JJ Pearce Homeowners Association Newsletter November 2014

JJ Pearce Homeowners
Association Newsletter
November 2014
like Easter Egg Hunt, the Fourth of July event, the Holiday in
the Park, the financial contributions to the local schools, the
decorations during the holiday, the JJP HOA Park
improvements and more.
News From The City
By Joe Russum, Editor
There is a certain percentage of that 30% that don’t even know
about the JJP HOA. We need to change that.
There was no HOA Presidents Meeting with the City in
October, so there is no News from the City.
It is up to the 70% of us (members) to inform the 30% of the
JJP HOA of the benefits of membership and encourage them to
invest in their community. So it has to be a team effort. Thirty
percent added to seventy percent equals much more than 100%
in this case. One hundred percent would mean all the
community pitched in. One hundred percent means all the
community bought in. And one hundred percent means all the
community invested in the community! It means all the
community wins.
Presidents Corner
By G Scott Waddell, President
There is a poem by Langston Hughes called “Ballad of
Roosevelt”. You can look it up or I have included the link
below. My son introduced me to this poet and to the specific
poem. I believe this is evidence there are good things
happening in the RISD.
Since you are reading this it means you are most likely a
member. Thank you. Find out if your neighbors are members
of the JJP HOA. Encourage them not to wait on Roosevelt.
Encourage them to share in the strength of being a member of
the HOA. Encourage them to be more than thirty percent.
I open with this poem because this is basically a poem about
waiting for somebody else (the government) to bring solutions.
Waiting for others to bring a fix to the problems. Waiting for
the other guy to pony up and let others benefit. (At least this is
my interpretations of the poem.)
Have you noticed the new trees in your JJP HOA Park?
What a great addition today and a great investment for the
decades to come.
The relocation of the LITTLE FREE LIBRARY is just
about 40 yards west of its old location. It’s up and running
and still free to use. What a great community investment that
is too!
Before I go too far let me say this is not a political statement I
am making. It’s not a statement for the red states or the blue
states. It’s not a statement to change your political views. The
JJPHOA is apolitical. Remember that. Apolitical! Apolitical
-having no interest in politics, or not concerned with politics.
Emily McMurtrey has stepped up and will take the Events
Coordinator position. Her duties include organizing events for
our community. We welcome Emily and thank her for her
interest in the continued success of our JJP HOA.
When I saw this video my thoughts went to the HOA.
Currently 70% of the houses inside the JJP HOA boundaries
belong to the HOA. Not bad. Not stellar either. Should be
better I believe. That means 30% of the households are
waiting for or letting the members carry the heavy load while
they reap the benefits of membership.
Frank Kormos turns 100 November 15th so wish Frank
Happy Birthday!!!
I also want to thank everyone on the Board for the work that
has gone into the JJP HOA this year. It was just a year ago
that the park was created. WOW! We’ve come a long way.
And a year ago we did not have the LFL. Thank you to Lisa
Steele for bringing this to our attention and to Adam Wright
for making the LFL a reality. What great strides we have
made! What a year it has been!!
Thirty percent of our neighbors
enjoy the security that comes along
with the great partnership we have
with the COR and with the RISD.
How do you think the JJP HOA Park
came about? It was because the JJP
HOA Board brought the COR and
the RISD in as team members. That
park brings value to all our homes
and to the neighborhood. That is
paid for by 70% of the community
and the benefits are enjoyed by 100%.
The JJP HOA Board wishes to all a great Thanksgiving!
Enjoy your family and friends. Give extra hugs and smiles
because it makes a difference!! Remember, you make the
difference 100% of the time!!
Peace to you all!
