Department of Economics Weekly programme 10-14 November 2014 Courses This week the course on Microeconomics (Matthias Sutter) will only take place on Tuesday and the advanced half-credit course on Nonlinear Solution and Estimation Techniques (Nora Traum) starts. Macro working group – note different day and time from usual! Monday 10 November, 14.00, VSP 1 Pedro Brinca, Jean Monnet Fellow, Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century Microeconomics Research Workshop – note two this week! Tuesday 11 November, 13.30, VSP 1 Arthur Campbell, Yale University Social Learning with Differentiated Products Micro working group – note different day and time from usual! Wednesday 12 November, 12.00, Priests’ room Andrea Galeotti, University of Essex Financial linkages and portfolio choices Microeconomics Research Workshop – note different day and time from usual! Wednesday 12 November, 17.00, VSP 1 Eduardo Azevedo, The Wharton School Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection (with Daniel Gottlieb) Macroeconomics Research Workshop/Pierre Werner Chair seminar – note different day from usual! Thursday 13 November, 11.00, Priests’ room Jean Charles Rochet, Swiss Finance Institute (Professor Rochet will also give a more general seminar on banking regulation at the RSCAS on Friday 14 November) A Lucas Model with Financial Frictions Macro reading group Thursday 13 November, 13.30, VSP 1 Krzysztof Pytka, Efficient Search on the Job and the Business Cycle Econometrics Research Workshop Friday 14 November , 14.30, VSP 1 Francesco Decarolis, Boston University The Welfare Effects of Supply Side Regulations in Medicare Part D Conference: Economic Policy after the Financial Crisis Conference Friday 14 - Saturday 15 November, Villa La Fonte tertheFinancialCrisis.aspx; for information contact Coffee get-together, Tuesdays at 16.00, VSP bar or garden Time Monday 8.45 – 10.45 11-13 13 - 15 15-17 17.1519.15 Course on Macroeconomics of Uncertainty Shocks (Christian Bayer) VSP 1 14.00 Macro working group Pedro Brinca Fiscal Multipliers in the 21st Century VSP 1 Week 10-14 November Tuesday Course on Microeconomics (Matthias Sutter) VSP 1 --------------------Expectations and Learning in Macroeconomics and Finance (Ramon Marimon) VSP 2 Course on Macroeconomics (Arpad Abraham) VSP 1 --------------Course on Nonlinear Solution and Estimation Techniques (Nora Traum) VSP 2 13.30 Microeconomics Research Workshop Arthur Campbell Social Learning with Differentiated Products VSP 1 15.00-16.00 Course on Microeconomics (Matthias Sutter) VSP 1 ------------------Coffee gettogether VSP bar or garden Wednesday Exercise class for Microeconomics (Filip Lazaric) VSP 1 12.00 Micro working group Andrea Galeotti Financial linkages and portfolio choices Priests’ room Thursday Course on Macroeconomics (Arpad Abraham) VSP 1 --------------Course on Nonlinear Solution and Estimation Techniques (Nora Traum) VSP 2 Macroeconomics research workshop/Pierre Werner Chair seminar Jean Charles Rochet A Lucas Model with Financial Frictions Priests’ room Friday Exercise class for Macroeconomics (Pavel Brendler) VSP 1 13.30 Macro reading group Krzysztof Pytka Efficient Search on the Job and the Business Cycle VSP 1 14.30 Econometrics Research Workshop Francesco Decarolis The Welfare Effects of Supply Side Regulations in Medicare Part D VSP 1 Econometrics Research Workshop (cont’d) VSP 1 Course on Statistics and Econometrics (Juan Dolado) VSP 1 ---------------------15.30 Short faculty meeting VSP 2 Course on Statistics and Econometrics (Juan Dolado) VSP 1 Microeconomics Research Workshop Eduardo Azevedo Perfect Competition in Markets with Adverse Selection VSP 1 Exercise class for Statistics and Econometrics (Gabriel Facchini) VSP 1 Department of Economics Weekly programme 17-21 November 2014 Courses The course on Microeconomics (Matthias Sutter) will not take place this week, while the Wednesday session of the course on Statistics and Econometrics (Juan Dolado) is moved to Tuesday at 15.0017.00. There will be an extra session of the course on Expectations and Learning in Macroeconomics and Finance (Ramon Marimon) on Monday 17 November at 9.00. Microeconometrics