DEDICATION OF THE LATERAN BASILICA • NOVEMBER 9, 2014 As members of St. Dominic Catholic Parish, we commit ourselves “To Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ, Each One for the Sake of All.” 18255 WEST CAPITOL DRIVE • BROOKFIELD, WI 53045 Message from Our Pastor It is a goal of St. Dominic Catholic Parish and our Quad-parish cluster to offer good experiences of Eucharistic adoration for all Catholics in our area; and by working together, to help accomplish a beautiful and sacred perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist! On Monday, November 3, I had the enjoyable opportunity of presiding at SURRENDER, a Night of Adoration and Worship, here at St. Dominic. This new offering of Eucharistic Adoration has been coordinated by Brian Magliocco, our parish Evangelization Minister. It features praise and worship music, a Scripture reading and homily, along with Benediction. The next Surrender evening will take place on Monday, December 1. Our neighbors at St. Mary’s Visitation Parish, Elm Grove, have opened their offering of perpetual Eucharistic Adoration to our Quad-parish cluster. This is a blessing to be able to offer adoration of our Lord in his Eucharistic presence, perpetually. It is an ambitious task to find people willing to cover the hours of every day. If you would like to take part in this devotional prayer and would like to commit yourself to a specific time period on a regular basis, please call St. Mary’s Liturgy and Music Office for more information at 262.782.4485. In addition to this, our parish Chapel is open for your convenience during the day on weekdays for prayer and reflection in the presence of the Risen Jesus, reserved in the tabernacle. ~Father David H. Reith w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 2 Celebration Of Adult Confirmation Next week, we have the wonderful opportunity to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation of Stephanie Julie Grassel. Because, ordinarily, the celebration of the sacrament of Confirmation is reserved for the bishops, we rarely have the opportunity to celebrate the sacrament in the setting of our parish liturgies. Archbishop Listecki has given Father Dave permission to confirm Stephanie on Sunday, November 16 at the 9:00 am Mass. Stephanie was a member of St. Dominic Catholic Parish as a child, and some of you may remember supporting her and her family when she became seriously ill in her childhood. Stephanie is an amazing young woman, and her faith is inspiring. Please join us for this wonderful celebration! Farewell To Susan McNeil! Next weekend, at all Masses, Susan will be speaking to extend her farewell, after 14 incredible, very blessed years of serving the St. Dominic Catholic Parish community. Between the 9:00 am and 11:00 am Masses, there will be a reception in the Marcy Center. Please come for refreshments and to wish Susan well in her new position of Director of the Nazareth Project for Marriage and Family Formation. Susan will also be available to greet you, after all of the other Masses, in the south narthex. Attention Seniors! On Tuesday, Nov. 11, our day will begin with Mass at 10:30 am celebrated by Fr. Brad. The LIR singers will entertain us for our program. Parishioner Rita Arnold is a longtime member of this group. Please call Valerie Cherek at 262.523.0748 for reservations for this meeting. Don’t Miss Our Christmas Party! Our traditional off-site Christmas luncheon will be held at the Silver Spring Golf Club this year! Information and menu selection forms are available in the kiosks in both narthexes of Church. Payment and the form are due at the November 11 meeting or returned to the Parish Center by this date. The program for the Christmas party will be The Broadway Singers, back by popular demand!! We look forward to seeing all members, guests and newcomers! Singers Needed For The Christmas Season Singers of all voice ranges are invited to join the St. Dominic Adult Choir, as we prepare for the Christmas Season. This is a great opportunity if you have limited time, but always wanted to sing in the choir. The series of 7 weeks of rehearsals (Thursdays from 7-8:30 pm) culminates with Christmas Masses, accompanied by members of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra. For more information, please contact Paul Burzynski, at Volunteer Opportunity - College / Military Care Package Help Is Needed Care packages will be assembled on Saturday, Nov. 22, from 9:00 am to 11:00 am in the Parish Center. If you are able to help or would like more information, please contact one of the Care Package Coordinators. Donations are still being accepted for Care Packages going to college students and military men and women. Cash donations, gift cards or product donations of your choice can support this great cause. If you are able to support this program, please contact the coordinators below or visit the parish website. Thank you for supporting this worthwhile program! College Care Package Coordinators Meg Siehr 262.751.8751 Eileen Jarosz 262.650.0658 Can You Feel The Excitement? We kicked off Smiles for Miles last weekend at all Masses. Thank you so much to those who have chosen to participate in this exciting project. If you were not able to stop by our table, please consider selecting a box from your home and filling it with school supplies, warm mittens, hats, socks and small treats. You will find labels for your boxes on the tables in the narthexes. Many people have asked, “Which age group of children receive the fewest boxes?” That is definitely the older girls and boys in the age groups of 5 to 9 and 10 to 14 years. That is not to say that each of the boxes isn’t a welcome blessing. Return your filled boxes to the church by December 10. When you return your boxes, please place them under the tables in the narthexes. