicants on the terms and conditions set out in this NIT and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided. 14.2 This NIT is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by the Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S to the prospective Applicants or any other person. The purpose of this NIT is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their proposals pursuant to this NIT. This NIT includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S in relation to the construction work. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each Applicant may require. This NIT may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for the Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S, its employees or advisers to consider the objectives, technical expertise and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this NIT. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this NIT, may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Applicant should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments and information contained in this NIT and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources. Information provided in this NIT to the Applicants is on a wide range of matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The Department of Sports, - 14 - MSDEYA&S accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on the law expressed herein. 14.3 The Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S, its employees and advisers make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person including any Applicant under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this NIT or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability or completeness of the NIT and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this NIT or arising in any way in this Selection Process. 14.4 The Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise however caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements contained in this NIT. 14.5 The Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S may in its absolute discretion, but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumption contained in this NIT. 14.6 MSDEYA&S reserves right to accept or reject any or all proposal (s) or to annul the NIT / RFP process and reject all proposals at any time prior to award of contract without assigning any reason whatsoever and without thereby incurring any liability to the affected bidder (s) on the ground of MSDEYA&S’s action. - 15 - 14.7 The Applicant shall bear all its costs associated with or relating to the preparation and submission of its Proposal including but not limited to preparation, copying, postage, delivery fees, expenses associated with any demonstrations or presentations which may be required by the Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S or any other costs incurred in connection with or relating to its Proposal. All such costs and expenses will remain with the Applicant and the Department of Sports, MSDEYA&S shall not be liable in any manner whatsoever for the same or for any other costs or other expenses incurred by an Applicant in preparation or submission of the proposal, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Selection Process. 14.8 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the proposal comparison / evaluation / work award decision by way of overt / covert canvassing shall result in non consideration / rejection of its proposal. 14.9 MSDEYA&S reserves the right to change the schedule of dates / time stated in this NIT. Changes, if any, will be displayed on the website of MSDEYA&S. As such the bidders are requested to regularly check the MSDEYA&S website. 14.10 In case of any dispute, Jurisdiction of courts in New Delhi will apply. 14.11 The responsibility of giving truthful information without concealing any facts is that of the Bidder(s). In case, at any stage, it is found that any information given by the Bidder(s) is false / incorrect / concealed, then MSDEYA&S shall have the absolute right to take any action as deemed fit including but not limited to dropping the bidding PSU from consideration for award of work / blacklisting etc. without incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) on the ground of MSDEYA&S’s action. - 16 - Annexure I Infrastructure requirement for the National Sports University I. Phase-wise Requirement of Academic Infrastructure of the NSU [Key: - O – Dean Office, C – Classrooms, L – Laboratories, F – Faculty Rooms, RS – Research Scholars, SR – Seminar Rooms] (A) School of Sports Sciences, Sports Medicine and Technology Department / O C L F RS SR Division Phase I Sports Physiology & Anatomy Exercise Physiology 2 3 4 6 2 1 2 3 4 6 2 1 Division Functional Anatomy Division - 17 - Sports Nutrition 1 3 2 6 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 6 2 1 2 3 2 6 2 1 2 3 2 4 2 1 Division Biochemical Sciences Dope Control Counselling Division Sports Biochemistry Division Sports Psychology Performance Psychology Division Social