November 3, 2014
From the Desk of the Principal...!
News from Kim Doyle
Dear Parents, Grandparents, and Friends:
The students in our school are incredible in so many
ways. I am very happy with their strong spirit of
cooperation and their caring concern for others. Our
students are happy and work hard while they are in school.
This behavior is not without purposeful efforts from our
teachers, staff, and parents. We continually teach students
to set high standards for themselves and to work for goals.
This does not mean that the students are not making
mistakes along the way. It means that when they do make
mistakes they learn from them and work to improve. DWP
(Discipline with Purpose) is one way that students are held
accountable for their behavior in school. I truly appreciate
the support from parents in behavioral situations. Parents at
SWS usually work side by side with the staff to help the
student achieve in behavior, academics, or social skills.!
This year, I am really excited about the leadership of our
oldest students, particularly the 8th grade leaders. Our 8th
graders are strong role models for the younger students and
that trickles down throughout the grade levels. Our 8th
graders have also found that when they are good in school
and cooperate with their teachers, their school time is filled
with fun; fun with friends, fun learning, fun with projects,
fun being a leader. I am hearing such positive comments
about the 8th grade class from many sources.!
Our school has many things that no other school in the
area has. The most outstanding one is a super student body
that spans the preschool age to the 8th grade. This range
creates a student body that becomes a school family and as a
family we work at all costs to help each other succeed and
grow along the way. Our school Masses really show this
spirit of cooperation, leadership and togetherness. Our
recent Halloween Monster Mash was testimony to this
family focus. There were two hundred students ages 5-14 all
dancing together and enjoying the time together. What a
school! !
Thanks for being a part of St. Wenceslaus School Family!!
School Sweepstakes
The school sweepstakes is our 2nd of 3 all school fundraisers
of the year. Our goal for this one is to raise $35,000 for the
budget. All families are required to participate in our school
raffle. Packets went home last week. K-8 families need to
sell $250 worth of tickets and preschool families sell $50
worth of tickets. Great cash prizes could be yours!!
Calendar of Events
Upcoming Activities
Tues., Nov. 4 - Conferences 3:00-5:00, 6:00-8:00!
Tues., Nov. 4 - School Pictures (Grades 4-8 and
Wed., Nov. 5 - 8:00 School Mass!
Wed., Nov. 5 - School Pictures ( Grades K-3 and PreK)!
Thurs., Nov. 6- No School - Conferences 12:00-5:00,
Fri., Nov., 7 - No School - Teacher Workshop!
Sat. Nov. 8 - Paper Drive 9:00 - 10:30!
Wed. Nov. 12 - 8:00 School Mass!
Fri., Nov 14 - 8th Gr. Explore Testing!
Mon. Nov. 17 - School Board Meeting 6:30 PM!
Mon. Nov. 17 - Children’s Big Dream Speaking Tour!
Tues., Nov. 18 Home/School Meeting 7:00!
Wed., Nov. 19 8:00 School Mass - Food Drive!
Sat., Nov. 22 - Paper Drive 9:00-10:30!
Thurs., Nov 27 - No School Thanksgiving!
Fri., Nov. 28 - No School
December Highlights!
Tues.Dec. 2- Sweepstakes Drawing!
Fri., Dec 5 - New Prague Parade of Lights!
Mon., Dec. 8 - Mass of the Immaculate Conception 8:00!
Thurs., Dec. 11 - School Christmas Concert 1:00 and 6:30!
Halloween “Give Back” for our Troops
Once again this year students are asked to give a portion
of their Halloween candy back in collection for our
troupes. Candy will be collected on November 4th and
5th. This is sponsored by Mayo Clinic Health System.
Last year 1750 pounds of candy was collected from all of
the New Prague Schools
School Picture Days
Tuesday, November 4 - Grade 4- Grade 8 and Preschool!
Wednesday, November 5 - Grades Kinder- Grade 3, and
Picture packets should be in your child’s backpack. No
uniforms are require on their specific picture day.
November 3, 2014
Conferences are November 4 and 6
No School- Nov. 6 and 7!
Your conference schedule should have come home with your
Preschool - 4th grader student last week.. We have
prescheduled conferences for students in grades PreK-4.
Conferences for grades 5-8 will take place in the gym and
parents will talk to teachers as they become available.!
Tuesday, Nov. 4 conferences 3:00-5:00 and 6:00-8:00
Thurs., Nov. 6 conferences 12:00-5:00 and 6:00-8:00
No school on Thursday, November 6 and Friday, November 7!
We will not have school on Nov. 6 and 7.!
Teacher conferences/ Teacher Workshop
Keep in mind that conferences are only 10 minutes per
teacher. If you feel that you will need more time, please
schedule an additional time with that specific teacher.!
2nd Grade Parent Meetings
Parents of students who will receive their Reconciliation
and First Eucharist sacraments this year have several
meeting to attend!
There are two dates scheduled and you must attend one
of them. !
Wednesday, November 12 or !
Thursday, November 20. !
They are scheduled in the PAC from 6:30-8.
School DVD’s for Sale
The cost is $10.00 This DVD has pictures of all of the graduating classes in the school from 1914-2014. It also has some
fun pictures of the nuns, altar boys, christmas plays, priests throughout the school history, the school building inside and
out and more. These DVD’s would make great gifts to anyone connected to the school in any way; current students,
parents of current and past students, grandparents, friends and members who were part of our parish at any point in
history. We are selling them in the school office.!
Mark your Calendar
for the Christmas Concert
We will have the Christmas Concert on Thursday, December 11.
There will be two shows: 1:00 and 6:30 PM. Please let the
grandparents and friends know about the early show which is
easier to view and get to in the daylight.
Adopt a Family for Christmas
Very soon - you will be asked to consider helping one of
many families in need of help for Christmas. Ms.
McNamara is one of the leaders in this program. One
item they are collecting is books for all ages. Watch for
more information to come of specific ways that you can
reach out during the upcoming Holiday Season.
Virus Season is coming!
With the cold weather here, we see many more sick
children in school. Please keep your child home from
school if they are sick the night before school or in the
morning. DO NOT send them to school “Just to try
it!” If your child has a fever, has vomited or has had
diarrhea you must keep them home for a minimum of
24 hours after the fever breaks, or the last incident of
illness. This helps your sick child best and helps lessen
the spread of germs to other children.!
Win this ATV!
Tickets are now for sale. !
Drawing will take place next
winter at the Ice Fishing Contest
on February 21!
If you are willing to help sell tickets, let us know. We will
get you a stack.!
You can purchase a chance at the school office for $10.!
Food Drive
We will hold our annual food drive once again at the
School Mass on November 19. Students are to bring
items for the food shelf. Keep a look out for great
deals of things that you can get to help supply the for
Veterans Day
Join us for the Prayer around the !
flag pole on Wednesday,
November 12. We invite all school
families and especially any family !
members who are veterans or who
have veterans/current service people
in their family to join us. We will !
have Mass at 8:00 and then !
proceed out to the flag pole !
for a special ceremony in honor of the day. The New Prague
American Legion Color Guard will be in attendance.
Ice Castle Fish House
Only 550 tickets to be sold!
$50 per ticket!
Drawing takes place on Feb. 21, 2015!
First prize: Ice house valued at more than $12,000!
Second Prize: $1000!
Third Prize: $750!
Fourth Prize: $500!
Fifth Prize: $250!
Stop by and take a look at the ice house on the front lawn of
our school. Tickets can be purchased in the school office.!