Vol 21 No 17 5th November 2014 Peace Lutheran College Profiles at Peace Phone: 4039 9000 www.plc.qld.edu.au Our mission is to develop informed, active, resilient and compassionate citizens within a Christian community. Vol 21 No 12 5 November (Quality Education....Christian Nurture....Community Service) NEWS FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents and Friends, The next few weeks are very busy with many events where students’ achievements are recognised and celebrated. These events are particularly significant for our Year 12 students who are about to graduate and set out on the next chapter of their lives. It begins this Friday, 7 November with the Informal for our Year 9 students to celebrate the conclusion of Middle School. I congratulate the Middle School captains for their involvement in organising this event and for their excellent leadership throughout this year. I look forward to seeing their progress in Senior School. The Informal is followed by the Year 12 Formal on Saturday, 15 November. A highlight is always to see the students arrive to the venue and to hear the tributes they share about each other. Not to mention the dancing that they have been preparing for throughout this term. The Presentation events, a time to recognise and highlight the hard work and many achievement by our students, takes place on Tuesday, 18 November at 6:30 pm for Middle and Senior School, and on Monday, 24 November at 9 am for Junior School. Attendance is compulsory and students are required to wear their formal uniform. Then on Friday, 21 November we hold a Graduation Chapel for our senior students. This is a day with mixed emotions. Whilst we are sorry to see them go, we are at the same time excited for them as they embark on a new journey beyond Peace and wish them every success in their future endeavours. I have thoroughly enjoyed working with the seniors this year and am confident they will do themselves and us proud. I look forward to seeing you at some, or several of the upcoming events. Yours in Christ Elisabeth Fenske What is on this fortnight? Inside this issue COMING EVENTS November th 7 th 15 th 18 21st th 24 th 28 Year 9 Informal Year 12 Formal Middle & Senior School Presentation Last day Yr 12s Junior School Presentation Last day Prep, Yr 10 & Yr 11 Absentees If your child is absent from school, please ring Administration on 4039 9000 to advise. If you need to phone before 8.00 am please leave a message on 4039 9000. Alternatively, you can email: absent@plc.qld.edu.au Students must report to Home Group teachers between 8.30 – 8.45 am If you do not notify the school, we will make contact to verify your child’s absence. Visitors Visitors including parents need to sign in at the office during the hours of 9 am – 2.30 pm. Thank you 7th November Year 9 Informal 18th November Middle & Senior School Presentation Contact Details Please ensure your contact details are up to date. We are pushing for communication to be electronic to reduce paper use and our carbon footprint. Please see Claire on reception for an Update Family Details form or email with any admin@plc.qld.edu.au changes. Thank you. Lutheran Church Worship Times Trinity Lutheran Church Severin Street, Cairns Sunday Service Times 8.00 am and 10.00 am Everyone is welcome to worship with us Visit www.cairnslutheran.org.au 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 12 13 14 15 15 15 News from Mrs Fenske What is on this fortnight Presentation Ceremonies Uniform Link Health Clinic News Monster Garage Sale Anzac Story Junior School News JCU Young Language Ambassador Conference Middle School News Senior School News Duke of Edinburgh Canteen Sports News Kindergarten Surf Life Saving News Visual & Performing Arts New Bus for Peace Parenting Ideas Salvation Army Christmas Appeal Yarrabah Band Festival Run for the Reef Peace Kindy School Saving @ Peace Would you like to open a savings account for your child? To teach them how to save before they learn how to spend? Please see Claire at reception to get an application form. For Sale As part of our 20 Year celebrations, we have produced a set of beautiful tumbler glasses with our logo and the 20 year anniversary dates on them. We are selling them for $25.00 for a boxed set of 2. If you would like to purchase a box, they are available from our administration office. General Notices Entertainment Books Peace Lutheran College’s P&F is pleased to be selling the brand new Entertainment Memberships to help raise funds for our school. The new Cairns, Northern Beaches & Port Douglas Entertainment Memberships are filled with over $20,000 worth of offers for the best restaurants & attractions. You can view an online sample book at www.entertainmentmedia.com.au/fli ckbook/cairns Memberships are also available for all major areas of Australia & New Zealand. The best part is that 20% of each sale goes directly to Peace Lutheran College. Get in quick to avoid disappointment and help support Peace Lutheran College. Books can be purchased from Sue Berntsson in accounts for $55 each. CONFIRMATION OF CONTINUING ENROLMENT FOR 2015 Parents are urgently requested to confirm the