Psychology Division Sports Biomechanics - 18 - and Kinesiolohy Sports 2 2 2 6 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 3 2 10 - 1 2 3 10 7 - 1 2 3 2 2 - 1 2 3 1 1 - 1 Biomechanics Division Isotonic and Isokinetic Division Sports Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Pre Participation Evaluation Division Rehabilitation Sciences Division Prosthetic and Orthotic Division - 19 - Sports Dentistry Division Phase II Sports Geriatric Sciences, 3 3 3 10 4 1 2 2 5 10 4 1 2 2 5 10 4 1 10 - 10 - - 1 Adventure Sports and Disability Studies Sports Management and Digital Media Sports Technology and Architecture Clinical Sports Medicine Unit Pre participation Evaluation division - 20 - (B) School of Sports Education Phase I Sports Education (Teaching) 2 3 - Sports Education Division - 21 - 6 1 1 II Phase-wise Requirement of Sports Infrastructure and Financial Implications Name of the Facility Area Approximate Cost (Rs. in Crores) 10 Acres 10 – Phase I 8 Acres 04 – Phase II Grassy/Cinder Track 8 Acres 01– Phase I Badminton Complex 2 Acres 03 – Phase I 2 Acres 05 – Phase I 2 Acres 05 – Phase I Cycling Velodrome 6 Acres 04 – Phase II Football Complex 12 Acres 02.50 – Phase I Gymnastics 1 Acre Athletic stadium (Synthetics Track) Warm –up (Synthetics Track) (Indoor Stadiums/open Courts) Basketball / Volly ball / Net ball Complex (Indoor Stadia) Boxing Complex (Indoor and Outdoor) 05 – Phase I Centre(Indoor and - 22 - Outdoor) 12 Acres 06 – Phase I 1 Acre 04 – Phase I Kabaddi /Kho-Kho 2 Acres 0.50 – Phase I Squash Courts (4 sets of 2 Acres 05 – Phase I Swimming Complex 3 Acres 12 – Phase I Shooting Ranges 6 Acres 20 – Phase II Table Tennis Complex 2 Acres 03 – Phase I Tennis Complex 4 Acres 03 – Phase I Weightlifting Centre 1 Acre 03 – Phase I Fitness Centre 1 Acre 03 – Phase I Circuit Training/Sand 6 Acres 02 – Phase I Hockey (Synthetic Turf and grassy grounds) Judo Complex (Indoor and Outdoor) Three Indoor Courts) (Indoor) Training /Conditioning Complex 01 – Phase I Sauna and Steam Facility 1 Acre 84 Acres - 23 - 104 Crores * The Area mentioned above includes the open space around the complexes. Phase I : Rs.76 Crores. Phase II : Rs.28 Crores. - 24 - III Phase-wise requirement of the Services Infrastructure for the National Sports University 1) 2) Medical Health with four Doctors, Consultants, Centre 10 bedded Shopping 20 (Phase II) shops, Day Care, Restaurant, Fast food, Cyber, Video Games, travel agent 3) Canteens Spread around the campus plus kiosks 4) Bank Core plus ATMs 5) Post Office Speed Post 6) Auditoriums / in all major sports, over a Stadia period of 5 years. Conference Halls 50 to 100 seats with adjoining 7) space for Meals 8) Meeting Rooms 20 to 50 seats 9) Guest House 20 double bed rooms 10) Engineering Wing supervisory, maintenance, including planning: The entire work can Mechanical and also be outsourced & central Electrical supporting services - 25 - Workshop 11) Landscaping wing planning, maintenance 12) Computer Centre central supporting services 13) Cultural Centre central facility 14) Security (Police Station) 15) Helipad VVIP, emergencies (Phase II) Approximate area: 20,000 sq.m in 2 phases over a period of 5 years, with about 15,000 sq.m in Phase I and the balance 5,000 sq. m in Phase II. - 26 - IV Phase-wise requirement of Residential Accommodation for the National Sports University S. Type No Number Area (approx.) Total area 1000 10’ X 10’ 100000 500 10’ X 10’ 50000 200 10’ X 10’ 20000 500 10’ X 10’ 50000 e. Trainees* 300 10’ X 10’ 30000 f. Resource Persons 100 15’ X 12’. 18000 g. Coaches 100 10’ X 10’ 10000 h. Essential staff 180 10’ X 10’ 18000 a. Graduate Students b. Post Graduate Students c. Research Fellows d. Participants in Tournaments / Short Term Courses* Total 2880 296000 Say: 3lakh - 27 - sq.ft. The UG diploma trainees and the volunteer coaching trainees are mostly expected from Manipur only and thus are expected to be day scholars. The residential accommodation may also be taken up in two phases, with about 20,000 sq. m taken up in Phase I and the balance 16,000 sq.m taken up in Phase II. Phase-wise requirement of Residential Accommodation for the Faculty and Administrative Staff Faculty and Administrative Staff 350000 Sq. ft., say 35,000 sq.m. The residential accommodation for the Administrative officers / staff and Faculty positions may also come up in 2 phases, with 25,000 sq. m in Phase I and balance 10,000 sq. m in Phase II. - 28 - V Phase-wise requirement of Office Accommodation for the National Sports University S.No. Type Number Area Total Area (Sq. ft.) Offices(Administrative a) & Academic) 111 15’ X 15’ 24,975 b) Classrooms 68 30’ X 30’ 61,200 c) Laboratories 60 40’ X 40’ 96,000 d) Faculty Rooms 136 10’ X 12’ 16,320 e) Research Scholars 38 10’ X 10’ 3,800 f) Stores 120 10’ X 10’ 12,000 g) Seminar halls 25 40’ X 40’ 40,000 Total 2,54,295 The Office accommodation for the Administrative set up and the faculty will also come up in 2 Phases, with about 15,000 sq. m in Phase I and the balance 10,000 sq. m in Phase II. - 29 - Annexure