Thirty percent of our neighbors let the 70% pay for the events
About Your Newsletter
By Joe Russum, Editor
I am sure you have noticed that
page one of the newsletter has
changed. We have been using
Adobe PageMaker software to
create the newsletter for over ten
years. Adobe stopped supporting this software years ago, but it
kept working just fine, so we kept using it. From time to
time we have problems converting the newsletter from
the PageMaker file format to a PDF file so everyone can
open the newsletter. You cannot open a PageMaker file
unless you have PageMaker on your computer. Last
month I had problems converting the file format again,
but was able to get the job done. I thought that one of
these times I won’t be successful doing the conversion,
so I spent a few days learning Microsoft Publisher. I
have converted everything over to the new software, and
hope I haven’t made an error in the process. If you see
something I have missed, please contact me at
I am still looking for someone to help me with the
newsletter. If you would like to get involved please
contact me.
Park Update
By Joe Russum, Editor
Drop by the park and see the changes that have taken place in
the last few days. The first picture shows the Little Free Library in its new home near the volley ball court. Please visit
the library. It is full of good books that you and your children
will enjoy.
In the background Greg Immel , our Treasurer and Master
Gardner, is putting the finishing touches on the planting of the
four trees we have been telling you about. They will add additional color to the park in a few years.
The plants placed in the three berms are in their glory at this
time. A few did not make it through the summer and were
replaced a few weeks ago. Hopefully they will be even better
next year.
All plants in our park meet the criteria for Earth Kind plants
approved by Texas A&M. This means they are time tested and
approved to be drought tolerant and soil friendly for the environmental conditions we face here in the North Dallas Region
and in particular our JJ Pearce Homeowners Association Park
as indicated by A&M right up the road. With water restrictions in the foreseeable future, all future plantings will be done
to meet these Earth Kind guidelines. Any questions, feel free
to contact Greg Immel at treasurer@jjphoa.com.
You Are Invited
By Bette Hodges, VP Development
What is Italian Fest & Market?
Update: Starbuck’s Rezoning Request
It’s the JJ Pearce Area Band Club's
The proposed redevelopment and relocating of Starbuck’s was
approved by the Richardson City Council on October 13, 2014.
Starbuck’s will relocate to the plat of land that was previously
Nikki’s Restaurant in the Pavilion East Shopping Center. The
new building will house Starbuck’s with a drive thru as well as
an adjacent restaurant. This new development will also
include site improvements to the parking lot.
biggest band fundraiser of the year,
and it’s going to be fun for everyone!
Saturday, November 8, 2014 from
6:00PM - 10:00PM at JJ Pearce High School
Everyone gets to participate - band students, parents,
family members, friends and neighbors!
Remote Control Hobbies – Under new ownership
Live Music featuring the Tyla Taylor Band
S.E. corner of Mimosa Dr & Campbell Rd.
While the band students enjoy a combined “clinic” with
Next to Sonny Bryan’s
Remote Control Hobbies will be hosting their grand opening
and Richardson Chamber of Commerce Ribbon Cutting on
Thursday, November 13 from 4:30pm – 5:30pm with
refreshments served. On Saturday, November 15 & Sunday,
November 16, they will have demos behind the store.
the Jr. High band students, everyone else will be in the
Corral enjoying an Italian Festival & Market with Italian
foods, desserts, live entertainment, a market, and the silent auction.
Manny’s Uptown Tex Mex
We will be treated to a combined band performance after
N.W. corner of Coit Rd & Campbell Rd
dinner and then finish the event with the raffle drawing!
7602 Campbell Rd., Ste 725
No reservations required – food tickets available for purManny’s Uptown Tex Mex is expanding their dining room by
occupying the adjacent space that was previously Ebby
Halliday Realtors.
chase at the event.
Great raffle prizes include: three $500 Visa gift cards and
Sherrill Park Golf Course
one $1000 gift card! Everyone can use cash for the holidays. Tickets are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.
