Institut Mittag-Leffler 2014 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Photo front: Apollonian Circle Packings (Maria Weiss) 2 Content Activity Report ....................................................... 2 Contributors........................................................... 4 Research Programs .............................................. 5 Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Computing, spring - Scientific report 5 Organizing committee ........................................... 6 Participants spring ................................................. 7 Seminars ............................................................... 9 Preprints .............................................................. 12 Homogenization and Random Phenomenon, fall - Scientific report 14 Organizing committee ..................................... 15 Participants fall .................................................... 16 Seminars ............................................................. 18 Preprints .............................................................. 20 Participants from and in the Nordic Countries...... 21 Random Matrices and Jacobi operators, May - Scientific report 22 Organizing committee ..................................... 22 Participants ......................................................... 22 Modern aspects of the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-function and its multidimensional analogues, May - Scientific report ............... 23 Organizing committee ..................................... 24 Participants ......................................................... 24 Kleindagarna 2014, June - Scientific report25 Organizing committee ..................................... 25 Participants ......................................................... 26 Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Finance, June - Scientific report 26 Organizing committee ..................................... 27 Participants ......................................................... 27 Apollonian Circle Packings, July - Scientific report 28 Organizing committee ..................................... 29 Participants ......................................................... 29 Effective equations in Mathematical Physics, July - Scientific report 30 Organizing committee ..................................... 30 Participants ......................................................... 31 Participants from and in the Nordic Countries...... 32 Publications ......................................................... 33 Acta Mathematica................................................ 33 Library and historical archive ............................... 34 The board of Institut Mittag-Leffler ....................... 35 Administration ..................................................... 35 Bilaga Förvalningsberättelse……………………….36 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Activity Report Institut Mittag-Leffler is an international research institute for mathematics with a Nordic basis. It was founded in 1916 by Professor Gösta Mittag-Leffler and his wife Signe, who donated their magnificent villa with its first-class library for the purpose of creating the Institute that bears their name. The Institute is today an active international center for front-line research in the mathematical sciences, operating under the auspices of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. It enjoys the economic support of national funding agencies from all the Nordic countries, as well as of some private foundations. The main activities at the Institute are the research programs, workshops, summer schools, Klein days for high school teachers and the publication of two research journals Acta Mathematica and Arxiv för Matematik. The Institute conducts semester-long programs aimed at research in some area in pure or applied mathematics of current interest. Each research program is led by an organizing committee. Based on the recommendations of this committee the Institute invites senior and junior mathematicians to come and work together at the Institute. The senior participants are chosen among the internationally leading mathematicians in the given area. To the junior participants, typically recent Ph.D. students, we offer fellowships, open to everyone to apply for. Mathematicians from the Nordic countries are given a slight priority. We make, however, sure that scientific caliber and a good mixture of talents and backgrounds have top priority, to optimize the creative environment at the Institute. Detailed reports and documentation on the 2014 programs can be found later in this report. See also our web pages at An aspect of the programs that is emphasized is to provide good postdoctoral training to the junior participants. Special seminars and mini-courses are given specifically for them. During summer 2013 the Institute organized six conferences and a summer school. The summer school was a female school organized jointly with the Committee Women in Mathematics of the European Mathematical Society (EMS). The conferences were extremely successful attracting best experts in the respective fields. The female summer school was really excellent. It was been agreed with the EMS that we continue organizing such activities every second year. In addition to area-specific research programs, conferences and summer schools, the Institute has the RIP program (Research in Peace), which provides a stimulating environment for research in Mathematics either by individuals or small groups of scientists. For such a program we allocated 2014 two weeks during summer time. Together with the National Centre for Mathematics Education (NCM) the Institute organizes “Kleindagarna” – training workshop for high school teachers in mathematics. This was already the fourth year meeting. Financial support from Brummer & Partners was highly appreciated. All together the Institute hosted 345 participants during the year 2014. The Institute publishes two journals, Acta Mathematica (founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882) and Arkiv för matematik (founded in 1903). Information about the journals is given later in this report, as well as on our web pages Acta Mathematica is generally considered to be one of the leading international mathematics research journals. Institut Mittag-Leffler is an active participant in international scientific life. It participates in international networks of mathematics research institutes. For instance, we belong to ERCOM (European Research Centers on Mathematics), a network of European sister institutes. We also belong 2 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS to EPDI (European Post-Doctoral Institute), a collaboration between 9 institutes for jointly awarding postdoctoral fellowships to Europe's most promising young mathematicians. In order to consolidate Institute’s links with the community of Nordic mathematicians, the Institute in 2012 initiated a meeting of Head of the major mathematic departments of the Nordic countries. This meeting led to a fruitful exchange of experiences and views. For the Institute such a meeting provides direct links with our colleagues allowing to us deliver important information about our activities providing a feedback of needs that are important for mathematics in the Nordic countries. At the meeting in 2014, besides the heads of mathematic departments, we also had representatives from Nordic Research Councils. This led to some interesting ideas how we all promote Mathematics in Nordic countries. During the autumn 2014 the Institute renovated three remaining flats that were originally built in 1968. The quality of our guest accommodation was improved substantially. We were able to do it due to generous support from the Wallenberg foundation. The staff of the Institute does a wonderful job. Visitors from abroad often express their admiration how such a many-facetted operation can be run, and run so well, by so few individuals. Among our special guests this year were Sylvia Serfaty (Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University), Juerg Fröhlich (Zurich), Elliott Lieb (Princeton) and William Fulton (Michigan) Institut Mittag-Leffler extends its warm gratitude to all organizations and individuals who via grants and contributions of various kinds have made the work of the Institute possible during the year 2014. Ari Laptev, Director 3 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Contributors The Institute's activities are financed by income from the Mittag-Leffler Mathematical foundation, and by grants from research councils and foundations. The Institute is very grateful to the following organizations and individuals for contributions and support during 2014: The Swedish Research Council, VR Academy of Finland Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation The Icelandic Centre for Research The Research Council of Norway Acta Mathematicas fond Axa Research Fund Brummer & Partner Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund University Department of Mathematics, Linköping University Department of Enginerring Sciences and Mathematics, Luleå University of Technology Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics, Umeå University Department of Mathematics, Uppsala University Fonden ”Till bröderna Jacob och Marcus Wallenbergs minne” Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stiftelsen G.S. Magnusons fond The Anna-Greta and Holger Crafoord Fund 4 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Research Programs Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Computing, spring - Scientific report The programme during the spring semester 2014 at Institut Mittag-Leffler was titled Graphs, Hypergraphs, and Computing and as the title indicates one of the ideas behind the creation of the programme was to encourage an exchange of methods, problems and ideas between these three areas. In particular structural graph theory, graph colouring, extremal graph theory and algorithms for graph theoretical problems and the generalisation of these to hypergraphs were emphasised. A general theory for hypergraphs has existed in some form since at least the 1940's but unlike the very active research in graph theory it developed very slowly until about ten years ago. In the last ten years this has changed and hypergraph theory is now developing at and accelerating rate, a change which several members of the organising committee has played an important role in. All members of the organising committee has previously worked in several of these areas, but each with different emphasis in topics, and this programme aimed to bring together people who