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Stacey Seim at 262.780.1448 or w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 3 Pillar II: The Sacraments The Seven Storey Mountain St. Dominic Book Club November Book Club Selection! Pillar II: Sacraments is the second of the four part Pillars program that will launch you on an amazing journey through the Catechism of the Catholic Church. Don’t miss this opportunity to take part in an inspiring learning experience, sure to draw you closer to Christ through deeper understanding of the teachings of His Church. Join us for Pillar II: Sacraments, in the Marcy Center, beginning December 9, 2014 at 7:00 pm and continuing every Tuesday at 7:00 pm, through March 17, 2015. For more information or to register, contact Debbie Caputo in the Parish Center, at 262.781.3480 or In 1941, a brilliant, good-looking young man decided to give up a promising literary career in New York, to enter a monastery in Kentucky, from where he proceeded to become one of the most influential writers of this century. Talk about losing your life in order to find it. Thomas Merton's first book, The Seven Storey Mountain, describes his early doubts, his conversion to a Catholic faith of extreme certainty, and his decision to take life vows as a Trappist. Although his conversionary piety sometimes falls into sticky-sweet abstractions, Merton's autobiographical reflections are mostly wise, humble, and concrete. The best reason to read The Seven Storey Mountain, however, may be the one Merton provided in his introduction to its Japanese translation: "I seek to speak to you, in some way, as your own self. Who can tell what this may mean? I myself do not know, but if you listen, things will be said that are perhaps not written in this book. And this will be due not to me but to the One who lives and speaks in both." Questions? Contact Nancy Jurss at Please join us Monday, November 10 at 7:00 pm in the Parish Center, for a discussion of “The Seven Storey Mountain” by Thomas Merton. All are welcome! St. Dominic Catholic Parish Is Hiring! St. Dominic Catholic Parish is a large, suburban, vibrant, evangelizing parish of 2,200 families. We are seeking a dynamic, energetic professional for the exciting position of Pastoral Associate. Primary responsibilities include: Assist the parish priests in overseeing the pastoral care needs of the parish. Direct parish bereavement ministry. Direct human concerns and outreach ministries. Direct adult and family ministry, including RCIA and Adult Confirmation. Oversee parish discipleship and evangelization efforts. Oversee marriage preparation. St. Dominic is committed to growing intentional disciples, and this position is a unique opportunity. This position includes some night and weekend work and is a full-time, 12-month position. A master's degree in theology, pastoral studies or ministry is preferred. A bachelor's degree in those specific areas will also be considered. 3 to 5 years ministerial experience minimum, preferably in a parish Heading Willingness to collaborate with pastoral staff Copy Active faith life Practicing Catholic in good standing Please email your resume and references to Amy Whittenberger, Director of Administrative Services, at by November 21, 2014. St. Dominic, pray for us! IT'S BONUS DAYS!!! The more desserts that are purchased, the more our school earns! There are 14 delicious pies to choose from for your Thanksgiving & Christmas celebrations. As a bonus this month, you will receive a FREE dessert pedestal with a $90 purchase using promo code NOVBONUS. Order forms and additional information can be found in both narthexes. Go to and place an order or complete and return the order form to the school office. Online orders should be placed by Monday, Nov. 10 at 11:00 pm and paper forms returned to the school office before 12:00 pm on Friday, Nov. 7. Orders can be picked up Friday, Nov.14, in the school cafeteria from 2:30-4:00 pm. If you have any questions, please call Ann Klingsporn at 262.844.8942. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 4 With Gratitude, Hope And Excitement For The Future, We Say Thank You! Right here, at 18255 W. Capitol Drive, there is power, a mighty power, a fire that is calling us to love God first, and to love our neighbor as our self. Thank you to all the parishioners who have returned their commitment cards for the annual renewal of financial support. We are deeply grateful for your generosity and for answering the call to give from your first fruits, not from what is left. Over the past several weeks, we have heard about the revival. To be renewed, to be reawakened, to restore trust, to be ignited in faith. There is power, a mighty power, when together, we offer our time, talent and treasure to help build the Kingdom of God. It is through the power of the Holy Spirit, that we are called to ignite our faith and to burn with the fire that can’t be contained. As stewards of God's gifts, we are not to be passive beneficiaries. We are to cooperate with God in our own redemption and in the redemption of others. We are also obliged to be stewards of the Church—collaborators and cooperators in continuing the redemptive work of Jesus Christ, which is the Church's essential mission. This mission—proclaiming and teaching, serving and sanctifying—is our task. It is the personal responsibility of each one of us as stewards of the Church. Thank you for your continued support. God bless and praise all of our members for doing their part in carrying out our mission: to Seek Christ, Know Christ, and Become Christ, each one for the sake of all. Stewardship Summary Budget for fiscal year end 6/30/15: $1,725,321 ******** Budget for 7/1/14 through 11/02/14: $525,781 Actual for 7/1/14 through 11/02/14: $525,317 ******** Budget for week ending 11/02/14: $34,027 Actual for week ending 11/02/14: $43,172 ******** Thanksgiving Food Collection We will be collecting non‐perishable food and cash donations to benefit our parish St. Vincent de Paul Society in their ministry of reaching out to the hungry, especially, in their work with the Waukesha Food Pantry. Please bring your donations to the 8:30 am Thanksgiving morning Mass. Your gifts will be brought to the altar during the preparation of the gifts. Little Blue Book of Advent Meditations The “Little Blue Book” of daily Advent meditations will be available in the narthexes, beginning November 15/16 . This tool serves as an excellent resource for connecting our hearts to the deep spiritual meaning of the Advent Season. These books are available for a free will donation. Please return the envelopes provided, to the office in the Parish Center. 2015 Stewardship Renewal Update The 2015 St. Dominic Stewardship Renewal offers you an opportunity to be ignited in faith and to answer your call to holiness. Prayerfully consider what God asks of you in relation to the financial resources given to you as His steward, and renew your commitment to God using your skills, interests and talents. If you have already renewed your commitment, thank you! To date, we have received 461 commitment cards for a total pledge of $905,460. Our goal is have 1,000 families pledge a total of $1,500,000. Gifts to God through St. Dominic Catholic Parish directly support our mission and ministries. Your increased offering will support the: Formation of intentional disciples by expanding adult lifelong faith formation and evangelization efforts; Education and formation of our children and youth by providing additional resources for our day school and child and youth ministries; Ongoing maintenance of our facilities, campus, and technology capabilities. Please help us reach our goal by completing a 2015 stewardship commitment card and returning it to the Parish Center or online at For your convenience, the renewal form is contained in this week’s bulletin. Thank you! Year End Charitable Giving Ideas Gifts of appreciated stock will afford a charitable income tax deduction and capital gains tax savings. Many corporations will match gifts to a qualified non-profit organization made by their employees and retirees. Endowment Fund which is a separate entity created solely for the furtherance of Catholic education and formation, including both the parish day school and lifelong faith formation programs. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 5 Seeking Your Help Congratulations to our SMART team for passing the team qualification round this past weekend! Our eighth graders scored 29 out of 30 questions correctly to include the extensions. Way to go, Knights! In case you didn't know, St. Dominic Catholic School is the only middle school in the United States and Canada to have a SMART team. We are very blessed to have a wonderful collaboration with the Medical College of Wisconsin and Milwaukee School of Engineering. Special thanks to founder and coach, Mrs. Donna LaFlamme, junior high science, for her dedication to our students. We are so very fortunate at St. Dominic to have such a wonderful facility to host so many opportunities to connect people to Jesus Christ through us; his disciples. These facilities are shared by so many people throughout the entire day that it takes every person to help take care of them. The parish and school Safety and Security committee have been working hard to develop plans to ensure that the facilities stay safe and that those who use this space are safe at all times. This requires that those individuals that have keys to the facilities use them with utmost care and responsibility. At no time should individuals be entering our buildings without first seeking approval from the pastoral staff even if they do have a key. We are concerned for the welfare of all of our parishioners, employees and guests. Please report any and all instances of key abuse to a member of the pastoral staff. Thank you. First Reconciliation Please keep our parish second graders in your prayers as they participate in the sacrament of reconciliation for the first time on either November 10 or 15. May they feel and grow to know God’s unconditional love for them as they continue on their faith journey. Can You Help? There is still a need for someone or a group to take on the wonderful task of teaching the 1st grade class on Thursday afternoons. If you are not able to commit to the entire semester, would you consider helping in a few classes? I am able to do one or two of them, but would appreciate any help. I will provide you with lessons to look over and plan and we have an abundance of supplies and materials to enrich the children's learning with crafts, music, or viewing the church or chapel to enhance their learning. If you are interested, please contact me, Mrs. Stacey Irvine, at your earliest convenience, at or 262.781.3480. Sunday Nursery and Children’s Liturgy of the Word (C.L.O.W.) Our Sunday nursery and C.L.O.W. will occur this weekend, during the 9:00 am Mass. CLOW is designed for children in 1st- 4th grade. Father will call the children to the sanctuary for a blessing and then they’ll go to the Marcy Center for kid-friendly readings and discussion with some Confirmation candidates. Reverse Trick-or-Treating Two weeks ago, the K3-1st grade classes made treat bags for the Ronald McDonald House families. Donations were greatly appreciated and extremely generous. Thank you to those who provided all sorts of treats, from candy, to stickers, to glow sticks. These bags were made to share with a child being treated at Children's Hospital. On Friday, October 31, Mrs. Irvine dropped off 325 goodie bags, and the Ronald Mc Donald House could not have been more excited and happy to receive them! God’s blessings to those families, as well as those here at St. Dominic, as they care for their sick children. Join Us For Playgroup! Are you a new parent or grandparent? New to the area, parish or school? Looking for something to do with your newborn - toddler aged child(ren)? Then, join our newborntoddler playgroup that meets weekly on Wednesdays, in Marcy Center 5/6 from 10:00 am until noon, for fun and conversation. Bring your snack and enjoy interacting with other adults while your children play. Children’s Bulletins & Books Located in both narthexes of the church are children’s bulletins and crayons geared toward young ones ages 3-7. Feel free to pick one up on your way into Mass for them to do activities and coloring during Mass. These activities relate to the readings and Gospel for that weekend. There is also a basket of children’s books in the narthexes for them to borrow and put back after Mass. Please feel free to help yourself in the event you forgot to bring something along to engage your little ones! w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 6 Junior High (7th & 8th graders) PLUG-IN Youth Group- open to ALL 7th and 8th graders in the parish, on Wednesday, November 19, 6:00-7:30 pm, in the Youth Room. It’s our service night, and we’ll be making cards for a nursing home and for wounded soldiers. We will have materials available and you can bring in any materials to help make the cards. Call or email to let us know you are coming. Did You Know? We have 4 teams in the CYM* volleyball league? High School (9th-12th graders) Join us for YOUTH GROUP on Wednesday, November 19, 7:30-9:00 pm, in the Youth Room in the Parish Center. Chat, Create and Chew! Chat with your peers, Help create something special for Christmas for someone in need and chew on some snacks provided. MISSION TRIPS for 2015 There are a few openings left for our trips! Please contact the Youth Ministry office for details and fundraising options. WORKCAMP-June 20-27, open to all 9th -12th graders, to Mifflinburg, PA. LIFETREE ADVENTURE-July 25-August 1, open to all Jr/Sr in high school (you must have participated in a mission week) and to all young adults and adults. We’re going to Big Lake, Alaska! Youth Bible Study For Advent Are YOU INTERESTED IN BEING A PART OF THIS? To do so we need the following: (email or call with the information below) Your name, email address, phone# What night of the week works best for you 1st and 2nd choice Would you be interested in being a part of the core team? LFF For Teens 7th grade: Nov. 9 & Nov. 23 8th grade: Nov. 16, 5:30-8:00 pm (special evening session with parents), and Nov. 23 at regular time 9th grade: Nov. 9, Nov. 16 (special Church Tour session), and Nov. 23. 