a : PO Box 384 Kyabram Vic 3619 p : 03 5851 2100 f : 03 5852 3878 e : kyabram.p12@edumail.vic.gov.au w: www.kyabramp-12.vic.edu.au Student Absence: 5853 2607 Term 4 Issue 35 IMPORTANT DATES NOVEMBER 7 P-2 Tabloid Sports Kyabram Bush Market 10 Kinder Visit 10-11 Yr 11 Biology Excursion 13 Yr 7-9 “Pointing at the Moon” Workshop 14-20 Yr 11 Exams 18 Lifeskills Camp 20 Bookstall at Bocce Club Yr7-12 21 Graduation Ball 24-26 Domain Activity Days Yr 7-9 25-27 F1 In Schools Competition 27-5 DEC Flying Start Yr 7-11 1-5 Swimming Grade 1/2 9 Orientation Day Preps & Yr 7 2015 10 Lifeskills Christmas Lunch 16 Awards Night 19 Last Day of School Respect Principal’s Report “Excellence Through Opportunity” Dear Parents and Friends, Athletics It is with great excitement that I congratulate James Woods on coming 2 nd in the 11 boys High Jump at the State Championships in Melbourne last Monday. James has now found out that he will compete at the National Titles in Tasmania from November 27th to December 2nd, representing our school and all of Victoria. James is now raising money to assist with the costs of attending such an event, so if James asks you to buy a raffle ticket please support him in any way you can. We are extremely proud of you James, well done!! Uniform Walking around each of our campuses I have been pleased and proud to note that most of our students are showing respect for our College rules and community spirit in their manner, behavior and appearance. Unfortunately, however, some students are choosing not to wear their uniform, letting our school community down. Please ensure your children, our students, are wearing correct uniform daily. Thank you. Second Hand Uniform Parents’ Club are starting up a second hand uniform shop catering for all students in the school from Prep to Year 12. Uniforms will be available at a much reduced price than they can be bought for new. If your child has outgrown any of their uniform or is leaving the school, you may donate the uniform to the Parents’ Club outright or you may offer pieces on consignment, with a proportion of the sale price being returned to you. Money raised by the Parents’ Club is used in the school to improve facilities and support programs - we hope the uniform shop will be a source of funds for them to continue their invaluable work in our school. Uniforms for the shop may be left at any College office - please label clearly whether they are a donation or on consignment and if the latter, the amount you require for them. Exhibition / Fundraiser Kyabram P-12 College Chaplaincy Committee is very fortunate to have an exhibition of works, Life Journey, by artists Cam Thomson, Karin Bosman and Lynne Hume. There is a $5 entry and the exhibition continues to be open until Sunday, 9 th November. All door takings and 25% of sales go to the chaplaincy committee. The exhibition is being held at the Uniting Church on the corner of Unitt and Union Streets in Kyabram. Please go along and support the Chaplaincy Committee and the students in our school. Responsibility Resilience Doing Your Best Community Your Tutor The Campaspe Regional Library brings you free homework help for students in Grade 4 to Year 12. All you have to do is simply go to: www.campaspe.vic.gov.au/library So if you need help with school homework try Yourtutor, an online homework help resource which connects students with qualified online tutors for free, one-on-one help. It is available Monday to Friday from 4pm to 8pm. Use your library membership number to log in. Remember that library membership is free and enables you to access a huge range of resources as well as the “yourtutor” service. Film Night Our annual Film Night will be held on Thursday, 27th November. As well as the funny movie, “Despicable Me 2” there will be food stalls and the popular hamper auction. Money raised from these will be used by Parents’ Club to further their wonderful work in our school. It is an enjoyable night for all and watching the movie is free. More information will be sent home in coming weeks. Bush Market Years 7-12 students wishing to attend the Bush Market during the day must have a permission note signed by parents/ guardians. They must also wear their school hat at the market. Stuart Bott College Principal P-6 Assistant Principal Report Kate Whitford Welcome back after our long weekend, I hope you enjoyed the extra time with your families. We are now at the busy end of the term where we are all