DIARY DATES 05‐07.11.14 Year 10 Exams 10.11.14 Maths World Year 7 13‐14.11.14 Money Savvy Year 10 18‐21.11.14 Year 10 Taster Week 24.11.14 Yr 7 & 9 BOYS Immunisa ons 03.12.14 Year 7 2015 8.30am‐12.30pm Orienta on Day 05.12.14 Year 9 Commerce Market 11.12.14 Year 10 Farewell Assembly IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT PLEASE NOTIFY THE SCHOOL BY 9.30AM BY PHONE OR EMAIL Highlights S Y D N E Y S E C O N D A R Y C O L L E G E L E I C H H A R D T C A M P U S P : 9 5 6 0 2 3 5 5 F : 9 5 5 0 9 3 9 7 E : l e i c h h a r d t ‐ h . s c h o o l @ d e t . n s w . e d u . a u PRINCIPAL’S REPORT - Melinda Bright Inaugural Aboriginal Cultural Day On Monday the 27 October we cele‐ brated our Inaugural Aboriginal Cul‐ tural Day here at Leichhardt Campus. It was indeed a most upli ing day. Many members of our local Aboriginal Community par cipated in the day’s events and we are deeply apprecia‐ ve. Andrew Higgins, our Head Teach‐ er HSIE co‐ordinated the day along with the hard working members of the Aboriginal Educa on team here at Leichhardt. We thank each of these members of staff and also Rebeckah Mooney , our Aboriginal Educa on Officer. Our students were completely enthralled and totally engaged in the ac vi es they par cipated in during the day. Many of the spectacular art‐ works produced on the day are now on display in the B block administra‐ on corridor. Later in this edi on you can read more in Andrew Higgins’ re‐ port and you will also see plenty of photos. Examina ons Year 9 students have now completed their examina ons and teachers are marking and wri ng reports. Year 10 examina ons commence this week. We wish all our students luck in their exams and encourage them to lead a balanced lifestyle with plenty of sleep and healthy meals as part of their ex‐ am prepara on. State Drama Fes val Sydney Secondary College has long had a history of excep onal drama students. The photo below fea‐ tures all the students in the college who were se‐ lected in NSW Drama Ensembles this year. They all performed in the recent NSW Drama Fes val and we are very proud to say that of the 9 students pic‐ tured, 7 of them are either current or former Leichhardt Campus students. Congratula ons Finn, Rory, Conor, Ari, Felix, Myles and Nelson. We are very proud that your talents have been recognised in this way this year. ADMINISTRATION MATTERS Leave Passes ‐ Doctors, den st, physio‐ therapist etc appointments, when possi‐ ble, should be made outside of school hours however if this is not possible a wri en permission note advising the school of the leave needs to be handed in to the Front Office before school com‐ mences. Sports Day on Tuesdays—When students are unable to par cipate in sport on Tues‐ days (Sports Day) due to an injury the school provides a non‐sport supervision for the a ernoon, where students can complete school work (eg homework). If parents need their child to have an early leave pass, this should be given to Ms Bury before school commences, on the Tuesday. Student’s Details ‐ When wri ng, sending emails or text messages to the school please include student’s full name and year. Subject Fees and School Contribu ons It is that me of year again where we are prepar‐ ing for financial rollover, comple on of the Annual Financial Statement and pu ng together next year’s budget. As you would be aware finances are always pre y ght in public schools. We are very fortunate in that we do get a reasonably high per‐ centage of contribu ons paid. Whilst general school contribu ons are not compulsory they do assist us to provide the very best standard of re‐ sources for your child. Subject fees are designed to cover the costs of materials for students in that par cular course. The payment of these fees is vi‐ tal for us to be able to offer the best possible learning experiences to students in these subjects. If payments are s ll outstanding you may receive an invoice in the mail in coming weeks. Should you be experiencing financial difficulty and be unable to meet these payments please feel free to contact me to discuss alterna ve arrangements. Skoolbag App You can download, via the app store, the Skoolbag Leichhardt Campus free app. This free app is a great communica on tool and has all school informa on and ac vi es. Payments can be made by elec ng the $ make a payment icon and following the prompts. Select other when paying for specific ac vi es. If further informa on is required please contact Bronwyn Lyon, School Administra ve manager, on 9560 2355 or email the school leichhardt‐h.school@det.nsw.edu.au News from the P&C Hello All Well here we are in term 4. I’d like to start off today with a wrap of our big fund raiser, the SSC Leichhardt Trivia Night which was held in term 3. This year it was organized by the brilliant