could continue to transfer methods both from graph theory to hypergraphs, but also see how some of the new methods developed for hypergraph problem can be applied to graph theory. We had several long staying participant from both Europe, the USA and Canada who provided a continuity in the activities at the institute and many short and medium time visitors, some of which came for several shorter visits. This provided good opportunities for new contacts, and several of the visitors had previously only met briefly, or not at all, even though they knew each others works well. This extended contact turned out to be very fruitful for initiating new joint projects which have continued after the end of the programme. The participants were a blend of senior and younger researchers, the youngest participants were still PhD student and some participants published their first papers in the mid 1960's. Our regular programme activities were seminars on Tuesday and Thursday, typically preceded by a larger group of participants going out for lunch together, and a biweekly problem session. In the problem session any participant who wished to do so presented one or several research problems which they wanted to draw attention to, often these were new problems posed by the participants but some were older problems which were put in a new context. This was done in the early evening and followed by a social activity in the form of a dinner buffet free discussions. These sessions were much appreciated and many of the posed problem were written up as a problem collection which is available on the programme web page and in the preprint series. In several cases participants in the audience of these session were able to make new contributions to the problems, and in a few cases even solve them, thereby leading to new joint papers. Let us mention just some of the work which was done during the programme: Andrew Thomason produced a paper with a refined version of the "container construction" for graphs and hypergraphs. This is a new and very general tool for proving counting and structure results in extremal graph and hypergraph theory. During the programme Andrzej Rucinski used this method to prove, among other things, an exponential upper bound for the Ramsey theoretical Folkman numbers, for which the existing bounds from the 1970's were of tower type. Bill Jackson, with different coauthors, proved several new results on rigidity of geometrical embeddings of graphs, including a new polynomial time decision algorithm for some of these problems. Daniel Kral and his coauthors worked on several problems concerning flag algebras and the recently developed theory for graphons, which are limit structures for convergent sequences of finite graphs. 5 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Henry Kierstead and Alexandr Kostochka worked on several problems concerning the cycle structure of graphs, and among other things resolved a question by Dirac which had been open since 1963. Further work on graph cycles was done by Allen, Boettcher, Hladky, Piguet, Sudakov, and Verstraete. A number of different problem concerning directed graph were pursued by Jorgen Bang-Jensen and his collaborators. Andras Gyarfas, Ervin Gyori, Miklos Simonovits reslolved an open question on the density of hypergraphs avoiding certain cycles. Results on problems of the same type were also given by Zoltan Furedi and Tao Jiang. Various graph colouring problems were studied by Andren, Asratian, Casselgren and Markström. Thomassen and Markströmom studied Turan type problems in multipartite hypergraphs. Organizing committee Magnus M. Halldorsson Klas Markström Andrzej Rucinski Carsten Thomassen The Institute hosted 76 researchers, 8 women and 68 men, who together spent 113 man-months working at the Institute during 14 January – 14 May. Women and men Women Men 6 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants spring First name Last name Peter Allen Affiliation Country Lina Andrén Umeå University Sweden Sylwia Antoniuk Adam Mickiewicz University Poland Armen Asratian Linköping University Sweden Jörgen Backelin Stockholm University Sweden Joergen Bang-Jensen University of Southern Denmark Denmark Anders Björner KTH Royal Institute of Technology Julia Böttcher The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom Carl Johan Casselgren Linköping University Sweden Demetres Christofides The University of Central Lancashire, UCLan Cyprus Cyprus David Conlon University of Oxford United Kingdom Derek G. Corneil University of Toronto Canada Andrzej Dudek Western Michigan University United States Michael Elkin Ben Gurion University of the Negev Israel Alexander Engström Aalto University Finland Victor Falgas-Ravry Umeå University Sweden Fedor Fomin University of Bergen Norway Jacob Fox Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT United States Zoltan Furedi University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign United States Jaroslaw Grytczuk University of Zielona Góra Poland Andras Gyarfas Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary Ervin Gyori Alfred Renyi Institute of Mathematics Hungary Hossein Hajiabolhassan DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark Denmark Magnus M. Halldorsson Reykjavik University Iceland Penny Haxell University of Waterloo Canada Jan Hladky University of Warwick United Kingdom Johan Håstad KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Bill Jackson Queen Mary, University of London United Kingdom Svante Janson Uppsala University Sweden Tao Jiang Miami University United States Michal Karonski Adam Mickiewicz University Poland Hal Kierstead Arizona State University Sweden Tereza Klimosova University of Warwick United Kingdom Alexandr V. Kostochka University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign United States Dariusz University of Liverpool United Kingdom Kowalski The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom 7 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Daniel Kral Charles University in Prague United Kingdom Michael Krivelevich Tel-Aviv University Israel Joel Larsson Umeå University Sweden Imre Leader University of Cambridge United Kingdom Svante Linusson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Allan Lo University of Birmingham United Kingdom Zbigniew Lonc Warsaw University of Technology Poland Laszlo Lovasz Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT United States Vadim Lozin University of Warwick United Kingdom Tomasz Luczak Adam Mickiewicz University Poland Klas Markström Umeå University Sweden Brendan McKay Australian National University Australia Dhruv Mubayi University of Illinois at Chicago United States Jakob Nordström KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Diana Piguet University of Birmingham United Kingdom Oleg Pikhurko University of Warwick United Kingdom Pawel Pralat Ryerson University Canada Andrzej Proskurowski University of Oregon United States Tomasz Prytula University of Copenhagen Denmark Yuri Rabinovich University of Haifa Israel Stanislaw P. Radziszowski Rochester Institute of Technology, RIT United States Bruce Richter University of Waterloo Canada Andrzej Rucinski Emory University Poland Miklos Ruszinko MTA SZTAKI Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences Hungary Gabor Sarkozy Worcester Polytechnic Institute United States Matas Sileikis Uppsala University Sweden Miklos Simonovits Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics Hungary Jozef Skokan The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom Fei Song Umeå University Sweden Matthew Stamps Aalto University Sweden Benjamin Sudakov UCLA United States Edyta Szymanska Adam Mickiewicz University Poland John Talbot University College London United Kingdom Anusch Taraz Technische Universität München Germany Andrew Thomason University of Cambridge United Kingdom Carsten Thomassen DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark Denmark Helge Tverberg University of Bergen Norway Jan van den Heuvel The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) United Kingdom Jacques Verstraete United States University of California, San Diego 8 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Mariusz Wozniak AGH University of Science and Technology Poland Cui Zhang DTU Mathematics, Technical University of Denmark Denmark Seminars Alexander Engström Finding extremal objects in Algebraic Geometry using Graph Theory Klas Markström Complete subgraphs of t-partite hypergraphs Carsten Thomassen Orientations of infinite graphs Andras Gyarfas Packing trees into n-chromatic graphs Bill Jackson Rigidity of point-line frameworks Alexandr V. Kostochka A trick for proving properties of (a,b)-sparse graphs Tomasz Luczak On the chromatic number of generalized shift graphs Miklos Simonovits Embedding trees into graphs Andrew Thomason Independent sets in hypergraphs Helge Tverberg On the reconstruction of a graph with large diameter Zoltan Furedi Zykov’s symmetrization for multiple graphs, a new tool for Turán type problems with an application to Erdos’ conjecture on pentagonal edges Fedor Fomin Cluster Editing and subexponential algorithms Magnus M. Halldorsson Coloring edge-weighted (di)graphs Joergen Bang-Jensen (Arc-)disjoint (branching) flows in networks} Joergen Bang-Jensen On problems concerning (arc-)disjoint structures in a digraph Andrzej Proskurowski More graph width parameters and minors: linear rankwidth and vertex minors Penny Haxell Morphing planar graphs Penny Haxell Extremal graphs for connectedness Daniel Kral Quasirandomness of permutations Hal Kierstead Equitable Coloring of Graphs and Digraphs Ervin Gyori On 2-factors of k cycles Bruce Richter On Zarankiewicz' conjecture: the crossing number of K(m,n) Benjamin Sudakov Judicious partitions of graphs Benjamin Sudakov The minimum number of nonnegative edges in hypergraphs 9 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Michael Krivelevich Large subgraphs without short cycles David Conlon The Erd\H{o}s-Gy\'arf\'as problem on generalized Ramsey numbers Dhruv Mubayi Independent Sets in Hypergraphs Imre Leader Partition Regular Equations Jacob Fox Combinatorics of Permutations Brendan McKay Notes on switching reconstruction Andrzej Dudek On Ramsey-type problems for sequences and permutations Michael Elkin Distributed Graph Coloring and Other Symmetry Breaking Problems Jacques Verstraete Extremal Theorems for Trees and Cycles in Hypergraphs Oleg Pikhurko Measurable edge-colourings of graphings Jaroslaw Grytczuk Nonrepetitive colorings of graphs Jan Hladky Loebl-Komlos-Sos Conjecture and embedding trees in sparse graphs Zbigniew Lonc Constructions of short k-radius sequences Diana Piguet An approximate version