The The Columban Columban Spirit - Tradition - Community EVENTS Principal’s Message 10-17 November Yr 12 Exam Block 19-26 November Yr 11 Exam Block 19 November Graduation Dinner 20 November Graduation Liturgy 25 November Year 8 2015 Orientation Day 26 November Year 7 2015 Orientation Day 28 November Year 10 & 11 Finish INSIDE Principal’s Message Parent/Guardian Notices P1 P4 Dance Nigh / ARTS Evening P4 2014 Sports Representatives P5 Tuckshop Rosters P7 CRICOS Reg No. 03347D Principal’sMessage Message Principal’s Dear Students, Staff, Family and Friends The week we have been treated to House farewells and the change of leadership ceremony. This has seen the old guard pass on to the new and we congratulate both groups. Our current leaders have proved their worth and thank you to all the Captains and Vice Captains of Houses and Committees especially Dan Cabrera, Katie Iliffe, Corey Parker and Emily George. 7 November 2014 I trust in the kindness of God forever “God of all peoples in Jesus Christ You call us from our foolishness to be you children coming amongst us like a kookaburra singing the song of a new day.” We congratulate all the newly appointed leaders and all those who nominated for positions. Opportunities for service in the College are numerous so we look to all to get involved. We are very pleased to announce the leaders for 2015 as follows Our House farewells saw many fine speeches, tears and sincere thanks expressed to PC teachers and House Coordinators! The Columban spirit and family was very evident as our Year 12s are in their final school days. Again we challenge them to think about whether they choose the road less travelled or the one well worn as poet Robert Frost expresses so well. College Captains: Joshua Connolly and Chloe Williams College Vice Captains: Reece Bamford and Claudia Chapple Middle Phase Captains: Jacob Beeston and Ebony Butler Middle Phase Vice Captains: Kobe Tozer and Polly Pakuza Duhig House Captains: Isabella Walker and Jason Morris Duhig House Vice Captains: Haylee Crotty and Alex Taylor English House Captains: Sophie Lewis and David Blockley English House Captains: Claire Torrens and Ton Finck Molloy House Captains: Tessa Harrison and Jordan Wust Molloy House Vice Captains: Ardristan Butler and Jack Lowrie O’Driscoll House Captains: Ashlyn Evans and Hayden Lawson O’Driscoll House Captains: Stephanie Hudson and Callum Lethby Spirit Committee Leaders: Corey Fysh, Brittany Cooper, Helina deWinter, Lachlan Haffenden, Erin Allanson Tradition Committee Leaders: Riley Martin, Georgia Hayes, Brittany Nolan, Slade Blunt, Laine McLathey Community Committee Leaders: Emily Rockley, Brianna Ushay, Sharriah McCloy, Connor Jones, Tess Holloway 100 McKean Street, Caboolture | PO Box 1254, Caboolture QLD 4510 Absentee Hot Line: 5433P: 7366 hours a day) 07(24 5495 3111 | F: 07 5495 3211 | E: 2 Presentation Assistant Commissioner of Police Mike Brady proudly presented Certificates to our students and staff honoring their outstanding service at the 150 Year Celebration Police Dinner. He spoke so highly of our students and the quality of their waiting on tables, preparation of menu and efficiency of their delivery. We were very appreciative of Asst. Commissioner Brady finding the time to come and acknowledge our contribution to this event. Parents and Friends Association The AGM was held on Monday and the executive was appointed for 2015. We really are very grateful for the exceptional contribution of our P&F body. They are always supportive with Saturday BBQs and also with BBQs on many other occasions such as TAS awards. They also have provided many items in the College, supported representative students and contribute to major building programs such as the MMPC. Thank you especially to Heather Loveday for her many years of service as Treasurer - we wish you and Bob the very best and we are sure you will miss doing those books!! Our appreciation goes to President Terry McMahon, Vice President Rob Justice, Treasurer Heather and Secretary Tom Cooper and the rest of the Committee. We are pleased that Terry, Rob and Tom are staying on and Kristy Lethby is the new Treasurer. Winner of the Regional Recycler Award 2014 Congratulations to all those involved in the recent Moreton Bay Regional