inbjuder till Sydsvenska Mästerskapen 2015 i Beridet Bågskytte! Tid: 4-5 juli 2015 Plats: Ringhult Islandshästar, Stehag. Grenar: Koreansk, Turkisk och Polsk gren Startavgift: 500:Vi har ett begränsat antal lånehästar och långväga gäster prioriteras. Vill du hyra häst, kontakta oss för tillgång och förbokning. OBS! Endast islandshästar. Hästhyra: 500kr. Är du beredd att låna ut din häst till en medtävlare så ange detta vid anmälan. Om det utnyttjas får du hästhyran i ersättning. Sista anmälningsdag: 31 maj 2015. Efteranmälan i mån av plats mot 200:- tillägg. Anmälan skickas till: Betalning görs i samband med anmälan på PG: 155 48 07-6 (Anders Jönsson) Betalnings datum gäller som anmälningsdatum. Återbetalning av startavgift ENDAST mot uppvisande av läkar- eller veterinärintyg. Antalet startande är begränsat till 20. Grenar: Koreansk gren: enligt SBB regler 2015 (dubbel, trippel, multipel). Turkisk gren: Se bifogade regler. Polsk gren: Se bifogade regler. Program: Samtliga tider är cirka tider: Fredag kl.15.00 -18.00 Utprovning av lånehästar på ridbanan samt träning på banan för Koreansk gren, dubbelmål. Lördag kl. 07.00-08:30 Frukost kl. 09.00 Koreansk gren. kl. 12.00 Lunch. kl. 13.00 Koreansk gren, fortsättning. kl. 16.00 Turkisk gren kl. 20.00 Middag. Söndag kl. 08.00-09:0 Frukost kl. 09.30 Polsk gren. kl. 12.00 Lunch. kl. 13.00 Polsk gren, fortsättning. För vägbeskrivning se vår hemsida Allmänt: Hästägarförsäkran och vaccinationsintyg skall uppvisas/lämnas före urlastning. Samtliga ryttare SKALL bära hjälm uppsutten. Samtliga hästar SKALL ha huvudlag vid all ridning. Vid lån av häst skall den utrustning som hästägaren anvisar användas om inte annat avtalas mellan ryttaren och hästägaren, där hästägaren fäller avgörandet. För samtliga grenar gäller SBB:s allmänna regler. Vi kommer endast att plocka upp de pilar som sitter i målen eller är lätta att hitta efter varje löp, noggrannare letande sker i pauserna mellan startgrupperna, detta för att undvika onödig väntan mellan löpen. Därför rekommenderar vi ryttarna att ta med sig minst 12 vanliga pilar och 4-6 flu-flu pilar (för Turkisk gren). Vi kommer att anordna gemensam middag på lör kväll och även frukost och en lättare lunch lör-sön. Middag lör kväll 200 kr/person. Frukost lör-sön 50 kr/person (för båda dagarna) Lunch lör-sön 100 kr/person (för båda dagarna) Föranmälan och förskottsbetalning krävs. Hag- och tältplats är gratis men skall föranmälas. Eget stängselmaterial skall medtagas och hagen skall mockas innan ni åker. El är inte tillgängligt på tältplatsen. För de som önskar annat boende än eget tält finns Vindbacka Bed & Breakfast 5km bort, eller Stenssons hotell i Eslöv 8km. Detta får ni dock boka själv. Name: Simplified Turkish Style Track required: 120m track 2m wide Equipment required: 15cm and 30cm arrowstand, 9m qabaq pole with 50cm target or 7m qabaq pole with 40cm target, 40x40cm knock down target or Ø45cm turning target with 50cm stand. Rules: The rider starts with all arrows but one in quiver or belt. The last arrow is placed in an arrowstand 15m from the startline. The arrowstand should be 15cm high (pony-sized horses, withers <148cm) or 30cm high (all others). The stand should be placed between the centre of the track and the outside fence, 0.5m from the fence. 60m from the startline the qabaq pole is placed, 1m from the inside fence. 2.5m before the pole and 2.5m after the pole, shooting area markers like poles 50cm higher than the fence should be placed. 105m from the startline the knock-down/turning target should be placed 5m from the track. Only flu-flu arrows with rubber blunt tips are allowed. The rider should do 4 runs. Scoring: 5p is scored if the rider picks up the arrow from the arrowstand IF the arrow is used for the rider’s next shot. If the rider drops or throws away the arrow and uses another arrow for his/her next shot the score for picking up the arrow will be 0p, but the rider still scores points for hitting the target. o If the rider picks up the arrow, manages to nock it but fumbles the shot and then drops the arrow, he/she will score for the pick up. If the rider hits the qabaq target he/she scores as follows: o If the rider shoots before the first shooting area marker 2p. o If the rider shoots while all of his/her body is between the markers he/she scores 5p. o If the rider shoots after the last marker he/she scores 3p. o An additional bonus of 4p is given if the rider hits the target and shoots in the traditional qabaq position. To get the bonus the rider’s lower shoulder should be on the level of or below the horse’s crest. 