of the Tree Packing Conjecture Victor Falgas-Ravry Separating path systems Carl Johan Casselgren Interval edge colorings of (a,b)-biregular bipartite graphs Peter Allen Tight cycles and regular slices in dense hypergraphs Julia Böttcher Sparse blow-up lemmas and maker-breaker games Yuri Rabinovich On multiplicative (1+\epsilon)-approximation by a small sample, with some geometric applications Miklos Ruszinko Uniform Hypergraphs Containing no Grids Anusch Taraz Limiting probabilities for properties of random planar graph Mariusz Wozniak Vertex distinguishing colorings of graphs Lina Andrén Avoiding uniform arrays and related problems of list-coloring edges Tereza Klimosova Infinite dimensional finitely forcible graphon Matas Sileikis Half-sandwich of random graphs Jan van den Heuvel From distance-2-colourings of graphs to colourings of hypergraphs Stanislaw P. Radziszowski Bounds on Shannon Capacity and Ramsey Numbers from Product of Graphs Derek G. Corneil Graph Searches, Cocomparability Graphs and Posets Dariusz Kowalski Efficient distributed graph algorithms in wireless networks 10 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Gabor Sarkozy Monochromatic covers in edge-colored graphs and hypergraphs Tao Jiang The expansion method in Turan problems Vadim Lozin Deciding Bell number for hereditary graph properties Demetres Christofides Approximate Isoperimetric Inequalities Joel Larsson Minimum matching, replica symmetry, and exploration games Laszlo Lovasz The height of the tower in the Regularity Lemma Armen Asratian Some problems and results on transformations of edge colorings of graphs Sylwia Antoniuk A prompt collapse of the random triangular group Allan Lo Proof of the 1-factorization and Hamilton decomposition conjectures Edyta Szymanska Approximate Counting of Matchings in (3,3)-graphs Jozef Skokan Improved counting relative to pseudorandom graphs Pawel Pralat A few random open problems, some of them for random graphs Hossein Hajiabolhassan On Alternating Chromatic Number Cui Zhang Non-Cayley vertex-transitive graphs and non-Cayley numbers Michal Karonski Locally irregular hypergraph labelings 11 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Preprints 01 Simple containers for simple hypergraphs - David Saxton, Andrew Thomason 02 Approximate Counting of Matchings in (3,3)-Hypergraphs - Andrzej Dudek, Marek Karpinski, Andrzej Ruciński, Edyta Szymańska 03 Combinatorial Conditions for the Unique Completability of Low Rank Matrices - Bill Jackson, Tibor Jordan, Shin-Ichi Tanigawa 04 First order convergence and roots - Demetres Christofides, Daniel Kral 05 A density Corradi--Hajnal Theorem - Peter Allen, Julia Boettcher, Jan Hladky, Diana Piguet 06 Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs - Jan Hladky, Daniel Kral, Serguei Norine 07 Infinite dimensional finitely forcible graphon - Roman Glebov, Tereza Klimosova, Daniel Kral 08 Cycles in triangle-free graphs of large chromatic number - Alexandr Kostochka, Benny Sudakov, Jacques Verstraete 09 Packing six T-joins in plane graphs - Zdenek Dvorak, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi, Daniel Kral 10 ON THE CORRADI-HAJNAL THEOREM AND A QUESTION OF DIRAC - Henry Kierstead, Alexandr Kostochka, Elyse Yeager 11 Deciding the Bell number for hereditary graph properties - Aistis Atminas, Andrew Collins, Jan Foniok, Vadim Lozin 12 The asymptotic complexity of matrix reduction over finite fields - Demetres Christofides 13 The $(2k-1)$-connected multigraphs with at most $k-1$ disjoint cycles - Henry Kierstead, Alexandr Kostochka, Elyse Yeager 14 An alternative proof of the linearity of the size-Ramsey number of paths - Andrzej Dudek, Pawel Pralat 15 Acquaintance time of random graphs near connectivity threshold - Andrzej Dudek, Pawel Pralat 16 The phase transition in site percolation on pseudo-random graphs - Michael Krivelevich 17 A characterisation of the generic rigidity of 2-dimensional point-line frameworks - Bill Jackson, John Owen 18 An exponential-type upper bound for Folkman numbers - Vojtech Rodl, Andrzej Rucinski, Mathias Schacht 19 On Some Open Questions for Ramsey and Folkman Numbers - Xiaodong Xu, Stanisław Radziszowski 20 Edge coloring multigraphs without small dense subsets - Penny Haxell, Henry Kierstead 21 On Chromatic Number and Minimum Cut - Meysam Alishahi, Hossein Hajiabolhassan 22 The complexity of finding arc-disjoint branching flows - Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Frederic Havet, Anders Yeo 23 Balanced branchings in digraphs - Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Anders Yeo 12 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS 24 Counting flags in triangle-free digraphs - Jan Hladky, Daniel Kral, Serguei Norine 25 Distinguishing graphs by total colourings - Rafal Kalinowski, Monika Pilsniak, Mariusz Wozniak 26 On the choice number of complete multipartite graphs with part size four - H. A. Kierstead, Andrew Salmon, Ran Wang 27 Solution of Vizing’s Problem on Interchanges for Graphs with Maximum Degree 4 and Related Results - A. S. Asratian, C. J. Casselgren 28 Hadwiger’s Conjecture for inflations of 3-chromatic graphs - Carl Johan Casselgren, Anders Sune Pedersen 29 A Note on Vertex Coloring Edge-Weighted Digraphs - Joergen Bang-Jensen, Magnus Halldorsson 30 Restricted cycle factors and arc-decompositions of digraphs - Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Carl Johan Casselgren 31 The minimum number of triangular edges and a symmetrization for multiple graphs - Zoltan Furedi, Zeinab Maleki 32 Full subgraphs - Victor Falgas-Ravry, Klas Markström, Jacques Verstraete 33 On 3-uniform hypergraphs without linear cycles - Andras Gyarfas, Ervin Gyori, Miklos Simonovits 34 Linear Turan numbers of linear cycles and cycle-complete Ramsey numbers - Tao Jiang, Clayton Collier-Cartaino, Nathan Graber 35 On 3-uniform hypergraphs without a cycle of a given length - Zoltan Furedi, Lale Ozkahya 36 Antistrong digraphs - Jørgen Bang-Jensen, Stephane Bessy, Bill Jackson, Matthias Kriesell 37 Small dense subgraphs of a graph - Tao Jiang, Andrew Newman 38 Edge coloring multigraphs without small dense subsets Penny Haxell, Henry Kierstead 39 Liftings in finite graphs and linkages in infinite graphs Seongmin Ok, R Bruce Richter, Carsten Thomassen 13 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Homogenization and Random Phenomenon, fall - Scientific report The IML program Random Phenomena took place during fall 2014. A large number of participants backed up the program by attending various seminars, and activities. The program started with a short introductory school, and a follow-up workshop in the first and second weeks. After these introductions, the program continued in a usual fashion with weekly seminars (Tuesdays and Thursday), with an average of 4 seminars a week. We also had a few shorter courses that was thought as outreach for postdocs and early career persons. The introductory school included talks by Felix Otto on the topic of quantitative stochastic homogenization, and a few other presentation on quantitative analysis in homogenization. A general introductory talk was also presented by P. Souganidis on stationary ergodic homogenization. Besides these, various aspects on the homogenizations and the methodology was treated and discussed. Specific topics treated in the program ranged over several areas, which were interconnected through a random feature. The main topic of homogenization, constitute the backbone of the program. This topic has in recent years taken a central part in nonlinear PDE, and has tentacled to many areas. Based on this diverse and large span of applications and connections we invited several people in the vicinity of the topic that could interact with other people in other areas, but similar type of questions. In particular we had the following themes covered by the program: • Homogenization for first and second order PDE in oscillatory random environments • Interfaces and free boundary problems in random media • Random walks in random environments • Numerical methods • Multi-scale numerical methods, dynamical systems. The program invited three experts for short courses according to the following list: Björn Engquist: Numerical homogenization and heterogenous multi scale methods. Andrey Piatniski: Homogenization of elliptic spectral problems. Elena Kosygina: On the connection between large deviations of diffusions in random environments and homogenization of some stochastic HJB-equations. The broader topics in the program included the following areas: Stochastic homogenization, Homogenization of Oscillating Boundary Data, quantitative stochastic homogenization, Fully nonlinear equation and homogenization, Multiscale methods, front propagation in stratified media, Weak KAM theory, Random polymers and their fluctuations, problems in perforated domains, viscosity methods in homogenization, and many more. The program brought together many scientist in diverse areas, with common interest of understanding complex phenomena that underlies several problems in physics, and biology. The group have benefited from the program by linking to other scientists with common interests but different methods of approach. There is now a few smaller continuation of the IML program, which will take place at other research institutes during 2015. 