Renovations to begin in early 2015. Sherrill Park Golf Course
will soon receive major upgrades to Course 1, which has not
been renovated since 1997. The improvements will include
new turf on the greens, rebuilt tee surfaces, tree plantings,
improved cart paths and replacement of bunkers. Construction
is expected to begin in February with the course scheduled to
reopen in the fall of 2015. Source: Richardson – Week in
Review October 24, 2014. www.cor.net
Italian Fest & Market will be a huge success with your
enthusiastic participation!
Want to help?
Please email auction@pearceband.org
Whole Foods
Whole Foods is coming back to Richardson at the CityLine
Market, a new retail development at the massive CityLine
development. CityLine Market will open in early 2016 at the
northeast corner of Renner Road and Plano Road. The retail
development will be developing and leasing this 81,000-square
-foot center on 11.3 acres with anchor Whole Foods. The
grocery store will be about 40,000 square feet with a
mezzanine area and outdoor patio, and the remaining 41,000
square feet will have several restaurant pads and service retail.
News From Mohawk
Vets And Family Are Invited
By Jennifer Wilson, Mohawk Principal
By Jennifer Wilson, Mohawk Principal
October was a busy month at Mohawk Elementary! Our
students are growing and learning each week. It’s always
exciting to watch them discover new learning through class
discussions, projects, and assignments.
Moh awk
students gather
November for a
special assembly
t o
ho no r
V e t e r a n s ’
November 11th,
we will all gather
around our flag
pole to honor
veterans’ service and dedication to our country. If you are a
veteran or have a veteran in your family, please join us on
November 11th at 8:15 a.m. We will have a flag ceremony and
a special performance by our 6th grade choir. My favorite part
of the program is when we recognize the veterans in
attendance. If you are a veteran and can join us, please contact
Jimmie Bolich at the Mohawk office at 469-593-6600. Please
provide your name, rank, branch of service, and any special
awards you received. The assembly is much more meaningful
when our students are able to meet the veterans in our
neighborhood. Please consider joining us on November 11th!
Mohawk has inventors! Several Mohawk students entered
their ideas in our annual Invention Convention. Students
identify a problem and then create a product that provides the
solution. Our students had some creative ideas. Maybe one
day you will find Ear Buddies, The Pencil Gutter, The
Kangaroo Bag, or The Bath Reader in a store near you!
Our October PTA Parent Education meeting was geared
towards our 4th-6th grade parents and students. North Junior High and Pearce High School principals, counselors,
and teachers gave advice and answered questions regarding transitioning to secondary school. It was a fantastic
opportunity for our students to start planning for their
Speaking of futures, the Future Colts held their first meeting in October. Future Colts is for students and parents of
students entering kindergarten in August 2015. During
the first meeting, our Future Colts experienced a music
lesson with Mr. Greenlee. Our next Future Colts meeting
is scheduled for December 11th at 2:15. Students will get
to learn all about P.E. class. If you have a student eligible
for Future Colts, contact Kathleen Adams at kadams1975@yahoo.com for more information.
Our PTA sponsored an exciting carnival for the Mohawk
families on October 24th. We are grateful for all of the
support our Mohawk PTA provides!
Are you a cook? Do you enjoy baking? If so, you should pick
up a copy of the Mohawk 50th Anniversary Cookbook. Our
staff and Mohawk families collaborated to create a cookbook
full of delicious recipes.
Order your copy at
www.mohawkpta.org. There is a link on the homepage of our
PTA website.
Want to know how you support Mohawk Elementary? Join
our Mohawk PTA! Drop off your Box Tops in our front office
to benefit our school. Do you have empty printer cartridges?
We can recycle those to help both the environment and Mohawk. Thank you for all you do to support our school!
as some sidewalk improvements to meet ADA codes. The
layout, as shown in the schematic, provides for a little kid
playset at the northern end of the playground and two older kid
playsets at the southern end of the playground. A combined
little kid/big kid row of swings will be in between, in a
location similar to what exists today. Colors of playground
equipment are still being reviewed and will be determined by
city staff.
