The Penquis Informer Parent Standards Night:

The Penquis Informer
Parent Standards Night:
A Recap In Case You Missed It.
Penquis hosted a Parent/Guardian and Student
Standards informational night on October 28th at Penquis
High School. Only a handful of parents and students were
on hand to share information, ask questions, and
participate in the presentation in which Penquis
administration and staff put on. Parents/Guardians that
did make the presentation asked some great, clarifying
questions which lead to productive conversation about
the direction Penquis is moving in when it comes to the
Proficiency Based Diploma and Standards Approach.
The following is a summary of the information shared:
Mrs. Shorey shared the news of MSAD 41
applying for the option 4 state waiver, which
would make the class of 2020 the first class to
graduate with a full proficiency based diploma.
Under the waiver, the class of 2018 and 2019
would report standards with ELA and Math only.
Mrs. DeMaris, Mr. Pietras, and Mrs. JoynerRobertson highlighted what they are working on
for classroom structure and the direction in which
learning will go in the coming years.
Mr. Bousquet broke down the language behind
the standards, shared the vision and direction for
Penquis in the coming years, and also
communicated the importance of student/parent
involvement in the learning process as we switch
to a more student center/driven
model of learning.
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At the high school, students are expected to
compile and work on a graduation portfolio for
the four years of high school. Through
conversation with students and parents,
understandings regarding this expectation are not
clear. The following can be the basics for your
discussion with your student regarding the
expectations of the portfolio credit:
• Community Service – A part of the process
that is different per student grade level.
What are you doing? How many hours do
you have to complete?
• Student Reflection – Each grade level is
expected to write reflections on the year.
What will you reflect on this year?
• Job Shadow – A part of the senior year
expectation. Seniors should be looking to
shadow positions of interest after high
school. Ask your student what their plans
are after high school? Ask your student
what are choices for job shadows?
Important Sites for School information:
AOS 43 Site
MSAD 41 Site
PV Schools
For Your Information….
Parent Teacher Conferences:
Parents interested in meeting with Teachers
to chat about your student – Parent teacher
conferences will be on November 10th in two
o Session One – 3 PM – 5 PM
November 3rd – Chemfest Trip – UMaine
Chemistry Trip 3 – 8 PM
o Dinner – 5 PM – 6 PM
o Session Two – 6 PM – 8 PM
November 4th – Student Half Day
Grades 6-8 and Grade 9 are planning team
meetings on students.
November 4th – 8th Grade TCTC visit
o Grade 9 will only be doing team
meetings in Session One.
November 5th – School Board Meeting 7 PM
@ PV Media Center
Please look to contact teachers to setup
meetings. Staff emails are listed on the
Penquis Schools Website.
November 5th – JMG I&I 6:15 PM PV
November 10th – PV Veterans Assembly 1:45
PM @ PV Gym
Penquis Valley Veteran Assembly:
Important Dates!
Penquis will hold its Veteran Assembly on
November 10th at Penquis Valley High
School. The celebration of veterans will begin
at 1:45 PM and include a keynote
presentation from our very own Mr. Bill
November 10th – Parent/ Teacher
Conferences 3 – 8 PM
Special thanks for the Penquis JMG for
putting on this event. Students are asked to
join in and celebrate those who have fought
for our freedom and liberties.
November 13th – Curriculum Meeting 6 PM
– Central Office
November 11th – NO SCHOOL – Veterans
November 14th – M.S. Harvest Dance 7 – 9
PM – Penquis Cafeteria
AOS Informational Meeting:
November 18th, 2014 at the Marion C. Cook
School/ Central Office, LaGrange.
Informational meeting and discussion on
AOS purpose in educational structures for
Participants are asked to bring questions,
participate in discussion, but keep a positive
and professional demeanor as we work
through the meeting.
November 18th – Community/ AOS
Informational Night – LaGrange M.C.C.