14 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Organizing committee Luis Caffarelli, Pierre-Louis Lions, Henrik Shahgholian, Panagiotis Souganidis and Srinivasa Varadhan. The Institute hosted 72 researchers, 17 women and 55 men, who together spent 58 man-months working at the Institute during 1 September – 12 December. Women and men Women Men 15 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants fall First name Last name Affiliation Country Gohar Aleksanyan KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden John Andersson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Doghonay Arjmand KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Scott N. Armstrong CEREMADE France Agnid Banerjee Purdue University United States Erich Baur University of Zurich, UZH Switzerland Erwin Bolthausen University of Zurich, UZH Switzerland Giuseppe Buttazzo University of Pisa Italy Annalisa Cesaroni University of Padova Italy Adina Ciomaga The University of Chicago United States Andrea Davini University of Rome Italy Boualem Djehiche KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Björn Engquist KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Will Feldman University of California, UCLA United States Morteza Fotouhi Sharif University Christina Frederick University of Texas at Austin Islamic Republic Of Iran United States Hermano Frid IMPA Brazil Antoine Gloria Université libre de Bruxelles Belgium Björn Gustafsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Eric Hall KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Harsha Hutridurga University of Cambridge United Kingdom Hitoshi Ishii Waseda University Japan Karl Jonsson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Willi Jäger Heidelberg University Germany Aram Karakhanyan University of Edinburgh United Kingdom Anna S. Khripunova Balci Vladimir State University Russian Federation Sunghan Kim Seoul National University Republic of Korea Inwon Kim University of California, UCLA United States Herbert Koch University of Bonn Germany Leonid Koralov University of Maryland United States Elena Kosygina Baruch College United States Claude Le Bris CERMICS France Ki-Ahm Lee Seoul National University Republic of Korea Yachun Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University China Jessica Lin The University of Chicago United States Erik Lindgren NTNU - Norwegian University of Science and Technology Sweden Pierre Mathieu Aix-Marseille University France Vladimir Maz'ya Linköping University Sweden Andreas Minne KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Jean-Christophe Mourrat École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne France Hayk Aleksanyan University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 16 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Cyrill Muratov New Jersey Institute of Technology United States Matteo Novaga University of Pisa Italy Felix Otto Max-Planck Institut Germany Svetlana Evgenievna Pastukhova Moscow State Institute of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation, MIREA Russian Federation Stefania Patrizi Weierstrass Institute Germany Lars-Erik Persson Luleå Technical University Sweden Andrey L. Piatnitski Narvik University College Norway Christophe Prange The University of Chicago United States Maria Alessandra Ragusa University of Catania Italy Maria Saprykina KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Russell Schwab Michigan State University United States Sylvia Serfaty Pierre-and-Marie-Curie University France Henrik Shahgholian KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Wenhui Shi Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Germany Antonio Siconolfi University of Rome Italy Olena Sivak Per Sjölin KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Charles K. Smart Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT United States Mariana Smit Vega Garcia Purdue University Panagiotis Souganidis The University of Chicago Martin Strömqvist KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Anders Szepessy KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Richard Tsai University of Texas at Austin United States Jack Xin University of California, Irvine United States Karen University of Zurich, UZH Switzerland Atilla Yeressian Negarchi Yılmaz Bogaziçi University Turkey Minha Yoo National Institute for Mathematical Republic of Korea Science, NIMS Yifeng Yu University of California, Irvine United States Ofer Zeitouni Weizmann Institute of Science Israel Vasily V. Zhikov Vladimir State University Russian Federation Nikolaos Zygouras University of Warwick United Kingdom Germany 17 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Seminars Panagiotis Souganidis Introductory program: A overview of stochastic homogenization Will Feldman Introductory program: Homogenization of Oscillating Boundary Data Scott N. Armstrong Introductory program: Quantitative stochastic homogenization and quenched higher regularity for nonlinear elliptic equations Felix Otto Introductory program: A calculus for quantitative stochastic homogenization Claude Le Bris Between nonperiodic and stochastic homogenization Inwon Kim Free boundaries and homogenization Annalisa Cesaroni Multiscale financial models with stochastic volatility Adina Ciomaga Homogenization of moving interfaces Sylvia Serfaty Large systems with Coulomb and Riesz interactions Jean-Christophe Mourrat Scaling limit of fluctuations in homogenization of divergence-form operators Russell Schwab Neumann Homogenization via Integro-Differential Operators Hermano Frid A note on the stochastic weakly almost periodic homogenization of fully nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations Antoine Gloria Quantitative central limit theorem for the effective conductance Jessica Lin Stochastic Homogenization for Fully Nonlinear Uniformly Parabolic Equations Atilla Yılmaz Large deviations for random walks in random environments Christophe Prange Uniform estimates in domains with oscillating boundaries Giuseppe Buttazzo Relaxed Dirichlet problems by homogenization and r elated optimization issues Panagiotis Souganidis Periodic approximations of the ergodic constant in stationary ergodic environments Willi Jäger Multiscale modelling and simulation of processes in membranes and tissues – applications in life sciences Antonio Siconolfi Weak KAM techniques for singularly perturbed optimal control problems Cyrill Muratov Front Propagation in Sharp and Diffuse Interface Models of Stratified Media Matteo Novaga Some remarks on mean curvature flow in heterogeneous media Nikolaos Zygouras Random polymers and their fluctuations Hitoshi Ishii Metastability for parabolic equations with drift Vladimir Maz'ya Uniform asymptotics of Green's kernels in perforated domains and meso-scale approximations 18 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Mariana Smit Vega Garcia New developments in the lower-dimensional obstacle problem with Lipschitz coefficients Jack Xin G-equations and Front Motion in Fluid Flows Ki-Ahm Lee Viscosity Method for Homogenizations Vasily V. Zhikov On passage to the limit in nonlinear elliptic and parabolic problems Stefania Patrizi Crystal dislocations with different orientation and collisions Yifeng Yu Random Homogenization of Non-Convex Hamilton-Jacobi Equations in 1d Andrey L. Piatnitski Homogenization of low temperature spin systems Hayk Aleksanyan Convergence rates in periodic homogenization of Dirichlet problem for divergence type elliptic systems Anna S. Khripunova Balci Variational convergence of integrands with non-standart growth conditions Karen Yeressian Negarchi Regularity of the free boundary in the obstacle problem with a degenerate force term Leonid Koralov Transition from homogenization to averaging in cellular flows Yachun Li Local Well-posedness of Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Degenerate Viscosity Andrea Davini On a selection principle in the ergodic approximation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation Svetlana Evgenievna Pastukhova Homogenization of monotone operators with oscillating exponent of nonlinearity Elena Kosygina On the connection between large deviations of diffusions in random environments and homogenization of some stochastic Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equations Wenhui Shi Higher regularity of the free boundary in the thin obstacle problem Christina Frederick Multiscale models for inverse homogenization Harsha Hutridurga Homogenization of weakly coupled cooperative parabolic systems Pierre Mathieu Scaling limits of diffusions in a random environment Olena Sivak Asymptotic approximations for solutions to elliptic boundary-value problems in perforated domains Sunghan Kim Higher order convergence rate in periodic homogenization for equations in non-divergence form Andrey L. Piatnitski Homogenization of elliptic spectral problems with sign changing Björn Engquist Numerical Homogenization Björn Engquist The Heterogeneous Multiscale Method 19 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Lars-Erik Persson Homogenization of evolution Stokes equation with two small parameters via two-scale convergence Andrey L. Piatnitski Homogenization of elliptic spectral problems with sign changing Charles K. Smart The scaling limit of the Abelian sandpile on periodic graphs Maria Saprykina Examples of Hamiltonian systems with Arnold diffusion Aram Karakhanyan On a conjecture of De Giorgi related to homogenisation Ofer Zeitouni An introduction to limit laws for exit measures in random environment Maria Alessandra Ragusa Current New Results for Solutions of Partial Differential Equations and Systems Erich Baur Random Walks in Random Environment (RWRE) in the small disorder regime Martin Strömqvist The Dirichlet problem in certain varying domains Erwin Bolthausen On the Edward's model and its relations with weakly self-avoiding walks Olof Runborg Multiscale methods for wave propagation problems Richard Tsai A multiscale method coupling network and continuum models in porous media Preprints 01 Lipschitz regularity for elliptic equations with random coefficients Scott Armstrong, Jean-Christophe Mourrat 02 Algebraic Error Estimates for the Stochastic Homogenization of Uniformly Parabolic Equations Jessica Lin, Charles Smart 03 Regularity of boundary data in periodic homogenization of elliptic systems in layered media Hayk Aleksanyan 04 A note on the stochastic weakly* almost periodic homogenization of fully nonlinear elliptic equations Hermano Frid 05 Modica type gradient estimates for an inhomogeneous variant of the normalized p-laplacian evolution Agnid Banerjee, Nicola Garofalo 20 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants from and in the Nordic Countries 1 September – 12 December 14 January – 14 May First name Last name Country First name Last name Country Piatnitski Norway Joergen Bang-Jensen Denmark Andrey L. Hossein Hajiabolhassan Denmark Gohar Aleksanyan Sweden Tomasz Prytula Denmark John Andersson Sweden Carsten Thomassen Denmark Doghonay Arjmand Sweden Cui Zhang Denmark Boualem Djehiche Sweden Alexander Engström Finland Björn Engquist Sweden Magnus M. Halldorsson Iceland Björn Gustafsson Sweden Fedor Fomin Norway Eric Hall Sweden Helge Tverberg Norway Karl Jonsson Sweden Lina Andrén Sweden Erik Lindgren Sweden Armen Asratian Sweden Vladimir Maz'ya Sweden Jörgen Backelin Sweden Andreas Minne Sweden Anders Björner Sweden Lars-Erik Persson Sweden Carl Johan Casselgren Sweden Olof Runborg Sweden Victor Falgas-Ravry Sweden Maria Saprykina Sweden Johan Håstad Sweden Henrik Shahgholian Sweden Svante Janson Sweden Per Sjölin Sweden Joel Larsson Sweden Martin Strömqvist Sweden Svante Linusson Sweden Anders Szepessy Sweden Klas Markström Sweden Jakob Nordström Sweden Matas Sileikis Sweden Fei Song Sweden Matthew Stamps Sweden 21 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Shorter programs During 2014 the Institute arranged five workshops and conferences, two summer schools and one RIPprogram. Random Matrices and Jacobi operators, May - Scientific report The subject of the workshop was