continuing enrolment of students at Peace Lutheran College for 2015. If you have not done so already, please contact Administration to confirm whether your child or children will return for Term 1 2015. Uniform Link Uniform Link is expecting delivery of stock mid-November in preparation for 2015 back to school. Uniform Link can be found at: 5 MacDonnell Street, Manunda Ph: 4032 4918 Email: sales@uniformlink.com.au Trading Hours: Mon-Fri 8.30 am – 5 pm Saturday mornings during January “Back to School” Closed for the Christmas – New Year period. Health Clinic News Immunisations Our last Immunisation clinic for 2014 will be held next Wednesday 12th November. If you have children in Grade 8 and 10 who will be having their vaccinations please can you ensure that they have a good breakfast and plenty of water on the morning of the clinic. Following the vaccination, some students may need some Panadol but ice is usually sufficient to help with soreness at the injection site. If, for any reason your child is absent from school on this day they will be able to have the immunisation at our first clinic in 2015 or they are able to have it at your family doctors surgery. Immunisation forms for 2015 If you have students in Grade 8 and 10 in 2015, immunisation forms will be posted just before school returns. If you don’t receive a form by the time school starts, please can you email the clinic at nurse@plc.qld.edu.au so we can get a form to you. Water Now that the temperatures and humidity are increasing, please can you ensure that your child is drinking plenty of fluid. They especially need to be able to access their own water bottles at sport. A water bottle is essential if students are going off campus for sport or excursions. We have had a number of students recently spending time in the clinic with headaches. One of the first questions we ask is how much students have had to drink and the answer is often not a lot, so please continue to encourage them. Medical Updates If your child has been diagnosed with any condition that it is important for the school to know about or developed any allergies, please can you complete another Medical Consent for which can be found on the website and send it to the clinic via administration. Contact Details If you are moving or have recently changed addresses or phone numbers, please ensure the school has your new details. We are often finding it difficult to contact families when their children are sick due to the numbers being incorrect or disconnected. I have noticed that quite a few people have themselves listed as the emergency contact. The emergency contact needs to be a person who would be contacted if we can’t get hold of parents in an emergency. Carolyn Durden & Melanie van Welderen, College Nurses Monster Garage Sale Trinity Lutheran Church’s Monster Garage sale will be held at the Church (472 Severin St, Manunda) on Saturday, 8 November from 8 am until 2 pm. There will be a huge amount of household items to browse through, as well as a sausage sizzle, coffee stall and face painting. Please come along and grab a bargain. Money raised will be put towards the mission of the church. If you would like to donate items to be sold, these can be brought to the church on the Friday before (7 November) from 1 pm - 3 pm or 4 pm6 pm. Anzac Story A local storyteller Mrs Colleen Smith has written a book entitled “Anzac Story” and is in the process of rewriting it which will be available in A4 size. With upcoming Anzac Day centenary commemorations in 2015, Colleen is selling her A5 size for $8.00 a copy. If you would like to purchase a copy please see the library staff. Junior School News Being Still Life is busy! We move from one thing to the next in our day, often without breaks and get to the end of the day often feeling exhausted. I have been participating in an ISQ Primary Heads Leadership Course this year and one of the things we have been learning to do more is to take intentional time in our day for professional reading and journaling. This is a chance to become more knowledgeable, reflect and plan ahead in our leadership journey. The article included in the Newsletter from Michael Grose’s Parenting Ideas Website also gives some great ideas on how we can slow down our home life too. It has made me think about intentionally taking time each day to focus on my relationship with God. Being still in His presence and allowing Him to guide and strengthen me is an important part of my day. I encourage you all to take time, breath and reflect. It is in these times that we grow the most. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 2015 Classes and Orientation Morning On Wednesday, 26 November all students in the Junior School will spend the morning in their class with the teacher for 2015. Prior to this day a letter will be sent home listing your child’s home group class, room allocation and teacher/s, which are yet to be confirmed. A reminder that students are grouped based on teachers deep knowledge of each student and how they work best. When allocating classes aspects of the decision include: mixes of girls and boys, learning support students, behaviour needs and personalities, whilst keeping in mind the best classroom environment for each child. It is a complex process. Please address any issues around classes to me in writing prior to Friday, 7 November. Orientation day is important for all students in order to become familiar and feel comfortable with the class for 2015 before Christmas break. Junior School Presentation Day Please join us for Presentation Day on Monday, 24 November at 8.45 am for a 9 am start. This is an opportunity to recognise students in Junior School for the following awards: Service and Leadership, Academic Achievement, Encouragement, Sport, Japanese and Choir. We will also be celebrating with the Year 5’s as they leave Junior School. Junior School COMMUNITY CHRISTMAS CONCERT This year we have decided to do a JS Community Christmas Concert. This will be held on the lawn area at the side of the Peace Centre on FRIDAY, 28 NOVEMBER. Each class will present a Christmas song and in between we will join as a community with the singing of Christmas carols. It will be an evening of celebrating students, families and Christmas. The time (Approx. 5 – 7 pm) and further details will be confirmed closer to the event – but please add it to your calendar! Spring Fair This was a fantastic example of the College community working together for the benefit of all students, and having some fun along the way. Thank you to everyone who helped, volunteered, donated time and prizes and participated! Facebook Don’t forget to visit Peace Lutheran College on Facebook. Like our page and follow us so you can see daily happenings and get reminders of upcoming events. You Can Do It – Weekly Winners Week 3: Eli, Year 1DL - Gabby Get Along Peace Award Winners – “A = Attitude” Chelsea, Year 3CO - Ricky Resilience Prep Sid & Derrick Week 4: Ashley, Year 1CJ - Connie Confidence Year 1 Tanya & Brandon Luke, Year 4SS - Connie Confidence Year 2 Lucas & Olivia Year 3 Kelsey & Ashlyn Year 4 Kristine & Hannah Year 5 Lily & Aisis Congratulations! Working together, through Christ, Sarah Rowan, BEd (ECE), GradDipThEd, MEdSt Head of Junior School srowan@plc.qld.edu.au JCU Young Language Ambassador Conference This year an exciting new program started, the JCU Young Language Ambassador Program. This program aims to promote the study of foreign languages whist providing young people with the opportunity to develop their leadership skills. Peace Lutheran College Young Language Ambassadors: Mitchell Lee, Andrew Kumpulainen, Alisha Vanrietvelde, Indy Yeoman, Hannah Jarvis, Gnu Kim, Sofia Persson and Alexander George. Alexander and Gnu with JCU Young Language Ambassador organiser Florence Boulard. These students participated in a Young Language Ambassador conference at JCU on Tuesday 21st October, where they met like-minded students from schools ranging from Mossman to Innisfail and inland to various schools on the Tablelands. There were even a couple of Distance Education students that had flown up from Brisbane. The 150 Young Language Ambassadors heard inspiring presentations from various speakers sharing their views on the value of learning languages and ideas on how to promote language learning. Students also shared their own ideas and goals for the following year. Middle School News Dr David Livingstone was a national hero from his writings on the “dark continent”, which he spent decades exploring and working as a medical missionary. In 1864, Dr Livingstone returned to Africa with the objective of locating the source of the Nile River. After many years, little was heard of him in England and his welfare became a point of concern. The New York Herald commissioned a reporter, Henry Stanley, to locate him. 1n 1871, Stanley arrived on the east coast of Africa and after 8 months, eventually found Livingstone. Stanley’s account is being overwhelmed by emotion when laying eyes on the doctor. However, being mindful of maintaining dignity, he muttered the words “Dr Livingstone, I presume?” After brief introductions, Stanley passes on the mail bag which had failed to reach Livingstone some time ago him and contained many letters, including those from his children. Though he was interested in the letters, he asked Stanley of world news. When Stanley suggested that the doctor must be anxious to open the letters, Livingstone told him “I have waited years for letters, and I have been taught patience. I can surely afford to wait a few hours longer. No, tell me the general news. How is the world getting along?" I love the lessons we can learn from others, including people who have achieved mighty things. I love the simplicity of the lesson in patience we gain from Dr David Livingstone. Successes: It is a privilege to celebrate the successes of our students. It is encouraging to hear of successes both at school and beyond. A number of students recently participated at a North Qld surf lifesaving competition in Mackay. From what I hear, there were some outstanding results, lots of fun and great weather was enjoyed. Also, the College Year 6/7 boys Cricket team participated in a T20 tournament and finished undefeated. The team was crowned FNQ regional champions and are off