CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Health Impact Appraisal ....................................................................................................................3 1.3 Aims and Objectives..........................................................................................................................3 1.4 Approach...........................................................................................................................................4 1.5 Methodology .....................................................................................................................................4 2 PROJECT PROFILE ...............................................................................................................................7 2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................7 2.2 Health Pathways................................................................................................................................7 2.3 Project Description ............................................................................................................................7 2.4 Health Pathways................................................................................................................................9 3 COMMUNITY PROFILE.......................................................................................................................11 3.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................................................11 3.2 Data Sources ...................................................................................................................................11 3.3 Site Location and Setting.................................................................................................................11 3.4 Local Demographics ........................................................................................................................12 3.5 Existing Burden of Health ................................................................................................................17 3.6 Income and Employment .................................................................................................................27 3.7 Lifestyle...........................................................................................................................................39 3.8 Community Profile Summary............................................................................................................42 4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT...........................................................................................................44 4.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................44 4.2 Engagement Strategy.......................................................................................................................44 5 ASSESSMENT ..................................................................................................................................48 5.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................48 5.2 Potential Health Risk from Radiological Exposure ............................................................................48 5.3 Potential Health Risk from Electromagnetic Field Exposure ..............................................................59 5.4 Potential Health Risk from Changes in Air Quality ............................................................................62 5.5 Potential Health Risk from Additional Road Movements ..................................................................66 5.6 Potential Community Noise Impact..................................................................................................67 5.7 The Potential Social Impact from the Introduction of a Temporary Non-Home-Based Construction Workforce................................................................................................................................................69 5.8 The Potential Change in Health Need from a Temporary Non-Home-Based Construction and Maintenance Workforce...........................................................................................................................74 5.9 The Potential Socio-economic Health Benefits from Direct, Indirect and Induced Income and Employment ............................................................................................................................................78 6 CONCLUSIONS.................................................................................................................................82 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 1 6.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................82 6.2 Assessment Conclusions.................................................................................................................82 7 HEALTH ACTION PLAN ......................................................................................................................84 7.1 Overview .........................................................................................................................................84 7.2 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan............................................................................84 7.3 Coordinated Traffic Management and Waste Management Plan.......................................................85 7.4 Community Forum and Community Engagement..............................................................................86 7.5 Community Support and Integration Initiatives................................................................................86 Appendix A: Final HIA Scoping Report Appendix B: Stakeholder Interview Transcrripts and Supporting Information Appendix C: Radiological Assessment and Supporting Health Evidence Base A.C.1 Assessed Doses to the Critical Group ...................................................................122 A.C.2 Radiological Assessment Evidence Base ..............................................................137 A.C.3 Health Concerns Linking Cancer Incidence and Exposure to Low Level Radiation..146 2 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background 1.1.1 NNB Generation Company Limited (Company number 06937084), part of EDF Energy, is the Company that will lead the new nuclear programme in the UK. For the purpose of this consultation, NNB Generation Company Limited is referred to as EDF Energy. 1.1.2 EDF Energy proposes to develop a new nuclear power station (Hinkley Point C), at Hinkley Point, near to Bridgwater, Somerset. The proposed Development will be adjacent to the existing Hinkley Point power station complex, which currently comprises Hinkley Point A, (which is being decommissioned) and Hinkley Point B (scheduled to continue generating electricity until at least 2016). The proposed Development will comprise two UK EPRs, which will be capable of producing electricity for the equivalent of up to 5 million homes. 1.1.3 RPS has been commissioned by EDF Energy to perform a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the Hinkley Point C Project to support the Stage 2 Consultation. 1.2 Health Impact Appraisal 1.2.1 HIA is a multidisciplinary process designed to identify and assess the potential health effects (both adverse and beneficial) of a proposed project, plan or programme, and to deliver evidence based recommendations that maximise health gains and reduce or remove potential negative impacts or inequalities. 1.2.2 Although not a regulatory requirement to the UK planning process, HIA is implied under Section 4.8 (Human Health and Wellbeing) and Section 4.13 (Demographics) of the Draft National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation (EN-6). HIA is deemed prudent and necessary at the project level by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Appraisal of Sustainability Site Report for Hinkley Point) and necessary to inform the IPC process. Beyond the planning and decision making process, the HIA is also intended to support the development of more effective community support initiatives, and to address more effectively remaining perceptions of health risk that can lead to needless community stress and anxiety. 1.3 Aims and Objectives 1.3.1 The core objectives of the HIA are to: provide iterative health support during the planning stage; quantify the magnitude, distribution and likelihood of potential health outcomes (both adverse and beneficial) directly attributable to the proposed development (both the proposed facility and off-site associated development); provide a HIA document suitable for submission as a supplementary planning document and geared to inform the IPC process; and develop a Health Action Plan to: o further address potential risks, community disruption and perceived health risks; o facilitate the uptake of local health benefits; and o support strategic health care planning. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3 1.4 Approach 1.4.1 The basis of the HIA is set on a broad socio-economic model of health that encompasses conventional health impacts such as communicable disease, accidents and risk along with wider determinants of health vital to achieving good health and well-being (Ref. 1). A key aspect of the approach is iteratively to support and build upon the technical information provided within the Environmental Appraisal. Such an approach ensures the accuracy of the HIA and consistency with the Environmental Appraisal and provides a solid basis to the assessment. 1.4.2 The iterative approach to the HIA has also provided a means to facilitate a more coordinated approach to planning, environment and health, and the HIA has been subject to refinement through phased review by the ES team and independent advisors. 1.5 Methodology a) Refinement and Confirmation of the HIA Scope 1.5.1 The scope and focus of the HIA was primarily refined though the provision of a formal HIA scoping report issued to key stakeholders, including but not limited to: Somerset County Council; Sedgemoor District Council; West Somerset Council; and Taunton Deane Borough Council. 1.5.2 This was supplemented through consultation with Somerset Primary Care Trust (PCT), the South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO) and through additional interviews with Somerset County Council and technical representatives of Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Council. 1.5.3 The scope and focus of the HIA has therefore been primarily set to inform the IPC process and iteratively refined to address key stakeholder and local community health concerns. b) Project Profile 1.5.4 The purpose of the project profile is to identify those relevant features associated with the proposed development that are potential influences on key determinants of health. The profile has been compiled through a review of project specific and more generic information including: 4 the iterative and final outputs of the Environmental Appraisal and associated technical appendices (including air quality, noise, traffic and socio-economic assessment) relevant to the HIA; the Hinkley Point C Pre-Application Consultation documents; the EDF Energy Hinkley Point C Project Description; and ongoing consultation with EDF Energy and the Environmental Appraisal project team. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL c) Community Profile 1.5.5 Evidence suggests that different communities have varying susceptibilities to health impacts and benefits as a result of social and demographic structure, behaviour and relative economic circumstance (Ref. 2)(Ref. 3). A community profile therefore not only forms the basis to exposure response modelling but also allows an insight as to how potential health pathways identified within the project profile may act disproportionately upon certain communities and sensitive receptors. 1.5.6 The community profile has drawn from the existing baseline within the socio-economic assessment, supplemented with small area demographic, health and hospital admissions data provided by the South West Public Health Observatory, the Somerset PCT and the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment for the region. d) Stakeholder Engagement 1.5.7 An important component of gathering an appropriate evidence base and tailoring the HIA to local circumstance is seeking the views of stakeholders and key representatives of those communities likely to be affected. By highlighting and responding to community health concerns, the HIA can be applied to address perceived as well as actual health risks, and in so doing, develop more effective recommendations to reduce impacts and improve the uptake of potential health benefits. 1.5.8 A significant level of pre-application consultation has already been undertaken by EDF Energy. As such, the HIA has implemented a tiered approach, building upon existing community consultation supplemented with specific engagement with appropriate community representatives and individuals responsible for maintaining local community health. 1.5.9 The individual tiers of HIA engagement included the following, and are discussed in more detail within Section 4: review of earlier Hinkley Point C project, notably the Michael Barnes QC Public Inquiry 1987; review of Stage 1 consultation outputs; review of previous Community Forum Meeting Minutes; HIA scoping exercise with key stakeholders; face to face interview with Somerset Primary Care Trust (PCT); telephone interview with the South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO); and telephone Interview with Somerset County Council and technical representatives of Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Council. e) Assessment 1.5.10 The assessment stage addresses each of the core health pathways identified during the project profile, community profile and stakeholder engagement stage, applying internationally recognised quantitative assessment methods to establish the distribution, significance and likelihood of worst-case potential health outcomes directly attributable to the proposed development. 1.5.11 The assessment stage draws upon appropriate technical topic areas within the Environmental Appraisal to ensure the HIA is based upon realistic changes in environmental and socioeconomic conditions directly attributed to the construction and operation of the proposed facility and the off-site associated developments. 1.5.12 Key assessment methods applied include: quantitative risk assessment based on changes in exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, set in the context of recognised constraints, targets and limits, cumulative impacts and naturally occurring environmental exposure; HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5 f) 1.5.13 quantitative exposure response modelling for changes in PM10, PM2.5, NO2 and SO2 exposure during construction, operation and from associated transport movements; quantitative assessment based on changes in exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) and electromagnetic interference (EMI); quantitative risk assessment from changes in vehicle movements; qualitative appraisal as to community disruption, annoyance and potential health outcome from changes in construction and operational noise; and qualitative appraisal as to the socio-economic health benefits from direct, indirect and induced income and employment opportunities. Health Action Plan A Health Action Plan (HAP) (Section 7) has been developed to expand upon the standard recommendations section within HIA guidance. It establishes recommended protocols and monitoring regimes to be implemented to further reduce and remove predicted potential adverse health outcomes and disruption, whilst maximising opportunities to increase the uptake of local health benefits. The HAP also identifies information local communities require back to address and alleviate specific health concerns and perceived risks. g) Report Structure 1.5.14 It is appreciated that, given that the HIA is intended to both inform the planning process and local communities, additional support is required to guide the varied audience to the sections of key interest. A summary of each section and its purpose is provided below. 6 Chapter 2 Project Profile: provides a brief summary of the proposed development, lists key construction and operational phases and concludes with a summary of the health issues to be investigated within the HIA. The purpose of this section is to define and justify the initial scope and focus of the HIA. Chapter 3 Community Profile: provides a baseline to the HIA, defining the local population, the existing burden of health, local circumstance and their relative sensitivity to potential health outcomes. The purpose of the community profile is to provide a basis to the assessment, and to aid in developing more effective mitigation and community support initiatives within the Health Action Plan. Chapter 4 Stakeholder Engagement: catalogues how engagement with key stakeholders including Local Authorities and the Primary Care Trust was applied to further refine the scope and focus of the HIA, and to address local community concerns. Chapter 5 Assessment: applies the previous sections to assess and appraise the magnitude, likelihood and distribution of potential health outcomes (both adverse and beneficial) directly attributed to the proposed development. Chapter 6 Conclusions: draws together the findings of the entire HIA, presenting the final conclusion on the potential health outcome from construction and operational stages. Chapter 7 Health Action Plan: presents a series of recommendations to further reduce community disruption, remove barriers to health benefit uptake and maximise opportunities to improve local circumstance, health and wellbeing. It is important to note that such recommendations are not limited to EDF Energy, and include recommendations to Local Authorities and the Primary Care Trust. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 2 PROJECT PROFILE 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 The following section draws from the project outline provided within the Environmental Appraisal and sets the scope of potential health pathways to be investigated in greater detail within the assessment stage. For the sake of brevity, the HIA does not seek to repeat the detailed project outline provided within the Environmental Appraisal, but outlines the key aspects of the project and the associated health pathways to be assessed. For more detailed project information, please refer to the Environmental Appraisal. 2.2 Health Pathways 2.2.1 A health pathway can be described as the way in which an activity influences a known determinant of health. As an example of how the health pathway concept is applied, construction activities are known to influence environmental determinants of health including air, noise and traffic. A health pathway is identified when such influences have the opportunity to impact on communities with the potential to cause a response or health outcome. 2.2.2 The identification of potential health pathways helps to define and rationalise the scope of the study, from which it is possible to develop a suitable evidence base and a more informed community profile. Such an approach also provides the means to inform EDF Energy and the wider Environmental Appraisal project team as to potential health issues and opportunities at a stage in which they can be more effectively addressed through design. The distribution, magnitude and significance of potential health pathways are then investigated within the assessment stage. 2.2.3 It is important to note that the potential health pathways identified at this stage do not take into account facility design features or construction, operation or traffic management plans designed to remove or reduce potential influences. As such, the HIA applies a consistently conservative approach to assessing potential health outcomes. 2.3 Project Description 2.3.1 The HIA considers the on-site construction and operation of a new nuclear power station (Hinkley Point C) to be located west of Hinkley Point A and B, and the proposed off-site associated developments necessary to deliver the project. The full description of the Hinkley Point C Project including reactor type, energy output and grid connection is provided within the Environmental Appraisal. 2.3.2 The off-site associated developments relate to transport and accommodation necessary to deliver the proposed development. The primary objectives of the off-site associated developments are to: minimise potential risk from collision from construction traffic movements; minimise disruption and congestion during peak transport periods; meet the needs of the construction workforce; aid the integration of the construction workforce within local communities; ensure that impacts associated with the construction phase are minimised; maximise the potential socio-economic benefits to local communities; and provide legacy benefits in terms of improved infrastructure to local communities. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 7 2.3.3 The selection of preferred proposals to which this Stage 2 consultation relates has been subject to iterative refinement and has benefited from input from the local authorities. Such input has been applied to further manage potential disruption, design out potential risks, and realise the maximum uptake of community health benefits from income and employment opportunities and infrastructure legacy benefits. 2.3.4 A summary of the proposed off-site associated developments is provided in Table 2.1. Table 2.1: Proposed Off-Site Associated Development Associated Development Proposed Development Cannington bypass A bypass to the west of Cannington is proposed by EDF Energy to divert extraneous construction maintenance and operational traffic away from the centre of the village The bypass will comprise carriageway, verges and landscape buffers. Accommodation campuses In addition to the temporary accommodation campuses for up to 700 persons proposed within the south-east area of the Hinkley Point C development site, the accommodation strategy also includes proposals for off-site accommodation campuses. These will comprise the following: en-suite bedrooms, communal amenity space and facilities, recreational facilities including sport facilities; parking spaces for cars, bicycles and motorcycles; and associated highways works. Park and ride facilities As part of EDF Energy’s transport strategy, the provision of four temporary park and ride facilities will seek to reduce traffic movements to and from the Hinkley Point C site by consolidating trips. The park and ride facilities are expected to comprise the following: parking spaces for cars, motorcycles and bicycles; bus pick-up and drop-off points; and single storey building containing security and welfare facilities. Freight logistics facilities The three temporary freight logistics facilities are expected to comprise the following: parking spaces for light and heavy good vehicles; and a warehouse building (not at junction 24); Refurbishment of Combwich Wharf Combwich Wharf will be used for the delivery of freight via water. Land adjacent to the Wharf will be used for a freight logistics storage facility for water borne freight. Combwich Wharf will be designed to handle abnormal indivisible loads and other materials during the construction phase. The Wharf will handle several deliveries per year during the operational phase. 2.3.5 8 Section 5 provides a more in depth discussion as to the individual options and their potential influence upon local community health. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 2.4 Health Pathways 2.4.1 Table 2.2 provides a summary of potential health pathways associated with the construction and operation of the proposed development and represents the scope of this HIA. As stated in Section 2.2.2, the purpose of Table 2.2 is to define the key health pathways to be assessed in detail within the HIA (including community and key stakeholder health concerns). Table 2.2: Project Profile Summary and Health Impact Appraisal Scope Feature Health Pathway Potential Implication Geographic Scope Construction phase Changes to local air quality (including potential dust nuisance) Adverse Local Changes in noise exposure Adverse Local Changes in local transport nature and flow rates Adverse Local/Regional Increased direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities Beneficial Local/Regional Raised awareness, education and training Beneficial Local/regional Potential impact on tourism Unclear Local/Regional A potential change in local population structure, with potential implications for local amenities facilities and health care requirements Unclear Local/Regional A potential change in communicable disease from the temporary construction workforce Adverse Local A potential change in social structure and interactions with the existing community, influencing local community resources and services (including education, health care and policing) Unclear Local Direct, indirect and induced income employment opportunities Beneficial Local/Regional Raised awareness, education and training (managing perceptions of risk, alleviating unnecessary stress and anxiety with associated physical and mental health benefits) Beneficial Local/Regional Operational Period HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 9 Feature 10 Health Pathway Potential Implication Geographic Scope Low carbon and secure Energy Generation: meeting energy demand, and reducing reliance upon increasing energy costs associated with diminishing fossil fuel reserves Benefit National/Global Energy Generation: offsetting emissions from conventional fossil fuel energy generation Benefit National/Global Potential changes in exposure to radiation and radioactive materials Adverse Local/Regional Community perceived risk of increased cancer prevalence and infant mortality Adverse Local/Regional Changes in local transport nature and flow rates (a potential increased risk of vehicle collision) Adverse Local Education and training (improved skills base, improving socio-economic health benefits) Benefit Local/Regional Potential changes in exposure to electromagnetic fields from proposed new substation and distribution system. Adverse Local General health and safety of the surrounding local communities Adverse Local | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL /National 3 COMMUNITY PROFILE 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 Evidence suggests that different communities express varying sensitivity to health effects (both adverse and beneficial) as a consequence of relative socio-economic status, deprivation and existing health burden. A community profile not only provides a means to establish changes in community exposure to certain health pathways, but also provides a means to further interpret the distribution and significance of effects associated with the proposed development, and to aid the development of a bespoke Health Action Plan. 3.1.2 The community profile has been refined following stakeholder engagement to investigate a number of local concerns regarding the existing burden of health and specific sensitive communities. Given the scope of the HIA, covering both the on-site development and the offsite associated developments, the community profile provides a local level overview for the appropriate areas, contrasted against regional and national trends. 3.2 Data Sources 3.2.1 The community profile supplements the baseline data collated as part of the socio-economic assessment (Volume 2 of the Environmental Appraisal) with demographic, socio-economic and health data sourced from Somerset PCT, the South West Public Health Observatory and from the Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) (Ref. 6). 3.3 Site Location and Setting h) On-Site Development 3.3.1 The existing Hinkley Point Power Station is located on the Severn Estuary in Somerset, approximately 5 miles from Bridgwater within the Sedgemoor District, 15 miles from Minehead to the west and 6 miles from Burnham-on-Sea. The proposed Hinkley Point C will be located immediately to the west of the existing Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station Complex. The nearest residential areas to the proposed new reactor buildings are the hamlets of Shurton and Burton to the south of the site and Stolford to the east. i) 3.3.2 OII-Site Development A number of off-site associated development options are proposed within the villages of Cannington and Combwich, and the towns of Bridgwater in Sedgemoor District and Williton in West Somerset. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 11 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.4 Local Demographics a) Population Size and Density 3.4.1 According to the mid-year 2007 estimates, the three immediate districts of Sedgemoor, West Somerset and Taunton Deane have a combined population of approximately 256,000 (Ref. 4). As shown in Table 3.1, Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane are of a similar population size with a population density in keeping with the South West trend. In contrast, West Somerset is more rural in nature, exhibiting a lower population number and a significantly lower population density than local, regional or national averages. Table 3.1: Population Density, Mid-2007 Area Area Size (Hectares) Population (Mid-2007) Population Density (per hectare) 2007 Sedgemoor 56,436 112,200 2.0 West Somerset 72,535 35,400 0.5 Taunton Deane 46,236 108,200 2.3 Somerset 345,055 522,800 1.5 South West 2,383,674 5,178,000 2.2 England 13,027,872 51,092,000 3.9 3.4.2 The three wards closest to the proposed Facility (Cannington and Quantocks, Quantock Vale and West Quantocks) have a relatively small population (10,403 persons) displaying an average population density of 0.56 persons per hectare (PPH). The highest levels of population density are typically displayed in urban centres of Taunton, Bridgwater, Minehead and Burnham(Ref. 4). 3.4.3 Population density is shown in Figure 3.1. Due to changes in the administrative boundaries, population densities for these ward-level areas are based on 2001 Census data. 3.4.4 Low population density presents challenges for the provision of appropriate transport infrastructure, the viability and accessibility of local services, and employment opportunities. 12 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Figure 3.1: Population Density Mapping (2001) b) Population Structure i) 3.4.5 Age Somerset exhibits a typically mature population, where one in four people are above the statutory retirement age. However, the age structure within Somerset is not uniform. As shown in Figure 3.2 the resident community within the Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane districts exhibit an age structure that is generally consistent with the regional and national trend (Ref. 4). HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 13 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Figure 3.2: Age Structure (expressed as a percentage of the total) 35 Percentage of the population (%) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Sedgemoor 3.4.6 Somerset South West England 0-15 18.4 18.6 14.4 18.4 17.8 18.9 16-29 14.5 15.8 12.7 14.8 17.1 18.6 30-44 19.3 19.8 14.2 19.2 20 21.7 45-64 (males), 60 & over (females) 24.6 23.1 25.9 24.1 22.9 21.9 65 & over (males), 60 & over (females) 23.2 22.6 32.8 23.6 22.1 18.9 In contrast, West Somerset exhibits the second highest proportion of older people in England, with 30% of the population being over the age of retirement, nearly double the national average (16.1%) (Ref. 4). ii) 3.4.7 Taunton Deane West Somerset Working Age Population From a review of the demographic data available for the region, it is evident that the districts immediately adjoining the proposed development are expected to experience an increasing ageing population. This will influence the burden of health in the area (age related morbidity), the subsequent type of health care requirements and the level of economically active individuals (influencing the type and viability of local service and amenities). iii) Ethnicity 3.4.8 Somerset, and the three immediate districts exhibit a relatively homogenous resident population (predominately white British), with a lower ethnic diversity of 5.4% below the national and regional average. However, there are signs of increasing diversification, typically through an increase in migrant workers. In Somerset between 2004 to 2009, 8,370 migrant workers from the EU States registered with the Workers Registration Scheme (Ref. 5). c) Population Growth 3.4.9 14 As shown in Table 3.2, between mid-2001 and mid-2007 the population of Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset districts increased by approximately 12,200. The local population increase is marginally higher than increases exhibited by the south-west region and England. The highest population increases were observed in Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane, whilst population growth in West Somerset was less than 1%. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table 3.2: Population Growth, 2001-2007 Area Population, Mid 2001 Population (Mid-2007) % Population Growth, 2001-2007 Sedgemoor 106,000 112,200 5.8 Taunton Deane 102,600 108,200 5.5 West Somerset 35,100 35,400 0.9 Somerset 498,700 522,800 4.8 South West 4,943,400 5,178,000 4.7 England 49,449,700 51,092,000 3.3 3.4.10 The latest official sub-national population projection for local authority areas were published in 2008 by the Office of National Statistics to forecast future population trends from 2006-2031 (based upon previous trends and the delivery of housing targets) (Ref. 4). 3.4.11 As shown in Table 3.3, in keeping with the current trend, the populations of Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane are expected to continue to increase between 2006 to 2026 by approximately 24%. This rate of population growth is above projected population growth rates for the South West (19.8%) and England (16%). In contrast, population growth projections for West Somerset are lower than the national and regional average at 12% between 2006 and 2026. Table 3.3: ONS Population Projections, 2006-2026 Area 2006 2016 2026 Forecasted Population Growth (no. persons) Percentage Growth, 2006-2026 (%) Sedgemoor 111,000 124,000 137,700 26,700 24.1 Taunton Deane 107,400 119,900 132,800 25,400 23.6 West Somerset 35,300 36,700 39,400 4,100 11.6 Somerset 518,600 572,900 631,800 113,200 21.8 South West 5,124,100 5,620,400 6,138,900 1,014,800 19.8 England 50,762,900 54,724,200 58,682,400 7,919,500 15.6 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 15 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.4.12 Importantly, the age structure of such population growth is not anticipated to be uniform. As shown in Table 3.4, Sedgemoor, West Somerset and Taunton Deane are all expecting an increasing ageing population higher than both the regional and national average. However, West Somerset is also expecting to see a decline in younger age groups (age groups 0-14 and 15-59/65), representing a decline in its working age population, and a relative change in the burden of health and local health care needs (i.e. age related health care requirements) (Ref. 4). Table 3.4: ONS Population Projections by Broad Age Group, 2006-2026 Area Percentage Growth (%) Aged 0-14 Aged 15-59/65 Aged 60/65+ Sedgemoor +16% +11% +64% Taunton Deane +19% +13% +56% West Somerset -4% -7% +51% Somerset +14% +9% +61% South West +15% +10% +51% England +14% +8% +44% d) Migration 3.4.13 The latest estimates on internal migration flows at the local authority area level are available for mid-2007 to mid-2008 and summarised in Table 3.5 below. The data shows an annual net inflow of approximately 700 persons to Sedgemoor, with smaller inflows into Taunton Deane and West Somerset (+500 and +300 respectively). Table 3.5: ONS Migration Flows for Immediate Districts, 2007-2008 16 Area Migration into District Migration out of District Migration Net Flow Sedgemoor 4,900 4,300 + 700 Taunton Deane 4,800 4,300 + 500 West Somerset 2,100 1,800 + 300 Total c.11,800 c10,400 + c1,400 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.4.14 In 2007-2008, there was a net outward migration of people in the 16-24 age group in Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane, further contributing towards the top heavy age demographic in the area. As detailed in the JSNA, such outward migration is thought to be as a result of few opportunities for higher education, a lack of employment and career opportunities and a lack of affordable housing in the area. Such migration trends contribute towards the proportion of the population who are economically inactive, impacting upon socio-economic health and also skew the age related burden of health in the area. 3.4.15 Numbers of migrant workers are increasing significantly in Somerset in all areas (and in the whole of the south west region). In Somerset between 2003/04 and 2005/06 numbers increased from 1,255 to 3,175 (an increase of 153%), based on National Insurance registration data. 3.4.16 Mapping in South Somerset and Mendip indicated the main groups of migrant workers were Polish, Portuguese and Filipino with the majority (over 90%) aged between 18 and 44 years. Main occupations of migrant workers (based on South Somerset data) include administration, business and management; manufacturing, agriculture, hospitality and catering, health and medical services. 3.4.17 A number of community associations in Somerset have been established – including Portuguese and Polish communities. 3.5 Existing Burden of Health a) Life Expectancy As shown in Figure 3.3 and Figure 3.4, the average life expectancy for both males and females from birth in the three immediate districts remains consistently higher than the national trend. West Somerset has the highest life expectancy for males and females and in particular, female life expectancy at birth has significantly increased since 2003-2005. Figure 3.3: Female Life Expectancy 85.0 84.5 84.0 Life Expectancy (years) 3.5.1 83.5 Sedgemoor 83.0 Taunton Deane 82.5 West Somerset 82.0 England 81.5 81.0 80.5 80.0 20002002 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 17 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Figure 3.4: Male Life Expectancy 80.0 79.5 Life Expectancy (years) 79.0 78.5 Sedgemoor 78.0 Taunton Deane 77.5 West Somerset 77.0 England 76.5 76.0 75.5 75.0 20002002 3.5.2 20012003 20022004 20032005 20042006 20052007 20062008 As shown in Figure 3.4, male life expectancy in the three immediate districts has remained consistently higher than national trend, although the gap between the national trend and the three immediate districts is closing. b) All Age All Cause Mortality 3.5.3 As shown in Figure 3.5, and in keeping with life expectancy trends, the all age all cause mortality rates (per 100,000 head of population) vary between Sedgemoor, West Somerset and Taunton Deane, yet remain consistently lower than the national average. Directly age-standardised rate of mortality per 100,000 population Figure 3.5: Directly Age-standardised Rate of Mortality for all Age, all Causes per 100,000 Population (2003-2008) 18 650 630 610 590 570 550 530 510 490 470 450 2003-2005 2004-2006 2005-2007 2006-2008 Sedgemoor 584.3 559.3 545.1 544.3 Taunton Deane 568.7 546.9 543.4 531.9 West Somerset 534.6 504.6 504.3 491.5 England 633.5 610.5 594.7 581.9 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.5.4 Figure 3.6 provides a summary of the directly age standardised mortality rate at the lowest geographic level available (Lower Super Output Area LSOA). The LSOAs have been grouped into three categories by the Somerset PCT indicating communities with high, medium and low mortality rates. 3.5.5 As shown, areas displaying higher rates of mortality typically coincide with the larger urban areas of Bridgwater, Burnham, Minehead, around Williton and the Wellington area in Taunton Deane. Figure 3.6: Directly Age-standardised Rate of Mortality from all Causes (per 100,000 population) 2006-2008 c) Standardised Mortality Ratio 3.5.6 The Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) is a method of comparing mortality levels in different years, or for different sub-populations in the same year, while taking account of differences in population structure. The ratio is of observed to expected deaths, multiplied conventionally by 100. Therefore, where mortality levels are higher in the population being studied than would be expected, the SMR will be greater than 100. 3.5.7 As shown in Table 3.6, the average SMR between 1999-2003 for men and women within Sedgemoor, West Somerset and Taunton Deane remain consistently below 100, representing a lower mortality rate than is typically expected for such populations. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 19 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table 3.6: Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) by area between 1999-2003 Area 3.5.8 20 Standardised Mortality Ratio (SMR) All Persons Males Females Sedgemoor 92 93 90 Taunton Deane 88 90 86 West Somerset 80 83 77 South West 89 89 88 The Standardised Mortality Ratio for selected causes of death between 2004-2006 are given in Table 3.7. As shown, the Standardised Mortality Ratio for all cancers and all circulatory disease is typically lower than is expected for such populations. However, Standardised Mortality Ratio vary for individual types of cancer, and are in some cases they are higher or significantly lower than would be expected for such a population. It is important to note that such incidence is not consistent with radiological exposure, but is more age related and lifestyle associated. In particular, Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset exhibit significantly higher rates of Skin Cancer than would be expected for such populations. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL All Causes Stroke Coronary heart disease All Circulatory Diseases Colorectal cancer Cervical cancer Breast cancer Other skin cancer Malignant melanoma of skin Lung cancer All Cancers Cause of Death Sex 91 92 Females 94 Females Males 83 92 Females Males 106 90 Females Males 96 126 Females Males 91 Males 90 92 97 97 84 86 87 90 111 73 91 89 96 91 83 90 88 90 120 86 92 91 100 94 91 91 93 92 101 97 94 - 99 - 95 104 132 125 78 81 94 93 South West HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 81 80 81 73 77 85 78 84 99 105 120 105 115 Females 16 - 77 Males 95 162 100 101 153 133 135 125 63 72 94 88 Somerset Females 277 203 140 75 52 70 92 79 West Somerset - 73 Females 153 99 117 69 70 92 88 Taunton Deane Males 199 117 Females Males 185 85 Females Males 72 101 Females Males 92 Males Sedgemoor Table 3.7: Standardised Mortality Ratio for Selected Causes of Death (2004-2006) HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL d) Cancer 3.5.9 As indicated in the Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Ref. 6), Cancer is the leading cause of death in Somerset followed by Ischaemic Heart Disease and Stroke. 