the interplay between topics in random matrix theory and the theory of Jacobi operators. Several talks were given by experts from both fields, bringing into light various connections and formulating interesting problems. Ample time was given to discussion, including two open problem sessions. As a direct consequence of this activity an open problem posed by Arno Kuijlaars was solved during that week. Other problems that were presented during the workshop have lead to further research and discussions. All in all, we feel the workshop has achieved its goal of bringing researchers from different communities together in fruitful discussions that we are sure will have significant impact on both fields. Organizing committee Jonathan Breuer, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and Maurice Duits, Stockholm University. Participants First name Last name Gernot Akemann Affiliation Country Alexander Aptekarev Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Federation Jinho Baik University of Michigan United States Pavel Bleher Indiana University-Purdue University United States Jonathan Breuer The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Israel Sunil Chhita KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Bielefeld University Germany 22 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Tom Claeys Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium Maurice Duits Stockholm University Sweden Erik Duse KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Alan Edelman Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT United States Latif Eliaz Hebrew University Israel Jeff Geronimo Georgia Institute of Technology United States Vadim Gorin Massachusetts Institute of Technology, MIT United States Adrien Hardy KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Kurt Johansson KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Rostyslav Kozhan KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Igor Krasovsky Imperial College London United Kingdom Arno Kuijlaars KU Leuven Belgium Gaultier Lambert KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Yoram Last Hebrew University Israel Seung-Yeop Lee University of South Florida United States Andrei Martinez-Finkelshtein Universidad de Almeria Spain Anthony Metcalfe KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Leonid Petrov Northeastern University United States Boris Shapiro Stockholm University Sweden Alexander Sodin Princeton University United States Eugene Strahov Hebrew University Israel Vilmos Totik University of Szeged Hungary Bálint Virág University of Toronto Canada Modern aspects of the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-function and its multidimensional analogues, May - Scientific report The main objective of the workshop “Modern aspects of the Titchmarsh-Weyl m-function and its multidimensional analogues” was to discuss and to review the recent developments in spectral analysis of ordinary and partial differential operators via Titchmarsh-Weyl m-functions, Dirichlet-to-Neumann maps, and their abstract analogs from extension theory of symmetric operators in Hilbert spaces. Special attention was paid on the inverse problem to determine the spectral data of self-adjoint elliptic differential operators on unbounded domains from the knowledge of an associated Dirichlet-toNeumann or Robin-to-Neumann map. Although it has become clear during the meeting that in the self-adjoint setting the inverse spectral problem can be solved in a satisfactory way, the analogous inverse problem for non-self-adjoint elliptic partial differential operators was highlighted as one of future challenges in the field. Besides inverse problems in spectral analysis of differential operators the following closely connected topics where discussed during the workshop: Differential operators and Titchmarsh-Weyl m-functions on graphs, perturbation problems and singular interactions, left-definite Sturm-Liouville operators, Dirac operators, and nonlinear boundary value problems. The workshop was attended by invited experts from Europe and the US working in the areas of differential equations and operator theory. The programme of lectures was full, but ample time was allowed for discussion, and the organisers are confident that the aims of the meeting to review progress in an important area of research, foster interaction and encourage collaboration, were realised. The ideal setting of the Mittag-Leffler Institute for study and research were greatly appreciated by all the participants. Also the helpful administration and friendly atmosphere contributed to making the meeting a success. 23 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Organizing committee Jussi Behrndt, Graz University of Technology, Malcolm Brown, Cardiff University and Desmond Evans, Cardiff University. Participants First name Last name Affiliation Country Christer Bennewitz Lund University Sweden Malcolm Brown Cardiff University United Kingdom Jonathan Eckhardt Cardiff University United Kingdom Desmond Evans Cardiff University United Kingdom Fritz Gesztesy University of Missouri United States Evgeny Korotyaev Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation Pavel Kurasov Stockholm University Sweden Heinz Langer Vienna University of Technology Austria Matthias Langer University of Strathclyde United Kingdom Vladimir Lotoreichik Graz University of Technology Austria Annemarie Luger Stockholm University Sweden Sergey Naboko Saint Petersburg State University Russian Federation Christoph Neuner Stockholm University Sweden Konstantin Pankrashkin Université Paris-Sud France Andrea Posilicano University of Insubria Italy Jonathan Rohleder Graz University of Technology Austria Karl-Michael Schmidt Cardiff University United Kingdom Rune Suhr Stockholm University Sweden Gerald Teschl University of Vienna Austria Jussi Behrndt Graz University of Technology Austria 24 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Christiane Tretter University of Bern Switzerland Carsten Trunk Ilmenau University of Technology Germany Ian Wood University of Kent United Kingdom Kleindagarna 2014, June - Scientific report At the Klein Conference, June 13-15 2014, 21 selected upper secondary school teachers and 7 professors and lecturers from universities met at Institut Mittag-Leffler for three inspiring days. The upper secondary school teachers’ expertize in teaching was combined with the mathematicians’ expertize. Together the participants develop mathematics lessons for upper secondary school while at the same time developing their own knowledge about mathematics and teaching of mathematics. Four cycles, all including a mathematical lecture, a workshop in groups and a common discussion, was completed in the first two days. The final day was used to finalize the lessons. After the conference the lessons were tested in a classroom before the lesson was documented by so called Lesson Pilots before distribution. The organizers of the conference where ICMI-Sweden (Svenska kommittén för matematikutbildning), Institut Mittag-Leffler and The National Committee for Mathematics (Nationalkommittén för matematik), and it was financed by Brummer & Partners. Lectures where given by Qimh Xatcha, Sorina Barza and Jan-Fredrik Olsén. The Lesson Pilots where Laura Fainsilber, Anna Persson, Andreas Minne and Staffan Rodhe. The conference was led by Samuel Bengmark and organized in close collaboration with Maria Weiss. The conference got an overwhelmingly positive response among the participants, giving the conference an average overall impression of 5 out of 5. It also lead to three newspaper articles about the Klein Conference and Institut Mittag-Leffler. This was the fourth annual Klein Conference at Institut MittagLeffler. With the support of Brummer & Partners we will arrange two separate Klein Conferences in 2015, June 12-14 and August 22-24. Organizing committee Samunel Bengmark, Chalmers/University of Gothenburg. 25 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants First name Last name Sorina Barza Affiliation Samuel Bengmark Chalmers/University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Anders Berglund Rudbeck Stig Blommé Martin Koch-gymnasiet Laura Fainsilber Chalmers/University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Ana Fuentes Martinez Katedralskolan, Lund Erik Gripenskär Täby Enskilda Gymnasium Monica Göransson Lööf Hjalmar Strömerskolan Jonas Hall Rodengymnasiet, Norrtälje Marie Högberg Thomasgymnasiet David Johansson Grillska gymnasiet Västerås Agneta Larsson Katedralskolan, Uppsala Vera Lundström Fridhemsgymnasiet Umeå Andreas Minne KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Berthold Nilsson Hultsfreds gymnasium Birgitta Nilsson Nacka gymnasium Fredrik Nilsson Lugnetgymnasiet Karlstads Universitet Jan-Fredrik Olsén Lund University, Lund Anna Persson Chalmers/University of Gothenburg, Göteborg Therese Pettersson Thomasgymnasiet Staffan Rodhe Uppsala University, Uppsala Anna Rönnbäck Plusgymnasiet Leif Sandström S:t Mikaelsskolan, Mora Anna Stenkvist Norra Real Kajsa Sundqvist Nyköpings Enskilda gymnasium Qimh Xantcha Uppsala University, Uppsala Banibal Yonadam Täljegymnasiet Klara Ölmedal Malmö Borgarskola, Malmö Mathematical and Numerical Modeling in Finance, June - Scientific report The three days of the workshop were divided in morning and early afternoon sessions with presentations, followed by discussions in groups on various topics. The participants were mainly from academia but also representatives from industry took part in both presentations and discussions. The research fields represented at the workshop spanned over stochastic and deterministic models, methods for option valuation, model calibration, parameter estimation and (stochastic) optimal control. All this gave a broad and solid experience and lead to interesting discussions that had an interdisciplinary nature. The outcome of the workshop was not only the new knowledge that everybody gained, but also new tentative collaboration partners were found. Several key areas where identified interesting for both industry and academic R&D like the problem of discrete dividends for option pricing. A larger collaboration project has already started that was a direct consequence of the workshop. 