and indefa gable Cath Se on and Adrienne Com‐ er. The theme was Hawaiian (a good choice for late winter and there were plenty of loud shirts, leis and grass skirts on show). The hall was full of parents, staff and friends and it serves as a real showcase of the strength of our commu‐ nity that so many showed up to celebrate and support our public school. The quiz hosts were Melinda Bright and Brendan Bearman and they kept us entertained all night. The final amount raised on the night was $13,700 as well as $70 for Motor Neurone Disease research thanks to Ms Bright accep ng a late night ice bucket challenge. Our next mee ng is this Monday 3rd November where among other things we’ll be looking at some more im‐ provements to the hall sound system. As usual Ms Bright will be there. All are welcome to a end. Cheers, Nick Po er – President P&C P&C Mee ng dates for 2014 All mee ngs are held in the staff common room, from 7 p.m., on the first Monday of the month (except where that falls in the school or public holidays) Monday November 3 Monday December 1 P&C email list We have tried to capture everyone’s details on our P&C mailing list. We use this list to distribute P&C minutes and important informa on to parents. If you don’t receive emails from us and you think you may not be on the list drop us an email at ssclpc@gmail.com and we will update Huge thanks must go to Cath and Adrienne for stepping up your details. This year’s new year 7 is the biggest yet so we to coordinate the evening and their many loyal helpers may be a bit slow ge ng all your details in including Karen Korras, Sonja Blainey, Lyndell Webster and P&C pages on the school website Belinda Fraser. Thanks also to Melinda and Brendan for Another way to keep up to date with P&C ac vi es is to not only what they did on the night but also the obvious view our pages on the school’s website. The minutes of prepara on work they did in the lead up coming up with P&C mee ngs are regularly uploaded, along with infor‐ trivia ques ons and audio visual props. And thanks to all ma on about Lostock. www.leichhardt‐ the volunteers who did their bit collec ng dona ons for h.schools.nsw.edu.au/parents‐ci zens prizes, helping set up and then clean up the next day. It is a big undertaking and the P&C and the school really appre‐ Lostock Sydney Secondary College maintains a modest riverfront ciates your efforts. camp at Lostock, 60km north of Maitland in the Upper Thanks also to all those businesses and individuals out Hunter Valley. Set among working farms and rolling hills there who contributed their goods and services as prizes right on the banks of the Pa erson River, it was once a and raffle/auc on items. We have sent thank you le ers one‐teacher country school that has been converted to provide a rural educa on camp for groups of 30 or so, but to them but if you are in a shop or business and you know is also set up as a comfortable weekender for College fam‐ they contributed, let them know you appreciate it. Every‐ ilies, staff and general public when not in use by the Col‐ one likes to know their contribu on is valued. I’ll be thank‐ lege. The camp is looked a er by an intercampus subcom‐ mi ee of parents and volunteers on behalf of the SSC ing the SCG when I go on my SCG Tour Experience!! community. At our last mee ng we approved a grant of $10,000 to the school library a er a presenta on by librarian Sunny For more informa on, visit the website at h p://lostock‐ South. The funds will go towards extra shelves, furniture school‐camp.wikispaces.com/ and sea ng and a new interac ve LED touch screen for the Please direct booking requests by email to Lostock‐ School@hotmail.com “campfire” area in the library. Sunny is passionate about developing learning and recrea onal spaces in the library and puts a great deal of work into her presenta ons to the P&C. I am sure she would welcome visits from parents who’d like to see where our funds go. Aboriginal Cultural Day On Monday 27 October Sydney Second‐ ary College Leichhardt hosted the first ever Aboriginal Cultural Day. The day saw all students from 7 to 10 engage and par cipate in both tradi onal and modern Aboriginal cultural ac vi es. The day started off with a Welcome to Country from local community elder Aunty Fay and a brief descrip on of the day hosted by Jesse and Minaji. The morning assembly saw all students and teachers gather to listen to the im‐ portance of the day and why the school was having such an event. Year 7 and Year 8 got to enjoy the ani‐ mals of the Dreaming show, which saw all students singing along to tradi onal songs and ge ng hands on with the animals of the Dreaming. All students had a fantas c me with the presenters from Taronga Zoo. Year 8 and Year 9 had an even more hands on ac vity with the basket weav‐ ing and axe making. Students had to use pa ence and discipline to weave in a tradi onal way while other students had to grind stones and combine that with forming axe handle. All students worked in groups to eventually create a tradi onal axe which would’ve been used for hun ng and gathering in tradi‐ onal Aboriginal society. As well as the‐ se ac vi es, some of the students got to witness tradi onal Aboriginal danc‐ ing and the stories behind the dances from some local community members. There was tradi onal and modern Abo‐ riginal art for Year 9 and Year 10 which saw students engage and create sand‐ stone carvings and a number of amaz‐ ing murals which saw all students from across the two years contributed to an amazing Rainbow Serpent which encap‐ sulated the essence of the day. Whilst at lunch me all students got to enjoy the culinary delights of Kangaroo burgers which were wonderfully cooked by Mr Adcock and Ms Ahie with the help of some hard‐working Year 10 SRC members. And the burgers were deli‐ cious and many came back for more than just seconds. Finally Year 7 and Year 10 par cipated in the first ever Gadigal Cup which saw the year groups competes within their respec ve years for the pres gious cup. The students par cipated in a number of Aboriginal target and ball games which was held by the fabulous P.E. faculty. Even though the sun was very much shinning all students got involved to win the first ever Gadigal Cup. The day was a great success as it show‐ cased the talents within our great com‐ munity and allowed for all students both non‐Aboriginal and Aboriginal to be apart ac vi es which have been im‐ portant to Aboriginal both now and in the past. It was great opportunity for local community members to come into our great school and be a part of a new and exci ng event which embraces community harmony and cultural inclu‐ sivity. And all of this would not have been possible without the great support and effort from a school’s Aboriginal Educa on Team. Hopefully we can go bigger and be er next year. Andrew Higgins Co‐ordinator Aboriginal Educa on Hour of Code 8‐14 /12/14 Compu ng is a fundamental part of daily life, commerce and just about every occupa on in our modern econ‐ omy. It is essen al that students are exposed to the field of computer sci‐ ence in our schools system – as it is founda onal in transforming the way students think about the world. It not only teaches them about technology, it also teaches them to think different‐ ly about any problem. Computer sci‐ ence puts students on the path to‐ wards some of the highest paying and fastest growing jobs. The graphs show exactly how important coding and knowledge of computer science is for future employment for our students and hopefully inspire them to learn more in the future. be more aware of the possibili es that learning computer programming can open up, we are par cipa ng with 15 million others across the globe in the world wide ini a ve HOUR OF CODE. WHAT IS HOUR OF CODE? Hour of Code is a week‐ long celebra‐ on of computer science which en‐ courages schools and other organisa‐ ons to set aside just one hour to in‐ troduce young people to computer programming skills. Heavy weights such as Mark Zuckerburg and Bill Gates are behind the ini a ve, provid‐ ing free coding tutorials for students to work through. In fact it will not only be students at the school learning the fundamentals of coding and computa‐ onal thinking, staff will also do one hour of coding during the week them‐ selves. We are looking for student volunteers to assist with ac vi es through the week – so those with special interest or skills in computer programming, computer design and ‘making’ should see either Mrs South or Mr Springbe to see how they can get involved. We’d love to also hear from parents who have special skills or ideas that can add to our week – we invite you to get in touch and be part of this im‐ portant week. We will launch the week with a special guest speaker in assembly from Google the week prior. WHAT HAPPENS AFTER HOUR OF CODE? Hour of code is just the first step of this journey. The point of the week is to highlight the importance of knowing programming and open up the possi‐ As well as par cipa ng in the compul‐ bili es for students, inspiring them to learn more. At Leichhardt we will be sory Hour of Code ac vi es we will have a number of special ac vi es set working towards opportuni es for students to expand their knowledge of We are embracing this idea at Sydney up for students to try including design‐ ing for 3D prin ng, stop mo on anima‐ computa onal thinking in general and Secondary College Leichhardt with different coding skills more specifically such ini a ves as BYOD and the devel‐ on, Sphero programmable balls, Ma‐ key Makey’s, Game design so ware, in 2015. opment of Makerspaces in the Minecra and more. The whole pro‐ school’s iCentre and TAS faculty and Ms Sonya South—Librarian cess will be ‘gamified’ and students through our technology integra on and technology based courses across will receive badges and a ain levels the school. To encourage students to for their par cipa on. ing a Market Day on the 4 December (Week 9). More details to come! 