10th grade: Nov. 15 (Saturday) for Retreat and Nov. 23 Confirmation 2014-2015 Session #2 (by leaders’ name) Nov. 16 - Case/Thiel Session #3 (by leaders’ name) Nov. 9- Goetze/Bryant Nov. 16- Alioto/Kearney, Baran/ Kane, Conway/Peot, Lengell/ McKibbin, Zwolinski Nov. 23 - Whittenberger/Otten Dec 14 - Case/Thiel Service: Open Door Cafe Nov. 16—Conway/Peot Nov. 23—Alioto/Kearney TODAY – come cheer on our vball teams right here in our gym (Nov 9) Playing at Noon (team Storts), 1:00 (team Jarosz), 2:00(Team Kohl) 3:00 (team Van) They will also be playing here in two weeks (Nov 23) To see the season schedule go to: this website and go to the season information.. We have 4 teams in the league. 3 in the bronze league and 1 in the gold league. Lolek is a Catholic faith-building organization for ages 18-35. Join us every 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month at St. Mary's Visitation, in Elm Grove starting at 7:00 pm. Meetings begin with adoration at 7:00 pm, followed by a speaker. For more info, visit or like us on Facebook. Join us this Tuesday, November 11, for “Bioethics and End of Life Issues” with Dr. Dave Linn Lolek Social Events November 15- Potluck Dinner & Game Night! The night begins at 5:00 pm with Mass at St. Mary’s in Elm Grove. Something New for YOU from Lolek Looking for a personal faith sharing experience while making friends with other like-minded young adults? Would you like someone else to talk to about the struggles and joys of being a being a young adult Catholic in today's world? Lolek small faith-sharing groups are a great way to stay focused, knowledgeable, and passionate about living the faith, while making friends with amazing people. Topics include, but are not limited to: Bible studies, Theology of the Body, any Catholic or Christian book, and any ideas you may have. Men's, women's, and co-ed groups are available with meeting times to be determined by each individual group. The Lolek Core Team will set-up small groups this month, based on the interest shown. Anyone interested in volunteering to lead a particular group is also welcome to do so. If you are interested in the small groups, please email:, with what kind of group (men's, women's, or co-ed) you are interested in, if you would be interested in assisting with the coordination, and any ideas for discussion material. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 7 The de Chantal Society For Women Meets Soon! We invite all women to take a short respite that promises to offer you silence, prayer, meditation and spiritual formation – time for you. We are the de Chantal Society. Sponsored by Saint Francis de Sales Seminary and the Nazareth Project for Marriage and Family Formation of the Archdiocese, our mission is to spiritually form and inspire Catholic women like St. Jane de Chantal, who are integral to our families, vocations and the Catholic Church. We ask nothing of you (except prayer!). Join us at our November gathering (please choose the time that works best for you, and invite a friend!): Wednesday, November 19 (7:00 – 9:00 pm) or Thursday, November 20 (9:00 – 11:00 am). All sessions take place at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary, 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis. Please help us plan by emailing your RSVP to Scripture With Scholars Join us on Tuesday, November 11, 2014, from 7:00 – 8:30 pm, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, 812 N Jackson St., Milwaukee, for an exploration of “Recovering a Jewish Jesus and Discovering a Jewish Christianity,” featuring biblical scholar, Fr. Steven Lampe. This event is free and open to the public. No registration is required. Single Again A Support Group for the Divorced and Separated Single Again is a quad-parish support group for those in the process of divorce and beyond. It is open to men and women from any parish or none, does not require registration, and is free. It offers an opportunity to learn, to find support, and to make new friends, all leading to healing. The group meets every other week from 7:00-8:30 PM at St. John Vianney Parish, in the Parish Center, room P201. The next session will be on Thursday, November 20, and the topic will be “Dealing with the Holidays: Practicalities.” All are welcome! Adult Speaker Series You are invited to a gathering of speakers at Blessed Savior Parish. Pique your interest! Bring questions! Be open for answers! Walk away with some information! Be wiser than before you came! All sessions are in the Parish Hall on Tuesdays, from 6:30-8:00 pm at Blessed Savior Parish, 8545 W. Villard Ave. There is no cost. November 11, Lynn Ann Reesman, Our Call to Holiness December 2 & 9, Rich Harter, Evangelization, also from 1:002:30 pm February 3 & 10, Mary Janowak, Marriage and Healing in Marriage/Divorce March 3, Zabrina Decker, Separation and Annulment Process April 14 & 28, Dan Scholz, The Historic St. Paul Please join us! Coping At Holiday Time-When Someone You Love Has Died Tuesday, November 11 at 6:30 pm - St. John Vianney, room P201 Special presenter: Martha Furst, Lead Chaplain, Allay Home Hospice The holidays present a special challenge to those who are grieving. It’s supposed to be (and is) a time of great joy and happiness, filled with special gatherings, celebrations and liturgies. But what do you do when you feel this huge hole in you? Can you even participate, and if so, how? This session will aid you in reflecting upon the dynamics of grieving and to “befriend” the loss of a love one in the midst of your holidays. It will draw upon our Christian tradition and helpful pastoral practices to provide a healthy spiritual and emotional foundation for entering these coming holidays. The session is free and open to all. Registration appreciated but not required; to register, please call Janlyn Carvalho at 262.796.3944 or email Catholic I.D Video Blog Get inspired for a life of Catholic intentional discipleship, by viewing these engaging “Gospel-in-a Minute” weekly videos. You can find them simply by searching “Catholic I.D.” on YouTube! Practice everyday evangelization by sharing these videos with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, and email. The videos are produced by the Archdiocesan Offices of Evangelization and Communication. w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 8 Men’s Retreat Weekend During the weekend of Jan. 29-Feb. 1, 2015, men from SJV and St. Dominic will make their annual pilgrimage to the Jesuit Retreat House in Oshkosh, on beautiful Lake Winnebago. Our retreat director this year will be Fr. Doug Leonhardt, SJ. This will be our first year in the brand new Manresa & LaStorta facilities. Each private retreatant room has its own toilet and shower, and there are elevators available. We can help arrange for a ride, if you need