4p is scored if the rider hits and knocks down/turns the last target. Gain 1pt/full second faster than a par time of 18s. Maximum time bonus is 6pts (i.e. faster than 12s incurs no further gain). Points are deducted at 1pt/part or full second slower than 18s. If the time penalty is greater than points scored, the rider scores 0p for the run. In case there is a tie the riders should be ranked as follows: o If one rider has more hits on the qabaq he/she is higher ranked o If this is equal the rider with the greater number of arrow pick ups is higher ranked. Any arrow picked up but scoring 0p due to not being used for the next shot is not included o If the riders are still equal, the rider with the shortest total time for all 4 runs will be the winner. If the riders have exactly the same time, it is a draw. Developed by: Hilmi Aric (Turkey), modified by Anders O Jönsson (Sweden) Historic aspect: Based on original Ottoman course XVI-XVII Century, but modified to make it easier Polish style 2015 • The track should be about 500m long set in a field and/or forest, but depending on terrain can vary between 400-700m. • The track should be 3-5m wide and barred with fencing on both sides where the terrain does not give a natural restriction. • Small obstacles (max 0,5m) are permitted on the track as well as ditches (max 0,75m). • The start and finish should be clearly marked with poles on each side, minimum 135 cm high. • At least 8 targets should be set along the course, giving a minimum of 2 each of forward, side and rear shots. • At least 1 target will be on other side and 1 flat on the ground near the edge of the track (1m) for a downward shot (yarmaki). • The shooting distances to the targets varies between 5-10m. • Optionally 1 large (122cm) long range target (25-30m) and/or 1 small (40cm) short range target (3-5m) can be added. • Targets will be round 80cm WA targets except as noted. All targets count as 5-ringed scoring 1-2-3-5-7 points. • Care should be taken to give equal difficulty for right and left hand archers. If needed some targets can be moved between right and left hand archers. • The rider is allowed to shoot more than 1 arrow on each target, but only the highest scoring arrow will count. • Shots should be done with the horse in gallop or the rider will score 0 points on that target, regardless if another shot is made at a gallop. • Arrows may be carried in hand, belt or quiver, or any combination thereof. • It is not allowed to have an arrow nocked on the string before passing the start line. • Time limit should be calculated with a speed of 350m/min, rounded to the nearest higher second. • If the rider is faster than the time limit, a time bonus will be given with ½ point per second faster than the time limit, up to a maximum of 7 points. o To qualify for a time bonus the rider must hit a minimum of 3 targets. • If the rider is slower than the time limit ½ point will be deducted for each second above the time limit. o If the time deduction is greater than the target score, 0 points is given for that run. • Riders should do 2 runs each. • In case of two riders having the same total score, they should be ranked as follows: o If one rider has more runs equal to or faster than the time limit than the other, he/she will rank higher o If this is equal, the target scores for both runs should be added together. The rider with the highest score will rank higher. o If this also is equal, the riders rank equal. • If the rider falls off or the horse crosses the boundaries of the track the rider is disqualified and scores 0 points for that run.
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