November 2014 SOUTH WEST OXFORD TOWNSHIP DEREHAM DISTRICT LIONS CLUB If you think you might be interested in participating in a service club that contributes to humanitarian needs around the world through its affiliation with Lions International, as well as causes and projects in our own community, why not check us out? Attend a Lions Club meeting & see if this is for you. The Dereham District Lions Club meets at the Community Hall in Mt Elgin on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. Contact Al Forrester 519-842-4986,, Lyle Rooke 519-842-9323, Ted Ingham 519-485-3128. Dereham Lions have just completed the fund raising for another dog guide for sight impaired persons ($6,000 per dog). In the fall of 2012 Dereham Lions planted over 1,000 trees on Canadian Nature Conservancy property in Norfolk Township as part of a Lions Clubs project that resulted in 10,000 trees being planted. The Dereham Lion’s next fund raising project will be the Annual Auction to be held at the Mt Elgin Community Hall on March 19, 2015. Viewing of the items to be auctioned starts at 6pm with the bidding starting at 7pm. Drop by, have a cup of coffee and watch the action. Bidding is optional, but, hey its fun and for a good cause and if you are a successful bidder you get to take something home that you must have wanted or you wouldn’t have bid on it! PA DAY PROGRAM ~ TILLSONBURG The next PA Day program is Nov 21 at St. Paul's United Church, 88 Bidwell St, in Tillsonburg, telephone number is 519-688-0011. PA Day - Nov 21, 8:30am-4:30pm. Cost is $10 for the day. Child brings own lunch, we provide snacks & drinks. A fun day for the kids - with a different theme each PA day. Full of crafts, music, games & surprises throughout the day. All volunteers have been thoroughly screened. Space is limited - call or pop in today to reserve a spot for your child! CWL HOLLY DAZE BAZAAR The Catholic Women’s League of Sacred Heart Ingersoll invite you to come out to our yearly fundraiser the Holly Daze Bazaar on Sat Nov 8, 9am-1pm & Sun Nov 9, 10am-12pm at the Henderson Hall, John Street Ingersoll. Booths include: Penny Table – Crafts – Baking – Sewing – Green Plants – Country Store – Christmas Decorations – Draws and more. After shopping on Saturday visit our Tea Room for a homemade lunch. All proceeds will go to CWL mission and local projects. Thank you for your support. WINTER WONDERLAND BAKE & CRAFT SALE Woodingford Lodge Winter Wonderland Craft & Bake Sale will be held Sat Dec 6 from 9am -1pm at the lodge. Tables are $25 each with proceeds going to resident programs. Please call Jen for more information at 519-485-7053 ext 2309. Issue 02 CHRISTMAS FOOD HAMPERS & GIFTS Collection for the Ingersoll and District Inter-Church Committee Christmas Food Hamper and Gift program begins Nov 7 at Tremblett’s Independent & then at the Ingersoll Christmas Parade & collection boxes at local businesses. The Food Hamper and Gift program relies completely on your donations. Your donations remain in your community to help those in need. Thank you for your continued support. REMEMBRANCE DAY Citizens of Ingersoll: As members of The Royal Canadian Legion, we strive to keep the memory alive of the 117,000 Canadian men & women who paid the supreme sacrifice in the service of Canada during World War II & on subsequent operations since in Korea. This goal is achieved through our annual Poppy Campaign & Remembrance Day Services organized by the Royal Canadian Legions throughout our country & by fellow citizens who are working far from our shores. The Poppy Campaign ID's the foundation of our Remembrance Program. We provide Canadians with the opportunity to wear a Poppy & to participate at the Remembrance Day Services. Our remembrance activity goes beyond the 2 weeks leading up to Nov 11 each year. As a result of the generosity each Remembrance Time, we are able to ensure that Veterans & their dependants are cared for & treated with the respect they deserve. We are able to supply medical equipment to those who need it within our community, through the generosity of our fellow citizens. We are able to foster the Tradition of Remembrance amongst our youth, the leaders of tomorrow. When we became members of The Royal Canadian Legion, one of the obligations we undertook was the willingness to participate in the Poppy Campaign. We are the Guardians of Remembrance. The lines from John McCrae's poem "If ye break faith with us who die, we shall not sleep, though poppies grow in Flanders Fields" are as true today as when they were first written. Your generous contribution will enable us to carry on this commendable tradition. Also please join the rest of Canada in the 2 Minute Wave of Silence which will sweep across our nation at precisely 11am on November 11th. Rob Mabee, Poppy Chairman, R.C.L. Branch #119 Ingersoll. KNITTING CLUB The Knitting Club at Mt. Elgin Public Library meets Thursday evenings 7pm until close. Anyone with questions on knitting or crocheting may stop in for assistance. If anyone would like to learn to knit or crochet, bring your supplies & get started. Experienced knitters are welcome to bring their projects to work on. Mount Elgin Public Library, 333204 Plank Line, Mt. Elgin, 519-485-0134. LIKE US ©JC Graphics 2014 TEL 519-285-3249 800-624-4218 FAX 519-285-3239 140 Dundas Street PO Box 400 Thamesford Ontario Canada N0M 2M0 Pardy Plumbing & Heating Ltd. Sun. Nov. 16 1-4 pm Leaky Faucets Repaired Drains Cleaned • Boilers Sewer Camera • Renovations Farm • Residential • Commercial In-floor Heating & Water Piping by Wirsbo SALES & SERVICE Tel: 519-425-1685 Fax: 519-425-9998 INGERSOLL CREATIVE ARTS CENTRE DECK THE HALLS The Arts Centre at 125 Centennial Lane, Victoria Park is gearing up for this annual sale, featuring beautiful handcrafted gift items: painting, pottery, fibre arts, quilting, hooking , knitting, along with baked goods, jams & jellies. Mark your calendar & don't miss this signature event Fri Nov 21, 5-9pm & Sat Nov 22, 10am-5pm. AFTER-SALE Many of the remaining items from the above sale will be left at the Centre Gallery until Dec 13 for those last minute shoppers. If you miss the main event, it's not too late to find beautiful gifts. GALLERY The current exhibition in the Gallery, entitled "INSIGHT" features mixed media & collage on glass & plexi-glass works, by Pat Gibson and glass sculptures, by George Whitney. Exhibition continues until Nov 16. CLASSES - a complete list of our classes is available on our web site: PAINTING Mixed Media Instructor Ruth Davies Sat Nov 15, 9:30-3:30 QUILTING 'Take a Bow' (bow-tie variation) Instructor Lorraine Stevens, Wed Nov 12, 7-9pm & Sat Nov 29, 9:30-3:30 Hexies - English Paper Piecing - Instructor Jean Hillis Nov 26, 7-9pm CHRISTMAS CARD MAKING Instructor Audrianna DeSouza, Sat Dec 6-9, 12 noon, $28 materials included. Watch for new classes for beginners and more experienced students beginning in Jan. 2015, in the next issue of the 'Village Voice'. EMBRO DINNER THEATRE AUDITIONS Embro Dinner Theatre Auditions for “Kitchen Witches”, will be held Nov 24, 26 & 27 at 7:30 in the Old Town Hall in Embro. We need 2 women between the age of 40-60, 1 man 20-35, and 1 teenager male or female (this person has 1 line in the play, but is very active throughout the show). Practices start 1st week of Jan, show runs the last week of February and 1st week of March. For more information or scripts call Doug Turvey 519-475-4937 or Ed Williams 519-475-4722. THORNDALE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY The Thorndale and Area Horticultural meeting Wed Nov 12 at 7:30pm. Speaker Robert Traut from Kirkton who will speak on "Bonsai". A membership draw will be made at the meeting. The prize is a gift basket filled with garden related items. If you have not bought your membership, you need to get it at the meeting to be included in the draw. Memberships are $10 for the first member of a household and $6 for each additional member of the same household. As always everyone is invited to our meetings. For information contact Shirley 519-4610855 or, ontario.orgphp/tahs. "SOW IT, GROW IT, SHOW IT". THROUGH THE YEARS FASHION SHOW The musical journey showcasing 100 years of song, dance comedy & fashion, Through the Years, will be showing at The Purple Hill Country Music Hall, Nov 29 with a matinee showing at 1:30pm & an evening showing at 7pm. Tickets are $25/show & if buying in advance a $20 tax receipt will be available. Please contact the following for more information or to purchase your tickets: Ed Lee-519-461-1936, Purple Hill-519-461-0538,Thorndale Ace Hardware- 519-461-0280 or Marion Kernighan-519-666-0942. Mt. Elgin Community Centre Featuring a wide variety of local vendors including woodworking, candy, jewelry, Tupperware, Watkins Products, greeting cards, jams, chili sauce, baked goods and more. The Taste of Country Christmas Craft & Admission $2.00 includes coffee, cookies and chance to win a door prize. INGERSOLL SERVICES FOR SENIORS GROW CLUB “Gardening. Recreation. Outdoors. Wellness.” The G.R.O.W. Club is a new program of all things horticulture, including planting herb and vegetable gardens, canning & preserves, natural décor and much more. This is a FREE program funded through the United Way of Oxford & transportation to and from is provided at no cost. This Club is recommended for older adults in Ingersoll & surrounding communities who enjoy, but no longer are able to garden in their home (due to physical limitations, housing arrangements, financial or other possible barriers). Participants can contribute their years of knowledge & expertise and meet with other gardeners who share their same interest. The Club meets every Tuesday, 9:30-11am at the Ingersoll Senior Centre. MEALS - Ingersoll Services for Seniors offers a variety of meal programs including Frosty Meals, Meals on Wheels, Weekly Friday Lunches, as well as a 75+ Diner’s Club. All meals are reasonably priced & we accommodate many diets, call us for more information. EQUIPMENT LOAN PROGRAM - Ingersoll Services for Seniors lends medical equipment to Ingersoll & surrounding communities, free of charge! We have Broda Chairs, canes, wheelchairs, walkers, bath benches, commodes, electric wheelchairs and many other items. Give us a call before you buy! FOOT CARE - Give your feet the care they deserve! Join us each Tuesday for our foot clinic. Call & reserve your spot today! Cost is $22. Need foot care in home? We do that too, for a fee of $22. Foot Care costs are subsidized by the United Way of Oxford. HOME HELP & MAINTENANCE SERVICES - A normal part of aging is needing assistance with Independent Activities & Daily Living, these are daily tasks such as grocery shopping, transportation & cleaning around the house. If you require assistance please let Ingersoll Services for Seniors know. We can help connect you with reliable individuals to assist you in these tasks & to enable you to stay independent longer. TRANSPORTATION Need a ride? We provide rides to & from appointments, errands or wherever you need to be! Very reasonable rates and reliable drivers. Financial assistance or subsidy available for qualifying individuals. Contact Ingersoll Services for Seniors for more information about all of the services we have to offer! 