November 2014 HR and tax alert India Payments of Indian social security benefits to International Workers Executive summary On 20 October 2014, the Indian Provident Fund Authorities issued a circular clarifying the procedure for paying social security benefits into an overseas bank account for International Workers. The provisions relating to the payment of benefits to an overseas bank account are mentioned in the Provident Fund law and Social Security Totalization Agreements signed by India. However, as the details of implementation were not finalised by the Provident Fund Authorities, until now it has only been possible to request that benefits are paid into an Indian bank account. International Workers coming from a country with which India has a Social Security Totalization Agreement in force, which allows the export of benefits, will be able to request that benefits are paid into an overseas bank account. The circular can be accessed through the link below: Further information International Workers are eligible to receive the following benefits according to the Provident Fund Law: Under the Provident Fund Scheme International Workers will be eligible to withdraw a lump sum amount from the Provident Fund account: On retirement at any time after attaining 58 years of age; On completion of an Indian assignment, if covered under a Social Security Totalization Agreement, which is in force. Under the Pension Scheme International Workers coming from a country with which India has a Social Security Totalization Agreement in force, will be eligible to receive a monthly pension (if they have eligible service of 10 years or more) or a lump sum withdrawal benefit (if they have eligible service of less than 10 years). International Workers coming from a country with which India does not have an operational Social Security Totalization Agreement will be eligible to receive a monthly pension benefit (if they have eligible service of 10 years or more). However, they will not be eligible to receive any benefit under the pension scheme if their eligible service in India is less than 10 years. Under the Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme A lump sum benefit of up to INR 360,000 (approx. USD 6,000) is payable upon death of an International Worker. Provisions relating to payment of benefits An International Worker can receive these benefits by the following means: Directly into their personal Indian bank account. Directly into their employer’s bank account in India. Directly into an overseas bank account under the “export of benefits” clause of a Social Security Totalization Agreement entered by India. To date, India has 11 operational Social Security Totalization Agreements with “export of benefits” clauses. These are with: Belgium; Czech Republic; Denmark; France; Finland; Hungary; Luxembourg; Netherlands; South Korea; Sweden and Switzerland. Key changes Since, the practical element for the overseas payment of benefits has now been finalised by the Provident Fund Authorities, the benefits may be directly credited to the overseas bank account of an International Worker if they are from a country with which India has a Social Security Totalization Agreement in force, providing the agreement allows for the export of benefits. However, International Workers coming from a country with which India does not have a Social Security Totalization Agreement will not be able to claim the social security benefits in an overseas bank account but only through an Indian bank account. Claim forms with respect to the payment of benefits will remain the same. International Workers coming from a country with which India has an operational Social Security Totalization Agreement can now report their overseas bank account details in the claim form in order to receive benefits in their overseas bank account. The payment will be made to the Regional Provident Fund Office, which will then make the payment to the overseas bank account of the International Worker in foreign currency. The practicalities of this alert are totalization agreement specific, and if a client has any specific questions, they should contact EY for guidance. Next steps Where assignees are eligible to receive benefits directly into overseas bank accounts, they will need to complete the appropriate claim form detailing the method by which they wish to have their benefits paid. EY | Assurance | Tax | Transactions | Advisory About EY EY is a global leader in assurance, tax, transaction and advisory services. 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Our performance and reward professionals help you design compensation programs and equity incentives that really engage your key people. We help you meet your executive tax compliance obligations, stay on top of regulatory change, manage your global talent effectively and improve your function’s strategic alignment. It’s how EY makes a difference. © 2014 EYGM Limited. All Rights Reserved. EYG no. DN0782 ED None International Social Security Services Mike Kenyon Tel: +44 (0)20 7951 2583 Email: Gary Chandler Tel: +44 (0)20 7951 1280 Email: This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to be relied upon as accounting, tax, or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for specific advice. Human Capital - India Sonu Iyer Tel: +91 11 4363 3160 Email: 2 HR and tax alert
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