to Brisbane next month to compete in a state-wide carnival. I also wish our Year 6/7 Rugby 7s team all the best with their upcoming competition. JCU Language Ambassador Program: Recently, a small group of Peace students attended a Language Ambassador Program at James Cook University. Students were able to hear the experiences of language professionals, such as the “singing diplomat”, participate in workshops and acquaint themselves with language enthusiasts from other schools. Kudos: Clem Vaculka is an Aboriginal and Islander Education Worker (AIEW) with the College. His role includes assisting indigenous students in class, offering personal support, among many other duties not formally listed in his job description. During the past fortnight, one of our students experienced personal difficulty. Clem’s care for this student is what Peace is all about. Though only one example, it highlights the work he does each week and demonstrates his value to our college community. Upcoming events: The College language ambassadors from the JCU program will be attending a seminar on Tuesday 21 October at the university. Also, there are three major Middle School events upcoming: • Middle School Orientation Day (5 November); • Year 9 Informal (7 November); and • College Presentation Evening (18 November). • Year 5 Orientation (26 November) Yours in Christ, Nick Cheyne Head of Middle School Twitter: @PLCMiddle ncheyne@plc.qld.edu.au Leukaemia Foundation Light the Night t Senior School News Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow is a school-based mentoring program for students in Years 6 to 12. Good luck to Jerry Ahmat, Ceddy Nona and Sai Nona who will be presenting at this Fridays conference. The aim of the Indigenous Leaders of Tomorrow and Indigenous Leaders of the Future is to assist students to develop a skills base that enables them to be effective leaders in their schools, families and communities. Arts Evening Thank you to all Arts staff involved in organising last week’s Arts Evening, it was a great success and a delight to see so many students enjoying the opportunity of performing. We clearly have some very bright and talented minds in our midst. The Wednesday show was a wonderful experience of music, theatre and song. Science Block (Photo) The Science block construction continues to come on in leaps and bounds and we are all getting very excited at the prospect of these new learning spaces next year. Miss Chris is busy dusting off and boxing up test tubes and tripods in preparation for the big move after Christmas. Have a great two weeks and God Bless Peter Cummings Head of Senior School Duke of Edinburgh Award Thirteen intrepid Year 10 students have successfully completed the adventurous journey section of the Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. The students walked 25km through the Barron Gorge National Park over two days. The students are required to be self sufficient for these two days and carry everything that they will need, largely jelly snakes and two minute noodles. The weather was kind to us as the rain only started once we had pitched our tents for the night. The students must now finalise the completion of the skill, service and physical recreation sections of the award. Once completed, they will receive a certificate, badge and one credit point toward their Queensland Certificate of Education. A big thank you to Kellie Brooker and Richard Baer for volunteering to supervise the hike and of course to the students who's behaviour and application was impeccable. A very big THANK YOU to everyone who supported National Bandanna Day last week. We raised $1,145.70 to assist young people living with cancer. Thank you. Sports News We have had a MASSIVE start to Term 4 with Sport & HPE at PLC! Our Year 8/9 JSS Interschool Sport teams head into their final round robin games for the 2014 season this week vs St Augustine’s & St Monica’s. It looks likely that three of our teams (Boys AFL, Boys & Girls Basketball) will be Top four finishers and therefore qualify for the semi-finals. Well done to these teams but also to all students and coaches on their efforts this season. All teams not contesting semi-finals will be travelling along to cheer on our Top four teams which should make for a great atmosphere for our players and hopefully give them the winning edge! Recently, Cairns Baseball Grounds at Trinity Beach hosted the Barron River District Primary Schools Development Cup for Year 6/7 students where PLC competed and enjoyed interschool competition in the sport of baseball whilst having some great fun at the same time. Well done to all players who participated. The Q7’s Rugby Union Tournament has been in full swing this term with our U15 and U18 teams competing against other regional schools in Seven-a-side Rugby. Our U15 team was successful in their first match vs TAS and finished with 1 win from 3 matches. The U18 boys remained undefeated throughout their pool matches and therefore qualified for the Final vs St Augustine’s. Although ultimately unsuccessful in the Final, it was a fantastic achievement for the team to be awarded the Runners-Up title for the