EAA/VAA CHAPTER 11 VINTAGE AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION November 2014 NEWSLETTER NO. 369 WEBSITE:“vaachapter11.com” Meeting at: Capitol Airport first Monday of month 21500 Gumina Road Pewaukee, WI 53072 Editor: Sharron Mitchell Email: smitc3@gmail.com www.capitoldriveairport.com President’s Message from Kurt Stanich Hello Fellow Chapter Members! Nov 3: Chapter 11 member meeting at 7 PM Capitol Airport Office “Dad!” yelled my son after school recently. “I wanna be a ghost!” Intrigued by his excited statement, I queried his reason. “They scare people and get lots of candy!” Ah, yes. Halloween. He had been a duck his first year, a pilot his second, and Dusty Crophopper last year. Ghosts can fly too so I naturally approved the request and am currently homebuilding the coolest ghost costume this side of the Greenwich, England. Special Guest Speaker is Tobie Samstra. Tobie was our second scholarship winner. She has now become a flight instructor. She will share her recent experiences with us. Then came the kicker – “And Dad, you’re gonna be a Bat!”…. Not Batman the super hero – a plain old nocturnal, cave dwelling, upside down sleeping, insect eating, guano producing bat. Subsequently, I’m looking for an airplane with an electrical system so I can get night current before the 31st. You didn’t think this bat would walk to get candy, did you? Bring your friends and family to our annual holiday banquet at Thunder Bay Grille in Pewaukee on December 6th. It’s a great time to toast the year, roast each other, and share aviation cheer! Look for the details in this newsletter and start sending me pictures for the slideshow. Nov 3: Chapter 11 team leader meeting at 6 PM Capitol Airport Office Nov 20: RSVP Holiday Party reservation to Sharron Nov 27: Happy Thanksgiving! Dec 6: Holiday Party 5:30 pm Thunder Bay Grille Thanks to Sharron for coordinating the evening for us. Finally, it’s election season! Nominations for all Chapter officers and one board member will be accepted in November, published in the December newsletter, and voted on in January. Nominate your favorite candidate and vote early and often! See you on November 3rd, Kurt We are always looking for good leaders! Nominations for Chapter 11 team leaders. If you or someone you know would like to volunteer to become a chapter officer, please let us know at the next meeting. We will be voting in January. President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director Director Director Director Kurt Stanich (262)521-5250 (262)424-6747 cell Eric Whyte 1834 Hickory Street South Milwaukee, WI 53172 414-241-4469 ewhyte@wi.rr.com Tom Schweitzer 961Chesterton Ct Oconomowoc, WI 53066 262-567-0541 tom.schweizer@s bcglobal.net Penny Beams N49W27819 S. Willow Creek Drive Pewaukee, WI 53072 262-691-4568 beams@ wi.rr.com Sharron Mitchell 3033 Silvernail Rd Pewaukee, WI 53072 262-549-1748 smitc3@gmail.com Ken Reese N18 W29054 Golf Ridge S Pewaukee, WI 53072 262-695-1374 kreesecfi@gmail .com Mike Selwa 910 Spring Water Dr Oconomowoc, WI 53066 262-443-0160 mikeselwa@gm ail.com Don Hyra N112W20903 Mequon Rd Germantown, WI 53022 262-251-1778 PHS1@wi.rr.com kstanich@waukesha county.gov www.critesfield.com Minutes from the October Meeting: Attendees: Sharron Mitchell, Kurt Stanich, Tom Schweizer, Penny Beams, Ken Reese, Scott Meisenheimer, Ted Kieper, Al Gorecki, Stanley Kucharski, Bob Zaretzke, Egon Grothe, Mike Woods, Henry Ratenski, Tim Geldermann, Larry Geldermann, Don Hyra, Clarence Schreiber, Ann Stein, Ken Sponagle, Nick Stanich, Dan Stein, Megan Stein, Kate Stein, Jeff Perkins, Jerry Stein, Byron Beams MINUTES OF VAA CHAPTER 11 MEETING OF OCTOBER 6, 2014 President Kurt Stanich called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. The Treasurer’s Report showed a balance of $3,122.32. The Treasurer’s Report was approved as read. There were no minutes of the September meeting. Scott Meissenheimer was introduced as a new member. Joe Corriagio is building a Long-Eze in Minneapolis. He plans to bring it to Capitol Drive Airport once it’s flying. Members were encouraged to sign up for the fly-out to Minneapolis this weekend. We need speakers for our meetings. Bring your suggestions! Old Business: New Business: Holiday Party arrangements are being investigated. We hope to have arrangements determined by October 17. We need fly-out ideas. Contact board members with your ideas. Recent flying adventures: Brittany Stanich went to the Pancake Breakfast at Watertown, had a great time. Penny Beams went to Portage and Waupaca. Dan Beams, (Penny’s son), will be flying his cross-country flight to MKE as a Marine pilot next week. Other Stuff: The FAA is looking into the use of hangars at airports that receive federal funding. They want hangars to be for “Aviation-related” use only; not for cheap storage of boats, campers, RV’s and other toys. They maintain that a project airplane cannot be stored in a federally funded hangar unless it is 51%! Submit comments to FAA until October 15. The MAAC Banquet date has been changed to November 8. It will be at the Holiday Inn in Fond du Lac. Mike Woods expects to finish his P-51 (peddle plane) by the end of the year!! Chapter elections will be held in January. Nominations will be taken at the November meeting. If you are interested in an office, you can ask someone to nominate you or you can nominate yourself. Nominees will be published in December and elections will be held at the January meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:37 PM. Dan Stein spoke about his experience as a reconnaissance pilot in Afghanistan. Dan normally is a cargo aircraft pilot but stepped up when the Air Force was looking for crewmembers to fly the MC-12. The MC-12 is a much-modified Beech King-Air. Members thoroughly enjoyed Dan’s sharing his experiences. Thanks Dan for sharing with us! “Thank You” for your