3.5.10 In 2005 there were a total of 1,452 deaths from cancer in Somerset. Of these deaths, 226 were from lung cancer, 198 from colorectal cancer and 132 from breast cancer. As shown in Figure 3.7, the age standardised premature mortality rate from all cancers in Somerset has been consistently lower than the national average, and reducing in line with the national trend for England. Figure 3.7: Death Rate of those Aged less than 75 from Cancer 3.5.11 However, the incidence of cancer continues to rise throughout the UK due to the ageing population, and this is predicted to increase by approximately one third between 2001 and 2020. 3.5.12 Although cancer prevalence and premature mortality rates are consistently lower than the national average in Somerset, consultation indicates that there remain a number of concerns regarding the health of communities around Hinkley Point, particularly in the Burnham area. Specifically, a number of reports have been published, indicating elevated risks of breast cancer (Ref 7), prostate cancer (Ref 8), childhood leukaemia (Ref 9) and other cancers. It has been postulated that the causative factor is associated with discharges of low level radioactive effluents to the environment from the nuclear power stations at Hinkley Point (Ref 9). The methodology of these studies has been criticised by the independent Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment. COMARE is an independent expert advisory committee to Government Departments and Devolved Authorities) (Ref. 10) (Ref. 11) (Ref. 12). 3.5.13 Given that cancer risk is a key concern, a summary of the general concerns and issues raised over the past 25 years, and the scientific responses to these concerns, is presented in Appendix C. The remainder of this section outlines the evidence from the scientific community HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 21 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL concerning cancer incidence within the Burnham population and other areas in the vicinity of Hinkley Point. 3.5.14 The South West Cancer Intelligence Service (SWCIS) is a division within the South West Public Health Observatory to create and maintain a comprehensive, accurate, timely and accessible register of cancers suitable for, amongst other things, research into causes of, and survival from, cancer. The SWCIS was asked by Somerset Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) to look at the incidence of cancer in the wards of Burnham North, Burnham South, Highbridge and Berrow (Ref. 13). 3.5.15 The PCT was responding to local concerns following the publication of the results of a survey conducted by Green Audit in Burnham North (Ref. 7) (Ref. 8) (Ref. 9), which claimed to have identified an increased incidence of cancers of the female breast, kidney and cervix and of leukaemia. A hypothesis had been proposed by Green Audit suggesting that these increased incidence rates were attributable to exposure of the population of Burnham North to airborne dust particles contaminated with radioactivity from the Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station. 3.5.16 The SWCIS study found no significant correlation between the Standardised Registration Ratio (SRR) by ward for all cancers combined or lung cancer or leukaemia alone and distance from Hinkley Point or the mudflats on the River Parrett (Ref. 13). Similarly the study has found no evidence that the overall incidence of cancer in Burnham North or Berrow is higher than expected. The Standardised Registration Ratio for leukaemia (all types combined) was significantly raised in Burnham North. However, this group comprised several different types of leukaemia – half of which were Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL), a cancer for which there is no scientific evidence of a link to ionising radiation. Similarly high incidence rates for all leukaemias combined are found elsewhere in Somerset and the South West. Expert advice cited in the SWCIS study is that variations in registration rates for CLL – a cancer frequently detected on routine blood tests in people with no cancer specific symptoms – are most likely to be due to differences in rates of case ascertainment. 3.5.17 In Burnham South and Highbridge the overall Standardised Registration Ratio for cancer was significantly raised, but this was largely accounted for by a high breast cancer incidence rate in 1999. This followed a round of breast screening in these areas. SWCIS note that similar patterns of temporary increased incidence have been found in other areas following breast screening (Ref. 13). 3.5.18 SWCIS has found no evidence of increased risk of cancer linked to radiation in these wards. 3.5.19 These results were presented to the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment COMARE. The Committee agreed that the study showed no evidence of a link between exposure to radiation from Hinkley Point Power Nuclear Station and increased incidence of cancer in the Burnham area (Ref. 14). 3.5.20 Thus while similar concerns have been raised from time to time with respect to other nuclear installations in the UK and elsewhere, to date the balance of scientific evidence is that levels of radioactivity encountered in the environment resulting from the operation of licensed nuclear facilities cannot be identified as the cause of observable increased risks of cancer incidence or mortality. e) Cardiovascular Disease 3.5.21 22 The number of deaths from circulatory disease (including conditions such as heart disease, heart blood pressure and stroke) are often linked to lifestyle and socio-economic status (smoking, obesity, excessive alcohol consumption and poor diet). As shown in Table 3.8, with the exception of West Somerset, hospital admission rates relating to circulatory diseases are typically higher than the Somerset average. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table 3.8: Hospital Admissions for all Circulatory Diseases (April 2007 – March 2009) 3.5.22 District Directly Standardised Rate for all Circulatory Hospital Admissions (per 100,000) Sedgemoor 1,383 Taunton Deane 1,382 West Somerset 1,144 Somerset 1,346 West Somerset exhibits a lower hospital admissions rate for all circulatory diseases than the neighbouring local districts and for Somerset overall. However, as shown in Figure 3.8, hospital admission rates are not uniform throughout the area, displaying higher rates of hospital admissions in urban areas. Figure 3.8: Directly Standardised Rate for Hospital Admissions Relating to Circulatory Disease (per 100,000) Sedgemoor West Somerset Taunton Dean HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 23 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL f) 3.5.23 Respiratory Disease As shown in Table 3.9, Sedgemoor exhibits a similar rate of hospital admissions for respiratory diseases to the overall Somerset area. In contrast, Taunton Deane exhibits a moderately higher rate, while West Somerset again demonstrates a lower burden of poor respiratory health than the neighbouring Districts. Table 3.9: Hospital Admissions for all Respiratory Diseases (April 2007-March 2009) 3.5.24 District Directly standardised rate for all Respiratory Hospital Admissions (per 100,000) Sedgemoor 1,164 Taunton Deane 1,234 West Somerset 1,094 Somerset 1,139 As shown in Figure 3.9, respiratory hospital admission rates are not uniform throughout the area. Respiratory hospital admission rates are typically low in proximity to Hinkley Point with higher rates of admission in urban areas. Figure 3.9: Directly Standardised Rate for Hospital Admissions Relating to Respiratory Disease (per 100,000) 24 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL g) Excess Winter Mortality 3.5.25 In the winter period of December to March 2008/09 there were an estimated 36,700 more deaths in England and Wales, compared with the average for the non-winter period. This was an increase of 49 per cent compared with the number in the previous winter 2007/08. This is the highest number of excess winter deaths since the winter of 1999/2000. 3.5.26 The elderly population experiences the greatest increase in deaths each winter. In the winter of 2008/09 there were 29,400 more deaths among those aged 75 and over, when compared with levels in the non-winter period. 3.5.27 Excess winter mortality is not however, restricted to the elderly population, where of the total 36,700, there were 7,300 excess winter deaths among those under the age of 75. 3.5.28 The number of extra deaths occurring in winter varies depending on temperature, the level of disease in the population, and other factors including affordable energy and heating and the quality of housing. As detailed in the JSNA, increases in deaths from respiratory and circulatory diseases are responsible for most of the excess winter mortality. Influenza is often implicated in winter deaths as it can cause complications such as bronchitis and pneumonia, especially in the elderly, although relatively few deaths are attributed to influenza itself. 3.5.29 As shown in Table 3.10, between 2004 and 2007 Somerset exhibited a higher level of excess winter mortality than the national average, and a rate approaching the highest level of excess winter mortality in England. Table 3.10: Excess Winter Mortality (observed winter deaths minus expected deaths based on non-winter deaths) England Average Highest rate in England Lowest rate in England Local Value Number per Year Somerset 17 30.3 4 22.5 384 Sedgemoor 17 30.3 4 20.9 75 West Somerset 17 30.3 4 25.3 37 Taunton Deane 17 30.3 4 25.7 92 Source: The Association of Public Health Observatories, Health Profile 2009 3.5.30 Sedgemoor, West Somerset and Taunton Deane also exhibit higher rates of excess winter mortality than the national average. As previously discussed, such rates are influenced by age, the existing burden of health, the relative affordability of fuel/heating and the quality of housing. 3.5.31 Although the three immediate districts generally demonstrate health better than the national and regional trend (higher life expectancy, lower cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions), the increasingly top heavy age demographic coupled with areas of poor housing and socio-economic deprivation is likely to remain a key contributing factor on future rates. 3.5.32 Activities that improve the availability and affordability of energy and heating, improve the quality and energy efficiency of housing, contribute in reducing overcrowding and aid in retaining the younger age demographic in the area will contribute in reducing such excess mortality rates. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 25 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL h) Health Care Capacity 3.5.33 The Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment sets out the current health and social care trends in Somerset. Between 2005/6 and 2006/7 the total number of admissions was 129,209. By 2013, based upon current health care trends and population projections, the total number of admissions is anticipated to increase by 11% to 143,519 and by 30% in 2023 to 167,380 (Ref. 6). 3.5.34 Within Somerset in 2005/06-2006/07, the highest hospital admission rates are typically associated with high levels of deprivation, where communities that fall within the most deprived quintile (i.e. ranked in the highest deprivation grouping out of four) exhibit a 25% higher rate of admission than the least deprived quintile (Ref. 6). 3.5.35 As shown in Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11, the rate of total hospital admissions and emergency admissions in Somerset are also influenced by relative age and sex. Figure 3.10: Somerset Total Hospital Admissions 900 Male Rate per 1000 per year Total Ho spital Admission Rate (per 100,000) 800 Female Rate per 1000 per year 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35- 44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Age Group 3.5.36 As shown above, total hospital admission for females decreases from birth, followed by a steep increase during adolescence and the subsequent period when women are in their peak reproductive phase. The rate of total female hospital admissions then declines, before it aligns with the male rate at the 45 to 55 year age group. Following this, the female total hospital admission rate exhibits a steady increase in hospital admission with age, albeit at a lower rate then men. 3.5.37 In contrast, the male total hospital admission rate exhibits a similar decrease from birth to the 5-14 year age groups, and then exhibits a more gradual increase in admission with age. 3.5.38 Figure 3.11 presents the total emergency hospital admissions rate. As shown, there is a similar decrease in rate for male and female from birth followed by a relatively steady rate till the 45-54 age group. Following this age group, emergency hospital admission rates significantly increase for both male and females 26 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Figure 3.11: Somerset Emergency Hospital Admissions 500 Male Rate per 1000 per year 450 Female Rate per 1000 per year Total Emergency Admissions (per 100,000) 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 0-4 5-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ Age Group 3.5.39 Such total and emergency hospital admission rates demonstrate that current hospital requirements are strongly associated with child care, female health and general old age. Such statistics further indicate that should the current trend of an increasingly top heavy age demographic continue in Somerset (and in particular West Somerset) there is likely to be a significant increase in local health care requirement. 3.6 Income and Employment a) Overview 3.6.1 Income and employment influence a range of factors including access to housing, education, goods and services, lifestyle and social networks (Ref. 3). These in turn are key determinants for a range of physical and mental health impacts and ultimately health and well-being. Unemployment, poverty and inequality are strongly associated with illness and premature death (Ref. 15) (Ref. 16) (Ref. 17). b) Deprivation 3.6.2 The Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) 2007 provides an overall summary indicator of deprivation taking into account employment, education, proximity to services, living environment, crime and disorder and the existing burden of poor health. Average levels of deprivation across each of the districts are indicated by their rank position relative to other local authorities in England. Figure 3.11 provides mapping of the overall IMD in Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset. 3.6.3 Applying the combined IMD 2007, West Somerset is ranked 106th out of 354 local authority districts in England (where a rank of one indicates the most deprived district nationally). Average levels of deprivation are lower in Sedgemoor (ranked 169th) and Taunton Deane (ranked 204th) (Ref. 5). When compared to the previous IMD (2004), West Somerset has HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 27 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL marginally worsened (ranked 110th), whilst Sedgemoor has remained the same at 169th and Taunton Deane has improved (ranked 188 in 2004) (Ref. 5). 3.6.4 28 Only 6% of the super output areas (SOAs) in Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset are ranked in the most deprived 20% nationally on the overall IMD 2007. The IMD ranks two SOAs in Somerset within the most deprived 10% in the country, one of these being in Bridgwater (Bridgwater Sydenham ward) and the other in Taunton (Taunton Halcon ward). Overall, Somerset is generally less deprived than other parts of the region and the country. However, pockets of high deprivation do exist, and these are mainly confined to urbanised areas. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL West Somerset Figure 3.11: Combined Indices of Multiple Deprivation (2007) Taunton Deane HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 29 Sedgemoor 3.6.5 Details relating to the specific indicators used in the IMD (e.g. employment, education, crime) are discussed within the following sections of the community profile. c) Employment 3.6.6 As shown in Table 3.11, in 2008, the largest employment sector was the public sector, constituting a third of all employment in the local area, followed by the service sector such as hotels and restaurants, education, health and tourism related sectors. Table 3.11: Employment Structure by Broad Industry Sector for Immediate Districts (Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset), 2008 Industry Sector Percentage of Regional Total Employment Percentage in Great Britain (%) Manufacturing 9.36 10.2 Construction 4.31 4.8 Distribution, hotels and restaurants 28.4 23.4 Transport, storage and communication 4.1 5.8 Financial, real estate and other business 14.0 22 Public admin, education and health 31.7 27 Other service activities 4.7 5.3 Tourism related sectors 10.1 8.2 3.6.7 According to the Somerset Intelligence Network, Somerset County Council is the largest employer in the Somerset County, employing approximately 17,000 people. Nearly 40% of the working age population in Taunton Deane is employed in the public service sector, which can be attributable to the town’s position as the administrative centre for Somerset. The high dependence on the public sector throughout the region may be affected by likely future cuts in public spending. 3.6.8 As shown in Table 3.12, employment by sector varies between the three immediate districts. Table 3.12: Employment Structure by Broad Industry Sector for Immediate Districts, 2008 (Percentage of those employed) 30 Industry Sector Sedgemoor Taunton Deane West Somerset Manufacturing 14 6.4 7.6 Construction 4.6 4.1 3.6 Distribution, hotels and restaurants 28.8 26 38.4 Transport, storage and communication 6.5 2.6 2.3 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.6.9 Industry Sector Sedgemoor Taunton Deane West Somerset Financial, real estate and other business 14.8 14.9 7.3 Public admin, education and health 24.2 38.8 24.2 Other service activities 4.2 4.8 5.9 Tourism related sectors 9.8 7.2 24.9 Hinkley Point B has been in operation since 1976. The station currently employs 538 full time British Energy/EDF Energy staff and 17 apprentices. There are also approximately 210 contract personnel based at the power station. According to information available and given in Table 3.13, approximately 70% of Hinkley Point B employees live in the Sedgemoor District. Table 3.13: Home Addresses of Hinkley B Employees District Percentage of Total Number of Hinkley B Employees (%) Sedgemoor 69.9 Taunton Deane 11.2 West Somerset 13.4 Sub-total 94.5 Other Somerset (Mendip and South Somerset) 1.7 West of England (South Gloucestershire and North Somerset) 2.3 Other South West (Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Wiltshire) 1.3 Other UK 0.2 No information/not known - Total: All Staff 100 Source: EDF Energy, Draft Socio-Economic Assessment, February 2010, p.128 3.6.10 Such statistics indicates that the existing Hinkley Point facility supports local employment in the area. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 31 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL d) Unemployment 3.6.11 As shown in Table 3.14, unemployment rates in the local economy increased significantly in 2009 as part of the recession. The average unemployment rate in the three immediate districts was 2.8% in June 2009. This is marginally lower than the unemployment rate for the South West. Unemployment rates were highest in Sedgemoor at 3.2% and lowest in West Somerset at 2.1%. The higher levels of employment in West Somerset are likely to be influenced by seasonal tourism in the district. Table 3.14: Claimant Unemployment Rates, June 2009 Area Claimants as a Percentage of Working Age Residents (%) Sedgemoor 3.2 Taunton Deane 2.6 West Somerset 2.1 Average 2.8 Somerset 2.6 90 Minute Zone 2.9 South West 3.0 England 4.1 3.6.12 Although the claimant unemployment rates in Sedgemoor are higher than other local districts, as shown in Table 3.14, a significant proportion of employees at the existing Hinkley B Power Station live in Sedgemoor district and as such, the power station provides a positive contribution to local employment. 3.6.13 Employment deprivation is typically concentrated in the main urban centres of Bridgwater, Taunton and Yeovil. The type of occupation being sought by local unemployed claimants is summarised in Table 3.15. Table 3.15: Unemployed Claimants by Occupation Sought Relevant to the Hinkley Point C Project, June 2009 32 Occupation Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset Somerset 90 Minute Commute Zone Engineering professionals; science and engineering technicians 55 125 765 Skilled mechanical trades (e.g. welding, fitting) 50 110 485 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Occupation Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset Somerset 90 Minute Commute Zone Skilled electrical trades 55 100 575 Skilled construction trades 195 375 1,865 Skilled building trades 100 165 890 Construction operatives (semiskilled) 40 70 360 Elementary construction occupations (unskilled) 300 550 2,290 Source: EDF Energy, Draft Socio-Economic Assessment, February 2010, p.128 3.6.14 As shown above, construction occupations are currently being sought within the three immediate districts, Sedgemoor and within the 90 minute commute zone that could be accommodated by the construction of the proposed development and the off-site associated developments. e) Income 3.6.15 Details of average weekly earnings for full time workers are provided within the socio-economic assessment and summarised in Table 3.16. Table 3.16: Average Weekly Earnings, 2009 Area Mean Weekly Earnings, WorkplaceBased (£) Mean Weekly Earnings Residence-Based (£) Sedgemoor 455.6 526.8 Taunton Deane 527.2 558.7 West Somerset 618.7 531.3 Somerset 503.7 531.7 South West 535.5 545.4 England 597.4 598.3 Source: ONS 2009 Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) (4) 3.6.16 In 2009, average earnings in Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane districts were lower than the national average. Mean weekly earnings for those working in Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane were approximately 11% to 23% lower than the national average weekly earnings. In contrast, gross weekly earnings for full time workers in West Somerset were 2.3% higher (c.£618 per week) than the regional average earnings for full time workers, which is an increase from mean weekly earnings for those working in West Somerset in 2008 (c.£571.7). However, it should be HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 33 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL noted that these figures are based on a relatively small sample and may be influenced by the relatively higher earnings of residents employed at the existing Hinkley Point Power Stations. 3.6.17 The average earnings of those living within Sedgemoor but working outside the district are similar to the Somerset average. f) Income Deprivation 3.6.18 Further to the details of average income levels given above, the IMD 2007 indicated that levels of income deprivation in the area are generally low, although pockets of relative socio-economic deprivation exist. 3.6.19 As shown in Figure 3.12, there are eight Super Output Areas in Sedgemoor ranked in the 20% most income deprived nationally. These areas are predominantly concentrated in Bridgwater, and include: two super output areas in the Bridgwater Hamp Ward; one super output areas in the Bridgwater Quantock Ward; three super output areas in the Bridgwater Sydenham; one super output areas in the Bridgwater Victoria Ward; and one super output areas in the Highbridge Ward. Figure 3.12: Indices of Multiple Deprivation: Income Deprivation in Bridgwater g) Education 3.6.20 34 The data presented in Table 3.17 relates to educational attainment in the area in 2001, and indicates that qualifications held by working age residents in the area were typically below regional and national averages. However, Taunton Deane exhibits a more qualified working population than Sedgemoor and West Somerset with a higher percentage of the population qualified at Level 4 and above than the regional average. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table 3.17: Qualifications of Working Age Residents, 2001 3.6.21 Area Percentage Percentage Percentage Qualified at Level Qualified at Level Level 4+ 2+ 3+ Sedgemoor 46.2 22.8 15.6 Taunton Deane 53.8 28.7 20.3 West Somerset 48.0 23.7 16.3 Average 49.7 25.5 17.7 Somerset 50.4 26.1 18.2 90 Minute Zone 53.7 31.1 21.0 South West 52.8 29.5 19.8 England 51.7 30.6 21.2 Qualified at Table 3.18 indicates qualifications obtained by working age residents in 2008. Similar to regional and national trends, educational attainment improved in all areas. However, the qualifications of residents in Sedgemoor and West Somerset remain lower than regional trends. Table 3.18: Qualifications of Working Age Residents, 2008 Area Percentage Qualified at: Level 2+ Level 3+ Level 4+ Sedgemoor 63.4 44.4 24.8 Taunton Deane 72.2 51.4 31.2 West Somerset 62.6 43.2 22.8 Average 67.1 47.3 27.3 Somerset 68.4 47.5 24.9 90 Minute Zone 68.5 49.7 29.2 South West 68.1 48.8 28.3 England 64.6 46.5 28.7 Source: Office for National Statistics, Annual Population Survey (4) HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 35 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL h) Educational Attainment of School Leavers 3.6.22 Data for GCSE attainment from 2007/2008 indicates that attainment levels in Sedgemoor and West Somerset and for Somerset as a whole are lower than the regional and national average. In 2008, the proportion of pupils gaining 5 GCSE passes at grades A*-C was 52.7% in Sedgemoor and 56% in West Somerset compared to the regional average of 63.5% and national average of 64.5%. In comparison, GCSE attainment levels were higher in Taunton Deane with 65.4% of pupils gaining 5+ A*-C passes. i) Education and Skills Deprivation 3.6.23 A low skilled working age population has been identified as an issue within Sedgemoor and West Somerset. In 2006-2007, 66% of 19 year olds in West Somerset were qualified at NVQ Level 2 compared to regional and national averages of 76% and 74% respectively. The level of qualifications are marginally better in Sedgemoor at 70%, however, this is still below regional and national trends. 3.6.24 There are also pockets of high deprivation in terms of low education attainment and skills, particularly in the Bridgwater and Highbridge areas of Sedgemoor, which is highlighted by 16% of Super Output Areas (SOA) within the district being ranked in the most deprived 20% nationally on the skills sub-domain. Figure 3.13: IMD Education Deprivation (2007) Sedgemoor West Somerset Taunton Deane 36 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.6.25 3.6.26 Such pockets of low education attainment correlate with areas exhibiting socio-economic deprivation and a higher burden of poor health. Improving the local skills, qualifications and earning potential in Sedgemoor is a key Local Area Agreement (LAA) target, intended to aid in addressing socio-economic deprivation and associated inequality (Ref. 6). j) 3.6.27 Housing Stock The housing stock in the Taunton Market Area (HMA), which comprises the Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset districts, was approximately 113,000 in March 2007. Housing in this area increased by an estimated 6,450 dwellings between 2001 and 2007, representing a 6% increase. This is higher than both the regional and national housing growth trends. Table 3.19: Growth in Housing Stock in Immediate Districts, 2001-2007 Area Dwelling Stock, March 2001 Dwelling Stock, March 2007 % Growth, 2001-2007 Sedgemoor 45,622 48,685 6.7% Taunton Deane 44,531 47,172 5.9% West Somerset 16,381 17,120 4.5% Sub-total 106,534 112,977 6.0% Somerset 216,644 230,027 6.2% South West 2,174,292 2,301,801 5.9% England 21,296,187 22,289,256 4.7% Source: EDF Energy, Draft Socio-Economic Assessment, February 2010, p.58 k) Housing Tenure 3.6.28 Survey-based estimates of the tenure of the local housing stock are available from the Taunton and South Somerset Strategic Housing Market Assessment (HMA) (Fordham Research, 2008). The survey results suggest that owner occupied properties account for approximately 75% of the current housing stock in the Taunton HMA. Social housing accounts for an estimated 14% of housing stock, with private rented housing making up 11%. Table 3.20: Estimated Tenure of Local Housing Stock, 2008 Area Owner Occupied Social Rented Private Rented Sedgemoor 37,469 5,941 4,689 Taunton Deane 36,164 7,913 5,522 West Somerset 11,999 2,254 2,148 Sub-total 85,632 16,108 12,359 Sedgemoor 77.9% 12.4% 9.7% HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 37 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Area Owner Occupied Social Rented Private Rented Taunton Deane 72.9% 16.0% 11.1% West Somerset 73.2% 13.7% 13.1% Total: Taunton HMA 75.1% 14.1% 10.8% Source: EDF Energy, Draft Socio-Economic Assessment, February 2010, p.59 l) 3.6.29 Housing Affordability Baseline data on house prices and affordability for 2008 is provided in the socio-economic assessment and summarised in Table 3.21. This shows that house prices in Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane are a respective 12% and 4% below the national average. In contrast, in 2008, property prices in West Somerset were 17% above the national average. Such an increase is understood to be influenced by the purchase of second homes in the area by those of retirement age and originating from areas with far higher house prices (typically London and the South-East region), which at 6.28% (in 2007) is far higher than the regional and national trend. The influx of second homeowners into the area has in many cases led to the pricing out of local residents from the housing market. Table 3.21: Property Sales, House Prices and Affordability, 2008 Area Mean House Price House Price/Earnings Number (£) Ratio Sales Sedgemoor 194,243 8.23 1,469 Taunton Deane 212,055 9.62 1,243 West Somerset 258,221 10.78 443 Somerset 211,743 8.82 6,437 South West 222,704 8.77 67,430 England 220,310 6.98 609,840 of Property Source: EDF Energy, Draft Socio-Economic Assessment, February 2010, p.60 3.6.30 Affordable housing has been identified as a key priority by West Somerset Council as part of the Council’s Corporate Plan (West Somerset Annual Monitoring Report 2008-2009). Higher than average house prices are thought to have contributed to the significant outward migration of persons between 19-34 years who are not able to secure affordable housing and employment in the District. m) Housing Deprivation 3.6.31 38 According to the Indices of Multiple Deprivation (IMD 2007), 61% of the SOAs in West Somerset are ranked in the most deprived 20% nationally in relation to barriers to housing and services. These higher levels of deprivation are in part due to the rural setting of West Somerset, which means that services are typically less accessible and concentrated in urban areas. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.7 Lifestyle a) Overview 3.7.1 Differences in lifestyle choices made by individuals are typically influenced by education, employment and socio-economic background. It is also acknowledged that these differences in lifestyle choices significantly influence health inequalities experienced by a community. A number of lifestyle indicators for the immediate area to the development are discussed below. b) Alcohol Consumption 3.7.2 As defined in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (Ref. 6), over 15% of the adult population in Somerset regularly binge drink. Binge drinking activity was found to been higher in and around town centres yet significantly lower in West Somerset. Statistics comparing alcohol consumption on a spatial basis suggest that binge-drinking on a local level is lower than national trends. 3.7.3 Reported levels of harmful and hazardous drinking in Somerset are lower than the regional average. However, there is still concern that approximately 19% adults drink at harmful levels (between 22 and 50 units a week for men, and 15 and 35 for women) and 4% at hazardous levels (50 units a week for men, 35 units a week for women) (Ref. 6). 3.7.4 Between 2003/04 and 2007/08, the directly standardised rate per 100,000 population for hospital admissions attributable to alcohol have been consistently higher in West Somerset and Taunton Deane than Sedgemoor. Reduced rates of hospital admissions related to alcohol were observed in 2007/08 for males and females (Ref. 6). 3.7.5 Quarterly annual data available for alcohol related hospital admissions indicate that there is no increase in the number of alcohol related admissions on a seasonal basis that would be attributable to tourism in the area. 3.7.6 Furthermore, it has been identified that there are inequalities in alcohol related health in the south west, which is consistent with national trends. The rate of alcohol specific hospital admissions is five times higher among adults from the most deprived areas when compared to the most affluent (Ref. 6). c) Smoking 3.7.7 Smoking is responsible for one-sixth of all deaths in the UK, and kills half of all those who smoke. It is the area where behaviour change would make the greatest impact on health inequalities, as it is the main cause of differences in death rates in middle age persons across socio-economic groups. 3.7.8 According to the NHS 2009 Health Profiles, based on 2003-2005 modelled estimates, 18.9% to 21.3% of residents smoke within the three immediate districts, with Taunton Deane District having the highest proportion. Estimates of both smoking prevalence and deaths from circumstances related to smoking are lower in Somerset than for the country overall. Within Somerset, smoking prevalence varies geographically, with smoking rates typically higher amongst communities experiencing relative socio-economic deprivation (Ref 6). 3.7.9 Data from the Somerset Annual Public Health Report 2008/09 indicates that 17% of mothers smoked during pregnancy in Somerset. This is higher than both regional and national trends. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 39 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL d) Physical Activity 3.7.10 3.7.11 Physical activity improves physical and mental health, and can be applied to increase social networks improving social cohesion. There is significant evidence to support the benefits of physical activity in promoting good health and contributing towards a decreased risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity and some cancers. As shown in Table 3.22, levels of physical activity in the region are low for both adults and children. The Active People’s Survey (2006) indicated that in Somerset, 21.8% of adults took part in at least three sessions of physical activity per week. However, half of adults in Somerset stated that they participated in no regular activity (Ref. 6). Table 3.22: Physical Activity Participation (expressed as a percentage of the population, %) Sedgemoor Taunton Deane West Somerset Somerset South West England Participation At least 3 days a week 22.9 21.3 22.0 21.8 21.9 21.0 0 days per week 53.1 48.7 54.8 51.4 49.2 50.6 Source: The Active People’s Survey (2006) e) Obesity 3.7.12 Obesity is a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, stroke, osteoarthritis and cancer. Data shows that rates of obesity in the UK are rapidly increasing. In 2007, 24% of men and women were classed as obese and it is predicted that by 2050 over half of the UK adult population could be obese (Ref. 18). 3.7.13 Model based estimates suggest that Sedgemoor, Taunton Deane and West Somerset districts exhibit similar rates of adult obesity to national trends (24.6%, 22.6% and 24.4% respectively) (DH 2009). However, these estimates are lower than rates for Somerset overall, where 34.7% of adults are overweight and 13.5% are classed as obese (Ref. 6). 3.7.14 The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is also an increasing concern nationally. Local data on childhood obesity collected as part of the National Child Measurement Programme indicates that 8% of children in the reception year at school and 15.2% of children in year 6 in Somerset were defined as obese. Local rates of overweight and obesity exhibited in children are typically lower than the national trend. f) Teenage Pregnancy 3.7.15 Somerset has lower rates of teenage pregnancy compared to the national trend. Somerset’s target is to reduce the rate of under-18 conceptions by 50% by 2010. Following a downward trend in conception rates since the 1998 baseline year, there was an increase in the 2006 and 2007 rates, which followed national trends (NHS Somerset, 2009). 3.7.16 The target rate for 2010 is 19.4 per 1,000 females of the population. In 2007, the conception rate for under-18 in Somerset was 35.8 per 1,000 females of the population, consistent with the regional trend yet lower than the national trend (36 per 1,000 and 41.7 per 1,000 respectively) (Ref. 19). 40 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.7.17 Data indicates that Sedgemoor (-28.5%) and West Somerset (-35.1%) had made the most progress in reducing teenage pregnancy rates, while teenage pregnancy rates in the Taunton Deane area have only marginally reduced (-5%) (NHS Somerset 2009). 3.7.18 There is a strong link between deprivation and high rates of teenage pregnancy, with those living in the 20% most deprived areas displaying a conception rate nearly 5 times higher than those in the 20% least-deprived areas. 3.7.19 The data for under 18 year olds terminating pregnancy shows that Somerset has one of the lowest rates nationally, and it is declining (14 per 1,000 15-17 year olds in 2007, contrasted against 15 per 1,000 in 2006). g) Sexual Health 3.7.20 The numbers of people with HIV in Somerset remains relatively low in comparison to most other areas. However, these numbers continue to increase year on year, with increases being significant relative to the low prevalence. HIV contracted through men who have sex with men remains the main route of transmission overall, but the largest increases have occurred through heterosexual sexual transmission. A sizeable proportion of newly diagnosed HIV in Somerset has been amongst immigrants from Sub-Saharan Africa and Eastern Europe (Ref. 6). 3.7.21 Other sexually transmitted infections are continuing to increase in line with the rest of the UK, with particular concern for chlamydia, which has seen an increase of 200% over the last two years particularly amongst young people (Ref. 6). h) Mental Health 3.7.22 Mental health is affected by a wide range of factors that can prevent or lead to an increased risk of mental illness. These include ‘lifestyle’ factors such as physical activity, alcohol consumption and healthy eating. Other factors include employment, education and access to support and social networks (Ref. 6). 3.7.23 Relatively little information regarding mental health in Somerset is available. Data available for the Southwest region suggests that approximately 11.5% of adults may have a mental health problem at any one time, and approximately 7.4% of adults will have a significant mental health problem that is likely to require treatment. These levels of mental health illness are similar to national trend (13.2% and 7.3% respectively). 3.7.24 The Somerset JSNA (Ref. 6) draws on the findings of modelling based on the 1993 National Psychiatric Morbidity Survey. This indicates where in Somerset common mild to moderate mental illness may be more prevalent. The following wards in Sedgemoor and West Somerset fall within the 6th decile and above for predicted rates of common mild to moderate mental health conditions (a decile is a rating of performance on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is best, 10 is worst): Bridgwater Eastover; Bridgwater Hamp; Bridgwater Sydenam; Bridgwater Victoria; Highbridge; Alcombe East; Dunster; Minehead North; and Watchet. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 41 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 3.7.25 A number of these wards have been identified as being potentially susceptible to a number of health issues due to social and lifestyle factors, and may require additional information to address health concerns and perceived risks more effectively. i) Crime and Antisocial Behaviour 3.7.26 Based on recorded crime comparator offences in the British Crime Survey (BCS), the local area experiences relatively low levels of crime and disorder compared to the national average. 3.7.27 Crime statistics available indicate that for the Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane districts in 2008/09, rates of violent crime (against a person) were 14 per 1,000 population, which is lower than national trends (16 per 1,000 population). However, both districts have experienced an increase in the rate of violent crime compared to recorded offences in 2007/08 (12% and 3% increase respectively). In contrast, West Somerset exhibited a lower rate for violent crimes against a person of 10 per 1,000 population. The IMD 2007 demonstrates that levels of crime are very low throughout the three immediate districts. 3.8 Community Profile Summary 3.8.1 Somerset exhibits a growing yet relatively mature population, where statistics indicate that populations within Sedgemoor and Taunton Deane are growing at a rate higher than the national average. In contrast, population growth within West Somerset is significantly lower, and exhibits an increasingly top heavy age demographic as a consequence of outward migration. Such migration is understood to be due to a combination of factors including seeking higher education, a lack of affordable housing and relatively low earning potential. 3.8.2 Despite the ageing population in the area, the health of people in Somerset is generally better than the England average and is improving, exhibiting higher life expectancies, lower mortality rates and lower rates of premature mortality from heart disease, stroke and cancer. 