Mimosa Park Upgrade
By Brandi Kessels, Membership VP
The City of Richardson is planning to replace playground
equipment at Mimosa Park. Installation is supposed to start in
January 2015 and be completed in February 2015. Along with
new playground equipment, there will be some alterations to
the bench seating around the perimeter of the play area as well
By Brandi Kessels, Membership VP
We are a month into our 2015 membership drive and we are
making good progress so far. We currently have 30%
membership for 2015-thanks to all of you who have sent in your
2015 memberships so far! Want to see how your block/street is
doing so far? See below for % of 2015 members by street/
1100 Chesterton
1200 Huntington
1200 Chesterton
1300 Huntington
1300 Chesterton
1400 Huntington
1400 Chesterton
Lilac Court
Cheyenne Drive
Mimosa Drive
Edith Circle
Melrose Drive
1100 Eton Drive
Pueblo Drive
1200 Eton Drive
1100 Stratford
1100 Grassmere
1200 Stratford
1200 Grassmere
Violet Place
1100 Huntington
Sonny Bryan’s gift certificates will be available again this year,
however, you must join during the membership drive (before
December 31st, 2014) in order to receive a certificate. You can
join by using the form on our website at www.jjphoa.com or the
form attached to the December newsletter and returning it along
with $25 to Brandi Kessels, Membership, 1704 Cheyenne.
Additionally, we have PayPal up and running, so you can pay
via PayPal on our website and submit your membership form
Although they may create deep shade by late spring, they will
offer plenty of sun when spring bulbs are blooming.
By Bart Ord, Beautification VP
Soil Preparation and Planting
This is my first full month to be back on the HOA Board. I am
glad to once again be a part of a great group of people who are
passionate about our community and the JJ Pearce area.
Work Calloway’s Flowerbed Mix into the soil, or organic
compost, to a depth of 6” to 8”. Plant bulbs 7” to 9” apart,
with the pointy end upwards. Cover with soil and quality
mulch at least 3” deep to prevent weed growth. Your first
spring planting task accomplished, relax and enjoy the winter
holiday season.
Yard of the Month has ended for this year. It will start again in
April or May of 2015. Thanks to Greg Immel for taking over
these last 4 months. I look forward to next year, but I would
appreciate any input you might have on what it takes to be
selected. Also, if you want to assist me in picking the monthly
winners, let me know.
For more garden tips visit www.calloways.com. Information
courtesy of Calloway's Nursery ©2013, www.calloways.com.
Attribution to Calloway's required for all use and reproduction.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Holiday Lighting
Our Holiday Lighting awards will be judged on December
7th and 8th, and the five winners’ signs will be placed in the
Yards shortly thereafter. More to come, but get your
Holiday/Christmas yard decorations ready.
Timely Tips for November Gardeners from
Calloway’s and Cornelius
Plant Bulbs Now for Spring Show!
This is the perfect time to plant bulbs for spring. They should
be in the ground before the first frost and planted while the soil
is still easy to work with. Some of the most popular bulbs are
tulips, hyacinth and daffodils. Iris, daylilies and gladiolas
should also be planted at this time of year, although they are
not “true” bulbs, but rhizomes, tubers and corms, respectively.
Yet all of these, like bulbs, require the cooler soil of winter to
generate healthy new growth in spring.
Spring-blooming bulbs almost always prefer full sun. Look
for a sunny area for your beds, not just for the best plant
growth, but also because this is where the soil will warm first
and it will provide the earliest possible blooms. An often
overlooked location is around deciduous trees and shrubs.
By: Michael Ward Sr., VP Safety
Vial of Life/ File of Life
If you were a previous Vial of Life registrant it is not
mandatory to re-register when one converts over to the
File of Life unless there are telephone number and emergency contact changes.
Source: Jerry Gray
Do You Have A Home Video Surveillance System?
911/ Street Addresses
It is very important when contacting 911 Service to include the proper directional indication for your street.