finalising activities and tying up loose ends. The staff are busy collating information and writing student reports, whilst thinking ahead to classes and staffing for 2015; a very busy time indeed. (And that doesn’t include Christmas which seems to be sneaking up on us once again). Sun Smart As the weather warms up please remind students to wear their school hat while playing outside. Students without hats will be asked to sit in the designated shade area. NO HAT, NO PLAY! Count Us In Wow! What an outstanding event to be involved in! To think that we were linked up live along with thousands and thousands of other schools and students across Australia to all sing the same song at the same time is mind boggling. Many students also learn the Auslan sign language for the deaf to match the song. Our Primary musicians played along proving themselves capable of accompanying the singers very well. A very big thank you to Mrs Meeking for organising this for our students and bringing us all together for such a positive experience. Anyone Leaving??? We are currently organising our classes for 2015. If any students or families will not be at Kyabram P-12 College in 2015 would you please inform the school office as soon as possible so our records are accurate. Book Collection Day Just a reminder to our Grade 6 parents that our book collection day is on Thursday, November 20th at the Bocce Club between 12:00pm and 6:30 pm. Transition Today we ran our second transition session for students in prep to grade 4. This is the second of many opportunities for your child to experience the next grade level in preparation for 2015. Each child rotates through different class environments with different children and with different teachers. We are hoping to have final classes and staffing decided by the statewide orientation day on Tuesday, December 9 th. Grade 6 students will take part in ‘Flying Start’ at the Secondary Campus on the 10th, 11th and 12th of December. Excellence Through Opportunity Shekere Beats The one-man show entertained the Preps to Grade 4 as part of the visiting performers program last Friday, 31 st October. The students were encouraged to participate in the many songs from Africa and using African musical instruments. They learnt the difference between learning music in Africa to how we learn beats in Australia. All the children and some very willing teachers had a great time jumping and dancing to the beat of the drums. Grade 3/4 News After the very long weekend that we all enjoyed last week, all grades are back to full pace with plenty of activities and learning to be done. We have completed some wonderful procedural writing pieces, with some very interesting “revolting recipes” being completed. This week we are looking at comprehension skills of understanding and interpreting figurative language and distinguishing between fact and fiction – the latter seems to be getting increasingly tricky in these days of internet and Photoshop! In maths we will be continuing to work with fractions, particularly comparing fractions (2/3 < 3/4, for example) and adding and subtracting fractions using models. We are also getting into our final round of “On Demand” testing for the year, which gives students another chance to demonstrate just how much they have learned this year. These online tests get quite hard, so it’s very rewarding to see our students showing resilience as they tackle each challenge the best they can. Students are also aware that these tests are just one of many ways they can show their learning, so they know not to get stressed about them and just do their best. Bush Market Primary students will be performing in this order at the Bush Market from approximately11am to 12 noon. 11am 11:15am Production Band Primary Singers 11:30am Recorder Players 10-12 Principal Report Danny Walsh Year 12 Exams Year 12 students are well into their exams with English, Psychology, Biology, HHD, VET Community Services, Hospitality, IT, Further Maths, Maths Methods, Specialist Maths, Physical Education, Drama, Business Management and Outdoor Education already completed. Exams on next week are Studio Arts, Accounting, History, Specialist Maths exam 2, Chemistry, Legal Studies, Physics, Agricultural and Horticultural Studies, Art, VET Business, English Language, Food and Technology, Music Performance and Industry & Enterprise. Good luck to all students and staff who have been putting in a huge amount of effort. I