working group Monday 17 November, 13.00, VSP 1 Ada Gonzelez-Torres, Nonlinear pricing of regulated utilities to address the tradeoff between a universal service and an environmental externality Macro working group – note two this week! note different day and time from usual! Tuesday 18 November, 9.45-10.45, VSP 2 Michalis Rousakis, University of Oxford, The Length of Patents and the Timing of Innovation Micro working group Tuesday 18 November, 11.30, Priests’ room Matteo Fiorini The political economy of service trade agreements (with Mathilde Lebrand) Econometrics & beyond working group Tuesday 18 November, 13.00, VSP 2 Microeconomics Research Workshop Tuesday 18 November, 13.30, VSP 1 Matt Elliott, Caltech Social Investments, Informal Risk Sharing and Inequality (with Attila Ambrus and Arun G. Chandrasekhar) Macro working group Thursday 20 November, 13.30, VSP 1 Aranzazu Crespo, tba MWP Thematic Group Seminar: The Design, Regulation and Governance of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the European Union Thursday 20 November, 15.00, Priests’ room Macroeconomics Research Workshop Friday 21 November, 11.00, Priests’ room Lian Allub, Max Weber Fellow Asymmetric Effects of Trade and FDI: South America versus Europe Econometrics Research Workshop Friday 21 November, 14.30, VSP 1 Yanos Zylberberg, University of Bristol [Seminar for the Preparation of Researchers on the Academic Job Market] The Inefficient Trickle-Down of Unemployment (with Regis Barnichon) Eurozone and EU Statistical Data Resources for Economists (Thomas Bourke: Library) Friday 21 November, 16.00-17.00, VSP 2 Thesis defence Rodrigo Ceni Gonzalez will defend his thesis entitled “Three essays about enforcement, labor markets and education” on Saturday 22 November at 11.30 in VSP 2. The Examining Board is composed of the following members: Profs. Russell Cooper, Penn State University, Supervisor; Jérôme Adda, Bocconi University & EUI; Giovanni Pica, University of Salerno and Marco Manacorda, London School of Economics Staff meeting There will be a staff meeting on Wednesday 19 November at 9.00 in VSP 1 Coffee get-together, Tuesdays at 16.00, VSP bar or garden Time 8.45 – 10.45 11-13 13 15 15-17 17.15 19.15 Monday 9.00 Expectations and Learning in Macroeconomics and Finance (Ramon Marimon) VSP 1 Course on Macroeconomics of Uncertainty Shocks (Christian Bayer) VSP 1 Microeconometri cs working group Ada GonzelezTorres VSP 1 Week 17-21 November Tuesday 9.45 Macro w. g. Michalis Rousakis The Length of Patents and the Timing of Innovation VSP 2 Course on Macroeconomics (Arpad Abraham) VSP 1 --------------Course on Nonlinear Solution and Estimation ... (Nora Traum) VSP 2 -----------------Micro w. g. Matteo Fiorini Priests’ room Econometrics & beyond w. g. VSP 2 -----------------------13.30 Microeconomics Research W’shop Matt Elliott Social Investments, Informal Risk Sharing and Inequality VSP1 Course on Statistics and Econometrics (Juan Dolado) VSP 1 --------------------Coffee get-together VSP bar or garden Wednesday Staff meeting VSP 1 Exercise class for Microeconomics (Filip Lazaric) VSP 1 Thursday Friday Exercise class for Macroeconomics (Pavel Brendler) VSP 1 Course on Macroeconomics (Arpad Abraham) VSP 1 --------------Course on Nonlinear Solution and Estimation ... (Nora Traum) VSP 2 Macroeconomics research workshop Lian Allub Asymmetric Effects of Trade and FDI: South America versus Europe Priests’ room Macro working group 13.30 Aranzazu Crespo tba VSP 1 14.30 Econometrics Research W’shop Yanos Zylberberg The Inefficient Trickle-Down of Unemplomyment VSP 1 Course on Statistics and Econometrics (Juan Dolado) VSP 1 -------------------MWP Thematic Group Seminar : The Design, Regulation and Governance of Fiscal and Monetary Policies in the EU Priests’ room Econometrics Research W’shop (cont’d) VSP 1 -------------------16.00-18.00 Course on Methods for Writing a PhD (Jérôme Adda) VSP 1 ------------------Eurozone and EU Statistical Data Resources VSP 2 16.00-18.00 Course on Methods for Writing a PhD (Jérôme Adda) VSP 1 Exercise class for Statistics and Econometrics (Gabriel Facchini) VSP 1
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