For example, if you live north of Melrose on Cheyenne,
you should indicate that you live on N. Cheyenne. This
could save a few seconds and perhaps a life.
Source: Jerry Gray
Home Protection
Keep your bushes trimmed at least 6 inches below your
window sill. Installing prickly bushes around windows
creates a natural deterrent.
Source: RPD
The Richardson Police Department is asking for help from
2015 Citizen Police Academy
residents to create a new resource for Officers and Detectives in the fight against crime. The Neighborhood
Video Crime Watch program asks residents with home
video surveillance cameras to volunteer their information and complete an online form that has basic questions about their video system’s capabilities.
The Richardson Police Department is now accepting
applications for our 2015 Citizen Police Academy now
through December 15th. This is a great opportunity if
you live or work in Richardson to learn more about our
department. For more information and to apply, visit:
http://www.cor.net/index.aspx?page=48. Source: RPD
If a crime happens, a Police Officer or Detective can
check the database for anyone living in the vicinity of
the crime with a home surveillance system. If one is
listed in the database, Police may contact that resident
and ask them to review their footage to see if anything
was captured that may help with the case. Home video
surveillance systems are becoming more common as the
technology improves and the purchase price becomes
more affordable.
Crime Watch Patrol Class Set for
December 4th
The Richardson Police Department is holding a Crime
Watch Patrol training session on December 4th
(Thursday), 2014 from 6pm to 10pm. Go to the link
below for more information and to complete the online
The Richardson Police Department has seen an increase
in home surveillance systems used by residents and has
successfully made arrests in cases where the resident’s
surveillance video captured the suspect in the act. This
resource will allow Police to more quickly identify
home video camera locations where suspect information
may have been captured.
Even if you cannot make this class please complete the
application as another class will be scheduled in the near
If you have any questions about this or any RPD program please call the Richardson Police Department
Crime Prevention Unit at 972-744-4773. Source: RPD
If you have questions, you can contact the Crime PreSource: RPD
vention Unit at 972-744-4955.
House Numbers
Prominently display your house number front and back.
This helps both police and fire personnel locate your
Source: RPD
home in case of an emergency.
Get to Know Your Neighbors
Get to know your neighbors and report suspicious activity to police as soon as you notice it. Look for vehicles
circling the block, people loitering in the area, and solicitors going door to door. Report anyone peering into
windows, walking through yards in between houses or
climbing fences.
Source: RPD
to discourage teams from practicing or cars parking in our
park. It was suggested to wait and see if it becomes a
repetitive issue before putting a sign up.
September 30, 2014
Minutes JJPHOA Board Meeting
Promote the Vote: It was decided to look into the possibility
and options to having a “promote the vote” free ride to the
polls on Tuesday, November 4th.
The JJPHOA Board meeting was called to order at 7:11pm at
G. Scott Waddell’s office at 1701 Greenville Richardson,
Texas. The Board members in attendance were: Joe Russum,
G. Scott Waddell, Greg Immel, Bette Hodges, Brandi Kessels,
and Sue Caldwell.
Committee Reports:
Development: Bette Hodges said that she attended the
Richardson City Plan Commission on September 26th and that
they approved Starbuck’s rezoning request for a special permit
Secretary’s Report: The Board approved the August 26,
2014 JJPHOA Board meeting minutes and the September 17,
2014 JJPHOA Annual General Meeting minutes.
restaurant with drive-thru service in a multi-tenant building
with another restaurant where Nikki’s used to be. It will go
before the Richardson City Council on October 13, 2014. A
new restaurant will then move into the existing Starbucks.
Bette also said that Richardson Mercantile will be opening
November 1st at Dal-Rich Towne Square and will offer a
variety of clothing, antiques, home décor, and much more in
over 50,000 square feet where Whole Foods used to be.