3.8.3 Localised areas of health deprivation within Somerset are largely concentrated within urban areas, and closely associated with pockets of relative socio-economic deprivation, poor lifestyles and risk taking behaviour. Sexual health and teenage pregnancy rates in Somerset are better than the national average, yet remain a key focus for the PCT, with a number of programmes to raise awareness, reduce prevalence and improve treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Excess winter mortality remains a key issue throughout Somerset, requiring a coordinated approach to reduce and remove contributing risk factors such as poor quality housing, affordable energy and fuel and general community support for those most at risk (the elderly and socio-economically deprived). 3.8.4 Income, employment and education deprivation remain key issues in the area, and are closely associated with localised pockets of socio-economic and health deprivation. Such communities are predominantly concentrated within Bridgwater, including: Bridgwater Hamp; Bridgwater Quantock; Bridgwater Sydenham; Bridgwater Victoria; and Highbridge. 3.8.5 Although local circumstance and health is generally better than the national average and improving throughout Somerset, there remain pockets of socio-economic deprivation and burdens of poor health that make specific communities sensitive to changes in environmental and socio-economic conditions. Areas exhibiting high burdens of poor health are more at risk from factors that may exacerbate existing conditions. As such, the assessment section of this 42 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL HIA will consider the highest burdens of poor health to ensure a conservative approach and the assessment of a worst-case scenario. 3.8.6 It is also important to note that local communities are particularly sensitive to activities that may change their socio-economic circumstance and lifestyles. Projects that may reduce or impact upon local income and employment run the risk of further compounding the predominant cause for patterns of existing poor health in Somerset. However, it is also important to note that local communities are also sensitive to any activity that may improve local socio-economic status (through increased education, employment, income) and lifestyles (such as improved social networks, social capital, improved diet and physical activity). The following assessment section and subsequent Health Action Plan will therefore investigate potential health benefits and necessary initiatives to improve the uptake of such benefit locally. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 43 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 4 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 4.1 Overview 4.1.1 As discussed in Section 1.57, an important component of gathering an appropriate evidence base and tailoring the HIA to local circumstance is seeking the views of stakeholders and key representatives of communities likely to be affected. In this instance, a significant level of preapplication consultation has already been undertaken by EDF Energy. The HIA has therefore implemented a tiered approach, building upon existing community consultation supplemented with specific engagement with appropriate community representatives and individuals responsible for maintaining local community health. 4.1.2 This section provides an overview of the stakeholder engagement strategy and summarises the key outputs gained to further refine the focus of the HIA and the recommendations within the Health Action Plan. 4.2 Engagement Strategy 4.2.1 As previously discussed, the scope and focus of the HIA was primarily established through a review of the health issues raised during previous stakeholder and community engagement, including: 4.2.2 a review of earlier Hinkley Point C projects, notably the Michael Barnes QC Public Inquiry 1987; a review of the Stage 1 consultation outputs; and a review of previous Community Forum Meeting Minutes. Such information provided the basis to developing a HIA scoping report, cataloguing a range of health issues and opportunities to be addressed through the HIA (Appendix A). The HIA scoping report was initially distributed to the full Environmental Appraisal Team and key stakeholders, including but not limited to: Somerset County Council; Sedgemoor District Council; West Somerset Council; and Taunton Deane Borough Council. 4.2.3 To facilitate returns, and to gain additional input in defining sensitive community groups, the four Local Authorities and their technical representatives were offered the opportunity of more detailed telephone interviews, alongside interviews with Somerset Primary Care Trust (PCT) and the South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO) (for copies of the workshop transcripts, correspondence and supporting information from key stakeholders, please refer to Appendix B). 4.2.4 In so doing, the scope and focus of the HIA has benefited from a broad range of community and key stakeholder input to define the scope and focus of the assessment, and to support more effective community support initiatives. 44 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL a) Stakeholder Engagement Results 4.2.5 The structure of each engagement session comprised the following key tasks: 4.2.6 Task 1: discuss and prioritise potential health pathways (both adverse and beneficial); Task 2: discuss local community circumstance, sensitivities and concerns; and Task 3: discuss potential measures and initiatives to further reduce risk, address community concerns and improve local health. In so doing, it was possible to provide a consistent means to discussing, grouping and prioritising community health issues and opportunities. The combined engagement outputs are summarised in Table 4.1 below (full transcripts are provided in Appendix B). Table 4.1: Stakeholder Engagement Results Health Pathway Summary of Stakeholder Comments Construction Construction Workforce The introduction of a large mobile workforce has the potential to: change local demographic, ethnic and socio-cultural structure resulting in disruption and increased pressure on local services and amenities (including education, recreation, entertainment and health care); influence communicable disease risk; and have implications for poor integration with local communities and represents a potential risk of antisocial behaviour. The construction phase has the potential to generate significant local direct, indirect and induced income and employment opportunities. Such opportunities should be optimised to address relative deprivation and local health inequalities. Increased demand for local and regional construction workers at Hinkley Point C, may result in a decreased availability for other regeneration and development projects in the area. The introduction of a large construction workforce has the potential to increase housing demand, temporarily reducing local community access to housing, and in particular access to good and affordable housing. Transport, Access and Accessibility Construction traffic (Heavy Goods Vehicles and staff movements) has the potential to increase congestion, noise and air pollution, risk of collision and general community severance. The provision of new transport and road safety infrastructure has the potential to manage such risks and disruption, and may also improve the viability and uptake of public and green transport options in the area (with associated health and legacy benefits). HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 45 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Health Pathway Summary of Stakeholder Comments Construction Emissions (on site and at offsite associated developments) The construction phase (and associated construction traffic) has the potential to impact upon the local environment, influencing the level of community exposure to noise and vibration, emissions to air and general disruption, representing a potential acute and chronic risk to health. Cumulative risk The cumulative impacts between Hinkley A, B and C are a local concern and need to be investigated, as do the cumulative impacts between the various off-site developments. Occupational Health and Safety Despite occupational health and safety procedures and best practice, construction sites remain hazardous work environments. Although typically beyond the remit of HIA, it is recommended to establish the health and safety procedures EDF Energy will implement. Health promotion Participants indicated that the proposed development has the potential to support local health promotion, and recommended that the HIA investigate such opportunities. In particular, participants requested the HIA to investigate: how the proposed facility might impact upon areas of and access to green space and recreation facilities during construction and operation; and whether the proposed development would increase or enhance areas of and access to green space and recreational facilities (with subsequent mental, physical and social health benefits). Operation Radiological The potential change in radiological exposure and subsequent risk to health remains a key local and regional concern. The radiological assessment will prove useful in further addressing local community health concerns and alleviating stress and anxiety. 46 Electro Magnetic Fields and Interference (EMF and EMI) Council Technical Advisors have expressed concern regarding the potential change in EMF exposure and subsequent risk to health. Potential EMI impacts were also raised. It is recommended the HIA address such concerns to manage perceived risks and alleviate local stress and anxiety. Visual impacts Participants expressed that the proposed facility may impact on amenity value and use. Community severance, access and accessibility Participants inquired as to the loss of any pedestrian or cycle routes surrounding the facility and any subsequent impact on access to areas of green space, amenities, facilities and social networks. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 4.2.7 Health Pathway Summary of Stakeholder Comments Legacy opportunities The off-site associated developments represent legacy benefits to local communities in terms of potential infrastructure and supporting recreational and leisure facilities. They have the potential to improve the quality, affordability and stock of housing in the area and can also be applied to encouraging improvements in lifestyle (namely increased physical activity). Such opportunities will need to be further investigated and barriers to health benefits addressed. Perceived Risks Participants indicated that once operational, the priority community and interest group concern is that of the potential radiological risk. The HIA is required to address such concerns and where appropriate generate materials to more effectively address them As shown above, the health pathways identified and discussed with stakeholders are in keeping with those identified in the HIA scoping report, where key construction health issues include: the potential disruption and opportunities associated with the requirement for a large construction workforce, including: o the potential transport impact and disruption to local communities from construction vehicles and staff; o the potential increase in service and housing demand; and o the potential for local direct, indirect and induced income and employment. the potential environmental impact and community disruption during the construction phase; and opportunities to address existing pockets of deprivation, support local regeneration and health initiatives. 4.2.8 During operation, key health issues discussed included the potential risk from radiological and electro magnetic exposure, visual impacts and the potential impact upon access and accessibility. 4.2.9 Key health benefits discussed included the potential legacy opportunities associated with the off-site associated developments, including: the infrastructure they will provide; the viability of supporting services and amenities (including more viable public transport through increased patronage); the training and employment they will facilitate; and improved pedestrian and cycling facilities, influencing lifestyle and improving access and accessibility. 4.2.10 The engagement stage also established that the HIA is not only necessary to inform the planning and decision making process, but will be key in addressing local community health concerns, and to support the uptake of local health benefits. 4.2.11 Such issues and opportunities have been applied to further inform and refine the following assessment stage and the final Health Action Plan. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 47 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5 ASSESSMENT 5.1 Overview 5.1.1 The following assessment investigates each of the previously identified potential health pathways associated with the construction and operation of the proposed development, including the off-site associated developments, covering: 5.2 the potential health risk from changes in radiological exposure; the potential health risk from changes in electromagnetic field exposure; the potential health risk from changes in emissions to air (construction, traffic emissions and back up diesel generators); the potential health risk from additional road movements (risk of accident and injury); the potential community disruption from construction noise impacts; the potential social impact from the introduction of a temporary non-home-based construction workforce; the potential community health benefits from planning legacy (facilities, amenities and community support initiatives); the potential socio-economic health benefits from direct, indirect and induced income and employment; and the potential change in health need from a temporary non-home-based construction and maintenance workforce. Potential Health Risk from Radiological Exposure a) Overview 5.2.1 As part of the HIA, EDF Energy commissioned RPS to undertake a detailed radiological assessment and develop a supporting evidence base to investigate potential health risks and provide the basis to more effectively manage community concerns. This section provides a brief introduction to the base principles of radiation and health risks, the methodology applied and the radiological assessment conclusions. Appendix C provides the full methodology, the supporting evidence base and all of the assumptions applied. b) Radiation and Health 5.2.2 Radiation describes any process in which energy travels through a medium, other than by conduction, or through space. There are two broad classes of radiation: ionizing radiation which comes from radioactive materials (i.e. materials that emit radiation), x-ray machines and non-ionizing radiation (usually electromagnetic radiation) which comes from other sources. This section concentrates on ionising radiation. 5.2.3 Both the beneficial uses of radioactive properties and the harmful effects of radiation are well documented. This section sets out to introduce some of the concepts necessary to determining potential health impacts in the context of an application to build a new nuclear power station in a specific locality. 48 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.4 There are several types of ionising radiation: X-rays and gamma rays have great penetrating power and can pass through the human body; Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons, in the form of atomic nuclei and travel only a short distance; Beta particles are fast-moving electrons ejected from the nuclei of many kinds of atoms and are marginally more penetrating than alpha-particles; Cosmic radiation consists of very energetic particles, mostly protons, which bombard the earth from outer space; and Neutrons are particles which are also very penetrating. They mostly come from the splitting, or fissioning, of certain atoms inside a nuclear reactor. 5.2.5 Since radioactivity was discovered more than 100 years ago it has been the subject of much study. In addition to naturally occurring radioactive materials, sources of radioactivity in the environment include those arising from man-made applications. Such sources include atomic weapons testing, nuclear power generation and associated fuel cycle activities, industrial use and medical applications. 5.2.6 The property of radioactivity is measured in units of becquerels (Bq), where 1 Bq represents one atomic decay occurring per second. The unit for measuring the energy deposited in matter by radiation (the ‘absorbed dose’) is the gray (Gy), which is an expression of energy per unit mass (joules per kilogram). However the usual unit for expressing the dose of radiation received relevant to its effect on people, is the sievert (Sv), although it is more common to use units of milliSv (mSv), which is one-thousandth of a Sv (10-3 Sv), or microSv (μSv), which is one millionth of a Sv (10-6 Sv). 5.2.7 The Sv is the SI derived unit of dose equivalent. It attempts to reflect the biological effects of radiation as opposed to the physical aspects, which are characterised by the absorbed dose, measured in gray. Thus, one mSv of radiation has the same biological effect on people irrespective of whether the originating radiation is alpha, beta or gamma. 5.2.8 In addition to the above, radiation exposure may be expressed in terms of the effective dose, which is the tissue-weighted sum of equivalent doses and is used to compare the absorbed doses of radiation received from different radiations by different tissues. For internal exposures, it is also conventional to consider the continuing, or ‘committed’, dose which will occur as a result of the residence time for which a radionuclide may be present within the body. In all cases, the unit for expressing radiation exposure is the Sv, and the type of dose is then qualified by stating that it refers to an ‘organ dose’, ‘committed effective dose’ or other description. 5.2.9 In this document, unless explicitly stated otherwise, we use the term ‘dose’ to describe the committed effective dose to the whole body. c) Regulation of the Nuclear Industry 5.2.10 The Treaty of the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM) gave the European Community the task of establishing uniform safety standards to protect the health of workers and the general public in all Member States. In 1996 the European Council issued Directive 96/29/EURATOM, laying down basic safety standards for the protection of the health of workers and the general public from exposure to ionising radiation. This Directive took account of the recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Protection (Ref. 20), and the Directive has been enshrined in UK legislation. The system of protection recommended by the ICRP for practices involving radioactive substances is based on the principles of: HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 49 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.11 justification of a practice; optimisation of protection; and the application of individual dose and risk limits. Justification aims to ensure that no practice is adopted which involves exposure to ionising radiation unless it produces a net benefit to the exposed individuals, or to society as a whole. The Justification of Practices Involving Ionising Radiation Regulations [21] transpose into UK law the justification requirements of two European Directives, which protect the health of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiation: Council Directive 96/26/Euratom of 13 May 1996 laying down basic safety standards to protect the health of workers and the general public against the dangers arising from ionising radiation; and Council Directive 97/43/Euratom of 30 June 1997 on health protection of individuals against the dangers of ionising radiation in relation to medical exposure, and repealing Directive 84/466/Euratom. 5.2.12 Under these Directives, it is a particular class or type of practice needs to be justified, not individual uses of that practice. For new classes or types of practice (i.e. those which are undertaken for the first time after the 1996 Directive came into force on 13 May 2000), justification is required before they are first adopted. 5.2.13 A generic justification for building new nuclear power stations has been submitted by the Nuclear Industry Association (Ref. 22). Justification is not further addressed within this Health Impact Appraisal. 5.2.14 Optimisation is the process whereby an operator selects the technical or management option that best meets the full range of relevant health, safety, environmental and security objectives, taking into account factors such as social and economic considerations. Optimisation is a requirement laid on permit holders by the relevant regulatory body, through the requirement to demonstrate that discharges and resultant doses are ‘As Low As Reasonably Practicable’ (ALARP). Different regimes in the field of radiological protection use different terminology (for instance, the application of Best Available Techniques – BAT – in England and Wales, or Best Practicable Means – BPM – in Scotland and Northern Ireland) and have their own guidance on this topic, but they all involve making a judgement between options by comparing benefits in terms of safety, environmental protection etc, and costs in terms of time, effort or money. The Environment Agency (Ref.23) has recently issued guidance on optimisation and radioactive substances regulation for the management and disposal of radioactive wastes. All exposures should be constrained to minimise inequalities arising from risks to any individual or part of society. 5.2.15 The outcome of any optimisation programme cannot be presupposed, as it will depend on a number of local factors, together with national and international developments. Nonetheless, the current operation of existing nuclear power stations can be used to give a broad indication of likely impacts from new build stations, as the requirements for optimisation apply both to existing and new build stations. Further reference will be made to this in the assessment of potential health impacts. 5.2.16 Limitation provides a mechanism of dose limits which ensure that no individual shall be exposed to ionising radiation leading to an unacceptable risk under normal circumstances. 50 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.17 The principles of radiological protection which are applied to licensed activities are based on the limitation of incremental exposures of radiation; that is, the limit is applied over and above any radiation dose which may arise naturally. In the UK an average naturally occurring radiation dose to an individual is around 2.2 mSv per year (Ref. 24), although there is considerable variability around this average depending on the part of the country, the type of building material and other factors such as ventilation. The dose limit applied to nuclear licensed activities is the same irrespective of whether the actual natural background dose is, for example, 1 mSv per year or 3 mSv per year. 5.2.18 The dose limit for members of the public in the UK is 1 mSv per year and no nuclear licensed activity is permitted to give rise to discharges which would cause exceedence of this limit. The dose limit applies to the sum of all current and past practices or activities, excluding medical exposure. 5.2.19 Where there are multiple sites in close proximity, it is important to ensure that the overall dose to members of the public remains below the dose limit of 1 mSv per year. Accordingly, advice from the Health Protection Agency (Ref. 25), and the Health and Safety Executive (Ref. 26), is that a dose of 0.5 mSv (500 μSv) per year is applied as a constraint on optimisation for a single site and a dose of 0.3 mSv (300 μSv) per year is applied as a constraint on optimisation for a single new source. 5.2.20 For public exposure, the dose constraint is an upper bound on the annual doses that members of the public should receive from the planned operation of any controlled source. The dose constraint places a restriction on the annual dose to an individual from a particular source in order to ensure that when aggregated with doses from all sources, excluding natural background and medical procedures, the dose limit is not exceeded. 5.2.21 There is no lower limit on doses below which the general requirement for optimisation does not apply. DECC and the Welsh Assembly Government (Ref. 27) have issued Statutory Guidance to the Environment Agency for England and Wales which includes the provision that: “where the prospective dose to the most exposed group of members of the public is below 10 μSv/y from overall discharges …the Environment Agency should not seek to reduce further the discharge limits in place, provided that the holder of the authorisation applies and continues to apply Best Available Techniques”. 5.2.22 In this report, the radiological impacts on the most exposed members of the public are assessed against a set of UK dose limits, constraints and guidelines derived from International and European regulations and guidance that were used to develop significance criteria, as follows in Table 5.1. Table 5.1: UK Dose Limits, Constraints and Guidelines Derived from International and European Regulations and Guidance Dose Band Source of the Dose Criterion Used in the Assessment Significance 0.5 to 1.0 mSv y-1 1.0 mSv y-1 is the UK public dose limit. 0.5 mSv y-1 is the site dose constraint. ‘Major’ 0.15 to 0.5 mSv y-1 0.5 mSv y-1 is the site dose constraint. 0.15 mSv y-1 follows the Health Protection Agency proposed advice concerning a dose constraint for members of the public for new nuclear power stations and waste disposal facilities. ‘Moderate’ HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 51 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Dose Band Source of the Dose Criterion Used in the Assessment Significance 0.01 to 0.15 mSv y-1 0.15 mSv y-1 (as above). ‘Minor’ -1 0.01 mSv y follows guidance issued to the Environment Agency for England and Wales, below which regulators should not seek further reductions in public dose, provided the operator is using best available techniques to limit discharges. Less than 0.01 mSv y-1 5.2.23 0.01 mSv y-1 (as above). ‘Negligible’ Advice regarding the use of the 10 μSv per year (0.01 mSv per year) criterion is relatively recent; older documents and assessment statements will necessarily make comparison to a 20 μSv per year criterion. In the current report reference is made to 10/20 μSv per year as the appropriate criterion for determining the need for further action since, in either case, the requirement to use the Best Available Techniques continues to apply. d) Determining Radiological Doses to Members of the Public 5.2.24 The potential routes by which people could be exposed to radiation, and hence receive a radiation dose, are: external radiation from certain types of radioactive materials, which could affect people in close proximity; and internal radiation from radioactive materials that, once released, are in a form that means they could be inhaled or could enter the food chain. 5.2.25 For existing power stations or other nuclear licensed sites, the determination of potential doses to members of the public is generally based on measurement of concentrations of radioactive materials in the environment, observation of habits such as time spent in specified areas or amounts and types of foods consumed, and internationally recognised dose coefficients (in turn drawn from studies conducted over many years). In some cases, doses may be estimated based on potential discharges (for instance, to investigate ‘what if’ scenarios such as the impact arising if discharges were to be increased up to their authorised limits). 5.2.26 For prospective assessments, such as that required for the proposed development of Hinkley Point C, it is necessary to model potential discharges and environmental concentrations and to make assumptions regarding the habits of individuals who may receive a radiation dose as a result of discharges to the environment. It is conventional to define a set of characteristics for a hypothetical group of people whose habits would result in their being the most exposed to any radioactive discharges from the site. The hypothetical group of people following these habits has been termed the “critical group”. This approach continues to be endorsed by the International Commission for Radiation Protection (Ref. 28), although the term “representative person” is now used in place of ‘critical group’ to avoid any potential misunderstanding arising from the terminology. 5.2.27 In the case of a new build power station at Hinkley Point C, known discharges and associated environmental measurements conducted over many years for existing and previous nuclear power stations operating at Hinkley Point A and B, Oldbury and Berkeley, provide a basis to validate predictive models. In addition, characteristics used to define the hypothetical ‘critical group’ can be based on observed habits for existing and nearby communities. 52 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.28 In order to determine the dose to a person following intake of materials containing radioactive substances, dose coefficients (that is, the whole body committed effective dose to a person per unit intake by inhalation or ingestion of specific radionuclides) are taken from the latest recommendations of the ICRP (Ref. 29). e) Relationship between Dose and Health Effects i) Doses to Individuals 5.2.29 Exposure to ionising radiation gives rise to two types of health effects: deterministic effects, where the severity of the effect increases with dose, and stochastic effects, where the likelihood but not the severity of the impact occurring is proportional to the dose received. Deterministic effects occur only above certain threshold doses. Stochastic effects are thought to be effects for which there is no dose threshold. 5.2.30 It has been outlined that radiological protection in the UK is based on the concepts of justification, optimisation and limitation. The committed effective dose limit of 1 mSv per year set for members of the public is designed to prevent all deterministic effects (or ‘tissue reactions’). 5.2.31 For completeness, it is noted that effective dose limits for organs are laid down in UK legislation. For members of the public these are: 50mSv per year for the skin and extremities (hands and feet); and 15 mSv per year to the lens of the eye. 5.2.32 Deterministic effects, and associated organ dose limits are not considered further in this report for the reason, noted above, that adherence to the committed effective dose limit of 1 mSv per year will prevent such effects occurring. 5.2.33 The likelihood of occurrence of a stochastic effect (rather than the severity of that effect) is related to the level of exposure to radiation. The system of dose limitation, together with the requirement to optimise all discharges and resultant doses to members of the public, is designed to reduce the probability of stochastic effects. The Health and Safety Executive (Ref. 30) introduced a concept of ‘tolerability’ to describe “a willingness to live with a risk so as to secure certain benefits and in the confidence that it is being properly controlled”. 5.2.34 Determining what is tolerable can be derived from comparisons with the range of voluntary and involuntary risks that people accept in everyday life, including the risk posed by essentially unavoidable exposure to natural background radiation. 5.2.35 The HSE (Ref. 30) has indicated that a risk of 10-4 per y should be regarded as the maximum tolerable risk to a member of the public from a nuclear power station and that for a new facility a more restrictive upper tolerable risk of 10-5 per year should be applied. Below 10-6 per year, risks are considered to be ‘broadly acceptable’. 5.2.36 The relationship between the probability of the occurrence of a stochastic health effect (the response) and the level of exposure to radiation (the dose) at the low levels of radiation exposure routinely experienced at work or in the environment is assumed, for the purposes of radiological protection, to be a Linear No-Threshold (LNT) relationship. Put simply, the response is assumed to be directly proportional to the dose with no threshold below which the effect does not occur. This approach is taken because it is believed to be prudent and so is likely to err in the direction of caution. It is also a practical approach for managing radiation protection. It is acknowledged that there remains some scientific debate about the applicability of the LNT approach for very low doses, and some of this is addressed in the generic justification document presented by the Nuclear Industry Association (Ref. 22). HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 53 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.37 For the purposes of this health assessment, the conventional approach to determining the risk arising from stochastic effects is adopted – with a linear no-threshold response and dose response coefficients which are internationally applied. 5.2.38 Two types of stochastic health effect are of concern to radiological protection: cancer in the exposed individual and hereditary disease in the individual’s descendents. 5.2.39 Studies have shown that, of these two, the risk of the exposed individual developing cancer is relatively much larger than the risk to their descendants. The ICRP (2007) has assessed the risk coefficients (the additional risk over a person’s lifetime per unit radiation dose received) for low dose and/or low dose-rate exposure as follows. Table 5.2: ICRP Dose-Risk Coefficients Exposed Population The Detriment-Adjusted Nominal Risk Coefficient (per Sv)* Heritable Effects (per Sv) Total Detriment (per Sv) All ages 5.5% 0.2% 5.7% Adults 4.1% 0.1% 4.2% * The ICRP has defined the Detriment-Adjusted Nominal Risk Coefficient as a weighted sum of lifetime risks per dose for fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost. The risk factor does not take account of medical treatment which may reduce the risk, or delay the onset, of cancer induction, and is therefore a worst case scenario assuming no intervention. 5.2.40 The ICRP factors are derived for the purposes of making decisions on radiological protection and are not intended for predicting precise numbers of health effects in a specific population. Significant effort has been expended in recent years to quantify the uncertainty associated with these risk estimates. These uncertainty analyses take account of a range of possible contributions including, for example, variations to the assumption of the LNT relationship at low doses/dose-rates (see above). Overall, these indicate that the uncertainty in the coefficients tabulated is unlikely to be more than a factor of two in either direction (i.e. the “true” risk coefficients are likely to lie within a range from half to twice the risk coefficients adopted by the ICRP). ii) Collective Doses 5.2.41 It follows from the assumption that there is a linear, no-threshold, response to radiation exposure, that the statistical risk to an individual can be considered in the context of the number of individuals exposed to derive an overall risk to the exposed community. 5.2.42 The “collective dose” for a particular group of people from a particular source of radiation means the sum of all the individual doses that each person receives as a result of exposure to that source. It is a useful way of examining the safety implications of something where a number of different people may be exposed to radiation at a range of different levels. The unit of collective dose is the “man-sievert”. As an example: if 3 people are each exposed to a dose of 0.1 man-mSv, the total collective dose for that group of people is 0.3 man-mSv. 5.2.43 The concept of collective dose can be a useful tool in optimising the level of radiological protection. For instance, it can help to ensure a proper balance between individual and societal protection. Wherever practicable, doses should be distributed in a way which is equitable and a reduction in doses to members of the public may not be justified if it results in a very high individual dose to a worker, or group of workers. 54 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.44 ICRP advises that it is not intended that collective doses be calculated and applied indiscriminately to multiply a large number of exceedingly small doses and risks, to represent a seemingly significant hypothetical collective risk across a population. More detailed guidance on the derivation and use of collective doses is available from the ICRP (Ref. 31) (Ref. 28). 5.2.45 In this report, potential doses are assessed for individuals likely to represent the most exposed persons. This provides an indication of the upper level of impacts anticipated and forms the basis for determining the health impact to the local population. Following the ICRP advice noted above, collective doses are not considered further here. iii) Method for Determining Dose to the ‘Critical Group’ 5.2.46 In order to determine the significance of the radiological impact of discharges from the proposed construction of a twin EPR reactor station at Hinkley Point C, with a total electrical output of around 3,260 MWe, it is necessary to assess the dose uptake from these releases by the most heavily exposed members of public in the local vicinity (i.e. a critical group). 5.2.47 Wherever practicable, it is good practice to use multiple lines of reasoning to support dose and impact assessments. In general, three lines of supporting evidence can be put forward: Prediction based on mathematical modelling: For both existing and planned facilities, discharges and resultant concentrations in the environment may be modelled allowing different potential scenarios to be assessed. Extrapolation from precedent: The worldwide and UK nuclear power generating industry has been operating for more than 50 years. During this period, significant observational evidence has been accumulated which can be used to extrapolate most likely discharges, and associated doses to members of the public, for a variety of reactor types and locations. Direct observation: For existing facilities, discharges to the environment are monitored routinely. Resultant concentrations of radioactive materials in the environment are measured and reported, together with estimates of doses to members of the public. 5.2.48 There is a degree of overlap between the three approaches, specifically in that each approach is grounded on direct observation and measurement. Argument by extrapolation from precedent is based on past and present discharge and environmental monitoring programmes. Likewise, mathematical models are validated against measured datasets, to provide a degree of reassurance that they offer realistic representations of the processes involved. Even for the very earliest sites (where no direct observational data were available) dispersion and uptake tests (for instance using dyes and tracer materials) were undertaken in order to substantiate predictions of likely impacts. 5.2.49 Each of these lines of evidence is considered here to indicate the potential dose to members of the public from a new build station at Hinkley Point. iv) Predicting Impacts from Mathematical Modelling 5.2.50 EDF Energy commissioned an Environmental Appraisal study from Amec (Ref. 32). The method outlined in the following paragraphs, for undertaking predictive modelling, is summarised from that report. 5.2.51 The Environment Agency has provided a methodology for carrying out an Initial Radiological Assessment (IRA). This method document consists of two parts: a user report containing an overview of the method and tables of “dose per unit release” (DPUR) for a large number of radionuclides; and a methods and input data report. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 55 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.52 The purpose and scope of the initial assessment methodology is to provide a system for undertaking an initial cautious prospective assessment of the dose arising from sources of radioactive waste discharges to the environment, and to identify those sources of discharges for which a more detailed assessment should be undertaken. The assessment consists of up to three stages: In the first stage the Initial Radiological Assessment is carried out using default data as defined in the IRA methodology. If the assessed dose is greater than 20 μSv y-1 then a Stage 2 Assessment must be completed; A Stage 2 Assessment uses refined data, as defined in the IRA methodology, which is more suited to the site in question. Again, if assessed doses are greater than 20 μSv y-1 then a Stage 3 Assessment must also be completed; A Stage 3 Assessment is a separate site-specific assessment. 5.2.53 Completion of an IRA assessment in application for authorisation to discharge is deemed to be sufficient by the Environment Agency, providing the relevant stages have been completed. 5.2.54 The IRA identifies two local candidate critical groups for assessment. These are: 5.2.55 Releases to Air - Local Resident ‘Farming family’; and Releases to Coastal Water – ‘Fisherman family’. In the Initial Radiological Assessment (IRA) the Environment Agency also states that if direct radiation exposure of the public from sources on a site is known to occur, an assessment of direct radiation dose should be made. v) Predicting Impacts Based on Similar Operating Plant in the UK 5.2.56 Within the UK, the nuclear power generation industry has been operating for more than 50 years. During that period, three main types of reactor have been operated on a commercial scale. These are known as the Magnox (or first generation) reactors; the Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactors (AGRs) and the Pressurised Water Reactor (PWR). Other designs have also been operated and contributed to the UK generation network, including a Steam Generating Heavy Water Reactor (SGHWR) and two Fast Breeder Reactors (FBRs). In addition, experience within the UK includes the operation of research reactors and of the Joint European Torus (JET) at Culham, Oxfordshire. 5.2.57 The proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power station design will comprise two UK EPR reactor units and shared facilities (Ref. 33). The UK EPR reactor unit is based on existing nuclear technology, developed by Areva in partnership with EDF Energy, and drawing on experience from French and German designs. Of the reactor types operating within the UK, the PWR at Sizewell (Sizewell B) is the most similar in design to the type of reactor proposed at Hinkley Point. 5.2.58 Information relating to discharges from Sizewell B, associated concentrations of radioactivity in the environment, and derived dose estimates, is published annually. 5.2.59 Noting that this information relates to an east coast location, it nevertheless allows some comparison to be made with predicted dose estimates for Hinkley Point C derived from mathematical modelling. 