519-485-2269 And remember “Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional.” ~ Chili Davis HARVARD ASSOCIATION ACTIVE ALL WINTER They may not fly during the winter months, but the roar continues at The Canadian Harvard Aircraft Association. From October through March, CHAA holds its monthly membership meeting on the 3rd Saturday of the month 10am in its Operations Centre at Tillsonburg Regional Airport. Visitors are welcome to come out and enjoy the camaraderie of the all-volunteer organization. There are all sorts of opportunities to get involved from restorations & maintenance to fundraising & public relations. Visit for more information. VON - ADULT DAY PROGRAM Our program provides seniors & adults living with a disability, an opportunity to enjoy a day of recreational & social programs with their peers in a safe environment. Daily attendance includes activities, guests & outings, all designed & developed by our Recreationist, a hot meal provided, exercise programs and so much more. Our PSW staff allows us to appropriately cater to any personal-care needs of clients. Our talented multidisciplinary staff confidently supports diagnoses such as Alzheimer disease, dementia, stroke, multiple sclerosis, mental health & developmental changes. Our day program not only provides a social atmosphere for clients but it provides respite for caregivers. Those experiencing difficulty bathing at home are more than welcome to take advantage of our therapeutic tub. Our technologically advanced accessible tub and professional staff, will provide you with the assistance you require. The Bathing Program is open to all Adult Day Program clients as well as those from the community. The bathing charge is not included in the Day Program fee. VON nurses are available to provide you with professional foot care during your Adult Day Program visit. Foot care fees are an additional cost to that of the Adult Day Program. For all other questions and/or concerns please feel free to contact: Robin Bryce, Program Coordinator, VON Ingersoll & Tillsonburg Adult Day Program 519-539-1231, ext 238. ALZHEIMER SOCIETY PRESENTS TEEPA SNOW For Family Caregivers Creative & practical tips for getting through the day. A renowned advocate for those living with dementia, Teepa has made it her personal mission to help families & professionals better understand how it feels to be living with such challenges & seeks to change & improve life. Wed, Nov 26, 9am-12pm. A support program will be available for the person living with dementia if required For Health Care Professionals Demystifying Resistance & Refusals -Understanding Behaviours & then Helping. Wed Nov 26, 1pm-4pm at Elm Hurst Inn, 415 Harris St, Ingersoll. Please call for additional information 519-421-2466 or 877-594-2368. A MUST-SEE Yes, it’s that time of year again – Westminster United is mounting their 2014 production. This year it’s Nunsense II – that’s right, not the first installment, but an all new show with the same great characters & talented actors! But don’t worry if you didn’t see the first one, you’ll be caught up in no time. The action takes place two weeks after the first show as the 5 nuns give a thank you performance for the support they received the first time around. But a talent scout in the audience & a kidnapping plan by the Franciscans keep the action rolling as fast as the laughs. Sr. Leo, the novice, ups her dance moves, Sr. Amnesia gets her country on & Sr. Robert Ann is just as much trouble as ever. Sr. Hubert keeps trying to hold things together even as Reverend Mother seems to let things fall apart. The music is outstanding & you’ll laugh until it hurts. Come enjoy just the show at a Saturday matinee, lunch on Sunday or a dinner each evening from Nov. 6-9. For tickets, call 519-285-3037 or 519-285-2767 or email Get them now so you won’t be disappointed. SAME DAY SERVICE SEPTIC TANK PUMPING Residential & Commercial Phone: 519-285-5069 • Cellular: 519-878-0678 10 Performing Bands INCLUDING: • United Alumni Drum & Bugle Corps • Golden Harps Steel Orchestra • London Firefighters Pipe Band • Blind Dog Joe • The Stilt Guys • Burlington Teen Tour Band / Woodstock Santa Claus Parade For more info call: 519-537-5721 THAMES CENTRE COMMUNITY CHOIR Thames Centre Community Choir will present a Remembrance Day concert at 7:30 pm November 11, at Chalmers United Church in Kintore. This event, which is part of the 100th Anniversary Celebrations of the Kintore church and commemorates the 100th anniversary of the beginning of WWI and 75th anniversary of the start of WWII, will feature familiar songs of the wartime eras, as well as settings of traditional Remembrance Day songs such as In Flanders Field. We will remember our former member & friend Dennis Rumble who passed away this past May by donating all proceeds to our Memorial Award fund at the music faculty at UWO which will generate an annual scholarship for deserving music students. For information on this event please contact Patrick at 519-283-9758. The concert will be repeated again at Dorchester United on Sunday Nov 16, 7pm. For info call Jane Busche at 519-268-3360. Tickets are $15. INGERSOLL SENIORS’ ACTIVITY CENTRE 250 Ingersoll St S, Ingersoll “Home Party Shopping Night” Monday November 10th 6:30 – 8:30pm EVERYONE WELCOME Pampered Chef, Scensty, Tupperware, Silpada, Steeped Tea, Avon, Jockey for Women, Thirty –One and more! All Proceeds to United Way of Oxford THORNDALE SENIORS ACTIVITIES Upcoming seniors programs in November in Thorndale: Nov 3 Thorndale Seniors Meeting, 1:30pm, Thorndale Library. For more information call Dorothy Dicker at 519-461-0990 Nov 7 Tai Chi with June Ross, Every Friday, 1:30pm-12:30pm Nov 10 Carpet Bowling, Every Monday (except the 1st Monday), Thorndale Community Centre. For more information on any of these programs call 519-268-2025. NOVEMBER IS CPR MONTH Essential Boating Course Starting 1st week of November Tillsonburg Power & Sail Squadron Learn how to perform CPR & use an AED; because seconds count! SPECIAL OFFER! November is CPR month. During the month of November you can register for CPR at 50% off! To register for training, please email woodstock.first, 519-539-0265. Available in Tillsonburg, Woodstock, Ingersoll Other courses available, Maritime Radio P.C.O.C, Seamanship, A.P. For more information Call Joan or Larry at KARAOKE & DANCE AT INGERSOLL LEGION 1-519-842-5618 Nov 15 is our next Karaoke, come out and see what we’re all about it’s free and it’s fun! We have a pot luck so bring a dish or donate to our Karaoke Fund Box at the bar. You don’t have to be a member to come to the Legion, but by joining you can enjoy all the Legion has to offer. HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ingersoll & District Historical Society Annual Dinner Meeting will be held Tues Nov 18, starting at 5:30 at the Ingersoll Seniors Centre. A roast beef dinner will be served at 6pm, followed by Professor Johnathan Vance, of UWO, speaking on Canada's Role in World War One. $20 tickets are available from Cathy Mott by phoning 519-4852062; or Debbie Johnston 519-425-0330. Mark your calendar for our 2015 spring meetings; held on the 3rd Tues of March, April & May at 7:30 at the Royal Canadian Legion, 211 Thames St, N, Ingersoll. We will have local speakers, books and historical artifacts to present and discuss as well as Part II of the Ingersoll Rural Cemetery Tour! DECK THE HALLS CHRISTMAS SALE The Ingersoll Creative Arts Centre presents its annual Deck the Halls Christmas Show & Sale Fri Nov 21, 5-9pm & Sat Nov 22, 10am-4pm. Unique & original art pieces including pottery, quilted items, paintings, fibre arts & rug hooking will be available for sale. Of course there'll be baked goodies too. For more details or call 519-485-4691. Hours M-F 9am-12pm & 1-4pm at 125 Centennial Lane (in Victoria Park), Ingersoll. Season’s Greetings! TRIVIA CHALLENGE "DATE CHANGE" The date for the "Kiwanis Trivia Challenge" is Sat Nov 8. It's still at the Unifor Local 88 Hall, 364 Victoria St, Ingersoll starting at 7:30pm. Come & join the fun, earn the "Bragging Rights", win prizes donated by Ingersoll Restaurants (Mango Salad, Elm Hurst Inn, Dino's, Louie's, Miss Ingersoll) plus a Silent Auction. Teams of 8 players, $20 per player, with $10 tax receipt per player. For further info contact Gary Van Kooten 519-485-4310 or or Ian Robertson 519-535-2666 or CARPET BOWLING ~ NEW DAY Thamesford Lawn Bowling Club Carpet Bowling at the Thamesford Arena Wed. mornings 10am-12pm, starting November 5th. SPAGHETTI DINNER The IDCI Key Club will host their bi-annual all “you can eat” Spaghetti Dinner at Trinity United Church from 4:30-7pm Wed Nov 19. Come & enjoy great meat or vegetarian spaghetti, with salad, dessert, coffee or juice; all for the price of $10 (adult), $5 (for ages 6-12) & under 5 free. Silent Auction also. For info contact Ian Robertson 519-485-3504 or WEST OXFORD UNITED CHURCH West Oxford United Church, the oldest protestant congregation in Oxford County recently celebrated the 210th anniversary of its founding by Saddlebag minister, Nathan Bangs in 1804. We worship each Sunday at 11am with Rev David VanPatter, our very enthusiastic Minister. We are part of a 4-point charge including Beachville, Folden’s & Sweaburg. We have 2 very dedicated Lay Ministers in the persons of Lynn Dunlop & Lillian Rowe, who each take one service per month. We are a small country Church that would welcome more people to worship with us. We have a Fellowship Group that meets the 1st Wed of each month for a potluck dinner & fellowship. On Oct 19, we were pleased to welcome members of St. John’s Lodge, A.F. & A.M. No 68, who took part in the service. A light lunch was enjoyed following the service. West Oxford Church is located at 354395 Church Line, 3km east of Ingersoll, between Clarke Road & Karn Road in South West Oxford Twp. SANTA FOR HIRE With Santa being so busy during this time of year his, “helpers” are for hire. Please contact Ron on his cell at 519-521-7833 or home at 519485-3252 or email Supporting Children’s Aid Society of Oxford County. FIND WHAT YOU NEED McKINNON CUSTOM FRAMING Create a Unique Christmas Gift with Custom Framing 1-855-765-4192 MUSIC LESSONS • Guitar • Piano • Drums • Voice • Accordion • Banjo • Ukulele • Keyboard • Mandolin • Bass Ingersoll Music Academy 40 King St. E, Ingersoll 519-485-1213 WANTED INGERSOLL MEMORABILIA Old Post Cards, Milk Bottles & Tokens, Signs, Advertising. Anything related to Ingersoll’s past. Fair prices paid. 519-485-3875 Serving Your Community Since 1878 OUR COMMUNITY I-FUND 2014 ...Can help with your fund raising goals! We are looking to invest in the communities where we all work & live! Are you interested in sustaining the heritage of our communities? Do you have a community project that will benefit the quality of life in your community today & for years to come? Are you aware of any group or organization that could benefit from our financial assistance? If you have answered “YES” to any of the above the please contact our Head Office, An Agent or Broker, or our website at for an application . Tell your friends! Deadline for submissions is Nov. 15th, 2014. 