LATE FALL 2014 SCHEDULE Elvehjem Neighborhood “Wooden Steps” Running Club

Elvehjem Neighborhood “Wooden Steps” Running Club
“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing.”
8:30 a.m. SHARP Sunday mornings except for monthly special events. See complete schedule below.
Please arrive 5 to 10 minutes early to help plan the route, pace, and distance. Club members do meet at
other times for social runs and organized speed workouts. These smaller, more informal group runs are
arranged outside of this schedule. For more information or to sign up for weekly running club and race
reminders, e-mail or find us on Facebook (Search “Wooden Steps
Running Club”)!
Meet at the “Wooden Steps” at 5306 East Buckeye Road, Madison.
Pace ranges from 9:00/mile to 10:00/mile. These are long slow distance (LSD) runs designed to
build community and your running “base.” You should be able to carry on a conversation during
LSD runs. If you are short of breath, let the group know and slow down.
You choose the distance you’d like to run. Most club members run between 3 to 6 miles with some
individuals completing a shorter loop, while others continue on for marathon training.
FREE! All Elvehjem Neighborhood Association (ENA) events and activities are offered free of charge.
We do encourage and promote ENA membership at $15/year. Join today at
November Group Run Schedule 2014
8:30 a.m. (DST ends)
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. Coffee/Hot Chocolate Run
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m. SHARP @ Droster Park
ENA 5K Turkey Trot/2 Mile Walk
Pre-registration online at
8:30 a.m.
As You’re Dreaming About 2015 Races,
Check Out These Wooden Stepper Favorites!
JANUARY: New Year’s Day Dash (Middleton) + Freeze
for Food (Arboretum)
FEBRUARY: Valentine’s Day 5K (UW-Madison)
MARCH: 50 Furlong (Paoli) & Shamrock Shuffle
APRIL: Parkinson’s Half Marathon, 5K, & Kids Race
(Cottage Grove) + Crazylegs (Downtown)
MAY: Lake Monona 20K (Monona) + Ice Age Trail 50
Mile, 50K, and Half Marathon (La Grange) *Registration
opens December 14, 2014 and sells out in 3 hours + Pi
Mile Run (Warner Park)
JUNE: Dandelion Dash 5K (Yahara Place Park) + Run
Wild in the Woods 5K/10K (Black Earth) *Organized by
Wooden Stepper Joel Stone + Conquer the Capital
(Downtown) *Several Wooden Steppers have this on
December Group Run Schedule 2014
8:30 a.m.
8:30 a.m.
5:30 p.m. Holiday Lights Social Run
8:30 a.m.
All Day—New Year’s Eve
Last Chance EPIC Walk/Run-a-Thon
their plan for 2015—Madison Marathon 10K + Half
Marathon (Memorial Day Weekend) + Marathon
(Veterans Day Weekend)
JULY: St. Dennis 5K (Madison) *Organized by Wooden
Stepper Jessica Murphy
AUGUST: Madison Mini Marathon (Downtown)
SEPTEMBER: The Great Pumpkin Run 5K (Poynette)
OCTOBER: Hot on the Run 5K & Kids Donut Dash (Door
Creek Park) + UW Running Club Fall 15K (Warner Park)
+ Haunted Hustle (Middleton)
NOVEMBER: Madison College Turkey Trot 5K, 5 Mile, &
Kids Race (Warner Park) + Tyranena 1/2 and 1/6 Barrel
Beer Run (Lake Mills) *Register early as this race sells
out every year + Elvehjem Neighborhood 5K Turkey
Trot & 2 Mile Walk (Droster Park) *Organized by
Wooden Stepper Emily Leas
DECEMBER: Jingle Bell 5K/10K (Arboretum)