56 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL vi) Predicting Impact Based on Other Nuclear Power Stations and Facilities in the Region near to Hinkley Point 5.2.60 The region around Hinkley Point already hosts a number of reactors and other licensed operations. A twin Magnox reactor was operated at Berkeley from 1962 to 1989. This facility is now being decommissioned, but continues to discharge both liquid and gaseous effluents. A twin Magnox reactor is also operated at Oldbury, which remains in operation, and a further twin Magnox reactor is situated on the Hinkley Point A site, which ceased generating electricity in 2000. A twin AGR is also operational at the Hinkley Point B site. 5.2.61 In addition to the above nuclear power stations, a radiopharmaceutical company was operating at Cardiff, and discharging liquid effluents to the Severn estuary. This recently ceased operations with radioactive materials. 5.2.62 Information relating to discharges from each of the above establishments, associated concentrations of radioactivity in the environment, and derived dose estimates, is published annually. 5.2.63 Recognising that this information relates to facilities which are rather different to the proposed Hinkley Point C proposal, it nevertheless allows some consideration of local geographic and demographic features to be introduced and provides a further point of comparison with predicted dose estimates for Hinkley Point C derived from mathematical modelling. vii) Radiological Assessment Conclusions 5.2.64 As demonstrated above, a maximum dose constraint for operation of a new nuclear facility at Hinkley Point would constrain doses to no more than 300 μSv per year. In practice, a lower dose constraint of nearer to 150 μSv per y may apply, in line with Health Protection Agency (Ref. 28) and Health and Safety Executive advice (Ref. 30), but this cannot be used as the basis for assessing predicted dose impacts. 5.2.65 Information presented in Appendix C indicates that, in practice, the dose arising from a new nuclear facility is more likely to be no more than 5 μSv per year, possibly lower. 5.2.66 A dose of 5 μSv per y represents a lifetime risk for fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost of 2.8X10-7 per year. This is less than the level of 10-6 risk per y, below which mortality risks are considered to be ‘broadly acceptable’ (Ref. 30). 5.2.67 It is noted that the impact of a new facility would be additional to doses already received from the operation, and decommissioning, of nuclear licensed facilities in the region. For the ‘critical group’ local to Hinkley Point, this existing dose currently amounts to around 45 μSv per y from all pathways. 5.2.68 Whilst considerable uncertainty attaches to the summation of doses, the available evidence indicates that it is likely that the dose to a member of the public arising from all current and past operations would not exceed 50-60 μSv per y. This range represents the sum of the maximum likely dose from the planned new facility and the existing integrated dose to the local ‘critical group’ estimated here, and the summated dose based on modelling of operations over the next 60 years presented by Amec (Ref. 32). This is approximately 5% of the dose limit (1 mSv per year) to members of the public and is less than one fifth of the dose constraint (300 μSv per year) for members of the public which may be applied to a nuclear facility, as a single source. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 57 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.69 A total dose around 50-60 μSv per y represents a lifetime risk for fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost of 2.8X10-6 to 3.3X10-6 per year. This falls within the region of ‘tolerable risk’ advocated by the HSE (Ref. 30) for a new nuclear power station, as a single source, and is significantly lower than the upper limit on tolerability of 10-4 risk per year when considering all man-made sources (with the exception of medical exposures) taken together. 5.2.70 There are no perfect measures which put risk into context. As an example, the risks associated with driving may fail to recognise important factors such as driver awareness, which provide a measure of control over the risks, and the positive benefits associated with the activity. Risks associated with excessive drinking or obesity may fail to recognise factors involved in lifestyle choices. Nonetheless, and accepting that no comparisons are perfect, a number of risk factors have become commonly accepted as measures which allow other risks to be placed in perspective. A few such risk measures are summarised below. These are all derived for the UK. Table 5.3: Annual Risk Factors 5.2.71 58 Source of risk Risk per Year Source of Information Death due to smoking 10 cigarettes per day 1:200 Sedgwick and Hall (Ref.34) Fatal accidents at home 1:7,000 Sedgwick and Hall (Ref. 33) Fatal road accident 1:20,000 Department for Transport (Ref. 35) Fatal accidents at the workplace 1:40,000 Sedgwick and Hall (Ref. 34) Lifetime risks of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost from all sources of radioactive discharge near to Hinkley Point 1:330,000 This study Risk of being struck by lightning and recovering 1:1,000,000 TORRO (Ref. 36) Lifetime risks of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost due to operation of Hinkley Point C 1:3,500,000 This study Death from being struck by lightning 1:10,000,000 Sedgwick and Hall (Ref. 34) All of these risk factors have some degree of uncertainty, and will vary from year to year. Thus, the Tornado and Storm Research Organisation (Ref. 36) indicate that the chance of dying from lightning strike in Britain is currently around 1:20,000,000 to 1:10,000,000 (i.e. a little lower than shown above), but in 1982 rose to 1:5,000,000 (somewhat higher than shown above) and in 2000 and 2001 there were no fatalities at all. Likewise, the Department of Health (Ref. 37) indicated that the risk of death due to an accident at home was around 1:26,000 (nearly four times lower than presented above). | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.2.72 In a similar fashion to the uncertainty around other risks, the risks from operation of a nuclear power station at Hinkley Point C may vary from the factors given above. The way in which these risk factors have been derived means that it is very likely that the actual weighted lifetime risks of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost will be lower than indicated. 5.2.73 All of the information presented is consistent in indicating that a new nuclear facility at Hinkley Point C is likely to give rise to a ‘critical group’ dose no more than 5 μSv per y, possibly lower. A dose of 5 μSv per y is considered to be very low and presents a correspondingly low health risk. 5.2.74 Based on current risk factors, doses at this level will not give rise to any deterministic health effects; that is, health effects which occur only above certain threshold doses. For health effects which are not subject to a threshold, but where the risk of an effect is linked in a linear fashion to actual dose, a dose of 5 μSv per y represents a potential weighted lifetime risks of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost of 2.8X10-7 (1:3,500,000) per year. 5.2.75 The Health and Safety Executive consider that a mortality risks below 10-6 (or 1:1,000,000) per year can be considered to be ‘broadly acceptable’. As a broad comparison, the risk from potential weighted lifetime risk of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost as a result of discharges of radioactivity from the operation of Hinkley Point C is in the same order of magnitude as the risk of death from being struck by lightning in Britain and is less than 1 in 1 million per year. 5.2.76 The impact of a new facility would be additional to doses already received from the operation, and decommissioning, of nuclear licensed facilities in the region. For the ‘critical group’ local to Hinkley Point, this currently amounts to around 45 μSv per y from all pathways. Whilst considerable uncertainty attaches to the summation of doses, the available evidence indicates that it is likely that the dose to a member of the public arising from all current and past operations would not exceed 50-60 μSv per y. 5.2.77 A total dose of 50-60 μSv per y represents a weighted lifetime risk of fatal and non-fatal cancer, severe heritable effects, and length of life lost from of approximately 1:330,000 per year. Given the way in which the potential dose has been estimated, that the actual risk is likely to be lower than shown here. 5.2.78 On the above basis, it is concluded that for an individual living near to Hinkley Point, the direct health risk from discharges of radioactivity to the environment will be low, and is significantly within ICRP Guidelines set to protect health. 5.3 Potential Health Risk from Electromagnetic Field Exposure a) Overview 5.3.1 Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) and the electromagnetic forces they represent are a fundamental part of the physical world. Electromagnetic forces are partly responsible for the cohesion of material substances and they mediate all the processes of chemistry, including those of life itself. EMFs occur naturally both within the human body (through nerve and muscle activity) and also arise from the natural magnetic field created by Earth and electric fields in the atmosphere. 5.3.2 Unlike ionizing radiation found in the upper part of the electromagnetic spectrum (such as gamma rays given off by radioactive materials, cosmic rays and X-rays), EMFs are much too weak to break the bonds that hold molecules in cells together and, therefore cannot produce ionization. This is why EMF are categorised as ‘non-ionizing radiation’. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 59 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL b) Electric and Magnetic Fields 5.3.3 The atmospheric electric field at ground level is normally about 100 volts per metre (V/m) in fine weather and may rise to many thousands of volts per metre during thunderstorms. Electricity in homes is at a voltage of 230 V (volts) but outside homes it is distributed at higher voltages from 11 kV up to 400 kV. Generally, the higher the voltage, the higher the electric field. However, electric fields are readily screened by most building materials and by vegetation including trees and hedges. 5.3.4 Magnetic fields are produced by current, which is the flow of electricity. Anything that uses or carries mains electricity is potentially a source of power-frequency magnetic fields, which modulate the Earth's steady natural fields. The strength of the magnetic-field modulation depends on the current carried by the equipment, where generally, the higher the current, the higher the magnetic field. As such, magnetic fields come from a wide range of sources and vary significantly within households, workplaces and the built and natural environment. 5.3.5 However, a common feature of power frequency magnetic fields is how their field strength falls sharply as the distance from the source increases. 5.3.6 Such a decrease in magnetic field strength also applies to step up transformers and National Grid substations (where 275 kV and 400 kV overhead power lines or underground cables are switched). Each substation can be a hundred metres or more across and is surrounded by a metal fence. The metal fence ensures that almost no electric fields emerge from the substation itself. Any electric fields round the substation will come almost entirely from the overhead power lines entering it. 5.3.7 The equipment inside substations produces magnetic fields, but the field falls with distance quite rapidly, and at the perimeter fence or a few metres outside it, the magnetic field from inside the substation is usually approaching background levels. Again, the largest magnetic fields round the perimeter of a substation almost always come from the overhead lines and underground cables entering it. c) Health Risk from EMF 5.3.8 Scientific knowledge about the health effects of EMF is substantial and is based on a large number of epidemiological, animal and in-vitro studies. Many health outcomes ranging from reproductive defects to cardiovascular and neurodegenerative diseases have been examined but have not been substantiated. 5.3.9 The most consistent evidence to date concerns childhood leukaemia. In 2001, an expert scientific working group of WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed studies related to the carcinogenicity of static and extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields (Ref. 40). Using the standard IARC classification that applies weightings to human, animal and laboratory evidence, ELF magnetic fields were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on epidemiological studies of childhood leukaemia. 5.3.10 It is important to note that “possibly carcinogenic to humans” is a classification used to denote an agent for which there is limited evidence of carcinogenicity in humans and less than sufficient evidence for carcinogenicity in experimental animals. As an example, another wellknown agent classified in the same category is coffee, which may increase risk of kidney cancer, while at the same time be protective against bowel cancer. Evidence for all other cancers in children and adults, as well as other types of exposures (i.e. static fields and ELF electric fields) is considered inadequate to classify either due to insufficient or inconsistent scientific information. 60 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.3.11 While the classification of ELF magnetic fields as possibly carcinogenic to humans has been made by IARC and is supported by the UK NRPB, it remains possible that there are other explanations for the observed association between exposure to ELF magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia. d) EMF Occupational and Public Exposure Guideline 5.3.12 In previous years the National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB) was the independent body charged by the government with giving advice on EMFs, including advice on safe levels of occupational and public EMF exposure. In April 2005, the NRPB joined the Health Protection Agency, becoming the Radiation Protection Division. Following a review of the relevant scientific data (Ref. 38) and an extensive consultation exercise, the NRPB published their latest advice on limiting exposures to EMFs. This advice recommends that the UK adopts guidance levels published internationally by the ICNIRP (Ref. 39). 5.3.13 As shown in Table 5.4, the ICNIRP guidelines are significantly lower than the previous NRPB guidelines and place higher restrictions on the general public due to the inclusion of sensitive groups such as children, the elderly and infirm. Table 5.4: Comparison of NRPB and ICNIRP Guidelines Description 5.3.14 NRPB Guidelines (1993) 1998 ICNIRP Guidelines (1998) Occupational and Public Exposure Occupational Public Basic Restriction (the quantity which must not be exceeded) Induced current density in the central nervous system 10 mA m-2 10 mA m-2 2 mA m-2 Reference Level (not a limit in itself but a guide to when you need to investigate the basic restriction Magnetic field 1600 μT 500 μT 100 μT Electric field 12 kV m-1 10 kV m-1 5 kV m5 kV m-1 As detailed in the Environmental Appraisal, the proposed Hinkley Point C power station grid connection will align with the existing Hinkley Point infrastructure. As set out in the Environmental Appraisal, once operational, the proposed facility will not result in a significant change in overhead power line EMF, and on-site EMF from the power stations and associated distribution infrastructure will comply with occupational and public exposure guidelines set to protect health. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 61 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.3.15 In light of the current evidence base of EMF health effects, that existing power distribution lines will be utilised and that effect from the proposed facility will fall well within occupational and public exposure guidelines, it is concluded that the proposed development will not constitute a significant risk to community or staff health from EMF exposure. 5.4 Potential Health Risk from Changes in Air Quality a) Overview 5.4.1 A core health pathway associated with the construction of the proposed Development and the off-site associated developments is the generation of emissions to air and subsequent community exposure. Research into the potential health effects of emissions is extensive and provides statistically significant associations between many classical air pollutants (e.g. Particulate Matter, Nitrogen Dioxide and Sulphur Dioxide) and effects on a wide range of cardiovascular and respiratory health outcomes. The following section applies the current scientific evidence base to quantify the potential health outcome from construction, operation and transport emissions directly attributable to the proposed development. b) Construction Emissions 5.4.2 In accordance with convention, the modelling of emissions carried out as part of the air quality assessment in the Environmental Appraisal uses conservative assumptions for assessing compliance with limit thresholds set to protect the environment and health. Using this precautionary approach, the worst-case impacts of construction emissions are all predicted to be significantly below the relevant thresholds and are not of a level to constitute any meaningful risk to health. Such a conclusion is further investigated in the following sections. c) Particulate Matter (PM10) 5.4.3 Key stakeholders have expressed concern regarding potential exposure to particulate matter (PM10 – particulate matter with a mean aerodynamic diameter of 10 microns or less), and the necessity to further establish what the potential health outcome of the Hinkley Point C Project may present to local communities. 5.4.4 Applying the available evidence base (Ref. 41)(Ref. 42)(Ref. 43)(Ref. 44), and the detailed air quality modelling outputs within the Environmental Appraisal, community exposure to PM10 construction emissions are not of an order to quantify any meaningful change in life expectancy. This is based on the exposure response coefficients developed by the UK Department of Health's Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP) that established there is a 0.75% increased risk in the background rate of all cause mortality per 10 μg.m-3 increase in PM10 per 100,000 individuals exposed (Ref. 41). In this instance, both emission concentration and community exposure are orders of magnitude lower than is necessary to quantify any meaningful change in local health outcome. 5.4.5 On this basis, it is concluded that the construction of the proposed Development and off-site associated developments will not result in PM10 emissions of a level to result in any meaningful change in local cardiovascular or respiratory hospital admissions. 62 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL d) Particulate Matter (PM2.5) 5.4.6 Evidence suggests that increased exposure to PM2.5 (mean aerodynamic diameter of 2.5 microns or less) is potentially more hazardous to human health than larger particles (Ref. 42). 5.4.7 However, even when assuming all particulates modelled are PM2.5, the changes in emission concentration exposure directly attributed to the construction phase are not of a level to quantify any meaningful change in life expectancy: 5.4.8 On this basis, PM2.5 construction emissions are not of a level to quantify any meaningful change in life expectancy. e) Nitrogen Dioxide 5.4.9 As demonstrated in the ES, modelling indicates the construction of the proposed Development will result in a marginal increase in NO2. 5.4.10 However, such emission concentration and community exposure are not of an order of magnitude to quantify any meaningful change in health outcome. On this basis, it is concluded that potential changes in NO2 community exposure will not be of a level to result in any measurable health outcome. f) Transport Emissions 5.4.11 As detailed in the Air Quality assessment of the Environmental Appraisal (and summarised in Table 5.5), ambient air quality is expected to improve within the area, largely as a consequence of improved road vehicle emission abatement technology. 5.4.12 As shown below, transport emissions directly attributed to the peak construction phase in Cannington and Bridgwater are minor, and as discussed below, are not of an order of magnitude to quantify any meaningful change in health outcome (change in life expectancy or cardiovascular or respiratory hospital admissions). Table 5.5: Maximum Construction PM10 and NO2 Contributions 2008 ‘Without Development’ 2016 ‘Without Development’ 2016 ‘With Development’ Difference ‘2016 With and Without Development’ Average PM10 μg.m-3 18.9 17.4 17.4 0 Maximum PM10 μg.m3 contribution at any point 19.6 17.8 17.9 0.1 Average NO2 μg.m-3 11.7 8.2 8.6 0.4 Maximum NO2 μg.m-3 contribution at any point 21.2 15.7 17.7 2 Cannington HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 63 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 2008 ‘Without Development’ 2016 ‘Without Development’ 2016 ‘With Development’ Difference ‘2016 With and Without Development’ Average PM10 μg.m-3 17.7 16.3 16.3 0 Maximum PM10 μg.m3 contribution at any point 24.1 20.2 20.2 0 Average NO2 μg.m-3 27.7 21.9 22.1 0.2 Maximum NO2 μg.m-3 contribution at any point 75.6 67.8 68.1 0.3 Bridgwater 5.4.13 Applying the 2016 peak construction phase, there is no change in PM10 concentration at any of the modelled receptors directly attributed to the proposed development, and therefore no risk of a potential adverse health outcome from PM10. 5.4.14 Maximum changes in NO2 directly attributed to the proposed development include a 2 μg.m-3 increase in Cannington and a 0.3 μg.m-3 increase at Bridgwater. However, such changes in NO2 concentration are modelled at the centre of roads and rapidly reduce with limited potential for community exposure. 5.4.15 Applying the previously described evidence base, such a change in NO2 concentration represents a potential 0.1% increase in respiratory hospital admissions for those communities exposed (typically quantified per 100,000 people). In this instance, potential community exposure is far lower than is necessary to quantify any change in respiratory hospital admissions. To put such risk into context, applying the highest respiratory hospital admission rate in Somerset of 1,234 per 100,000 (experienced in Taunton Deane), the entire population of Sedgemoor (117,000) would have to reside at the highest NO2 concentration (in the centre of a road) for a year before a single respiratory hospital admission would occur. 5.4.16 On this basis, it is concluded that potential changes in PM10 and NO2 concentration exposure from transport emissions will not be of a level to result in any measurable health outcome. g) Operation Emissions 5.4.17 Once operational, the only potential for on-site emissions to air is short term emissions arising from the engines of the backup diesel generators. 5.4.18 For each EPR unit there are four main Emergency Diesel Generators (EDG) and two Station Black Out (SBO) generators, providing backup power supply in the unlikely case of loss of the main off-site power supply. Such generators provide a series of redundancies so that the EPR unit can always be secured and the reactor cooled. 5.4.19 As detailed in the Air Quality Assessment of the Environmental Appraisal, a number of scenarios were modelled to assess the potential risk to local discrete receptors (including farms, caravan park and kennels) against short term air quality objectives. 64 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.4.20 This section concentrates on changes in short term exposure to PM10 and SO2, where sufficient evidence exists to base a quantitative assessment on changes in hospital admissions and life expectancy. 5.4.21 As shown in Table 5.6, two key scenarios have been applied, namely: ‘Emergency C3’ a ‘Worst Case Scenario’, assuming a highly unrealistic scenario where all potential operational emissions from both the EPR units occur (i.e. all 8 EDG and 4 SBO generators are discharging simultaneously); and ‘Test C1a’ a ‘Routine Test Scenario’ assuming that only emissions from single EDG or SBO generators occur. Table 5.6: Maximum Operational PM10 and SO2 Contributions (EDG and SBO) Pollutant Average Highest Mean Concentration (μgm-3 )and Location Average Maximum Concentration (μgm-3 ) Maximum Concentration (μgm-3 ) and Location Emergency C3 Scenario PM10 24-hour 39.04 40.42 56.73 Wick Farm SO2 24-hour 4.50 5.17 72.17 Knighton Farm 13.11 Wick Farm 20.64 Knighton Farm Test C1a Scenario PM10 24-hour 37.35 37.48 38.89 Wick Farm SO2 24-hour 3.67 3.73 Zipe Farm, 40.47 Shurton Village 4.42 5.19 Shurton Village Wick Farm h) Emergency C3 Scenario 5.4.22 In the unlikely situation all back up generators are utilised, the maximum contribution of PM10 at any modelled receptor will be 72.17 μg.m-3 (24 hour mean). Applying the previously discussed COMEAP methodology, this may constitute a 5.7% increase in the background level of cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions for those people exposed (typically measured per 100,000 exposed). 5.4.23 Given the limited level of community exposure, the highly unlikely scenario that all generators will run simultaneously, and that such exposure is likely to be less than 24 hours, the likelihood of a potential adverse health outcome from short term PM10 exposure is low, and not of a level to quantify at the property level. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 65 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.4.24 COMEAP also provide a risk ratio of 0.5% of an additional respiratory hospital admission per 10 μg.m-3 of SO2 (24 hour mean) (Ref. 41). Applying such an evidence base, the maximum concentration of 20.64 μg.m-3 of SO2 at Knighton Farm constitutes a potential 1% increase in the background rate of respiratory hospital admissions for those people exposed. Based upon the highly unlikely scenario that all generators will run simultaneously, and that such exposure is likely to be less than 24 hours, the likelihood of a potential adverse health outcome from short term SO2 exposure is low, and not of a level to quantify at the property level. i) Test C1a Scenario 5.4.25 The test scenario will involve the periodic operation and testing of individual backup generators. Such operation represents an estimated 81 hours of operation per year for each of the generators. 5.4.26 As detailed in the Air Quality assessment of the Environmental Appraisal, and summarised in Table 5.3, such periodic testing is expected to result in a maximum contribution of 40.47 μg.m-3 -24hour PM10 and 5.19 μg.m-3 -24hour SO2 at Shurton Village. This represents a respective 3.2% potential increase in the background level of daily respiratory and cardiovascular hospital admissions, and a potential 0.2% increase in daily respiratory hospital admissions for those exposed. 5.4.27 Given that such concentrations represent the highest concentration at any of the discreet receptors modelled, the low occurrence of such testing and that levels of community exposure are orders of magnitude lower than is necessary to quantify any meaningful health outcome, it is concluded that the periodic operation of the backup generators is unlikely to result in any measurable health outcome. 5.4.28 On the above basis, operational emissions are not anticipated to result in any measurable adverse health outcome (change in life expectancy or additional respiratory or cardiovascular hospital admissions). However, additional mitigation is recommended to schedule the periodic testing of diesel generators when weather conditions and wind patterns are optimal for emission dispersion away from local communities. Such a recommendation is further outlined in the Health Action plan. 5.5 Potential Health Risk from Additional Road Movements a) Overview 5.5.1 Potential health pathways associated with changes in road traffic movements include increased exposure to vehicle exhaust emissions, noise and risk of road traffic accident and injury. Each is discussed in more detail below. b) Risk of Road Accident and Injury 5.5.2 The major and most obvious hazard of road transport is human injury as a result of collision. The calculation of injuries as a result of new journeys and increased traffic flows is not an exact science. One approach is to calculate an accident rate per journey, based on the gross statistics. The advantage of this method is that the number of accidents can be calculated without a detailed knowledge of road traffic movements on particular road types or the number of kilometres travelled. This method also takes into account the additional risk associated with the whole trip and not just the additional vehicle kilometres in the area around the development. 5.5.3 The disadvantages are that it applies a standard rate to the population and does not consider any of the more sophisticated data that is available about particular road types or the effect of 66 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL the number of kilometres. Notwithstanding this, it is consistent with the approach adopted on a national basis. 5.5.4 According to UK Department for Transport statistics (Ref. 45), there were 230,905 accidents on all UK roads for all forms of transport in 2008. Of this figure, 26,034 were classified as serious and 2,538 as fatal. 5.5.5 The annual number of vehicle journeys or ‘trips’ per person per annum can be estimated by the following method. As of mid 2008, there were approximately 54.4 million people in the UK (Ref. 4) and an average of 637 trips per person per year (Ref. 46). Taken together, the result is 34.7billion trips per year in road vehicles. 5.5.6 There are also approximately 306 million trips made in the UK per annum by goods vehicles. This gives a total of 35 billion trips per annum by cars, buses and vans/goods vehicles. 5.5.7 The per trip risk of a road user (including pedestrians) being involved in a road traffic accident can therefore be calculated by dividing the number of road accidents by the number of trips. The extra number of deaths or serious injuries can then be calculated by multiplying the additional number of vehicle trips (directly attributed to the proposed development) by the per trip risk. 5.5.8 As detailed in the traffic modelling provided within the Environmental Appraisal, applying the Annual Average Daily Traffic rate (AADT is the average transport movements over 7 days a week), construction staff bus movements and HGVs will generate an additional 3,058 vehicle two-way road trips per day (comprising 1,664 HGV and 1,394 bus trips in and out). 5.5.9 Applying the worst case construction traffic scenario, where maximum construction traffic rates remain constant throughout the year (7 days a week, 52 weeks a year) and prior to mitigation, the increase in road vehicle movements attributable to the construction of the proposed Development may contribute to seven accidents per year, 0.8 of which may be serious and 0.08 fatal. 5.5.10 It is important to note that this approach considers all roads, road users and pedestrians involved in UK accidents. As such, the previous calculation represents a worst-case scenario and inherently over-estimates the potential risks. On this basis, and following mitigation, construction traffic movements are not expected to present a significant risk from traffic collision. 5.5.11 Once operational, average daily trips will not generate road transport movements of a level to quantify any meaningful change in risk from road traffic accidents. However, maintenance periods will generate higher rates of road transport movements. Such trips are not anticipated to generate road transport movements of a level to quantify any meaningful change in risk from road traffic accidents, and will be further managed through the Transport Strategy. 5.6 Potential Community Noise Impact a) Overview 5.6.1 Noise has the potential to affect health in a variety of ways. Some of the effects can be auditory and occur as a direct impact of the noise. Direct auditory effects usually result in damage to the ear, in particular damage to the inner ear, from intense and prolonged exposure. Such risks are usually associated with occupational health or prolonged exposure to loud music, and managed though good working practice and the provision of appropriate personal protection equipment to construction workers. Such auditory effects do not present a risk to local communities. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 67 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.6.2 Community effects are more typically associated with non-auditory health effects that may be associated with exposure to environmental noise, although the pathways and strength of association for these are not fully understood, and can vary between individuals. Examples of non-auditory health effects include: annoyance; mental health; cardiovascular and physiological; cognitive performance (tasks and academic); and night-time effects (sleep disturbance). 5.6.3 A consensus on the level and duration of noise required to instigate potential health impacts is not clearly defined. The main emphasis of noise standards and regulations is therefore placed on annoyance and sleep deprivation, as these are the most immediate consequences of noise impacts, and applicable to everyone. 5.6.4 As demonstrated in the Environmental Appraisal, detailed and bespoke noise and vibration modelling has been performed for the main development site, and each of the proposed off-site associated developments. This HIA does not seek to repeat the findings of these assessments, but provide an additional assessment as to how local communities may respond to noise during the construction and operation phase and associated transport movements. b) Construction Noise 5.6.5 As detailed in each of the noise and vibration assessment technical notes, a range of bespoke construction activities will occur on-site and at the proposed off-site associated developments that will generate construction noise with the potential to impact upon local community receptors. 5.6.6 In each case, sensitive community receptors have been modelled to establish worst-case predicted construction noise exposure, and appropriate mitigation has been presented to minimise community disruption and annoyance, including: construction working hours of the proposed off-site associated developments will be restricted (unless otherwise agreed) to: o Mon-Fri – 07:00 – 19:00; o Sat – 07:00 – 13:00; and o No construction activities on Sundays or Bank Holidays. standard good construction practice outlined in BS5228-1: 2009 will be followed; and community liaison will be applied to notify local communities in advance as to particularly noisy construction activities. 5.6.7 A common feature between all the proposed off-site associated development constructions sites is that the period with the greatest potential for noise disturbance will be during the preparation and renewal phase, including demolition, ground excavations and piling. Such activities will be temporary, intermittent and restricted to day time construction hours only. Prior to mitigation, potential health impacts are therefore limited to temporary and intermittent day time annoyance at properties in immediate proximity to sites. 5.6.8 Some construction activities at the main site will have to be undertaken during night-time hours. However, as detailed in the noise and vibration assessment of the Environmental Appraisal, given the distance of local receptors, potential noise impacts are not expected to generate internal noise levels of a level to cause sleep disturbance (Ref. 47). 68 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL c) Operational and Traffic Noise 5.6.9 As detailed in each of the noise and vibration assessments within the Environmental Appraisal, once operational, potential noise outcomes are again bespoke to the type of activity associated with each site, as are the noise sensitive receptors modelled and the mitigation proposed. However, a common feature for each site with the exception of the Cannington Bypass is that, following mitigation, changes in operational and transport noise will not be significant. 5.6.10 Minor adverse road traffic noise impacts are predicted at 104 dwellings as a result of the proposed bypass construction, whilst the remaining 657 dwellings assessed will experience either no change or beneficial road traffic noise impacts. 5.6.11 Residual long-term moderate adverse road traffic noise impacts are predicted at Knapp Farm, Withiel Farm and a few residential dwellings on Withiel Drive due to construction traffic (coaches and buses) commuting to the Hinkley Point C site in the early morning and late evening period. As above, this is not a permanent impact, as the traffic forecasts used in this assessment were based upon peak construction traffic associated with the proposed Hinkley Point C nuclear power station. 5.6.12 On the above basis, and following the bespoke mitigation detailed in the Environmental Appraisal, once operational the proposed development and off-site associated developments will not significantly influence community noise exposure levels during day or night-time periods. As a consequence, once operational, potential outcomes are limited to temporary annoyance, with no risk of sleep deprivation or any measurable health outcome. 5.7 The Potential Social Impact from the Introduction of a Temporary Non-Home-Based Construction Workforce a) Overview 5.7.1 Social impacts can be defined as the effect of an activity on the social fabric of the community and well-being of the individuals and families. The type and magnitude of potential social outcomes are bespoke to individual communities, influenced by their relative socio-economic status, demography, size, culture and to some extent, readiness to change. 5.7.2 In this instance, the rapid introduction and then the departure of the non-home-based construction workforce presents two key social impact pathways, including: settlement and social interaction; and access and accessibility to community facilities and amenities. b) Settlement and Social Interaction 5.7.3 The potential for social interaction and potential impact on local communities will be largely defined by the accommodation sought, and the number and rate of non-home-based workers taking it. Applying the 60% non-home-based workforce scenario, the construction phase of the proposed development will introduce approximately 3,000 workers to the area during the peak construction phase. Experience during construction of Sizewell B indicates that such individuals will be typically males aged between 35 to 55, and that with approximately 25% of these workers may bring families to the local area (estimated at approximately 350-400 families during the peak construction phase). HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 69 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.7.4 As demonstrated in the socio-economic assessment, and shown in Table 5.7 below, experience from Sizewell B indicates that the non-home-based construction workforce will utilise a range of accommodation types depending upon their relative short or long term need, their socioeconomic and professional status, family circumstance and their personal preference. Table 5.7: Estimated Non-Home-Based Worker Accommodation (60% non-home-based worker scenario) Accommodation Type Range Percentage Number Percentage Number Owner Occupied 10-12% 300-600 11% 330 Private Rented 24-28% 660-840 26% 780 Bed and Breakfast/guesthouse/caravans 24-30% 720-900 27% 810 Construction accommodation campuses 22-40% 990-1,200 36% 1,080 3,300 100 3,000 Total 5.7.5 Mid point The five day working week policy would enable many non-home-based employees to return home at weekends, and it is anticipated that a significant proportion would leave the area on Friday afternoon, returning at the end of the weekend or Monday. c) Owner Occupied 5.7.6 As shown in Table 5.7, approximately 10-12% of the total peak workforce are likely to seek owner occupied accommodation within the immediate districts (particularly in Sedgemoor and West Somerset). This group is likely to comprise those with families, professionals and those staying for longer periods, and is equivalent to approximately 300-350 housing units. As detailed in the socio-economic assessment, if spread over a number of years, the housing requirements likely to be well within the capacity of the local housing market. 5.7.7 Such housing would be relatively diffuse throughout the immediate area and will be based upon personal preference, requirements and relative affordability. The diffuse nature and magnitude of such housing uptake, presents a lower likelihood of significant social impact, where workers and their families will constitute a new, yet small addition to the community, and their relative social needs can be met by existing amenities and facilities. d) Private Rented 5.7.8 70 Privately rented accommodation includes guest houses, bed and breakfast, caravan parks, hotel and private rented accommodation (including the second home market and a latent accommodation supply identified following local advertisement). Such residences will offer more short-term accommodation provision, and more significantly influenced by the five day week working policy with a typical preference by white collar workers. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.7.9 The distribution of such accommodation varies, with the majority located in Sedgemoor (74%) and more modest levels within West Somerset (13%) and Taunton Deane (8%). (Ref. 48) 5.7.10 By nature, the privately rented accommodation types listed above in paragraph 5.7.8 are already geared to cater to temporary increases in local population and associated social interactions, as are the communities that surround them and the recreational and leisure facilities that serve them. However, the composition of the non-home-based workforce is anticipated to be more homogenous than such accommodation types may typically be used to (i.e. a predominately male population aged between 35-55 in contrast to tourists, couples and families). 5.7.11 In sufficient numbers, such homogeneity will increase demand on particular recreational and entertainment facilities and amenities. This has the opportunity to increase local expenditure and improve the viability and sustainability of existing and new facilities, particularly during offpeak tourist periods. 