Treasurer’s Report: Greg Immel reviewed September’s
receipts and expenses with the Board and said that the month
ending balance totaled $21,252.28. Since new trees will be
planted in the park the end of October, the Board voted to hire
an individual to water the new trees at $15 per week until the
trees are established, approximately two months.
Old Business:
Membership: Brandi Kessels informed the Board about
Block Captain changes and they discussed possible
replacements. She said that the BC’s would deliver the LFL
AGM Review: The Board agreed the AGM was timely,
proficiently run, and that a multiple speaker format was
interesting and informative. What day of the week to have
next year’s AGM was discussed.
flyers and also be given extra 2015 membership forms to use at
NNO parties October 7th. The Board decided to attach
membership forms to October and December newsletters and
deliver to everyone those two months. Brandi said that Sonny
Bryan’s would again offer a $10 gift certificate to those who
join before December 31, 2014. She will include the various
options for joining JJPHOA in her article for October’s
newsletter: use the form attached to the newsletter or
download the form from the website and pay by check or use
LFL Update: The Little Free Library colorful handout will be
given to the Block Captains to distribute to their area blocks.
The Board agreed to move the LFL to the southwest corner of
the park—south of the walkway. G. Scott will be responsible
for finding someone to move it and will get three different
Park Plaque: G. Scott reported that there was no new
information on the status of the bronze plaque being made that
names the park.
PayPal: Brandi Kessels reported PayPal was now working on
our website in order to pay dues. It is also working for making
donations to the park.
monies for renewing ads. It was suggested the October
newsletter with membership form be delivered in the future
before the NNO parties.
Open: Bette Hodges suggested that if members of the Board
step down from their position, they should remain for a year as
a committee member and assist the new Board member.
Future Meetings:
Newsletter: Joe Russum reported there was now $3,445 in
donations for the Park Phase II. He said he needed to collect
10/21/2014 COR HOA Leadership Workshop, 5:30pm, Civic
New Business:
10/28/2014 JJPHOA Board meeting, 7:00pm, G. Scott
Waddell’s office
Park Christmas Tree Lighting Event: The Board discussed
ideas for trees to be decorated in December for a tree lighting
event. G. Scott will come back to the Board with options in
10/30/2014 JJPHOA Newsletter deadline
the future.
The meeting adjourned at 8:50pm
Sign for Park: The Board discussed whether to put up a sign
Respectfully Submitted, Sue Caldwell, Secretary, JJPHOA
Board of Directors and Committee
VP Development
VP Safety
VP Beautification
VP Membership
Newsletter Committee
G. Scott Waddell
Bette Hodges
Michael Ward, Sr
Bart Ord
Brandi Kessels
Susan Caldwell
Greg Immel
Joe Russum
Bernie Mayoff
John Sadowski
Website www.jjphoa.com
All documents, web pages, photographs, and images are the property of JJ Pearce Homeowners Association. Permission in writing is
required to copy, download or use any text, photographs or image files.
Daylight Saving Time ends Move clock back
Richardson Community Band (Free)
Election Day
Veterans Day
2:00pm Eisemann
Student Holiday
Christmas Parade
9:am Coit
Santa’s Village starts
Richardson Community Band
6 :00pm-9 :00pm Civic Center Plaza
6:00pm Civic Center Plaza
Newsletter Advertising
Business ads must be paid for in advance. Checks should be made payable to J. J. Pearce Homeowners Association.
Contact Joe Russum, 1102 Pueblo Dr., Richardson, TX 75080, 972-235-1961 or JHRussum@gmail.com
Rates per newsletter, based on 8 ½ X 11" page.
Monthly Rate
Business card
¼ page
½ page
Full page
(2 x 3 ½ “)
Yearly Rate
Any business ad purchased for a full year receives a free ad in the directory.
November 27
JJ Pearce Homeowners Association
1102 Pueblo
Richardson, TX 75080
Next Board Meeting: 7:00 pm, November 25, at 1701 N. Greenville, Suite 705
All members are invited to attend the Board Meeting