tournament. This week, it is the U12’s turn and we wish them the very best of luck for their matches. Last Friday, 2 PLC Year 6/7 teams competed in the FNQ Regional Finals for the T20 Blast Cricket Schools Cup held at Endeavour Park grounds. Both of our teams (PLC 1 & PLC 2) competed against schools from all over the FNQ region. PLC 2 completed their matches with 1 win/3 losses but thoroughly enjoyed the experience and honed their cricket skills whilst having a lot of fun. PLC 1 remained undefeated throughout their matches and at the presentation ceremony were crowned FNQ Regional Champions! As a result, this team have now been invited to participate in the State T20 Blast Finals to be held in Brisbane on the 19 November, with travel and accommodation courtesy of QLD Cricket! Congratulations to all participants and our regional champs are very much looking forward to their upcoming experience! Thank you to all families of Prep to Year 4 students who have assisted with preparing their children for swim & survive lessons at Marlin Coast Bicentennial Pool which have now begun and continue to be held every Thursday. These lessons are a vital part of physical education in our part of the world and it is fantastic to have had maximum participation among our students in all participating classes. Thanks again to all concerned and let’s keep up the great swimming! Grant Carlson HPE Teacher & Sport Coordinator gcarlson@plc.qld.edu.au Catch up with all the latest HPE/Sport news on Twitter by following @PLC_Sport Super Surf Lifesavers @ PLC 2014 has been another successful year for the surf lifesaving community amongst us. At the Branch championships in Port Douglas the North Queensland branch surf lifesaving team that is to travel to Maroochydore for the state championships next March, was announced. Four Peace students were selected: Harriet Grant, Connie Southwood, Matthew Riches and Tia Rivett. It is very difficult to make the branch team and these athletes have worked hard and competed well all season to get there. Many of our surf life savers also travelled to Mackay recently to compete in the North Australian Championships. All of the Peace Lutheran competitors are members of the victorious Cairns Surf life saving club, that took out the overall Club Champion's trophy. Some of the amazing Peace student's results were: Harriet Grant - Gold Champion Lifesaver, and Bronze in Board Rescue. Matthew Riches - Silver Board Rescue and Cameron Relay, Bronze Board Relay and Surf Team. Connie Southwood - Bronze Board Race, Board Rescue, and Surf Team. Tia Rivett - Bronze Beach Relay and Surf Team. Martha Marsh - Bronze Cameron Relay. Angus Southwood - 5th Surf Team. They also did really well in the Pool Rescue competition and brought home a swag of medals. Harriet was selected as a reserve for the Queensland Country team and will compete against some interstate teams in late November. Huge Effort by all and amazing results. Many of our older Surf Lifesavers also have a first ever Patrol Competition this Saturday afternoon at Palm Cove. Feel free to come and watch. Little Lifesavers Program The next Little Lifesavers program runs each Saturday across Term 4 starting on 18 Oct – Places still available. Then ‘Very Merry Little Lifesaver Christmas’ starts on Monday 15 – Wednesday 17 December (at the beach), Thursday 18 and Friday 19 December from 8.15 am to 10.30 am at the Cairns Regional Council Esplanade Lagoon. Santa will make an appearance and there will be a BBQ on the beach on the Wed, the kids will be hungry after we help the Lifeguard catch and identify Jellyfish. Our core challenges in North Queensland are dangerous marine creatures, so in addition to general water safety and surf skills, the program provides educational activities on jellyfish and crocodiles, which are all designed to build up their confidence in the water and educate them about how to stay safe at the beach. Throughout the program, participants are introduced to some of the key principles of surf safety such as basic rescue techniques and first aid, with a focus on CPR. A highlight of our program is that we teach our Little Lifesavers CPR, and if they are too young, we educate them on how to instruct others, such as older children or adults, to perform CPR. These are skills that they can take with them for the rest of their lives. Visual and Performing Arts Showcase Last Tuesday night The Peace Lutheran College Visual and Preforming Arts students showcased much of the work that they have created throughout the year. This was the second annual performance and was a great success that was enjoyed by both performers and audience. Before the official proceedings began the audience was free to nibble on food and drinks provided while admiring the outstanding work from the Art students, showcasing a mix of sculptures, paintings and photographs. They displayed a great range of their work and we were reminded once again how many talented artists we have at our school. The night began with the musical talent from senior students James Kearney on guitar and vocals with Kaleb Harrigan on drums singing the popular song Riptide with an