Under The Patronage Of The Minister Of Public Health Mr. Waël Abou Faour The 18th International Annual Meeting of the Lebanese Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology Roadmap to Women’s Health Screening and Prevention & nd The 2 Course of the Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound NOVEMBER 13TH - 15TH, 2014 HILTON HABTOOR HOTEL - BEIRUT Dear Colleagues and Friends, It is with a great pleasure that I announce to you the upcoming LSOG2014 international annual meeting. Colleagues, committees, and groups have been mobilized to work hard to bring to you another glorious story of hard work, success, and high edge science. One year after the other, we are drawing a beautiful painting of women’s health and wellness reflecting the complexity, yet the charm of our task and the sublime endeavor we are undertaking. All through those years, we highlighted one main principle and philosophy: Woman's health is a continuum with many dimensions and it is approached accordingly. That philosophy dictated much of our planning of yearly conferences and meetings. This year, the meeting will take the preemptive challenge, focusing on the importance of screening and preventive measures in saving lives and reducing morbidity of women. Topics focusing on screening tests and modalities in maternal, reproductive, oncologic, and infertility conditions will be discussed. Hot topics in maternal health, high risk pregnancies as well as topics in the reproductive life of women (cancer, hormones, infertility, sexual health) will be discussed. In addition, updated research and clinical practices will be presented by world renowned experts and local speakers. As we have been doing every year also, specialized workshops will be offered to build capacity of colleagues in various clinical and research practice skills, to be able to meet daily demands and global progress. I invite you all to be part of this international event, meet old friends, make new ones, and enjoy a city that taught us all the art of survival, resilience, and pleasure. Sincerely FAYEZ BITAR MD, FACS, FACOG President, Lebanese Society of Obstetrics & Gynecology President LSOG 2014 Meeting Executive Board Fayez Bitar - President Wadih Ghanameh - Vice-President Saadeddine Itani - Treasurer Abdel Nasser Bou Khalil - General Secretary Organizing Committee Saadeddine Itani - Chair Loubnan Abu Madi Elie Attieh Habib Barakat Abdel Nasser Bou Khalil Aline Abi Sleiman Wadih Ghanameh Zein Hashem Zeinab Haydar Jawdat Kassir Jean Mouawad Toufic Naba’ Rola Nakhal Johnny Seoud Ahmad Sraj Roland Tannous Georges Yared Members Antoine Abu-Musa Camille Bou Saba Rabih Chahine Iman Charara Joe Suidan Scientific Committee Antoine Abu-Musa - Chair Abdallah Adra - Co-Chair Faysal El-Kak - Co-Chair David Atallah Camille Bou Saba Mustapha Chaaban Rabih Chahine Georges El-Kehdy Ramzi Finan Ziad Masaad Said Mekkawi Fadi Mirza Joseph Nassif Mohamad Ramadan Muhieddine Seoud Joe Suidan Tony Zreik International Speakers Frank A. Chervenak USA Diogo Ayres-de-Campos Portugal Jacqueline Conard France Abri De Bruin South Africa Yvon Englert Belgium Alessandra Graziottin Italy Local Speakers Georges Abi Tayeh Antoine Abu-Musa Reem Abu-Rustum Abdallah Adra Thalia Arawi David Atallah Mustapha Chaaban Rabih Chahine Mary Chammas Faysal El-Kak Georges El-Kehdy Ramzi Finan Georges Haddad France Asim Kurjak Croatia Adnan Munkarah USA George Saade USA Cihat Sen Turkey Gamal Serour Egypt Fadi Geara Labib Ghulmiyyah Edgard Haddad Assaad Kesrouani Fadi Mirza Joseph Nassif Anthony Sabbagh Muhieddine Seoud Elie Snaifer Joe Suidan Ihab Usta Wassim Wazzan THURSDAY November 13 / PRE-CONGRESS 8h30 – 9h00 registration pre-congress Workshop I: Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound Course (Hall A) Workshop II: Laparoscopy Workshop III: Endometriosis (Hall B) (Hall C) 9h00 – 12h30 Capsule: Ian Donald Ultrasound Course is designed to address the needs of the clinician who has some experience in diagnostic ultrasound but needs additional knowledge and practice in recent sonographic developments in obstetrics and gynecology. Capsule: Laparoscopic surgery is gaining momentum. This course is designed to highlight the role of endoscopic surgery in reproductive medicine. Capsule: Endometriosis remains to be one of the most common gynecologic diseases. Recent guidelines for the management and treatment of the disease will be discussed. Chairpersons F. Chervenak (USA), A. Kurjak (Croatia) A. Adra (Lebanon) A. De Bruin (South Africa) D. Chamsy (Lebanon) J. Nassif (Lebanon) K. Nawfal (Lebanon) A. Abu-Musa (Lebanon) J. Nassif (Lebanon) 9h00 – 10h30 Session I Moderators Nisreen Hamad, Malek Nassar The Four-Chamber Heart: Normal & Abnormal Views R. Chahine (Lebanon) The Fetal Heart: Beyond the 4-Chamber View R. Abu-Rustum (Lebanon) Tips for Scanning the Fetal Heart C. Sen (Turkey) 10h30 – 11h00 Zulfikar Hashash, Toufic Nakad Course description: Prevalence, awareness and diagnosis of endometriosis A. De Bruin (South Africa) Infertility and medical treatment of endometriosis A. Abu-Musa (Lebanon) Pain and surgical treatment of endometriosis J. Nassif (Lebanon) Coffee Break 11h00 – 12h30 Session II Moderators Mohamad Ramadan, Anthony Sabbagh 3D HD Ultrasound in Early Detection of Fetal Malformations A. Kurjak (Croatia) The Fetal Face: What Can Be Seen? G. Haddad (France) Prevention of the Misconception of the Perfect Baby F. Chervenak (USA) Registration Fees: $100 per person Course description: Level I: Pelvic anatomy, eye-hand coordination, basic hysteroscopy Level II: suturing, hysterectomy Deadline for registration: Nov 7 2014 Registration Fees: $150 per person Places are limited to 25 persons Deadline for registration: Nov 7 2014 Registration Fees: $50 per person Deadline for registration: Nov 7 2014 THURSDAY November 13 12h30 – 13h30 Opening Ceremony The Lebanese National Anthem Master of Ceremony Dr. Rabih Chahine The President of the Lebanese Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology Dr. Fayez Bitar Director of the Ian Donald Inter-University School of Medical Ultrasound Prof. Asim Kurjak The President of the Lebanese Order of Physicians Dr. Antoine Boustany The Lebanese Minister of Public Health Mr. Waël Abou Faour Enjoy the symphony of a variety of music with an exceptional performance by “Layal Nehme Matar” The ceremony will be followed by a Cocktail Reception 13h30 – 14h30 Lunch Hall A 14h30 – 16h00 Session 1A: Ian Donald Ultrasound Course Moderators Imad Abou Jaoudé, Zein Hashim, Assaad Kesrouani Ultrasound of Fetal Skeletal Dysplasia G. Haddad (France) Ultrasound in Labor & Delivery L. Ghulmiyyah (Lebanon) Diagnosis and Fetal Therapy for CCAM, Sequestration and Hydrothorax C. Sen (Turkey) Cervical Length Measurement: Why, How, When & Who J. Suidan (Lebanon) Hall B Session 1B: Roche Sponsored Workshop Janah El Hassan, Georges Wehbé AMH: Introducing the First Fully Automated Test for Assessing Ovarian Reserve S. Sawfat Sherif (Roche Diagnostics Middle East FZCO) The Roche Cervical Cancer Screening Portfolio L. Dannenberg (Roche Diagnostics Middle East) Moderator 16h00 – 16h30 Georges El-Kehdy Roche Satellite Symposium (Hall A): Role of HE4 in diagnosis and monitoring clinical outcome in ovarian cancer patients, Elena Ioana Braicu (Germany) 16h30 – 17h00 Coffee Break 17h00 – 18h30 Moderators Session 2: Debates in OB/GYN (Hall A) Farid Bedran, Jawdat Kassir, Ahmad Sraj Debate I: Keeping ovaries during hysterectomy for benign disease R. Finan (Lebanon), G. El-Kehdy (Lebanon) Debate II: Induction of labor 39 vs. 41 weeks G. Abi Tayeh (Lebanon), A. Kesrouani (Lebanon) Debate III: The controversies in PCOS treatment: Role of metformin and drilling M. Chaaban (Lebanon), E. Snaifer (Lebanon) Friday November 14 8h00 – 9h00 registration 9h00 – 10h00 Plenary I (Hall A) Moderators Mohamad Mansur, Joseph Nassif, Nakhleh Shallita Laparotomy for endometriosis: Outdated A. De Bruin (South Africa) Aspirin and prevention of thromboembolism: An update J. Conard (France) Prevention of medical errors: A global imperative F. Chervenak (USA) Moderator Salah Al Jurdi 10h00 – 10h30 Roche Satellite Symposium (Hall A): First trimester screening of Aneuploidy: Still a challenge? Bernard Nasr (Lebanon) 10h30 – 11h00 Coffee Break 11h00 – 12h30 Plenary II (Hall A) Moderators Faysal El-Kak, Walid Itani, Joe Suidan, Ihab Usta Pregnancy as a window to future health G. Saade (USA) Screening for cerebral palsy in utero: Is it possible? A. Kurjak (Croatia) Screening for Gyn cancers A. Munkarah (USA) Female Sexual Disorders: Key biological etiologies A. Graziottin (Italy) Moderator Ramzi Finan 12h30 – 13h00 NEW AllPharma Satellite Symposium (Hall A): Vaginitis and vaginal atrophy: The new clinical approach Faysal El-Kak (Lebanon) Friday November 14 13h00 – 14h00 Lunch Hall A 14h00 – 15h30 Session 3A: Ian Donald Ultrasound Course Moderators Simon Chalhoub, Nabil Daou Fetal DNA in Maternal Blood: Trisomy and Di-George Syndrome C. Sen (Turkey) The Fetal Intra-abdominal Cyst: A Challenging Diagnosis A. Adra (Lebanon) SIUGR and TTTS in Monochorionic Twins and Triplets C. Sen (Turkey) Fetal Hydronephrosis F. Mirza (Lebanon) 15h30 – 16h00 Hall B Session 3B: Ethics Antoine Abu-Musa, Faysal El-Kak Round table discussion: Multidisciplinary approach to ethical challenges in Obstetrics and Gynecology T. Arawi (Lebanon) F. Chervenak (USA) G. Serour (Egypt) ART & Fetal anomalies: Case presentations and interactive discussion Coffee Break Hall A 16h00 – 17h30 Session 4A: Obstetrics Moderators Marwan Barbir, Rafka Bou Habib, Zayan Kabalan Mustapha Khalifeh Recent advances in intrapartum fetal monitoring D. Ayres-de-Campos (Portugal) Fetal death in utero: Work-up and management G. Saade (USA) Management of HIV patients in ART clinics Y. Englert (Belgium) Pregnancy Losses: The Do’s and Don’ts F. Mirza (Lebanon) Hall B Session 4B: Sexuality Christelle Abboud, Toufic Naba’, Rola Nakhal OCP and sexuality: A killer or a booster? A. Graziottin (Italy) Challenges of sexual identity and reassignment surgery F. El-Kak (Lebanon) Menstruation, Inflammation, Comorbidities and women’s sexual health A. Graziottin (Italy) Erection dysfunction: What should the gynecologist know? W. Wazzan (Lebanon) Saturday November 15 8h00 – 8h30 registration 8h30 – 9h30 Plenary III (Hall A) Moderators Naji Afif, Camille Bou Saba, Lara Haidar Treatment of immediate postpartum hemorrhage D. Ayres-de-Campos (Portugal) Prevention of multiple pregnancies in IVF Y. Englert (Belgium) Discussion Hall A 9h30 – 11h00 Session 5A: Obstetrics Moderators Nazih El Bizri, Fadi Mirza, Issam Mounzer, Johnny Rechdan Management of pregnancy in women with thrombophilia J. Conard (France) Simulation to increase patient safety in labor room D. Ayres-de-Campos (Portugal) Triage of pregnant women G. Saade (USA) Evidence based obstetric care of twin pregnancies A. Adra (Lebanon) 11h00 – 11h30 Hall B Session 5B: Gynecology Oncology updates Walid El Saghir, Elias Hajal, Said Mekkawi, Camille Osseiran Vulvar Cancer Update: Sentinel lymph node dissection is now standard of care D. Atallah (Lebanon) Cervical Cancer Update: From HDR to IMRT: What is new? F. Geara (Lebanon) Ovarian Cancer Update: From the new FIGO 2014 staging to the new molecular classification M. Seoud (Lebanon) Endometrial Cancer Update: The implications of the new WHO 2014 histologic/molecular classification A. Munkarah (USA) Coffee Break 11h30 – 12h30 Session 6: Latest Updates from the Experts (Hall A) Moderators Abdallah Adra, Muhieddine Seoud Gestational Diabetes: An update G. Saade (USA) The postmenopausal ovarian mass A. Munkarah (USA) Sonographic innovations in ovarian cancer screening A. Kurjak (Croatia) Moderators 12h30 – 13h00 David Atallah, Camille Osseiran ROCHE Satellite Symposium (Hall A): From surgery to targeted treatment for optimal management of ovarian cancer, Muhieddine Seoud (Lebanon) saturday November 15 13h00 – 13h30 Lunch Hall A 13h30 – 15h00 Session 7A: Ian Donald Ultrasound Course Moderators Reem Abu-Rustum, Pierre Haibeh Ultrasound Imaging of Cesarean Scar Complications I. Usta (Lebanon) Ultrasound of ambiguous genitalia G. Haddad (France) The Third Trimester Scan: What Does it Add? M. Chammas (Lebanon) Increased Nuchal Translucency: What’s Next? A. Sabbagh (Lebanon) 15h00 – 15h45 Hall B Session 7B: Gynecology Walid Abi Fadel, Jihad Ezzeddine, Georges Yared Anatomy revisited by laparoscopy A. De Bruin (South Africa) Hyperprolactinemia E. Haddad (Lebanon) OCP and thrombosis J. Conard (France) The Lebanese Percreta Group: The first promising report from the AUBMC, HDF, and RHUH (Hall B) D. Atallah, R. Chahine, F. Mirza, M. Seoud (Lebanon) aknowledgements Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Sponsors registration fees Non-Lebanese Participants Lebanese Participants $400 $120 Include • Access to scientific sessions and exhibition area • CME accreditation • Certificate of attendance • Congress bag • Coffee breaks and lunch Resident RegistrationFree For registration & hotel accommodation and more information please contact Trust & Traders Intl. Tel/fax: +961 1 333900 / Mob: +961 3 899360 Email: executive5@trustandtraders.com Registration online is available on www.lsog2014.com For Registration & Hotel Accommodation Event Organizer T +961 1 333 900 Web www.trustandtraders.com E-mail executive@trustandtraders.com
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