School/ Central Office
November 21st – Thanksgiving Raffle
Drawing – M.S. Drama Club
November 21st – Thanksgiving Pie Orders
are Due – Pickup 11/26 @ Tradewinds from
2 -4 PM
November 24th – 28th – NO School –
Thanksgiving Break
Guidance News:
Tuesday, December 2nd, From
5:30 – 8:00 PM @ the Center Theatre in
Dover-Foxcroft – Financial Aid and College
Informational Night, Junior – Senior Students
and Parents/Guardians are invited to attend.
Finance Authority of Maine (FAME) will be on
hand to provide direction and clarity for the
financial aid process.
From The Staff:
Lynn Gerrish - Parents, be on the look out for
senior pictures and cute baby pictures for the
yearbook, students will be asked to bring these
in soon.
Mrs. Zambrano will again be offering free flu
vaccines, be on the look out for paperwork
concerning this soon.
Parents of seniors – There will be a FAFSA Lab
night coming to Penquis in January!! There will
be more information coming regarding this night.
Diane Delano - Subs are still needed, please
contact PVHS (943-7346) or Central Office
(943-7317) with interest.
There will be an updated list of scholarships
available to seniors who plan on applying to
college. This list will be available in the guidance
office during the week of October 27th.
Calling all dusty, unused, and forgotten
instruments- Mr. Taylor can and will provide
a home for any instruments that are not being
used by community, staff, or students. Please
see Kirk for more information.
Questions – Contact Laura Mallett or call 943-7346 ext 107
Middle School Guidance News:
Student Council News!!
Mr. Taylor would also like to announce the 612 Instrumental/Vocal Holiday Concert Dec.
3rd, 7:00pm.
Executive Officers for 2014 – 2015
President – Leah McKissick
Vice President – Rachel McMannus
Treasurer – Kaden Stalter
Secretary – Tanesha Trahan
Historian – Izaak Krause
Mrs. Emery and the M.S. Drama Club is
selling raffle tickets for a Thanksgiving
Dinner, all you need to have a delicious
holiday. Tickets are $1.00 each of 6 for $5.00.
Tickets will be drawn on 11/21/14.
Student Council Fall Harvest Dance – November
14th from 7 – 9 PM in the PV Cafeteria - $3.00
admission. Non-Perishable food item donation
$2.00 admission
Mrs. Emery and the M.S. Drama Club are
taking orders for Holiday Pies, Chocolate
$10.00, Pumpkin $11.00, and Apple $12.00.
Pie orders must be placed before 11/21/14
and will be available for pick up on 11/26/14
from 2 – 4 PM outside of Tradewinds.
8th Grade Students will be visiting TCTC in
Dexter on November 4th for an informational
trip. This is a chance to see the programming that
TCTC has to offer Penquis Students at the H.S.
Contact Pam Smith or 9437346 ext. 106 with questions
Community Opportunities:
Junior Piscataquis Chamber of Commerce:
Denise Buzzelli has been in to talk and present the H.S. students an opportunity to be a part of the
Junior Chambers program. This program was started to connect students to local community
business owners in an effort to network and educate students on opportunities and career options for
the future. This program will meet to educate, invest, and provide guidance with career path for
students at the high school. Students are encouraged to apply, any questions please contact Denise
Buzzelli or Mr. Bousquet
Community Foundations Grant:
Penquis Staff is seeking ideas, suggestions, and thoughts on programs that could be submitted as
proposals for the Community Foundation Grant. This grant was made possible because of
anonymous donations of local residents in our school district, and is typically used to fund extracurricular activities for students here at Penquis. Please submit ideas to Mr. Bousquet or call 943-7346 ext. 100
A Note From Mr. Taylor:
Friday November 7th in Dexter is the District V Music Festival. Mr. Taylor would like to recognize the following
students who have chosen to represent Penquis at this festival.
Band - Cora Bailey, Autumn Finkle, Alison
Pardue, Kylee Trafton, Camryn Rolfe, and Jake
Chorus - Hope Grant, Latoya Lemon, Sydney
Fowles, and Katilyn Black
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Penquis Valley Schools: 48 Penquis Drive- Milo, ME 04463