'cause the brain's not that important Do you want to make a mummy? Come on, we'll make one The HSIE Department has been teach‐ Do you want to make a mummy? ing the new na onal curriculum in by Hannah Lo We’ll remove the internal organs Stage 4 History this year. Year 8 HSIE HSIE Teacher Like the lungs, students are star ng a new topic on Liver, stomach, and intes nes, Aztecs shortly, and Year 7 HSIE stu‐ They were put into canopic jars Year 10 students will be si ng their dents looked at Ancient China this Guys? Please listen to me, History, Geography, Commerce, and week. We encourage students to ac‐ There are heaps more stuff to do Elec ve History yearly exams next vely engage with the course material Like the embalming and wrapping of week. Year 10 Interna onal studies in a crea ve manner. Here, a Year 7 the body students will have their exam in Week student incorporated Ancient Egyp an And then, you know finally, 6 during their double period. Students mummifica on ideas into a parody We'll finish with, should be using their revision guides based on the popular song from The final procession and make sure they are well prepared “Frozen”. Where we take the body before their exams. Good luck! Do you want to make a mummy? To a place of rest or a burial Come on let's go We finally finished making a mummy Year 9 HSIE students are comple ng a First you have to announce their death World War I test this week. Many of And then dry out the body By Theresa Vu, 7L them have been studying diligently, To keep it from ro ng away and we wish you all the best on your And then we remove the brain test day. Year 9 Commerce will be hold‐ With a hook HSIE News Maths News by Ilhea Yen Head Teacher, Maths Pi‐Rate me is a Maths peer‐tutoring me at SSCL and it is on every Wednesday lunch me at 1B.31 (Mrs Yen’s class‐ room). Pi‐Rate Time The session will be supervised by Maths teachers and Year 10 students who will be volunteering their me to help On Monday 1 December 2014, we will be celebra ng this students from Years 7 to 10. year’s interna onal Mathema cs day with our Years 7 and So please come along with your lunch and Maths ques‐ 8 students. Students will be par cipa ng in the World of Maths Road‐ ons! World of Maths show (workshop) at the school. ******* The World of Maths Roadshow is an ideal opportunity for students to see how mathema cs is applied to some real‐ ICAS Mathema cs Compe on Results life situa ons. Year 7: Joseph Chung, Andrew Ta & Gabriel Trusco Years 7 and 8 students will gain insight into problem solv‐ Prathayini ing, working in teams, and also various maths principles which are part of their curriculum this term. Year 8: Prathayini Ravichchandran, Thenuka Kanagasabe‐ It is a highly engaging session which will show students san, Meerae Park, Adnan Rahman, Jonathan Skelton & Ei‐ leen Xu. that Maths can be fun! Unfortunately, only the first 50 students to reply from each year group will be accepted in each session. If you you would like your child to have this great learning oppor‐ tunity, please hand in the note with the correct money to the front office by Friday 21 November. DATE: Monday, 1 December 2014 COST: $7.00 per student. Year 9: William Cao, O o Cranwell, Alexander Czernkowski, Alice Heng, Jessica Hua, Chris ne Nyugen & William Ouyang. Year 10: Raman Jain, Simon Ngo, Leo Poon & Shelton Wong. Congratula ons to Vincent Choi who won the Principals Award. Vincent achieved the best overall score of all Leich‐ hardt students James McCue, Compe on Co‐ordinator As we approach November we are coming up to the me period where men across Australia and the world neglect their upper lip maintenance and grow a Mo. This year many of the Leichhardt Cam‐ pus male staff will be donning the Mo in support of men’s health. Leichhardt ladies will be sup‐ por ng the cause as Mo Sista’s spreading the word and pro‐ mo ng men’s health around the school and community, along with the Mo Bro’s. There will be coin drives twice a week through‐ out November in moomba, where we will aim to fill as many wheel barrows as possible. This is a very worthy cause and if you would like help out and donate you can visit our page at: h p://moteam.co/sydney‐ secondary‐college‐leichhardt‐ campus Thank you, and we hope to see you all embracing this great cause. Tim Paterson Halloween Staff Mu i Day
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