II Proposed Technical Evaluation Criteria (Total weightage 100 marks for Central PSUs) S. Criterion Evaluation Criteria No. A ORGANIZATIONAL STRENGTH (i) Presence 20 marks of in-house professionally qualified staff in the CPSU in following indicative categories Civil Engineer Civil Engineer (Min. Qualification-B. Tech) Above 9 marks 400 Engineers: 9 marks Between 200 to 400 Engineers: 7 marks Between 100-200 Engineers: 5 marks Electrical Engineer Electrical Engineer (Min. Qualification-B. Tech) Above 7 marks 25 Engineers: 7 marks Between 15 to 25 Engineers: 5 marks Below marks - 30 - 15 Engineers: 3 Architect on roll / on approved Architect (Minimum Qualification – B. panel Arch) Above 15 Architects: 4 marks Between 10 to 15 Architects: 4 marks 3 marks Up to 10 architects: 2 marks B RELEVANT EXPERIENCE 20 marks (i) Experience in Institution / Above Rs. 150 Crores: 15 University / Sports / Hospitals marks / Infrastructure Projects: Above Rs. 100 Crores up to 150 Project successfully completed Crores: 10 marks and / or nearing completion in Below Rs. 100 Crores: 5 marks last ten calendar years: Details 15 marks of projects to be furnished by the bidder in a separate Annexure to be enclosed with this. No of Projects (2.5 Experience (ii) in North Total Value of the projects (2.5 marks) East marks) Region (building works in last >25: 2.5 Above 10 years) or Hilly region of J&K, HP, Uttarakhand etc., marks 150 Crores: 2.5 marks 10 – 25: Rs. 100 to Rs. 150 1.5 5 marks Rs. Crores: 1.5 marks marks <10: 0.5 <Rs. 100 Crores: 0.5 - 31 - marks Details marks of projects to be furnished by the bidder in a separate Annexure to be enclosed separately with this. C FINANCIAL CAPABILITY i) Average Annual 30 marks Financial Less than Rs. 500 Crores: 5 turnover in last five financial marks Years. Rs. 500 to Rs. 1000 Crores: 7.5 (2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / marks 2012-13 / 2013-14) Rs. 1000 Crores and above: 10 marks IMPORTANT: 10 marks Audited financial results of all relevant years and summary to be submitted. For the purposes of financial turnover operative turnover given in the balance sheet shall be taken into account ii) Average Annual Profit (PBIDT) Less than Rs. 75 Crores: 5 in last five financial years. marks (2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / Rs. 75 - 100 Crores: 7.5 marks 2012-13 / 2013-14): 10 marks Above Rs. 100 Crores: 10 - 32 - marks IMPORTANT Audited financial results of all relevant years and summary to be submitted. iii) iv) Net worth / solvency for the last >Rs. 100 Crores: 5 marks five financial years Rs. 50 – 100 Crores: 3 (2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / marks 2012-13 / 2013-14): 5 marks < Rs. 50 Crores: 1 mark MOU RATING OF THE PSU 5 marks MOU Rating for the last five Excellent : 5 marks years Very Good: 3 marks (2009-10 / 2010-11 / 2011-12 / Below Very Good : 1 mark 2012-13 / 2013-14) D APPROACH AND METHODOLOGY 30 marks Consultants Approach and Mark to be allotted by Client’s Methodology to the evaluation committee/team on perform Consultancy assignment based the basis of presentation made on the TOR supplied by the by the PSU Client Total (A to D) : 100 Marks - 33 - ANNEXURE III Details about the Bidder PSU S.N Particulars o. 1. Full name of the Bidder PSU (In capital letters) 2. Full address of the Bidder PSU 3. (A) Telephone No. (B) Fax No. 4. Names and details of the Authorized Signatory of this NIT (Address, contact telephone Number, Mobile number, FAX No., Email ID) 5. Has the bidder PSU been black listed organization. by any If so, attach the details of the same. 6. PAN 7. TAN : 8. Service : Tax registration No.: No. of full time employees Graduate - 34 - Supporting Staff for the project Engineers Financial strength of Turnover the Organization for the last 5 years. 9. (Technical) Net Profit 08- 09- 10- 11- 12- 08- 09 10 11- 12 09 10 11 12 13 09 - - 10 11 12 13 It is hereby certified that …………………………………… (The bidding PSU herein) has never been black-listed by Central/ State governments/ PSUs. 10. It is hereby submitted that all the terms and conditions of this NIT are acceptable to the Bidder PSU. I hereby certify that the above-mentioned particulars are true and correct. Signature of Authorized Signatory. Name of Authorized Signatory PSU Stamp - 35 - Annexure IV Details of personnel S. Category No. of No. 1. persons Graduate Engineers - Civil - Electrical - Architect 2. Supporting (Technical) Total - 36 - Staff Annexure V Details of Net work offices in the North Eastern States, preferably Manipur S. Location No. of personnel No. Graduate Supporting Engineer Staff (Technical) - 37 - Details of Details of Office Space Infrastructure Annexure VI Details of the experience in successfully executing projects in the past 5 years. S. Type of Title of the Name & Duration of Value of Details of No. activity Project/Job address Project (in the Services of the months) & Project/ /Products Client Year of Job delivered Start & (Rs. in Completion Lakh) - 38 -
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