519-285-2916 Local People. Exceptional Service! DEADLINE for the December edition is... Nov 21st TEL: 519-285-3249 FAX: 519-285-3239 EMAIL: WWW.jcgraphics.CA SIDE DOOR DÉCOR Holiday Open House at the home of Margaret Priddle, 17 Cross Street Ingersoll. Fri Nov 14, 5-9pm & Sat Nov 15, 11-4pm Enjoy a cup of cider as you wander through my selection of wreaths, swags, bows & more... CRAFT OPEN HOUSE Quilts, Table Runners, Placemats, Scarves, Mitts and Afghans. Long Arm Quilting 9am–4pm Nov 15 5 Mason Dr., Ingersoll Thamesford Trojans Jr. Hockey 2014-15 HOME GAME SCHEDULE Friday Saturday Sunday Friday Friday Friday Saturday JC November November November November November November November 7 8 9 14 21 28 29 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm 7:30pm Dorchester N. Middlesex Aylmer Port Stanley Lambeth Dorchester Exeter Train of Thought... Man stands in his own shadow & wonders why it's dark. Zen Proverb INGERSOLL SKATING CLUB WARM TOES FOR EVERYONE! Registrations are still being accepted for our CanSkate, Power Skating, Learn to Skate & Star Skate programs. We offer a variety of programs on Wed, Fri mornings, Sat & Sun for all ages, from the beginner to the more advanced skater. Skaters are taught skills in the areas of balance, control & agility. Each skater progresses at their own level as outlined by Skate Canada. Our professional coaches provide on the ice instruction with the assistance of our Program Assistants. For further information or to register please call Josie 519-425-0748 or Barbara 519-485-1039 or Everyone in our community deserves warm toes & fingers this winter! Please bring a pair or more of new socks and / or mittens to the Ingersoll Rotary Christmas Parade Sat, Nov 15. Girl Guides will walk the parade route collecting donations of socks & mittens for the Ingersoll and District Inter-church Christmas relief hampers. All sizes of socks and mitts are needed (adult too). Thank you Ingersoll; over the past 3 years you’ve donated close to 3,000 pairs of socks! This year, there is the added option of donating mittens / gloves. See you at the parade & watch for the walking Girl Guide cookies! SPECIAL SHOPPING IN INGERSOLL BATTLE OF THE HORS D’OEUVRES Mark Sun, Nov 9 on your Calendar! The Ingersoll Skating Club is hosting a Christmas Craft & Vendor Show upstairs in the auditorium at the Ingersoll Arena from 9am-4pm. There will be skating apparel (new & used), crafts, vendors & a bake sale. This is an excellent opportunity to get your Christmas shopping done early. Vendors include Epicure, Scentsy, CJ Designs, Thirty-One, Pampered Chef, Usborne Books, Arbonne, IT Works, Watkins, Jamberry Nails, Jockey Person to Person, OPAL, OCSJ, Steeped Tea, South Hill Designs, Cobblestone Laser, Cutie, Bowtootie, Two Needles & A Ball of Yarn & more! Tangles & Tiaras Princess Parties will be there from 10-12 with the Snow Queen herself. Come meet Elsa & get your picture taken by professional photographer, Charlotte Lindsay Photography. There will be a $5 cost for these pictures. Also pictures with Santa will be available from 1pm-3pm by donation. Come out & support the Ingersoll Skating Club. For more information, contact Trudy Ling 519-535-7938. EMBRO & ZORRA AGRICULTURE SOCIETY Embro & Zorra Agricultural Society Annual Meeting will be Mon, January 19, 2015 at Embro Legion. For more information, contact Carol 519-533-3962. Mark your calendars: Nov 28 Big Brothers Big Sisters is hosting their Annual Bid for Kids’ Sake and the 6th Annual Battle of the Hors D ’Oeuvres. Tickets are $30 each, call ahead to reserve yours 519-4851801. Check out for more details about the event. • • • • Replace Drafty Windows & Doors Foggy or broken thermal units C A L L F O R FREE New glass shower enclosures Windshield and chip repairs E S T I M AT E S 68 Thames Ingersoll 519-485-5471 Independently Owned & Operated Franchise ST JAMES TURKEY SUPPER St. James' Anglican Church Ingersoll - Turkey Dinners with all the trimmings! Tues Nov 4: Sit Down, 2 sittings - 5pm or 6:30pm. Tues Nov 18: Take-Out Dinner - Pick up after 5pm until 6:30pm. Please call the church office at 519-485- 0385 to reserve your tickets. Adults $15 Children 5 to 12 -$7 and Under 4 - Free. DDC HOLIDAY EXTRAVAGANZA Join us Sun, Nov 23, 12-4pm at the Ingersoll Arena for a Holiday Extravaganza! The competitive teams at Diamond Dance Centre are hosting this exciting event as a fundraiser for their upcoming spring season. This will be an afternoon of holiday shopping, with a great mix of craft & vendor tables. There will be door prizes, dance performances, a cake raffle & more! $2 admission. Please come out and support your local dancers! Contact the studio for more information, including vendor info, at 519-425-8777 or THE OLDE WEST OXFORD UNITED CHURCHES Beachville, Foldens, Sweaburg, West Oxford Beachville 434809 Zorra Line, Sunday worship at 9:30am. Nov 11 Remember the Community Remembrance Day Ceremony at 11am at the Beachville Legion Cenotaph. Foldens 374097 Folden’s Line, Folden’s, Sunday worship 9:30am. Nov 8 Christmas Fling at Foldens Hall, 9:30-3:00. Admission $5. Vendors will be displaying & selling their wares. The UCW will have a bake table with Christmas puddings & other tasty treats. Dec 1 Annual UCW “Members & Friends” Christmas Party at Foldens Hall, 6:30pm. Sweaburg 474425 Dodge Line, Sweaburg, Sunday worship 11am. Nov 6 Andrew Moir will be speaking to the UCW about Habitat for Humanity. Sweaburg Church, 7:30pm. West Oxford 354395 Church Line, Sunday worship 11am. Nov 30 5th Sunday Worship at West Oxford, 9:30am. THISTLE THEATRE the little theatre with a big heart Plan to attend our play “Having Hope at Home” written by Daniel S. Craig will run Nov 14-16 and 21-23. Tickets go now on sale. With a strong group of actors & a dedicated crew, buzz is already building that it will be another show worth seeing. A story with characters you know: On a winter afternoon on a dairy farm a baby is about to arrive. So are the relatives from the city. Modern medicine is about to meet midwifery head on. As tensions rise between 3 generations, so does the laughter. It takes a baby to heal the family rifts in this heartwarming story of forgiveness and hope. This Canadian comedy was originated at Blythe Festival in 2003. Cast Carolyn ………………………………...Meagan Hargreaves Russell (Carolyn’s Grandfather) .…...Chris Cockle Michel (Carolyn’s boyfriend)………..Jeff Harmer Bill (Carolyn’s father)…………….Ron Marshall Jane (Carolyn’s mother)…………...Betty Bartram Dawn (Carolyn’s midwife) ………....Jolanda Van Der Eijk Behind the Scenes: Julie McIntosh is producing and is putting together a great crew. Sue Garner is back to direct in Embro. Stage Manager is Peter Johnson. We are fortunate to have Kevin Rutherford for Set Design, Ed Williams Sound Design, Sue Ballantyne-Topp Costumes, Norm Northmore & Tim Cockle Lighting Design, Phoebe Campbell, Debbie Matheson & Trudy DeWitt Props. Set Construction is a team effort by Don Jordan, Don R. Campbell, Clint Dubuque, Harold Arbuckle and Chris Cockle. Together the crew works ‘theatre magic’. Most of these areas can use assistants. If you are interested in helping out with the show, please contact Julie McIntosh, Sue Garner, or any Thistle Theatre board member. We guarantee fun & a great learning and community experience. Tickets are available from Chris & Nancy Cockle 519-475-4201, & For more information about these & other aspects of Thistle Theatre, please take a peek at our website or call Chris Cockle at 519-475-4201. KIRBY WATER Water Softeners Chlorine Removal Sulphur & Iron Removal Ultra Violet Systems Pure Drinking Water RENTALS Call Max 519-285-2731 SALES SERVICE SUZANNE CRELLIN WINS AWARD Community activist Suzanne Crellin, a frequent & effective presenter, researcher & writer around the dump fight, was recognized for her work in Oxford County & across Ontario by an award. Asked by Temara Brown of CRAND, a community group in North Dumfries to whom Suzanne has offered assistance “who wouldn’t support Suzanne’s nomination for the quality and quantity of work to oppose Walker’s dump proposal, to move us to permaculture, sustainability & rethinking our way of life”. Her award is for community service. She’s highly skilled, yet, as anyone who has met her would attest, humble. Congratulations on this provincial award presented by the Green Party to a community activist regardless of political affiliation. 2014 ANGEL TREE CAMPAIGN Join us in making this a wonderful Christmas for families in Oxford County. Gifts should be unwrapped, but gift bags are welcome. Please be sure to attach “the Angel” to the package. Please drop into the Children’s Aid Society office at 712 Peel St., Woodstock and choose an “Angel” from our tree. All gifts should be delivered to the agency by Fri Dec 5. For more information, please call 519-539-6176 or email TRASHAPALOOZAHA 4 IS COMING! On the heels of the public’s amazing response to TrashapaloozAHA 3, where Sweaburg’s Lions’ Ball Park saw droves of people coming & going, donating & collecting treasures at the facility which the community club offered free, the next round of Free-Cycling is being planned. Zorra Township has invited the planning group to begin discussions with them and passed a motion in principle to support it. ThrashapaloozAHA describes the “eureka” moment where something ready to be trashed is restored, reused or reimagined. It was in evidence this Sept 20 as household goods, toys for children, books for them & adults, clothing, furniture & the kitchen sink – yes, we really had one, briefly – arrived & departed with happy new owners. All the things people might consider waste, were not wasted. This means much less to go to the dump, much more thoughtful & deliberate ways of living & many more proofs that Oxford County doesn’t need a private dump in its water table. A shared initiative of OPAL, The Ingersoll and District Nature Club & The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice, TrashapaloozAHA has been an opportunity for people to learn about the valued work of the ReStore, Fusion Youth Centre, Good Will & The Men’s Shed. Additionally, there has been concrete benefit to those groups as well as to the Sweaburg Ball Club who provided the excellent breakfast and the pull pork piles with heaps of hearty salads at lunch. If the strain of shopping for free tired you, you could recharge well. When, just before noon, it was announced that everything free was