transportation. There is also a fund to assist anyone who may not be able to afford the full cost of the retreat. Ladies, this retreat would make an excellent Christmas gift for your husband, son, father or brother. For more information, please contact John Waymel at 262.790.9070 or, or visit the Jesuit Retreat House website at Adventby Candlelight Tuesday, December 2 6:30 - 9:00 pm St. Dominic Catholic Parish - PAAC AN EVENING FOR WOMEN TO PREPARE THEIR HEARTS AND MINDS FOR ADVENT WITH PRAYER, MUSIC, DESSERT AND FELLOWSHIP Register as a table hostess, as a group or as an individual. Each table is responsible for table settings, decorations, candles, dessert and beverages for a table of 8 ladies. Coffee will be provided. Please contact Molly Schmidt, 262.781.3480 or to register. Spaces are limited, so don’t delay! Sponsored by Women You’re Invited To The Saturday Morning Men’s Group! Would you like to gain more from your Catholic Faith? Would you like to make new friendships that are centered in Christ? Would you like to be more of a spiritual role model for your family? If so, the Quad Parish Men's Group is for you! Join ordinary Catholic laymen from surrounding parishes to connect, and inspire each other. We meet every Saturday morning from 7:15 to 8:30 in the Marcy Center, to study and reflect on the weekend’s scripture readings. Come if you can make it on any Saturday! For more information, contact Peter Murray, 262.781.9736, or John Zinda, 262.783.5327. Looking For Employment? 40+ of Southeastern Wisconsin is a self-help support, resource, and advocacy group for job-seekers from Southeastern Wisconsin. There are no membership, initiation, or entrance fees. This group helps people to hone their job-seeking skills and offers network opportunities among participants. It meets every Saturday morning at St. Dominic Catholic Parish, in MC6 at 8:00 a.m. Do You Or A Family Member Struggle With Alcoholism? St. Dominic Catholic Parish hosts an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting every Friday evening at 6:00 pm, in Marcy Center 6. Feel free to join us! OF Grace Mittens & Gloves Are Needed! The Christmas Clearing Council of Waukesha County has served this community and its children for 65 years. . The CCC helps struggling families, and makes sure that children are not forgotten during the Christmas season. We need your help! With another anticipated brutally cold winter, we need to ensure that every child has a warm, waterproof pair of mittens or gloves. Throughout the month of November, collection barrels will be located in both Church entrances. Please be generous, and pick up a couple of pairs of waterproof mittens and gloves when you’re out shopping. Hats are most welcome as well. Thank you in advance for warming the hearts and hands of children in Waukesha County! w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t In Loving Remembrance In your charity, please remember in your prayers the following people who recently died: † Cale Austin, grandson of Philip & Dolores Austin, nephew of John & Jill Austin, Tom Austin, and Julie Austin Hausinger † Mark Stern, husband of Jewel, father of Gabriella, Nicholas and Noah † Patricia Schiller, mother of Jackie (David) Malson, grandmother of Karin, Joseph and Andrew Malson Remember In Your Prayers… ...parishioners or family of parishioners who are ill, or recovering from injury or surgery, especially Judy Bickler, Brian Brouillette, Carol Dati, Kathleen Fischer, Bridget Griepentrog, Larry Hanson, Elaine Kleinhans, Dave Kornacki, Tom Leupold, Janet Lillie, Adam David Maresca, Joe Marincic, Marlene Pribe, Kenneth Schaefer, Jeff Steinhardt, Peggy Tate, Jim Toby, Alison Verhaalen, Mary Jane Walsh, Kim Widmann, Katie Wilkenson, Jim Wolak, Pat Wutke, Bernadine Zielinski and Jim Zielinski Sanctuary Lamps The Church Lamp will burn in November in memory of Frank Arnold. The Chapel Lamp will burn in November in memory of Rennie, Tom & Barb Johnston. 9 Mass Intentions Monday, November 10—St. Leo the Great 8:30 am † Henrietta Schamber (Jeffrey & Debra Makinen) Mother of Perpetual Help Devotion Tuesday, November 11—St. Martin of Tours 6:30 am For the intention of Ed O’Connor (Dick & Nancy Reinhart) Wednesday, November 12—St. Josaphat 8:30 am † Frank Orlando (Franca Orlando) Thursday, November13—St. Frances Xavier Cabrini 6:30 am † Robert (Bob) McKnight (Joe Nelson family) Friday, November 14 8:30 am † Frank Arnold (Rita Arnold) Anointing of the Sick Rosary in the Chapel after Mass Saturday, November 15—St. Albert the Great 3:30 pm Individual Reconciliation in the Chapel 4:30 pm † Susanne T. Kebis (Phillip R. Kebis family) Sunday, November 16 7:30 am † Ron Janzer (Family) 9:00 am † Ann Breines & Daisie Copeland (Family) For All Our Parishioners 11:00 am † Virginia Duero (Robert Duero family) † Robert J. Marincic, Sr. (Lois Marincic) Please visit or call the Parish Center for sacramental information. Weekend Maintenance Staff, Tim Buckingham...... x282 Parish Center……………………………….….....262.781.3480 School Office…………………………………………...783.7565 Pastor, Father David H. Reith………………………………..x222 Associate Pastor, Father Brad Krawczyk……………...x224 Deacon, Larry LaFond…………………………….262.373.0340 Deacon, Greg Diciaula…………………………….262.547.4216 Teaching Parish Seminarian, Michael Thiel………..x229 Pastoral Associate, Susan McNeil………………………..x225 Administrative Services, Amy Whittenberger….... x253 Child Ministry, Stacey Irvine……………………………….x251 Liturgy & Music, Paul Burzynski..……………………......x240 Youth & Young Adult Ministry, Debbie Olla………..x252 Finance Administration, Karen Chaffee………...…....x223 Marketing-Communications, Meg Picciolo .............. x248 Parish Membership & Events, Molly Schmidt......... x241 Evangelization Minister, Brian Magliocco…………...x620 Administrative Assistants: Finance, Jeanne Verthein ................................................. x227 Liturgy/Music & Human Concerns, Barb Schenauer . x242 Lifelong Faith Formation, Debbie Caputo………….x250 Administrative Support, Judy Shilka........................ x228 Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Veres ........................ x282 Maintenance Staff, Dan Hughes ...................................... x282 School Principal, Jill Fischer ............................................. x271 School Secretary, Mary Kay Reinbold .......................... x280 Parish Trustees Michael Ricci .................................................................. 781.1358 Jerry Buting .................................................................... 783.6555 Pastoral Council Officers E-mail ................................... Chair, Don Drees ................................................ 262.781.2516 Vice Chair, Jim Palzewicz ......................... 