26 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Organizing committee Josef Höök, Uppsala University, Elisabeth Larsson, Uppsala University and Lina von Sydow, Uppsala University. Participants First name Last name Tomas Björk Affiliation Country Erik Ekström Uppsala University Sweden Sônia Gomes University of Campinas Brazil Bertil Gustafsson Uppsala University Sweden Alfa Heryudono University of Massachusetts Dartmouth United States Des Higham University of Strathclyde United Kingdom Simon Hubbert Birkbeck, University of London United Kingdom Henrik Hult KTH Royal Institute of Technology Sweden Josef Höök Uppsala University Sweden Elisabeth Larsson Uppsala University Sweden Jeremy Levesley University of Leicester United Kingdom Erik Lindström Lund University Sweden Per Lötstedt Uppsala University Sweden Kees Oosterlee Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica Netherlands Cécile Piret Université Catholique de Louvain Belgium Tobias Rydén Lynx Asset Management Sweden Thomas Schön Uppsala University Sweden Jari Toivanen Stanford University United States Johan Tysk Uppsala University Sweden Johan Walden University of California, Berkeley United States Lina von Sydow Uppsala University Sweden Stockholm School of Economics Sweden 27 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Apollonian Circle Packings, July - Scientific report Overview: The Apollonian Circle Packings Summer School was held at Institut Mittag-Leffler (IML) in Stockholm during June 23-27, 2014. The Summer School featured lecture series presented by distinguished lecturers Hee Oh (Yale) and Elena Fuchs (Berkeley) as well as 10 presentations by pairs of participants. The summer school is documented in a 130 page handbook of expository papers written by the participants. The plan for the summer school was well-received by the inter- national community, ultimately receiving the majority of its funding from the Clay Mathematics Institute (for international participants), the National Science Foundation (for US-based partici- pants), lodging and meal support from the Institut Mittag-Leffler, and small contributions from the EMS and Number Theory Foundation. Scientific focus: The focus of the Summer School is on Apollonian circle packings and related techniques such as investigating orbits of thin groups, geometric group theory, equidistribution, the affine sieve, strong approximation and expanders. Hee Oh centered her presentations on the role of dynamics, concluding the week with several applications of the Howe-Moore theorem on the decay of matrix coefficients, and appropriate measures. Elena Fuchs focused on arithmetic aspects of circle packings, and in particular the Fuchs-Sanden conjecture (a major open problem in the field): in any given integral primitive Apollonian circle packing, all integers (aside from finitely many exceptions) in allowable residue classes modulo 24 are represented as curvatures in the packing. Her lectures highlighted the way the combinatorial sieve and expanders can be used to control error terms, and culminated by bringing these methods together with a new variant of the circle method to prove that a positive proportion of integers are presented as curvatures in such a packing. Participants: Participants, lecturers, and organizers came from institutions in 8 countries, and spanned at least 13 nationalities. The student participants gave high reviews of the summer school, focusing on the quality and content of the featured lectures, the inclusive atmosphere and also on the process of writing the expository essays for the handbook. In fact, the majority of the students commented that the effort of writing the essay and preparing the lecture in advance was a very positive experience that served them well for understanding the featured lectures during the week, and taught them new mathematics in depth that they might not otherwise have learnt. The handbook will be a useful resource as they continue to read further in the field. The funding from the Clay Mathematics Institute and National Science Foundation was critical in providing appropriate support of our distinguished lecturers, as well as ensuring that the most qualified students from all over North America and Western and Eastern Europe could attend this summer school. Current research on the topic of the summer school has so far primarily been spearheaded by mathematicians at US institutions, but the enthusiastic response to the summer school shows that students abroad are also eager to join the field, and we believe that this event has opened the door to more international participation. In addition, this summer school has solidified the presence of talented young women in this field. The ambience of the summer school was significantly enriched by the lovely surroundings of the IML, including its exhaustive library and collections of journals. In particular, participants were able to appreciate the house and grounds via the understanding of the history gained during the tour given by Prof. Laptev. It was a very special experience to be able to gather so many young people in the environment of such a premier research institute. It inspires young people when they feel the mathematical community is investing in their success, and a stay at the IML is such a form of investment. The lecture room was perfectly sized for the distinguished lecture series, providing all necessary practicalities for the talks as well as an intimate discussion environment. The social atmosphere at the IML was also perfectly tuned to this type of event. In particular, the provision of meals by the IML catering staff allowed for all the participants to speak casually with more senior members (organizers and lecturers). Six of the attending mathematicians are presently at a career juncture, changing either institution, level of job, or both, and the informal discussions were particularly useful for these participants. In short, we are very grateful to the IML for proposing to sponsor this event, for funding the accommodation of all the participants, and for the extremely gracious hospitality shown to all participants throughout the week. 28 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Organizing committee Alina Bucur, University of California, San Diego, Pirita Paajanen, University of Helsinki and Lillian Pierce, University of Oxford. Participants First name Last name Alina Bucur Affiliation Country Claire Burrin ETH Zürich Switzerland Pritha Chakraborty Texas Tech University United States Sneha Chaubey United States Giacomo Cherubini University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign University of Copenhagen AnneMaria Amy ErnvallHytönen Feaver University of Helsinki Finland University of Colorado at Boulder United States Yongqi Feng University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Elena Fuchs University of California, Berkeley United States Anna Haensch Max Planck Institute for Mathematics Germany Min Lee Brown University United States Poj Lertchoosakul Poland Benny Löffel IM PAN, Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences ETH Zürich Beth Malmskog Colorado College United States Jana Medkova Masaryk University Czech Republic Hee Oh Yale University United States Pirita Paajanen University of Helsinki Finland Wenyu Pan Yale University United States Lillian Pierce Duke University United States Anke Pohl Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Germany University of California, San Diego United States Denmark Switzerland 29 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Damaris Schindler Hausdorff Center for Mathematics Germany Katherine Stange University of Colorado at Boulder United States Anitha Thillaisundaram Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Germany Xin Zhang United States Stony Brook University Effective equations in Mathematical Physics, July - Scientific report The analysis of large quantum systems is a notoriously difficult problem, stemming from the fact that quantum mechanics is formulated on a Hilbert space which grows with the number of particles. In some situations, however, simple effective models posed on a fixed space arise in the limit. These are usually nonlinear. The conference focused on a mathematically rigorous analysis, both of the derivation and on the analysis of these effective equations. Both stationary and dynamical properties were investigated and the organizers are happy that several results at the cutting edge of our understanding were presented. In addition to discussing known results, the conference emphasized open problems in the field. The organizers had asked five distinguished researchers in the field to summarize their view of the domain and to outline important questions for future work in extended special talks. Those lead to intense discussions, both in large and in small groups, and both between researchers with a mathematical and with a physical background. The organizers would like to thank the Mittag-Leffler Institute for the excellent support and for providing ideal working conditions. Organizing committee Rupert Frank, California Institute of Technology, Caltech and Mathieu Lewin, The University of Cergy-Pontoise. 30 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants First name Last name Affiliation Chen University of Texas at Austin Country Maria J. Esteban University of Dauphine France Sören Fournais Aarhus University, Aarhus C Denmark Rupert Frank California Institute of Technology, Caltech United States Juerg Fröhlich ETH Zürich Switzerland Patrick Gérard Université Paris-Sud France Stephen Gustafson University of British Columbia Canada Christian Hainzl Universität Tübingen Germany Joachim Krieger École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne Switzerland Ari Laptev Imperial College London United Kingdom Enno Lenzmann University of Basel Switzerland Mathieu Lewin The University of Cergy-Pontoise France Elliott H. Lieb Princeton University United States Michael Loss Georgia Institute of Technology United States Nam Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST Austria) KTH Royal Institute of Technology Austria Fabian Phan Thanh Portmann Nicolas Rougerie University of Grenoble France Julien Sabin The University of Cergy-Pontoise France Benjamin Schlein Thomas United States Sweden University of Bonn Germany Israel Michael Sigal University of Toronto Canada Michael Weinstein Columbia University United States Giorgio Velo University of Bologna Italy 31 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Participants from and in the Nordic Countries May – July First name Last name Country Giacomo Cherubini Denmark Sören Fournais Denmark Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen Finland Pirita Paajanen Finland Jari Toivanen Finland Christer Bennewitz Sweden Tomas Björk Sweden Sunil Chhita Sweden Maurice Duits Sweden Erik Duse Sweden Erik Ekström Sweden Bertil Gustafsson Sweden Adrien Hardy Sweden Henrik Hult Sweden Josef Höök Sweden Kurt Johansson Sweden Rostyslav Kozhan Sweden Pavel Kurasov Sweden Gaultier Lambert Sweden Elisabeth Larsson Sweden Erik Lindström Sweden Annemarie Luger Sweden Per Lötstedt Sweden Anthony Metcalfe Sweden Christoph Neuner Sweden Fabian Portmann Sweden Tobias Rydén Sweden Thomas Schön Sweden Boris Shapiro Sweden Rune Suhr Sweden Johan Tysk Sweden Johan Walden Sweden Lina von Sydow Sweden 32 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Publications Institut Mittag-Leffler publishes two research journals. Acta Mathematica was founded by Gösta Mittag-Leffler in 1882, while Arkiv för matematik traces its roots back to a journal founded in 1903 by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Since January 1, 2006, Springer is handling printing, subscriptions and distribution of both journals. Naturally, the Institute retains full ownership and full editorial control of the journals. All back volumes of both journals have been digitized by Springer and are available on the web for subscribers. The way in which scientific journals are purchased has changed significantly over the past few years. The traditional model of subscribing to printed publications is increasingly being replaced by individually negotiated agreements for online access, including consortia, multi-site licenses, and site licenses, all referred to as “online deals”. Overall this will lead to a wider exposure, as well as increased visibility and usage. Acta Mathematica 2 volumes/year: 4 issues, totally 800 pp during 2014. During 2014 the issues 212:1-2 and 213:1-2 have appeared with in total 15 articles. The influx of manuscripts has been very good. Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access all the way back to the very first issue of Acta Mathematica, Vol 1, 1882. According to the latest ranking of the worlds 250 most famous journals in mathematics, Acta Matematica has the higest impact factor. Editorial Board Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Michel Brion, Grenoble, France (from November) Tobias Holck Colding, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA Håkan Eliasson, Université Paris 7, France Jens Carsten Jantzen, University of Aarhus, Denmark (until June) Jesper Grodal, Köpenhamn, Denmark (from July) Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Pekka Koskela, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (until June) John Rognes, University of Oslo, Norway (until June) Eero Saksman, Helsinki, Finland (from July) Technical Editors Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden Federico Incitti, Institut Mittag-Leffler Editorial Assistant Karl Jonsson, KTH, Stockholm Sweden Tommy Ekola, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden Annika Augustsson, Institut Mittag-Leffler 33 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS Arkiv för matematik 1 volume/year (2 issues, totally 400 pp) The issues 52:1-2 have appeared during 2014 within total 20 articles. The influx of manuscripts has been sufficient. Through our agreement with Springer our subscribers have online access back to the very first issue of Arkiv för matematik. Editorial Board Ari Laptev, Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mats Andersson, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg Nils Dencker, Lund University Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden Volodymyr Mazorchuk, Uppsala University Peter Sjögren, Göteborg University, Sweden Jeffrey Steif, Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden Technical Editor Anders Björn, Linköping University, Sweden Editorial Assistant Maria Weiss, Institut Mittag-Leffler Jenny Wiklund, Institut Mittag-Leffler Library and historical archive During 2014 Institut Mittag-Leffler still subscribed mainly to printed journals. In addition to these 110 journals, around 60 more are received in exchange for Acta Mathematica and Arkiv för matematik. The extensive project of registering books, journals and documents at IML has continued through the year. During 2013-2014 the Institute started a project to scan all letters to and from Gösta Mittag-Leffler. The Archive Trust for Research in Mathematical Sciences and Philosophy in England helped us with this. Our aim is to publish all material at our home page. Documents and information from the IML archive are in great request. This includes the photographs collected by Gösta MittagLeffler. As an example, several photos in the recent, much appreciated biography of Anne Charlotte Leffler (Gösta MittagLeffler's sister) by Monica Lauritzen came from this collection. Many guests at IML during the year have got a glimpse of the history of mathematics from the rich archive for rare books. Arthur, Gösta, Frits and Anne Charlotte, the four siblings Leffler. Photo taken at the end of the 1860s. The original manuscript which Henri Poincaré submitted in May 1888 for Oscar II's prize competition was recently found, and through a generous donation by Ulf R. Johansson, Malmö its new home is at Institut Mittag-Leffler. The Institute now hosts most of the existing documents and letters around the famous prize. 34 INSTITUT MITTAG-LEFFLER – A NORDIC INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN MATHEMATICS The board of Institut Mittag-Leffler Michael Benedicks, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Bo Berndtsson, Chalmers University of Technology, CTH, Göteborg Anders Björner, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Chairman Nils Dencker, Lund University Tobias Ekholm, Uppsala University/Institut Mittag-Leffler Carel Faber, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Kristian Ranestad, University of Oslo Kurt Johansson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Juha Kinnunen, Aalto University (from July) Ari Laptev, Institut Mittag-Leffler Mikael Rørdam, University of Copenhagen Eero Saksman, University of Helsinki (until June) Ragnar Sigurdsson, University of Iceland, Reykjavik Anna-Karin Thornberg, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm The Board in May 2014 Administration Ari Laptev, Director, 50% Tobias Ekholm, Deputy Director 20% Annika Augustsson, Administrative coordinator and economist Inger Halvarsson, Program administrator Jenny Wiklund, Program administrator and Editorial Assistant for Arkiv för Matematik, (until april) Maria Weiss, Program administrator and Editorial Assistant for Arkiv för Matematik, from april Mikael Rågstedt, Librarian, Editorial Assistant, Acta Mathematica Federico Incitti, Rome, Technical editor of Acta Mathematica, 67% Alexander Koponen, System administrator 60% Graeme Pollock, System administrator 60% Fawzi Mourou, Caretaker 35 1 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 Förvaltaren för Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse får härmed avge årsredovisning för räkenskapsåret 1 januari - 31 december 2014. Förvaltningsberättelse Ändamål Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses ändamål är att inom de fyra nordiska länderna, Sverige, Danmark, Finland och Norge, och alldeles särskilt Sverige, för framtiden uppehålla och ytterligare utveckla den ställning, vilken den rena matematiken i dessa länder numera intager, samt att härvid även bereda aktning och rättvist uppskattande utom Nordens gränser för dessa länders insats inom tankelivets högsta område. Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse bedriver verksamhet bl.a. i form av tidskriftsutgivning varför alla uttag redovisas över resultaträkningen som kostnader för drift av stiftelsen. Främjande av ändamålet Under året har 105 846 kronor använts ur fonden för att driva Institut Mittag-Leffler och utge tidskrifterna Acta Mathematica och Arkiv för Matematik. Eftersom Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse bedriver verksamhet, och därmed är klassad som näringsdrivande, redovisas alla uttag som kostnader för drift av stiftelsen. Nedan framgår stiftelsens egna kapitals förändring de fem senaste åren. Ingående kapital Beslutade stip. och anslag Årets resultat Utgående kapital 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 136 382 435 11 062 113 147 444 548 133 501 027 2 881 408 136 382 435 129 490 775 4 010 252 133 501 027 132 288 313 -2 797 538 129 490 775 130 158 115 2 130 198 132 288 313 8,11% 2,16% 3,10% -2,11% 1,64% Årlig förändring i % Stiftelsen har inte haft några anställda och inga löner och ersättningar har utbetalats under året. Allmänt om samförvaltningen Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien är förvaltare för Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelse, jämte ytterligare 97 stiftelser. Det ekonomiska ansvaret vilar därför på akademistyrelsen som enligt 12 § akademiens grundregler är ansvarig för vården av akademiens ekonomiska angelägenheter. Fördelningen av årets avkastning (räntor och utdelningar) och realisationsresultat har gjorts utifrån varje enskild stiftelses andel av det totala marknadsvärdet på stiftelsernas gemensamma tillgångar vid årets början. Varje enskild stiftelses andel av det totala egna kapitalet vid årets slut har legat till grund för fördelning av stiftelsernas totala gemensamma tillgångar. Det egna kapitalet för respektive stiftelse består av föregående års egna kapital som påförts årets resultat och reducerats med eventuella beslutade stipendier. Kapitalförvaltning Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien (KVA) förvaltar ett kapital om 1 501 mkr som avser anknutna stiftelser. KVA och dess anknutna stiftelsers kapital (exklusive Stiftelsen Anna-Greta och Holger Crafoords fond) förvaltas av Nordea enligt de av akademistyrelsen fastställda riktlinjerna enligt fördelningen nedan: 2 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 Tillgångsslag Min Normal Max Räntebärande värdepapper 10% 20% 30% Aktier 40% 60% 80% Alternativa placeringar 10% 20% 30% Förändring eget kapital (tkr) Nedan framgår eget kapitals förändring de fem senaste åren. Ingående kapital Ny donation Lämnat driftsanslag Besl. stip. och anslag Årets res., kap.förv. Återf. Nedskr. aktier Nedskrivning aktier Res. övrig verksamhet Utgående kapital Årlig förändring i % 2014 1 147 811 1 147 811 2013 1 094 483 4 471 -5 743 -18 639 77 282 -4 043 1 147 811 2012 1 068 374 4 500 -7 162 -23 195 28 764 25 929 -2 727 1 094 483 2011 1 094 851 412 -6 348 -20 862 29 871 -25 929 -3 621 1 068 374 2010 1 081 200 902 -6 185 -19 813 41 238 -2 491 1 094 851 0,00% 4,87% 2,44% -2,42% 1,26% 6,90% 8,10% -1,10% 0,10% 5,60% 5,80% Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses andel uppgår till 11,99 %. Portföljavkastning i jämförelse med valt index. Avkastning 1) Jämförelseindex 15,29% 13,48% 3,89% 4,02% 1) 2013 avser endast 8 månader då omläggningen till Nordea skedde i maj 2013. Marknadskommentar Fjolårets positiva makroekonomiska utropstecken var den amerikanska ekonomins fortsatta förbättring. Utsikterna om normalisering har medfört en kraftig förstärkning av dollarn. I Europa har däremot den ekonomiska utvecklingen varit fortsatt skör. Stigande förväntningar på offensiva penningspolitiska åtgärder från den europeiska centralbanken (ECB) har bidragit till att försvaga euron, och gett exportindustrin förhoppningar om ett välkommet lyft. ECB "slog till" på det här årets sida vilket har resulterat i fortsatt tryck uppåt på europeiska aktier och press neråt på långräntorna. Sverige har haft en motsvarande utveckling. Slutligen skapade oljans kraftiga prisfall under den andra halvan av fjolåret en stark deflationistisk trend som fortsätter att dämpa räntor och höja börsvärden trots en gnagande oro kring tillväxt i världsekonomin och graden av belåning. 