now two for one, everyone pounced. Next year’s edition will be in the Spring. Save you discards for reuse. Save your shopping bags for filling again. YULETIDE FANSHAWE PIONEER VILLAGE DING DONG THE TAX IS GONE! November 14th - 16th Enjoy savings equal to the tax all weekend long at participating stores. LIGHTING OF THE LIGHTS Friday, November 14th The official lighting of Museum Square at 6:30pm FESTIVE FRIDAY November 28th 5-9pm Official arrival of Santa • Petting Zoo Horse Drawn Sleigh Rides • Entertainment Black Friday Shopping & Savings 519-537-5721 MOONLIGHT & MISTLETOE The romance of a late November evening, moonlight, mistletoe, excellent food & wonderful music cannot be lost on anyone looking to celebrate the arrival of the Christmas season. Druids will, of course, welcome the mistletoe too. Nov 22 marks the date of a fabulous meal provided by BBQ Feast, music by Oxford’s favourite Wine Vinyl and of course, conviviality. How does an event like this happen? There needs to be a concept: that was provided by Rick Roach, events director at Compass. There needs to be a name that sums up the experience: it took some collaboration among Compass staff before the allure of the moon over a late autumn sky & mistletoe’s assurance of greenery when all other trees are bare. And who can knock a kiss stolen under it? There needs to be a good cause: OPAL will use funds towards their dump fight; The Nature Club will finance pollinator awareness & gardens with proceeds. There needs to be a reason to attend: A chance to wear your finery, a buffet & conversation with friends & an opportunity to spend the night with friends & acquaintances while sweet music plays all add up to motivations. Additionally, for that person in charge of organizing a seasonal outing for a club or business or colleagues, the work has been done. Book in, relax, enjoy. To assure that you are seated with a group of friends, the tickets are being sold in blocks of 8. If that is too complicated, each person can acquire a separate ticket. For more information, menu, and tickets to this joyous Nov 22 event contact Rick Roach 519 532 8307 or by email “Moonlight becomes you” is an old compliment. Mistletoe should then be hung over you. FOR HOME & COUNTRY Thorndale Women's Institute: Women Interested, Involved & Informed Is sponsoring a meeting addressing the topic of Mental Health for Parents and Grandparents with guest speaker Leanne Oke from the Canadian Mental Health Association. Thurs, Nov 6, 7pm. Refreshments will be served. For more info call Trudy 519-461-0415. A Visit with St. Nicholas Sat & Sun Dec 6-7 & Dec 13-14 Families are invited to a Visit with St. Nicholas. Enjoy a hot pancake breakfast, followed by a baked gingerbread man to decorate for dessert. Hop aboard a horse drawn wagon for a beautiful winter ride around the Village & visit a selection of buildings preparing for Christmas. Of course the day wouldn’t be complete without a visit with St. Nicholas himself, who is happy to see each child. Sat & Sun sittings available at 9:30, 11 & 1pm. Book on-line at Advance booking is required. Sponsored by Thorndale Farm Supplies (2003) Ltd. Dickens’ Dinner Nov 28 & 29, Dec 5 & 6, Dec 12 & 13. Enjoy a traditional 19th century Christmas dinner featuring local roast goose, root vegetables, squash soup, cabbage salad & for dessert; mincemeat pie or plum pudding. After dinner, experience a unique adaptation of Charles Dickens’ A Christmas Carol. An Upper Canada Christmas Carol: A Play by Jason Rip. Colonel Thomas Talbot may be the most powerful man in his 35,000 acre “principality” along the shore of Lake Erie in early 19th century Upper Canada, but he is not known as a kind man. Discover if a parade of tranquility-shattering phantoms can change his ultimate fate. Book at MT ELGIN UNITED CHURCH What does community mean to you? Community is more than an address or collection of houses. Community is about relationships, & connections between people who have something in common. Community involves people sharing & co-operating to achieve common goals, whether it is a group of neighbours working to improve their area, farmers meeting to share concerns & support, congregations gathering to worship & work together or parents, children and teachers creating a great school. Nurturing & celebrating the gift of community is part of our ministry at Mt. Elgin United Church. Throughout November, we will be focusing on the ways we are blessed by those who share our lives and are part of the communities in which we live and work. On Nov 9, 10am we will remember the veterans who protect all our communities, and we will also be thanking the police, EMS & volunteer firefighters who put themselves at risk to help others. On Nov 15 we will be joining with friends & neighbours in the Ingersoll Christmas Parade. Then on Sun, Nov 16 we are hosting our annual Taste of Country Christmas Craft & Bake Sale. This event is held at the Mt. Elgin Community Centre and highlights local talent & small businesses. We are also looking forward to celebrating the 154th anniversary of our congregation Nov 30 with a special service starting at 10am and featuring the Handbell Graces. And because communities come together in times of joy & sorrow, our annual Blue Christmas Service will be held Nov 23, 7pm. This is a service that acknowledges the grief, stress & sadness that many people feel during the holiday season, while offering comfort & hope. You are welcome to be part of the community faith at Mt. Elgin United Church. This month at Mt. Elgin United Church Weekly: VON Smart Exercise for Seniors Tues & Fri 8:30-9:30am. Rural Café drop in & shuffleboard (at the Community Centre) Tuesdays 9:30-11am. Moms and Tots Wed 10-11:30am. Living Well – Card games & Health information Thurs 1-3:30pm. Worship and Sunday school Sundays 10-11am. Nov 16 Taste of Country Christmas Craft & Bake Sale (at the Community Centre), 1-4pm. Nov 23 Blue Christmas Service, 7-8pm Everyone is welcome at all of our programs and events. For more info check out our Facebook page or website or call 519-425-2091. BLOOD DONOR CLINIC The need for blood continues this November! Please donate blood this month & encourage a friend, co-worker or family member to donate blood with you! Ingersoll Blood Donor Clinic: Thurs, Nov 24 at Unifor Local 88 Hall, 364 Victoria St, 4:30pm-8:30pm To book an appointment download the GiveBlood app, visit or call 1 888 2 DONATE (1 888 236 6283). All blood donors are needed, in particular those with type O and A blood. INGERSOLL LIBRARY HILLCREST LEGION BRANCH 119 November is National Novel Writing Month, also referred to as NaNoWriMo. Visit the website at to see how you can participate. You might want to get some inspiration by attending our Lunch & Learn and/or writing workshops listed below. And if you’re looking for a quiet place to work on your novel, come to the library; we have several quiet areas for writing, working on your laptop, or using our public access computers. Lunch & Learn: Remembering WWI; 100 years later. Thurs, Nov 6, 12-1pm. A free presentation by renowned World War I historian & author Robin Barker-James as he discusses the war and his historical novel The Last Trench Fighter that his 5 plays are also based on. Writing Workshops: War Fiction. Wed, Nov 12, 6:30-7:30pm. Local historian, teacher & dramatist, Robin Barker-James is presiding over 3 writing workshops at Ingersoll Library covering 3 topics: Nov 12 is writing war fiction. Nov 19 is writing war drama. Nov 26 is writing war screenplays. Barker-James is a former history teacher at Glendale High School and president of the Tillsonburg Military History Club. He is known for his many contributions to preserving military war history in Oxford County and across Canada, and is the recipient of the prestigious Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee medal honouring his efforts. These workshops are free & open to participants 12 years and up. Adults are welcome. You must pre-register for one or all 3 workshops – either by calling the library at 519-485-2505, in person at the desk, or by emailing Please register by Nov 7. Workshops will be in the program room 6:30-7:30pm. Friday Movie Matinees continue - each Friday 2pm. Friday matinees are FREE and for adults only. We strive to show mainly newly released films. Movies are subject to availability, and we may need to offer a substitute if the film is unavailable. Fri Nov 7, 2pm. A Long Way Down: Four people meet on New Year's Eve and form a surrogate family to help one another weather the difficulties of their lives. Pierce Brosnan and Toni Collette star. Fri Nov 14, 2pm. Wish I Was Here: The story of Aidan Bloom, an actor, father & husband, who is trying to find a purpose for his life. Fri Nov 21, 2pm. Tammy (Melissa McCarthy) is having a bad day. She's totaled her car, gotten fired from her thankless job & instead of finding comfort at home, finds her husband getting comfortable with the neighbor. It’s time to take her boom box and book it. Fri Nov 28, 2pm. Jersey Boys: A musical biography of the Four Seasons-the rise, the tough times, personal clashes, and the ultimate triumph of a group whose music became symbolic of a generation. Attention Downton Abbey fans! Can’t wait to see what happens next on Downton Abbey? Ingersoll Public Library will present a screening of Season 5, episode 1 Wed, Dec 10, 7pm, in the council chambers upstairs. Tom New, CEO of WQLN (Erie PA) will join us to introduce the episode. This is a sneak preview, as the show will not air to the general public until January 2015. To really get you in the mood, the library is also hosting an afternoon tea, catered by the Olde Bakery Café. Tickets for the tea are $15 per person and include reserved seats for the show afterwards. Enjoy a hot cuppa along with some scones and dainties in the civilised atmosphere of the library program room. Tea will be 5:45-6:45, after which you can make your way upstairs (there is an elevator) for the premiere. For added fun, come dressed in period costume or as one of your favourite characters. There will be prizes! Meanwhile, get caught up on past episodes by placing them on hold. The library has several copies of seasons 1-4 to borrow, as well as books about the show – including a cookbook! Computer Help at the Library. Please join us in welcoming Kevin Cox to our Community Access Program (CAP) at the library. Kevin will be at the library Tues & Thurs, 3:30-8:30 & Sat 10-5:30. As with Ryan, our other CAP intern, Kevin will be able to help you with your computer & electronic device questions. Kevin will also focus on helping local small business & home operated businesses develop an online presence through social media. He can help set up a Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Instagram accounts and get you started marketing your business on the web. This is a free service, funded by Industry Canada, available until March 31, 2015. 