262.790.1209 Secretary, Meg Siehr ........................................ 262.691.2139 Additional Contacts Marcy Center ........................................................ 781.3480 x233 Marcy Center Kitchen ....................................... 781.3480 x232 Prayer Network: Kathy Monday............................. 790.0535 St. Vincent de Paul Helpline ................................................ x600 Email addresses for all staff members may be found on our website, w w w. s t d o m i n i c . n e t 10 Server Schedule Saturday, November 15 4:30 pm Will Staviski/Alex Reinbold/ Sam Reinbold Sunday, November 16 7:30 am Adult Servers 9:00 am Matthew Johnston/Cade Wormington/Jonah Wormington 11:00 am Josephine Stanlick/Grace Strebe/ Rachel Storts Readings for the Week of Nov. 9 Sunday: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Saturday: Sunday: Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12/1 Cor 3:9c11, 16-17/Jn 2:13-22 Ti 1:1-9/Lk 17:1-6 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14/Lk 17:7-10 Ti 3:1-7/Lk 17:11-19 Phlm 7-20/Lk 17:20-25 2 Jn 4-9/Lk 17:26-37 3 Jn 5-8/Lk 18:1-8 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31/1 Thes 5:1-6/Mt 25:14-30 or 25:14-15, 19-21 This Week’s Schedule Sunday, November 9-Coat, Hat, Glove Drive 9:00 am Children's Ministry LFF-School 9:00 am Rite of Acceptance for RCIA-Church 9:00 am Nursery-MC5/6 9:05 am Children's Liturgy of the Word -MC7 10:10 am RCIA-AFM Room 10:10 am 9th gr. LFF-Youth Room 10:10 am 7th gr. LFF-School 4:00 pm School Musical Rehearsal-PAAC 5:30 pm Hebron House Gathering-MC7/KI 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF Monday, November 10 9:30 am Milwaukee Catholic Mamas-MC 5/6 2:50 pm Intermediate Band-PAAC 6:30 pm 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation-Church 7:00 pm Book Club-PC107 7:45 pm Finance Council-PC105 8:00 pm Athletic Board Meeting-MC6 Tuesday, November 11 10:30 am Seniors Mass-Church 11:30 am Seniors Lunch-MC7/KI 6:15 pm Children's Ministry LFF-School/CH 6:30 pm Home & School Meeting-Resource Center 7:00 pm Grief and the Holidays-St. John Vianney 7:00 pm Cub Scout Leader Meeting-MC6 7:00 pm The Creed-MC7/KI Wednesday, November 12-School Accreditation Visit 7:05 am Strings Advanced-PAAC 8:30 am Mass With All School-Church 9:45 am Bible Study-MC1 10:00 am Playgroup-MC5/6 10:30 am Cantor Rehearsal-Church 2:45 pm Children's Choir Rehearsal-Church 2:45 pm Strings Intermediate-PAAC 2:50 pm Young Rembrandts-Cafeteria 5:30 pm School Musical Rehearsal-PAAC 6:00 pm Chess Club-Cafeteria 7:00 pm Adult & Family Ministry Team-PC105 7:00 pm Prayer & Worship Committee-MC6 Thursday, November 13- School Accreditation Visit 7:15 am Stewardship Committee-PC105 9:30 am Parish Staff Meeting-PC105 2:45 pm Brownies Meeting-MC2 2:50 pm School Faculty Meeting-Resource Center 4:30 pm Children’s Ministry LFF-School/Church 6:00 pm Cantor Rehearsal-Church 7:00 pm Adult Choir Rehearsal-Church 7:00 pm Pope Francis Reading Group-MC7 7:00 pm Pastoral Council-PC105 7:00 pm Den 6 Meeting-Cafeteria 9:00 pm Adult Men’s Basketball-PAF Friday, November 14 6:00 am That Man Is You!-MC7 2:30 pm Market Day Pickup-Cafeteria 2:45 pm Strings Beginners-PAAC 4:30 pm St. Ben’s Meal Program-Offsite 6:00 pm AA Meeting-MC6 6:30 pm School Movie Knight-PAAC 9:00 pm Adult Co-ed Volleyball-PAF Saturday, November 15-Coat, Hat, Glove Drive Susan McNeil Farewell 7:00 am Men’s Ministry-MC1-3 8:00 am 40+-MC6 9:30 am 2nd Grade 1st Reconciliation-Church 10:00 am 10th Grade LFF Retreat-MC All Sunday, November 16-Coat, Hat, Glove Drive Susan McNeil Farewell 9:00 am Children's Ministry LFF-School 9:00 am Stephanie Grassel Confirmation-Church 9:00 am Babysitter's Training-Cafeteria 9:00 am Nursery-MC5/6 9:05 am Children's Liturgy of the Word -MC7 10:00 am Susan McNeil Reception-MC7/KI 10:10 am RCIA-AFM Room 10:10 am 9th gr. LFF Church Tour-Offsite 12:30 pm Baptisms-Church 1:30 pm New Beginnings-St. John Vianney 5:30 pm 8th gr. LFF-MC All 9:00 pm Adult Men's Basketball-PAF YOUTH MINISTRY DIAMOND DISCOUNT TICKETS valid for one movie ticket* to any Marcus Theatre. • $8.00 each • Up to 27% savings off regular evening admission • No expiration date • valid for ALL MOVIES ALL THE TIME M I S S I O N *Not valid for any feature listed as Alt Event or VIP Seating. 3D and D-Box surcharges apply when applicable. If excluded, this ticket may be exchanged for an $8.00 credit toward the purchase of any full priced admission ticket. No refunds or change will be given. No cash value. SILVER DISCOUNT TICKETS Save even more! Silver tickets are great for avid movie-goers! Complimentary Snack Cash To sweeten the deal, you will receive one FREE snack cash voucher – good for $3 off your next concession stand purchase – with every two Platinum and Silver tickets purchased. Satisfy your hunger AND your wallet! Expiration dates apply. ALT EVENT All non-traditional film content (ex. MET performance, live or encore concerts and sporting events). Features that are considered Alt Events will be labeled as such online and in the paper. Extra Special Attraction (X) MARCUS MOVIE TICKETS ORDER FORM A restriction on select film titles that limits the use of Silver Discount Tickets for an average of 2 weeks. Movies that are considered Extra Special Attractions will be labeled as such online and in the paper with an X. Movie information lines will also list any restrictions that may apply to movies. T R I P • $6.50 each • Up to 41% savings off regular evening admission • No expiration date • Locations listed on the back of ticket *Not valid for any feature listed as an Extra Special Attraction (X),VIP Seating or for movies beginning after 5:30pm on Saturdays. When valid, 3D surcharge applies. If excluded, this ticket may be exchanged for a $6.50 credit toward the purchase of any full priced admission ticket. No refunds or change will be given. No cash value. FUND R A I S E R Gift Cards NEW! Plastic gift card • Available in $10 or $25 denominations • Balance remains on the gift card to enjoy again and again Gift Certificates Paper certificate with metallic foil • Available in $5, $10 & $25 denominations ON BOTH . . . . Good anytime • No expiration date • Use just like cash • Use at Marcus theatres, hotels, resorts, restaurants, golf courses, water parks or spas across the U.S. Print Name:_____________________________________ Phone_____________________________________ EMAIL: _____________________________________ Please mark one for delivery ___ I will pick up my tickets after Mass on November 23/24 Product Cost DIAMOND Tickets SILVER tickets $8.00 $8.00 = $6.50 $6.50 = GIFT Cards $10 $10 = $25 $25 = $5 $5 = $10 $10 = $25 $25 = ___ I will pick up my tickets in the parish office ___ Please send home through school/LFF with __________ room # _______ Mail or