added pub rock feel to truly express their style of music. Next up was Tequila Roberts singing Hallelujah accompanied on piano by Toyah Guardione and a duet from Analiese Martin and Tahlia Stent singing beautifully a song from the musical Wicked. Each performer made the song their own and was enjoyed by everyone. The Drama section of the night left the audience on an emotional roller-coaster. The first performance was a scene from The Caucasian Chalk Circle, staged by Tequila Roberts, Rachel Sutton and Kiara Higgins, which left the audience laughing and wondering if breaking character was all part of the plan. Don’t worry – it was. Annalise Martin, Jasmin Carson and Melissa Perry also preformed a scene from Caucasian Chalk Circle and had the audience on the edge of their seat and sometimes up on the stage to join in their play. A skit from the theatre style Commedia Dell'arte was performed by Steven Mackellar, James Kearney and Ashley Broussard and was one of the funniest performances of the night leaving the audience with sore abdominals. The final Drama performance was by Rhys Kiddle and Jasmine Carson in their heart-wrenching scene from Summer of the Seventeenth Doll. The audience was captivated with the raw emotion they produced on stage and was an excellent example of the talent here at Peace Lutheran. The last segment of the night was Film and Television which showcased a variety of senior work created over this year from music videos, narratives, experimental, and documentaries. Each one inciting a different emotion; some made you laugh, others made you cry and some even made you scream in fright. The night in all was a major success and was an excellent way to allow Arts students to show off their talent and share with family and friends what they love. If you missed out this year be sure to book in early for 2015. Written by Kiara Higgins, Year 12 NEW BUS FOR PEACE Peace Lutheran College has placed an order for a new SCANIA bus capable of carrying 63 students. The old Mitsubishi ROSA (24 seats) will be disposed of. The purchase of the new bus will allow the College to have a greater carrying capacity to meet the demands of the morning and afternoon routine runs and the increase of student numbers across the campus for excursions. There will be some changes to the times and drop off/ pick up locations to one or all bus routes. The 2015 Survey Letters and Bus Applications forms have been sent out to all families to secure seating on the five bus runs that the College provides. Please complete the Application forms for 2015 and get them back to Admin sooner than later. The response so far is very high, so don’t miss out on your seat for next year Term 1. MyTime for Grandparents This group meets to support grandparents and kinship carers who have taken on full time care of grandchildren to the age of 18. For more information contact Brigitte via bstrivens@playgroupqld.com.au or on 4041 5574. All Abilities Playgroup PlayConnect meets Thursday 9.30-11.30 am at St Margaret's Church Hall, 230 Aumuller St. Parents, carers, siblings are all invited to join this community of families who have a child with developmental delay. Contact: Brigitte via bstrivens@playgroupqld.com.au or on 4041 5574. Christmas Appeal Peace Lutheran College are aware, as Christmas approaches, that there are many needy families in the community who are not able to enjoy many of the special privileges and treats of the Christmas season. We would like to establish a Christmas Giving Tree this year. We would like to ask each of our School families to donate a new toy or other new gift (unwrapped), or items of food that can be placed under our tree, so that we can pass these on to The Salvation Army’s Christmas Gift Appeal. If you would like to donate an item towards our Giving Tree it could be dropped off at our main school office between Monday 3 November and Wednesday 26 November. Suggested Items of Toys Gift Vouchers – Surf shops, clothing shops, CD/DVD shops, Kmart, Target, Cinema tickets Clothing and accessories - shoes and socks, baseball caps Outdoor/sporting equipment – kites, bat and ball games, beach towels, cricket sets, netballs Hair and Beauty - Make up, perfume, aftershave, trendy toiletry bags, lip balms, glitter gels, hair accessories, nail polishes Miscellaneous - CDs and DVDs, Puzzles and games, books, diaries, photo albums, stationery, toy cars Suggested Items of Food Tinned foods – fruit salad, vegetables, spaghetti, baked beans, tuna, ham, pre-canned meals Beverages – tea, coffee, milo, Quik, cordial, long life juice Cereals and Carbohydrates – Breakfast cereals and muesli, Rice, pasta, pasta sauce (eg Dolmio) Treats – bags of lollies, chocolate, sweet biscuits (Tim Tams, Mint Slice), savoury biscuits (Barbecue Shapes, Sakata), Cake mix, jam, honey, vegemite Extras for Christmas – Bonbons, Santa Sacks (eg Cadbury), Christmas Puddings, Long-life or boxed custard Handy hints – Ring-pull tins are preferred! (Not everyone has a can opener), Long expiry dates please, Please avoid ‘no name’ brands as people will be receiving these goods as a gift.
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