1st Sunday of every month Roast Beef Supper 4-5:30pm $12 Mon 7pm Ladies Darts Tues 7pm Euchre Wed 1pm Pot Luck Euchre Wed 7pm Mixed Darts Thurs 7pm Mens Darts Fri 7:30pm Bingo Sat Cribbage Pot Luck. 211 Thames St N, Ingersoll, 519-485-2580. INGERSOLL SENIORS CENTRE Fall is definitely in the air, with Winter & Christmas are right around the corner! Mark your calendars for the Annual BELLS & BOWS BAZAAR on Sat Nov 22, 9am-2pm. Bring your friends & family to the Bazaar. Enjoy a festive day with lots of shopping, baking, draws, lunch & of course, a great social time. FREE ADMISSION! HOME SHOPPING NIGHT Get a jump on some Christmas Shopping & avoid the lines at the mails. A number of “Home Party” companies; Thirty One, Avon, Epicure, Scentsy & many more will be in for your shopping enjoyment. Mon Nov 10, 6:30-8:30pm. FREE ADMISSION 20th Anniversary Celebrations ~ Anniversary Cake & Memories Fri Nov 14, 11am–2pm. FRIDAY LUNCHES Join us on Fridays for a light lunch or a great full course meals. $6 for a light meal and $8 for a full course meal. No Tax, No Tip, Great Deal. Call to find out what is on the menu and remember reservations required by Thurs 4pm by calling 519-485-3869. Recipe Club Are you stuck with your cooking? Are you looking for new recipes? New Skills? Meeting on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 2pm. Each month we will offer a different take on new recipes. We could share recipes, watch demonstrations, listen to guest instructors & enjoy sampling! Nov 20 come watch a demonstration on making Biscotti, the Italian cookie great for gifts & dipping in coffee, tea or hot chocolate. Questions or planning to attend? Please call 519-485-3869 D.O.T. CLUB Dining Out Together Club. Come together at various restaurant locations for a social gathering over delicious food. Open to members & friends, we will meet once a month, dates & times will vary. Please reserve the week prior: Sun Nov 23 – Arden Park Hotel, Stratford Sunday Brunch 11:30am Tues Dec 30 – Sunrise Pho Binh Thanh, 930 Dundas St, Woodstock - Vietnamese 11:15am. Optional Movie Matinee (1:10pm) to follow. Travel Club Tuesday Nov 4 Guest Speaker Dave Knox. Dave will be sharing his fall Trip to Finger Lakes, New York. Dave will also be sharing tips on booking your trips on line. Niagara Falls View Casino Trip Tues Nov 25. We must have a minimum of 40 to run this trip! Fee includes $10 Promo Coin for Slot Play, 5 hr Casino, Coach & end the day with a Tour of the Festival of Lights. The Sounds of Christmas Tues Dec 2. Enjoy a delicious traditional turkey dinner with dessert, tea & coffee at the historic Puddicombe House, New Hamburg. After dinner, we travel to Knox Presbyterian Church, Waterloo for “The Sounds of Christmas”. FITNESS Last fitness session before the New Year is now under way. Some classes still have openings. Call 519-485-3869 for more info. New Winter Fitness session will start Jan 5 through Feb 27. Many different Yoga classes available including Hot Yoga. Men’s Fitness Classes, Line Dancing, clogging, Tia Chi, Total Body Workout & a Stress relief Meditation Class. The Nintendo Wii fitness class is also something that we are offering on Monday mornings at 9am. Don't let the cold weather stop you from being active. Visit our fully equipped fitness centre for $1 per visit. Nordix Pole Walking Fridays 9am. Please call the Ingersoll Seniors Centre at 519-485-3869 for more information on any of these programs. Remember this winter DO NOT HYBERNATE... PARTICIPATE! STOP & SHOP Embro United Church will be hosting a “Stop & Shop” Sat Nov 8 from 9am-2pm at the Embro Community Centre. Light lunch available, for more information call Gerda 519-475-6102. NA MEETING A fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous meets Friday nights at 7pm at St Pauls Church, Thames Street, Ingersoll. THE DIRT ON DIRT CHOCOLATEA TO OPEN NEW STORE Chocolate & Tea lovers in Oxford County will soon be able to indulge their passions with ease. Professional Chocolatier Cindy Walker & husband Steve have announced that their new store will be opening at 38 King Street East in Ingersoll on November 1st. The location is currently undergoing renovations in preparation for their Grand Opening event Nov 8. "We see this as a great avenue to more effectively serve our existing customers & to build new ones," Cindy says. While the bricks & mortar store is an exciting announcement, the Walkers have been wholesaling & delivering handmade chocolates to satisfied customers for a few years now, including at London’s Trails End Farmer’s Market, corporate clients, through their website ( and from their home office in Ingersoll. "We’ve been blessed with the opportunity to meet a lot of great people within our community," Cindy says. "An important feature to our clients is the fact that all the chocolates are made fresh and with real ingredients." Cindy says that the selection of chocolates and teas that her current clientele have long enjoyed will remain but new ones will be added, including an ever-changing rotation of flavours seasonally. Chocolatea will also sell fudge and other unique edible treats and even local art. "Chocolatea will offer a take-out ‘Tea of the Day’. We will rotate daily through our menu of teas to allow people to enjoy a whole cup before determining to add it to their tea collection at home," Cindy explains. Cindy & Steve are graduates from Fanshawe College’s Tea Sommelier Program and are certified with the Tea Association of Canada. BROWNSVILLE TURKEY BINGO Brownsville Community Centre is having a Turkey Bingo, at the community centre on Dec 5. There are 10 regular games, 5 special games & 1 $100 Jackpot game. Admission is $2, with which you receive a free card. Coffee is free. Brownsville Community Centre address is 292240 Culloden Line, Brownsville. Any questions call 519-877-2798. Walker’s dump proposal for Oxford County threatens to bring waste of all kinds, commercial, institutional, household, etc., to a quarry close to our homes & water sources. But often neglected in the discussion of the dump is the way in which the garbage will be buried under “brown soil”. As opposed to black earth, brown soil is a euphemism for soil which is contaminated with chemicals or industrial products. For example, it might be what is excavated in eastern Toronto around the PanAm Games sites, the locations of former industries, meaning that the soil is polluted. Who would want that near the water we drink? The Ministry of the Environment asked the question about “excess soil”, dirt excavated during construction, of community groups invited to a working session in Toronto recently. Obviously, dump fighters are interested in many questions around soil movement: What guarantees that soil is clean when shipped from one place to another? What does digging up soil, stockpiling it and then spreading it elsewhere do to its fertility, necessary microbial and fungal life? Where would the soil be spread or dumped? Two Oxford dump fighters wanted to know. Mention dumping and you have the attention of people in Oxford County. We are well aware that a dump has been proposed. We need to be aware too that added to the 100 transport trucks arriving full of garbage and then 100 empty trucks departing, there would be a significant number of heavy trucks pounding through Oxford on the rutted & often slippery roads leading to the dump site, filled with soil to be dumped too. Having experienced first-hand the effects of dust from truck traffic on Embro Rd, Suzanne Crellin and Bryan Smith, thought it worthwhile intervening at the MOE’s meeting. Traceability of the soil Where did it come from? What’s in it? would be clear, said the MOE folks, then adding that each load would not be tested, that certain risks would only be dealt with where the soil is dumped, and that some things are likely impossible for them to control. Community groups concurred that the MOE’s Best Management Plan isn’t much of a plan without precaution, monitoring, enforcement, and action by the government at the provincial and local levels. While soil is only a small percentage of the total tonnage which Walker’s proposal would see trucked into Oxford, it’s clearly an important element. We need soil to produce the food we live on. We need clean water to process that food and to drink. We need clean air to breathe. All of these are important, and none of these can be easily fixed after they are ruined by pollution. Representing Transition to Less Waste, Suzanne Crellin deftly illustrated the concerns for water, air, health and community then linked it to the expanded threat that soil movement would pose. “How much is it really necessary to move this soil?” she wondered. “Why can’t it, like lots of other materials be treated and reused at or close to the source?’. This is what we should do with recycling. Zero waste including zero waste or excess soil should be a goal. Representing OPAL & The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice, Bryan Smith, argued when Public Health Ontario’s best expert on dust says that no amount of fine particulate matter in the air is safe, then digging, moving and dumping soil, even clean soil, must represent a human health impact. It was late in the Oct 15 meeting that our community members learned that this consultation with the public was only one of 12. At all the others, the public would not be present. This does not seem enough. Happily, the MOE officials who had invited the public groups to the meeting did say that they could submit written comments. Ms Crellin and Mr. Smith will be certain to do so. They are prepared to roll up their sleeves and get dirty. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH "A great place of worship for everyone" First Baptist Church Ingersoll welcomes Rev. Alan Adams as their new full-time Pastor and Heather Brown as their new Arts Director. See us at: 235 Thames St South, You can find us on You Tube and like us on Facebook. 10:30 Sunday Morning Family Worship. Join us for Gospel Music in the church: Nov 2, 7pm "Heartsong" from London and Dec 14, 7pm "Chapelaires Christmas Concert". Sundays in January, February and March - to be announced for information contact the church 519-485-3046 or Ted 519-485-0985. Complete Solar System $9,995 Installed! 