2014 var ett starkt år för aktier och i Sverige gav även statsobligationer en hög avkastning. Stockholmsbörsen (OMX Total Return) steg knappa 14 procent medan svenska statsobligationer, mätt som OMRX, steg med 12,1 procent. Globala aktier mätt i SEK avkastade hela 27,4 procent, medan börserna i tillväxtekonomier avkastade 18,7 procent i SEK. Större delen av avkastningen mätt i SEK på globala aktier förklaras av försvagningen av den svenska kronan under året. Kreditmarknaden fortsätter också att utvecklas positivt, till följd av jakten på placeringsalternativ till statsräntor. Vad beträffar stiftelsens resultat och ställning i övrigt, hänvisas till efterföljande resultat- och balansräkningar med tillhörande noter. 3 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 RESULTATRÄKNING Not Stiftelsen intäkter Räntor och utdelning Externa anslag till stiftelsen Projektanslag Övriga intäkter Intäkter tidskrifter Stiftelsen kostnader Driftskostnader för stiftelsen Projektkostnader Kostnader tidskrifter Förvaltningskostnader Av- och nedskrivningar av materiella anläggningstillgångar Förvaltningsresultat Realisationsresultat Kursvinster Redovisat årsresultat 1 2 1 3 2014-01-01 2014-12-31 2013-01-012013-12-31 2 512 993 5 796 131 9 381 734 1 258 100 1 613 726 20 562 683 845 524 2 714 726 4 514 704 527 624 934 360 9 536 938 -6 169 698 -9 381 734 -1 549 502 -492 360 -7 084 720 -4 514 704 -1 324 301 -319 420 -406 771 -18 000 065 -554 033 -13 797 178 2 562 618 -4 260 240 8 295 176 204 320 8 499 495 7 141 648 7 141 648 11 062 113 2 881 408 4 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 BALANSRÄKNING 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 4 5 490 416 1 790 465 505 353 1 475 545 6 7 106 936 2 880 2 390 697 83 844 47 536 2 112 278 8 142 262 158 142 262 158 136 540 439 136 540 439 144 652 855 138 652 717 4 328 770 834 234 5 163 004 7 632 525 729 411 8 361 936 3 379 658 416 744 8 542 662 8 778 680 153 195 517 147 431 397 149 073 489 -1 628 941 147 444 548 140 483 400 -4 100 965 136 382 435 147 444 548 136 382 435 372 086 5 378 883 5 750 969 254 885 10 794 077 11 048 962 5 750 969 11 048 962 153 195 517 147 431 397 Ställda säkerheter Inga Inga Ansvarsförbindelser Inga Inga Tillgångar Anläggningstillgångar Materiella anläggningstillgångar Byggnader och mark Byggnadsinventarier Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Datorer Finansiella anläggningstillgångar Finansiella anläggningstillgångar Summa anläggningstillgångar Omsättningstillgångar Övriga fordringar Förutbet. kostnader och uppl. intäkter Kassa och bank Summa omsättningstillgångar Summa tillgångar Eget kapital och skulder Eget kapital Bundet eget kapital Fritt eget kapital Summa Eget kapital Kortfristiga skulder Leverantörsskulder Uppl. kostnader och förutbet. intäkter Summa skulder Summa eget kapital och skulder 9 STÄLLDA SÄKERHETER OCH ANSVARSFÖRBINDELSER MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 NOTER MED REDOVISNINGS-, OCH VÄRDERINGSPRINCIPER Allmänna redovisningsprinciper Årsredovisningen är upprättad enligt årsredovisningslagen och Bokföringsnämndens allmänna råd. Med undantag för fondrabatter (se nedan) är redovisningsprinciperna är oförändrade jämfört med föregående år. Värderingsprinciper m.m. Tillgångar, avsättningar och skulder har värderats till anskaffningsvärden om inget annat anges nedan. Fordringar Fordringar har efter individuell värdering upptagits till belopp varmed de beräknas inflyta. Fordringar och skulder i utländsk valuta Fordringar och skulder i utländsk valuta har upptagits till det lägsta av anskaffnings- och balansdagens kurs. Avskrivingsprinciper för anläggningstillgångar Följande avskrivningstider tillämpas Materiella anläggningstillgångar Datorer Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Byggnadsinventarier Byggnader 3 år 5 år 10 år 40 år Finansiella anläggningstillgångar Värdering av finansiella anläggningstillgångar sker kollektivt enligt portföljmetoden. Värderingen sker till anskaffningsvärde, vid bestående nedgång görs nedskrivning till marknadsvärde. Nedskrivningen återförs vid bestående uppgång. Fondrabatter Fondrabatter redovisas enligt skattemässiga principer. Fondrabatten erhålls i form av andelar i respektive fond och redovisas som intäkt och ökat anskaffningsvärde. Förvaltningskostnader Förvaltningskostnader avser kostnader som KVA har för uppfyllande av stiftelsens ändamål såsom kostnader för ansökningssystem, administrativt stöd och kommittéarbete. Kostnaderna fördelas på respektive anknuten stiftelse enligt fastställd fördelningsnyckel. Likvida placeringar Likvida placeringar värderas i enlighet med årsredovisningslagen till det lägsta av anskaffningsvärdet och det verkliga värdet. Eget kapital Bundet eget kapital består dels av det ursprungliga donationskapitalet, dels av rearesultat som förs direkt mot bundet eget kapital. Utöver detta ingår även kapitaliseringar, årlig avsättning om 10 % på räntor och utdelningar. Fritt kapital avser den del av kapitalet som kan disponeras för utdelningar. Anslag Beviljade anslag redovisas direkt mot eget kapital. Anslagen skuldförs vid beslutstillfället. Om utfästelsen är beroende av framtida avkastning bokförs anslagen i den takt villkoren uppfylls. Kostnader för ändamålet redovisas i resultaträkningen. Projektredovisning Externa anslag för projektverksamhet redovisas som intäkt i takt med upparbetade kostnader. Ej utnyttjade anslag redovisas som skuld. 5 (8) 6 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 Not 1 - Anslagsfinansierade projekt IB 6 040 005 Erhållet anslag 3 793 876 Varav utnyttjat 9 381 734 Kostnad -9 381 734 UB 452 147 Utgående balans 452 147 kronor redovisas i posten Upplupna kostnader och förutbetalda intäkter. Not 2 - Övriga intäkter Hyra mobilmastplats Stiftelsen Acta Matematica Fundraising Fondrabatter Overheadintäkter Övriga intäkter 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 183 130 224 000 198 824 436 138 169 854 46 154 1 258 100 0 14 937 256 924 90 254 44 656 406 771 14 937 237 863 251 535 49 698 554 033 Not 3 - Av- och nedskrivningar av materiella anläggningstillgångar Byggnader och mark Byggnadsinventarier Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Datorer Not 4 - Byggnader och mark Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Utgående anskaffningsvärde Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan 597 464 597 464 597 464 597 464 -92 111 -14 937 -107 048 -77 174 -14 937 -92 111 Bokfört värde 490 416 505 353 Not 5 - Byggnadsinventarier Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Nyanskaffningar Utgående anskaffningsvärde Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan 2 378 629 571 844 2 950 473 2 378 629 2 378 629 -903 084 -256 924 -1 160 008 -665 221 -237 863 -903 084 Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 1 790 465 1 475 545 1 272 914 113 346 1 386 260 1 272 914 1 272 914 -1 189 070 -90 254 -1 279 324 -937 535 -251 535 -1 189 070 106 936 83 844 Not 6 - Inventarier, verktyg och installationer Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Nyanskaffningar Utgående anskaffningsvärde Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 7 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 Not 7 - Datorer Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Utgående anskaffningsvärde Ackumulerade avskrivningar enligt plan Vid årets början Årets avskrivning enligt plan på anskaffningsvärden Utgående ack. avskrivningar enligt plan Planenligt restvärde vid årets slut 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 149 093 149 093 149 093 149 093 -101 557 -44 656 -146 213 -51 859 -49 698 -101 557 2 880 47 536 Not 8 - Finansiella Anläggningstillgångar (tkr) Bokförda värden och marknadsvärden på stiftelsens placeringar har fastställts med hjälp av fördelningsnyckel beräknad på de totala samförvaltade kapitalet. Nedan redovisas totalt samförvaltat kapital. Akademifonden (tkr) Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Försäljning Utgående anskaffningsvärden 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 0 0 1 119 736 -1 119 736 0 Bokfört värde 0 0 Marknadsvärde 0 0 664 559 390 501 -261 205 793 855 0 784 880 -120 321 664 559 Bokfört värde 793 855 664 559 Marknadsvärde 927 886 713 545 365 662 78 472 -206 579 237 555 0 814 194 -448 532 365 662 Bokfört värde 237 555 365 662 Marknadsvärde 242 959 365 699 Alternativa investeringar (tkr) Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Köp Utgående anskaffningsvärden 118 920 36 023 154 943 0 118 920 118 920 Bokfört värde 154 943 118 920 Marknadsvärde 156 197 119 469 Aktier och andelar (tkr) Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Köp Försäljning Utgående anskaffningsvärden Räntebärande (tkr) Ackumulerade anskaffningsvärden Vid årets början Köp Försäljning Utgående anskaffningsvärden 8 (8) MAKARNA MITTAG-LEFFLERS MATEMATISKA STIFTELSE 802408-0890 Totalt samförvaltat kapital (tkr) Bokfört värde 2014 1 186 353 2013 1 149 141 2012 1 119 736 2011 1 099 746 2010 1 125 585 Marknadsvärde 1 327 042 1 198 713 1 134 209 1 099 746 1 146 990 10,71% 5,69% 3,13% -4,12% 3,09% Årlig förändring % Makarna Mittag-Lefflers matematiska stiftelses andel uppgår till 11,99 %. Nedan redovisas stiftelsens andel av bokfört värde i respektive tillgångsslag. Finansiella anläggningstillgångar (kr) Aktier och andelar Räntebärande Alternativa investeringar 2014-12-31 2013-12-31 95 195 622 28 486 487 18 580 049 142 262 158 78 962 655 43 447 816 14 129 968 136 540 439 Not 9 - Eget kapital Belopp vid årets ingång Årets resultat Omföring till/från bundet eget kapital - avsättning enl. stadgarna - realisationsresultat och kursvinst/förlust Belopp vid årets utgång Summa eget kapital kapital 14-12-31 Stockholm den 28 maj 2015 Staffan Normark Ständig sekreterare Min revisionsberättelse har avgivits den Magnus Prööm Auktoriserad revisor Bundet eget kapital Stiftelsekap. 697 880 697 880 Övrigt 139 785 520 Fritt eget kapital -4 100 965 11 062 113 294 913 -294 913 8 295 176 148 375 609 -8 295 176 -1 628 941 147 444 548
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