drop of this order form to: St. Dominic Youth Ministry 18255 West Capitol drive Brookfield, WI 53045 PLEASE ORDER BY NOVEMBER 11 to have your order by the Nov. 22/23 Orders after Nov 11 will be filled by December 13 GIFT Certificates QTY X cost TOTAL COST Checks payable to: St. Dominic TOTAL OWED Office use only ___cash Paid by ___ check # _____________ Seroogy’s of De Pere, WI, founded in 1899, is owned and operated by third generation family members who still use the family’s traditional recipes and methods to produce quality chocolates. You can visit them at ORDER YOUR Holiday Chocolates Fundraiser is supporting Youth Ministry Events and Mission trips, Workcamp, SOC Homemade Chocolate Fudge 8oz. Tray $4.50 each 4oz. item $3.20 each 4oz. Item $3.20 each 9oz. item $11.50 each Comes in a tray with a disposable knife Solid Milk Chocolate Snowman Hand molded and individually packaged Solid Milk Chocolate Santa Hand molded and individually packaged Homemade Boxed Chocolates Chocolate Assortment includes our popular meltaways, nut cluster, caramels, fudges, creams, crisp and other favorites Meltaway Assortment includes our chocolate, chocolate crisp, peanut butter, butter crisp and almond meltaways, Mint Meltaways made with pure oil of peppermint, packaged in their own gift box Caramels made with real WI butter, packaged in their own gift box FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY WE CANNOT ACCEPT ORDERS AFTER November 10 So you can have it in time for Thanksgiving, St. Nick and Christmas ORDER INFORMATION – ON THE REVERSE SIDE TO ORDER: Fill out the form below and return by Dropping it off in the parish center or school office or Mail it to: YM/Attn: Debbie Olla 18255 West Capitol Drive, 53045 HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR ORDER - You can PICK UP YOUR ORDER • Saturday, November 22, Sunday, November 23 after Masses OR • Monday, November 24, 9am - 5 pm in the PARISH CENTER OFFICE OR • Tuesday, November 25, 9am –7:00 pm in the PARISH CENTER OFFICE I ordered : _____________________________________________________________________ KEEP this top portion for the PICK UP INFORMATION SEROOGY’S ORDER FORM Checks payable to: St. Dominic PRINT Name:________________________________________ Phone______________________________ QUANTITY TOTAL COST Chocolate Fudge Tray @$4.50 each ______ $___________ Solid Milk Chocolate Snowman @$3.20 each ______ $___________ Solid Milk Chocolate Santa @$3.20 each ______ $___________ TOTAL items ______ cost $__________ Homemade Boxed Chocolates Chocolate Assortment @11.50 each ______ $___________ Meltaway Assortment @11.50 each ______ $___________ Mint Meltaways @11.50 each ______ $___________ @11.50 each ______ $___________ Caramels TOTAL items ______ Office use only cost$___________ TOTAL # of items___________ TOTAL cost $_____________ Paid by __cash __ check # ______ COFFEE/HOT CHOCOLATE SALE A THREE-FOLD FUNDRAISER purchase of this coffee supports . . . #1 Coffee growers in Honduras #2 Sociedad Amigos de los Niños, orphanage #3 St. Dominic’s Youth Mission Trips Buena Vida means good life and, to us, it is the balance between great coffee and giving back. PRODUCT All Buena Vida coffee is imported directly from its origin and roasted fresh upon order to ensure the highest quality product. Our full 16 oz., resealable bags can be enjoyed for up to four weeks and serve 30 cups of freshly brewed coffee. For every bag of coffee purchased, Buena Vida Coffee will provide one meal to a child at Sociedad Amigos de los Niños orphanage in Honduras. MILD Organic Fair Trade Honduran Origin: La Paz, Honduras Roast: Mild and Smooth Flavor Profile: From the COMSA co-op in La Paz, Honduras, this organic, Fair Trade coffee blends vibrant, berry undertones with sweet caramel for a velvety, smooth finish and a fruity punch. MEDIUM Organic Fair Trade Blend Origin: Mexico and Ethiopia Roast: Medium and Robust Flavor Profile: DARK “Tegu” Brew Dark Roast Origin: Honduras and El Salvador Roast: Dark and Rich Flavor Profile: Named after the capital city of Tegucigalpa, Honduras, our full bodied dark roast combines notes of dark chocolate and caramel for a bold, rich flavor with a hefty kick. MEDIUM Nicaraguan Mujeres Origin: Nicaragua Roast: Medium Flavor Profile: Grown solely by women, this single-origin coffee unites nutty chocolate with mild fruitfulness for an easy drinking brew. Meet the kids at As a not-for-profit company, we believe that coffee is more than perfectly roasted beans; it is an opportunity to make a difference in the life of one child. PACKAGED/COST COFFEE 1 lb bags $15 Beans or Ground coffee 5 lb bags $65 Beans or Ground coffee HOT CHOCOLATE 12 ounce $10 DECAF Buena Vida Decaf Origin: Mexico and Guatemala Roast: Medium and Mellow Flavor Profile: A balance of South American beans, our calming decaf blend carries sweet and mellow undertones that soothe the pallet. COCOA Ghanaian HOT CHOCOLATE Origin: Ghana Profile: A rich cup of cocoa flavors naturally dried under the African sun, this hot chocolate mix provides a decadent cocoa experience. ORDER INFORMATION on the back side TO ORDER: Fill out the form below Drop it off in the parish center or school office or Mail it to: YM/Attn: Debbie Olla 18255 West Capítol Drive, 53045 ORDER by NOVEMBER 10 to pick up on Nov 22/23 HOW TO RECEIVE YOUR ORDER - You Can PICK UP YOUR ORDER Order by Nov 10 – you can pick up your order in the MC after Masses on Nov 22/23 OR • after Nov 22/23 in the PARISH CENTER OFFICE Mon.-Wed, Nov 24-26, 8am-5pm I ordered : _____________________________________________________________________ KEEP this top portion for the PICK UP INFORMATION Cut and return Checks payable to: St. Dominic Buena vida COFFEE ORDER FORM PRINT Name:________________________________________ Phone______________________________ email:________________________________________________________ Please mark your order $10 / 12 oz $15 / 1 lb bag Organic Fair Trade Honduran Beans Ground Nicaraguan Mujeres Beans Ground Organic Fair Trade Blend Beans Ground “Tegu” Brew Dark Roast Buena Vida Decaf Beans Ground Beans Ground Beans Ground Beans Ground Ghanaian Hot Chocolate 12 oz tin AMOUNT DUE $65 / 5lb bag Beans Ground Beans Ground Beans TOTAL # of items______________ Ground AMOUNT DUE TOTAL cost $___________ Office use Paid by ___cash ___ check # ________ DPNQMJNFOUTPG HARDER 5VFT'SJ 781-5154 4BU Lia’s Tailors & Cleaners FUNERAL SERVICE %FBO,)BSEFSr&SJD$)BSEFS Providing the exceptional service and facilities families have come to expect. 