307 Harris St. 334292 Plank Line Ingersoll, Ontario N5C 3J8 Payment Plans Available OAC. From SOLAR NET METERING AND MICRO FIT SYSTEMS AVAILABLE Chris at 519-670-5149 351 Hamilton Rd. London Check us out at OSM Solar BETHLEHEM WALK 2014 The Story Never Gets Old... Tyranny. Revolution. Political Intrigue. Birth. Death. Hope. Resurrection. Ancient Prophecies. Redemption. All this and more awaits you at Bethlehem Walk 2014. Crossroads Alliance Church, together with members of several local churches, is once again preparing for Bethlehem Walk. In its 19th year, the event attracts 3,000-4,000 people annually & features 300 cast members, in full costume, together with an array of live animals along the road to Bethlehem. Upon arrival at Crossroads, guests visit Herod’s tent, followed by a lively carol sing inside the church while awaiting their turn to walk to Bethlehem. Then, in groups of 15-20, led by a lantern-carrying guide, each “family” steps back in time into a land of wonder & enchantment. The path, lit by hundreds of candles, twists & turns around the 2 acres of wooded property. Along the route, travelers meet Mary & Joseph and their donkey, marvel at angels singing high up in the trees, are harassed by Roman soldiers & stop to warm themselves at the shepherds’ fire. Down the road, three wise men speak of the prophecy and the star that has led them to Bethlehem. Guests visit a very realistic market, filled with all manner of live animals & edible delicacies. Taxes are paid at the tax tent - often with much humorous interaction with the attending Roman guards. A prophet, the star, a heart-warming manger scene & the evening is almost complete. Back inside the church, guests enjoy a hot drink and cookies, and all agree that it has truly been a miraculous journey! You too can take this journey back in time: Dates: Nov 21, 22 and Nov 28, 29 Times: Tours depart every few minutes from 6pm-9pm each evening Place: Crossroads Alliance Church, Hwy 19 between Ingersoll and Thamesford. Cost: Free Admission. Note: In consideration of the many live animals along the trail, no pets are allowed. More Info:, 519-485-4440 or find us on FB. SPLISHES & SPLASHES The Ingersoll Speed Sharks Swim Team has been busy training & preparing for a fall/winter season full of swim meets! On Oct 18, eight swimmers attended an invitational meet in St Thomas, hosted by the St Thomas Jumbo Jets. Three of our talented swimmers won their heats while it was a bell heat, which meant they got an extra prize. It was a fun, fast meet & all swimmers had personal bests by several seconds each! Congratulations to Lauren T, Graceyn T, Rachel G, Rachel S, Madison L, Tyson C, Jordyn G and Brielle V! On Nov 7, the Speed Sharks will host an Aqua 7 meet in our home pool. Feel free to come on down & see firsthand the excitement & energy of a competitive swim meet! As well, there is a 10 week Sessional Program starting Dec 3 and running for 10 weeks. Sessionals are a great way to for new swimmers to try out competitive swimming and see what the team is all about. No meets are involved, but swimmers can move to the Levels Program at the completion of the 10 week sessional, at a pro-rated amount. We’re always accepting new swimmers at a prorated amount & information can be found on our website As well, “like” us on Facebook to keep up to date on all the latest Speed Sharks news. Remember, our motto is FUN, FITNESS and TEAMWORK! Dave Hunt Ingersoll RV & Trailers Affordable Family Vacationing Ph: 226-228-3120 F: 519-452-2238 RV CORNER Thanksgiving has come & gone, trailers are closed up at the parks & yours is in the laneway with the water lines winterized, waiting to be stored. Now come the questions: how do I deter mice, rodents & insects, should I store it on grass, gravel or concrete, do I cover the a/c unit or cover the entire trailer? There doesn’t seem to be a tried & true trick to all of this but here are a few suggestions and tips that have worked for some campers. Mice/rodents: if you have indoor storage, scatter moth balls under trailer & tires it does a good job of deterring them. Be sure to take any food & put them in sealed containers or remove them, most of the time they come in looking for these treats then take up residence. Place bounce sheets inside the trailer & in your storage compartments. Look for any areas where the mice can get in & cover it with tin foil or steel wool. Outdoor storage keep moth balls under trailer, they will last longer in the weather. Insects, for those who do not know me I would rather walk over burning coals than have a spider walk on me. Spiders are my main reason to research ways to deter them and it seems there is a good product that is environmentally friendly - peppermint oil - soak cotton balls in peppermint oil and put in your hot water heater area and storage compartments. I am going to investigate peppermint oil cologne, I would buy shares in the company, I will let you know or you will smell me. Parking, a lot of long time campers say the best storage is a good gravel base, it will have drainage & will not be as hard as concrete on your tires. If you are parking on concrete, try to put down a vapor barrier, then wood over top & position your tires on this. Avoid grass if at all possible, grass needs moisture & moisture comes from grass. The moisture coming up from parking on grass is very hard on all steel lines, brakes, your frame and even the wood decking. No matter how long that has been grass, your trailer is still going to sink down in it, you may not notice damage right away but it will work away on your prize possession. Tarps & coverings, completely covering your unit has mixed thoughts & the actual thought that it keeps the moisture in and does more harm seems to have the majority of votes. Your a/c covers: draw strings that pull tight, trap moisture in, if you are going to cover it, put a tarp over it & keep the sides out a couple of feet and weigh down with sand bags. This will let the area breathe a little. Hopefully this will enlighten any fellow campers that ask what is right what is wrong. I can’t say happy camping as it is over for season, but happy dreaming about the season to come. Dave Hunt FARMERS GOLF ASSOCIATION The final round of the Farmers Golf Association Kupery Cup was played at Pine Knot Golf, Dorchester Oct 22. The winner was Chris Cockle from Embro with 111.4 points, runners up were Joe Aarts from Kintore with 103.64 points and Don R. Campbell from Ingersoll with 101.36. Players accumulate points throughout the year which are then averaged per round, with 2 Championship rounds being played at Pine Knot. AZ DRIVERS NEEDED Home Daily $17 to $18 per hour Full time and Part time work available We require Minimum 1 year experience Call us at 519-668-7874 or Email: North Oxford History To buy or pre-order a history book call Pauline at 519-485-0578. The cost of the book will be $75.00. Reserve your copy of the book today. Make sure you get your copy of our history. The North Oxford History Book Committee ART IN THE HEART Art in your heart is exactly what you need to hurdle up & over these drab November days. This is the month to project yourself heart first into your favourite handiworks, be it painting, drawing, photography, needle works, pottery scrapbooking or Zentangle. Zentangle? Yes. It’s a fun & relaxing way to be creative while turning your doodles into small works of art. These can even be coloured & applied to create greeting cards or small framed works of art at minimal cost. And as I’ve said before, you don’t need to be able to draw straight lines or use an eraser. Last November I mentioned giving art supplies as gifts for people in your life that would enjoy discovering the art in their heart. Google “art supplies” in London Ontario and you will find many shopping spots from craft stores to quality art supply shops. There you will find supplies from drawing tools charcoal & pencils, to watercolours or acrylic paints & more. I would suggest to select one genre and a couple of items that work together, e.g. graphite pencils and a drawing journal or acrylic paint, a brush and small canvas. Calligraphy is a style of “handwriting” that many people now enjoy practising. There are also many instruction books that you can purchase at your favourite book stores, just add in a few supplies and you have a few more names on your gift list ready for wrapping. November is also a good time to enjoy art and craft shows. The Annual Art Show and Sale at Craigowan (north of Woodstock on Hi-way 59) will take place Nov 8 & 9. Ingersoll library will be displaying more arts works from another artist this month. You will find their ‘gallery walls’ at the back of the adult books, to your left as you come in. The Elmhurst Gallery in Ingersoll, Ingersoll Creative Art Centre, Tillsonburg Art Station are just some of the Galleries where excellent artwork can be viewed - no admission costs here in Oxford County. Pick up your copy of Oxford Art & Culture booklet and look them all up November can be a very creative and inspiring month! If you have any questions or suggestions for artistic pursuits email me MUSEUM MUSINGS 2014 has been all about time at the Ingersoll Cheese & Agricultural Museum. The month of November is a poignant time to look back & remember the sacrifices of more than 60,000 Canadians who paid the ultimate price during the First World War. For the entire month of November, you can check out the current display: "Oxford in the Age of Innocence". Produced by the Woodstock Museum National Historic Site using resources from other museums & historical societies in the county, as well as the County of Oxford Archives, this exhibit examines life in Oxford in the days leading up to the start of WW1 and is part of the Oxford Remembers Oxford's Own project. The ultimate goal with this effort is to see that 100 events & activities take place within the county before November of 2018 so that on that Remembrance Day, which will mark the centennial of the first Armistice Day, we can all look back and say that Oxford County has remembered the men & women who contributed so much to the war effort 100 different ways. Museum displays are just some of those ways. The Ingersoll Museum will be installing a temporary month-long display on the First World War in the lobby of St Jude Catholic School. Then on Nov 15, the Ingersoll Branch of the Royal Canadian Legion will be hosting the annual "Night of Music in the Mess Hall" featuring Ted Comiskey, Jim Gonder and friends performing many of the musical numbers from the two World Wars. We are also proud to promote the lecture on Canada's Role in WW1 by Professor Jonathan Vance. This evening event will take place at the Ingersoll Seniors Centre Tues Nov 18, as part of the Ingersoll Historical Society meeting. Starting at 7pm Canada's leading military historian, Dr. Vance from UWO, will examine the role that we as Canadians played during the Great War. Author of numerous books and a popular lecturer both on and off campus, Vance will be sure to enthral all who attend. On a lighter note, don't forget that Santa is due to arrive in Ingersoll for the down town tree lighting ceremony Nov 20 before heading to the museum for the start of Santa's Festival Village & the Festival of Lights on Fri Nov 21. For additional information on these and other activities call the Ingersoll Museum at 519-485-5510. MT ELGIN 4-H CLUB As our logo is learn to do by doing, we tend to get messy have fun and love our hands on activities! We are the life skills club, and meet every Thursday from 7-9 pm at Dereham