Service!! Submitted by Tom Schweizer Holiday Party at Thunder Bay Grille (RSVP to Sharron) Address: N14 W24145 Tower Place Pewaukee, WI 53072 Phone:(262) 523-4244 SATURDAY, Dec 6th, 2014 Social Hour & slide show at 5:30 PM Dinner at 6:30 PM Cost is $25/person Bring a $5 gift to exchange Well, the votes are in and by a large margin , the majority of Chapter members voted to have the party on Saturday night, December 6. NEW PLACE, DIFFERENT DAY, SHOULD BE FUN! The Holiday Party will be held on December 6TH at the THUNDER BAY GRILLE. Social hour and slide show will begin at 5:30 PM. Dinner will begin at 6:30 PM. Gift Exchange and door prizes after dinner! Send photos for the Holiday Party slide show to Kurt Stanich ASAP. It takes a lot of time to organize all the photos! Send to: kstanich@waukeshacounty.gov Choices for Dinner entrée: (Select one per person) 1. Salmon with Dill Sauce-Broiled and drizzled with dill butter sauce. 2. Chicken Florentine-Chicken breast breaded and stuffed with fresh spinach topped with garlic sauce. 3. Ribs and chicken- A combination of ¼ chicken and ¼ rack of ribs served with BBQ sauce. 4. Drunken Steak-Sirloin marinated in pale ale and fresh herbs served atop our drunken sauce. Plated dinners will all include: Twice Baked Potato Green Beans House Salad Coffee, Tea, or Soft Drink Assorted dessert tray Name:__________________________________ Choice of entrée_____ (Use the number) Name:__________________________________ Choice of entrée_____ Name:__________________________________ Choice of entrée_____ Name:__________________________________ Choice of entrée_____ Address _____________________________________________________ City ____________________________State ________ Zip ____________ Telephone Number ___________________________________________ Email Address________________________________________________ RSVP by Nov 20, 2014 Send completed form AND CHECK to Sharron Mitchell 3033 Silvernail Road Pewaukee, WI 53072 Eric Whyte Young Eagle flies 500th On October 11th, Eric reached a milestone flying Young Eagles. That day he flew his 500th Young Eagle from Capitol Airport. It took over 20 years to reach that point. As many of the long time chapter members know Eric was the first Young Eagle to get a ride and then come back and give rides . He flew his first Young Eagles at the Ice Cream Social at Capitol Drive Airport in 1992. About a week later he got a "500 Mission" chevron patch and a thank you letter from EAA, and he thought that was a nice of them. Then yesterday he got home from a wedding and found a box in the front door that had been left by the mail carrier. Eric had no idea what it was since he hadn’t ordered anything in a while. He opened it and was pleasantly surprised to find a large plaque from EAA in commemoration of his 500th Young Eagle. He sent a picture to include in the newsletter. Congratulations Eric! What time is the Packer game? Treasurer’s Report From Penny Beams The Treasurer’s balance is $3122.31 Penny NORTHWOODS 100 AIR RACE From Eric Whyte November 8th, 2014 the Northwoods 100 Air Race - Waupaca, WI The Northwoods 100 is a short Cross Country race that is open to everyone. It doesn't matter if you fly a Gee-Bee, P-51, Cassutt, Cessna 150, Cherokee or pretty much anything as long as it is faster than a hot air balloon. It really doesn't matter how fast you go because you are competing against similar aircraft types. The key to the race is precise navigation of the course, and flying the course accurately. The checkpoints are all located at airports so finding them is easy. It makes for a fun and safe test of skill. The Race starts and ends at the Waupaca, WI Airport (KPCZ) the pilot briefing is at 10am. There will be lunch served following the race. The race entry fee of $30 includes the Friday night cookout and the post race lunch, an awesome T-shirt and a certificate for all of the racers. (They do a Friday night cookout as many participants in the Sport Air Racing League fly in from as far as Texas for these races!) If you have ever thought about trying an event like this the Northwoods 100 is a great "starter" race. It's a fun way to keep your flying skills sharp! For more information see their website: http://www.northwoods100.blogspot.com/ Fly Out to Minnesota Air Guard Museum On October 11 the fly-out to the Minnesota Air Guard Museum started out with some fog. Our 8:00am departure became a 9:30am departure. We landed at KANE at 11:00. We tied down at Cirrus FBO. They are very accommodating and have cars they rent for $20.00 per day (call ahead to reserve one). After a short trip to KMSP where the museum is, we meet up with Penny, Byron, Justin Beams, and Penny’s brother Paul. I was surprised at the number of aircraft that the museum has. We were shown through the museum by Stan Christianson, a friend of Penny's. Stan was a Naval Aviator during the Korean War, and he volunteers giving tours at the museum. He went above and beyond for the tour for us. The tour guides are pilots who have flown many of the planes on display. Stan was a very knowledgeable guide, and he had a very large ring of keys, which he used to open any aircraft we wanted to go into. We got to go into a P51D, F101, Beech 18, C130, C97 and more. It is a rare treat to be able to go into airplanes at a museum. To have former pilots who flew them talking about them brings these planes back to life. There is much more to see at the museum, and I recommend that anyone who goes to Minneapolis take advantage of the Minnesota Air Guard Museum. th, When is the last time you were in a P51D ? From left to right. Denise Reese, Ken Reese. Penny Beams, Byron Beams, Penny's brother Paul, Justin Beams Did you send photos to my Dad and RSVP to Sharron? Too cute for words… Oliver Stanich in his “Dusty” Halloween Costume Penny’s new Pressure suit.
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