18700 W. Capitol Dr. 781-8350 Family Dentistry Final Alterations for Ladies & Men Leather Cleaning & Repair Rosalia Orlando 1BSJTI.FNCFS 8)BNQUPO"WF /8.BJO4U .FOPNPOFF'BMMT Parish Members 785-0225 parish member 251-2222 GENE A. WAGNER PLUMBING Garage Doors & Openers (262) 784-4250 Menomonee Falls, Wauwatosa, Sussex Vito Marchese - Parish Member PM 18780 W. Burleigh Rd. 781-3140 3&45"63"/5#",&3:t$0$,5"*--06/(&t#"/26&5300.4 ,FWJO0$POOFMMt KOCONNELL13@GMAIL.COM Insured parish member Charles Hewett DDS MS Joshua Barta DDS MS Daniel Holzhauer DDS MS, Parishioner All Occasions Chicago & O’Hare 10225 W. Capitol Dr., Wauwatosa 414-463-5700 520 Hartbrook Dr., Hartland 262-367-7076 Bryant Chaffee, Parish Member (414)541-0121 622 North 79th Street, Wauwatosa, WI 53213 414-645-5477 Timothy T. Brennan BROOKFIELD 4VOEBZ5IVSTEBZBNQN 'SJEBZ4BUVSEBZBNQN 8$BQJUPM%S t'BY OCONOMOWOC DEPOT .POEBZ4VOEBZBNQN &$PMMJOT4U t'BY Kurt Wahlen Jr., Parish Member LIMOUSINES & SEDANS 262-439-8419 -BOETDBQFEFTJHOr*OTUBMMBUJPOr.BOBHFNFOU #SJDL4UPOF1BUJP8BMLXBZTrPlantings /JHIU-JHIUJOHr*SSJHBUJPOr:BSE.BJOUFOBODFr'FODJOH 262-641-7455 Complete Homeowners Services Painting - Carpentry - Odd Jobs - Mowing Aeration - Upkeep - Snow Blowing and More... Chaffee Limousine Waukesha (262) 650-1900 Pewaukee (262) 691-2740 Germantown (262) 255-1900 West Allis (414) 327-7100 Locally Owned & Operated KO13 CONSULTING LLC Commercial Residential C o m p l e t e Au t o m o t i v e R e p a i r s - 6 “Providing Affordable Services at Your Church, Chapel or Any One of Our Locations.” Professional Pressure Washing & Parking Lot Striping Au tomotive Inc. AM Guardalabene & Amato Funeral & Cremation Service (414) 541-9217 24 hr. GRISWOLD Hours 7 Schmidt & Bartelt A Company You Can Trust. 'MFYJCMF4DIFEVMFT 4UBUF$FSUJmFE Teens & Adults RONALD J. SCHMIDT, D.D.S. MIKE CRIVELLO CAMERAS Prints from Digital Media $BOWBT.FUBM-BSHF'PSNBU 18110 W. Bluemound Rd. 1BSJTI.FNCFS Complete Plumbing Solutions AUTO BODY INC. David Strigenz Collision & Auto Body Repairs Master Plumber #224873 Parish Member 9921 W. Carmen Ave. (414) 466-0210 Milwaukee, WI 53225 Fax (414) 466-8337 Owner 262-782-5940 A TREE SERVICE 414-325-8678 Tony Pruski 1SVOJOHt3FNPWBMt4UPSN%BNBHF 2VBMJUZXPSLBUBSFBTPOBCMFQSJDF + FRANTL Industries Inc. ROMAN ELECTRIC “Spray On Insulation” Applications Include, But Not Limited To: Attics, Box Sills & Crawl Spaces - Parish Member 262-246-3866tXXXUIFTQSBZHVZTDPN Residential Work Brian Frantl (414) 771-5400 EYE EXAMS –.–.–.– GLASSES –.–.–.– CONTACTS –.–.–.– 23 Convenient Locations 1-800-705-7011 The Orthopedic Institute of Wisconsin This space available. FUNERAL HOMES & CREMATION SERVICES 414-464-4640 Christopher J. Evanich, M.D. Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon with speciality interest in joint replacement, sports medicine, hip resurfacing and minimally invasive surgery. 17000 West North Ave., Ste. 201E 2323 N. Mayfair Rd., Ste. 310 (414) 643-8800 For a price quote call Jeff Tkachuk at 262-207-2513 Email: 21300 W. Capitol Dr. A great place to eat XJUIGSJFOETGBNJMZ Call Jeff Tkachuk at 1-800-950-9952 x2513 or e-mail FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD B 2C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12 $8.99 WITH COUPON Service Dept. Open in Brookfield Lorenzo Reina - Parishioner 262-786-8440 (not valid with any other offers) 8$BQJUPM%S#SPPLàFME8* 262-781-3336 8#63-&*()30"%r#300,'*&-%8* Marie Grandelis Sales Associate (414) 813-0036 Office Relocation/Storage Archives Center/Document Scanning tDIDPBLMFZDPN Italian Sports Car Center Darryl D. Stich, D.D.S., Parish Member 8$BQJUPM%SMPDBUJPOPOMZr$BQJUPM%SJWF!$BMIPVO3E (262) 373-1100 PARISH MEMBER REINA INTERNATIONAL AUTO, INC. '".*-: %&/5*453: WITH CARE & CONCERN Landry’s Brookfield BP Adam’s Garage Doors LLC 3BJTJOHZPVSFYQFDUBUJPOTOPUZPVSDPTUT Free Estimates Adam Schultz - Owner adam Ocon Oconomowoc, WI (877) 627-4113 2005 N. Calhoun Rd. Brookfield, WI 53005 262.782.4300 Bp Gasoline with Invigorate Exceptional service since 2003 Full & Self Service Gasoline * Premier Diesel Fuel Touchless CarWash -Auto Repairs & Diagnostics Family owned & operated* RENOVATIONS MAINTENANCE PLANTINGS (414) 628-8861 Sherry Wittemann Associate Vice President, ABR, CRS, CSRS, GRI Serving Brookfield and the 4U%PNJOJD$PNNVOJUZ Since 1993 CONGRATULATIONS & BEST WISHES TO ST. DOMINICS, FROM THESE FINE CONTRACTORS /P1SFTTVSF“PAINLESS” 3FBM&TUBUF4FSWJDFT Parish Member Since 1983 Direct: 414-807-5356 Web:TIFSSZTIPSFXFTUDPN Email:TXJUUFNBOO!TIPSFXFTUDPN Jim Swiderski 8PSL r$FMM Capital Insurance Agency of Wisconsin, Inc. Personal and Business Jeff Sladky - Parish Member % 781-8080 KTXJEFSTLJ!NDQFUFMBXDPN r#VTJOFTT-BXr3FBM&TUBUF r&NQMPZNFOU-BXr&TUBUF1MBOOJOH Serving Parishioners, Their Businesses and Their Families KORNACKI & ASSOCIATES Painting/Wallcoverings, Furnishings Parish Member Daniel G. Gundrum, CFP® Financial Advisor - Parish Member -PDBUFEJO #SPPLmFME8* ) Commercial Interior Design, Construction/Remodeling, (262) 784-3323 Residential & Commercial 262-373-3800 414.545.8500 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS NEED A NEW ROOF? -JDFOTFEt*OTVSFE John Norfolk - Parish Family PRIVATE WEALTH MANAGEMENT 800-792-2473 tEHVOESVN!SXCBJSEDPN ROBERT W. BAIRD & CO &BTU8JTDPOTJO"WFOVF.JMXBVLFF8* 1-800-748-3766 t'BY A Division of Kappl Construction, Inc. Charles W. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-800-386-1204 Thomas A. Steinbach, D.D.S. 1-866-603-1600 “In a competitive marketplace it pays to have the advantage” PATRICK & ELIZABETH KANE, PARISH MEMBERS Enviromental, Safety and Recycling Services Tobin J. Strupp DDS Family Dentistry Since 1985 PARISH MEMBERS Accepting New Patients 14335 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield Office: (262) 783-3311 (262) 790-2500 414-403-6279 (MARY) “If it’s a home you’re seekin’, call Mary Deeken!” Triangle Tool Corporation ROY LUTHER PRESIDENT 8609 W. Port Avenue, Milwaukee, WI 53224 5&- t'"9 David Marcello 262-893-8705 5IF3JHIU1FPQMF5IF3JHIU*EFBT5IF3JHIU5PPMT Frank Fantazzi, PT, ,DPT, OCS Parish Member Mark Snyder, PT, DPT -BOETDBQJOHr%FTJHO 3FOPWBUJPOr(SPVOET$BSF 8BMLXBZTBOE1BUJPT 5SFF4DJFODF4FSWJDFT 262-252-4260 (262) 796-2850 Family Founded and Operated for 40 years 700 Pilgrim Parkway, Elm Grove Shea Hughes - Owner / Parish Member Serving real estate needs E-Mail: for more information Business Tax and Accounting Individual Tax Preparation r"DDVSBUF r3FTQPOTJWF r0OFUP0OF4FSWJDF"DDPVOUJOH Joseph M. King Vice President - Investments Peter R. Bray, CPA Susan M. Schmidt, CPA 8FTU/PSUI"WFOVFr8BVXBUPTB8* XXXCSBZDPDPNr FOR AD INFO CALL JEFF TKACHUK 1-800-950-9952 Member FINRA/SIPC Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC 20800 Swenson Drive, Suite 200 Waukesha, WI 53186 Tel: 262-798-3732 Fax: 262-798-3595 Toll Free: 800-823-1410 WWW.4LPi.COM DAVID S. BOMHACK, Agent ST. DOMINIC, BROOKFIELD 21150 W. Capitol Dr. Brookfield, WI Phone 781-2700 A 4C 01-0232 07-21-2014 09:41:12
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