Centre Hall. Right now we are doing a potato project & have made different recipes, even candy & have played games that have kept us laughing all night. In the past we have also done a Lego club, where we learned about engineering & how things work while of course playing with Lego making some buildings having competitions & even races with cars that we built! Batter Up is another club that was done this year, and we baked up a storm! A few other clubs we have completed this year are Horticulture and Social recreation. There is always something new & fun for everyone to learn. If anyone is interested in joining, our age group is 9 (before Jan 1) up to 21 boys & girls. The cost is $75 a year with unlimited clubs, meaning you can join a lot of different clubs & also can be involved in exchanges & activities that go hand in hand with 4-H. A NEW DAY AT INGERSOLL FIRST BAPTIST A fresh wind seems to be blowing through First Baptist Church, Ingersoll. In October the congregation was introduced to its new parttime Arts Director & at the same time, informed that the part-time interim pastor had agreed to serve full-time commencing Nov 1. The Arts Director is Heather Brown, a song-writer, musician & playwright with a Master’s degree in Theological Studies and a wide variety of experience. Her assignment is to develop new programs, such as dramatic productions, musicals, creative communications & colourful art pieces among both the youth and adults. Heather is married to Chris and they have one high school age son, Jesse. Our pastor, Rev. Alan Adams, has accepted the call to full-time ministry after serving First Baptist on a part-time interim basis since last February. Pastor Alan grew up in Latin America, the son of Canadian missionaries. He has himself been a missionary in South America, an international Gospel broadcaster & publisher, an inner-city mission director & retired recently from pastoral ministries in another denomination. Rev. Adams’ Sunday sermons at First Baptist are made available on the internet (youtube .com/watch?v=SnqtHgPp5po). He also leads what he calls a Prayer Concert at the church each Tuesday evening which is open to everyone. His wife, Jeannette, is extremely supportive. Last month she led a group of volunteers who painted the lower hall of the church building. After another great Summer of Gospel Music in the Park (the 21st consecutive year), First Baptist will now be hosting Gospel Music in the Church during the off season on specially scheduled Sunday evenings at 7pm. Nov 2 the harmonic male trio, HEARTSONG, from London will be performing. And Dec 14 the well-loved CHAPELAIRES QUARTET is booked for their Christmas concert. For further information: call the church at 519-485-3046 or Pastor Alan at 226-268-0524. Purple Hill's Just West of Thamesford on Purple Hill Rd. "Only in Canada Opry Show" Sunday, Nov. 2nd Showtime 2pm Phone (519) 461-0538 "We Will Remember Our Canadian Troops and Their Sacrifice Over-Seas" The Purple Hill Country Show Band with * 2 Canadian Step Dance Champions *Canadian Award Winning Guitar Player *Rising Native singing star * 3-time Canadian Singing Champion * Hometown boy, Gary Nichol Includes Roast Beef Dinner @ 5pm ONLY $40/person Call Anna Now! 519-461-0538 PURPLE HILL: ONLY IN CANADA OPRY SHOW! The holiday season is a time to create memories with loved ones. Share in the joy of the season & experience Christmas in downtown Ingersoll. Join us Nov 20, 5-11pm, for Moonlight Madness & the Lighting of the Lights. With performances by local choirs, a visit with Santa, and the official Lighting of the Lights Ceremony at 7pm, you will find the holiday spirit alive & well in Ingersoll! Stores will be staying open late that night to help you complete your gift giving, entertaining, & decorating to do lists. Find the perfect gifts for those on your list as you browse the unique shops in downtown Ingersoll! Also remember to join us in Ingersoll on Nov 15, 11am for the Rotary Christmas Parade & Nov 21, 7pm for the Grand Opening of Santa’s Village! For more info on holiday events in Ingersoll, please visit or like us on Facebook at Ingersoll Tourism & Events. Join with The Show Band for our national anthem “O’Canada” followed by the Last Post & Reveille by Ted Bestard on trumpet. War veteran Bob Hanson will take the salute on behalf of his comrades. The celebration will continue as The Boys of Purple Hill / Show Band will welcome to the Opry stage Joan Spalding – the only female to ever win the Canadian singing Championships 3 times! Also, Crystal Lynn Bomberry – a rising native singing star from Ohsweken and Celtic Folk singer Ted Comiskey. See Canadian Award Winning guitar player Steve Piticco. Canadian Step Dancing Champions Tiffany Fewster & Patrick Linton! And hometown boy Gary Nichol returns to his roots - Gary sings with flat-out passion. Always “Great Canadian Talent and Great Roast Beef Dinners!” Purple Hill Opry Shows – First Sunday of every month. Adopt Purple Hill as your Country Music Home! “Where Country Music Memories Are Being Made Today!” Purple Hill Country Opry was named by Larry Delaney, the owner & publisher of Country Music News an Ottawa based national newspaper that covered the country music scene for over 30 years. Larry Delaney referred to Purple Hill as a popular country music destination for entertainers. The Purple Hill Country Show Band is the motor that drives The Opry Shows – The Boys of Purple Hill have that dedicated desire to produce that “Special Opry Show” time after time. And it is in this setting that “The country music dream continues to be born!” From Country Music Award Winners & Juno Award Winners to Canadian Recording Artists and flat out great entertainers – see them all on The Purple Hill Opry Stage just 5 miles east of London on Hwy 2 (Dundas Street East) on Purple Hill Road. THAMESFORD FRIENDSHIP CLUB BEACHVILLE LEGION BRANCH 495 The Friendship Club’s Annual Christmas Dinner Party is Nov 26 at 12:30pm. Located at Westminster United Church, everyone is welcome. Cost is $20 per person. Lively Musical Entertainment by Ted Comiskey. Hope to see you there. Early Bird Membership Dues: Win Your Membership! Ends Nov 30 Nov 1 Annual Door to Door Poppy Campaign kicks off 9am Nov 1 Lounge Night with Redneck Karaoke 8pm-1am Nov 2 Remembrance Service at Dickson’s Corners 1:30pm Nov 5 General Members Meeting 8pm Nov 8 Legion Remembrance Dinner, Tickets $12 Nov 11 Beachville Legion Remembrance Service 10:30am Nov 23 Sunday Brunch 10am-12:30 Dec 5 Annual Christmas Dinner 5:30pm, Tickets $9 Thursday night Euchre 7pm Friday Night League Darts 8pm Planning a party or family get-together? We supply the bar and entertainment, You supply the people. Call Ray for details. HALL RENTAL: Banquets, Weddings, Family Gatherings. Open Thurs at 6:30, Fri at 4:30, & Sat at 4:00. Ph. 519-423-6363. Nov: Friday Night Suppers at 5:30pm Nov 7 Cabbage Rolls Nov 14 Ham and Scallop Potatoes Nov 21 Chicken Dinner Nov 28 Lasagna, Working together in the community with “Beachville Parks & Recreation” REDISCOVER CHRISTMAS! REDISCOVER INGERSOLL! INGERSOLL DISTRICT NATURE CLUB Nov 30th Festive Celebration. We invite Club members & anyone in the public who is interested in our natural environment to come to our pot-luck brunch at 12:30pm to eat at 1pm, followed by a presentation by Chantal Markle, PhD student from McMaster who will share her observations when tracking the Blanding's turtle in lower Big Creek watershed. This is one of several endangered, native turtles. The brunch will take place at Ingersoll Seniors' Centre, 250 Ingersoll St S, Ingersoll and replaces our usual pot-luck dinner in December. For further information please contact Sheila 519-485-2645 or Dave 519842-6508. CALLING ALL SCRAPBOOKERS The Merry Striders are putting on their 12th Scrap-A-Thon in support of MS Oxford! Join us for a day of scrapbooking, food, fun and prizes! $35 for the day, includes lunch & supper! Ingersoll Pipe Band Hall 9am-9pm Nov 22. Email to reserve a spot! s p i l s & t i C B THANK YOU - MARTIN A heartfelt thank you to all who helped us celebrate our 50th anniversary, for the lovely cards, gifts, flowers and good wishes. Many thanks to our family for all their help. Wonderful to see two, three & four generation families gathering. Harry & Mary THANK YOU - AARTS We want to extend warm thanks for all the kind words & deeds shown to our family during & after Bill's passing. Our heartfelt appreciation to the ambulance attendants, Thamesford Fire Department, the doctors & nurses in the ER of Alexandra HospitalIngersoll, the ICU staff at University Hospital-London, Helen & Bill Friesen at Harland Betzner Funeral Home, Julie Cook Catering-Thamesford & the staff at Pyramid Recreation Centre-St. Mary's. To family, friends & neighbours, especially Jim & Marion Vollmershausen, thank you so much for your support, caring, food, flowers & donations during this difficult time. Bill left a legacy of joyful appreciation of people, hard work, nature, all the simple things in life but most of all family & friends. We are truly fortunate to have shared our lives with such a warm & wonderful husband, Dad, Poppa, brother & friend. Thank you sincerely, Heather, Michelle & Rob, Jeff & Carla, Jack & Laura, Jim & Shannon, Tony & Erin, Dan Aarts & grandkids. OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD Operation Christmas Child brings joy & hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift-filled shoeboxes & the message of God’s unconditional love. This is a fun & easy project that can involve people of all ages. Regular shoeboxes can be used or you can pick up red and green ones from the Big Brothers/Big Sisters office at 58 Thames St. S., Ingersoll. Each box can then be packed with a variety of school supplies, toys, and hygiene products, plus a note and/or picture from the giver if desired. Filled boxes can be dropped off at Hi Way Pentecostal Church, Beachville Rd. Nov 17, 11am-3pm or Nov 22, 10am-2:30pm. For more information contact Lloyd Plummer at 519-485-1480 or check the website at CRAFT & BAKE SALE Join the Ladies Auxillary of the Hillcrest Legion, Ingersoll for their Craft, Bake Sale & Silent Auction November 8 at the Ingersoll Legion, 211 Thames St N. TRINITY CHURCH DELI / BAKE SALE Trinity United Church Deli/Bake Sale and so much more... Sat Nov 15 at Trinity Fellowship Hall, 9am-1pm. Deli Food items, Baked Goods, Stained glass & bargain priced craft and yard sale items... The Cafe will be open selling Bacon-on-a-bun, muffins and refreshments. Please mark this on your calendar! CRIME STOPPERS ~ UNSOLVED HOMICIDE Leo Arthur Brett was last seen Sept 6, 2003, in the Woodstock. The Oxford Community Police Service conducted an extensive missing person’s investigation; however, no information to the whereabouts of Brett was forthcoming. In Dec 2004, police received information indicating that Brett had been the victim of murder. At this time, the OPP assumed the investigative lead of the homicide investigation working in conjunction with the Oxford Community Police Service. On June 19, 2005, the partial skeletal remains of a human body were located by a fisherman in the Thames River, west of Woodstock. Forensic testing conducted at the Centre of Forensic Sciences determined the remains to be those of Leo Brett. As of October 2014, the Leo Brett Homicide remains an unsolved cold case, that is solve-able with the help of the public. Any person with information on this crime or any other crime, are encouraged to call Crime Stoppers! 