October 2015

October 2015
Embrace Diversity, Explore the World
Principal's Corner
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Time seems to move fast at
school. Already we are
approaching the Autumen break!
I would like to acknowledge and
thank all the students, parents,
and teachers who have come
together to help the refugees that
have been arriving in Gothenburg.
There have been fund-raising
activities, clothing drives and a
general upsurge in awareness and
a desire to help however we can. It
makes me proud to work in a
school community such as ours.
I would like to introduce our new
parent council:
Grade 6 - Nicola Stockman
Grade 7 - Denise Mellion
Grade 8 - Amit Roy
Grade 9 - Becka Kojder
I will be sending out a letter via
Managebac introducing them and
the parent council in more detail. I
would like to take this opportunity
to thank them for agreeing to be
your representatives this year.
Have a wonderful Autumn break!
Grade 6 Cookie Sale
The grade 6s organized a cookie sale
to raise money for refugees. The
students sold baked goods and raised
a total of 3,700kr from UNHCR!
Delivery to Refugee Home
MYP 7F and 9E are collecting items to give to Migrationsverkets
refugee home in Kållered. Please bring in your donations on
Thursday and leave at reception between 13:30-14:30. These are the
items needed:
Men and Women winter shoes
Small toys in good condition
Hats and Mittens
men/teenage boy clothes
hygiene kits (schampoo, conditioner, deodorant, shaving products,
child soap,etc.)
diapers and wet wipes
Please donate ONLY these items.
Graham Miselbach
October 2015
Important Dates
Oct. 22 - Fluoride Treatment for
all students
Oct 23 - Recognition of the UN in
all classes
Oct 26-30 - Fall Break (No School)
Nov. 6 - MYP Coffee Morning with
a focus on ATL Skills (Approaches
to Learning Skills). 8:45-9:45 in
room 538
Nov. 15 - Winter Bazaar 11-14:30
at the Götaberg Campus
Dec. 11 - Lucia Celebration
Sixth Grade Super Smoothie and Study
To help ease the transition to the MYP, the 6th graders are
being invited to have the chance to study after school with
friends and also create their own brain power boosting
smoothie to enjoy. Sixth graders will also have the help of
teachers to work on study goals or homework. The club will
be held Wednesdays between 14:30-15:30 in room 226 starting
Wednesday, November the 4th. We hope to see many there,
and don't forget to bring along your favourite smoothie
Art Exhibition - "Ett Skepp kommer
9th - 29th of November
Exhibition Hall of the Frölunda Kulturhus
Valthomsgatan 421 46 Västra Frölunda
The Winter Bazaar
The PTA is working hard at
organizing the Winter Bazaar
again for ISGR. This is a great
fundraiser for the school and a
very enjoyable day.
Your son/daughter will soon be
coming home with raffle tickets.
It is really important that as
many students as possible sell
these to family, friends and
neighbours. The prizes are
amazing! More info will come
soon. If you feel you want to
help out you can contact the
organizers at
Visual arts students in the 9th and 10th grades have been
invited to explore what it means to be 'neighbours' in the
exhibition, Ett skepp kommer lastast ..... (A ship comes loaded..)
The title of the exhibition is inspired by the Swedish
children's game, building curiosity for getting to know our
neighbours better, but also teaching us empathy and respect
for what we cannot know: the limits of discovery, the
'stranger' ... the abundance, depth and richness of human
The project is a unique cross-institutional, multi-disciplinary
collaboration between Chalmers Tekniska Högskola
Institutionen för Arkitektur, Frölunda Kulturhus, Göteborgs
stad Kulturfövaltning, Frölundaskolan, Önneredsskolan,
ISGR and the EU research project TRADERS (training art
and design researchers in participation in/for public space.)
October 2015