Council's Environmental Awards. The College has just won the Regional Recycler 2014 award with a video entry that highlighted the sustainable and environmentally aware culture of the school, with a focus on working to reduce the litter that finds its way into the waterways. A special thank you to staff members Christine Jones, Brendan Walsh and Shaun Morris for providing the energy behind the environmental committee. We are very proud to congratulate the St Columban's Dance Troupe. A selection of dancers performed routines in the recent Caboolture Eisteddfod on the 25 October. The groups were given three First place awards for their Semi Classical, Hip Hop and Jazz routines. This is a phenomenal achievement. The girls outstanding commitment has seen the dance troupe soar to new heights this year. Good Luck for Dance Night on the 14 November and 2015. We look forward to their continued energetic work over the next year. Coming Events: 10-17 November 19-26 November 19 November 20 November 25 November 26 November 28 November 5 December Year 12 Exam Block Year 11 Exam Block Graduation Dinner Graduation Liturgy Year 8 2015 Orientation Day Year 7 2015 Orientation Day Year 10 & 11 Finish End of Term 4 Our grand news is that our staff member Brad Anderson and Penny are now the proud parents of twins - Lucy June and Lennox Jeffery!! Congratulations on their exciting additions to Brad and Penny and son Cohen! Take care for the coming week especially with the coming of the G 20! Good Luck to Year 12s in their final assessments! Ann Rebgetz Principal Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) Loving God, we give thanks for the learnings of today. May our contribution here continue to create places of wonder, wisdom and peace. May we go now in gratitude. We ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen 3 College Notices to Parents/Guardians Your Invitation to join the 2015 Europe Tour! If you've ever thought about the St Columban's Europe Trip... now is the time! Visit for more info and to register for the information night. INFORMATION NIGHT – Kells Centre (new building near the library) 6.00pm Wednesday 12 November Register Your Attendance Now Raffle Winners! Congratulations to Melody Illife and Adele Sutcliffe, winners of the St Columban's Parents & Friends raffle at our Awards Evening, last Wednesday evening. Uniform Shop Has your student outgrown their uniforms?? Beat the New Year rush and buy new ones now! Should you wish to sell any good quality old uniforms, forms can be obtained from the shop or at Office Reception. (All blazers must be dry cleaned) We will be holding a 2nd Hand Sale morning on Saturday 15 November from 9-11am in the Edmund Rice Centre. ALL WELCOME Shop closed for Year 7 & 8 fittings only: Monday 17 to Friday 21 November New Year times: Wednesday 21 January (9am-4pm) Tuesday 27 January (8-12 noon, 2-3pm) Thursday 29 January (8-12 noon) SECONDHAND BOOK SALE: Saturday 15 November in the ERC Novels for sale $2 each or Fill-a-Bag for $10. 2015 Coaching Positions. Currently coaching positions exist next year across the range of TAS sports. If any parents or past students are interested in coaching a team, they are encouraged to email me to express their interest and give a brief outline of their experience at Coaching positions will be finalised early next year. YEAR 12 PARENTS As your young people move into adulthood we would like to let you know about our safety brochure called Security: It's In Your Hands. By now your child should have received it. It offers tips on how to travel and feel safe when using a reputable cab, and information about our app so they will always be able to contact us, so we can get them safely home to you. Wishing them success and safety as they enter the next exciting stage of life, We also hope this offers you an opportunity to discuss safe travel choices with your teen. The Yellow Cab Team. Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) Please hyperlink to: 4 MOLLOY MOVERS FUNDRAISER On behalf of the Molloy Movers thank you for your support of the Big BBQ Blowout yesterday. The Movers and their PC teachers were enormously helpful in making the event a success, donating their time and enthusiasm to raise money for our house charity. We were grateful for the support of the College who helped us in raising over $300! Chau Le & Maddy Ward - 2014 Molloy Movers Presidents Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) 5 Regional / State and National Sporting Representations 2014 Name Representative Level Sport Year Sophie Lewis Regional Touch Football 11 Ella Connolly Regional Touch Football 9 Haylee Crotty Regional Touch Football 10 Mitchell De Rossi Regional Touch Football 11 Corey Parker Regional Touch Football 12 Josh Connolly Regional Touch Football 11 Kathleen Nichols Regional Touch Football 9 Jasmin Pressley Regional Touch Football 10 Bryah Guilfoyle Regional Tennis 9 Troy Hammond Regional AFL 11 Ella Connolly Regional Athletics 9 Kelcey Richards Regional Basketball 12 Dylan Howe Regional Basketball 12 Lucky Patterson Regional Swimming 10 Jack Lowrie Regional Cross Country 10 Jasper Sawtell Regional Cross Country 9 Claire Torrens Regional Cross Country 10 Dylan Gardener Regional Golf 11 Daniel Harrington Regional Baseball 9 Duane Johannsen Regional Baseball 9 Mitchell Scotland /Nelson Regional Baseball 8 Mitchell Lowrie Regional Triathlon 8 Jordan Wust Regional Soccer 11 Jasper Sawtell Regional Athletics 9 Jack Lowrie Regional Athletics 10 Josh Connolly Regional Athletics 11 Ben Schmidten Regional Athletics 9 Darren Pereira Regional Rugby League 12 Corey Parker Regional Rugby League 12 Corey Cumner Regional Surf Lifesaving 10 Natasha Llora Regional Gymnastics 11 Sam Hicks Regional Rugby Union 12 Kelcey Richards Regional Basketball 12 Morgan Eldrett Regional Athletics 11 Toby Parker Regional Hockey 10 Jarred Ring Regional Hockey 10 Mitch Lowrie Regional Athletics 8 Taylor Stickler Regional Athletics 9 Jaiden Velt Regional Athletics 10 Zane Brown Regional Athletics 8 Kirrily Siebenhausen Regional Swimming 9 Jasper Sawtell Regional Touch Football 9 Pierson McCloy Regional Waterpolo 12 Marco Roelfs Regional Waterpolo 12 Jake Hollinger Regional Athletics 10 Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) 6 Name Representative Level Sport Year Lucky Patterson State Swimming 10 Jack Lowrie State Athletics 10 Ben Schmidten State Athletics 9 Ella Connolly State Athletics 9 Josh Connolly State Athletics 11 Sophie Lewis State Touch Football 11 Bryah Guilfoyle State Tennis 9 Daniel Harrington State Baseball 9 Ella Connolly State Touch Football 9 Louie Beatty State Taekwondo 11 Mitchell De Rossi State Touch Football 11 Ashlyn Evans State Indoor Netball 11 Dylan Howe State Basketball 12 Kathleen Nichols State Touch Football 9 Britt Nolan State Indoor Netball 11 Taylah Robertson State Boxing 11 Kirrily Siebenhausen State Swimming 9 Holly Baxter State Karate 8 Sam Hicks State Rugby 12 Jasper Sawtell State Athletics 9 Marco Roelfs State Water polo 12 Jake Hollinger State Athletics 10 Harry Krohn State Indoor Netball 11 Duanne Johannsen State Baseball 9 Louie Beatty National Taekwondo 11 Lucky Patterson National Swimming 10 Professional Hair Salon In StC Trade Training Centre. Two Highly Experienced Hairdresser/Training Educators. Open Wednesday to Friday and Saturday TAS home games Please phone for Appointments: Rona—0439 851 660 Tracie—0401 091 182 Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) 7 Community Notices Hairdressing students urgently require models for practical assessments! Monday’s and Tuesday’s (all offered at training prices) Services include: colour /foils Hair and scalp treatments Blow dry's Braids Phone salon for appointment 5495 3111 Walk ins welcome Tuckshop Roster 2014 Mon 10 Nov Shelly Gregory, Jodi Hollinger, Kathy Lather Tue 11 Nov Rosa Fili, Adele Sutcliffe Wed 12 Nov Deidre Burton, Julie Gemeri, Laura Wykman Thur 13 Nov Julie Totoro Fri 14 Nov Bronwyn Hawthorne, Natasha McConochie Tutoring MATHS Wednesday 3 - 4pm Webb 2.3 ENGLISH Wednesday 3 - 4pm Library AccounƟng & CerƟficate III in Business Thursdays 3 – 4 pm in O’DrIscoll 1.2. Uniform Shop Term Hours: Tuesdays: 8am - 9am If unable to attend tuckshop please let Tracey know at the earliest 2pm - 3pm possible time. Phone 5433 7328 and leave a message any time of Thursdays: 8am - 9am day or night. Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day) 8 Absentee Hot Line: 5433 7366 (24 hours a day)
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