1-800-222-8477. Or check out and leave a tip! TIPSTERS NEVER HAVE TO IDENTIFY THEMSELVES OR GIVE EVIDENCE IN COURT AND ARE ELIGIBLE FOR A CASH REWARD UP TO $2,000. ONTARIO MEN’S CURLING CHAMPIONSHIP The Ingersoll & District Curling Club (IDCC) will play host to Ontario’s biggest curling event - besides the Brier, in February, and 2 years of organizing the event has already brought plenty of benefits to the community. The Ontario Men’s Curling Championship will be held at the Dorchester Flight Exec Centre from February 2-8, 2015. “We don’t have the facilities in Ingersoll to hold an expected 15,000 spectators, but Dorchester does,” said Bob Armstrong, 2015 Tankard Committee co-chair. “Besides, there is already a lot of back and forth between the curling communities in each town, and a lot of Dorchester area residents are members of the Ingersoll club.” In addition to the spectators on site, Rogers will be broadcasting throughout the week, with perhaps 100,000 people watching the final, which will be broadcast on Sportsnet on the weekend. About 140 teams from across Ontario are in competition for a spot among the final 10 teams that will compete in Dorchester, with the 11th spot reserved for Team Balsdon, last year’s champs. Local teams are competing, says Armstrong, but they’ll have to win a spot to make an appearance in Dorchester. Organizing the event has brought the town together. “We have over 240 volunteers,” Armstrong said. “We’ve had no trouble at all getting local volunteers to help out.” The co-chair says he’s been delighted with the willingness of sponsors to step forward to support the event. “It’s great that Dairy Farmers of Ontario have come forward as the major sponsors, with Oxford County being the Dairy Capital of Canada.” As a result, the 2015 event is officially known as the Recharge with Milk Tankard. And it isn’t just the dairy farmers’ organization who has been supportive, Armstrong said, adding there has been “tons of sponsorship from a lot of different people.” Both towns of Ingersoll & Dorchester should see a big jump in local economic activity during the week, with hotels being full & local businesses being busy. And both the Municipality of Thames Centre and the Town of Ingersoll have been major supporters. “Financial support, really all kinds of support,” said Armstrong. “Anything we’ve needed, they’ve helped us out or added their leverage to get what support we needed.” There’s no question the press and TV coverage of the event will cast Ingersoll in a positive light. It’s certainly already helping boost the popularity of curling. At the club’s annual bonspiel in October, the Club hosted a team from China as well as the US National team. “Curling is wrongly seen as an old man’s game, but it really isn’t,” Armstrong said. “Capitalizing on the sense of pride in hosting such a high profile event should boost youth activity, and that’s certainly a long-term goal of our club.” SAVE(D) AJ BAKER Congratulations Kintore & area, we have DONE IT. They said it couldn’t be done. They said every school closes that’s picked for closure. They said we were doomed. They were wrong! What better lesson can a school & its community teach its children? Hard work & perseverance & a good cause can be won! The Save AJ Baker Committee thanks Kintore, Thamesford & Embro from the bottom of our hearts. What a great rural family we have! Long Live AJ Baker School! INGERSOLL GROWS SEED LIBRARY Please join organic gardeners Liam Kijewski & Crystal Bradford as they discuss organic growing, seed saving and putting your garden to bed for the winter. They will be at the library Tues Nov 4, 7-8pm, and will be happy to answer any questions you may have on these topics. Don’t forget to bring in your saved seeds if you have any. BROWNSVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Brownsville Community Historical Society is holding a Memorial Presentation Wed Nov 12, 1-3pm, at the Brownsville Community Centre. All are welcome. There will be 2 speakers presenting on different aspects of the World Wars & other areas of service. There is no admission but a collection will be taken to help support the Legion Branch 153. Air Cadets Corp. For more information please call Marion at 519-642-0246. Church Sacred Heart Church 131 Thames St North 519-485-1802 Saturday 5pm & Sunday 10am & 6pm Reynolds Creek United Church 519-425-1174 7180 Hamilton Rd., Putnam, Pastor Mary Dillon. Worship time 11am, Sunday School 10:15am Nov 7 Games Night, 7-9pm. Bring a snack to share. Mt. Elgin United Church 519-425-2091 Worship & Sunday School 10am 324105 Mt Elgin Rd W, Mt Elgin Tues Seniors VON Smart Exercise Tues Rural Cafe & Shuffleboard Wed Moms & Tots Thurs VON Foot Care Thurs Living Well afternoon games Fri Seniors VON Smart Exercise Nov 9 Remembering & Thanking Servicepersons Nov 16 Taste of Country Craft & Bake Sale Nov 23 Blue Christmas Service 7pm Nov 30 154th Congregation Anniversary First Baptist Church 519-485-3046 ALEXANDRA HOSPITAL TREE OF LIGHTS Alexandra Hospital’s Tree of Lights Celebration official lighting ceremony will be Sun Nov 16 at 6:30pm. Every $10 donation lights up a bulb. White & yellow lights represent “in memory of” & coloured lights represent “in honour of.” Donations of $1,000 gives a tree a star on top. Proceeds will assist with the purchase of new medical equipment. Any questions or to place your donation please contact Robin Schultz at 519-485-1700 ext 8213. COIN CLUB Ingersoll Coin Club meets the 3rd Monday of the month at Ingersoll Services for Seniors at 7:30pm. Learn about the history of coins & participate in an auction of various coins. Ingersoll Christian Reformed Church 439 King St West 519-485-4941 Worship and Sunday School 10am Sundays MON Friendship Club 7pm TUES Women's Ministry 10am WED GEMS girls club 7pm alternate Wednesdays THURS Cadets boys club 7pm Salvation Army/Hillcrest Church 519-485-4961 192 Thames St. South Wednesday night Bible Study at 6:30pm at the Thrift Store. Ladies Craft Night 6:30pm, 2nd & 4th Thurs at the Thrift Store "A great place of worship for everyone" 235 Thames St South, Pastor - Rev. Alan Adams You can find us on You Tube and like us on Facebook 10:30 Sunday Morning Family Worship Mon 7pm Bible Study Wed 7pm Youth Ministry Grades 6-12 GOSPEL MUSIC IN THE CHURCH Nov 2 7pm "Heartsong" from London Dec 14 7pm "Chapelaires Christmas Concert" Sundays in January, February and March - to be announced for information contact the church 519-485-3046 or Ted 519-485-0985. Hi-Way Pentecostal Church 519-485-0961 584118 Beachville Rd. Sunday Services 10:30am Family Worship & 6:30pm Service Wed 6:45-8pm Kidz Zone Refuel, Laurie Hawkins School Age 3-11 Thurs 7-9:30pm Regeneration Gr 7-12 at Hi-Way Historic West Oxford United Church 354315 Church Line (east of Ingersoll) Sunday worship at 9:30am ALL WELCOME Truth Community Church Join us Sunday mornings for our 10am Worship Service Nursery care & children's program provided during the Worship Service. See our website for up to date location details. For more info, contact Pastor Shawn Robinson The Olde West Oxford United Churches Contact: David Van Patter 519-539-2436 Beachville -- 434809 Zorra Line, Beachville 9:30am Foldens -- 374097 Folden’s Line, Folden’s 9:30am Sweaburg -- 474425 Dodge Line, Sweaburg 11:00am West Oxford -- 354395 Church Line, West Oxford Twp. 11:00am NOVEMBER Sunday Monday DECEMBER... Dec 5 Turkey Bingo, Brownsville 2 3 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday TUESDAYS • Euchre Ing Legion • Srs Exercise Mt Elgin • Srs GROW Club WEDNESDAYS • Mixed Darts Ing Legion •Moms & Tots Mt Elgin • Carpet Bowling Thamesford Arena • Euchre, Thamesford THURSDAYS • Mens Darts Ing Legion • Mt Elgin 4-H Club • Euchre Bchvill Legion FRIDAYS • Bingo Ing Legion • Srs Tai Chi Thorndale • Srs Exercise Mt Elgin • Ing Srs Fri Lunch • Ing Srs Pole Walking 1 4 5 6 7 8 • WI Mental Health speaker • Food Hamper collection begins • Sit Down Turkey Dinner at St James • Ingersoll Seniors Travel Club 9 10 11 • Seniors Carpet • Craft & Vendor Bowling Sale, Ingersoll Arena in Thorndale 12 •Home Party Shopping 16 13 • Thames Centre Choir •Brownsville Historical • Bchvll Legion Service •Thorndale Horticulture 17 • ICAC Quilting class 18 19 • Speed Sharks Aqua 7 swim meet • CWL Bazaar • Legion Craft Sale • Kiwanis Trivia • Stop & Shop, Embro • Ingersoll Craft Sale • Chocolatea Opens! 14 15 • Downtown Woodstock Lighting of Lights • Better Than The Mall • Cdn Harvards meet • Deli & Bake Sale • Craft Open House • Rotary Parade • Side Door Decor 20 Saturday 21 22 • Cuckos Nest concert • Thames Centre Choir • Xmas Hamper regist. • Historical Society • Spaghetti Dinner Dorchester concert • Xmas Hamper regist. • Alexandra Hospital • Coin Club • Take Out Turkey Tree Lighting Dinner at St James •Taste of Country Sale • Deck The Halls Sale • Xmas Hamper regist. • Bethlehem Walk • Ing Srs Recipe Club •Santas Village opens • Ingersoll Moonlight Madness Village Voice Deadline • Scrap-A-Thon • Deck The Halls Sale • Bethlehem Walk • Bells & Bows Bazaar 23 27 29 24 • Blue Xmas Mt Elgin 30 25 26 28 • Theatre Auditions • Theatre Auditions • Ingersoll Seniors Niagara Falls Trip • Blood Clinic Ingersoll •Cuckoos Nest concert • Nature Club Celebra. • Alzheimer seminar • Theatre Auditions • ICAC Quilting class • Thamesford Friendship Club IN AN EMERGENCY DIAL 911 • Bethlehem Walk • Bethlehem Walk • Big Bros Battle of the Hors D’Oeuvres • Thru the Years • Downtown Woodstock Fashion Show Festive Friday O.P.P. DIAL 1-888-310-1122 Shop Local ~ It Makes a Difference! Glass Doctor • 519-485-5471 Ingersoll Seniors Centre • 519-485-3869 Shurr Electronics • 519-485-2790 Great Floors • 519-425-0428 McKinnon Custom Framing 855-765-4192 Storey’s Auction • 519-641-2844 Ingersoll Curling Club • 519-456-4030 Oxford Mutual Insurance • 519-285-2916 Township Office • 519-485-0477 Ingersoll Music Academy • 519-485-1213 Pardy Plumbing & Heating • 519-425-1685 Ingersoll RV • 226-228-3120 Purple Hill Opry • 519-461-0538 VanBeek’s Nursery • 519-485-3081 Village Voice • 519-285-3249 Winter Baseball School • 519-425-0800 JC Graphics • 519-285-3249 Printing & Promotional Items The Village Voice is published as a community service by JC Graphics. Any opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily the opinion of the publisher.
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