genuinely believe that our hard word, persistence and dedication will pay off in our team effort to achieve excellence for all. Year 10 Work Experience Last week, 27 of our Year 10 students travelled to Melbourne for a week of work experience. Students stayed at the Miami hotel in North Melbourne. Monday was spent travelling around Melbourne with students learning how to travel to and from work using public transport. Students worked at many different places including, the Magistrates’ Court, the Lost Dogs Home, auto electricians, plumbers, engineers, joiners, childcare centres, magazine publishers, the YMCA and MSAC. Whilst in Melbourne, students also went to Crown, played laser tag and watched a movie at Melbourne Central. All students had a great time and have learnt a lot about what it’s like to live and work in the city. We also had 25 Year 10 students completing their work experience in and around Kyabram. Thank you to Karin Sutton, Deb Greenham and Donna Campbell for all their work in the placement over 50 students. Excellence Through Opportunity Yard Maintenance Work If you are available to assist with clean up/maintenance at the College could you please contact me by email (walsh.daniel.m@edumail.vic.edu.au) or by phoning the College. We have a number of areas that require attention such as painting, pruning, edging and brushcutting. Year 10 Work Experience Program Karin Sutton & Debbie Greenham A highlight for year 10 students is undertaking work experience with employers either locally or around Melbourne. During that week, students get a taste of the real world and a unique insight into a career of their interest. Apart from gaining new skills, the placement ensures that the responsibility that goes with any job is experienced. For students in Melbourne, it means that they need to use public transport to access work, adding another challenging dimension! Once again, our students received very favorable feedback from their employers. In some cases, employers were eager to offer them an apprenticeship as they valued the positive work ethic and initiative displayed by these students. It is not surprising that our employer contacts from Melbourne support this program and are enthusiastic to have students from Kyabram P-12 College return each year! COLLEGE NEWS CANTEEN SECONDARY CAMPUS PRIMARY CAMPUS NOVEMBER NOVEMBER Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 10 11 12 13 14 Jolie West Michelle Turpin Kerry Burnett Kerri Sweeney Belinda Sherwood 10:30-11:45am Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri 10 11 12 13 14 HELP HELP 1:00-2:15pm HELP Leanne Sloan Von Morris HELP HELP Jenny Ryan HELP ABSENCE LINE 5853 2607 PLEASE LEAVE A MESSAGE TO ADVISE IF YOUR CHILD IS, OR WILL BE, ABSENT Open 24 hours 7 days We are required to have verification of all student absences. For your convenience we have an absence hotline where you can leave a recorded message. Or you may choose to write a note or leave a message in your child’s planner. Thank you for your cooperation with this. Excellence Through Opportunity COMMUNITY MATTERS COLLEGE CALENDAR ~ November 2014 ~ Sun 2 9 Mon Tue Wed Fri 6 7 Gr 5/6 Interschool Sports P-2 Tabloid Sports 10 13 14 11 12 Kinder Visit 9:30-11am 17 18 Sat 8 15 Pointing at the Year 11 Exams Moon” Workshop Years 7-9 Year 11 Biology Excursion 16 Thu 3 4 5 Pupil Free Melbourne Day Cup Day 19 20 Lifeskills Camp Parents’ Club Meeting 7pm Primary Staffroom 21 Year 7-12 Bookstall at the Bocce Club 12pm-6:30pm 22 Graduation Ball Year 11 Exams 23 24 25 26 27 F1 in Schools Competition F1 in Schools Competition F1 in Schools Competition Domain Activity Days Years 7, 8 & 9 28 29 Flying Start commences Year 7-11 ~ December 2014 ~ ◄ Nov 2014 Sun Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Jan 2015 ► Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 VCE Flying Start finishes 5-12 Assembly Swimming - Grade 1 and 2 7 14 8 15 12 Flying start finishes Reports sent home Picnic Christmas Concert— Twilight BBQ 13 2015 Year 7s Flying Start 11 2015 Year 7s Flying Start 17 18 19 20 9 10 Orientation Day 16 Awards Night Last day of school Proud to be a Silver Donor Lou & Angela De Palma Proprietors Ph (03) 5831 1066 www.sheppfresh.com / M & S Group Accounting JAG Plumbing Salter’s Panel Repairs Kyvalley Farms Milk Kyabram Bakery Walker Real Estate Bakers Delight Dunstall Rural Supplies Subway McConnell Real Estate
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