2015 T-Shirt Design Contest Design the front of our event t-shirt and submit your complete entry by Jan. 15, 2015 to enter our contest. Complete all details below and on page 2. For more on our event go to www.Aut2Run.org Thank you from the Autism Society VC Board! Please submit your design in the box below Designer’s Name: Age: Tell us how Autism has affected your life? Please Note: This page will be displayed publicly at the event and on our website. Page 2 is confidential. 2015 Aut2Run T-Shirt Design Contest Guidelines Thank you for your interest in our event and t-shirt design contest! The winner will be selected in Februrary by the Autism Society Ventura County Board. The winning design will be printed on over 2000 t-shirts to be worn at the event by runners, walkers, and volunteers! Who can submit? The contest is open to all members of the Ventura County community who have Autism. There are no age restrictions. Two entries per person allowed. Contest deadline: All entries must be received no later than January 15, 2015. Prizes: The winning entry will receive 10 t-shirts and 5 race entries. They will also be recognized at the event and on the event website. Questions? Contact Samuel or Kathy Capozzi at (805) 231-6553 How to submit? All complete entries should be dropped off or mailed to: Autism Society Ventura County, c/o Sharon Francis 5251 Verdugo Way, Suite G, Camarillo, CA 93012 OR Emailed to Admin@AutismVentura.org or by fax to (805) 299-0600 Art format: All artistic design formats are welcome; however, keep in mind that the design will need to be transferred by the t-shirt printer to an electronic format. Pen, pencil, crayon and paint, along with digital designs are the most popular. You may use color. The final design may be limited to 3 colors. Design ideas: All ideas are welcome! 2015 is the 3rd Annual Aut2Run event. This year’s theme is “The Hero in You!” The Aut2Run event focuses on running and walking, as well as involving people of all ages to come together to support individuals living with autism and their families. The ASVC Board and the Aut2Run Planning Committee reserve the right to select the contest winner from all suitable entries. The designer and/or their parent attests that this is the designer’s own, original artwork and he/she waives all rights to royalties beyond above-mentioned contest prizes. The designer further understands that their name and age will be published at the event and on the website with their design and their photograph. Please complete the following information, which will remain confidential with the ASVC Board. Designer’s Name: Age: If minor or conserved adult, parent’s name: Phone Number: Name of Design (optional): Teacher (if applicable): School or Program: Home City:
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