5.7.12 However, other services and amenities reliant on more mixed residents and tourists, may incur a decrease in demand as the non-home-based workforce displaces a more heterogeneous mix of visitor with different spending behaviour. 5.7.13 The five day working week policy is anticipated to in part manage such impacts, facilitating nonhome-based workers to return home, while also enabling more varied weekend trade. 5.7.14 As such, the key social impact associated with the potential introduction of the non-homebased workforce within the private rented accommodation market, is the potential influence upon supporting recreational, entertainment and tourist facilities. The magnitude of effect is dependent upon the number of non-home-based workforce using such accommodation, the season, the size of the host community (and ability to cater to their needs) and the relative rate of change. 5.7.15 Applying the distribution of existing private rented accommodation, and assuming capacity previously described, the proposed development is estimated to result in 599 non-home-based workers residing in Sedgemoor, 105 in West Somerset and 65 in Taunton Deane during the peak construction phase. The distribution of construction workers is therefore weighted towards larger population centres, which are more able to cater to the social needs of the nonhome-based construction workforce. It is also important to note that such figures are based upon the peak construction phase, where there will be a gradual build up to this peak, followed by a similar gradual decline. 5.7.16 Given that private rented accommodation facilities are typically geared to meeting the social and recreational needs of visitors to the area, and that the distribution of non-home-based construction workers will be gradual and weighted towards larger population centres, the uptake of private rented accommodation by temporary non-home-based construction workers is not anticipated to adversely impact upon the social fabric of host communities or result in significant social impacts. 5.7.17 However, additional mitigation is recommended within the Health Action Plan to reduce potential social and socio-economic impacts from the non-home-based construction workforce on tourism during peak seasons, and to further facilitate integration with local communities. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 71 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL e) Construction Accommodation Campuses 5.7.18 Supplementing the existing accommodation supply, during the peak construction phase EDF Energy proposes to accommodate 1,925 workers in purpose built accommodation campuses in three locations: an accommodation campus to the south of the Hinkley Point C construction site; an accommodation campus at the former Innovia Factory site off the A39 Bath Road (previously known as part of the BRI-A site in the Stage 1 consultation); and an accommodation campus on Land at College Road/Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Football Club (previously known as part of the BRI-C site in the Stage 1 consultation). 5.7.19 From experience at Sizewell B, and as shown in Table 5.7, the purpose built accommodation campuses are estimated to accommodate approximately 36% of the total non-home-based construction workforce during the peak construction phase. The strategy behind the accommodation campuses follows experience from Sizewell B, and is intended to minimise community disruption, risk from associated transport movements, and to effectively facilitate the requirements of the non-home-based construction workforce. 5.7.20 However, such accommodation campus constitutes a large, homogenous addition to local communities, where current social, recreational and entertainment facilities will be geared to the existing population. The rate of change is also anticipated to be more rapid than the two previous accommodation types, with a greater appeal to workers due to competitively priced accommodation with convenient/rapid transport to site. 5.7.21 Prior to mitigation, the accommodation campuses therefore represent potential for social disruption, including a potential impact on local social networks, recreation and entertainment services, amenities and the potential for poor integration, with subsequent social and cultural impacts. 5.7.22 In contrast, these accommodation campuses can also represent a significant opportunity to increase local expenditure, supporting both regeneration and the development of new and more viable community facilities and amenities. 5.7.23 The magnitude of impact will be defined by the size and location of such accommodation campuses, the supporting amenities provided as part of the development of the accommodation campuses, how these amenities and facilities are shared within existing communities, and the ability of the host community to cater to the non-home-based construction workforce needs. f) 5.7.24 Temporary on-site residential accommodation will make provision for up to 700 workers at Hinkley Point, and will be relatively self-contained, including a mix of other uses, including: 5.7.25 72 Hinkley Point Accommodation Campus restaurant facilities; a bar and lounge area; a gym and associated facilities; common areas; a shop; laundry facilities; and a health facility. Following construction, the accommodation campus will be removed, with no permanent social impact on local communities. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.7.26 Given the rural location of the proposed accommodation campus, a construction worker bus service will be provided to larger population centres (able to cater to a wide range of social, recreational and entertainment needs). Such a bus service will further aid in minimising potentially more significant social impacts upon smaller population settlements in proximity to Hinkley Point (including the nearest hamlets of Shurton, Burton and Stolford). 5.7.27 On this basis, the potential social impacts from the on-site accommodation campus are limited to increased utilisation of amenities and facilities within larger population centres such as Bridgwater, and a potential cumulative impact with the Bridgwater accommodation campus. In contrast, the temporary increase in local population will increase local expenditure with associated socio-economic benefits. g) The former Innovia Factory Accommodation 5.7.28 The proposed temporary accommodation campus at the former Innovia Factory site is located within the relatively deprived Bridgwater Sydenham ward, and is designed to accommodate up to 1,075 construction workers for approximately five years. The accommodation campus will be supported by a range of internal facilities, including: canteen; shop for daily consumables (e.g. newspapers and food); bar; medical facility; audio-visual facilities; IT facilities; training and meeting rooms; and library. 5.7.29 Shared recreational and sports facilities, including multi-use sports hall, football pitches and tennis courts will also be provided, and the accommodation campus will be served by a shuttle bus service to Hinkley Point. Following the construction phase, the buildings would be removed to enable residential development to come forward as part of the planning permission for a mixed use development at Land at North East Bridgwater (Local Planning Authority Ref: 09/08/00017). 5.7.30 As of mid 2007, the Sydenham ward comprised approximately 6,628 individuals (3,277 males and 3,351 females), and exhibits a relatively high level of socio-economic deprivation at both the ward and super output area level. The introduction of 1,075 non-home-based construction workers therefore represents a 16% increase in the total ward population, and a 32% increase in the male population. Prior to mitigation, this peak construction rate presents a significant change in local community demography, and given the homogenous nature of the construction workforce, the potential for poor social integration and unrest. 5.7.31 Given the urban nature and size of Bridgwater, non-home-based construction workers are anticipated to make use of both local and wider facilities and amenities throughout Bridgwater. This has the following advantages: increasing local expenditure, and associated income and employment opportunities, aiding in addressing local pockets of inequality, deprivation and associated burdens of poor health; increasing local service demands, thereby improving the viability and sustainability of existing and new community facilities and amenities; improving green and public transport networks (through infrastructure and increased patronage) within and between communities, thereby improving community integration and cohesion; and HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 73 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL priming the area for further regeneration by increasing the quality of the built environment, associated infrastructure and social capital. 5.7.32 On this basis, the proposed accommodation campus at the former Innovia Factory has the potential to influence the local demographic nature of the Sydenham ward significantly, and temporarily impact upon the social fabric of the host community. However, such impacts will be temporary and balanced against the provision of increased and enhanced social capital and significant socio economic opportunities. 5.7.33 The Health Action Plan provides additional recommendations to further facilitate the local integration of the non-home-based working community and to address potential barriers to social and economic benefit uptake. h) The College Road/Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Football Club Accommodation Campus 5.7.34 The proposed temporary accommodation campus at Land at College Road/Bridgwater and Albion Rugby Football Club is also located within the Bridgwater Sydenham ward within the neighbouring Sedgemoor 008C Super Output Area. The accommodation campus will provide temporary accommodation for 150 non-home-based workers for approximately nine years, and will be supported by a more modest array of internal facilities. The accommodation campus will utilise the shared facilities proposed as part of the proposed neighbouring accommodation campus (the former Innovia Factory site). Following the construction phase, the accommodation campus will be utilised for student accommodation in connection with Bridgwater College. 5.7.35 The potential provision of accommodation for 150 non-home-based construction workers at this site represents a 2% increase in the total ward population, and a 4% increase in the total male population. Similar to the Innovia Factory site, this workforce will supplement and make use of the wider facilities and amenities throughout Bridgwater, thereby reducing the level and magnitude of disruption and social impact within the Sydenham ward. 5.8 The Potential Change in Health Need from a Temporary Non-HomeBased Construction and Maintenance Workforce a) Overview 5.8.1 The introduction of a large construction workforce over a prolonged construction period presents a number of occupational and public health care requirements necessary to: prevent and treat occupational health risks; prevent and treat worker communicable and sexually transmitted infections; and promote worker health and well-being through preventative health care initiatives. 5.8.2 Such provision is not only necessary to maintain a healthy, vibrant and effective workforce, but also complements wider public health programmes required to minimise potential health impacts to host communities. 5.8.3 This section outlines the current health care capacity within the three immediate districts, discusses the potential impact upon local capacity, and provides a recommended health care planning contribution to support Somerset PCT in the planning and delivery of local health care provision during the peak construction phase. 5.8.4 The Health Action Plan also provides a series of recommendations to support Somerset PCT in the delivery of their strategic health objectives through EDF Energy community support initiatives. 74 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL b) General and Emergency Hospital Requirements 5.8.5 During the peak construction phase the introduction of 3,000 non-home-based workers into the local area is not expected to have a significant impact upon general or emergency hospital capacity, where: 5.8.6 the non-home-based workforce represents a maximum 1% increase in the population the hospitals currently serve during the peak construction phase; Somerset PCT provides an exemplary health care provision with existing capacity and some of the shortest waiting times for hospital treatment in the country; new and enhanced health care provision is already planned and underway to increase capacity and further improve services; non-home-based workers will typically be within the 35-55 age bracket (exhibiting a relatively low total and emergency hospital admission rate); occupational and general health will be largely addressed through the proposed on-site temporary EDF Energy medical centre (including ambulance provision); and EDF Energy is implementing preventative health measures that complement Somerset PCT initiatives, including: o supporting an increase in physical activity through new and enhanced public and green transport infrastructure; o the provision of sports and recreation facilities and amenities; o the promotion of healthier lifestyles through no smoking policies (occupational and residential); o the provision of sexual health care and awareness programmes through the EDF Energy medical centre; and o action to address socio-economic deprivation, inequality and associated pockets of poor health through education and employment initiatives. On this basis, the temporary construction workforce is unlikely to have any material impact upon general or emergency hospital capacity, but would benefit from ongoing engagement with the PCT, to discuss complementing health care services and wider community health and support initiatives. c) GP Surgeries 5.8.7 Although the bulk of construction worker health care will be internalised through the provision of a high quality on-site medical centre (including ambulance facility), experience from Sizewell B indicates that there will be overflow, particularly from non-home-based workers with families on GP surgeries. During Sizewell B, approximately 30% of the non-home-based construction workforce registered with GPs within a 20 mile radius of the site. 5.8.8 Although there are no statutory limits on the number of patients per GP, the NHS considers any area with a population per GP ratio above the national average to be under-doctored. 5.8.9 As shown in Table 5.8, applying data from the Strategic Review of Primary Care Infrastructure (September 2008), there is currently potential capacity locally to accommodate more than 50% of the temporary increased demand from the non-home-based workforce during the peak construction phase. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 75 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table 5.8: Average List Sizes per GP in Local GP Practices Area/Practice Practice List Size List Size per WTE GP List Size per WTE GP and Nurse Practioner Potential Capacity before GP Surgery is Considered Under Doctored Brent House 7,550 1,589 1,589 161 New East Quay 13,579 1,940 1,940 -190 Redgate 7,055 2,016 1,523 227 Somerset Bridge 2,413 1,379 1,177 573 Taunton Road 13,758 1,762 1,388 362 Victoria Park 3,629 1,452 1,452 298 Sub-Total: Bridgwater 1,431 Burnham 15,070 1,914 1,914 -164 Highbridge 13,907 2,060 1,751 -1 Brent Area (East Brent) 2,763 1,842 1,842 -92 Sub-Total: Burnham and Highbridge area -257 Cannington 5,361 1,650 1,650 100 North Petherton 4,602 1,841 1,841 -91 Quantock (Nether Stowey) 3,171 1,586 1,153 164 West Somerset 10,130 1,447 1,447 303 (Watchet and Williton) 5.8.10 Sub-Total 476 Total capacity within 10 miles of Hinkley 1,650 Furthermore, it is understood that Somerset PCT is in the process of redeveloping and refurbishing 52 of the county’s GP practices. Surgeries to benefit from such investment include: 76 17 existing practices receiving grants to extend or improve their premises at a cost of £3 million over the next 12 months; 32 existing surgeries being replaced and three new surgeries being built over the five years to 2014 at a full year revenue cost of £5 million per annum; an extension to St James Surgery in Taunton completed during 2008/09; the first new surgeries at Dulverton and Milborne Port opened early in 2009/10; and | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL opening of Yeovil’s new GP Led Health Centre, providing convenient walk-in health services and bookable appointments with a doctor from 8.00 am until 8.00 pm. 5.8.11 As such, GP surgery capacity is likely to further increase in the build up to the peak construction phase. However, such enhancements and additional capacity are intended to meet anticipated population growth within the region, and to continue to provide high quality public health care. As such, additional measures may be required to address the potential residual impact upon local GP surgery capacity from the non-home-based construction workforce. 5.8.12 EDF Energy will initially focus on working with the PCT to prevent potential capacity issues, including the following: engaging with the PCT to identify GP surgeries that can best accommodate any temporary non-home-based workforce and family needs (including any language barriers). This is expected to include the Somerset Bridge Medical Centre with capacity for 3,000, East Quay and Victoria Park; displaying such available capacity on site, at the EDF Energy Medical Centre and within accommodation campuses; advertising and promoting the use of the NHS Health Direct services on-site, at the EDF Energy Medical Centre and within accommodation campuses; and providing capacity for family care at the EDF Energy medical centre. 5.8.13 In addition, given that the PCT are currently restructuring and refurbishing GP practices, it is deemed appropriate to provide a health care planning contribution to support the PCT in the provision of health care during the peak construction phase. 5.8.14 There is currently no agreed method for calculating a health care planning contribution to local GP surgeries for a temporary construction workforce. However, one approach would be to apply the payment to GP by head of population served in Somerset between 2008/09 of £144 per person. 5.8.15 Applying experience from Sizewell B, and prior to the existing capacity and mitigation listed above, potentially 30% of the non-home-based workforce will register with a local GP, 25% of which will have families and possibly 1.9 average children per household. This equates to 1,552.50 people per peak construction year (which is less than a single GP required within a potential 20 mile radius). 5.8.16 Applying the payments to GPs per head of population of £144, this would equate to £223,560 per peak construction year. Given that such peak rates will not be consistent throughout the construction phase, it is deemed appropriate that the contribution be paid in four equal annual instalments of £223,560 each. The first instalment will be paid on the second anniversary of implementation. 5.8.17 The recommended total health care planning contribution of £894,240 spread over four years would then be spent by the PCT where they deem additional GP or community nurse support is appropriate. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 77 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.9 The Potential Socio-economic Health Benefits from Direct, Indirect and Induced Income and Employment a) Employment, Income and Education 5.9.1 Employment and income are potentially the most significant determinants of long-term health, influencing a range of factors including the quality of housing, education, diet, lifestyle, coping skills, access to services and social networks. 5.9.2 As a consequence, poor economic circumstances can influence health throughout life, where communities subject to socio-economic deprivation are more likely to suffer from morbidity, injury, suffer from mental anxiety, depression and tend to suffer from higher rates of premature death than those less deprived (Ref. 49) (Ref. 50) (Ref. 51). As demonstrated in the community profile, such associations are exhibited within Somerset, particularly within Bridgwater, where pockets of socio-economic deprivation and a relatively low skills base is closely associated with higher levels of morbidity and mortality. 5.9.3 Although quantitative methods have been established to demonstrate the health benefit of employment and income, where a 10% rise in income can reduce the relative risk of mortality by 0.0035 in men and 0.03 in women, the intensive data requirements (i.e. the need for information on the relative change of an individual’s pay range) normally limits this assessment to a qualitative appraisal. Projects with the potential for long-term, stable employment with opportunities for promotion and advancement through training and experience are therefore regarded as contributing to improved health and wellbeing. b) Construction: Off-site Associated Developments 5.9.4 As detailed in the Environmental Appraisal, the delivery of the off-site associated developments will generate significant direct employment opportunities, including: 5.9.5 The distribution of such direct employment uptake varies, where an evaluation of regional skills indicates that: 78 600 person years of employment during the construction of the Bridgwater accommodation campuses; 45 person years of employment during the construction of the Junction 23 park and ride facility; 60-90 person years of employment during the construction of the Cannington bypass development; 25 person years of employment during the construction of the Cannington park and ride development; 20-25 person years of employment during the construction of the Williton park and ride development; and 15 person years of employment during the construction of the park and ride facility adjacent to Junction 24 of the M5; and 35-44 person years of employment during the construction of the Combwich Wharf development. approximately 30-50% of direct employment opportunities will be sourced within a daily commutable distance for the Bridgwater developments; and | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 5.9.6 approximately 50-70% of direct employment opportunities will be sourced within a daily commutable distance for the Junction 23, Cannington bypass and Combwich Wharf developments. In addition, indirect and induced employment and income opportunities are likely to be experienced at a more local level (i.e. accommodation, services and amenities to serve the construction activities and staff). On this basis, the off-site associated developments represent a significant socio-economic health benefit at the local and regional level, and provide an opportunity to pump prime the local skills base prior to the main development stage at Hinkley Point. c) Construction: Main Development 5.9.7 As detailed in the socio-economic assessment, the main development construction phase is expected to generate approximately 5,000 direct employment positions during the peak construction phase. As shown in Table 5.9, a number of employment scenarios have been modelled to establish and support the uptake of local employment opportunities, to define relative social and health needs, and the subsequent influence on local communities. Table 5.9: On-site Construction Employment Scenarios Employee Category Total Labour Requirement (persons) Local Home Based Employment Non-Home-Based Employment Percentage Number Percentage Number Scenario 1: 50% local home based employment Site Services, security and clerical 400 90 360 10 40 Professional staff 900 10 90 90 810 Civil operators 1500 50 750 50 750 Mechanical and electrical operatives 2000 35 700 65 1300 Operational staff 200 50 100 50 100 Total Workforce 5000 40 2000 60 3000 Scenario 2: 40% local home based employment Site Services, security and clerical 400 80 320 10 40 Professional staff 900 5 45 5 45 Civil operators 1500 35 525 15 225 Mechanical and electrical operatives 2000 20 400 15 300 Operational staff 200 30 60 20 40 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 79 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Employee Category Total Workforce Total Labour Requirement (persons) Local Home Based Employment Non-Home-Based Employment Percentage Number Percentage Number 5000 27 1350 13 650 Scenario 3: 30% local home based employment Site Services, security and clerical 400 80 320 20 80 Professional staff 900 7 60 93 840 Civil operators 1500 40 600 60 900 Mechanical and electrical operatives 2000 22 440 78 1560 Operational staff 200 40 80 60 120 Total Workforce 5000 30 1500 70 3500 Scenario 4: 20% local home based employment 5.9.8 Site Services, security and clerical 400 65 270 15 60 Professional staff 900 4 35 3 25 Civil operators 1500 30 450 10 150 Mechanical and electrical operatives 2000 10 200 12 240 Operational staff 200 20 40 20 40 Total Workforce 5000 20 985 10 515 Given the relative skills base in Somerset, and following the community support initiatives planned, Scenario 2 (40% local home based employment) is considered the most realistic scenario. Such a scenario represents the creation of approximately 2,000 direct local home based employment opportunities, and 3,000 regional employment opportunities with significant socio-economic health benefits. In addition, the indirect and induced income and employment opportunities required to support the delivery of the facility and meet the needs of the workforce represents an additional significant contribution to socio-economic health at the local and regional level. d) Operation 5.9.9 Once operational, the proposed facility will generate 700 permanent jobs. Assuming a similar employment distribution currently exhibited at Hinkley B, approximately 94.5% of such positions will distributed within the three immediate districts. As a consequence, the operation of the proposed development represents a significant employment opportunities for local communities, with associated socio-economic health benefits for those individuals. 5.9.10 In addition, approximately 1000 workers will be employed at the site over a period of one month every year, for repairs, refuelling and maintenance activities. Following experience at 80 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Hinkley B, approximately 90% of the current outage workforce will come from outside of the three immediate districts. However, these outage periods will generate indirect and induced income and employment opportunities locally. 5.9.11 On the above basis, the proposed development and off-site associated developments presents significant socio-economic health benefits at a regional and local level. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 81 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 6 CONCLUSIONS 6.1 Overview 6.1.1 The proposed Development has a number of features that might be considered to have implications for the health of neighbouring communities. This HIA has examined the extent of these implications in a manner that considers local circumstance and the best available scientific evidence. 6.1.2 The following section provides a summary as to the significance and potential distribution of health effects during construction and operation of the proposed Hinkley Point C Project. 6.2 Assessment Conclusions a) Construction 6.2.1 Construction of the proposed Hinkley Point C Project including the off-site-associated developments presents a number of potential health pathways. However, taking into account the level of emissions (air and noise) generated on site, their intermittent nature/duration and minimal opportunity for community exposure, the risk to community health is not of a level to quantify any meaningful adverse health outcome, and will be further managed through bespoke mitigation through the EMMP. 6.2.2 Prior to mitigation, the most significant risk associated with the construction phase of the Project is from increased traffic movements and the associated risk of collision. Such risk, although of low likelihood, will be managed through a dedicated transport strategy and infrastructure inherently designed to manage potential community disruption and risk. 6.2.3 The introduction of a large non-home-based construction workforce presents a number of social challenges, including meeting construction workforce entertainment, recreation and health needs and supporting their integration within the existing community with minimal disruption. EDF Energy proposes a series of supporting amenities and facilities through the off-site associated developments to meet such needs. Such provision is currently being refined to offer the greatest legacy benefit for local communities following the construction phase. 6.2.4 The construction of the proposed Project will generate significant direct, indirect and induced income and employment at the local and regional level, with subsequent socio-economic health benefits. EDF Energy proposes to further support the uptake of such benefits locally, by supporting local education initiatives. Such support, coupled with local employment strategies will aid in addressing pockets of local socio-economic deprivation and associated pockets of poor health in the region. 82 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL b) Operation 6.2.5 Once operational, there are few activities with the potential to influence local communities. The core community concern is the potential risk from radiological exposure. However, following a review of the available scientific evidence base and a detailed radiological assessment, it is concluded that for an individual living near to Hinkley Point, the direct health risk from discharges of radioactivity to the environment will be low, and is significantly within ICRP Guidelines set to protect health. 6.2.6 Potential emissions to air are limited to the periodic testing of emergency back up generators. Although dispersion modelling indicates that emission concentrations will be relatively high during test periods, the frequency and duration of their testing is unlikely to result in any measurable health outcome. 6.2.7 The operation of the facility will generate a significant number of direct jobs (700) at the site, of which from experience, the majority are expected to be taken up within the three immediate districts. The periodic maintenance of the facility will also generate significant income and employment opportunities (1000 jobs). Although such positions are unlikely to be taken up locally, they will generate indirect and induced income and employment opportunities within local communities. 6.2.8 Based upon a review of the technical outputs of the Environmental Appraisal, together with the application of exposure response mechanisms developed by the Department of Health's Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP), and a detailed radiological assessment, it is concluded that the proposed Project does not constitute a significant risk to health from emissions to atmosphere during construction or operation. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 83 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 7 HEALTH ACTION PLAN 7.1 Overview 7.1.1 The following section builds upon the outputs of the previous stages and presents a series of recommendations geared to: addressing local circumstances, concerns and needs; further reducing community disruption and potential health risks; and enhancing opportunities to improve health through more informed and effective community support initiatives. 7.2 Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan 7.2.1 During the stakeholder engagement stage, concern was expressed regarding the potential community disruption during the eight year construction phase, and the need for community sensitive construction techniques. 7.2.2 In addition, stakeholder participants also indicated the requirement for measures to support the uptake of local employment and improve education opportunities, including prioritising local employment and providing local apprenticeship and training during the construction and operational phases. 7.2.3 It is important to note that such recommendations have already been addressed through the evolving Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan (EMMP). In particular. The EMMP sets out specific environmental, social and economic management measures. 7.2.4 The EMMP is currently under development and is being iteratively refined following input from all of the technical disciplines. A final draft of the EMMP will be submitted as part of the application for Development Consent. 7.2.5 EDF Energy would implement the measures set out in the agreement EMMP. It is anticipated that should the proposed development gain consent, EDF Energy will be committed to the following during the construction of both the on-site and off-site associated developments: 84 Storage sites, fixed plant and machinery, equipment and temporary buildings, will be located to limit adverse environmental impacts. All reasonable precautions will be taken for the operation of plant and equipment, to avoid nuisance and excessive noise. Site entrances/gates will be positioned to minimise traffic congestion and noise transmitted from site activities and deliveries. All works will be carried out in such a way as to prevent, contain or limit as far as reasonably practicable any adverse effects arising from the presence of contaminated material encountered during the construction activities. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A Framework Travel Plan will be developed, taking into account the advice of the Highway Authority, other relevant local planning authorities, the Police and other emergency services. It will be reviewed and updated regularly, in line with the construction programme, and would typically include details of the following: o traffic and freight control measures; and o monitoring of construction and operational staff traffic, and where appropriate amendment of the strategy to further manage disruption and risk to local communities. The prediction, evaluation and assessment of noise and vibration will be a continuous activity throughout the project. Construction programmes will be made available in advance of the construction phase commencing for each development phase. Where the potential for significant noise or vibration exists, “Best Practicable Means” will be used to reduce noise to achieve compliance consistent with the recommendations in BS5228, This may include: o careful selection of working methods and programme; o selection of quietest practical working equipment; o shutting down of equipment when not in use, i.e. maintain a ‘no idling policy’; o positioning of equipment behind physical barriers, i.e. existing features, recently constructed structures and hoarding; and o handling all materials in a manner which minimises noise. Where the potential for an effect on air quality exists, “Best Practicable Means” will be used to reduce the impact, including the following control measures as appropriate: o construction plant will not be left running when not in use; o any fixed plant and equipment will be located away from sensitive receptors near the site where practicable; o effective wheel cleaning will be undertaken of traffic leaving the construction sites onto public highway roads by the use of wheel washes; o appropriate construction site speed limits will be established; and o all vehicles carrying dusty materials into or out of the site will be sheeted to prevent escape of materials; Local labour and trade contractor initiatives will be developed to encourage contractors to undertake on-site training and apprenticeship schemes and to advertise for jobs locally. 7.2.6 EDF Energy will therefore establish a range of measures to addresses the concerns and recommendations raised during the stakeholder engagement stage. Furthermore, it is understood that EDF Energy will also provide a complaint hotline to address and respond to community concerns/complaints rapidly. 7.2.7 A key recommendation of this Health Action Plan (HAP) is following the completion of the final EEMP, to provide a non-technical summary that can be made available and communicated to local communities. This document will aid in demonstrating the extent of measures in place to prevent community disruption, address community concerns and support the uptake of local health benefits. 7.3 Coordinated Traffic Management and Waste Management Plan 7.3.1 Given the level and duration of construction, it is recommended that a more coordinated approach to both construction traffic and waste management is established. In this instance, it is recommended that EDF Energy engages with local authorities to discuss the establishment of a Construction Liaison Group (CLG). The purpose of the CLG is to coordinate development HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 85 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL programmes and establish opportunities to reuse and recycle appropriate construction materials at other construction sites to minimise wastes arising. This not only has advantages in terms of reducing the level and cost of materials sent to landfill, but will also reduce transport requirements and associated disruption throughout the three immediate districts. 7.4 Community Forum and Community Engagement 7.4.1 There is already a local Hinkley Point Community Forum which provides regular updates as to activities at the facility. Such engagement will continue, providing local residents with: 7.4.2 It is recommended that, given the extent of the proposed off-site associated developments, wider community engagement programmes are implemented to offer similar information and support to communities in proximity to these sites. Potential engagement activities might include provision of: 7.5 advanced notification as to potentially disruptive construction activities; updates on construction progress; updates on community support initiatives and potential employment opportunities; and feedback on any recorded complaints and how they have been addressed. A community liaison officer. Such a post would deliver similar feedback to the Community Forum, respond to local community complaints and where appropriate iteratively refine the EMMP to address such complaints and support the uptake of local benefits. Clear communication channels and project information updates. This might include the provision of a community newsletter, webpage or use of billboards to notify local communities as to potentially disruptive construction activities, progress and employment and community support initiatives. A construction complaint hotline, facilitating the monitoring of complaints and subsequent actions effectively and transparently (such information to be shared with local communities and key stakeholders). Community Support and Integration Initiatives a) Training and Education 7.5.1 As demonstrated in the community profile, burdens of poor health are closely associated with pockets of socio-economic deprivation within the area. Given the extent of direct, indirect and induced income and employment opportunities, there is a significant opportunity to contribute in addressing such burdens of poor health and inequality. However, a key barrier to such benefit uptake is the current skills base, particularly within socio-economically deprived communities identified in the community profile. 7.5.2 There is therefore a requirement to improve the local skills base in order to: 86 further facilitate the uptake of local income and employment opportunities; aid in addressing pockets of local socio-economic and health deprivation; aid in retaining the younger age demographic within the area; and support the delivery of strategic economic and health objectives, through improved partnerships with local academic institutes and industry. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 7.5.3 It was also noted during the stakeholder engagement stage that EDF Energy also presents an additional opportunity to raise local awareness and interest in nuclear and sustainable energy careers. 7.5.4 Key recommendations are therefore geared towards the full academic spectrum, ranging from local schools through to colleges, higher education support, adult education and the personal development of existing staff, including: 7.5.5 local school awareness and support programmes, including: o presentations on the proposed facility and associated construction activities; o presentations of other EDF Energy projects, including sustainable energy technology; o field trips to the education centre at Hinkley Point; o work experience and mentoring programmes; and o school poster competitions (local schools tasked to generate art for construction hoarding); Academic Awards and Sponsorship Programmes, including: o allocation of community funds for college awards and prize funds for outstanding academic achievements and most improved students within local schools; Apprenticeship and employment programmes: o support local construction skill training centres; o work with the construction supply chain to support local apprenticeship programmes; and o work with local employment agencies to support the uptake of local employment opportunities. Recommendations on education and training support programmes are not solely targeted at EDF Energy, and would benefit from a coordinated effort from wider industry, local authorities and the Somerset PCT. This will be discussed with the relevant authorities and the conclusions will be detailed in the application for Development Consent. b) Lifestyle and Community Health Initiatives 7.5.6 The provision of sports and recreational facilities and amenities alongside green transport infrastructure presents a significant opportunity to support Somerset PCT in addressing increasingly sedentary lifestyles of local adults and children. In so doing, the proposed development will contribute in preventing the prevalence of overweight and obese individuals, and the associated clinical health outcomes (including increased rates of diabetes, cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer). 7.5.7 However, additional support is recommended to maximise the potential health legacy benefits, and to further develop local community relations with both the construction workforce and EDF Energy. Such initiatives might include strategically located public areas and social capital (sports, entertainment and recreational facilities) between communities with a high visual presence in order to encourage use, facilitate integration and design out crime and antisocial behaviour. c) Risk Perception Management 7.5.8 Understandably, the provision of a new nuclear facility engenders a number of perceived health impacts and associated community concerns. However, as outlined in the HIA and in accordance with the available evidence base, once operational, the project is not anticipated to present a significant risk to health. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 87 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 7.5.9 Addressing such perceptions can only be achieved by raising awareness as to how community health is implicitly considered through the design of the plant, and through stringent environmental regulations and standards set to protect health. 7.5.10 It is therefore recommended that the non-technical summary of this HIA, alongside the literature review on the available health evidence base be made available locally. Once operational, it is also recommended that such information be updated, include a Frequently Asked Questions section and be made available at the Hinkley Point Education Centre and EDF Energy’s website to further address common community concerns. d) Scheduling of Diesel Generator Tests 7.5.11 As detailed in the Environmental Appraisal, the emergency back up diesel generators will require periodic testing. Where possible, it is recommended that the testing of such generators is scheduled during seasons that offer maximum dispersion away from local communities and tourist spots. Such scheduling will further manage potential disruption and annoyance to local communities. e) Scheduling of Facility Maintenance Periods 7.5.12 As detailed in the Environmental Appraisal, the facility will require periodic maintenance generating the requirement of circa 1,000 maintenance workers. To reduce potential disruption and further support local tourism industries, it is recommended to provide sufficient forward notice to local communities and accommodation facilities to minimise disruption and support the uptake of local socio-economic benefits. f) Monitoring 7.5.13 EDF Energy will be legally required to perform monitoring of facility emissions set to protect the environment and health. This represents an effective approach to health protection, where monitoring environmental indictors provides a means to intervene should there be the potential to result in an adverse health outcome. 7.5.14 It is recommended that EDF Energy makes such monitoring data easily accessible to the general public in order to transparently demonstrate adherence to the environmental thresholds set to protect health and to further address community concerns (i.e. to demonstrate compliance with the findings of the ES, HIA and Planning Requirements). 7.5.15 It is also recommended that EDF Energy regularly engages with and utilises local health monitoring data routinely collected by the PCT in order to further demonstrate transparency and address community concerns regarding patterns of poor health in proximity to the Hinkley Point, including: 88 life expectancy; respiratory hospital admissions; cardiovascular hospital admissions; and cancer prevalence. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL References 1. Kemm, John. West Midlands Public health Observatory. (October 2007). Critical guide to HIA. Available at Last accessed June 2010. 2. Dahlgren, G., and M. Whitehead. (1995). Tackling Inequalities: A Review of Policy Initiatives. In Tackling Inequalities in Health: An Agenda for Action, eds. M. Benzeval, K. Judge, and M. Whitehead. London: Kings Fund Institute. 3. Acheson, Donald. (1998). Independent Inquiry into Inequalities in Health. The Stationery Office Report ISBN 0 11 322173 8. Available at Last accessed June 2010. 4. Office of National Statistics. (2009) Neighbourhood Statistics. Available at last accessed June 2010. 5. Somerset Intelligence Network. Workers Registration Scheme. Available at last accessed June 2010. 6. Somerset Primary Care Trust and Somerset County Council (October 2008). Somerset Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Core Data Set. 7. 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United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 71. HPA (2009). Application of the 2007 Recommendations of the ICRP to the UK. Documents of the HPA. RCE-12. Available for download from: 72. Busby C, Dorfman P and Rowe H, (2000) Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station 1995-1998: Part 1- Breast Cancer. Green Audit: Aberystwyth. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 73. Busby C, Dorfman P and Rowe H, (2000) Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station 1995-1998: Part 2- Prostate Cancer. Green Audit: Aberystwyth. 74. Cancer in Burnham on Sea North: Results of the PCAH Questionnaire Busby C, Rowe H Green Audit Occasional Paper 2002/5. 75. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2001). COMARE statement. Further Statement on the Incidence of Childhood Cancer in Wales 76. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2003). COMARE Statement on Green Audit Occasional Paper 2002/5 Cancer in Burnham on Sea North: Results of the PCAH (Parents Concerned About Hinkley) Questionnaire 77. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2004). Cancer in Burnham on Sea North: Results of the PCAH (Parents Concerned About Hinkley) Questionnaire. ( 78. Report of the Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters (CERRIE). (2004). Available at last accessed June 2010. 79. Black D 1984 Investigation of the Possible Increased Incidence of Cancer in West Cumbria. Report of the Independent Advisory Group (London: HMSO) 80. COMARE 1986 The implications of the new data on the releases from Sellafield in the 1950s for the conclusions of the report on the investigation of the possible increased incidence of cancer in West Cumbria First Report (London: HMSO) 81. Gardner M J, Snee M P, Hall A J, Powell C A, Downes S and Terrell J D 1990 Results of casecontrol study of leukaemia and lymphoma among young people near Sellafield nuclear plant in West Cumbria. British Medical Journal 300 423–9 82. Report of the Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters (CERRIE), 2004. 83. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (1988). Second Report. Investigation of the possible increased incidence of leukaemia in young people near the Dounreay Nuclear Establishment, Caithness, Scotland. HMSO, London 84. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (1996). Fourth Report. The incidence of cancer and leukaemia in young people in the vicinity of the Sellafield site, West Cumbria: further studies and an update of the situation since the publication of the report of the Black Advisory Group in 1984. Department of Health, London 85. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (1999). Sixth Report. A reconsideration of the possible health implications of the radioactive particles found in the general environment around the Dounreay Nuclear Establishment in the light of the work undertaken since 1995 to locate their source. NRPB, Chilton 86. Committee on the Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2002). Seventh Report. Parents occupationally exposed to radiation prior to the conception of their children. A review of the evidence concerning the incidence of cancer in their children. NRPB, Chilton 87. Bithell JF, Dutton SJ, Draper GJ and Neary NM (1994). Distribution of childhood leukaemias and non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas near nuclear installations in England and Wales. BMJ, 309, 501–5 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 93 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 94 88. Sharp L, Black RJ, Harkness EF and McKinney PA (1996). Incidence of childhood leukaemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma in the vicinity of nuclear sites in Scotland, 1968–93. Occup Environ Med, 53, 823–31 89. Wakeford R (2003) Childhood leukaemia and radiation exposure of fathers—the end of the road, perhaps? Invited Editorial. J Rad Prot 23 359-362 90. KAATSCH P; SPIX C; SCHULZE-RATH R; SCHMIEDEL S and BLETTNER M (2008) Leukaemia in young children living in the vicinity of German nuclear power plants. International Journal of Cancer 122, 721-726 91. Spix C, Schmiedel S, Kaatsch P, Schulze-Rath R, Blettner M (2008). Case–control study on childhood cancer in the vicinity of nuclear power plants in Germany 1980–2003. European Journal of Cancer 44, 275-284 92. M.L. White-Koning, D. He’mon and D. Laurier et al. (2004). Incidence of childhood leukaemia in the vicinity of nuclear sites in France, 1990–1998. Br J Cancer 91, 916–922 93. Evrard A-S, He´mon D, Morin A, Laurier D, Tirmarche M, Backe JC, Chartier M and Clavel J (2006), Childhood leukaemia incidence around French nuclear installations using geographic zoning based on gaseous discharge dose estimates. Br J Cancer 94, 1342–1347 94. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2005). Tenth Report. The incidence of childhood cancer around nuclear installations in Great Britain. Health Protection Agency, June 2005. 95. Bithell JT, Keegan TJ, Kroll ME, Murphy MFG and Vincent TJ. (2008). Childhood leukemia near British Nuclear Installations: Methodological Issues and Recent Results. Radiation Protection Dosimetry vol 45:1–7 96. Kinlen LJ (1988) Evidence for an infective cause of childhood leukemia: comparison of a Scottish new town with nuclear reprocessing sites in Britain. Lancet ii: 1323–1327 97. Wartenberg D, Schneider D, Brown S (2004) Childhood leukemia incidence and the population mixing hypothesis in US SEER data. Br J Cancer 90: 1771–1776 98. Greaves M (2006) Infection, immune responses and the aetiology of childhood leukaemia. Nature Reviews Cancer 6, 193–203 99. Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE) (2006). Eleventh Report. The distribution of childhood leukaemia and other childhood cancer in Great Britain 1969-1993. Health Protection Agency, July 2006. 100. South West Cancer Intelligence Service September 2003. Cancer Incidence in Burnham North, Burnham South, Highbridge and Berrow 1990-1999 101. Busby C, Dorfman P and Rowe H, (2000) Cancer Mortality and Proximity to Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station 1995-1998: Part 1 – Breast Cancer; Part 2 – Prostate Cancer; Part 3- All Malignancy, Lung Cancer, Stomach Cancer and Summary of Results. Green Audit: Aberystwyth 102. Busby C and Rowe H (2002). Cancer in Burnham on Sea North: Results of the PCAH Questionnaire. Green Audit, Aberystwyth, Occasional Paper 2002/5 103. Population estimate based on residents over the age of 15 years. According to Somerset County Council, the Highbridge and Burnham-On-Sea South wards have a population of 12,832. 104. 105. Weston-Super-Mare Chamber of Trade and Commerce. Population estimate based on a revision of 2001 census data. | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 106. 2008 Population Estimates for Bristol. Based on information from the Population Estimates Unit, ONS: Crown Copyright 2009 107. 108. Sydenham SRB Trust Evaluation Report, 25 March 2002. 109. Wartenberg D (2005). Reply: Childhood leukaemia incidence and the population-mixing hypothesis in US SEER data. British Journal of Cancer 92, 979–980 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 95 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 96 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL APPENDIX A: FINAL HIA SCOPING REPORT HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 97 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 98 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL EDF Energy Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station Health Impact Assessment: Scoping Report Final 11 February 2010 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA Contents 1 Introduction.....................................................................................1 2 Approach and Methodology ..........................................................2 Figures and Appendices Tables Table 2.1: Key Health Pathways to be Assessed ................................................................................... 4 RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA 1 Introduction Background 1.1 RPS has been commissioned by EDF Energy to perform a Health Impact Assessment (HIA) of the proposed Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station suitable for submission as a supplementary planning document and to inform the Infrastructure Planning Commission (IPC) process. 1.2 This document constitutes a draft HIA Scoping Report, intended firstly to inform the Local Authority, the Primary care Trust (PCT) and the Health Protection Agency (HPA) as to the commissioned HIA, but equally to provide them with the opportunity to comment upon and refine the scope, focus and core outputs of the assessment. 1.3 This draft document is intended to provide a basis to refining the scope and focus of the HIA, and as such is not suitable for wider distribution. 1.4 The following sections provide a brief introduction to HIA, outlines the proposed methodology, core outputs and also present RPS’ capability and experience in undertaking HIAs. 1.5 The remainder of this section provides a brief overview of HIA. Health Impact Assessment 1.6 Health Impact Assessment is a multidisciplinary process designed to identify and assess the potential health effects (both adverse and beneficial) of a proposed project, plan or programme and to deliver evidence based recommendations that maximise health gains and reduce or remove potential negative impacts or inequalities. 1.7 Although not a regulatory requirement to the UK planning process, HIA is implied under section 4.8 (Human Health and Wellbeing) and section 4.13 (Demographics) of the Draft National Policy Statement for Nuclear Power Generation (EN-6), is deemed prudent and necessary at the project level by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (Appraisal of Sustainability: Site Report for Hinkley Point) and necessary to inform the IPC process. 1.8 In addition, appropriately scoped HIA have proven an effective means to: • further separate perceived from actual risks; • put potential risk into context to, address perceived risks, to alleviate community health concerns and to support the decision making process; • address community and interest group health concerns before they become a planning issue; • present a balanced assessment (i.e. establishing the magnitude, distribution, duration, likelihood and significance of both adverse and beneficial health outcomes at the local, regional and national level); and • catalogue how community health is explicitly addressed from the onset of the project. RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 1 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA 2 Approach and Methodology Approach 2.1 The basis of the HIA will be in accordance with current UK guidance and is set on a broad socio-economic model of health that encompasses conventional health impacts such as communicable disease, accidents and risk along with wider determinants of health vital to achieving good health and well-being (thereby also addressing IPC requirements). 2.2 A key aspect of the HIA will be to integrate with and build upon the process and technical outputs from the Environmental Statement (ES). Such an approach will support consistency between the HIA and the ES, will prevent needless repetition of effort and ensure a solid basis to the assessment. However, the final HIA will be delivered as a stand alone document. In so doing, the HIA will be submitted to inform the decision making process, but can also be applied as a resource to address and alleviate a range of local community health concerns. Aim and Objectives 2.3 The HIA is required to: • quantify the magnitude, distribution and likelihood of potential health outcomes (both adverse and beneficial); • provide a HIA document suitable for submission as a supplementary planning document and geared to inform the IPC process; and • develop a Health Management Plan to address potential risks, community disruption, health concerns, and to facilitate the uptake of local health benefits. Methodology 2.4 Although guidance and a generic HIA process exists, the methods employed in HIA are often tailored to meet the particular assessment requirements of a project. 2.5 As set out below, the HIA will comprise six key stages including: 1) a scoping exercise; 2) a project profile; 3) a community profile; 4) key stakeholder engagement; 5) assessment; and 6) a Health Management Plan. Stage 1: HIA Scoping Exercise 2.1 This draft Scoping Report constitutes the preliminary stage of the HIA, intended to provide key stakeholders responsible for the health and wellbeing of local communities the RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 2 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA opportunity to influence the scope and focus of the study. It is also appreciated that such stakeholders may also have specific outputs they would like the HIA to deliver, to support them in their role. 2.2 As such, we would encourage you to review this document, and return any comments, suggestions and anticipated outputs that you would like us to consider. 2.3 Furthermore, we would also welcome any information, studies or transferable knowledge that you may have that will aid us in defining the current health baseline in the area, local health needs, and current barriers to the uptake of health benefits. 2.4 Given your existing commitments and respective workloads, we recommended that you send any comments or suggestions you may have to the HIA Project Manager (Andrew Buroni) via email. Email: RPS Planning & Development 6-7 Lovers Walk Brighton, East Sussex BN1 6AH United Kingdom 2.5 Tel: 01273 546 800 Fax: 01273 546 801 Equally, please feel free to call me if you have any queries or wish to discuss the project in more detail. Project Profile 2.6 The purpose of the project profile is to identify those relevant features associated with the proposed development that are potential influences on key determinants of health. The profile will be compiled through a review of project specific and more generic information including: • the Environmental Statement (ES) and associated technical appendices (air quality, noise, traffic, socio-economic etc); and • 2.7 consultation with the client and ES project team. By developing the project profile it is possible to list potential causal pathways, to aid in refining the development of an appropriate evidence base, to support the development of a meaningful community profile and to focus the core issues to be assessed. RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 3 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA 2.8 At the current scope of work, the key health pathways to be assessed are listed below: Table 2.1: Key Health Pathways to be Assessed Feature Construction Period Operational Period Environment Health Pathway Health Determinant Potential Implication Distribution Changes to local air quality (potential dust nuisance) Environment Adverse Local Changes in noise exposure Environment Adverse Local Changes in local transport nature and flow rates Transport Adverse Local Increased direct, indirect and induced employment opportunities Socio-economic Beneficial Local A potential change in local population structure from a potential migrant workforce, with potential implications for local amenities facilities and health care requirements Demographic Unclear Local A potential change in communicable disease exposure from the temporary construction workforce Public Health Adverse Local A potential change in social structure and interactions with the existing community, influencing local community resources and services (including health care, policing etc) Social and Public Health Unclear Local Direct, indirect and induced income employment opportunities Socio-economic Beneficial Local/Regional Energy Generation: meeting energy demand, and reducing reliance upon increasing energy costs associated with diminishing fossil fuel reserves Socio economic Benefit National RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 4 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA Feature 2.9 Health Pathway Health Determinant Potential Implication Distribution Energy Generation: offsetting emissions from conventional fossil fuel energy generation Environment Benefit National Potential changes in exposure to radiation and radioactive materials Environment Adverse Local/Regional/National Changes in local transport nature and flow rates Transport Adverse Local Raised awareness, education and training Education / Socioeconomic Benefit Local/Regional In addition to known environmental health pathways, the outputs from the integrated stakeholder engagement process will be applied to identify and address wider health concerns within the assessment. Community Profile 2.10 Evidence suggests that different communities have varying susceptibilities to health impacts and benefits as a result of social and demographic structure, behaviour and relative economic circumstance. A community profile therefore not only forms the basis to exposure response modelling but also allows an insight as to how potential health pathways identified by the project profile might act disproportionately upon certain communities and sensitive receptors. 2.11 In this case, the community profile will draw from the existing baseline within the socioeconomic assessment, supplemented with small area demographic, health and hospital admissions data available from the South West Public Health Observatory and PCTs. Stakeholder Engagement 2.12 An important component of gathering an appropriate evidence base and tailoring the HIA to local circumstance is seeking the views of stakeholders and key representatives of communities likely to be affected. By highlighting and responding to community concerns the HIA can be applied to address perceived as well as actual risks and develop more effective recommendations to reduce impacts and increase health improvement. 2.13 The HIA will implement a tiered approach, building upon documented community consultation outputs, incorporating the engagement outputs of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), supplemented with engagement with appropriate community representatives (including local interest groups) and individuals responsible for maintaining local community health. RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 5 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA 2.14 Specific tiers of engagement include: • Review of previous engagement outputs: Stage 1 Consultation is now complete. The HIA team will review the outputs to identify wider community health concerns to be addressed through the HIA. • HIA Workshop: A HIA workshop will be performed with the local community forum, representatives of Sedgemoor Homes and if available, individuals from the PCT and the HPA. The workshop will comprise a project overview, present the scope of the assessment and provide a platform to further discuss and rank community concerns that will be assessed within the HIA. The workshop will also be applied to identify potential community support initiatives. • HIA Interview: The HIA team will provide local interest groups with the opportunity to discuss their health concerns through a structured face to face interview. In so doing it is possible to catalogue and address their key health issues and any evidence they would like us to consider through the HIA. Such an approach provides a means to separate and address perceived and actual risks through the application of a robust scientific evidence base. 2.15 Such a tiered approach provides a means to investigate and address a wide range of community concerns within the HIA, to focus key issues with key community and health stakeholders, and further informs the development of a bespoke Health Management Plan tailored to local requirements and circumstances. Assessment 2.16 The assessment stage draws upon appropriate technical topic areas within the EIA to ensure the HIA is based upon realistic changes in environmental conditions as a consequence of the construction and operation of the proposed nuclear power station. 2.17 The assessment will seek to address each of the core health pathways identified and the community perceived risks during the project profile and stakeholder engagement stage, and where possible, apply internationally recognised quantitative assessment methods to establish the distribution, significance and likelihood of worst-case potential health outcomes. However, as a minimum the assessment will include: • quantitative risk assessment based on changes in exposure to radiation and radioactive materials, set in the context of recognised constraints, targets and limits, and naturally occurring environmental exposure; RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 6 JAS5807 Hinkley Point C Nuclear Power Station HIA • quantitative exposure response modelling for changes in PM10, PM2.5 and NO2 exposure during construction and operation (quantifying changes in life expectancy and local cardiovascular and respiratory hospital admissions); • quantitative risk assessment from changes in construction and operational road traffic movements (risk of collisions directly attributed to the proposed development), disruption and community severance; • qualitative appraisal as to community disruption, annoyance and potential health outcome from changes in construction and operational noise; and • qualitative appraisal as to the socio-economic health benefits from direct, indirect and induced income and employment opportunities. 2.18 Where appropriate, the HIA will apply the cumulative impact assessment outputs from EIA to determine the distribution, magnitude, likelihood and significance of cumulative impacts on community health. 2.19 Given the likely health pathways to be investigated, the geographic scope of the HIA will have a local, regional and national focus where appropriate. Please note that although the HIA will discuss the emissions offset from coal and gas fired power stations, the potential influence on health impact from climate change is very broad, and will not be addressed within the scope of the HIA. Health Management Plan 2.20 A Health Management Plan (HMP) expands upon the normal recommendations section within HIA guidance, establishing recommended protocols and monitoring regimes to be implemented during construction and operation to further reduce and remove potential negative health impacts, while maximising opportunities to increase the uptake of health benefits. RPS Planning & Development – Brighton Office O:\Jobs_5000-6000\5807s\Scoping Report\Final\5807s_HIA Proposal_Report_Final_120210c.doc 11th February Final 7 JAS5807 APPENDIX B: STAKEHOLDER INTERVIEW TRANSCRIPTS AND SUPPORTING INFORMATION HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 109 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 110 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Somerset Primary Care Trust Interview Transcript Organisation Somerset Primary Care Trust Participants Consultant in Public Health Public Health Specialist Head of Public Health Intelligence Interviewer Andrew Buroni Senior HIA Consultant Date/Time 01/03/10 13:00 - 14:00 Venue Wynford House, Lufton Way, Yeovil BA22 8HR Agenda Points RPS’ HIA experience HIA Scope and Focus Key health issues associated with the proposed development Key health opportunities associated with the proposed development Current burden of health, existing health issues and needs Transferable knowledge Interview Summary The participants indicated that the HIA objectives must include the following key elements: health risk assessment and management (details provided in transcript notes);support local health promotion; and address community perceived risks and associated health concerns. Transcript notes RPS’ HIA Experience A brief overview as to the HIA team’s background, experience and key projects. Participants inquired as to the HIA team’s particular experience on radiological projects, experience in health promotion and sexual health (in terms of the introduction of a large construction workforce to relatively small communities). The radiological expertise of the team was conveyed, as was the HIA team’s experience on large infrastructure projects internationally (oil and gas) and in the UK (the London Olympic Games, Stansted, London City, Birmingham and Belfast airport). HIA Scope and Focus The founding principles of the HIA were discussed, as were the key stages and methods to be applied. The current focus of the assessment was discussed by sharing the key health pathways identified to date. Such pathways were then further discussed and supplemented with the following potential health pathways: Health Pathway Description Construction Workforce The introduction of a large mobile workforce has the potential to: change local demographic, ethnic and sociocultural structure, the impact of which on health and community cohesion is unclear. Adverse outcomes may include poor integration and antisocial behaviour, while HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 111 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Organisation Somerset Primary Care Trust good integration has the potential to improve local community infrastructure, and social capital (i.e. the legacy of construction workforce amenities and facilities); influence communicable disease (including STI) and substance misuse; depending on the relative demographic of the workforce, will have specific health, recreational and entertainment requirements to maintain good health (what is the construction workforce lifestyle policy); increase local health care demand, and depending on EDF Energy occupational health care provision, may temporarily reduce health care access and accessibility to existing communities. A local training and employment strategy has the potential to: improve local income and employment opportunities, addressing relative deprivation and health inequalities; The increased demand for local employment has the potential to: increase local construction workforce demand and potentially impact upon other regeneration and industry developments. Housing Depending on the housing strategy, the introduction of a large construction workforce has the potential to increase housing demand, temporarily reducing local community access to housing, and in particular access to good and affordable housing. This has the potential to adversely impact upon the health and wellbeing of local communities, and the socio-economically deprived in particular. In contrast, the legacy of the construction workforce accommodation and supporting recreational and leisure facilities has the potential to improve the quality, affordability and stock of housing in the area. Such provision should implement healthy urban design to foster healthy and vibrant communities. Electro Magnetic Fields 112 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Participants expressed that local communities are concerned of potential health impacts from exposure to EMF, and that this is recommended to be addressed within the HIA. Organisation Somerset Primary Care Trust Road Collision Participants expressed the requirement to complement existing road calming and safety features to improve road safety in the area during both construction and operation. Operational Risk Participants indicated that the potential health risks associated with the operation of the facility are radiological, and that the HIA is required to address local community concerns and interest group concerns. Participants then discussed the health studies available through the PCT and the Public Health Observatory to support the assessment of this particular health pathway. Health promotion Participants indicated that the proposed development has the potential to support local health promotion, and recommended that the HIA investigate such opportunities. In particular, participants inquired: as to how the proposed facility might impact upon areas of and access to green space and recreation facilities during construction and operation; and if the proposed development would increase or enhance areas of and access to green space and recreational facilities. Current burden of health, existing health issues and needs The local burden of poor health was discussed as where existing pockets of health inequality. Participants discussed the key PCT and PHO documents to draw from, and indicated that the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) would be a key document to inform the community profile and local health priorities/objectives. In regards to community health needs, participants indicated that the quality and availability of housing in the area is relatively poor and would benefit from some additional community support, and that it is important for the HIA to address perceived risks in order to address local community health concerns. Transferable Knowledge Key PCT and PHO documents were discussed, it was recommended that the HIA team engage with Julia Verne at the PHO to identify wider studies transferable to the HIA. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 113 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Somerset County Council Interview Transcript Organisation Somerset County Council Participants Somerset County Council Interviewer Andrew Buroni Senior HIA Consultant Date/Time 03/03/10 16:00 - 17:00 Venue Telephone Interview Agenda Points RPS HIA experience HIA Scope and Focus Key health issues associated with the proposed development Key health opportunities associated with the proposed development Transferable knowledge Interview Summary Indicated that the primary community health concern is that of the radiological impact of the proposed development, requested information on the radiological assessment methodology (in particular the critical groups to be applied), and that the cumulative impact from Hinkley A, B and C be assessed. Transcript notes RPS HIA Experience A brief overview as to the HIA teams background, experience and key projects. HIA Scope and Focus The founding principles of the HIA were discussed, as were the key stages and methods to be applied. The current focus of the assessment was discussed by sharing the key health pathways identified to date. Such pathways were then further discussed and supplemented with the following potential health pathways: Health Pathway Description Radiological Potential changes in radiological exposure from the proposed Hinkley Point C development and the cumulative impact from Hinkley Point A and B are the key health concern. More information is required on the critical groups to be applied during the radiological Health Impact Appraisal to provide more context as to the distribution and magnitude of effect on local community groups (Shurton and Burton). Electro Magnetic Fields The potential health issues from changes in EMF exposure are to be investigated. Off-site Associated Development The acute and chronic health effect from construction noise and vibration, transport and relative changes in air quality (dust and emissions exposure) are to be investigated. Cumulative risk The cumulative impacts between Hinkley A, B and C need to be investigated, as do the cumulative impacts between the various off-site developments. 114 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Organisation Somerset County Council Alyn further indicated that the HIA has to be based upon a realistic change in environmental and socio-economic conditions directly attributed to the proposed development (requiring significant integration with the technical outputs of the Environmental Impact Assessment), and not policy aspirations. Transferable Knowledge Alyn indicated that the HIA would benefit from reviewing local strategic objectives in order to support the development of a balanced assessment and to support the delivery of such objectives through the Health Action Plan. Arup Interview Transcript Organisation Arup representing Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Councils Participants Arup Associate Arup HIA Consultant Interviewer Andrew Buroni Senior HIA Consultant Laura Jones Senior Consultant Date/Time 05/03/10 10:30 - 12:30 Venue Telephone Interview Agenda Points RPS HIA experience HIA Scope and Focus Arup general comments key health issues associated with the proposed development key health opportunities associated with the proposed development transferable knowledge Interview Summary Participants indicted that they have been appointed by Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Councils to support and advise on the technical delivery of the application. Participants from Arup discussed their own HIA experience and capacity, including their involvement in the HIA of the third Runway at Heathrow Airport and their networks with leading HIA practitioners (including Ben Cave). Such experience provided the platform to discussing the scope, focus and specific methods to be employed during the HIA to support the proposed development. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 115 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Organisation Arup representing Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Councils Transcript notes RPS HIA Experience Involved a general discussion of RPS and Arup’s HIA experience, key projects and how to deliver HIA suitable for submission as supplementary planning documents. HIA Scope and Focus The founding principles of the HIA were discussed, as were the key stages and methods to be applied. Individual methods including the radiological assessment, traffic risk assessment and air quality exposure response assessment were briefly discussed. The current focus of the assessment was discussed by running through the individual health pathways presented in the HIA scoping report. This also provided a means to address Arup’s general comments. General Comments Following a review of the HIA scoping report, Arup suggested that: There needs to be a more detailed project description to set the context of the project and its assessment. It was agreed that for the purpose of scoping, the information provided was sufficient and that the project profile stage of the full HIA will address this general comment (building from the refined project description and the technical outputs of the ES). That the individual health pathways were not fully discussed. It was agreed that for the purpose of scoping, the information provided was sufficient to establish the key health concerns to date, and aid in gaining additional health pathways to be investigated from key stakeholders (without leading responses). That the HIA should build from parallel and related policy to better set the context of the assessment and support the delivery of strategic objectives. Participants expressed that key stakeholder health concerns include: Health Pathway Description Radiological The potential change in radiological exposure and subsequent risk to health. Electro Magnetic Fields and Interference (EMF and EMI) The potential change in EMF exposure and subsequent risk to health. Potential EMI impacts were also raised. Fugitive emissions The potential change in air quality and subsequent impact on local communities (during construction). The potential noise impact on community health and wellbeing (on-site and at off-site associated developments). Community severance Potential impact on local roads, pedestrian routes and access to areas of green space, amenities, facilities and social networks during construction and operation. Visual impacts The potential impact on amenity value and use. 116 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Organisation Arup representing Sedgemoor District and West Somerset Councils Income and employment The distribution, barriers to and likely uptake of local income and employment opportunities (participants indicated that a 50% local employment uptake is unlikely). Health care and emergency services Additional information is required to investigate the potential impact of the proposed development on health care capacity and emergency services during both construction and operational phases. Participants suggested a number of potential community support initiatives that could be considered within the Health Action Plan, including: the potential provision of health and emergency service on site during construction to avoid impacting upon local health care capacity; potentially expanding temporary drop in surgery to the general public to improve access and accessibility to local health care; designing elements of the off-site associated development to provide legacy health care facilities (i.e. design drop in surgeries for the construction workforce to be suitable for community use) Such recommendations need to be discussed with the PCT and consider the PCT Estate Strategy to ensure that they are viable and do not conflict with the general move away from small satellite health surgeries for more effective polyclinics or temporary facilities taken away. Participants further expressed the requirement to investigate the emergency response plan during construction and operation of the proposed facility (including helicopter emergency response plans). However, such planning is typically beyond the influence of HIA (i.e. occupational health and emergency planning). Transferable Knowledge Participants indicated the value of the HIA consultants attending the Strategic Officers Group meeting (09/03/10), to raise awareness as to the HIA, and gain their input on refining the scope and focus of the HIA. Participants further expressed the requirement to draw from the Local Area Agreement (LAA) to establish strategic priorities and objectives, and further support their delivery through the Health Action Plan. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 117 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL South West Public Health Observatory Interview Transcript Organisation South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO) Participants Deputy Regional Director of Public Health and SWPHO Director Interviewer Andrew Buroni Senior HIA Consultant Date/Time 10/03/10 15:00 - 16:00 Venue Telephone Interview Agenda Points RPS HIA experience HIA Scope and Focus Key health issues associated with the proposed development Key health opportunities associated with the proposed development Transferable knowledge Interview Summary Indicated that key health concerns are more actively voiced through regional and national interest groups than local communities. The PHO has extensively studied such health concerns and concluded that the burden of poor health in the region is not associated with power stations, but more closely linked to pockets of socioeconomic deprivation. Key health pathways included the potential impact of the construction workforce on local communities and associated health care capacity, the potential risk from increased transport movements and the potential health benefits from income and employment and legacy infrastructure. Transcript notes RPS’ HIA Experience A brief overview as to the HIA teams background, experience and key projects was provided. HIA Scope and Focus The founding principles of the HIA were discussed, as were the key stages and methods to be applied. Key PHO health pathways were similar to the PCT and included a balance of health risk management, health promotion and addressing community concerns. Health Pathway Description Construction Workforce The introduction of a large construction workforce has the potential to influence the health profile of local communities and reduce access to local health care. The relative demographic of the workforce will also define the type of health care requirement in the area (i.e. depending on the age and sex of the workforce will influence the type of health care they will require). In addition to health care, there may also be a requirement to consider wider community services including the potential impact on schools (i.e. if workers bring their families). 118 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Organisation South West Public Health Observatory (SWPHO) Transport The proposed development should focus on addressing potential impacts upon access and accessibility, and where possible support and enhance active modes of transport within the communities. The proposed development seeks to minimise the associated health risk from road traffic movements. Where possible it is recommended to support wider transport initiatives in the area to maximise road safety and improve the uptake of physical health benefits through active transport modes. Access and accessibility to areas of green and open space plays a key role in maintaining healthy communities by increasing the level of physical activity. Occupational Health and Safety Despite occupational health and safety procedures and best practice, construction sites remain hazardous work environments. Although typically beyond the remit of HIA, it is recommended to establish the health and safety procedures EDF Energy will implement. Radiological The radiological assessment will prove useful in further addressing local community health concerns. Legacy opportunities The off-site associated developments represent legacy benefits to local communities in terms of infrastructure and in encouraging improvements in lifestyle (namely increased physical activity). Such opportunities will need to be further investigated and barriers to health benefits addressed. Crime and antisocial behaviour The introduction of a large construction workforce may have implications for poor integration with local communities and represents a potential risk of antisocial behaviour. Transferable Knowledge Discussed the various studies they have performed to investigate potential health risks from the existing facilities, and to address community and interest health concerns. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 119 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL APPENDIX C: RADIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AND SUPPORTING HEALTH EVIDENCE BASE 120 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 121 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.1 Assessed Doses to the Critical Group A.C.1.1 Based on the approach outlined in Section 5, the following doses to the local community ‘critical group’ are estimated. We have not undertaken an independent predictive assessment of doses to members of the public based on mathematical modelling. However, we have reviewed the methods adopted by EDF Energy (Ref. 52) and Amec (Ref. 32) and confirm that they represent reasonable approaches. We also confirm that the models and assumptions put forward by EDF Energy and Amec are appropriate and are based on widespread approaches adopted within the UK. a) Modelling i) Stage 1 Assessment A Stage 1 assessment was undertaken by EDF Energy (Ref. 52) as part of the Pre-Construction Environmental Assessment submitted for the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) carried out by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) and the Environment Agency to assist the licensing process. This report is based on a single unit EPR. A.C.1.2 A Stage 1 assessment is intentionally highly conservative. For releases to air, the total assessed dose reported by EDF Energy (2008) was 72.8 μSv per y, mainly attributable to carbon-14 (almost 85%), based on habitation and consumption of locally produced foods. For liquid discharges to the coastal/estuarine environment the total assessed dose was 60 μSv per y, again mainly attributable to carbon-14 (almost 73%), based on high rate seafood consumption and habits associated with the fishing community (residency, handling of gear etc). A.C.1.3 The dose rate from direct radiation was estimated based on a maximum permissible dose rate to a member of the public of 1 mSv per y in the immediate vicinity of the facility buildings and then determining a distance to the nearest habitable location (assumed to be 100m). On this basis, the annual dose from direct radiation from an EPR station to the critical group is estimated as 5.5 μSv. A.C.1.4 Recognising that it is possible that a high rate seafood consumer (i.e. the fishing family) may also be local residents consuming locally grown foodstuffs, it is appropriate for a Stage 1 assessment to sum the doses from all release routes to estimate a potential critical group dose of 138.3 μSv per y. EDF Energy (Ref. 52) noted that this exceeds the 20 μSv per year criterion referred to previously I, and indicates that a Stage 2 assessment is appropriate. ii) A.C.1.5 Stage 2 Assessment EDF Energy (Ref. 52) also presented a more refined Stage 2 assessment for a single unit EPR. Based on the same discharge information, gaseous effluents are assumed to be discharged via a stack with an effective height of 20 mII. Liquid discharges are assumed to mix with a I In this case, EA guidance retains the link to a dose estimate of 20 μSv per year as the level at which further detailed assessment is required, because of the joint agency guidance with SEPA and its application to Scotland as well as England and Wales. II Amec (2010) also reported a Stage 2 assessment, assuming an effective stack height of 30 m, but otherwise citing the same assumptions as EDF (2008). They concluded that the estimated doses were above 20 μSv per year, which is consistent with the indication that a Stage 3 detailed site specific assessment was necessary. Note that the effective stack height is not the same as the actual stack height. Depending on a number of factors, including topography, it is conventional (in the absence of better information) to assume an effective stack height around 1/3 of the actual stack height for the purposes of dispersion modelling. 122 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL volumetric exchange rate of 130 m3 s-1. Both assumptions are considered to be conservative (i.e. they will not underestimate the resultant impact). A.C.1.6 Potential doses due to gaseous releases were assessed for ingestion, inhalation and external exposure pathways. The total dose from all pathways combined was assessed to be 11.4 μSv per y. A.C.1.7 Potential doses due to liquid discharges were assessed for ingestion and external exposure pathways. The total dose from all pathways combined was assessed to be 46.1 μSv per y. A.C.1.8 The annual dose from direct radiation was assessed in the same way as in the Stage 1 assessments, with the critical group assumed to be living 100 m from the reactor building and receiving 5.5 μSv per y. A.C.1.9 Recognising that it is possible that a high rate seafood consumer (i.e. the fishing family) may also be local residents consuming locally grown foodstuffs, it is appropriate for a Stage 2 assessment to sum the doses from all release routes to estimate a potential critical group dose of 63 μSv per y. This is again conservative estimate, but indicates that a Stage 3 assessment is appropriate. iii) Stage 3 Assessment: Pre-Construction Environmental Assessment Undertaken by EDF Energy in the GDA A.C.1.10 EDF Energy (Ref. 52) presented a Stage 3 assessment, again based on conservative assumptions for a single EPR unit. A.C.1.11 The methodology applied by EDF Energy was based on the use of the PC CREAM 98 software tool (Ref. 53). PC CREAM comprises a suite of 6 programmes (ASSESSOR, DORIS, PLUME, FARMLAND, RESUS, and GRANIS) for modelling the transfer of radionuclides through the environment and calculating the dose to individuals and the population from exposure to these nuclides. PC CREAM is a standard assessment tool used extensively in the UK and elsewhere. A.C.1.12 For the purposes of the assessment, all discharges were assumed to be continuous, at a uniform annual rate, and to continue for 50 years. This allows for any build-up in the environment which may occur over the operating lifetime of a facility. The specific assumption of 50 years is standard practice within many assessments. A.C.1.13 Site specific characteristics were defined to provide a better (but still conservative) representation of conditions prevailing around Hinkley Point, with respect to dispersion of both liquid and gaseous discharges, habitation distances from sites, weather conditions etc. A.C.1.14 For the aerial discharges pathways, the public receptor and food receptor points were selected from the nearest potential property and farmland to a new reactor site. Both points are located 500 m from the gaseous discharge point. The effective stack height was assumed to be 20 m, as described for the Stage 2 assessment. A uniform windrose was assumed at 70% Pasquill stability category D, which is typical of coastal UK (Ref. 53). Standard washout coefficients and deposition velocities were applied and a surface roughness typical of agricultural areas selected (Ref. 54). A.C.1.15 For the dispersion of liquid discharges, the local waters, known as the ‘local compartment’, were defined based on the most restrictive value for each parameter for each of the potential sites included as standard within the PC CREAM model. This results in the lowest dispersion and highest activity concentration within the waters of interest. A.C.1.16 Site characteristics assumed by EDF Energy (Ref. 52) for the GDA are summarised below. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 123 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.1: Site Characteristics Assumed for the Stage 3 GDA Assessment Site Characteristics Parameter Value Public Receptor Point aerial discharges (m) 500 Food Production receptor point (m) 500 Site boundary (m) 100 Windrose uniform Pasquill stability category 70 % D Effective Stack height (m) 20 Deposition velocity (m s-1) 1 10-3, 1 10-2 (I), 0 (noble) Washout coefficient (s-1) 1 10-4 Surface roughness (m) 0.3 Marine module Irish Sea Regional compartment Cumbrian Waters Local compartment volume (m3) 3 108 Local compartment depth (m) 20 Local compartment coastline length (m) 3 104 Local compartment volumetric exchange rate (m3 y-1) 1.1 1010 Local compartment suspended sediment load (t m-3) 5 10-6 Local compartment sediment rate (t m-2 y-1) 1 10-2 Local compartment sediment density (t m-3) 2.6 Local compartment bioturbation rate (m2 y-1) 3.6 10-5 Local compartment diffusion rate (m2 y-1) 3.15 10-2 124 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.1.17 On this basis, the ‘farming family’ were estimated to receive doses of 4.0, 4.4 and 7.8 μSv per y for adults, children and infants respectively. A.C.1.18 Doses to the most exposed members of a ‘fishing family’, where the adults spend time fishing near the coast and the children and infants spend time playing on the coast, were estimated to be 17, 4.7 and 1.5 μSv per y for adults, children and infants respectively. A.C.1.19 In order to determine the most exposed members of the public from all discharges, EDF Energy (Ref. 52) considered three scenarios: a ‘farming family’ also consuming locally sourced seafoods at average rates; a ‘fishing family’ also consuming locally sourced terrestrial foods at average rates; and a ‘local resident’ exposed to liquid and atmospheric discharges. A.C.1.20 For the farming family consuming also seafood, the doses to adults, children and infants were estimated to be respectively 5.9, 5.6 and 8.8 μSv per y. A.C.1.21 For the fishing family consuming also terrestrial food, the doses to adults, children and infants were estimated to be respectively 18, 6.3 and 3.8 μSv per y. A.C.1.22 For the local resident, the doses to adults, children and infants were estimated to be respectively 21, 9.1 and 9.3 μSv per y. A.C.1.23 For the Stage 3 assessment, EDF Energy (Ref. 52) assumed that direct exposure to radiation from the reactor building for members of the public will be negligible, as the shielding present will ensure contact dose rates with the building are below limits of detection, and would definitely not be measurable at the site boundary. However, exposure to direct radiation from waste stores may give rise to a direct radiation dose for a member of the public. The receptor point which EDF Energy (Ref. 52) considered corresponds to the most exposed member’s location which is located 500 m from the site, with a maximum predicted exposure of 5 μSv per year. A.C.1.24 It is reasonable to assume that the most exposed members of the public may also be exposed to the direct radiation. The conservative dose assessment is thus obtained by summing the dose to the local resident with the direct radiation dose. On this basis, the ‘critical group’ doses to adults, children and infants are respectively 25.8, 11.6 and 11 μSv per y. iv) Stage 3 Assessment – Refined Assessment undertaken by Amec for the Hinkley Site A.C.1.25 Amec (Ref. 32) undertook a further refined assessment of the potential impacts arising from the proposed twin reactors at Hinkley Point C. This assessment is based on predicted discharges to the environment, together with conservative assumptions relating to dispersion and uptake pathways. Site characteristics assumed by Amec are summarised below. Table A.C.2: Site Characteristics Assumed for the Stage 3 Assessment undertaken by Amec for the Hinkley Site Site Characteristics Parameter Value Public Receptor Point aerial discharges (m) 1650 m Food Production receptor point (m) 1650 m Site boundary (m) Windrose Site specific (based on data for 2004-2008) HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 125 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Site Characteristics Parameter Value Pasquill stability category Site specific (based on data for 2004-2008) Effective Stack height (m) 23.3 Deposition velocity (m s-1) 1 10-3, 1 10-2 (I), 0 (noble) Washout coefficient (s-1) 1 10-4 Surface roughness (m) 0.3 Marine module Bristol Channel Regional compartment Bristol Channel Local compartment volume (m3) 5 109 Local compartment depth (m) 20 Local compartment coastline length (m) 3 104 Local compartment volumetric exchange rate (m3 y-1) 1 1011 Local compartment suspended sediment load (t m-3) 2 10-4 Local compartment sediment rate (t m-2 y-1) 1 10-4 Local compartment sediment density (t m-3) 2.6 Local compartment bioturbation rate (m2 y-1) 3.6 10-5 Local compartment diffusion rate (m2 y-1) 3.15 10-2 A.C.1.26 The following paragraphs summarise information presented by Amec (Ref. 32), with further commentary where necessary. A.C.1.27 The following table shows the maximum estimated activities expected in liquid discharges from HPC. 126 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.3: Maximum Predicted Liquid Discharges from Hinkley Point C Radionuclide Annual Liquid Discharge rates GBqy-1 H-3 150,000 C-14 190 Ag-110m 1.14 Mn-54 0.54 Sb-124 0.98 Sb-125 1.630 Te-123m 0.52 I-131 0.1 Cr-51 0.12 Co-58 4.14 Co-60 6 Cs-134 1.12 Cs137 1.890 Ni-63 1.92 A.C.1.28 Liquid discharges are carried out in the form of batches from holding tanks but take place at the outlet of the main turbine cooling water culverts, so are subject to an immediate dilution with sea water of the order of 130 m3 s-1 before entering the final outfall system where thorough mixing takes place prior to the discharged material finally entering the sea. A.C.1.29 All major gaseous discharges from each EPR will be monitored prior to discharge to the atmosphere III. The table below shows the maximum estimated activities expected in gaseous discharges from HPC. III There are several minor sources (ILW, SNF ISF and laundry) that have discharge points that are not monitored). The contributions of any potential discharges from these sources are included within the estimate of maximum predicted discharges. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 127 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.4: Air and Soil Concentration at the Off Site Location with the Highest Concentration at Year 60 from Hinkley Point C Discharges Nuclide Air Concentration Bqm-3 Soil Concentration Bq kg-1 H-3 3.6 10-01 - C-14 8.3 10-02 - Ar-41 7.7 10-02 - Co-58 3.6 10-06 8.8 10-05 Co-60 4.3 10-06 2.3 10-03 Kr-85 3.7 10-01 - I-131 2.1 10-05 4.8 10-04 I-133 2.6 10-05 6.3 10-05 Xe-131m 8.0 10-03 - Xe-133 1.7 10+00 - Xe-135 5.3 10-01 - Cs-134 3.3 10-06 7.6 10-04 Cs-137 3.0 10-06 5.9 10-03 A.C.1.30 It is further assumed that the ‘Farming Family’ consumption rates (based on the most recent CEFAS (Ref. 55) consumption data for the Hinkley Point Site) for terrestrial foods are calculated based on the ‘Top Two’ approach. In the ‘Top Two’ approach, the two foodstuffs, that result in the highest ingestion dose (when all foodstuffs are modelled as consumed at critical rates), are assumed to be consumed at critical rates and all other foodstuffs at average rates. In this instance, the ‘Top Two’ foodstuffs were found to be: milk and root vegetables for adults, and milk and milk products for child and infant age groups. This family is also assumed to consume locally sourced seafoods at mean CEFAS (Ref. 55) ingestion rates. It is assumed that members of this family can also be exposed to marine discharges through external exposure to beach sediments and the inhalation of seaspray, whilst spending time recreationally on the beach. A.C.1.31 The predicted doses to this ‘Farming Family with marine and gaseous exposure’ were calculated to be 2.7, 2.5 and 4.5 μSv y-1 for the adult, child and infant respectively. A.C.1.32 The fishing family represents the candidate critical group who may be exposed to radiation and radioactivity from discharges into the marine environment and via terrestrial pathways. Predicted concentrations of radionuclides in the marine environment around Hinkley Point, arising from Hinkley Point C discharges, were predicted by Amec (Ref. 32) as follows. 128 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.5: Activity Concentration in the Seawater and Seabed Sediments off the Coast of Hinkley Point at Year 60 from Hinkley Point C Discharges Nuclide Activity Concentrations in Unfiltered Seawater (Bq l-1) Activity Concentrations in Seabed Sediment (Bq kg-1) H-3 1.57 10+00 1.07 10+00 C-14 2.00 10-03 1.19 10-01 Mn-54 5.34 10-06 4.03 10-05 Ni-63 2.01 10-05 3.60 10-03 Cr-51 8.28 10-07 5.28 10-07 Co-60 6.20 10-05 2.56 10-03 Co-58 3.56 10-05 6.20 10-05 Ag-110m 1.12 10-05 1.17 10-05 Sb-124 8.21 10-06 2.10 10-06 Sb125 1.68 10-05 6.60 10-05 Te-125m* 1.05 10-06 6.55 10-05 Te-123m 4.81 10-06 2.44 10-06 Te-123 * 2.16 10-20 5.86 10-18 Cs-134 1.15 10-05 7.73 10-05 Cs-137 1.98 10-05 9.88 10-04 I-131 3.89 10-07 4.46 10-09 Key * Indicates a Daughter Product A.C.1.33 The radiation exposure to the same three age groups as the ‘Farming Family with marine and gaseous exposure’ (above) was determined. As for that candidate critical group, exposure to gaseous discharges was calculated based on 100% occupancy at a dwelling coinciding with maximum airborne and deposited activity due to these discharges from Hinkley Point C. The family members consume seafood at the 97.5th percentile rates as calculated on all observations in the most recent CEFAS (Ref. 55) survey of Hinkley Point habits, and also consumes terrestrial foodstuffs at average (Ref. 55) rates. For child and infant consumption parameters, the same methods were used to determine consumption rates. However, in cases where there are no instances of a food group being consumed, child and infant data was derived from adult data using the method described in the CEFAS (2007) report. Where appropriate ratios were not present in the CEFAS report, ratios of adult to child and adult to infant ingestion rates were calculated from generalised habit data (Ref. 56). HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 129 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.1.34 The predicted doses to this ‘Fishing Family with marine and gaseous exposure’ were calculated to be 3.0, 2.3 and 3.6 μSv y-1 for the adult, child and infant members respectively. A.C.1.35 Exposure by members of the public due to direct radiation was estimated based on predicted dose rates at the site perimeter (and exposure due to dog walking or similar recreational activities in this area), and the dose rate at the nearest habitation (based on home occupancy). A.C.1.36 For a ‘dog walker’ spending 20 minutes per day at the site perimeter at the area likely to have the highest external dose rate, a dose of 1.5 μSv y-1 was estimated. A.C.1.37 A local resident spending the whole year in close proximity to the Hinkley Point C site at the nearest dwelling to the proposed spent fuel/ILW waste stores will receive the highest at-home dose of all local residents. The nearest dwelling to the proposed Spent Fuel/ILW store on the HPC site is at a distance of ~1.3 km. The dose to an adult spending 4,380 hours per year (50%) indoors and 4,380 hours per year outdoors was calculated as 0.0014 μSv y-1. The dose to a child spending 7,008 hours per year (80%) indoors and 1,752 hours per year outdoors was calculated as 0.0007 μSv y-1. The dose to an infant spending 7,884 hours per year (90%) indoors and 876 hours per year outdoors was calculated as 0.0005 μSv y-1. The higher doses due to outdoor exposure reflect the ‘shielding factor’ afforded by building structures, which will vary with different types of construction. A.C.1.38 The highest overall dose predicted by Amec (Ref. 32) is thus 4.5 μSv per year to the infant member of the ‘farming family’. b) Extrapolation A.C.1.39 Sizewell B is a single PWR with an output of 1188 MWe, which began generation in 1995. It is situated on the east coast of Suffolk. Sizewell B is authorised to discharge both gaseous and liquid low level radioactive effluents to the environment, via designated outlets. Monitoring of both discharges and environmental concentrations of radioactivity is undertaken by the site operator and, independently, by the regulatory agency (the Environment Agency). Information from the independent, regulatory, monitoring programme is published annually. The most recent information relating to discharges, activity concentrations in the environment, local habits and assessed doses to the critical group (or ‘representative person’) is summarised below (Ref. 57) IV. IV Reports on discharges and monitoring around nuclear licensed sites throughout the UK have been published by the relevant regulatory authorities since the early 1960s. Earlier series presented information for the coastal and terrestrial environments in separate reports. Since 1995, data have been collated in a single series, ‘Radioactivity in Food and the Environment’ (RIFE). The reports are freely available in hard copy or as pdf files on CD from each of the current sponsoring agencies: the Environment Agency, the Food Standards Agency, the Department of the Environment for Northern Ireland and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. A full series of RIFE reports can be downloaded from: 130 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.6: Radionuclide Discharges and Discharge Limits for Sizewell B, 2008 Discharge Limit (TBq, Expressed as Annual Equivalent) Actual Discharge (TBq) 2008 Noble gases 30 2.87 Particulate-beta 10-4 7x10-6 Tritium 3 0.598 Carbon-14 0.5 0.333 Iodine-131 5x10-4 3.6x10-5 Tritium 80 51.6 Caesium-137 0.02 0.005 Other radionuclides 0.13 0.015 Gaseous discharges Liquid discharges A.C.1.40 The discharge limits set for Sizewell B are similar to the maximum predicted releases from Hinkley Point C, making some allowance for the overall capacity of each site (Sizewell B is around one-third to one-half the capacity of the two combined EPR reactors proposed for Hinkley Point C). For example, for Hinkley Point C a proposed discharge limit of 150 TBq A.C.1.41 compares with a discharge limit of 80 TBq for Sizewell B (but noting that the actual discharge was 51.6 TBq in 2008)V. A.C.1.42 3.46 With respect to discharges to atmosphere, Sizewell B is authorised to discharge annually 3 TBq tritium, which compares with a proposed discharge limit for Hinkley Point C of 6 TBq (but noting again that the actual release of H-3 was around 0.6 TBq from Sizewell B in 2008 and the corresponding predicted release from Hinkley Point C will be lower than the proposed limit) VI. The maximum predicted release of C-14 from Hinkley Point C is 1.4 TBq per year (cf 0.5 TBq above), 400 MBq iodine-131 (cf 500 MBq above) and 44 TBq for the noble gases (cf 30 TBq, above). V The anticipated discharge from Hinkley Point C will be lower than the proposed discharge limit. This comparison is intended only to illustrate overall magnitudes of discharge and does not represent most probable discharges from the proposed reactors at Hinkley Point C. VI Simple comparisons between Sizewell B and the proposed reactors at Hinkley point C can be misleading. An example is provided in the comparison of H-3 discharges. Discharge to atmosphere has a higher dose impact per unit release than discharge to the coastal environment. The discharges from Hinkley point C represent the best practicable environmental option to minimise impacts. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 131 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.1.43 Whilst the actual discharges from Sizewell B are typically rather lower than the discharge limits, this provides some reassurance that extrapolations based on precedent around Sizewell are one reasonable line of evidence. A.C.1.44 Based on periodic local surveys, the Environment Agency et al (Ref. 57) report that ‘critical group’ seafood consumers near to Sizewell consume 23 kg fish per year, 11 kg crab and lobster per year and 5.1 kg Pacific oysters and mussels per year. They also spend 720 h per y over mud. Corresponding habits for the terrestrial ‘critical group’ are derived from national surveys reported by Byrom et al. (1995). A.C.1.45 The annual dose determined to the critical group (or ‘representative person’), based on the above information, is reported by the Environment Agency et al. (2009) to be less than 5 μSv per year for the seafood consumers and likewise less than 5 μSv per year for the terrestrial foodstuff consumers. An assessed total annual dose for a hypothetical person, integrating across all pathways and including direct radiation from proximity to the site, is reported to be 31 μSv per year. A.C.1.46 It is noted that the Sizewell site also housed a twin Magnox reactor station (Sizewell A). Although this station ceased generating electricity in 1995, it is currently undergoing decommissioning and continues to contribute to discharges of radioactive materials to the environment. The measured activity concentrations and assessed doses to the critical group are necessarily inclusive of the combined past and present discharges from both the Sizewell A and B stations. The dose contribution from direct radiation was higher from the Magnox reactor than from the PWR. A.C.1.47 3.51 The evidence from a current operating PWR site indicates that a dose to the local community may be in the regions of less than 5 μSv per year associated with discharge pathways. This is comparable to the predicted dose for Hinkley Point C presented by Amec (Ref. 32). The higher total dose determined at Sizewell (31 μSv per year) by the Environment Agency et al. (Ref. 57) includes a substantial contribution from direct radiation, which was estimated by Amec (Ref. 32) to represent a minor contributory pathway for Hinkley Point C. c) Observation A.C.1.48 As previously discussed, the region around Hinkley Point already hosts a number of nuclear power stations and other nuclear licensed facilities. These collectively contribute to radioactive discharges to atmosphere and to the Severn estuary. A.C.1.49 Annual discharges during 2008 are summarised below (expressed as rounded values) for gaseous and liquid effluents (Ref. 57). 132 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.7: Gaseous Discharges to the Hinkley Point Region, 2008 Discharge (TBq) GE Healthcare Cardiff Limit Actual 756** 290** 3.7 1.1 4 0.93 2.38 1.26 S-35 0.35 0.12 0.45 0.055 Ar-41 100 8.85 500 19.3 Co-60 1.10-4 8.0.10-6 I-131 0.0015 7.0.10-6 2.4.10-7 1.5.10-4 5.0.10-7 H-3 0.02 4.7.10-3 1.5 0.11 12 C-14 0.005 2.8.10-4 0.6 7.3.10-4 Key Limit 1.6 Limit 9 2.10-5 Actual Oldbury 1.5 Beta Actual Hinkley Point B 3.0.10-5 Limit Actual Hinkley Point A 1.10-4 Limit Actual Radionuclide Berkeley * Small quantities of other radionuclides are also discharged. ** The authorisation distinguishes between soluble and insoluble forms of tritium. These are combined here for simplicity. Table A.C.7: Liquid Discharges to the Hinkley Point Region, 2008 Discharge (TBq) 77.9 1 0.18 130** C-14 S-35 2 0.15 Co-60 0.01 0.0042 Cs137 2 3.8.10-4 1 0.11 0.1 0.0042 0.7 0.31 Other 2 0.0012 0.7 0.37 0.08 0.0035 0.7 0.13 Actual Actual Limit 650 GE Healthcare Cardiff Limit 0.29 Oldbury Actual 1.8 Hinkley Point B Limit 4.9.10-5 Actual 1 Hinkley Point A Limit Limit H-3 Actual Radionuclide Berkeley 14.4 0.91† 0.065 1.2.10- nil 4 Key * Small quantities of other radionuclides are also discharged. ** The authorisation distinguishes between soluble and insoluble forms of tritium. These are combined here for simplicity. † >1TBq in 1998. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 133 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL <0.90 <0.45 <1.0 <0.34 <0.33 Stolford Stolford Stolford Pipeline Watchet Harbour Pipeline Stolford Steart Flats River Parrett Weston-SuperMare Burnham-OnSea Kilve Blue Anchor Pipeline Shrimps Limpets Porphyra Seaweed Mud Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Sediment Seawater 30 96 72 29 46 41 <0.10 <0.04 <0.06 <0.06 <0.04 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL 134 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 86 54 29 <0.40 <0.35 <0.82 <0.89 <0.46 <0.42 <0.09 <0.03 <0.05 <0.06 <0.04 Co-60 Stolford 120 Mn-54 Bass 130 C-14 Stolford H-3 Cod OBT <0.04 <4.7 <1.0 <4.0 <1.0 3.0 <2.5 <1.0 <1.0 <1.5 Sr-90 10 Tc99 <0.33 <0.70 <0.11 <0.04 <0.06 <0.06 <0.04 Cs-134 <0.33 1.7 15 2.6 2.2 33 21 18 9.9 7.0 <0.77 1.1 0.30 0.31 1.4 0.69 Cs-134 7.5.10-5 Cs-137 Mean Radioactivity Concentration (Bq per kg fw, except sediment for which Bq per kg dw) Location Material Table A.C.8: Radionuclide Concentrations in the Coastal and Marine Environment near Hinkley Point, 2008 6.8.10-4 Pu-238 <0.42 <0.56 <1.2 <0.50 <0.57 <4.0 <1.3 <0.75 <0.66 <0.74 <1.0 <0.30 <0.10 6.2.10-4 <0.06 <0.10 Pu239+240 Am-241 A.C.1.50 Concentrations of radioactivity in the environment around Hinkley Point have been reported by the Environment Agency et al. (2009), as follows. Table A.C.8: Radionuclide Concentrations in the Terrestrial Marine Environment near Hinkley Point, 2008 Material Location Mean Radioactivity Concentration (Bq per kg fw, except milk and water for which Bq per l) H-3 C-14 S-35 Co-60 Cs-134 Cs-137 Milk <4.6 18 <0.30 <0.19 <0.19 <0.20 Milk <4.8 20 <0.38 <0.20 <0.20 Apples <5.0 21 <0.20 <0.30 <0.20 <0.20 Blackberries <4.0 18 0.50 <0.30 <0.20 <0.20 Carrots <5.0 12 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 Honey <7.0 69 <0.10 <0.20 <0.20 0.70 Lettuce <5.0 <3.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 Potatoes <5.0 18 0.50 <0.40 <0.30 <0.30 Runner beans <5.0 6.0 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 Wheat <7.0 75 1.1 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 Freshwater Durleigh Reservoir <5.5 <0.80 <0.33 <0.26 <0.26 Freshwater Ashford Reservoir <4.0 <0.70 <0.39 <0.33 <0.33 Key * Only relevant to Magnox and AGR stations. Table A.C.9: Radiation Dose Rates near Hinkley Point, 2008 Location Description Dose Rate (μGy per hour) Weston-Super-Mare Mud and Sand 0.065 Weston-Super-Mare Sand 0.066 Burnham Mud and Sand 0.077 Burnham Sand 0.061 River Parrett Mud and Rock 0.078 River Parrett Mud and saltmarsh 0.084 Steart Flats Mud 0.078 Stolford Mud and Rock 0.092 Hinkley Point Mud and Rock 0.096 Hinkley Point Sand 0.093 Kilve Rock and Mud 0.089 Kilve Rock 0.083 Watchet Harbour Mud 0.082 Watchet Harbour Mud and Sand 0.095 Watchet Harbour Mud and Rock 0.10 Blue Anchor Bay Mud and Sand 0.077 Blue Anchor Bay Sand 0.059 Blue Anchor Bay Pebbles and Sand 0.066 HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 135 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.1.51 Environmental concentrations are influenced by what has been discharged, rather than what will be discharged, therefore comparison between current discharges (and limits on discharges) and actual discharges is not clear cut. In addition, the multiple sources of discharge to the Severn Estuary mean that current concentrations are not, in all instances, an indication of what may be anticipated as a result of discharges from Hinkley Point C. The purpose of presenting the information is to provide an overall comparison of environmental concentrations, rather than to identify specific trends which may be anticipated. A.C.1.52 Based on periodic local surveys, the Environment Agency et al. (Ref. 57) report that ‘critical group’ seafood consumers near to Hinkley Point consume 40 kg fish per y, 12 kg shrimps per y and 1.9 kg whelks per y. They also spend 1300 h per y over mud. Corresponding habits for the terrestrial ‘critical group’ are derived from national surveys reported by Byrom et al. (Ref. 58). A.C.1.53 The annual dose determined to the critical group (or ‘representative person’), based on the above information, is reported by the Environment Agency et al. (Ref. 57) to be 37 μSv per year for the seafood consumers and 6 μSv per year for the terrestrial foodstuff consumers. An assessed total annual dose for a hypothetical person, integrating across all pathways and including direct radiation from proximity to the site, is reported to be 45 μSv per year. A portion of this dose is attributable to direct radiation. A.C.1.54 The measured activity concentrations and assessed doses to the critical group are necessarily inclusive of contributions from the combined past and present discharges from all nuclear licensed facilities discharging to the region. A.C.1.55 The evidence from current measurements in the region indicates that a dose to the local community, inclusive of all sources, may be in the regions of some 10s of μSv per year for all pathways together. This observation is deliberately expressed in round terms and is necessarily subject to some uncertainty as the dose estimated for the local critical group has fluctuated over recent years, possibly due to ‘variations in natural radiation’ (Ref. 57). A.C.1.56 The estimate presented above can be compared to that derived by Amec (Ref. 32) who state that “summing the retrospective critical group dose with the direct radiation dose and the future exposures critical group dose (from 50 years of combined discharges from the Hinkley Point Site) results in the total dose for the site of 61 μSv”. In this case, Amec (Ref. 32) include future discharges from both Hinkley point A and Hinkley Point B stations over the operational life of Hinkley Point C, and it is likely that this represents a very conservative estimate. 136 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.2 Radiological Assessment Evidence Base a) Background Radiation A.C2.1 Radiation describes any process in which energy travels through a medium, other than via conduction, or through space. There are two broad classes of radiation: ionizing radiation which comes from radioactive materials (i.e. materials that emit radiation), x-ray machines and non-ionizing radiation (usually electromagnetic radiation) which comes from other sources. For a brief introduction to the concept of radioactivity and the types of radioactive properties which may be encountered, the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA) have produced a booklet entitled ‘What is Radiation’ (Ref. 59) VII. A.C2.2 The Earth, and all living things on it, are constantly bombarded by radiation from outer space (‘cosmic rays’). This radiation primarily consists of positively charged ions from protons to iron and larger nuclei derived from sources outside our solar system. This radiation interacts with atoms in the atmosphere to create secondary radiation, including X-rays, muons, protons, alpha particles, pions, electrons, and neutrons. A.C2.3 Cosmic rays also cause elemental transmutation in the atmosphere, in which secondary radiation generated by the cosmic rays combines with atomic nuclei in the atmosphere to generate different radioactive nuclides. Many so-called cosmogenic nuclides can be produced, but probably the most notable is carbon-14, which is produced by interactions with nitrogen atoms. A.C2.4 Radioactive material is also found throughout nature. It occurs naturally in the soil, rocks, water, air, and vegetation. The major radionuclides of concern for terrestrial radiation are common elements with low-abundance radioactive isotopes, like potassium and carbon, or the long-lived elements uranium and thorium and their decay products. Most of these sources have been decreasing, due to radioactive decay since the formation of the Earth, because there is no significant amount currently transported to the Earth. Thus, the present activity on earth from uranium-238 is only half as much as it originally was because of its 4.5 billion year half-life, and potassium-40 (half life 1.25 billion years) is only at about 8% of original activity. A.C2.5 In addition, many shorter half-life and thus more intensely radioactive isotopes have not decayed out of the terrestrial environment, because they are in the decay chains of long-lived, naturally occurring uranium and thorium. An example of this is radon-222, a decay product of radium-226. A.C2.6 The table below shows how much radiation we typically receive from both natural and manmade sources affecting the UK population. The figures in this table also taken from information published by the HPA. (Ref. 60) (Ref. 61) VII HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 137 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.10: Average Annual Doses to UK Population from all Sources of Radiation Source Dose (mSv) All natural sources (average) 2.2 Made up on average from: natural gamma radiation 0.35 natural cosmic radiation 0.33 naturally radioactive materials internal to our bodies 0.25 naturally occurring radioactive radon gas (a) 1.3 Medical exposure to radiation (X-rays etc.) 0.41 Occupational exposure 0.006 Fallout from earlier nuclear weapons testing 0.006 Products containing radioactivity 0.0001 Discharges from nuclear industry 0.0009 Total (b) 2.7 Key (a) The dose attributed to naturally occurring radon gas varies with location, house construction materials, ventilation rates and other factors. A typical range of 1-6 mSv per year is presented by the HPA (see reference above). (b) Based on variability in the typical dose from naturally occurring radon (see above) a typical total dose to the UK population may vary from 2.3 to 7.3 mSv per year. A.C2.7 The principles of radiological protection (see below) which are applied to licensed activities are based on the limitation of incremental exposures of radiation; that is, the limit is applied over and above any radiation dose which may arise naturally. b) Radiological Protection Criteria A.C2.8 The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) was founded in 1928 as an independent advisory body (Ref. 62) (Ref. 63). The recommendations of the ICRP continue to guide the system for ensuring radiological protection both nationally in the UK and internationally. The approach established by the ICRP in 1990 (Ref. 64), and which continues to apply (Ref. 65) is based on three principles. Justification is the first of these principles and is, in effect, the first assessment hurdle a practice involving the use of radioactive materials must overcome. Justification aims to ensure that no practice is adopted which involves exposure to ionising radiation unless it produces a nett benefit to the exposed individuals or to society as a whole. Optimisation is the second principle underpinning radiological protection. Optimisation requires that radiation doses from any practice that has been justified are reduced to a level ‘as low as is reasonably achievable’ (ALARA). Optimisation involves striking a balance between the efforts required to reduce doses, against the dose reduction these efforts can deliver. In the UK optimisation is a requirement laid on nuclear licensed site operators by the relevant regulatory body. Different regimes in the field of radiological protection use different terminology (for instance, the application of Best Available Techniques – BAT – in 138 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C2.9 England and Wales, or Best Practicable Means – BPM – in Scotland and Northern Ireland) and have their own guidance on this topic, but they all involve making a judgement between options by comparing benefits in terms of safety, environmental protection etc, and costs in terms of time, effort or money. All exposures should be constrained to minimise inequalities arising from risks to any individual or part of society. Limitation is the third principle. Limitation can be regarded as a ‘back stop’. The application of rigorous dose limits ensures that no individual shall be exposed to ionising radiation leading to an unacceptable risk under normal circumstances. Through a Direction, issued by the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions in May 2000 under a provision of the Environment Act (1995), the Environment Agency is tasked with specific requirements in relation to the implementation of the Euratom Basic Safety Standards Directive [96/29/EURATOM] within England and Wales. An equivalent Direction was issued by the Scottish Ministers to the Scottish Environment Protection Agency. A.C2.10 The dose limit for members of the public in the UK is 1 mSv per year. With the exception of medical exposures VIII, no activity is permitted to give rise to discharges which would cause exceedence of this limit. The dose limit applies to the sum of current and past licensed activities. A.C2.11 Where there are multiple sites in close proximity, it is important to ensure that the overall dose to members of the public remains below the dose limit of 1 mSv per year. Accordingly, the Direction referenced above includes the requirement on the agencies to: “have regard to the following maximum doses to individuals which may result from a defined source, for use at the planning stage in radiation protection 0.3 millisieverts per year from any source from which radioactive discharges are first made on or after 13th May 2000; or 0.5 millisieverts per year from the discharges from any single site.” A.C2.12 For public exposure, the single source dose constraint of 0.3mSv per year for new facilities is an upper bound on the annual doses that members of the public should receive from the planned operation of any controlled source. The dose constraint places a restriction on the annual dose to an individual from a particular source in order to ensure that when aggregated with doses from all sources, excluding natural background and medical procedures, the dose limit is not exceeded. The application of modern standards may lead to the regulators indicating more challenging (i.e. numerically smaller, or more constraining) dose constraints A.C2.13 There is no lower limit on doses below which the general requirement for optimisation does not apply. Nonetheless, DECC and the Welsh Assembly Government (Ref. 27) have issued Statutory Guidance to the Environment Agency for England and Wales which includes the provision that, “where the prospective dose to the most exposed group of members of the public is below 10 μSv/y from overall discharges …the Environment Agency should not seek to reduce further the discharge limits in place, provided that the holder of the authorisation applies and continues to apply BAT”. IX VIII Separate guidance and constraints apply to medical exposures (both diagnostic and therapeutic) and to the exposure of carers. The Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations 2000. Statutory Instrument No. 1059 IX In England and Wales, this supersedes the value of 20 μSv per year set out in Cmnd 2919. This modification is not reflected in the corresponding Statutory Guidance from the Scottish Government to the SEPA. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 139 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL c) Routes of Radiological Exposure A.C2.14 The potential routes by which people could be exposed to radiation, and hence receive a radiation dose are: external radiation from certain types of radioactive materials, which could affect people in close proximity; and internal radiation from radioactive materials that, once released, are in a form that means they could be inhaled or could enter the food chain and therefore be eaten or drunk. A.C2.15 The fundamental dosimetric quantity in radiological protection is the absorbed dose, with units of joules per kilogram, referred to as the gray (Gy). One gray is the absorption of one joule of energy, in the form of ionizing radiation, by one kilogram of matter. 1 Gy = 1 J per kg [= 1 m2 s-2] A.C2.16 Absorbed dose is a physical quantity which does not reflect fully the possible biological effects of ionising radiation. A.C2.17 The unit for expressing the degree of exposure of people to radiation that reflects the level of relevant damage to cellular DNA was introduced in the radiological impact assessment as the sievert (Sv). It was noted that the Sv is a relatively complex unit which reflects the relevant biological impact or ‘equivalent dose’ to tissue from the adsorbed (or physical) dose. It was further noted that it is frequent to use the smaller units of millisievert (1 mSv = 10–3 Sv) and microsievert (1 μSv = 10–6 Sv), as this reflects the order of magnitude range of doses most frequently encountered within environmental radiological protection studies. A.C2.18 The equivalent dose to a tissue (Sv) is determined by multiplying the absorbed dose (Gy) by a dimensionless "quality factor" or “relative biological effectiveness” factor X (Q), dependent upon radiation type, and by another dimensionless factor N, dependent on all other pertinent factors. Together, Q and N constitute the radiation weighting factor, WR. 1 Sv [= 1 J/kg = 1 m2/s2 = 1 m2•s–2] = 1 Gy x wR A.C2.19 Although the sievert has the same dimensions as the gray, it measures a different quantity. For a given amount of adsorbed radiation, the biological effect can vary considerably as a result of the radiation weighting factor WR. This variation in effect is attributed to the Linear Energy Transfer (LET) of the type of radiation (related to the density of the ionisations caused), creating a different radiation weighting factor for each type of radiation under consideration. A.C2.20 As shown below, the ICRP (Ref. 65) (Ref. 66) have recommended different radiation weighting factors for different types of radiation. Table A.C.11: Radiation Weighting Factors for Different types of Radiation Radiation Type Radiation Weighting Factor WR Photons 1 Electrons and muons 1 Protons and charged pions 2 Alpha particles, fission fragments, heavy ions 20 Neutrons A continuous function of neutron energy X The relative biological effectiveness may be referred to as RBE. For simplicity, we are referring here to the quality factor Q, which is well established within the terminology employed to assess doses. 140 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C2.21 Where organs are irradiated, a whole body effective dose can be determined using organ specific weighting factors (Wt). As described in Section 5, the effective dose is the tissueweighted sum of equivalent doses, and is used to compare the absorbed doses of radiation received from different radiations by different tissues. The following values are currently recommended by ICRP (2007, and see the review of Wrixon 2008). Table A.C.12: ICRP Effective Dose Recommendations Tissue Tissue Weighted Factor (Wt) Sum of Tissue Weighted Factors (ΣWt) Bone-marrow (red), colon, lung, stomach, breast, remainder tissues (a) 0.12 0.72 Gonads 0.08 0.08 Bladder, oesophagus, liver, thyroid 0.04 0.16 Bone surface, brain, salivary 0.01 0.04 Total Key 1 (a) Remainder tissues: Adrenals, extrathoracic (ET) region, gall bladder, heart, kidneys, lymphatic nodes, muscle, oral mucosa, pancreas, prostate (♂), small intestine, spleen, thymus, uterus/cervix (♀). A.C2.22 The intention underlying the expression of radiation exposure as sieverts (or its derivative fractions) is to simplify the comparison of radiation doses from the different types of radiation. Thus, one mSv of radiation in a particular tissue has the same biological effect on people irrespective of whether the originating radiation is alpha, beta or gamma. A.C2.23 The ICRP publish, and regularly update, dose coefficients which represent the dose (Sv) to an individual per unit intake (Bq) by either ingestion or inhalation. The dose coefficients are expressed inclusive of radiation weighting factors and are expressed separately for different age groups. A.C2.24 The most recent update of the dose coefficients are available as a compilation published in CD format. Details are available from the ICRP website XI. A.C2.25 Dose coefficients referred to in this report are taken from the latest recommendations of the ICRP. d) Determining Radiological Dose A.C2.26 The human health impact from radiation exposure has been studied over a long period. Such work is reviewed regularly by international and national scientific bodies. These bodies maintain their scientific independence from Governments and from commercial interests. A.C2.27 Over the many years that the subject has been studied, it has become established that the determination of radiation dose (see above) may then be used to calculate the potential health XI Available at: ICRP Publications (including compilation CDs) are available at a cost. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 141 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL effects to an individual. The derivation of dose-risk factors is, again, recommended by bodies such as the ICRP and endorsed by national authorities. A.C2.28 Among the most important sources of information are the various studies of people who have been exposed to radiation. This includes studies of those who have been exposed through their jobs (such as hospital radiographers or nuclear industry workers) or through such major events as the atomic weapons explosions at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan. International groups of scientists collaborate on this work and several bodies have developed a worldwide reputation as authoritative sources of advice. These include the ICRP (Ref. 64) (Ref. 65) (Ref. 67) (Ref. 68) (Ref. 69), the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR ) (Ref. 70), the Committee on the Biological Effects of Ionizing Radiations (BEIR) of the US National Research Council and, in the UK, the Health Protection Agency (which now incorporates what was previously known as the National Radiological Protection Board). A.C2.29 It is acknowledged in all scientific disciplines that there will always remain room for refining theories and for reducing the remaining levels of uncertainty. Nonetheless, it is fair to say that on the basis of reviews of information to date, the health risks associated with exposure to radiation are reasonably well understood and are certainly commensurate with determining health impacts relevant to the current radiological protection criteria. A.C2.30 It was noted in the radiological Health Impact Appraisal that exposure to ionising radiation gives rise to two types of health effects: deterministic effects and stochastic effects. A.C2.31 Deterministic effects occur only above certain threshold doses. Stochastic effects are thought to be effects for which there is no dose threshold. A.C2.32 The approach to radiological protection is designed to eliminate all deterministic effects. A.C2.33 The relationship between the probability of the occurrence of a stochastic health effect (the response) and the level of exposure to radiation (the dose) at the low levels of radiation exposure routinely experienced at work or in the environment is assumed, for the purposes of radiological protection, to be linear no-threshold (LNT) – put simply, the response is assumed to be directly proportional to the dose with no threshold dose below which the effect does not occur. This approach is taken because it is believed to be prudent and so is likely to err in the direction of caution; it is also an approach that has the considerable merit of practicality for those managing radiation protection. A.C2.34 Two types of stochastic health effect are of concern to radiological protection: cancer in the exposed individual and hereditary disease in the individual’s descendents. A.C2.35 Studies have shown that the risk of the exposed individual developing cancer is relatively much larger than the risk of heritable effects in their descendants. The ICRP (Ref. 65) has assessed the risk coefficients (the additional risk over a person’s lifetime per unit radiation dose received) for low dose and/or low dose-rate exposure to be as follows. 142 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL Table A.C.13: Cancer and Heritable Risk Factors Exposed Population (a) Risk of Cancer Induction (per Sv) (b) Heritable Effects (per Sv) (b) Total Health Detriment (per Sv) All Ages 5.5% 0.2% 5.7% Adults 4.1% 0.1% 4.2% Key (a) The differences between the risk factors for the whole population and those for the adult population alone are due to the higher sensitivity of children to radiation-induced cancer and the fact that younger people have a greater potential period for reproduction and passing on heritable effects. (b) These risk coefficients are weighted to take account of the severity of the health outcome, providing a measure of the health detriment arising from exposure to radiation. A.C2.36 These factors are not exact. They are nominal risk coefficients derived for the purposes of making decisions on radiological protection not for predicting precise numbers of health effects in a specific population. As described in Section 5, the effective dose is the tissue-weighted sum of equivalent doses, and is used to compare the absorbed doses of radiation received from different radiations by different tissues. A.C2.37 The Health protection Agency have published their commentary on the recommendations of the ICRP (Ref. 71). A.C2.38 Significant effort has been expended in recent years to quantify the uncertainty associated with these risk estimates. These uncertainty analyses take account of a range of possible contributions including, for example, variations to the assumption of the LNT relationship at low doses/dose-rates (see above). Overall, these indicate that the uncertainty in the coefficients tabulated is unlikely to be more than a factor of two in either direction (i.e. the “true” risk coefficients are likely to lie within a range from half to twice the risk coefficients adopted by the ICRP). This does not mean to say that the uncertainty cannot be smaller or larger for a particular set of exposure circumstances, but that the overall risk coefficients upon which the framework of radiological protection is based will be accurate within a factor of around two. e) Critical Groups/Representative Person A.C2.39 In order to calculate potential doses to members of the public the concept of identifying a ‘critical group’ or ‘representative person’ is applied. The characteristics used to define the relevant member(s) of the public are based on observation but are not intended to represent an actual individual. Rather, it is a convenient way of describing a set of characteristics which taken together provide a reasonable upper estimate on the actual doses likely to be incurred. There are two important parameters within this statement. The first is that the set of characteristics must be reasonable. That is, the sum of all occupancy data for a person cannot exceed real time availability (for instance, total daily occupancy of areas at work, at home, in leisure pursuits etc. cannot exceed 24 hours in a day). Likewise, food intakes must be sustainable based on calorific considerations. Second, the characteristics provide an upper estimate on exposure applicable for the facility and region. It is not intended to derive the maximum conceivable dose which could be incurred (for instance by assuming a dwelling place which is, in fact, inaccessible). A.C2.40 Information used to define the habits of people living in the vicinity of a nuclear site, and who could be affected by it, can be drawn from local surveys or from national datasets. In practice, a combination of both approaches is often made. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 143 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C2.41 Local surveys may identify nearest points of habitation, frequency of use of areas such as beaches or land near to the facility (whether for work related activities such as fishing or farming, or for leisure pursuits such as jogging or dog walking). They may also identify consumption patterns, including the use of food sources characteristic for the region. A.C2.42 National data may be used to augment local information. For instance, if young children do not happen to be dwelling in the immediate vicinity at a particular time, it is evident that the situation may change. Characteristics representative of such a group may then be drawn from other sources. A.C2.43 Assumptions relating to the sourcing of foods are also intended to represent reasonable upper conditions. This means that local foods (that is, food produced within a km or so of the facility, including garden produce) are assumed to be consumed wherever practicable. For instance, potatoes, most vegetables, meat, fish and shellfish can be assumed to be derived from the local area. Certain foods are very unlikely to be sourced solely from local produce, including bread (since flour is almost always derived from a broader region than is intended to be covered by the ‘local’ definition). Other foods, such as milk, may be derived locally, although it is increasingly rare for non-bulk milk to be consumed. A.C2.44 Consumption of ‘wild foods’ may also be included within the defined set of characteristics. This may include hedgerow fruits, berries and mushrooms, as well as wildfowl and other game. A.C2.45 The hypothetical group of people following these habits has, in the past, been termed the “critical group”. This approach originates from the ICRP and is one that has been adopted over several decades as part of the approach to radiation protection. However, in their most recent guidance, ICRP has advised that the term “representative person” should be used in place of “critical group” to avoid any potential misunderstanding arising from the terminology. A.C2.46 In practice, the terms critical group and representative person are interchangeable. Consequently, previous references to critical groups are not updated to reflect the current terminology. f) Collective Dose A.C2.47 The “collective dose” for a particular group of people from a particular source of radiation means the sum of all the individual doses that each person receives as a result of exposure to that source. The unit of collective dose is the “man-sievert”, which emphasises that it is a summated unit. A.C2.48 Collective dose can be a useful parameter where optimisation of radiological protection is being undertaken, especially in situations where there are judgements to be made about alternative approaches which could result in numbers of people being exposed to radiation at a range of different levels. A.C2.49 It is not intended that collective doses should be derived in order to express an overall risk assessment to a population which is individually exposed to very low doses. The ICRP (Ref. 65) guidance on use of the collective dose is reproduced below. “The collective effective dose quantity is an instrument for optimisation, for comparing radiological technologies and protection procedures, predominantly in the context of occupational exposure. Collective effective dose is not intended as a tool for epidemiological risk assessment, and it is inappropriate to use it in risk projections. The aggregation of very low individual doses over extended time periods is inappropriate, and in particular, the calculation of the number of cancer deaths based on collective effective doses from trivial individual doses should be avoided.” 144 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C2.50 The prospective doses from construction of a new facility at Hinkley Point have been estimated as being of the order of 5 μSv per year, possibly less, in the radiological Health Impact Appraisal. This dose is less than 0.25% of the typical naturally occurring background dose received in the UK and is taken to fall within the meaning of ‘very low’ dose as referred to by the ICRP. For this reason, individual doses have not been aggregated within this assessment in order to derive a collective dose. To do so would, in our opinion, conflict with internationally recognised good practice. g) Basis for Predictive Assessments A.C2.51 It was noted in the radiological health impact that an effective stack height around 20-25 m was assumed for the purposes of dispersion modelling. Amec (Ref. 32) report that reasonably complex modelling was undertaken using the ADMS dispersion modelling code to determine an optimum actual stack height of 70 m for each of the EPR units. For the next stage of the modelling undertaken by Amec (2010), using PC CREAM 98 (see below) an effective stack height approximately 1/3 of the actual stack height was used. This is a conventional assumption (in the absence of better information) and is considered to be reasonably conservative. A.C2.52 The impact assessment presented by Amec (Ref. 32) was undertaken using the PC CREAM 98 software tool. PC CREAM is available from the HPA and comprises a suite of 6 programmes (ASSESSOR, DORIS, PLUME, FARMLAND, RESUS, and GRANIS) for modelling the transfer of radionuclides through the environment and calculating the dose to individuals and the population from exposure to these nuclides. PC CREAM is a standard assessment tool used extensively in the UK and elsewhere. A.C2.53 HPA has recently made available a new version of the radiological impact assessment software ‘PC CREAM 08’. This updates the previous version. PC CREAM 08 differs from its predecessor in a number of ways, including a new user interface, better treatment of daughter radionuclides, the addition of some improved models (marine dispersion model for European waters and fruit model) and widespread updates to the model input parameters. However, HPA have issued the following advice on their websiteXII. “Users should note that a bug has been found in the user interface of PC-CREAM 08 which may affect the discharges used in the calculation of collective and individual doses arising from atmospheric discharges. The error may occur when selecting discharges in the ASSESSOR atmospheric modules because the system picks up discharges from the selected PLUME run and these are sometimes allocated to the wrong radionuclides. The simplest way around this is to only enter unit discharges in PLUME. An upgrade to solve this problem will be available soon.” A.C2.54 The continued use of PC CREAM 98 (as referenced in this report) is not unreasonable, although it is clear that future assessments are likely to be undertaken using PC CREAM 08, subject to the cautionary note above. A.C2.55 A description of the models used in PC-CREAM 08 is available on the HPA website XIII. The model is available on a commercial basis from the HPA. A.C2.56 Both default and user defined parameters can be used within PC CREAM to estimate doses to the representative person. XII XIII HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 145 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C.3 Health Concerns Linking Cancer Incidence and Exposure to Low Level Radiation A.C3.1 A number of concerns have been raised about the health of communities around Hinkley Point, particularly in the Burnham area. Specifically, a number of reports have been produced by the group Green AuditXIV, indicating elevated risks of breast cancer (Ref. 72), prostate cancer (Ref. 73), childhood leukaemia (Ref. 74) and other cancers. The causative factor has been associated with discharges of low level radioactive effluents to the environment from the nuclear power stations at Hinkley Point (Ref. 74). The methodology of these studies has been criticised by the independent Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (Ref. 75) (Ref. 76) (Ref. 77) and by CERRIE (Ref. 78). Nonetheless, similar concerns have been raised from time with respect to other nuclear installations in the UK, and elsewhere. To date, the balance of scientific evidence leans heavily towards the conclusion that levels of radioactivity encountered in the environment resulting from the operation of licensed nuclear facilities cannot be identified as the cause of observable increased risks of cancer incidence or mortality. A.C3.2 A summary of some of the general concerns and issues raised over the past 25 years or so, and the scientific responses to these concerns, is presented below. The following section also summarises evidence from the scientific community concerning cancer incidence within the Burnham population and other areas in the vicinity of Hinkley Point. a) Incidence Rates of Leukaemia – A Brief Overview of UK and International Studies A.C3.3 In November 1983 the TV documentary “Windscale – the Nuclear Laundry” identified an excess in cases of childhood leukaemia in the West Cumbrian coastal village of Seascale, adjacent to the Sellafield nuclear complex XV. This naturally caused concern to the local population, and the implication from the programme makers was clear: radioactive discharges from Sellafield had been responsible. A.C3.4 The Government immediately established an independent expert inquiry, chaired by Sir Douglas Black, to examine the claim. The report of the inquiry was published in July 1984 (Ref. 79). In essence, that report confirmed that a cluster of childhood leukaemia had occurred in Seascale, but that the amounts of radioactive material discharged from Sellafield were more than one hundred times too small to be responsible. A.C3.5 Further reports of childhood leukaemia near nuclear installations followed, including an excess of cases around the Dounreay facility in Caithness, Scotland (the site of the only other largescale fuel reprocessing plant in Britain). Taken together with revisions that had to be made to the Sellafield discharge record, this again raised health concerns. There were suggestions that radiation exposures had been much greater than previously assessed and that the risk of childhood leukaemia from radiation had been seriously underestimated. XIV “Green Audit was founded in 1992 as an environmental consultancy and review organisation with the aim of monitoring the performance of companies and organizations whose activities might threaten the environment and the health of citizens.” ( XV The nuclear site at Sellafield was originally known as “Windscale and Calder Works”. In 1981 British Nuclear Fuels limited reverted to the name for the wartime ordnance factory of Sellafield as part of a major reorganisation of the site. An enclave within the site, which remained under the ownership of the United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, retained the Windscale name. The 1983 TV documentary, and much of the media coverage since that time, uses the term Windscale in the broadest sense to encompass the entire site and its associated activities. 146 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C3.6 Substantial research followed during the 1980s, overseen by the independent expert Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment (COMARE). The first report by COMARE was published in 1986 (Ref. 78). In that report, the Committee concluded that additional information relating to discharges of radioactivity from Sellafield did not change the essential conclusions of the Black report. All reports and statements from COMARE are available for download free of charge from their website XVI. A.C3.7 By 1990, an effective scientific consensus had been reached that direct exposure to radioactive material discharged from nuclear installations could not be responsible for the reported clusters of leukaemia. Nevertheless, there was continued and understandable concern that the observed excess incidence of leukaemia around a number of nuclear installations was not coincidental, and further research was undertaken. A.C3.8 In 1990, Professor Martin Gardner and his colleagues proposed a possible explanation for the Seascale cluster, based on an epidemiological study they had conducted in West Cumbria (Ref. 81). Among many potential factors they had studied, radiation exposure of fathers working at Sellafield before the conception of their children was statistically associated with the incidence of childhood leukaemia. At the same time, other scientific evidence did not support the suggestion that the relationship was a causal one: whilst a statistical association existed in West Cumbria between childhood leukaemia and radiation exposure of fathers, overall the evidence did not suggest a cause-and-effect explanation. A.C3.9 A causal interpretation of Gardner’s statistical association became more unlikely when the same finding was not confirmed by other similar studies using independent data. For example, an excess of childhood leukaemia was not observed in the offspring of survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and it was found not to account for the excess of cases around Dounreay. Moreover, no increased rate of childhood leukaemia was found among children of the much greater number of Sellafield fathers who lived outside the village of Seascale. A.C3.10 In 2001, an independent Committee Examining Radiation Risks of Internal Emitters (CERRIE) was established following concerns related to radiation from radioactive material deposited within the body. That committee operated through to 2004. The scientific evidence on which it based its findings, together with minutes of its meetings, reports received in workshops and papers tabled at its committee meetings, are all available for download free of charge from the CERRIE website. The concluding report of that committee, which was published in 2004, summarised studies to the end of 2003 as follows: “Rates of leukaemia and other cancers in young people living near Sellafield and Dounreay nuclear plants have been the subject of detailed investigations; see COMARE (Ref. 83) (Ref. 84) (Ref. 85) (Ref. 86). Studies have also been conducted around various other UK nuclear installations situated on the coast or near estuaries. For example, Bithell et al (Ref. 87) examined rates of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL) during 1966–1987 at ages 0–14 years in the proximity of 23 nuclear installations in England and Wales, many of which were in coastal or estuarine locations. There was no evidence of an increase in leukaemia and NHL with 25 km of the sites, or of a general increase in rates with increasing proximity to the sites, as measured by a linear trend test. The only sites for which this trend test gave statistically significant results were Sellafield (on the coast of West Cumbria) and Burghfield (inland). A corresponding analysis for Scotland showed no evidence of a general increase of leukaemia and NHL years during 1968–1993 at ages 0–14 near nuclear sites there (Ref. 88). There were statistically significant increases XVI [Note that some of the early reports are not available in their full version, but summaries of the main findings are available for download.] HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 147 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL within 25 km of Dounreay (observed/expected (O/E) = 1.99), Chapelcross (O/E = 1.08) and Rosyth (O/E = 1.02), all of which are located on the coast or near estuaries, although the linear test for trend in risk with proximity to the sites did not give statistically significant results.” A.C3.11 It seems fair to conclude that by the end of the 1990s the idea that childhood leukaemia clusters might be the result of radiation exposure of fathers was effectively abandoned and by the early 2000s no other credible radiation-related causative factor had been identified (Ref. 89). A.C3.12 Recently, the findings of a case-control study of cancer in young children less than 5 years of age living in the vicinity of nuclear power stations in Germany have been published (Ref. 90) (Ref. 91). It was reported that, at the time of diagnosis, young children affected by cancer tended to live closer to the stations than young children free of cancer – a result that was essentially due to leukaemia among young children resident within 5 km of a nuclear power plant. The authors themselves note (Ref. 91) that the findings do not appear to be consistent with most international studies and that they cannot exclude the possibility that the observation is due to chance XVII. A.C3.13 A study of young children living within 5 km of a French nuclear installation (Ref. 92) (Ref. 93) XVIII found no increase in the rate of leukaemia, although this study did not consider nuclear power stations separately. Nevertheless, the German findings prompted a reanalysis of the data used in the COMARE Tenth Report (Ref. 94) to examine childhood cancer around British nuclear installations (95). A.C3.14 The UK researchers followed the structure of the German study as closely as possible, although the British study was a geographical correlation study rather than a case-control study. This study found that the rate of leukaemia among young children living within 5 km of a British nuclear power station was slightly raised, but that this increase was well within the fluctuation in the rate that could be expected by chance alone. A.C3.15 Given that the preceding information tends to negate a causative link between discharges of low level radioactive effluents from nuclear facilities, it is reasonable to ask whether any credible explanation has been proposed for the observed excesses of childhood leukaemia near certain nuclear installations. A.C3.16 An idea that has been discussed for many years, but which has been developed significantly since the late-1980s, is that infections play a major role in the development of childhood leukaemia. In the unusual conditions where previously isolated, largely rural, communities undergo substantial population mixing it is possible that infective processes may result in raised risks of developing leukaemia. Such conditions appear to have existed in both West Cumbria and Caithness in the 1950s, when large nuclear facilities were constructed and considerable recruitment to the workforce was undertaken from outside the local area. Subsequent major expansion of the sites ensured that population mixing continued to occur throughout the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s. A.C3.17 Professor Leo Kinlen suggested that childhood leukaemia is a rare response to a common (but as yet unidentified) infection (Ref 96). Where unusual patterns of urban-rural population mixing occur (such as identified above) there may be an associated enhancement of the rare response, childhood leukaemia, brought about by appreciable numbers of susceptible children encountering the relevant infection introduced by infected individuals. The evidence for a statistical association between large-scale rural-urban population mixing and an increased XVII XVIII . 148 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL incidence of childhood leukaemia has continued to be investigated and a recent review of studies conducted over the decade or more following publication of Kinlen’s hypothesis, suggests that the association is well established (Ref.97). A.C3.18 Professor Mel Greaves has suggested that it is an abnormal and delayed response to exposure of the immune system of a young child to a broad range of common infective agents that increases the risk of childhood leukaemia (Ref 98). Circumstances encouraging the prevention of exposure to infections in the early years of life, such as the social isolation of the community and/or the child, increase the risk of the disease. A.C3.19 The village of Seascale and the area around Dounreay have undoubtedly been exceptionally unusual communities over many years, with a high socio-economic class, mobile population within a previously geographically isolated area. Likewise, areas immediately surrounding a number of German nuclear power stations are likely to be atypical in that they are rural but dependent economically on a large industrial installation. A.C3.20 It is also becoming increasingly apparent that the background risk of childhood leukaemia throughout Great Britain is far from uniform, and that clusters are a natural result of this geographically variable risk (Ref. 99). A.C3.21 It cannot yet be stated with certainty that infection is a major factor in the risk of childhood leukaemia, but many studies have now pointed to the importance of infective patterns in determining the risk of childhood leukaemia. As a broader picture of leukaemia incidence is emerging it seems clear that clustering is associated with social factors and that it is unlikely that that there is a causative link to discharges of low level radioactive effluents to the environment. b) Incidence of Cancer around Hinkley Point A.C3.22 The South West Cancer Intelligence Service (SWCIS) was asked by Somerset Coast Primary Care Trust (PCT) to look at the incidence of cancer in the wards of Burnham North, Burnham South, Highbridge and Berrow (Ref. 100). A.C3.23 The PCT was responding to local concerns following the publication of the results of a survey conducted by Green Audit in Burnham North (Ref. 74) (Ref. 101), which claimed to have identified an increased incidence of cancers of the female breast, kidney and cervix and of leukaemia. A hypothesis had been proposed by Green Audit suggesting that these increased incidence rates were attributable to exposure of the population of Burnham North to airborne dust particles contaminated with radioactivity from the Hinkley Point Nuclear Power Station. A.C3.24 The SWCIS study found no significant correlation between the Standardised Registration Ratio (SRR) by ward for all cancers combined or lung cancer or leukaemia alone and distance from Hinkley Point or the mudflats on the River Parrett. Similarly the study has found no evidence that the overall incidence of cancer in Burnham North or Berrow is higher than expected. The SRR for leukaemia (all types combined) was significantly raised in Burnham North. However, this group comprised several different types of leukaemia – half of which were Chronic Lymphocytic Leukaemia (CLL), a cancer for which there is no scientific evidence of a link to ionising radiation. Similarly high incidence rates for all leukaemias combined are found elsewhere in Somerset and the South West. Expert advice cited in the SWCIS study is that variations in registration rates for CLL – a cancer frequently detected on routine blood tests in people with no cancer specific symptoms – are most likely to be due to differences in rates of case ascertainment. A.C3.25 In Burnham South and Highbridge the overall SRR for cancer was significantly raised but this was largely accounted for by a high breast cancer incidence rate in 1999. This followed a round of breast screening in these areas. SWCIS note that similar patterns of temporary increased incidence have been found in other areas following breast screening. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 149 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL A.C3.26 SWCIS has found no evidence of increased risk of cancer linked to radiation in these wards. A.C3.27 These results were presented to the Committee on Medical Aspects of Radiation in the Environment COMARE. The Committee agreed that the study showed no evidence of a link between exposure to radiation from Hinkley Point Power Nuclear Station and increased incidence of cancer in the Burnham areaXIX. A.C3.28 Further comment has been provided by CERRIE. They noted that: “In reports by Green Audit, Busby et al (Ref. 101) concluded that there was a statistical significant excess of mortality from several types of cancer, including female breast cancer and prostate cancer, in the proximity of Hinkley Point nuclear power station in Somerset. In contrast to some other studies around nuclear installations, the focus of this analysis was not the power station itself but rather a point on mud flats, close to Burnham-on-Sea, around which concentric circles were drawn. The reason for selecting this precise location is not entirely clear. Furthermore, because of the high cure rate of breast cancer, the interpretation of findings for mortality is problematic. Busby et al (Ref. 101) reported a significant excess of breast cancer mortality in the ward of Burnham North, although there was no excess of breast cancer deaths in the other wards adjacent to the mud flats. In a subsequent Green Audit report, Busby and Rowe (Ref. 102) reported the results of a household survey of the Burnham North ward. The authors claimed that there were excesses of cancer of the breast, kidney and uterine cervix and of leukaemia associated with exposure to man-made radioactivity via the local estuarine sands, related to operations at Hinkley Point nuclear power station. However, a study by the South West Cancer Intelligence Service, described by COMARE (Ref. 76), showed that the Green Audit study only covered a small sample of the cases arising in the ward. In contrast, the complete cancer registration data set for the ward the data showed no cancer excess, other than for leukaemia. When this excess of leukaemia cases was studied, the majority of the extra cases proved to be chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), a cancer not considered by previous investigators to be associated with exposure to radiation.” A.C3.29 Additional CERRIE comments on the Green Audit report further, establish that ‘the report is technically flawed and the analytical methodology is highly suspect. The findings cannot be considered reliable’ (Ref. 78). A.C3.30 The repeated evidence that low discharges of radioactive effluents to the environment do not cause elevated rates of cancer in the population is reassuring. Nonetheless, As previously noted, Prof Kinlen raised a hypothesis that elevated rates of childhood leukaemia incidence may represent a rare response to a common (but as yet unidentified) infection, and that circumstances encouraging the prevention of exposure to infections in the early years of life, such as social isolation, increase the risk of the disease when significant ‘population mixing’ occurs. A.C3.31 This raises the understandable question as to whether some cancer incidence in Burnham and other communities in the vicinity of Hinkley Point may be attributable to a cause or causes linked to the power stations; if not directly resulting from radioactive discharges. A.C3.32 In this context, the communities around Hinkley Point are not considered to be socially isolated. XIX 150 | HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL c) Conclusion A.C3.33 The best available scientific evidence does not support the view that discharges of low level radioactive materials to the environment are linked causally to an unusual incidence of cancers in local populations. This includes the incidence of childhood leukaemia which is acknowledged to demonstrate an uneven distribution, including some instances of clustering near nuclear installations. A.C3.34 There is evidence that the incidence of childhood leukaemia may be elevated where population mixing occurs between previously isolated (susceptible rural) communities and urban (well mixed) communities. This may represent an abnormal response to a common infectious agent. A.C3.35 It is reasonable to conclude that the population in the vicinity of Hinkley Point is currently well mixed in nature, due to good communications with other areas of the country. Such well mixed populations have not been shown to be associated with any increased incidence of childhood leukaemia. HINKLEY POINT C PRE-APPLICATION CONSULTATION – STAGE 2 | 151 HEALTH IMPACT APPRAISAL
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